[Music] so we need kind guys you need to know what the job is that's it it doesn't have hours on no it doesn't okay so are we going to post as a part time that's the board's decision what you're going to do I don't think you're going to get anybody to apply for part you said it was around 20 hours or so week I can do it in 15 right like I said I don't 15 CU they going to want benefits so are you're probably going to be probably a minimum 30 30 to 35 hour there was some fing up ad around town I should say that said that you know a bunch of people that time so what account yeah it is a special right so somebody is being a bookkeeper at at the Rockies heart will not be able to do need it's completely different B but everything else in here was good as far as the description and everything it's just we didn't post it outs because we weren't sure to find out what the salary is right now some see there's two things we can do if someone is going to be hard say probably more an hour some of full time is based on benefits benefits part that is on the personel personel rewards basic you yeah where if they don't take benefits they cont H not a contract it hasn't been in the past it's just been a position has be on the beld under Personnel Board I believe it's a great position because deping on the bay scale whether not actually I mean that's be interested you don't have that anym I thought I think maybe a chance that that to find out what Be You Know Places might be do it that's difference to I suppose I can ask the Auditors they may know they do surround communities be post something then find out we back to theard again so it's there right now most important what's the specialty in it's governmental government forms and stuff and and different rules and regulations and normal accounting you know the one that asked is Steve now because he came from a private background yeah and he didn't understand government because governmental is a specialized fund can they do have classes you can go to you know they have an annual school they can go to get certified a lot of it has to deal with loss municipal lawest Chris I know you told the board that June 30th would be your last and I'm not looking for an answer now but for some reason the bo not have someone in place those are so on for Town employees other things um maybe some you may consider you go someone or hire some to the stay all right well get that so we I I'll I'll send that out in email to three board M find out that and if you follow to what the average pay for how many hours you now 20 I think 20 is what we position require 20 that's we look at you don't have enough work for a full-time employee you know fulltime employe I don't think you you have enough for yeah be honest with you let me have something for that person all things the additional time they can tell HR no but he said I could but these are things that need know I and I understand to DET it does and conversation we have with this board not too long ago but we need to start planning in the future Y and we we we know we have people that are you have reach retirement before retire we have people that are heading toward retirement time in their career you know that so we need to plan for the future whether any of us are sitting on this board and make sure they update on Forge Pond actually I have an email out to Leonard find out what the status is on it last contact I had was when we signed the contract and he was going to move forward I haven't heard back from them so if I don't hear back by tomorrow I'm going to try call to get an update where they are as I know that is a time sensitive grant that been got I believe the work has be by June 30th 2024 and I want to know where the process and that was for the planning right that was the planning part motion T we'll call sign update on the open space committee y we met last week um we went over the survey that will be distributed throughout the town um and we try to come up with ways that we can get um the survey out there to people so I had mention putting yard signs with the QR code at all our open speak Bas Fields the High School East Meadow greens Park Brown there's a couple other parks that work on the list I have to ask the assessor office for I don't know what they are Dave um the conservation didn't know what they were um I don't have a list of them right now field ply field was one of them I don't know where that is that's off of Bernette Street like that open space up to the right yes okay and then there was another one on there and none of us knew what he was talking remember me I don't I don't know what was 180 Acres what was that called previously I think they have their previous name for that talk the property yes right behind or like behind Z Meadow no that's Choice One put the Solari always that's but they don't have it on there as 88 because they had a weird name for it and so I was like is that I think GCR has but it was military property before there's like there's like a bu AC there and stuff they have that on the open space um and then I did reach out to aom about the loose water because they have it on the website that we have an updated plan from 2013 to 2018 we have the 2013 book and when I called them it says um you have reached the public transportation line so I don't think that's their number anymore prob not yeah so I have to look up the newer number just to verify that we're still going up to 2013 versus what they're saying we have an updated 2018 I see yeah I don't remember that coming in yeah we only have this 131 which is the one gave me they're saying they have some there was some mention of it in the last plan that we have that it was updated 2013 and 2018 through the books that I have see by but for the most part Bary doesn't treat the water anyway supposed to S badly so there was some needs from the 2013 so they just need to update that unless he was talking about when we were planning on doing extending the waste pipe up to down 202 then we're going to extend the 202 SE me up to the high school so that when we were going to work up there we wouldn't have to worry about septic fields dealing with our in water wells and sets so on so forth that's that's what the updated okay and I believe the other thing we're looking at doing is possibly extending from their sewer to come down to School Street basically to take care of the school you want to know the name of that par yes I know it's see out home but if you it's gry sand Lane State par yeah sand Lane State par that's must have rename that DCR to I think CH Barry was telling us something about that way back we could been Mar yeah DC will go over at some point so yeah um it was nice to know Cathy on the email for some reason Jim tron's name got left off of all emails so he was not at the meeting because he didn't know about meeting they went back to the original meeting saying where is his name and his name wasn't even on there so it's not his fault for not being there he didn't even know to be there I think it was me she forgot to add them to it right and I didn't notice it until we got to the meeting for one more person yeah did you give her he was part of the last chain so I was just going to go to that one and find from the last that we did last okay so um we are moving forward we have a meeting coming up next month um in April just to finalize the survey um I am working with the elll teacher at the high school to get all the languages in town so when they draft the survey in the back background they can um have it um interpreted to different languages for the people who live in town and then once we have that um we have schedule of meeting we're looking at a Saturday in September from 10: to 12 we're thinking about doing it at the library where there's already computer so that people can take the survey right there on the computer at the library in open Forum um so I don't know if you guys have anything that would um stop us on a Saturday doing it but that's what we were planning on doing and we don't have a date set yet because they just wanted me to look in they wanted me to talk to school and talk to you guys and see if there's any Saturday in mind that you guys had I'm pretty wide open of now you don't know the sport schedu yet so yeah Labor Day and f f second or the third think a plan I just don't know um I would need to know you guys will let us utilize the Blackboard system here in the town uh to set down email to everyone letting them do we have that system well we called a Blackboard system at the school I don't know what but weo call does that allow us to email with with like a code where they like go in with the link or is only a phone okay but so we have no way of emailing the community just posting on the website which I told we could do that and you would post it on Whose Facebook page okay that's well follow okay put something out call us tell people look at these certain areas right second Saturday just Saturday September 14 that was PE um I know I had talked well Lisa had called me and told me that she talked to Chris about hours and coming up with the plan moving forward with the new COA director but we haven't apped one yet so um I do understand waiting before we get her in her training until we have a director but I just wanted to make sure we have a plan for next week if she leas this Friday so do you have a plan on who's going to be Anning the COA I know Brenda will be there be Brenda and Diane from and I believe that there were some longers TOs that okay basically I talk to Bron yeah I see how much she and the two volunteers I think it was two that were willing to come in just kind of set up a schedule and see if we and Brenda say she had another moment contact withone to come in and do full work too as for payroll and bills um Kath and I can help do one of the parel sheets with and bills I can help told she has anything she runs figure out rece yeah because the volteer um the volunteer group that they have that does the right and stuff like that pry well established so they have times to to the rise and everything so it's not like someone's going to be without Services corre see C no still you already said 154 C right that off until this week from our last um we can come back that so I do 202 Mass project we started talk about that Bri the only thing we didn't talk about was up at school street I know that uh utility companies been out moving polls I know it's to go Drive White Flag or yellow flags marking everything out and I believe I saw from construction sitting there mark down yeah so I'm sure that they're going to probably start pulling out the grass in something the weather streen did they set up is there trailer somewhere the trailer I thought was set up somewhere up by school I haven't seen it all there was talk of it I know there was talk about the new permission to get what and then at one point I know there was some talk about that building behind dunin donut there was some talk about St using that okay um and making that their headquarters I haven't heard anymore I know there was some leas numbers that there were trying to work out and stuff but I know um I haven't seen any official Trail one point talking two one of and one asking CHR permission that's not so it's like any updates s like one St uh as I reported the last time the only project that qualifies this year was the trying to put in the public water support um I am going to be contacting DP they do like leave as a technical assistance Brint maybe have them come in assists and I'm going put an application in what they can offer the update senior workout program senior workout program actually has I I I need to ask the board something is usually there's an income level associated with qualifying for prog does this board have any income level that you're looking at are you looking at poverty level are you looking at 180% of poverty level 50% poverty level I I don't know what you're looking for for for to qualify for the program if you're a veteran you can automatically qualify you know things of that nature that I don't know what the board wishes to do as I've been going through and looking at it's trying to put the framework I'm trying that's my biggest stum is how do you qualify so the finance Comm believe m board I know how to do what I'm going to do is we have what's called a a provision for abatements and exceptions exemptions we increase that by whatever amount we want to do because basically it's an abatement of people's taxes so we increase that abatement fig buy 15 20 25,000 whatever water wants to do then we go from there and we use that to Abate their taxes like you do for normal abatement right off exemption to me that's the easiest mechanism to do it you're not out there raising money as an appropriation there's already a mechanism there to obate someone's property taes we just use that process for this program and the only PL I saw for the Senior Walk workout program didn't have a cap on income they just said it was a lottery because it's bigger towns so people have to apply for it and then I know you're saying I just don't know how we would I guess I would have to do research and find out what's like what's a good cut off I guess you understand what I'm saying I about somebody who is on retirement making $80,000 a year on retirement coming in and saying well I want to put my name in right I want to give it to people that who really are struggling to pay their taxes to me right okay well but but but you understand where I'm coming from I no I don't want to exclude anybody but yet I feel the money should go to people who are strugg right okay yeah $80,000 retirement you can say you're struggling you know someone who's only on Social Security things like that nature I think they are the ones I want to key in on that's that's that's a good conversation to have too that we look at we want to make sure that we work yeah better and that's where when I I keep looking at this I'm saying that's who I really want gears okay yeah it's nice they don't apply you open it up for anybody but that should be one of the criteria that we go to to look at these say yeah these people need more than the people will H inome I agree it's definitely so okay do work it's a good suggestion with think same thing come up where you have a v then well with I think a doll that's trying to kind to impact people that reading the program that's the way I choose yeah you know if the board wants to go a different route we can it's just that I'm trying to get the people who I feel needed no I definitely think the low income should definitely be priority but how to work that yeah where' you come up with the figure 180% over poty when we did the abatement program for the ambulance program okay I think the the key to come up with the annual income to qualify forting of your your bill I think was 150% of top so you have and it has if you have have one two three it goes up like the six members and then anything over six is a certain dollar amount per member to come to the income to qualify TI know three tiers so so it's like I said I want to have it all laid out so that we know what we're doing okay it's just some of the things that you know I've been sitting I've been reading them yeah nobody really puts they just throw the name in the Hat yeah so this it's a lottery and I think in one Community was veter that took pres which is great but like when was just saying what if they're you know they're well off what you know it's so moving forward Chris what do you need for from us do you want us to look at some different tiers or try and find examples give me some guidance just give me some guidance for your well why don't we uh why we sit down have have a meeting just about that I know that we you know it's work for going going on I think we need to really you know come to some closure on it and start doing it so set up meeting that's and that's going beop a quick meeting but outside our normal meetings with just s time as side who actually discuss that and maybe invite some of the seniors in too to get some feedback on the seniors as to what how they feel about it you know for this the people that's going to impact so let's get some of their feelings thoughts on what they think or by also and see if maybe there's a way of maybe helping disabled younger dis you know what I'm saying people who are on medic Medicare Charli maybe assist if it's possible why we just look at it's you know we're trying to help out everybody in the lower um that's what I think that's where I came up with with an income we want to do we want do well that's what I mean just just not seniors for this book that gr it's all I think it's fair to say it's all yeah maybe look at all Town members or town residents because everybody pays into their taxes yes part that so maybe that's those are probably some discussions that we should have and you know can set a date have open up discussion people Comm you know tell us what they think and their thoughts should see you know try as I'm going through and I'm reading these on saying you know there's other people that are struggling too that they could benefit from as well yes yes just say September no the calendar was September from We're meetings in April April 1st and the 16th that correct uh no we went to the 22nd 22nd following week do you want to do the 16th it's Tuesday that school vacation is anybody going be goneo my daughter's they I'll be around the rest of the week a lot of people will Hees know you want to s 5:30 you know get some notice out there and we can talk about this again in our April 1 meeting as well so um we have update on green communities I think we that right now because um we were waiting for we're really on hold for everything right W Street wait on the number is given from EPA EPA no so I probably have the number right now but we're dealing with the F so so um I think the West Street Building committee was going to wait to see what's available through there until we know more of what time foress but I did read in the report that they were looking to fa we had someone in there for the M save okay different um savings for HS right or H this time was H we were looking at lighting we look at lighting and eating uh lighting to convert all the lighting to LED total cost the B it's going to be about $12,000 to change all the lights in and that's with updating Lun just need too the panels and stuff are just to change the kind of like light buls and stuff that is basically just the lighting so and and according to him I think he said 102,000 and then I believe there was a savings maybe no it was 182,000 Savings of about 80,000 they give us a net cost of 102,000 there like $88,000 in incentives high price yes yes yes and then just as we're talking about West stre School the bids for the OPM are do on Wednesday at 1M so hopefully we'll have that we start forward just ask anything again at all no no yet I figured they'll probably come in tomorrow got the cop Crystal yeah happy mer what we wanted so and he said we're going to do a six Monon period um so January to June was we or were we going back no we were going back from June to Jun January for the first one right and then we'll report January this June so we just not do it so we have to set deadline for us right so we should probably fill it out then we do it to Cath to to you right then you meet with twice meeting after so so when I look at the evaluation I talk about if you know two members think one thing and the other member thinks something else and reach to council just to see regards the evaluation that work it's contradicting an evaluation this may or may not happen but I like like to know I want the guidance forand usually usually evaluation done you get input from other board or other just but supervisor board members to get input from them and it enters into the evaluation and and examples but really shouldn't contradict you know someone says in this area person didn't did a good job two EV shouldn't say did this person did a good job and the other person says well satisfactory it's needs are proving or something like that that's you might run into that just because there's three different I get but when you talk about employee evaluation things that I just want said I want to reach out to Town Council a little guidance on it because it's an evaluation for employees so need kind keeps up yeah if Brian say that's fine go to do it that way great so I look into it might need some concerns I want to make sure that we look at too now not open ourselves liability in the meantime to do our homework and fill it out yeah and can I ask you I know Chris you said you get yours done right yeah your appointment do they rate you on a number system um what is Prof well there's exemplary there's proficient and there's need Improvement needs Improvement you're on a probationary for where they oversee everything you do proficient means you're good you're doing your job Exemplar nobody gets not what you do yeah nobody reaches that skill mind system um I've seen them done the number system works needs Improvement Sor things next is a CA for our last meeting myself I wanted to go back and review some of my notes as well as interview with Natalie can I get a to put that fresh my mind we interview for so that question in my mind I want everybody made move forward for any motion I make a motion to appoint Zoe as [Music] yeah sorry you last there's no second before football there second I will second so further this time I know I I didn't speak much at the last you spoke I went back and and looked at it I like the connections that Nat has to the town there been here for good period of time but it really that's what struck me as something that was that that person drag well with seniors feel helpful very opportunity see if she still interested in position that's kind how I look at I know look at the back my head thinking about I was looking at setting out different parameters what we want the person those things again make sure that we have the right person that position I'm looking for someone do the the job but also interact well with our senior population can understand that these want I just got that more from does think anything so that's so had that what I think is best for the sen we did do and and both both of them would being outset to it's found their all race I was just thinking of it as more Zoey kind of embraceable change we're going do a lot of change as we Gove forward um more flexible she's definitely greater technology but Natalie also is skilled experience she brings a lot of LOM with her so it's really hard decision but think and that's the hard thing is you don't know who's going to be the best you can only choose who think is be the best that's and that's always we won't know time will tell we looking that's said all in favor of go has a ni COA director he's saying that's just the piece anybody post oh one negotiations with she still reach out to for next session have exis session yeah please ch all right so for that I know from C in regards to the the voting that yeah that was I don't our next meeting so but discuss the next meeting and she also mentioned too that U there's old positions elected positions that still have their open that don't have anybody running for so now that's changed in the past week [Music] but so if people are interested in it I would ask each out cath meeting as a discussion school do any just like board has a at least my C but I'm saying know but she just saying that you know there's some of I'm just giv out some of the boards to suff there if people are interested in part of so Commissioners treas collector assessor so if anybody's interested in that time [Music] frames I thought it was into March so there people sometimes think elections of November they don't think people are interested in taking part must take out Pap later March 28 placed on May they have to be yet though that's be certified by right yeah they have to be certified by April 1st well there we go we have anything else to want next can we just bear about the TA evaluation are we doing that for April 1 you want to do it for the following April April not the April 8 mon no start the April on that special fir counil coming to ADV I've been trying to set up a couple dat with them we've been just playing I did set sending all the all let read through it before so okay so we might be meeting befor or actually I'm trying to see if we can maybe do something next week okay you know that way you have some time to get together then because there's going to be a lot of data to sent I sent all that stuff that was turned into the last year yeah so anything else we're going move into executive session 38 as 212 for meeting call vote seight all you're right fav thank you e