##VIDEO ID:aScHszcisSo## [Music] it is now 5:30 I will call the select board meeting on January 6 to order if you can please join me in the pledge of delion of the United States of America and to the repblic War indivisible all right so we have no appointments for today so I will call George Randall for citizen participation all I have to say is um welcome to 2025 we only the best for the for the board and uh and and uh Mr Martin for 2025 thank Youk you very kind to you thank you all right next is Town Administrator uh first topic will be the recall by law has been approved awesome okay so now we can move forward with getting that in our books uh other than that there's as hasn't really been that much it's been going on and the recall by law is um immediate right once it's approved it start once it's signed by the governor yes okay the government has signed yet no no but did pass the legisl yep so okay all right next on the agenda is to accept departmental reports and I will make a motion to accept the departmental reports I'll second the motion I further discussion no discussion on my part actually there was what sorry I made a not on it there was a bunch of reports that be read so Chris there was concern from uh maintenance about people going on to do Frain Park pond and ice skating have we ever put up a sign there before saying no ice skating no because nobody's pred to go on there or that noticed anyways um I think just for liabilities we I did tell Jeremy order some signs okay and I think we should probably put it out on the police uh Facebook page okay to uh warn people that the ice isn't that thick yeah and avoid and with it moving the ice will freeze in some areas and not in others so yes okay that was my only concern with that report so I'm glad he's already ordered them perfect um another question Chris would which I'm not sure if you can answer as I noticed for a couple weeks now for the director of the senior center there's no Wellness calls being made to the seniors that are homebound I have no clue on that all right I'll just reach out to Natalie and see if there's a reason why yep the only the only possible reason is our original Outreach worker Diane Morgan has retired and we have a new gentleman who has come in okay and maybe just has so that outre person that does the wellness calls I think he does a lot of the wellness C Wellness checks so okay that would be my my my guess on the reason why it's not being [Music] done all all in favor all next is to approve and sign maintenance warrants [Music] [Music] I will make a motion for payroll warrant the town of grany Warrant number 38 dated 12824 for fiscal year 25 some of $ 46,656 62 s I'll second the motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor and I will abstain from the teacher and select board salaries D and I V have necessity salary [Music] I I want to sign in pink but my blue is dead another one sorry guys no I've got purple I've got pink and purple thank you usually I always have a black pen in my dress remember the day it's not always that said usually always yeah oh thank you very much thank you I will make a motion that the town of grany authorized for payment warrant number 39 it's dated on 1220 2024 fiscal year 25 total dispersement for Warrant 39 is $16,578.84 I will make a motion the town of gry authorized for payment warrant number 40 dated 1227 202 24 for fiscal year 25 with a total dispersement for Warrant number 40 of 94,5 3333 I'll second the motion any further discussion no discussion in favor I you I will make a motion the town of grany authorize for Warrant number 40s dated 1227 2024 for fiscal year 25 with a total dispersement for Warrant 40s of $219,800 a second motion any further discussion any discussion all in favor I don't I will make a motion for payroll warrant should put the 41 payroll warrant number 41 I'm sorry yep there it is dated 12:30 2024 that the town of grany authorize in the sum of $446,900 salary David I vote on necessity for the select Salary thank you I will make a motion the town of gr be authorized for payment warrant number 42 dated 13 2025 for fiscal year 25 with a total dispersement for Warrant number 42 of $ 24,23461 motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor thank you all right next is to approve insign the 2025 class 3 license so this would I guess we'll table that for a minute it's we are doing I think these are all out of order Chris does it really matter what order we do it in if they're all common gifts and class licenses because I don't see class three it's the yellow one that's for vehicles right s vehic yeah junk vehicle so yeah this one do hold on that [Music] let his purchase and then this one was the one that we were sent goes first yeah [Music] I will make a motion to Commonwealth Massachusetts town of grany for Motor Vehicles junk license class three for narrais incorporating Incorporated doing business as gry Auto Salvage 115 School Street gry you on premises described as follows 9 plus acres at 115 School Street uh license number three- 00003 dated January 6 2025 this license expires January 1st 2026 I'll second the motion any further discussion even excuse me no discussion all in favor I different that's the world standard one oh no there's another one on here which is number six so I don't think it matters the order we do the licenses and CHR yeah so you can just do those and then we can go back index so that's going to be the junk license that one this one y this was the license three no that's good so the class three class three John class 9 plus acres for secondhand Motor Vehicles or tires to buy or sell secondhand Motor Vehicles or tires okay yeah I will make a motion the Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of grany certify that Mark Kendall Jr doing business as the gold standard 185 West State Street gramy mass 01033 for the purchase sale or barter of junk old medals or secondhand articles license is granted in Conformity with statutes and ordinance there to and expires December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or revoked uh license number 25-01 dated January 6 2025 I'll second the motion any further discussion discussion all in favor hi hi next is to approve and sign 2025 common Vic chiller's licenses all the make a motion the Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of grany certify that Fairview Sportsman fishing game Association Incorporated at 280 Carver Street grany mass 01033 is hereby granted a common Vic license number 25-12 dated January 6 2025 and expires on December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or we vote I'll second motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I I will make a motion the Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of gramby certify that Ma Pizzeria at 56 West State Street gramy Mass 01033 be granted a common Vic license in said town of grany and that place only and expired December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or revoked license number 25-3 dated January 6 2025 I'll second motion any further discussion all in favor I I I will make a motion the Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of grany certify that grany Pharmacy incorporated business as Center Pharmacy 242 State Street gry Mass 010 Street three is hereby granted a common Vic license in said town of grany and that place only and expires December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or revoked dated January 6 2025 license number 25-14 I'll second the motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I I I will make a motion the Commonwealth Massachusetts town of grany certify that Cynthia Maloney doing business as Cindy's drive-in at 44 excuse me 455 East State Street gry mass 01033 is hereby granted a common Vic license in said town of grany and that place only and expires December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or revoked license number 25-15 dated January 6 2025 I'll second motion any further discussion all in favor I we'll make a motion the Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of grany certify that Dickinson Farms 134 South Street gry Mass 01033 be granted a common Vic license in said town of grany and that place only and expires December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or revoked uh dated January 6 205 2025 uh license number 25-16 the second motion any further inter discussion all in favor right I make a motion Commonwealth Massachusetts town of grany certifi that Dickinson Farm doing business as the flams garden center at 309 East State Street grany Mass 01033 be granted a common Vic license in said town of grany and that place only and expires December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or revoked uh license number 2517 dated January 6 2025 second second motion any further discussion all in favor excuse me make a motion on the yep so we make a motion for the Grammy nonprofits to Le Fe so I will make a motion for the town of gramby to wave a permit fee on a permit waiver request for friends of gramy veterans common picture common Vic license and I will continue that motion we got to do that separate sorry okay uh dated 12:30 2024 I'll second a motion any further discussion discussion all in favor I and now you can do so that just means they they don't have to pay the I understand that thank you I make a motion the Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of gramby certify that friends of gry veterans p. box 38 gramy mass 01033 is hereby granted a common Vic license and said to gry at that place only and expires December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended excuse me or revoked permit number license number 25-18 dated January 6 2025 I'll second motion further discussion all in favor I make a motion the Commonwealth Massachusetts town of grany certify that am more Incorporated doing business as Pizza Palace 31 West State Street gry mass 01033 is hereby granted a common Vic license in said town of grany be initial in that place only and expires December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or revoked license number 25-19 dated January AR 6 2025 second motion uh we're just going to put initial so that Kathy knows that we approved that any further discussion on Pet Pal no discussion all in favor all right I will make a motion the Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of grany certify that a a Corporation Duncan Donuts 77 West State Street grany Mass 01033 be granted a common Vic license in said town of grany and that place only and expires December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or revoked license number 25-20 dated January 6 2025 I'll second the motion any further discussion all in favor [Music] I I will make a motion the Commonwealth Mass choos its town of grany certify that DG retail LLC doing business as Dollar General store number 207 excuse me 207 at 180 West State Street gry mass 01033 is hereby granted a common Vic license in the town of grany and that place only and expires December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or vote license number 25-21 dated January 6 2025 I'll second the motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor all I I will make a motion the Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of grany certify that five Corner Cuts llc at 77 West State Street gry Mass 01033 be granted a common Vic license in said town of grany and that place only and expires December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or revoked license number 25-22 dated January 6 2025 I'll second that motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I [Music] all right next on the agenda is to approve and sign 2025 entertainment licenses that wents be automatic Amusement okay I make a motion the Commonwealth Massachusetts town of grany certify that ACM Incorporated doing business as Cindy's drive-in at 455 East State Street gry mass 01033 is hereby granted a license for entertainment to provide entertainment to customers as follows live music first Saturday of every month for classic car shows be located at 455 East State Street gry Mass license is granted in Conformity with the statutes and ordinances relating there to and expires December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or revoked license number 25-4 dated January 6 2025 second motion any further discussion no discussion do we know what times they plan on uh playing the music there does it say on the application no oh on the application do you have those in the early afternoon that I see I would think though right is the shows usually usually like okay I've seen them start around four but usually done around seven or eight yeah okay all right so all in favor [Music] [Laughter] by can't see any times on here could request times what time is um the north N9 or 10 yes 10 open past night I don't think so either not on the Sunday I know on um Fridays and Saturdays in the busy season they stay up they stay open I will make a motion excuse me make a motion for a permit fee waiver request dated 12:30 20124 for the gr friends of grany Veterans for which for entertainment for fundraiser events I'll second the motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor so that's when initial that we approved it check approved inial and I will make a motion the Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of grany certify that Friends of the gramy veterans p. box 38 gramy mass 01033 is granted a license for entertainment to provide entertainment live band DJs for events to be held on the grounds of du Frain Park located at 32 Kendall Street gramy mass and expires on December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or revoked license number 25-5 January 6 2025 is the DAT I'll second motion any further discussion discussion all in favor I [Music] [Music] all right next is to approve insign 2025 automatic Amusement license I make a motion the Commonwealth Massachusetts town of Grandy certify that 266 Lounge Incorporated located at 74 Pleasant Street Grandy Mass 01033 is hereby granted an automatic Amusement device license being a jukebox which are kept on the following described premises 74 Pleasant Street grany mass 01033 and expires December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or revoked license number 2-02 dated January 6 2025 did it say 2025 or 2026 I thought you read 2025 it does say 2025 is that there well December 31st 2025 this year yeah the d The Juke Box license has expired December 31st 2025 instead of 2026 it would be 2025 because it's January 125 to December 2026 that's okay don't make a skip all right do you second it I second okay any further discussion no discussion all in favor hi hi hi I don't know why I did that for some reason in my head it was last you met other 40 I know for some reason that just stood up maybe it's because you paused right there I was reading so Kathy did have H remember weeks ago when we did the booster club yes um and we asked about the waiver fee so we did approve it they just didn't have the paperwork so she just needs us to initial [Music] it all right and the last thing for news business is to approve and sign contracts so I will make a motion that we enter into agreement with APD Management Incorporated to conduct a third-party internal investigation within the town of gry okay un second the motion any further discussion no discussion yes yes not to exceed $7,000 thank you I'm sorry not to exceed $7,000 thank you I'll second the motion important pleas any further discussion all in favor and Chris you want us just to sign down at the bottom this copy [Music] table is really grainy right yeah I usually to of the other papers all right so I know we've got a lot on the agenda for old business so if the board is okay with that I would like to skip to the interim fire chief um for our discussion from our interviews that we had last week because I know we have a lot of people waiting for it so I was very pleased to see um the applicants that came in front of us I think many of um I think they were all qualified and they all had a lot to bring to the table I did reach out to um deputy chief Bon just to kind of get his take on what the fire department needs right now and his biggest concern is the budget so with that in mind we really only had one candidate that had budget experience which was Russ Anderson but I also know that he is over 65 and he cannot um go on fire calls so that is something that we have to also recognize as well so Chris is there is there a way that he could help us out with the budget if we were to choose him as our interim fire chief um and uh answer fire fire calls being over 65 well number one he won't answer fire calls right he would leave that up to the deputy and the assistant Chiefs yeah we had this before Chris right with uh we did this with Dave Cipher and what we did is we called him the title was assistant Town Administrator fire services that way there's no mention of fire chief which could compromise their retirement through the retirement system so that's why we called and went that rout so it was assistant Town administrative fire fire Services fire services and how do we I guess my next concern too would be the delegation of inspections with the fire marshall so how would that work then if we technically would not have achieved I would uh I would want to research set with the Department of fire services and then maybe at the next meeting figure out how we'd be able to do that I do know we have uh that there are members of the permanent Force who are certified to do inspection so um we may be able to do that or we may just have to uh maybe have the board of select sign off on them as the fire Commissioners for like of better [Music] work so right now Deputy Chief and the assistant chief do not have auth they can do the inspections but they don't have authorization right so would like you were saying you would do the research and find out how to grant them authorization to do it because they are certified to do it yes those were that was my initial thought I don't know and talking to deputy chief Avon um so I don't know if you guys have other things I don't have anything to add to it um I do agree that he had the most budget experience of the four candidates um and we do need to move for for on that given light of where we've been in the past year so he would really be my recommendation at this point yeah I I agree with with both here think the other candidates that we had um they're qualified uh in regards to kind of looking at what we're looking for but I think to with the budget in front of us right now um Ross Anderson I think just just finishing up being a chief in Southwick I think is is very helpful and not just that he's worked in grany before as as the fire chief so he understands the the budget as gramby does it as well so I think it's a it's a tough time and I don't feel comfortable introducing someone into it that would struggle with the with with it as well because I think the assistant chief for and said the same thing uh as the deputy chief said is that their concern is the budget they've been working on it kind of putting things together with stuff like that but I don't think it'd be fair to you know have someone else come in and kind of take that over and that be their first the first thing you know try to figure that out so I do like the idea of having someone that's already experienced and knowledgeable in that area step in for a short period of time and until this board can uh know appoint a fire chief and I think the um candidates that also applied for interim Chief I think they really or I'm going to suggest that they apply for the Chief's position the full-time um that just at this time I think the budget is our main concern and unfortunately he was the only one with that budget experience so I agree yeah and so would that be an is that an appointment or is it yes it's an appointment it's an appointment but it's a motion to appoint and then have you enter negotiations with them so I will make a motion to appoint Russ Anderson as the assistant Town Administrator for fire services and allow Chris to to enter into negotiations with them I'll second the motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I I all right so with that press I Know It also says updates for fire chief so have any updates on how many applications you have it have four applications four applications okay and then it says proposed fire chief screening committee did anyone get back to you yet well people who said no okay well let me ask the board uh we have four applicants do we need to have the hiring committee the hiring committee and I asked that because it's just it's it's for people and you know we would ask to we have you know two or three centors anyways and for us to with recommendations but R say at that number and we did have a committee for the ome and if those excuse me candidates are coming forward to apply for the full-time position and I guess we do have a viable amount of candidates according to the committee and when day did we have the closing date for the 17th the 17th of January yeah yesy Chris how many people do you have that said yes I had two so I mean it's you difficult with that there well the only only thing would be is if one of the board members wants to sit on their which I which I had said I would um but I guess to the point is it necessary it's and yeah if it's three in the screen committee it's three here right well my question be if if the board is going to ask a screening committee to submit three names to us we have four right so we're going to get the four the same four back on our PL well Le get three the four and I think you know is but I think with the screening committee I think it just gives them their just like with um well no because they'll give their top three right they don't tell you the one they give you their top three I guess I would just be concerned about the expertise from the people who would be on the fire CH screening committee are they from the fire department Chris well you have one who's the fire chief over in uh Hadley okay he he was interested in serving again okay um George has said he would be willing to be on it again you know he he was on the fire department for quite a few years yeah you know well I mean it's just two excellent candidates and you know Mr Randall and as the the fire chief in hand I just I guess what I'm looking at is that is it needed and if the board's going to ask that Comm submit two people to us I understand that but if the board's going to ask them to submit three and there's four only four applicants and we don't know if they even make they even meet the qualification at this point either so that could eliminate one of the four it could and label withit three you know so until I think until we get to that point I think Chris you said you have three that that you haven't seen yet or unopened I haven't opened them yet so I think maybe the next we T this to the next meeting um because like I said if we have one of those individuals who don't meet the requirements we're down to three right and you know but also it will be public session at that point the reason you usually do a search committee is because that can be done in executive session no as long as it isn't the Border slman being the search committee right but I understand that to the point that we'd end up with the the same I guess just wonder where we are with it that we know we have four applicants we know I think one we know meet the the qualifications um we don't know about the other three so I guess you know until we know that that point it seems and then they still have a couple weeks before it's due so if other people are going to put in for it as well we might have more than the four we might have seven yeah so don't know right so is that where the committee should come in because if we do have seven outli well I think if the number increases that's where we we should look at having a committee but you said the number stays at four so do we or less and how many usually on a search committee you want an odd number right we've done usually three five seven okay and You' have to have at least another member besides a non voting number right so everyone else you have said no what about is there there no is there a conflict with Ross Anderson I don't see a conflict I mean we can ask that be part of the duties U his responsibilities as that committee as it also gives the opportunity that against it's another person that's been a fire chief um but also been a fire chief in grany so yeah absolutely I think a good idea that's a good idea yeah sure so I can tell until we see the obligations I think so it's they you know no or even so that would be you know the names we have are Mr Randall and the chief from Hadley and if we if we put Russ inis as the mix S three agree so that that's that would if we have a u a committee that that would that that would be them the other people we put out have have said no uh unless small other people are interested in it and that's I me we're definitely open to you know people that want to be part of it we've we've gone we've said this before we haven't got any response all right so those will be um the four Chris if you get more than four applications which our next meeting um Regular meeting is the 22nds after the applications come in so do should we still send out a a letter of appointment to the people that we possibly will have so that way we don't delay it because they would receive the applications the following week on the 21st right because Monday is a holiday the 17th is a Friday and our next meeting well no I guess because our next meeting is the 22nd so it's really only being delayed a day before we have a meeting so it's not it's not like we're delaying it for a week or two well you have a meeting on the 9th so if you wanted to you could do the appointments that day right but I I was just saying if they have till the 17th to get in we don't know um how many applications we're going to get because like Glenn said if we get more than four then the committee is going to be needed but if we don't have more than four then I know that's where it's a like you said well I I mean we can we can still Point them and then okay I mean if we have five we may decide to go with them I think if we if we appoint them to be part of the the committee now I think it's it's raw set yeah and then we have that part of the um equation in place so can we do the appointments on the knife like you're saying Chris yeah again if anybody else wants to be part of it we have a couple of days for them to out reach out to us so I can I can be that committee department for 40 years I know something there you go all right good all right thank you Richie thank you yes thank you very much appreciate it all right so going back to the start of um the old business so we had the wi house 2025 licenses yeah I I'm going make a recommendation we postpone that discussion to our next meeting due to personal issues that Mr trun is currently going through agreed okay agre yes I agre all right so for the open space committee you guys have our open space and Recreation plan uh for 20125 to 2032 is what the dates um are so what DK from Piner Valley Planning Commission needs from us is the letters of review for the plan from the select board chair so after we review the open space in Recreation um a letter then needs to be sent um and signed by me saying that we reviewed the open space and Recreation we also need the same from the planning board chair and then Derek will take care of the Piner Valley Planning Commission and we also need an ADA self assessment which I believe maintenance would do that correct Chris so maintenance would go around to all our open space areas and do an ADA a self assessment on all of the areas is the does the planning board got a copy of this yes so um Jim Tron was actually on the open space and Recreation committee with us but Kathy did make sure that she send it to the rest of the planning board as well so I believe they are supposed to be putting it on their agenda for their next meeting um or at least hand it out at the next meeting and then review it and then the following meeting send us a letter for it um for a review so once all of this is done we have a tentative pass on our open space and Recreation until the division of conservation Services reviews it once they review it if they want us to make any changes they'll send it back to us the open space and Recreation committee can then make the adjustments that need to be made if it's something that's more in depth we would have to apply for a grant for Piner Valley Planning Commission to go more in depth on the plan if it if it comes to that so we're hoping it doesn't um but in the meantime maintenance would have to do the Ada self assessment on the open space areas so I don't know Chris if you can ask um Jeremy to do it in his downtime here and there and see if he can there's a form on the website that you use so time frame has to be completed by I asked about the Ada self assessment and Derrik said no that can be done in the background but sooner rather than later is best it will take them a couple months for um DCS to actually review this plan what's the website that that form is on I will have to ask Derek because he said it's something that gets usely done by the town okay when they can so I'll reach out to them and ask if there's a specific form that we're supposed to use or haven't forward it to us so okay we can go forward than you do that and then I know Chris for the next thing for goals for fiscal year 2025 meeting with other committees and Boards yeah we were going to try and do it in January I believe we we're having the planning board and conservation come to the second meeting in January which would be the 22nd yes okay that was going to be the start of it okay did you hear back from either boards if they can make it I think Kathy heard back from some planning board members but I don't think we heard back from contration at all okay and it is now January so I haven't seen or gotten an email for the freshwater drudging but I will be on the lookout that for uh Do's pond so it should have been released if it hasn't already been released I just haven't had a chance to search for it online um The Parks and Recreation we did receive a letter in our correspondence today from Mr petus yes so again he just basically stated his concern that we're one of the only towns that don't have a Parks and Recreation Department and he gave many reasons why it would be beneficial to have one um which we are are all in agreement on that right so yes I do agree excuse me and I guess I'm just wondering what would be the next steps because this is something that would have to be worked into the budget and we would have to figure out um because he also made it or a statement in here that GA would still be very much involved look at you know what what is it going to consist of I mean it's going to be one person SP for it what would that be you know that person's responsibilities what be that um that pay and that's going to be part of the budget for us then create a new position for that so is this something Chris that we should be looking at at as a community of our size to see what they do um how do you start a new department that hasn't well it was here in the past right yes sorting to La how long ago did we had a grand me parks and ref almost 10 years okay it was around 203 maybe 2014 but we didn't have anybody assigned to it we didn't have yeah we had a director we had a actually had a recreation an elected Recreation committee and they oversaw a director may you go back to how it was was going to say do we try to form a committee and go back to that route may not make it may not make it elected make it an appointed committee agreed maybe find people who are interested in serving on the committee yeah it'll be up to them to develop a budget to be presented to the board board for inclusion in the budget I mean we could work with that committee on obvious on everything but give them give them the you know so people have the knowledge of what's going to be needed you know for that so could Kathy put um a message on the website saying that we are looking for parks and recreation committee committee members um to serve MH and then do you look back at what we had on the books already as far as recreating the the uh I got ask there's got to be position must be a definition of the the what the responsibilities were so we can research that sure and get information for the people that may be part of the committee all right Chris any updates to Route 202 no saw them working on the lights are they taking off the lights that are hanging over and they're just going to be on the sides they're going to be on the poles yes okay so don't know when that's going to I know they were going to be working on that over the winter that's all I can tell you and they're not Paving Emer street right they said that they were waiting right I think well the batch plants are up close so then any update on Forge Pond no and then curbside collection we did um extend the contract for them but you also have to look at putting together a new RFP for curb site collection do we have a copy of the old one yes and I'll get a hold of D and see if we can get a technical assistance grant okay that they can come in and help you through the [Music] process right so that is it for um bold business does anyone have anything else they want to bring up at our next regular schedule select 4 I just want to say I did hand out I found some Town admin minator questions for when they hired me so that would give you a basis of questions to be able to ask and now our meeting for the interviews is Thursday at 4M that works for everyone yes yes okay and Chris is an hour too long or is that I would do an hour just to play it safe okay show up a earlier so see we're done sooner with someone and someone's here we can do have delete the ey and um since we are interviewing on Thursday starting at 4 pm do you does the board want to have a discussion on Friday at 5:30 or Monday at 5:30 for the TA because I know both dates were um suggested by Kathy but I see what works for the board than open course she post it oh no I'm yeah Friday at 5:30 I yes I have a funeral Friday morning I'll be done with that I could do Friday you can do Friday or Monday whatever works for do Monday I don't want do Friday I have a meeting Thursday to yeah so Monday at 5:30 well the purpose of that it's for discussion right and you choose or ta yeah you want to start at uh 5 earlier M I can do that so it's 5 o' 5 o' on Monday the 13th and that was just in Thor to for some reason after I interviews on Thursday the board is just kind of like this is the person I think we can discuss it after that too on Thursday Thursday you know I think we need we don't need to wait if if if someone comes in front of the board that we're just like this is the person we want that and we can have the discussion at the end whether or not we want to continue it or or move so right but by the time we have our meetings Kathy will still have to post it at we can we we can schedule Monday's meeting and then yeah if we don't need it she can cancel it all right so for our next regularly scheduled meeting for January 22nd which will be a Wednesday um Can the board members review the open space and Recreation plan so we can draft that letter so a review she perfect okay so if there is nothing else I would entertain a motion I will make a motion to adjourn the meeting second of a motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I thank you