##VIDEO ID:j_gsQAmJDfE## [Music] is now 5:30 I will now call this select board meeting for December 16 to order if you can please join me in the FL of Allegiance the United States of America to the rep for it stands one na indivisible our first appointment is for tax classification hearing for fiscal year 2025 the town of gramby notice a public hearing gramy select board tax classification the select board will hold a public hearing on Monday December 16 2024 at 5:31 p.m. at 10B West State Street COA building to decide whether or not all classes of property should be taxed at the same rate Crystal L du David a lante and Glenn L seon gry select so hello man my name is my name is Bill Porter I've lived on cedar gve for 47 years I've been an assessor on the board of Assessors for 21 years this is the document I think you have something similar to this this this is what we're going to be following okay um basically what the board of assesses is recommending is a single tax rate of $15.37 for the coming year it's actually the last sentence and I'll tell you how we get to that information you certainly can read this but the real information we're going to talk about is on the next page it looks like this it should be the next page in the okay thank vales thank you um the second box down tells you the average and medium value of homes in grandby of in 2024 and for the tax year 2025 and they have they have gone up but not very much the average has gone up from 39477 n to 4,7 which is $5,200 and the median has gone up as you can see the numbers there it's $4,950 and each of those is less than 2% it's about one and a half% on each of those and I want to tell you that that's an enormous difference from last year last year the values went up over 15% % and the year before they went up over 10% um so they're still going up but nowhere's near what they were going up previously um that's just information to tell you where we're going the next the next box down shows you that the residential value of real estate in town is 90.7% and last year it was and this year it's 89.9% so it's gone down just a little bit which means commercial and personal property are going up but it's very small it's still very small um you have you have a chart I think like this yes now we're going to be talking about the single tax rate and obviously single tax rate means all properties are taxed at the same rate and every town has the option of choosing a single tax rate or split tax rate um there's 351 towns or communities in Grand in in Massachusetts and 250 of them choose a single tax rate and so it's that's a little over 71% and that's and we're recommending that it the the the municipalities that choose a split tax rate usually are cities it's small towns don't in Hampshire County there's 20 T 20 communities and all 20 have single tax rates um but I want to show you what the difference would be if it if it's a split tax rate and I realize I have an advantage here because of magic Market mine but you come down 5% over here Y and then you go way over to the far Corner the far the far one and and the tax rate would be 1528 it would drop from 1537 to 1528 if there was a 5% shift and then the the next one down I did was 10% shift and it would go from 1537 to 1520 so there's about approximately an eight eight 8 cent shift for every 5% that you're change it and it really doesn't add up to very much money in terms of of changing the the taxes for homeowners and there's so little commercial property and personal property in town that the boort of assesses recommends a single tax rate I I can give you more information but I I guess I want to answer any questions that you might have no I think last year when um you I don't think it was you Mr reporter um but I think it was Mr Leonard that came before us and explained the same thing I mean we had 10% businesses less than 10% so it's actually we have less than 10% business but yes you're in the right ballpark we have 10% between business and personal property oh personal property okay if if you if you look on this chart right up here at this corner you can see that the the business and Industrial is about 5% and personal property is 5% okay and residential is 90% and the big personal property is the is the utility polls and things that deal with the utilities for the personal that's that's what the P biggest personal property is and if you you may remember from last year and you may not but last year the personal property percentage went up quite a bit in town because a court case was settled and we didn't take the court case but it was it had to do with the utilities and the utilities finally conceded and lost and that increased all the value of their personal property in every town including brand B as you realize we have a very small business area anyway so it's it's very confined where it is I don't have any questions I don't know if I you have any questions for Mr for no I think it's fate forward yeah I didn't think I have anything either I mean it's been this way for so long and with that little bit of commercial property I'm sorry David with that little bit of uh commercial property the 5% or less oh it doesn't you're right and and the other thing I didn't tell you on this chart when if the residential goes down the 8 cents commercial property Goes Up 77 cents for every 5% okay you know it's a it's a it's very disproportional and I think we said this last year too with um having so little businesses in town we don't want to drive their tax rate up so high that they leave exactly or or they don't we we drive it up so high that they don't want to come yeah the new ones I agree I understand yeah and that's why small towns keep usually a single tax rate right so um if the board doesn't have any questions from reporter we just need a motion to accept the single tax rate I will make a motion to accept the single tax rate for the town of grany Massachusetts for 1537 of 1537 for fiscal year 25 yeah 1537 per th000 I'm sorry 1537 per th000 I'll second the motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I I thank you so much thank you Chris was there a paper that we need to sign for that right there should be appoints all three on the lines I'm pass your way pass it back afterwards thank you all right Chris we have five minutes until our next appointment have anything for us for Town Administrator sure um in the correspondence you notice there was a letter from uh EPA indicating that we have until June 30th 2025 to have a set of strong water violence in place if they are not in place then we will be subject to fines okay uh David myself and Patty gambini from uh pvpc had a joint telephone conversation with h people from the EPA and they granted us the extension until then to get this help so would that have to be part of our town meeting I would suest I would suggest that it would be a meeting of its own because you have that bylaw and I don't know if the board wants to bring back the [Music] additional dog bylaw with revisions from the last founding and then um I know we're waiting on the recall bylaw too but that that doesn't have to go in front of the town again though that's that does not go in front of tell me you can again correct and we have until May or June June June 30th of 2025 yes the second topic I want to talk to you about is uh an goby from the state had reached out to the town regarding the One-Stop uh application process and we had conversations regarding the West Street building project and the problem that becomes is a One-Stop Grant is a reimbursable grant so in order for us to apply for it we may need an additional appropriation for that project to complete a portion of the building that would qualify for this one stop for growth Grant the question would be is would the board be willing to support the request for additional funding once you get farther into this budget process and the Grant application proc it's 100% reimbursement okay and the town of grany has not received any grant money under this program since its Inception and they are very willing to meet with the committee and representatives from the town as often as needed try and get through this to be able to get some money from State what um part of the project would it or is that kind of the details that need to be worked out with the committee well I think the committee has some ideas uh it's revolving around possibly the kitchen area and area uh originally the the thought was to have a kitchen facility just to provide lunches for the but we expand upon that a food center for anybody in town who can afford lunch and breakfast can come and get a meal that the town knows that our residents are being taken care of nutrition for at least two minuts you know I don't want to speak for the committee because I'm really not on the committee anymore but I know ly or Jim try that have anything they want to add to it but that's where I see where we be going that way we're trying to fit into an economic development type of portion this so it would be a process in which we would go in front of the taxpayers and ask them to provide the funding that would then be 100% reimbursable I think it's a good idea yeah I don't see why we wouldn't we've got an option or an opportunity to receive additional funds that's going to reur us and make the project anything better sounds as well so why would we take that opportunity yeah I think the committee would um benefit by meeting with them and seeing what they can offer I think that's a great idea I think the more we get done in the building now the better off we'll be if we can do it that way corre and we've always had an idea in the back of our head to make that more of a community center also yeah you know to be able to give a place for people to come and relax have a good meal maybe conduct uh some of the organizations can come in and conduct uh their meetings in that room or in the building and so on and so forth to basically make it a CommunityWide fer building not just municipal offices all right well it's 5:46 so we'll put the rest of the TA business on hold for a moment all right so next is to airm appointment of associate member to the Conservation Commission so the Grammy Conservation Commission is asking for Ann batter to be an associate member of the Conservation Commission and she has been with the Conservation Commission meetings or been to the meetings for over six months now and they're looking to have her join as soon as possible so I don't know if the board has questions for an she is here tonight that appointment will be through June 30th of yes you why not she's taken interest in it she want be part of it for six months of the meetings you like the paper yeah that's okay we got a lot of papers okay so I will make a motion that and batter can join the Grammy Conservation Commission as an associate member with an expiration date of June 30th 2025 second motion any further discussion discussion all in favor I I right next is to affirm appointment of the member of the COA advisory committee so we received a letter from Lillian cus about the COA board um at its November 20th 24 meeting they voted unan unanimously to recommend the select board approve Lynn zin zin thank in thank you to fill a vacant full uh director seat on the board so this leaves them with still three vacant full director seats and one non- voting member seat so the the COA board um unanimously voted and I think they wouldn't if they didn't want the person so I think it's a great idea recommends yeah then you agre absolutely so I'll make a motion that the that Lynn Zaden will be will fill a vacant full director seat on the board for the COA and how long would that one go two unexpired it's an unexpired term okay thank you 6305 6 till 6:30 2025 okay a second motion any further discussion all in favor thank you thank you thank you all right 10 minutes till our next appointment Chris anything else for us I let me talk about Chief a little bit y um we did put an ad for the position and I have three first one is former fire chuss Anderson we have former fire St school and we have interested at this point time when was the deadline for the interum we never set a deadline okay so what I would like to do is set a deadline for de you want to go that but I get us past Christmas holiday and you then be looking at people the first so the end of this year yeah I I I theid trying to be able to othere no i' agree the 31st is fine more weeks and then you have any other people that are interested in applying for it yeah cuz on the interim one that we received it said December 20th with but I wrote on there that if we're posting it now December 20th doesn't really give a lot of time no it doesn't so that's why I'm looking at trying to just extend it I think yeah I think so as well we could start setting dates for for any of you we want instead of wait until our meeting in January and the setting dates and we can do that now so if people are F we can actually give them a date that we'll do an interview with so instead of kind of waitting till January pushing off a couple more weeks and I think the other thing too Glenn which you've suggested when you're interviewing to do it on a separate date than the original meeting yes that way you can just concentrate on the candidates you want us to look at next week Chris Christmas week okay so that would put us at the the latter week of De summer after the after that go after January 1 I thought you said you didn't want to wait till January 1 I don't want to wait till January 1 to meet to meeting to set dates and they notify people so I think we set the dates now where we can interview um as we get applications they can start telling him interiew will be this day so our select War meetings for next month are the 6 in the 20th because 20th is a holiday yep you want to look at the second chose a Thursday I could did the second yeah let's do a second you wonder second I can do the second start them out 5:30 Chris and Chris I think if you got any resumes sent out to us prior to that be helpful as well was there anything else Chris you can do in five minutes before the next appointment well you want yeah we can do that one I did receive a proposal from waste management for us to extend the heride collection for another year be ending the June 30th six and it's indicated that the mon fee would be 3,46 and then he gave prices for located TR and recycling that are located sites and board Chris do you remember what it was prior to this contract because it's an extension so are we just extending the terms nothing's changed or did the rates change okay and I know when we had talked about this previously it was um getting the RFP together putting it out there the process takes a year doess start so really this extension is to buy us time so that we can get that out there before and I will be writing for a technical assistance the assist did that open yet for the DT Grant it's not a DT D okay there you go did it open yet though or not that's open I can to fly in okay how long have we been contracting with Waste Management our first contract was in July of 2016 we put out a bid a second bid actually no July of 2016 we were with Republic and in 2020 we put out another B and waste management want it that expired Waste Management turned around and offered a 5year extension on that project we're on that contract we accepted it so now we're at the end of that extension okay and I just looking for a onee extension to give plan to the bidding process I wasn't here part of the um other two contracts so I don't know if $8,000 is a lot to go up on municipal waste seems like for a year I don't think it is no no when we read it on the warrants it sounds like it's a lot going out between that and recycling trash is the cost of trash was getting very expensive yeah know crazy there there's less and less places for companies toing bring their trash to I mean these type of companies so they're you know some shiing out as far as like Ohio with the dispose of it so it's get class it we're currently in the extension the one year the onee extension well no we're in the fiveyear extension at the end of that extension we're at the fiveyear at the fiveyear contract at the end the end of the five that would have been June 30th 2025 we don't have enough time to go through an RF process so I contacted him and ask you to get the onee extension right so that we can then go out and do another RP for threee contract okay hoping that there will be a interest in multiple companies that perform a service for us than yes we do if you're in favor of it okay I will make a motion to accept the one-year extension of contract of solid waste and recycling collection between the town of grany and waste management of Massachusetts let me just read that contract period contract period extension offer July 1st 2025 to June 30th 2026 at a rate of $324.83 all right so our appointment for 6 o' to a firm appointment for the provisionary full-time police officer good afternoon good afternoon I had the police advisory get the board get together and they nominated Brian barlet to be the next full-time police officer here in the town of grany Brian's with the department since 2013 joining auxiliary went part-time in 2015 and hopefully after today an appointment on January 4th to become full-time police officer of town of gramy prior to that he was with the fire department since 2010 to 2016 I believe so right and he is a resident of the town and he's done a great job for us over the years and you said January 4th January 4th was it 4th or fifth Cy it's the Sunday I think I think it's the fifth actually I'm sorry off okay for 90 days for that'll be for 90 days that'll be his probationary period and then we'll go to June and then go first all right answer if you want to have any conversation with them I think it's great you've been in the town since 2013 starting with volunteering and everything and been very involved you have any questions GL why grany um so I grew up in South Hadley it was nearby um got some friends in the town had some family in the town at the time and at the time I was working in town um I like this community I like plain and simple I just I like the people I like the community and I want to stay here and do you think this will be a long-term decision for you will you yes for your future or yes as a stepping stone I hate to say it that way but some people do that yeah I'm not looking for this to be a stepping stone any questions I'm good right yeah motion y I will make a motion to accept the police advisory board's a recommendation for a full-time officer currently patrolman Ryan bartholet to be placed in full-time position effective effective January 5th 2025 I'll second motion this is for forming the appointment appointment for appointment to confirm appointment expiring 90 days it could expire in 90 days the probationary period of 90 days that back okay okay so as a probationary period from January 5th 2025 to April 5th 2025 and then to be appointed afterwards we wait for we'll decide it y as deci side you already seconded did with clarification I'll second again okay any further discussion no discussion all in favor I thank you thank you congratulations don't go too far congratulations very all right so we have eight more minutes before the TA search committee but would anyone be terribly disappointed if we had the TA search committee come up sooner do we have to wait until the posted time Cris okay hello early have you received the the names uh no we don't have any of the paperwork on okay so um just to give you a quick our committee consisted of Ryan hild Kevin ogrady Dave de roer uh Cath Broner Kevin ogrady me and J mlet from the finance committee we spent our first meeting organizing the second meeting we developed questions and the last two meetings last week we selected finalists so for the record I'll give you their names and if you have any questions I don't know what I can tell you but be glad to try uh so our um four finalists are Scott butcher Michael Durham Shelley per and Michael slik I can give you this piece of paper when I leave so we've got Scott butcher Michael Durham Shelly Pera p o p o r d and sosic is SZ l o s e k and what was the first name of sosic Michael so we think uh between them they'll have qualified um good experience um some are more experienced at the municipal level but they all have managerial experience and a pretty good knowledge of how government organizations work how many applicants did you have that you by time I think the original uh like we received maybe 16 resumés we interviewed six candidates and we ended up with four finalists actually I should include Glenn X offici all right I do have a um conflict of interest disclosure uh one of the candidates is a distant relative of mine Shelley Pita she is a cousin um I've seen her in the last 10 years three times at funerals so that I did talk to the state ethics uh department and spoke to a lawyer today just to see what my options were and they said as long as I fill out the 23b I am able to participate if I can make sure that I am fair and impartial in the hiring process so I have the 23b um that I will fill out and sign and then then I think because I work at the school and I'm at R Junior Senior High School Michael Durham is on the school committee so I don't have any relationship with him um I've gone in front of him once as a teacher when they've asked me questions about a trip that I was planning for the students but I do um have to fill out 23b for him as well just for the fact that he's on the school committee and I work for the school so I just want to put that out there and let everyone know I be filing that with the Tom clerk tomorrow good oh does um Chris do we want to start setting up interviews for the four finalists set dates yeah so again looking at that we've already got June 2nd for the interim fire chief so now we have to figure out when we can um interview the four finalists can the board do June 7th June 8th January or January my gosh yes January 7th January 8th or January 9th because we already have six as our regular meeting so I don't want to do it on at our regular meeting yeah Four's a lot to do in one night you want to do that Tuesday and Thursday after I meeting you can do that so January 7th at 5:30 Chris and then Thursday the 9th 5:30 again yes yeah you can't get here earlier than 5:30 right just Chris if you can just remind us when was your um date for okay it doesn't leave a l for training Le two weeks and that's if we hire them right away well thank you guys for all your time on this I know it was a lot I really appreciate it kind of a actually it was a really good committee so good no regrets we actually had fun keep on thank you thank you would you like this start earlier do it all one day just from a Time Point as far as you know how long would you give for interviews for this Chris no so if we started earlier you think in like 3:30 yeah been a while because I think we're a you know time frame so what we do all we could do all the interviews on Tuesday and then sit on it and then come in on Thursday and make our decision is that kind of what you were thinking that's what I was thinking that way we can if not we're going to be into the following weekend because I you know whoever it may be you know I'm sure they might have to give least a two weeks notice somewhere so that's going to put us right up against where this's last day is too so yeah so I could do it earlier if that's you want to go yeah let's do to um 3:30 on January 7th Chris an hour in between till 7:30 January 7 and then we'll still keep the meeting on January 9th on Thursday at 5:30 so that we can deliberate and make our decision as a board right we now have um citizen participation so I have George Randall um for the topic of Fire Chris you only got one today good evening and thank you for uh letting me be able to speak on this important matter for those of you who don't know me I'm George Randall and live at 52 Taylor Street Public Safety on the fire side needs to be a priority and if the town does not get with the times get their act together someone's going to get seriously hurt or killed seven Chiefs in 12 years it's an average of 1.5 years per chief that is unacceptable to me as a resident and a retired gramy IR man with 34 years of experience to the town I'm of the opinion and I could be wrong but it's my opinion that this is a Town Administrator select board and finance committee issue I'm of the opinion that the town has run like a dictatorship and if you go against the grein and aren't a yes person you're targeted I could be wrong in that I refer you back to the finance committee meeting in May I brought my complaints to a select board meeting I'm of the opinion that the comments made by the finance committee members against the fire chief the Town Administrator and the select board it fostered and festered a hostile work environment for the fire chief and the rest that followed is now history finance committee members are appointed by the town moderator is my hope that this Administration has spoken with the town moderator to give guidance to the moderator for her to deal with the inappropriate comments made about the fire chief the Town Administrator and the select board members regarding the fire chief directly I have served on the last two search committees and I'm ready to serve on the next fire chief search committee I won't discuss the last Chief but it was my comment to the Town Administrator that they made an error in judgment with whom they hired 20 minutes after that decision was made eventually my comments were proven correct I served on the search committee that recommended Chief O'Neal to the town I have always maintained that if you had a major malfunction at your house this is the man you wanted to be there to make the decisions he was tactically and strategically br brilliant he was big into training and recruiting while he may have been weak administratively he could surround himself with others to help him including the Town Administrator Board of Selectmen and past interim fire chief it's unfortunate that a paramedic member was out on medical leave and two firemen were away at training at fire training school these shifts had to be covered other EMTs and Fire covered those ships shifts and those people had to be paid most likely at time and a half that was covered in the first town meeting I too was surprised when it rolled over into the second town meeting budget I wish the fire chief had advised you of the nightmare that he inherited and that he had calculated a large amount into the budget uh to cover the second time around I assume that the chief met with the Town Administrator and the board of Selectmen prior to the annual town meeting and you folks were advised accordingly if he did and you were aware you failed the fire chief and hung him out to dry he did not fail the town the town failed him that's my opinion shame on the town if that's the case while I'm not privileged to the inner workings of what happened to cause this man to resign I'm privileged to express my disappointment how I wish he had taken advantage of the strong Chief's law for those that don't know once Appo appointed the fire chief is basically appointed for Life the fire chief is the one who has total control and responsibility over all aspects of the fire department and the building that houses the fire department he makes the decision he or she makes the decisions hopefully in the best interest of the town how I wish had he had advised you of that maybe he did uh we wouldn't be here tonight and faced with finding another fire chief he was well-liked by all his staff unlike the fire chief who was who was not liked and was basically despised I have heard many compliments about Chief O'Neal I have asked people to send those compliments to the board of Selectmen and copy to the Town Administrator regarding finding a new Chief if you were a fire chief I'm sorry if you were a fire officer in some department and considering a chief position you would do your research of this town hopefully very carefully you would see the issues that plagued the last three Chiefs and the interims it's been all the papers Chiefs talk to Chiefs etc etc would you apply the correct answer is well maybe maybe not a replacement is going to be a difficult search but if I'm appointed to your search committee I will do my due diligence for the town in conclusion I feel the town owes Chief O'Neal an apology and an offer to come back to work while he may lack experience administratively his tactics and strategy were brilliant you will be hard pressed to find another I think we could have developed this man but we failed I appreciate your time so Chris before I move on to new business do you have anything else for the Town Administrator okay so for new business we have accept departmental reports I will make a motion to accept the departmental reports I'll second motion any further discussion no discussion I did notice on the COA uh one of the departmental reports is dated January 13th so if we can have uh the director go in and change that to December 13th and Chris I just had a question I'm not sure if this is something for Jeremy um but the highway department does fluid film or wool boox underneath the truck bodies so that they don't rust and I noticed in Jeremy's report that they put the Sanders on but they didn't talk about about doing any of the fluid film of the WW walk so I know the sander is is fairly new and the truck is new so do you know if maintenance also does that b an ask just something to try and preserve the body of the trucks over time some of the newal trucks are coded they are coded when they're given to you that is something that you have to do every year some actually have coding on them fact like a clear coding and then it's like some rubber type coding something Tex great all in paper hi hi all right next is the m wordss so next is to approve and maintenance warrant yeah make a motion that the town of grany authorized for payment warrant number 80 dated 6:30 2024 of fiscal year 25 total dispersement for Warrant 80 $261,900 I second motion um any further discussion no discussion so Chris this was just an internal correction for something was missed on a payment this is 80 warrant number 80 for fiscal year 20 okay all right all in favor I thank you TCH I will make a motion the town of grany authorized for payment warrant number 34s dated 1129 2024 for fiscal year 25 with a total dispersement for Warrant 34s of 394,161 than you thank you I will make a motion that the town of grany authorized for payment warrant number 35 dated 124 2024 fiscal year 25 in the sum of $579,000 $579,000 second the motion any further discussion no discussion I will be abstaining from the selectman and teacher salary all in favor myself and David will vote at a necessity for select and salad thank you I'll make a motion that the town of grany authorized for payment warrant number 36 dated 126 2024 for fiscal year 25 with a total dispersement for Warrant 36 of 2 49,1 18655 I'll second the motion any further discussion call in favor I'll make a motion town of gry authorized for payment warrant number 37 dated 1213 2024 for fiscal year 25 with a total dispersement for Warrant 37 of $225,300 to off the top of your head was close to Poli spend okay I was just curious if it was lower more a little bit more we appropri okay and the EDM studio for the special town meeting on uh 121123 that is the architector design stre okay thank you all in favor I I will make a motion the town of gry authorized for payment warrant number 37s dated 1213 2024 for fiscal year 25 with a total dispersement for Warrant 37s of 12,7 $293 on second the motion any further discussion in paper hi hi right next on the new business is to approve and sign school year 24 incumbrance letters these These are yeah if they're paper clip put yours was that your copy okay yeah I will make a motion that the select board authorize the accountant to encumber in the municipal Solid Waste Enterprise fund $96 for expenses as described more specifically below wage and salary and total wage and salary total incumber $96 dated December 16th 2024 second the motion any further discussion all in favor I [Music] I everyone okay [Music] so so this is one the you want us to keep the packet separate though right so we'll do that you want to hand them off one on a time yeah we can do that and I'll just make two piles and then we'll paper C them together that's fine can he can we read them all and then make a final vote at the end okay so we can always do that too we already voted on this one but the next one just read them all and then we'll just do a vote at the endend just thanking for all of them and I think you all need to do that first sentence right Chris the amount up here yeah for each of them so I will make a motion to select board authorize the accountant to encumber in the S Enterprise fund $300 for wage and salary accounts dated December 16 2024 also the select board authorized the accountant to encumber in the special Revenue fund $675 15 for wage and salary dated December 16 2024 also the select board authorized the accountant to encumber in the ambulance Enterprise fund $ 24,44 30 for wage and salary accounts dated December 16th 2024 also the select board authorized the accountant to encumber in the capital project fund one 1 billion 600 1 million sorry 1,639 176 $757 lot of numbers there for Capital expenses dated December 16 2024 also the select board authorized the accountant to encumber in the general fund $868,000 directly to the select board $15,251.86 for expenses and 3,213 68942 for Capital dated December 16 2024 I'll secondly motion any further discussion discussion Chris when I was reading these are these numbers by it um where it says underneath the category those account numbers where the money is coming from so just a transfer from the accounts okay that was that all in faer hi hi as I just noticed on the one that I just signed it says CHR Crystal a d frin I'm Crystal L duin we change that to an L yeah Will on some documents Chris at the um middle initials there we have to sign it with it do we have to sign it with okay I never use my middle okay thank you all right so this will be I'm we'll put this one here right this is that first one hey all right next on the agenda is to approve and sign 2025 common Vic licenses make a motion that Commonwealth Massachusetts town of rambi certify that sh har gry Incorporated doing business as Union Mart at 362 East State Street Ramy mass 01033 in said town of gramby uh hereby Grant a common Vic license in said town of grany and that place only and expires December 31st 20 24 unless sooner suspended or revoked should say should say there are okay okay y you're right thank you second one says y so so do that one first Kathy did we never do the one oh because it's until the 31st okay I see would you like to second I'll second motion any further discussion discussion all in favor I I usually we do them around this time so I think that's why was I think they just were you just open make a motion Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of grany certify that Shri har grany doing business as Union Mart 362 East State Street grany mass in said town of gry in that place only and expires December 31st 2025 is granted a common Vic license number 257 dated December 16 2024 apologize any on the last one I'll second motion any further discussion all in favor right I make a motion the Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of grany certify that the grany booster club thank you 385 East State Street gramby mass 01033 is granted a common Vic license in said town of grany in that place only and expires December 31st 2025 uh license number 25-8 dated December 16 2024 what was did they fill out a waiver okay I'll second motion any further discussion all in favor I I now Kathy if they are a gamy nonprofit though they fill out the waiver and then they don't have to pay the fee right okay well the way we're supposed to be submitted prior that's what I thought too but Kathy said that she'll follow up with them for the waiver I'll make a motion that the Commonwealth Massachusetts town of gramby certify that Cumberland Farms store number 6698 at West State and Pleasant Street gramy mass 01033 is hereby granted a common Vic license in said toown of grany and that place only and expires December 31st 2025 license number 25-9 dated December 16 2024 what motion any further discussion discussion all in favor make a motion the Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of grany certify that Subway of Westfield doing business as Subway store number 54290 at 47 West State Street gry Mass 01 033 is hereby granted a common Vic license in said town of grany and that place only and expires December 31st 2025 license number 25-10 dated December 16 2024 a second a motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I make a motion the Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of gry certify that Pioneer Valley Chapter 8 of the nfca at 104 West State Street gramy Mass 01033 is hereby granted a common Vic license in said town of Grandy and that place only and expires December 31st 2025 license number 25-11 dated December 16th 2024 I'll second a motion any further discussion all in favor I are there any more common piix or that because that's an entertainment [Music] right that might one it no that one s sorry I'm M all right next is to approve and sign 2025 entertainment licenses that's all business I make a motion Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of grany certify that the Pioneer Valley Chapter 8 camping club at 104 West State Street Grammy mass 01033 is hereby granted a license for entertainment live entertainment consisting of DJ small bands inside building for members events only and live entertainment on patio behind main building between 12:00 p.m. and 1000 p.m. only located at 104 West State Street gramy Mass this license is granted in Conformity with the statutes and ordinance is relating there too and expires December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or revoked license number 2-02 dated December 16 2025 I'll second the motion any further discussion all in favor thank you all right we already do our onee extension uh for the solid waste and recycling collection so we are on to Old business and first is the wine last 2025 licenses I make a motion the Commonwealth Massachusetts town of gramby certify that the wine housee and venard at Jameson Farm LLC 16 East Street and gramy mass 01033 is hereby granted a common Vic license in said town of grany and that place only and expired December 31st 2025 license number 25-5 dated December 2nd 2024 no second motion would that be for today's St though I any you can with the 122 okay from Decon are you have further discussion no discussion all in favor I I any abstain any oppose I'm going to oppose at this time uh until we have evidence that he can do business in that jurisdiction no you said yes you said yes that's all te make a motion to Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of grany certify that the wine housee and Vineyard at Jameson Farm LLC 16 East Street Grammy mass 01033 is hereby granted a license for entertainment as follows live entertainment consisting of small bands karaoke or a DJ located on 16 East Street gry Mass no more than 50 six people in the tasting Barn during approved hours of Saturday to Sunday noon to 900 p.m. this license is granted in Conformity with the statutes and ordinances relating ther to and expires December 31st 2025 unless sooner suspended or re revoked license number 25-2 dated 122 2024 second the motion any further discussion we did discuss till 6: p.m. 6m it was 6 PM because that's when um Mr trony said he played till was 6m yeah Jim trony 290 Taylor Street on L house I object to that um the ISS the issue at hand is zoning we' we've been licensed for the past year we have not been in any violations as a matter of fact we've we've operated well within any of the the restrictions that were that we were permitted to or licensed off right under so we we were allowed to operate between noon and 900 p.m. 7 days a week with our entertainment license we've on our our own on our own will decided that we wanted to close the music off at 6 there's times where we've had rain delays bands that have showed up late and we've had to we would have to extend I think it's outside the zoning as far as the license go we haven't we haven't done anything outside or of of the licensing uh uh piece of it so why would we restrict it we were we were licensed to run until 9:00 we chose to to close it at 6 and now you're trying to restrict me to 6 well you're the one who sat in front of the board and said the music in front of everyone in town that the music is done at 6 p.m. at my discretion you licensed me to begin with until 9:00 we shut the doors at 8 we shut the music off at 6 that's been our discretion to do that statement well within the licensing period early frame so it is within the bird's the board's purview if we want to restrict it we can restrict it based on the you can now but if the zoning if the zoning bylaws change or if if I'm uh Vindicated you won't have any say on it I'm trying to be I'm trying to be a a a responsible corporate citizen here and I'm not feeling too well too good about it right now the other thing that you said to us too when you came in here is that you would come to us every time with an ENT entertainment license for special events you're right I did say that but but but you're right I didn't you know why because I was told I had to pull a license for the entire year so I was I was told that I had to have a blanket license for the entire year is that true Chris wouldn't it be per event or is that something that the board can restrict or because it's a business that's for the year I'm not sure how that works January 1 December 31st okay because it's a business whereas if it's like a private event that's occurring on somebody's property or something they would have to come up for that each year talk more like special okay guys have any thing you want to discuss I think we should keep it at 6m to um well you've already abstained from the other one so which I you can abstain from each license you can yes but that means you can't you you you don't have the right to any input either Iain from this one I opposed the other one I didn't abstain I opposed so each license is at my discretion it is so I think given the issues that are at hand I think 6 pm and given that he said that he would honor that and stop the music at 6 PM I think that should be in the license I think it should also State on the license that the entertainment is to occur in the tasting Barn only not outside that's where the alcohol is being serve that's where the entertainment should take place so you you abstain from something I'm in title I oppos for which license the Comm bank I am but it's just thinking about yeah see there the Su we close at 8:00 9M I thought you said the select the memory I said we close at 8 we're licensed to be open until 9: you close at 8 you said you the last time you were here you said last call was 8 that you try to close it down by 8 but sometimes that lasts longer so we close at 8 we're licensed to be open till 9: thought no last year's license did say till 9 o' I know we have had other discussions this one also says 9 o'clock now that's what if you close at 8 8:00 be fair no we were I specifically asked to stay open till 9: I didn't ask for 10 or 11 o'clock like a lot of other establ establishes stay open I said I said 9:00 and we've operated my manager's here we close at 8 consistently 8:00 we shut the music off at 6 some once in a while it may run over a few minutes but 6:00 is the rule um we have had some issues where we've had to pay band for two hours because they showed up late we're under contract the weather weather permitting and uh We've we've closed it down at 6 anyway we've been operating within our within the the rules of our license how often do you think you've gone P 6 p.m. yeah once maybe twice this may be a move point 16 if he's only gone over once or twice then there should be no problem to stick to 6 p.m second discussion was the further discussion so all in favor of the license as is all any stay any ofs I have FS okay what's up yep I will make a motion that the licensing board of the town of grany Massachusetts here by grants a farmers series horning license 19h wines and Mall licensed to sell and allow samplings of beverages manufactured by the farmer Winery to be drunk on the premises to the wine housee and Vineyard at Jameson Farm LLC on the following described premises 16 East Street haston Barn Ramy Mass 01033 this license expires December 31st 202 2025 unless earlier suspended cancelled or vote in testimony whereof the undersigned have here un two fix their official signatures the 2nd of December 2024 no second the motion is there is this the one Chris that we talked about with the specific criteria of what building we were talked yeah we talked about the size the last meeting and I thought we all were were in agreement on that building so you were at that last meeting too and we were all in agreement on the size of that building on the size of the building well the building that it was going to be poured in specifically is the pouring license is poured in that building like you can't take it outside of the building no that's not the the abcc licensed me to permitted me to pour yep in the area between the The Tasting Room the patio and the back building your attorney has the the the map of it now was that the document that received right before this meeting so you said faing room patio and east of it so it's between the back building the manufacturing and the and the uh pasting can I see this for a second yeah cuz Chris all the other licenses we have have the building that's being served in right yeah whatever size building that it has dimensions and I give an example the legion right they say you can do the the downstairs the upstairs and then out back wait but it gives it gives you that to the size of the building the structur building yeah that's what we were just saying they have the bottom floor the top floor and then outside when they have special events okay which we don't have any of those specifications in this license is there a request is there a request for that on the on the application I don't know CH supp there application sorry it just was given location by Street and number I just want to make sure if we're making one business to it that we make sure every business with it again these permits are different this is a farmers permits issued by the abcc it's not it doesn't even come from the the list of uh your alcohol licenses that are that are um that you have here in town it's a totally different license well it's still for like sense it would just be a farmer series Li B yeah but again the the area was the description of the area was given state state was the ones that but the town has to sign off on it shouldn't the town also get those specifications and we we provided those on just right before this meeting that the board members didn't get to or step board members didn't get to review looking which is the other one yeah that's the one yeah so those stay there right but if we're going to make other businesses do that with the specification of the building or the dimensions and I think we should keep that consistent with all the the licenses it's not on our application but then why does the Post 266 have it good question for examples it's just additional information repor that's that's what they're doing well I think until the board knows for sure then we should table it until this is our right but you're saying saying that post 266 is um putting additional information on there you've said it before if we're going to do it for long we' got do it for all so I'm just saying if we're doing it for one business then we need to do it for all the businesses you're not doing it for any business it's not any application I'm saying it's not application but yet we regulate it and we specify it on their license going above beond application to your point that's what that we were asking that should be our application I understand that's the application is complete I'd be more than happy to provide it which we already have Mr TR provided and the documentation that was sent it's there we voluntarily showed up a map of the areas that we're serving in good there is a certific inspection certificate of inspection in the back it also sends more information I don't know if it'll satisfy you or not but does State the youth gr first floor 54 on the tting room bar stored utility and total of 506 that's the occupancy perment for the building itself right so but it does give a little more information do we have the inspection done by The Building Commissioner as well isn't there an inspection that needs to be done and before these licenses can be issued see the fire okay they only see the fire ch that's from 2023 sry from the 2023 so nothing from 20 oh okay day they receive okay [Music] are you looking for the sign no it says no I was just looking because it has all these different exhibits but it says exhibit I and there's nothing there it's the blank tape just there is an exhibit I evidently didn't remember format didn't print Prett folks well I know I come off as a little frustrated but we've been operating without any issues other than a than a noise variant a noise concern we're not doing anything there you couldn't do it a residence right and we close at six our deeps our uh decb are well below the the uh the allowed use we we were closing earlier and we said we then what we're licensed to do and there's nothing here with the licensing that has changed that we haven't violated anything now there all of a sudden there's a there's an issue with with uh zoon perceived a perceived issue in is there more than I've been say instruction signs or I I just want to be consistent we're going to you know restrict to building parameters like we do other businesses then I get what you're saying that maybe they're providing more but I haven't been on the board that long to know if they're providing more if that's something that we specified in the past to one business and we're not specifying it to another one but Mr TR you did say he'd be glad to yeah and I don't see the mentions in here I just see exhibit a b c d so if I can pull it up I do see actually it says 52 ft by 20 ft but it says new kennel so this one's an old one 1987 about previous use see is by anthy signus to go of the ABC after the inspections are done Cathy said she can't right the board is waiting on the mentions we can still go through the the process now before get sent to the ABC Mr poy already already said he's willing to provide dimensions of the property or the buildings who sends it to the ABC so for some reason those exhibits didn't out we have them here on the so [Music] approach so um Mr trumpy on June 27 2022 I was actually a part of the board then you actually specified 18 acre parcel and um on both East and Morgan Street four buildings on site residential twostory a wood frame twostory Barn one story metal building and this was for your license for your pouring license and it says the tap room is a total of 1,575 sare Ft with four entrances four exits and seeding capacity of 60 people so that was to pour in the tap room only so that was in 2022 and then 2023 you said Tap Room 1,682 Square fet That's The Tap Room right but it doesn't specify on 2022 or 2023 another area besides the tap room so the 2024 said that's that's what I two additional places that's what I tried explaining to you originally that was with the state Kathy called the state when there was a question about we were we had our patrons outside and the the investigator said no we're well aware of it the patio the between the two buildings and this is yeah please this is what was sent to you for some reason your exhibits didn't come down which doesn't have the dimensions though at the specifics but it has the layout so The Tasting Room this area right here tasting room is the the blue building yeah right here and then the patio and this is the area we're where it's actually being produced and is where it's being produced okay so serving here serving here and here or just just with with oh okay okay I [Music] see and the abcc did approve it but we did have dimensions on the old one that was just to the building that was for the the the occupancy permit okay right that's here right but we were looking for betters but would you like it measured out again whenever the board decides I just think that we need to do the same for everyone then I rate it some it was listed the tasting was listed as I've got two different measurements here I've got 1575 and then I got 1682 so I've got two different so does the 1682 include the property right outside the building within that green area 1682 what square feet no no yeah that's just the buildings the building's right around 12200 Square F feet so the rest of the are is much larger I think Mr cop you is already willing to provide the information if it's fine but also going forward when you look at an application our application is not requiring information then we should be it should be on our application should be on the form right the application so Les this is different and that's something we have to look into whether this is a different application then coming Regent post 266 so Kathy do you have the 2024 license I have the 2022 the 2023 do you have the 2024 no that's okay let's just wondering if on the 2024 when he filled out if he put dimensions on there cuz I have them on the 2022 and the 2023 just not in the 20 25 no we didn't CH we didn't change anything between the years between the two years that I recall that's our right but that's not the one for this is the one for 2025 is what I'm saying so I was looking for this from the 2020 this the state one that he had buil out and told him where he was serving so he's saying now on the the one that he did for 2024 and 2025 it's the three areas as opposed to just it's the same area so this is 2022 2023 but this is to the state yeah this is sorry this is actually our license this is the town of gry Y so the count walk to Massachusetts if he's going to use the abcc on what he's applying for them as what he's been improved I just wanted to see what he put on there for the specifications all right so Glenn you were saying that in order for all of these licens doesn't it have to have the specifications on there before we approve them or do we approve them pending the specifications and the inspection done by the um Building Commissioner and fire chief I think you can approve it pending it we just approving it and so that's go to the ABC be finalized with information Mr already said that but again I think this board is if we're requiring certain information then that should be on our application that regards the applicant is filling out the application to be completed so at this point this application is completing all right so the motion was made a second and we had further discussion so is everyone in agreement with the specifications and pending the inspection from the fire chief and the Building Commissioner I agree let to you will provide the information but what fire chief do I provide it to it's probably be the inter inter or the deputy we don't have an interest record we have the assistant deputy chief chief assistant chief assistant chief be EXC he's actually we to double check on that as far as the license but he's the assistant chief so he did okay which is that Tyler's deputy chief is certified all [Music] inspections thank you okay so we don't need another motion on the board agree is agreeing on that so all in favor I I you have them so you had it first and then cast them down do we have um paper or no yeah so there's two of the boring and then there's two for the Brewer so you you approv that pending inspections ands mention so so you want we want the actual measurements yes all right I make a motion to Licensing Board of the town of gramby Massachusetts hereby by grants a farmer Brewing pouring license to sell and allow samplings of beverages manufactured by the farmer Brewery to be drunk on the premises wine housee and Vineyard at Jameson Farm LLC on the following premises 16 East Street tasting Barn gramy Mass this license expires December 31st 2025 unless earlier suspended cancelled or revoked in testimony whereof the undersigned have here un to affixed their official signatures this second day of December 2024 with a l number of 07728 p- 0458 second motion and any further discussion I would just ask that the board does the same for the brewery as it does for the L to dimensions and um pending inspection from The Building Commissioner and the deputy fire chief it's fine we already have the copy of anyway so yeah okay all in favor go ahead we both forgot to F that yeah means I'll pass it back to you after GL quick question your Ren's coming up very shortly I'm told I'm told the building inspector's backed up if he's if he's not completed his inspections and have and has made it to my establishment does that work out for me starting first a year CH would you be able to answer that does that work because his foring licenses are um expired now I think the licenses renew but I don't know how it works with the state they renew for the town if the town doesn't get to it so it's based off the previous year's license until the town until the select Board gets to it but how does that work for the state yeah you find out Chris call good point so I mean well this has to be completed before it goes to the state right so um so we need the inspections or a waiver so we'll find Chris or Kathy will make a call tomorrow what other options are for that right I can't imagine this is the first time it's happened anywhere so Chris will you reach out to Mr tropy on that or do you want him to call you and check him with you I would imagine they would just extend it says Kathy do you have to send it over on um the 31st yeah so if they receive it on the 31st and everything's good but it has to be well we need to do our part we have an obligation as a town all right they'll reach out to you and let you know than you thank you thank you Chris do you want to do the fire chief ad first to the proposed CH uh fire chief's greeing committee y think salary rate I did do some research so I wanted to run it by the board so um when I look this up online the average salary for a fire chief in the United States as a whole is $129,500 but the average in mass is 11252 the the pay range in Massachusetts depending on the size of the community is anywhere from 71,000 to 164,000 so our salary range or our salary at States is just 95,000 it doesn't give a range so if we get someone that's less qualified if we get someone that's more qualified I think there should be a range there yeah so now as the accountant what can we financially afford well was that current chief that or think it was at 95 right [Music] that okay so if the average in Mass um is 12,529 do you think it would be reasonable put put a range of 95 to 15 95,000 to 115,000 to get that range if the average in the state of Massachusetts is2 is what I'm saying and you know it depends on the size of the town the community how big the department is and so forth so I was just trying to give a little bit wiggle room 105,000 I know what you're saying the salary range yeah but this is a contract when it comes negotiation not like someone's coming in a pay grade set 75,000 go up 885,000 pay set this is based on you may we may hire someone has 20 years experience we may hire someone has you know 8 years experience make a difference to where they start that becomes part of the negotiation I think and I think soon as you set a number we no longer to me being fair practice negotiation not higher than this is our range that's this will start oh so just had it starting ending does yeah it does say salary is 95 to be negotiable negotiated neg Spirit okay so keep at the 95 is what you're saying I I think it's at 105 this Bas time this is going back couple years ago posi going off so it's fair that we we get 105 is there a possible answer for what we can afford for the town of Grandy Chris well we can definitely AFF 105 because that's what we to pay so originally was we W that contract but we're you know we're going to go build on contracts anyways and and I say this you know based on some of the other contract that's gone out 3% or 4% kind of take a look at that it's not a simple answer just to say what because if you're going to start looking at other aspects that has the factr to it also okay are we going to continue to send the uh firefighters to the academy okay we were doing that but it was never budgeted in the budget those are issues that we R okay so we sort of have to look at and find out what are what is the plan of the town to do with this too are we going to hire more paramedics are we going to hire more firefighters what are we looking at doing in the future okay we currently I think we currently have five full-time paramedics do we want to hire another one do we want to make a plan to hire one a year for the next five years to get that five to 10 I I know or the future fire chat okay because when uh we had an interim she had come me talk about stoping and she said yes they more that slow instead of saying okay we need five go bu that becomes issue looking at that's another scenario you would have to go to I think I have to know what the board is plan do this and the you okay I can I can sit there and I can look at it's start the TRS the ISS done this we able to know what fire department was looking for thank you that's part of the problem butt season for next for FY 26 we'd have to have some idea of what we're doing now because somebody's going to have to put a budget together for 26 because I don't think you're going to have a sitting fire chief in time to be able to put a budget together for the next this SCH year left my previous conversations that we had the last board meetings that assistant chief and Deputy Chief and been talking with previous Chief about the budget and stuff like that for in December which is the the January discusss anyway so they've all been talking about it so they at least then those two have understand they are at this point no but some it's there already like from through previous budgets I think this board have to work with the income too they get where we need to be the next fiscal year next budget but also reassuring that our VI fire chief has a proper budget coming into that fiscal year that's be fiscal year 25 and by that time 26 that time have a a new fire chief and you want to make sure that they properly funded that new fire when he goes into that that position so I we have to do you know some work with the dur some Chief cor Deputy Chief and the assistant chief and we look at a solid budget for fiscal year 26 move forward with that said I did a little bit of math starting at the 95,000 which was here in our paperwork 3% at three years brings them brings it up to 13 550s it is between the 102 and 105,000 more so I think that needs to be budged I think put at 102 105 103 at a starting point or starting point 103 is fine 103 well he said 102 103 105 well I I'm just saying we started off with2 we went up to 105 and would you come up with a 3% yeah I just I just took this 95,000 3% a year comes up to 8550 which gets us to 103 550 after yeah okay so you were up a little higher with him so so start at 1035 starting yeah that's that's what I'm recommending to the bo we start off world5 so $103,500 that's a St like I said some negotiation under contract yes there's nothing I agree yeah for instance you we have a contract you may say or she may say I want 5% each year over the rate so starting point and Chris the other question I had about the posting for the fire chief is it says residency in the town of gramby is required within one year of appointment is that something that has always been required because that kind of shortens our pool outside you Chang last screen yeah they ask to allowes of station you can change you can make that change also make it 10 minutes make it five minutes make 15 it's up to the board what looking if you're going to take chy South am maybe a part of ammer I don't know P am I mean I'm on the ammer line I'm only four miles from the fire station so it could be am mer Bay Road is right there that's a point that came up before they said somebody live in South alley and close some lives absolutely they came up think you know we just listen to the it's fair to ask in here I long they respond same amount time yeah Fire Department fire C that's very saying you know it's it's tough for someone to you know sell a house and you know live a house that you got done building the the average home is $400,000 some people so that should come out of posting yeah think you just have within five miles of the station I me miles bet yes we we considered that in the last search committee and uh we um we talking radi Road absolutely that brought us into L brought us into the into chicke and to the it's a straight line and it brought us close to the Springfield border brought us into ho and the east p and because you're on top of the mountain that's how far the radius extended up okay so it give a wide rate we considered that the last the last timeing five is it as a crow as a crow flies a straight that could as straight as a cow F that could that could turn into 8 or 10 miles so five miles is too far uh when it's See Fire doesn't wait for everybody and and we need a chief there we need him there so that's something that the uh that the search committee could and see we uh revisit think that's going forward me back a direction for the search committee how long would it take you to get to the fire by by Road from my house to get to the fire station I'm about six s minutes at the speed if I'm if are we at the speed if find what what do we consider instead of saying far distance wise if we time frame that's what really matters how they're saying how quick fire that's what we look at time frame so what um Joe may I ask you a question please sure what is your average response time for a volunteer let's and is there a radius so you just looking at gry if you live in outreaches like bar Point har street right I'm on Harris so that's the farest you're that far corner there yeah they're even moving at a decent speed is 67 minutes to the station right that's about a three M right there you did a grow when I did that a chief coming in at night you're we always have a beauty officer we always have some in some town get started if it's a bigger event I think a 10 minute response time is fair just get you in that 5 mile circle we're talking about I mean truthfully I can be 8 miles away from on the other end of 202 it's a straight shot if I put someone in the other part of Bel is s miles away we could be pling other so really it's right that's it's hard to really pinpoint that it's by trying to DW a cheap in up the courthouse and some of the prospects we had were coming from different states and a lot of them didn't feel like they could manage that years time with their situation at home you know moving their kids you know whatever you got to look at but it's a it's a very hard thing to pick you know 20 years ago it wasn't hard they get a house in a decent purose 5 years ago it wasn't now it's you know a two bedro is 300,000 and $100,000 so we got to be very flexible to draw a v can yeah that's what I was afraid of by saying they had to live in Grand Bay that we were narrowing the pool down that was the original call we did the second we did the interviews theed and everyone got permission to change that you did the five m r spr like you said it gets a little farther out in some spots but depending where you live it's hard to say you can live somewhere not Happ still so I just want to make sure the committee does it work and get some candidates front us and you know explain why we need to have them there because the type of fire department we are we're not a big city we don't have five deputies and everything else sit around we need that support be as possible I think if we get a range of up to five miles it's okay R yeah I just to a point where we he a time frame traffic well that's it someone to be there much quicker to space on in the time where okay this is is distance we can take you 15 minutes to go you know five miles you stay a distance [Music] set last time five miles a lot more Choice yeah for sure so Chris this one hasn't been posted yet just the interim so for this posting it will go out tomorrow with the changes right or the next day whenever you guys can get it out soonest so when do we want the deadline for the applications to be in January like do you give two weeks four weeks six weeks Le four weeks four weeks five weeks so if we put it out on the 17th then we should get it by January 17th which is a Friday if we do it 30 days or do you want to do well let's do hold on one 2 three four that would be January 14 I think we go to 17th it's a Friday it's a Friday by Friday at 4:00 you well they close at 3 here 3:30 email stuff set of time and let's stay FR two weeks in December B in January y it's fair I could do janary 1 okay and there was no time on the last one do we have to put a Time on it okay sometimes to do yeah I've seen that on other applications we have a deadline for rfps usually right you send an email time I didn't see anything else in the applicate or in the posting that needed to change though I think it was pretty consistent with the intro that you have do have to say Chris I had to look up your abbreviation in the interim fire chief for the dqe depends on qualifications and experience yes that okay there's so many acronyms so I had to Fed Up was like what does he mean by that some people just say doe depending on experience some say depending on qualifications but we're looking at experience and then do you leave that last posting will remain active until the position is filled or do we want to just no take them until then and then see what we have and then if we have to okay the last thing we did this did something strong chief he put in the interum following strong teeth or something something like Point some Len the town support strong Chief so we had something into it that the inter contct we did the contract we did the contract there was something that with the inter we signed that appointed under M law that was in the contract all right Chris and what do you have so are we good on the ads I'm good yes good and then the proposed by all right so January 17 25 yep 1035 yes five mile radius yes yes and your T out you're taking off posting will remain active until the position is f yes all right what do you got for the proposed fire chief well it's not really a propos it's names we have to contact people names first I have is I looking because I was looking at either or Crystal I look that puts it at six okay okay so we would be the ex official right yes said these are just named any else you can think of and Ron's a former former Captain right I like that with former Chief on there I was going to say are there people from the last committee that might be who on the last okay I will assist some ask questions a follow Chief there right still CH still Chief What's that name I think it's n a g I think it's important either former Chief or current chief on there yes someone that has been at that level position the interim Chief is they want to be on yeah um you got Russ Anderson who put his name in for inter yeah put in for the Dennis and r but he's anyway well can we can we contact the chief from Hadley two people say did an excellent job on the last the last time Nam no but I'm just saying he's a he's a current chief so he's he's up to date on everything that's going on but there was just two people that said that they he was on the last committee the next one out to okay it's currently everything maybe if for some reason doesn't want to then we can look at other people that's just my thought well we have eight names on I have eight names looking but inter terms we wouldn't ask to be on it the ones that are applying for the interim which will be Ross right now I'm sorry so we would have seven with one being an ex oficial number so we' have to either add one more or get rid of one 10 years yeah I [Music] consider yeah I I thought I'm not sure well we can look at I mean so we have actually right now we have two chiefs previous Chiefs that are on for the in OB can't take both of them considering one of them so get in ch some cour because I say that this is going out till June January 17th anyway so we have a month I like interum place before then we're meeting for the interum um the second yeah so we'll have some in place over one one of these will be available not both someone will be available so we want that's true um and Chris for the interim um interviews that we're going to be doing do you guys have questions that you've already asked or is the board coming up with our own questions to ask the interupts question and then if we have our own questions that we want to add we can add them during the interview okay sounds good so Chris you'll reach out to the ones that we know for sure um with my uh subtracting the interims for now until after the interview so we have Ron y George and George said he Ty I have Anthony uh lieutenant Leon now is it Dave or Crystal I'll do [Music] it you talked is that a name that we would Mike [Music] Speck Mike spec Mike spe go um and then after the interim either or [Music] yeah well what yeah do you need a number yeah okay trying no appreciate it I think we we have to all right so um other old business anything for us from sdot no now were they putting up lights at ammer Street intersection because I don't see any polls there I see the polls for the street lights themselves on right but I thought they were putting up polls on ammer street because remember you were asking if they were going to pave it and I thought we were waiting for PS well like a light pull or something no no they're I think because they're going to pay the whole area at once so they're going to wait to pay Street until the poll's street okay for some reason I thought when you said that I thought the pole okay okay s they leave the barricade up I hope so that the trucks AR running into it I have idea what they're yeah I should hope so but something happens it's the bar best understand electric is most lights ready that's no more no more real Mass work have you seen is it see you know small trucks just working on wiring and stuff like that we see anything major now until okay the spr on I hope it doesn't create too many problems traic once well well the only I worry about is you know for getet a big snowstorms is those those barrels we get pushed yeah bosses IED this is what we have so it's the state that's responsible for 202 but all the side streets were responsible for so as we're coming off of the ammer street right well I'm say part of meas that's part of their work that's their work okay so you I think you just kind like Amer the RO there must be something I don't know the law says something about that has part stage property well it still workc about our problem I like say I mean because where the part that got widened the curb was actually to the point where it used to be where where where the drop off is there a couple inches different than asphal my consum is T snow and that they're going to push those barrels oh I agree Go I mean I think I think the width will probably still be there so barel get pushed and that's my concern with that I can still have full traffic in there and I know previously they either Bank the snow to the left and they Bank it to the right so got to Pish up on the side where the other side of the corner cuz when they come down they're plowing plowing away to 202 so those like I said the barrels will coming come to play because before they used to be a parking lot or actually grass or something like there so got push St to that well that's you know sure daav is well aware of any else if I know David he'll probably be the one over there PL we'll be him doing it all right so I know we put our um meeting with other committees and Boards we put that off until January right until after the holiday [Music] curbside curbside collection we just extended it so now we're that's to REM didn't work that well side collection RFP start um so the Personnel Board was going to review the instrument because we're on several of the contracts we had them uh doing or the chief or the department head doing reviews on the employees but they don't have an instrument that they can use so um what I know the last time we talked we said that they were going to review it and then submit it to the select board for approval so we still need to hear they still have to meet for it okay what what has been the response from have they responded to the okay because he's not did we have zoom in did we have blend not was Glen Durham on the person okay Glen and Je okay all right so you'll reach out to them and see when they can meet okay and then for open space committee he did uh give us his final draft uh Derek from Piner Valley Planning Commission so we are reviewing it this week any changes that we want made we have to give back to him um so that he can make the deadline because the grant is up December 31st so he shall be submitting it then that's where we stand open space I will be looking for the um grant for the freshwater drudging that comes out in January so I'm hoping they do it again so we missed it last year and then Forge Pond updates we already heard from um I always want to say Leonard but it's Leonard so that's still moving along all right and then Park and Recreation Department we said we would meet Jim petus j pet okay good thank you thanks right I know we got a lot going on you guys does anyone have anything else they would like to discuss next time oh yes oh is that in the appointments folder okay that's why I missed it it should be is that that point not I think that's correspondence uh [Music] departmental appointments so and we did l oh there we go leor okay got it y okay thank you for the reminder do want to read through any of this just so so we did um just so the board knows I did go to the Charter Day committee meeting last week I met with them it seems like a very go-getter group very like want to they want to do they want to work together and they want to make this happened so one a couple of the people that went there were not sworn in um and her name was not put on the list so she would like to join they come in I'll me with that though um well actually a couple of them didn't know about the meeting because we don't have numbers or email addresses it it was just a Facebook how many how many members are sworn in I don't know how many are sworn in we got make sure we say it an odd number well then you have people who sign up who don't take the appointment so I don't know how many I would have to call Kathy I want to make sure we have number the vot speak not on there so the people that were at the meeting that could vote was Randy Goin he was um the chair or the people who could vote voted him as chair Glenn Durham is vice chair um give me a second Amanda pacin is um corresponding recording secretary Kim Kibby is corresponding secretary and she would like to share that role with leor berson but Le leor those one two three um Steve saborn and B saor were also they were sworn in Kim Kibby was not sworn in so she's this has been app so yes one two three four five six seven I know John seis monic was on there but he didn't know about the meeting so he wasn't there no I you volunteer I don't have time for any more meetings just left Bo's keeping out PR busy all right so we've got one two three four five six seven eight 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 so there's 16 that were indited and Leora was one of the 16 her name was on the list but she hadn't been appointed yet so out of those we have 1 2 three 4 5 six 78 n she would be the N is Martin L Liberty you and Sue okay so she would be the ninth so you have nine voting members okay but we did send appointments to John seison and Susan mle who have a so we don't know if they're going to take it so that would 11 if they both did we have non voting members too you can have non- voting members yep one okay would there appointment have to say that we round voting MERS so if they sign the appointment given that they are part of the Char Day committee and then they don't get sworn in then we make them the non voting members okay all right then that works okay so we'll make a motion to appoint the aura burgon of 142 West Street Ramy Mass 01033 to the ramby Charter Day committee for 63 term expir six term expires 63025 thank you she did she did she did have it here she did have it here second the M any further discussion no discussion all in favor I I all right so one of the things that was in the correspondence I know it's late and people just want to get out of here so don't kill me right now um was the regional energy manager positions that was shared with us through pbpc pvpc so they are asking if we would like to be part of it if we want to be part of it we have to fill out the application so um basically we were originally part of the group that were included in the application but we already brought that to the board join and share that share energy manager but now they're saying that we have to apply for the grant yeah okay that's why I was so confused L was the Community okay we had a s our documents to pvpc indicating that the board wanted to participate in the shared energy manager so I don't understand why we have to do another application if we had already indicated that we wanted to when the application was submitted through bu so is that something that we need to ask them now why are we applying together they're telling us we have to to apply right right because like I said we we were part of the original group that said yes if you POS a question that might be just a oversight it could be a form letter to other people who were right yeah they're interested they just chis do you want to send him a an email and just say could we clarify are we part of the original or do we have to re apply yeah that doesn't make any sense because we what [Music] so it said well it says that a fulltime position ever sourcer National Grid will give up to $120,000 per year one and year two if they're full-time if they're part-time they're going to give $60,000 but then it says that the payment is set by the municipality so I'm like so you're going to give so that's not what the position what the salary is okay after they just one person right so we're looking at possibly two positions yeah and the applications are due January 31st so I don't want to miss out on this opportunity that's a spirit would you like me to follow up with the email okay follow up with theil you were just kidding right Chris that might follow the accountant responsibility report that's it all right so that's all I sorry guys that's all I want to bring up so sorry um Chris for the storm water and the dog bylaw we want to put that on the back burner for now but I mean we've got to like you said we have to make sure that we have a meeting a special town meeting for that in the near future but we also have to have enough information to be able to have well we have to have the hearing we have created brought forward was that when we were under the 10th no okay and it just went okay so it's drafted we just have to see it through okay and make sure that it's up to Mass General law regulations now yeah so we'll wait until after the hiring meetings and everything and then we'll we'll address it then Chief yeah Town Administrator yes you do great yes all right I will make a motion to adjourn the meeting I shall second that motion any further discussion discussion all in favor I thank you