##VIDEO ID:qWXH7Cx9rdY## [Music] something SP everyone ready ready if you are all right it is now 5:30 we will call this like board meeting on November 12th to order if you can please join me in the pledge of Al Al to the V the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you all right so our first appointment is with the veterans memorial for an update you guys want to come up hello good evening hello evening so essentially since Memorial Day we did receive the 10,000 grant that representative Mindy Dam had promised us on at the ceremony that'll go towards the cost of the dis project which is upcoming as you know the storage barn is down we ended up saving $500 because the fire department provided water to keep the area dust free so that was good uh the concrete step Foundation was cut down even and that ended up being free from which concrete the new concrete wall where the garage doors were that was poured and formed by gry lnl concrete again for free you even been threw in the cost of the concrete for free so that was huge the gra B Highway Department removed the sections of the wall that have been cut and marry and Escavating in South Hadley took them in uh free of charge the building permit was issued last week so we can go ahead and start with the Gazebo project it's going to be a concrete slab foundation with power lights and a fan there'll be a granite inlay compass in the center of the concrete slab floor we're meeting with a contractor this week that's going to be doing all the carpentry work as far as timelines design and material sourcing and we're hoping to have the Gazebo area uh and paper patio along with the concrete benches finished by Memorial Day we're hoping and I brought a picture of what the Gazebo rendering is ni so you said a concrete pad and then in the center will be a granite yep in the center of the concrete P Granite inlay uh large cones nice very nice it's going to be facing or orientated along nor okay and the reason because the foundation down was as you pull up to the memorial you can to see to the main part of thei today the site was actually used by a army colonel for his promotion ceremony oh very nice and there was about 30 people up there all in uniform it was was really good they enjoyed it they loved the site I've heard a lot of great things about the memorial itself uh so that's been huge I mean it definitely looks beautiful from 202 when you're coming up upon it once the gazebo's done I think it's going to tie it in a little bit more and then hopefully in the years to come we can have the trail system done and I think that's also going to be a great addition overall lastly uh the memorial committee would like to request that we maintain control over the Memorial Park area rather than it going to a parks and Rack or anybody else and then what I mean by control is uh anything has to do with the general design uh maintenance or additions to that area we'd like to maintain control over that so um sorry designs additions and general maintenance as far as when we go to add names to the plaque and okay things like that we think that we're best suited for that role but as far as like the Mowing and stuff like that we've been mowing the immediate area and in uh Jeremy and Tom maintenance is been doing the rest and they actually helped us out right before the Veterans Day ceremony and cleaned up and did the fall cleanup which is huge they did a great job yeah we like to do the immediate area and all the perennials just because it's something that we like to do and we put the whole park together and we enjoy working there you definitely had a vision some time ago and it's definitely you you know what you I think it's even nicer than what people thought it was going to be I mean I don't think the pictures you know a couple years ago did it justice to what it looks like today just very nice came out wonderful yeah you guys did a great job thank you for everything that you guys are doing for the memorial and getting the Gazebo up and that's great that Mindy do was able to secure that $1,000 for you guys that was huge yeah every little bit we'll take yeah absolutely thank you uh before Jason leaves uh Jason and I were talking this morning about the the tree lighting that we want to yes put up there he feels that the existing pine tree that is up there behind the short wall along 202 is uh probably a a tree that we could probably utilize instead of having to go out and buy one so uh if you want you'll have a electrical Line run to the tree area existing tree so that we can start doing tree lightings there so Des especially once the gazebo's up the Gazebo is actually quite large what size is it 24 by 30 and you can actually fit quite a few people under there again it's going to have power if we ran the power all the way out to the tree which is quite large it start off with a great Christmas tree lighting I know I was just there and I can't picture where that tree is right now I it's right between the storage barn and the half wall in the corner of 202 Nord Street and you don't really see it until you look for it and then you're like oh there it is which yeah which ironically enough after we discussed the Christmas tree lighting the last time I did see that tree I said oh that might be good so yeah that's that's that's just something I thought of and then I I did speak with Chris about it earlier today so for this year we would still have to purchase one until we get electrical power out there or are you thinking about running an extension for now I don't know how how quickly do you you think the power be um we're starting with the electrical first so as far as getting power to that tree for this year I thinking a long extension Court would have to do it for now I don't think it's going to be ready before Christmas yeah okay and we were doing it on December 1st tree lighting on Sunday so that's coming close yeah how long an extension CT it is a nice tree I think it's too yeah the closest one would be by the tank and it's a good 250 to 300 ft and then we'd have to cover it over the pavement area as well just to make sure that it didn't get damaged but I could also speak with uh Chad CER who's our electrician and see if we can make something happen so do we want to wait to hear back from um electrician about whether or not they can do it before we purchase one okay I think that's probably the best way to go might be able to just run uh some underground cable or Rox rather than an extension core to make one solid connection yeah that's all I was going to talk to him about yeah great well thank you very much um Sergeant Richards I appreciate it you did a great job and um if you can let Chris know when you talk to the electrician what they decide otherwise we'll go out and I don't know if we would buy it we would probably have to buy the tree for this year and then hope to do it next year on that pine tree that would be pretty thank you thank [Music] you thanks chers good all right so our 545 was cancelled uh they will be coming the library trustee appointments will be next week on 11:18 so we have 21 minutes before our next appointment um so we can start with citizen participation or do you want to do okay all right so we have three people four people sorry so um just to remind everyone it is a 3 minute um when you're addressing the board it is for 3 minutes so um just to honor everyone's time and because we have an appointment at 6 I'm going to ask that you stick to that three minutes so rich Demari we'll have you come up first please for you thank you sir yeah thanks Rich L the Mari Bachelor Street I just wanted to update the board on the uh recall bylaw for grany uh what's happening there was a small hiccup in the procedure if you look at the first page I gave you is Senate Bill 2444 uh it's one page actually it's two pages uh that that's the uh Senate bill number that was given to the recall bylaw and if you look on the bottom it says date and Branch so under Branch you you could see where it says Senate house and joint joint is joint committee on Election law so there were three committees separate committees that the uh Bila had to go through to be approved it's got to be approved three times by each committee so if you look right at the end on the second page it's uh it says May 30th Senate Bill reported favorably by committee and placed in the orders of the day for the next session now the next item it says June 13 Senate read second and order to a third reading now this was getting to the end uh it got through all three committees fine well not fine but it got through all three committees it was just about to be voted on and uh the council for the Senate found something but uh first the second information I gave you is an actual copy of the bylaw where it says Senate number 2444 Commonwealth of mass so it's uh it's only like three three pages three and a half pages so you should read it at your leisure that's the actual recall bylaw that will be approved the the last page is a email from Jennifer Pickering she's the there she's the top Aid to Senator ala and I I talked to her several times and I crossed out the top part because that is in reference to something else the second part says on the matter of the recall home rule petition you request you requested an update on the status of the petition in the legislature our Senate councel that's the person I mentioned before has sent us answers to our questions about the election law division's comments on the petition because she first told me that they held up they were they may hold up our recall bylaw they had uh one item that the Senate leg uh Senate council brought up now this is the important thing it says one if grany is satisfied with the petition as it is without changes then Senate council can move it to the next stage now it's a very simple thing that he came up with I just like to take a minute to explain it to you what he found he said there is a potential timing issue but it can be avoided when scheduling when scheduling the election the issue is that the board that select board would schedule the recall election to be held between 64 and 90 days after the clerk's the town clerk's certification of the petition but they can't actually call for it until after the expiration of seven calendar days from the date they they notifi the candidate who was the subject of the recall so the the whole issue is there seven days when when an official is recalled you have to you have to wait seven days before you can proceed with setting the date for the election the town Our Town Council didn't take these seven days into account now they uh they also uh you'll see 64 and 90 days in the recall bylaw and the council explains where they came up with those and he quotes certain sections of Mass General law so those are standard you can't have an election Le earlier than 64 days later than 90 days now because we did not give the candidate that we're recalling seven days the council said that's all you have to do is where it says the election cannot be uh where is it cannot be less than 64 days just wait 7 days and make sure that when when you do schedule an election so if you add seven days on to 64 days you get 71 days so as long as the board has the election 71 days no shorter than 71 days you're actually giving giving the person you're recalling 7 Days plus you're giving the people who are running to be reelected or to be to fill the position the actual number of days they they need 64 days is that clear or not clear it is clear we we received this information from Senator ala's office already yeah okay I just want to explain it I want the people at home know what's going on too so and I talked to Chris Martin right before this meeting he agreed that in order to to uh make this happen the uh Senate council says that uh his exact words are uh let's see what if gramby is satisfied with the petition as is without changes then Senate council can move it to the next stage now the important thing is I hope you don't wait and say well we have to give it to our Council and you know that'll take a month and he's on vacation this and that I mean Chris agrees with it I agree with it and it's okay to have the Town Council agree with it but you got to tell the Town Council we need it fairly quickly because if you if we wait too long they're going to take this recall bylaw and they're going to put it at the end of the line it's got to start all over now the town just to say to save you some time with we are going to be discussing that today that was part of our correspondence yeah so we are discussing the recall bylaw tonight okay good good okay so that's all I had to say thank you yeah all right next is Susan Lambert Susan hi Susan Lambert 308 Bachelor Street um I come to you today as a concerned citizen of this town I thought it important to observe the business practice of The Wine House or lack thereof and the leniency showed by the town involving violations by Jim truny I have no ill will towards Jim just fairness for all residents of town seen as the gravel mining operation on trumi property may be in my corner of town without being specific spefic I have great concerns how that operation will be handled and if any issues or problems arise how they will be addressed or allowed to continue the history of gravel pit monitoring has been minimal or non-existent I say this because there is no file in the town records in reference to the Gravel Pit business this is of great concern to me and the residents of my neighborhood in fact this should be a concern for the residents of town as to how all issues are handled thank you for opportunity to speak thank you thank you thank you Raymond morsa good evening good evening my name is Ry morset I live at 17 East Street across from the The Wine House wine The Wine House Winery because of my current health issues I am no longer able to be the spokesperson in the area the group has decided which I think that's the appointment you're talking about m Joyce will be taking over my my role for the group in the area I will mention though that the noise and the traffic that has been has been a problem for my wife Carol and I since the winery has started and uh that's about what I want you to know is that Jay choyce is GNA because I'm the abutter and he's just going to say the facts and I'm going to be here at the end I have some statements to make to back up some of the stuff that he has that I experienced if you know what I'm saying uh just conversations with the people not hearsay I spoke to him and I wasn't told what is happening at this point it was a lot sugared up put it that way you know so so I'm right now at this point I got a wait old Jay's here is that who has the appointment y thank you thank you for listening to me I appreciate it you're wel thank you is [Music] my here my white wall no okay all right so we have nine minutes Chris do you have anything you want to cover in those 9 minutes before our appointment well let's the first thing was was the addressing of the issue of the recall bylaw and um Miss pickering's email to the board that I had forwarded to the board before um I believe we should just leave it like it is when we originally submitted the bylaw we had a short time frame they sent the then sitting Senate council sent it back and said it was too short of a time period now we have a new Senate councel that's telling us it's too long of a time period I'd rather give us more time to be able to properly perform a recall vote than to change the bylaw again to a short period of time um so on my recommendation is is the board board inform Miss Pickering that we want to leave the bylaw as written and we we do leave a window too so it's 64 to 90 days so if we if we send it back with the seven days added to that and say 71 days then we could possibly get it s back to us whereas this way the 71 days Falls within our window anyways yes it does I think that's the best thing to do well this this is going on yeah three years now maybe two years two years and that we made the changes based on the recommendation from the last Senate that was and then um then again we have changes that they wish us to make but I think we go forward with it okay being so I will email her tomorrow morning and let her know that uh we want to leave the language as written do you need to vote on that or uh I prefer a vote Yes I will make a motion to leave the recall bylaw as written with the 71 day 64 I'm sorry 64 day plus go ahead I'm sorry are you done yes I I don't want to Second you no go ahead I'll second the motion any further discussion all in paper I I all uh the other topic I wanted to talk about a little bit is the opioid task force [Music] uh Miss duin and I were talking earlier today and we both realized we have an appointed the task force we talked about people to put on it however we actually have not appointed membership to it uh I'd like to be able to have that done tonight to send out so that that group can start working and we can be able to report back to this state that we are doing positive actions in addressing the issue of Ops in the town of Grandy do you want me to tell them who we came up with so on number second there we go so for the task force um Susan nightly and I met and we came up with a list of people that we thought were the um main people in the town that would have knowledge of opioid use and could help us in the task force so we have chief o Grady from the police department uh Tyler ion uh deputy director of the fire department Sarah Bearden school guidance counselor Charlene corza School social worker Dave Mendoza the veteran service officer officer Gilly the school resource officer Susan nightly as a citizen in the town of gramby and myself as an ex official member so I would be a non- voting member but I would uh assist the task force for the um money that we received in the settlement on how best to help the citizens of grany so those are the people that we would like to appoint tonight uh I will make a motion to appoint the names on the list that Crystal just read off excuse me for the opioid task force the terms expiring June 30th 2025 um I guess before I I second this um what are their experience does anybody talk to them so the way Chris and I were thinking to do this is to invite them to join the task force and if they don't want to they can um Decline and then we can look for other people we were looking at the schools because a lot of students struggle with o opioid addiction we're also looking at the police department and the fire department um because they respond to a lot of the 911 calls in town so they would have experience with it the opioid task course is not just about um it's about getting the information out there to the citizens which Susan nightly is very um educated in she had come in front of the board a couple times um about her experience she works about tapestry a lot too there's a lot of um free educational classes at tapestry will come to the school and GIF they will also um go to the fire departments and give them training as well and they have test stps that you can use now and test substances um so we just felt like they had the experience needed or at least the experience with the community needed to lead the task force is the way we saw it um and that's just a list that we kind of came up together and we also looked at other towns and who they are inviting to their task force and they had a similar amount of people but we were trying to keep it at a member of seven which is why I would be a non- voting member and the reason we wanted be uh veterans Service Officer because he would be able to deal with service members who uh may have the issue after being released from service yeah I'm I'm fine with so that was our thinking well that's a good thought process um just want to make sure that we have um people that are educated in that area it's an important piece and is a sensitive area as well so I I'll second the motion where um those individuals be appointed and we have to do a um pro chair Pro time chair and I would probably like to have maybe Miss nightly be the protm chair do you need a motion for that yeah we would need a motion for her to well we can finish this one first to a point and then do the pro time chair afterwards so any further discussion on the members of the task force all in favor I I all right now I'll take the motion for S I'll make another motion that Susan nightly be the PRM chair for the opioid committee T Force task force I'm sorry no second the motion any further discussion all in favor I all right and that brings us to 5 well six o' right now it just turned so um just with regards that I think in the future we should probably talk to people before we going to appoint them and see if they want support it seems like we're kind of doing that we were going to do that but then reaching out and getting people to come to answer I think was his was our thinking so this way they can decline if they don't want it at least it we get a verbal commitment or agreement to it because now we just appointed people to it that may not want to be part of it I think sometimes just if we get a you know okay a verbal commitment yes I am interested yes I'd like to be on the committee I mean the names you you read off I can't imagine anyone would want to be part of it so they also they all have a invested interest in it yeah all right take choice thank you y thank you thank you thank you CH good to see you my name is j Joy I live at 18 Jennifer drive here in grany and I was asked by Ray Moret to come in but look like he's already spoken which I had no idea about but basically it's about the wine housee in its current operation back in September of 2020 Jim trony bought the wine house from the Fitzpatrick F on the Fitzpatrick deed and on Jim try's deed there's a statement that points out that no business service or industry is conducted there from or therein it's stated right on the deed it's still there today if you to go to the Massachusetts Internal Revenue Service is listed as a residential single family house if you go to the town assessor's office it's registered as a single family resident house and if you go to the tax collector it's also listed as a signal family resident house uh just so people don't know uh I'll just move on here little on the winded The Wine House is openly operating illegally because if you read the special permit that they and I know having served on the been elected and served on the um planning board and I was elected and served on the uh select board few years ago now because I've been out sick for a while and a special permit it never expires unless it's not utilized and and that thing has a special permit on it that specifically says that provided that no business service or industry is conducted there from on a building of a th000 ft in area and the building in question that The Wine House is using is the same building that the special permit was pulled on so it's no different of a building it's still got it on it and it can't be used for industry or business that was the specification when it was put up now the wiehoff house is operating a pouring and tap room out of that original storage and Equipment building which is a violation of the special permit in the meantime they've obtained a wine pouring license a wine house common vict license a bear license and an entertainment license those according to gry zoning bylaws for residential are not authorized and nobody can change a bylaw except some cases the board of help but we're trapping the uh zoning right now in in the bottom line of the whole thing the permit should never have been issued in the first place but I think it was a lack of understanding on the select board that didn't know this information now this information has come to light and I have it out here in my bag it's either in the computer or document written documentation if some wants to see it but I don't think you really want to go through all that tonight so I'll just give you the highlights if you want me to come back I'll come back that's up to you the licenses For The Wine House are coming up I know when I was on the select board we used to address them on the first Monday in December for the next calendar year so that's getting close when we pointed that out to Jim trony it took about a month he came back well I'm a farm I'm not a business no more I'm a farm if you look at the uh Massachusetts General Law chapter 48 Section 3 he's not a farm if you talk to the again Massachusetts internal um Revenue Service the gramby tax assessor's office and the gramby uh assessor's office is not a farm he's never applied for a farm or anything and the current status of it is it doesn't meet the criteria of the Massachusetts General L one of the major things under what he's quoting 48 Section 3 it says the minimum of 25% of the product produced on the grounds of The Wine House has to be from that land and it also says in grany bylaws the next 25% has to come from grany but if you read the state it says it come from can come from Massachusetts then the rest of the uh stuff that's sold there can uh be be come from somewhere else in Massachusetts so with that being said if you look at the 27th September Town reminder they clearly state in an interview they have no grapes the plants they have out front are for appetizing and decorations I know when they came before you cuz I have in my pocket a copy of all the videotapes when they came from you before you were all misled you were told that uh they were going to grow hops they were going to grow this they were going to brew the beer they're going to do all this stuff and you issue them the license but if you look what is going on he's getting his uh stuff for the grapes from the California vineyards not from his own land Additionally the beer that he's got is coming from the drunken rabbit they make deliveries there to him on there so again on his interview with you people and I think Glenn you're one of the ones that asked him you do on your own Hops and doing your own brewing and he told you yes I think but if you go back and look at the video that's what he said but actually he's not even doing that the the biggest problem the people over there have is the noise he has bands there any day of the week any time of the day I know when I watched you people being addressed by him that he stated on certain days and certain hours he was going to do this but if you look at the permits that were issued to him there were no restrictions so if you're going to issue permits in the future I highly recommend you put those restrictions you agree upon on that license or permit before you guys sign it because he's going full bore out there and there are is one uh of the uh dates that says that he'll come in and get permits for entertainment I checked with the uh building inspector on all his permits and I got listen all he's never got a permit he just comes in and does what he wants when what he wants I know there's people here that have contact with him together myself with my health I haven't had any contact in fact I live in a bubble I haven't gone anywhere in four years really so when these people asked me to do this I told them I do it because actually Ra's health is worse than mine so I told him i' do it for him when we call the police to make a complaint on disturbing the peace at first they wouldn't even come out we got comments like he's a business leave him alone get used to it and there was another one that I forget because I I don't want to give out here said the people behind me can give you the exact wording because I wasn't there now the gry zoning bylaw noise complaint was filed on May the 18th of 2024 The Building Commissioner issued a cease and desist order on June the 25th of 2024 Mr try was off at a zba hearing to see if the zoning enforcement officer did any wrong he declined it and that's where he's supposed to go then on the 27th of 24th of July the group submitted another request to uh Daman to find out what the status was because the time limit for Jim Cy's appealing to the zba had lapsed and we wanted to know what was going on so as I stated before the select board has no authority to overrule Town bylaws if you want a bylaw changed you write an article you go to town meeting whether you want to create a new one you want to delete one or you want to amend one present it to the people after you get approval from the audit room and vote on it unfortunately I think you three were misled not count you davee because you weren't here at the time obviously but I'm learning about it right but I'm just trying to be honest yep go right ahead yep if you're going to be misled you got problems so whether you want to do your own homework or you want to back up and have other people do it for you because you do have a staff or you when you get uh given these documents you can ask specific questions to the people they give them to you did you meet this does this violate any Town bylaws ask them the question up front if they give you the wrong answer well they just blew it on themselves you got to be honest with it okay I know there's citizens behind me that are witnesses as I explain I'm not really much of a witness because I say I live in a bubble and I don't go down there you want to hear from any of the Witnesses on exactly what happened at different times I believe um Ry Moret has come in previously and has voiced concern and I know also a couple other faces in the crowd have voiced their concern so if they don't have anything in addition than what you said because what they told me and again all I know is what I can see on gcam video this is their third time they've come before this board but this is the first time it was taped so a lot of people out there in the town of ramby know nothing about this so I'll ask you again I don't know if these people if you when Crystal you made your comment are they going to repeat what they said on one of those other two meetings or they got something new I can't answer that so did any of you have anything to say you're all done no okay back up some what he said okay well do you have any questions for me I don't have any questions I I don't have any questions I mean as a board the the town has taken action so I I I'll leave it at that so uh we have taken steps well we would like to know when this is going to resolve because the new licenses are coming up very shortly so Jay all I can say to you is that we have talked to special Town Council we have listened to our choices and our options and we're taking the necessary steps that we can take okay I can't reveal anything else to you because that is it's not executive session not in the public yet I understand that so we have heard all of your concerns and we're doing our best to um do what we can would you like any information that I summarize on this sheet as far as evidence or anything like that do be supplied to you I do believe you sent me an email Jay and I did forward that to special town counsil so that he has the information as well well I know I gave everything to Daman Cody okay and he told me he was foring foring everything special Town Council okay but I didn't know by writing this that there's something you may have not seen or something that I could get for you to help you make a decision that's that's what I'm trying to say I think as as Crystal noted Jay that we have followed up with our special talent Council on this and we'll be taking direction from him so we can expect an answer probably in the month of December when the licenses are addressed is that what is what you're saying well we can't reveal what we're going to do right I'm not asking I'm just I'm just saying if he gets new licenses then the Attorney General gets involved we've already talked to them okay for the simple reason is he had no authority to issue those licenses and we don't want to do that we don't all of us love grany and we don't want to put out gry's dirty laundry out there so we would prefer to resolve it here in our own town in our own time but if it can't get resolved then the people that live around there is about 40 families that sign in the original thing are going to have to do what they're going to do and and Jay the message is is L and clear okay um but as crystal said too yeah uh we reached out to our special Town Council we'll take the direction from them just like as you said uh the town is very important to us y we need to make sure that we take the appropriate and right actions for the town so that's that's why I a special Town Council well okay so do you know are you going to do the first Monday in December to traditionally do do your licenses or that's all to be determined right now um it's to be determined because we also we have an interim Town Administrator right now he did retire oh and he's here helping us until we can find a replacement okay so um we'll have to see what's on the agenda when it comes up to that but I we do know they expire the 30th or the 31st 31st of December y so that's why traditionally when I was on the board we used to do them your meetings are traditionally the first and third Mondays of the month and we used to do the licenses on the first Monday of the month they gave Kathy time to mail them out and people to get them in time so they can open up on one July if everything goes smoothly that's probably what we're going to do but I can't say for sure okay we are a little under staffed right now well I I understand that and I wish I could help but I I I can't I can't okay I'll get out of your way thank you Jay thank you thank you Jay appreciate it yep thank you J oh you guys are open all right Chris before I move on to departmental reports do you have um anything else from correspondence that you want to no just point no okay all right so we will go move on next but before this it's not it's not correspondence okay but there is two items okay uh first one is we did have a full-time police officer resign from the police department okay um does this is the board willing to accept that individual's resignation and then authorize the police chief to advertise the vacant position and move forward with convening the uh selection police advisory Council to interview candidates for filling that they can yeah I think that's the next thing to do I agree we have fill a position and she has resigned so motion to accept your resignation is what we're doing yeah please I will make a motion to accept the resignation of Kendall Hill Hill from the police department I'll second the motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor thank you and the other item is is actually there's two items first one is and they both re re revolve around dispatch uh police chief and I have been talking a little bit about uh investigating uh Regional dispatch um and we'd like permission from the board to send a letter of interest out to the state to conduct a study to see if Regional dispatch would be a viable option for the town to approach um part of that is is they'll go out they'll do the study they'll give us a cost analysis they'll go through and do everything but it's just a preliminary it's not that we're committing to Regional dispatch we just want a study conduct it okay is there a cost for the study zero okay okay it's just that uh we see it coming down the pike at some point that every Community cannot have its own Dispatch Center however we want to be for warned and forearmed for when that comes down the pike um that the board will have information to make an informed decision as to how they wish to proceed the other thing we talked about was and part of it has to deal with one of the items on the agenda for discussion is we have four full-time dispatchers we will have we currently have one vacant POS dispatch position every week because we don't have enough man hours to fill it we'd like to proceed with looking at hiring a part-time dispatcher to fill that position and to assist in potentially being able to fill other shifts when people need to take personal time off right now the the back fill is the police officer right yes overtime shift overtime shift and chief is still here if you want because him and I talked and we feel that that would be the better way to avoid some issues we've had in the past with filling a vacant shift and that it's a just a way to move forward to trying make that department operate a little more efficiently I I I would agree just based on some of the the conversations we've had in the recent past with with the chief in regards to it and part staff and it makes sense that you you know you're paying a uh someone a police officer overtime or someone else who in overtime was dispatched meaning it pay someone at regular rate MH so okay do you need a mo for that this I I would just like permission for us to at least put fers out to see if we can hire does it affect the current conditions of employment now if you because you're using officers now A dispatch so right no this just the ship bids are twice a year so this is the time of year that we could possibly see if we find somebody and then I can should the I can shift around a little bit okay so you would just push them into another wall and there would be enough in the budget to cover a parttime dispat okay you're paying overtime now yeah so yeah I didn't know if they were locked on the line item though like I didn't know if he was locked on the line item where you have a certain amount for overtime and a certain amount for part-time so I didn't know if that was locked in on that line item no okay okay yeah I think it's a great idea I agree thank you and that's it for now all right so I to honor um the Union's time can we move seven up yeah okay so why don't we move seven up for the IB local 321 contract to approve and sign the amendment and the reason this amendment was developed is that there has been issues as you all know the the Union Local was in front of the board regarding another agreement regarding awarding shifts M and as part of the discussions we talked about and it revolved a lot around dispatch shifts and that one shift I believe it's Saturday morning Saturday shift that that doesn't have a dispatcher assigned to it and it seems that it's being classified as a patrol shift and not a dispatch shift so in order to avoid AG grievance eventually coming to the board of Selectmen uh the chief and I met with representatives from the union and developed a language in that amendment that basically says that if there is a shift without a dispatcher assigned to it that the dispatch shift should be filled with dispatchers first and then if no dispatchers want it then we move and start uh filling it with officers I believe Jim tell me was here yes and am I I'm correct in how I stated that right it's got yeah I I guess the yeah can you come up to the mic sorry sorry no that's okay that's okay thank thank you good evening um what we were saying was when we explained this when we all sat down and talked about it was was um when it was being referred to as a patrol shift it was being given to a non-union member before it was offered to the dispatchers what we're saying is is that it has to be offered to the union people first meaning Patrol in dispatch in the contract it goes back and forth year to year one year is the year of the officer one year is the year of the dispatcher meaning that the overtime is offered to them first in that given year what this wording does is it just guarantees that if there is that opening on Saturday morning in that dispatch spot that it doesn't get offered to the policeman and then a nonunion member before it gets offered to dispatch also so so this wording actually just kind of sums up that it goes to a union member first before it goes to a non-union member which means Patrol and dispatch depending on their year get offered the job before won't change exactly no nothing changes with that it will still go back and forth between Patrol and dispatch but it would always be offered to both those groups before it goes outside the group that's good it applies to all shifts not just Saturday right yeah yeah yeah the Saturday shift was just the shift that we started talking about but yes so do you want to make a motion and read read it and then I would like you to read it y uh take your vote on it and if you approve it please sign the document this agreement is to amend the language in the ibpo local 32 one contract by inserting the following language in article 7 hours of work section two in the event that there excuse me in the event that there is no dispatcher assigned or working a shift days evenings or nights the vacant position or shift will be offered to dispatchers prior to any nonunion employees a non-union employee will only be El ible for shifts after all eligible ibpo local 321 members have refused the shift is that correct I will make a motion to accept the amendment as written for the local 321 IB I'll second the motion any further discussion Chris Town Council has Town Council looked at it labor Council looked at Labor Council has yes no issues no thanks all in favor oh there you go Youk you the new legal thank you I think I think the new legal one is blue it's blue to the other offs blue always because when you sign you can tell copy but you can tell it's not cop I have I sign in Black Ink it's you can tell noway from copies anyway just a little feelings you guys need a pen got one this is going to be it's got the grooves in it so might mess up your signature you want use that as cushion gotta I'm that's an easy signature thank you thank you thank you have a good night thank you gentlemen leave these there because that's be new business after our um all right so next is to accept departmental reports I will make a motion to accept departmental reports as submitted I'll second the motion any further discussion V is session there was um 1 minutes from Jeremy carrier building maintenance on October 21 2024 I think he meant to say a pressure sensor um so that was just an edit so Chris if we can just have him change that and then next time so this one stays out right or you you're can approve it with the change with the change and then we can just make sure we put it in there so you can verify that the change was Tak perfect so that was the only thing I saw lot of happenings was a book it was a novel it was it's been a few weeks too so so um all in favor I I I and I didn't know if this is something that the board would be interested in but I know we haven't had the meeting for a while because we had the special town meeting so we haven't had a regular meeting is there if the board members agree do you guys like these are supposed to be weekly reports and we haven't gotten them for almost a month so is there well we haven't gotten these in until we we get them right before our meeting right so but if they're supposed to be weekly reports and we're supposed to be knowing what's happening in town we're getting them three weeks sometimes later depending on when our meeting is so I don't know how the other board members feel but I would like to get these weekly if possible um or maybe yeah they can be forwardable to you okay by email I don't know how you guys feel it just I was read Emil I mean do yeah when they board them it's easier to keep on on track of it do you want them sent to us from when they sent them the Kathy yeah so when we're not waiting for Kathy to for to us we get directly from them you want you want you includeed in the email stream yes I mean we actually know a day was sent okay oh I could do that I didn't know whatever's easier for um well I guess just one last step for her to worry about getting everybody theing to us that's true yeah they can add us toist some of them don't send it by email oh they bring them to you okay those you'd have to yes Kathy I guess Kathy whatever would be easiest for you if you want to keep it all in that one email and that's like the departmental reports or if you want them to send it to us either way make it easier when we don't have a meeting for a while we don't have a as much reading all right approve and sign maintenance warrants well hang on a sec yep why can't they each department sent them to us by email they don't when they come in and drop off their bills or payroll that's when they hand it to I understand that but why can't we require him to send it to us they're typing it out it's just a matter of attaching it and sending it I'm just trying to save you a step Kathy and it get to us sooner it's the same step day I just put them in when I get them I copy of them put aside for you and then I save it in my pile for stuff so I can just as soon as I get it just automatically send it to your I'm just I'm I'm fine either way I just making suggestions that's all sometimes they'll forget so I'll just okay don't upset the apple CT please sometimes that's my job all right so approve and sign maintenance warrant is next got a lot it's part of our book okay I will make a motion town of grany Warrant number 23 fiscal year 202 five pay and the amount of 474 excuse me wrong number $482,500 77 I'll second motion and this was a payroll warrant just to uh be clear and I will abstain from the teachers and the select board salary any further discussion no discussion all in favor I I Dave and I have vote and necessity for the select board salaries person you welcome make a motion town of gry authorized for payment warrant number 24 dated 10124 for fiscal year 25 and the sum of 124 $ 4,648 26 I'll second the motion any further discussion all in favor I I make a motion to gravy authorized for payment warrant number 25s dated 10:18 2024 for fiscal year 25 in the sum of $23,995 993 I'll second the motion any further discussion all in favor I make a motion the town of gry authorized for payment warrant number 25 dated 10:18 2024 with a total dispersement for Warrant 25 and is $250,500 199 S no second motion any further discussion all in favor I sorry I will make a motion the town of Grandy warrant number 26 payroll account summary dated 10:23 2024 for fiscal year 25 I'll second the motion got sorry thinkk tell it's the last page on the V looking for it in the sum of 48 4, 91359 I'll second the motion any further discussion I will abstain from teacher and SL port to all in favor I and David a necessity for to select board agreed thank you it's a lot yeah there are it's been a while since we met after three right CU we had the tell I will make a motion to town of grany authorized for payment warrant number 27 dated 1025 2024 with a total dispersement for Warrant 27 of $397,900 hi hi thank you 27 y thank you just double check I will make a motion the town of gramy authorized for payment warrant number 28 dated 111 2024 total dispersement for Warrant 281 15,373 12 for fiscal year 25 now second the motion any further discussion discussion I just had a question about um attorney August was he able to do the cable contract CU I know that was in our correspondence and it's coming up or it's nearing the end yes it is nearing the end uh okay he did send a reminder out to the Comcast representative that it is coming to a close or getting close to expired and asked her to uh please expedite her review of ouros okay so he's already done the proposal it's in their court now basic it's in their Court waiting for her to comment and uh get back to us okay thank you right all in favor I [Music] I'll make a motion the town of gramby authorized for payment warrant number 28s dated 111 2024 fiscal year 25 for a total dispersement on 28s for 13,656 85 I'll second the motion any further discussion all in favor I thank you I will make a motion for payroll account summary gr uh town of gramy pay a gry warrant number 29 dated 115 2024 for fiscal year 25 and the sum of 48413 258 I'll second the motion any further discussion and I will abstain from teacher and spect board salaries all in favor Bye by again David I will vote on necessity for the SE Gent Chris is warrant 30 not in here H warrant 30 is not in here I had a copy of it in my paperwork and was in Kathy must have it up top oh okay actually I have too yeah I have to ask Kathy okay so you want to just move on don't don't worry about it okay we'll just do it yeah because we have a meeting on Monday so just save save this for Monday's meeting y that's a lot of M there good all right next on the agenda is to approve minutes which we do have one I will make a motion to accept the Grammy select board at Town minutes or uh excuse me meeting minutes from September 9th 2024 I'll second the motion any further discussion discussion all in favor by hi yeah you just sign bot and if you want you can date in thank you about minutes because I thought I saw something else in the that she gave us for the minutes yeah mistaken no I only saw these minutes but we do have two that I'm almost um that we're almost done doing and I know Glen you had one that you were going to look back at the video on yes I got to remember the date of it though Kathy would know it okay all right there a long one yeah it was I think that was our 4our one yeah yeah all right next is Building Commissioner correspondence fees and bylaws so we do have two from him Chris which one do you do you want to look at the fees first or the bylaws first want you do the bylaws first okay so is this something that the planning board is doing right now though currently with Ken comium don't know but I would like to uh if the board is willing to entertain those proposed changes that we forward it to the planning board for their consideration and answer back to the select do you want me to read out loud for the people at home or you can or just do a synopsis so according to Mass General Law related to accessory dwelling units um there's a change in the law that will be mandatory across the state in February of 2025 currently communities are asked to amend their local laws to conform to the state legislation and reasonably regulate if so desired so if the community does nothing the law is in effect as it is I suggest we start this process of a bylaw Amendment so that any regulations the town votes to accept will be in place as soon as possible so the amendment that he's proposing is the Mass General law 40a Section 5 that was attached here so basically adopting a definition of what an accessory dwelling unit is so according to the Mass General law the ACT um will be that the accessory dwelling units are as UPR right for every city in town so they no longer would have to be part of the or Mass General law would supersede our bylaw right yes corre so the new definition would remove the ability of cities and towns to impose owner occupancy requirements on adus or their personal dwellings affirm the ability of municipalities to regulate or prohibit short term rental of adus and clarifies that the square footage reference and the definition applies to gross floor area but I don't actually see the definition Chris definition section s yeah so it says in section seven but SE section seven of the ACT replaces the definition of accessory dwelling unit found in general law 48 okay specifically the act of those three classifications is how I understand that will we need to change this in bylaw Chris I think right now it's a special permit right if they want one but inside our bylaw we have a definition of accessory dwelling unit and we have to make it reflect what the state says is you do I mean it makes sense Chris we have to follow Mass General law and it's going to go into effect them you said in February of 2025 yes so basically what what um Section 8 of chapter 150 of the acts of 2024 y it's basically amending the definition of an accessory dwelling unit because the current section 1A of chapter 48 uh it's amending it to clarify that the maximum size of an Adu is no more than half of the gross floor area of the principal dwelling or 900 square ft whichever is smaller okay the definition is also amended to prohibit owner occupancy require requirements and unreasonable unreasonably restricting the creation or rental of an Adu that is not being used as a short-term rental as that term is defined in room occupany excise law section one of chapter 64g so I think they just have to make sure we check our bi laws and that we have these new definitions incorporated into our bylaws so as um I was asking you Chris this would go to the planning board yes okay so if the board agrees with these changes at The Building Commissioner is requesting we should forward them to the planning board for their consideration for so he also wants us to adopt a definition for storage in general yes so that's something that he wants to do at a later time because it says that he can um meet for it yeah I would say I would say send them all to the planning board okay and let them decide if they wish to delay on one of them because it sounds like both of them are going to go into effect in February right but okay but again we would have to schedule a town meeting before February right to be able to have it be effective in the town of Bry bws do you know how their progress is with their um updating the bylaws where Ken comio is going no I I haven't had any conversations with them okay just wasn't sure what their time frame was because I know they started working on on it cuz they got dlta funding for it right yes okay with a Mass General law superc our bylaws should yes so if it went into a court of law yes so when they get to when they get to it not the say but I I don't want to say it that way but I wouldn't rush to get it trying to figure get this done by February well there there is another thing that is propping up with the EPA regarding according regard in storm water bylaws we don't have a storm water bylaw on our books uh they are saying they're actually giving us some time to try and put one together we have one that was written about three years ago we just need to update it but we should bring that in front of town meeting too so I'm saying if we're going to do a special town meeting we can just do it regard bylaw changes only I going to say because we also have to revisit the dog dog byw since it got we'll have to have another B here February second righty around the corner I know it is with holidays and everything stuff ERS that's what I'm saying we can act on it but I wouldn't say we have to get in there before February 2nd that's that's fine with me I'll be gone by then so that's okay the last conversation that I had with Damian he stated that the Mass General Li is going to go to effect and then people will be able to do what they want to do with adus regardless well but only according to the Mass General law they can't go correct but but he from what I understood he said that they that would supersede the B yeah so right well any Mass General law sued so so we just have make changes to ours and adopt it right but like what saying like if February is right around the corner agreed no matter what the Mass General law is going to supersede it so we don't have to spend $5,000 to have a special town meeting unless we have enough to put into that meeting well I I want to have everything all the all the necessary changes to the bylaws if that's going to be the case forward instead of peac mailing it and yeah so doing in June so yes I agree Chris I think we should send this to the planning board and see what progress they can make before February yeah you guys agree yeah all right Chris permit fees is this just like what it's costs everywhere else filing fees and everything or the it's just every now and then the Building Commissioner comes in with proposed changes to a fee schedule a lot of times the board will have the commissioner come in front of the board and justify if there's a large increase does he have the current one listed there and yeah he has what he wants what it's now and then what he wants to change it to one of them is cheaper by $75 no it's not it says decrease in temporary structures from 150 to 75 but it's for 30 days right but they're not going to have the temp oh so it was 150 for the temporary structure for however long they want it up right so there's no deadline for a temporary structure really well depend on what the perent says so the perit exually within a year you have to finished the build no what it is is currently we only charge a flat rate of $150 for a temporary structure what he's recommending is it be $75 every 30 days so if you're a private venue who has this pent top if you have a temporary structure up for 60 days it'll be 150 it's up 90 days it'll be 225 okay that's what he's talking about there instead of a flat fee when he says number four to combine multif family residential fees with commercial is it right now the same price anyways is that why they he didn't put the cost there because I don't know I don't think we I don't think we we differentiate in our fee schedule between multif family residential versus commercial okay I think we just say residential and Commercial okay so I think what he wants to do is include the category of multifam basically as a commercial Venture what why I guess why do you L increase the the fees why yeah why well um they require like you says requires two inspections on that one uh it's the certificate of occupany he wants to remove the $50 fee because it should be part of the B building permit process so that makes sense but that's why the board usually requests the commissioner to be on site or come to a meeting and explain the need I I understand understand where you're coming from Glenn I know in the past we the board has denied because it wasn't a good enough reason given because sometimes the reason is well this is what they charge in the area and I want to make our fees competitive with everybody else's um he he did make reference to that on another page so the issue is is I think Glen wants to know the fiscal need to increase the fee versus just charges that doesn't mean that's a reason for it right but I'm just saying instead of just we want to match what the surround the community distri do so if we want we can table the fee portion to another meeting and have him come and talk to the board the need to increase do we have a lot on the schedule from Monday don't know I don't think so do you want to see if he can come Monday we can try I think the only thing I think what we may have is uh the library yep uh vacancy and I don't know if the school vacancy is going to be available at that point so you have those two items and depending upon if there's multiple candidates it could take a long time because if you want to ask questions of the various candidates we didn't give them a time right for the those two yet no so do you want to do 5:31 yeah we can do him at 531 and then uh move on to the other items at that point I think that's the best idea that way we can answer questions I mean some of them he gives us reasons which makes sense but some of them there's I think we just need more context as to why no and I I agree but to me the explanation well that's what other other areas are charging that's not explanation and we go the other route when people come in for contracts for Union things they will other areas are are paying their people this why AR we paying it's it's just because someone else is charging that is paying that doesn't mean it's right the right fit for gry I think that's a good idea Chris all right you guys happy with that come on Monday at 5:31 all right so approve and sign green communities annual report for fiscal year 2024 that should be in the new business I printed a copy out just in case if you okay need a copy of the song so Chris I did receive an email that we were down on our usage by 20% yep and they wanted to invite us to a ceremony for it or I don't know if you would call it a ceremony but a meeting where we get recognized as a town I'm working I can I only have so many personal days you guys and I'm taking it for a senior luncheon you're explain to us yeah so I don't know if either of you would like to go I think it's but Friday after Thanksgiving was it I think it might be yeah I think it was the Friday 29th with November I can actually look real quick too I it would be the Friday Thanksgiving Yeah but I here it is man it's hard for me to commit to that what are we looking to fil no they invited I'm just looking for the date so that I can just verified that it was the Friday after Thanksgiving I don't know if they called it a summit right Chris or something to that effect let me I'll after Thanksgiving energy yeah uh it was sent it's say uh actually no it's uh a green Community Summit on November 22nd 201 24 I definitely can't do that one before they're inviting us to uh for Success at reducing mpal energy use by 20% since our Baseline and basically they're asking to come for a lunch and they will you'll be recognized as doing your part in reducing energy usage and it's in Devon's Mass from 12:30 to 2 p.m. I will definitely not be able to do that have have a medical procedure that's happening on that day and Devon's mass is an hour and a half away an hour and a half hour 40 yeah stay an hour it's just outside of lonster it's on the other side of lonster it's an hour and a half travel the MK bike lately I don't do the MK bike I do I do two route two it's about an hour two right I would go that way route two is about an hour because devans is right off for route two right yeah I definitely can't do it I'm sorry I cannot either what's s Cathy what' you say I'll be in for wedding sorry no The wedding will be over by then won no I mean we we should definitely you know send them a letter saying thank you for the invitation how our schedules have conflicts that we can't no one from the town could attend thank you for recognition huh I will I'll send it tomorrow okay good idea CL all right affirm appointments for Charter days uh are you going to approve the annual report oh yes oh my gosh yes we were talking about the meeting instead yep sorry so Green communi annual report summary fiscal year 2024 date of annual report preparation was 115 2024 prepared by Derek strand uh his title is senior planner green Community Information municipality grany Baseline fiscal year 2011 that's your motion I will make a motion to accept I'll second the motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I I who is going to be signing it no how many lines is there is there only one one one I will make a motion that chairperson Crystal duin sign for the Green community I'll second that motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I and I have to get that back to him a lat I think in the 15th yeah it's do on 15 so for the title Chris can I just write chair am I supposed to write chair select board just write chair all right so now we can move on to appoint affirm appointments for Charter days is Martin still on it because I thought he got um Brian killan declined right and then Martin La Liberty also declined so there should be a list of other members there that has to be on the committee okay so the rest of the names I assume would be res there separ list so when you read the appointments you would just say that you make a motion to appoint whoever the person is and with the term expiring on June 30th 2025 Char yeah they should have the names right there yeah no these are the ones that are currently on there I'm but these ones are the ones sorry yeah so these ones are the ones that declined Y and the other ones do want to be on it yeah that's where I'm confused my apologies so those are the new the new members okay I will make a motion to accept the new members for gry Charter days and just read their names y uh Randy Goin Kim Kibby Stacy lombardino Glen Durham Jonathan simonic Susan nightly Bev saborin and Steve saborin okay and can I make a suggestion that Mr Durham be named chairman protm so we have someone to be able to call a meeting so just I'll make a motion glad we'll finish this we do it all in one so I'll continue the motion to um appoint Glenn Durham the protemp for commun protm chair for communications with Chris and regards to Grammy charted I'll second the motion any further discussion how many members is that one two three four five six seven seven so far those are all the new ones I think you have a I think it's I think we come to like 11: but they can be members just non voting members so we would have to they would have to whoever the chair is would have to figure out 15 names total and these these were names from last year those are names from this year okay so so we'll see how many 15 total yeah 15 total between last year and currently so so I'm sorry you second in the motion any further discussion 15 members no I don't know how long I'll stay out yeah well and I did um I did offer to go to their first meeting and Glenn can reach out to me with any questions um just help them get it started and tell them I'll definitely volunteer for some things I just don't know if I can commit I know it's just so many things going right now no I agree all right so all in favor hi Hi and then also to make a motion for Chris to sign on behalf of the select board right or you automatically do that anyways right okay so we don't have to sign anything no so they all know they need to go and be a point that that'll be when Kathy sends them the card letter in the appointment certificate we did that okay so discuss discussion sorry and approval for veteran's District Services uh our current veteran services officer has indicated that he is looking at retiring from the position um I was contacted by the uh veteran services uh for the city of Northampton and the towns of ammer Chester Chesterfield comington Hadley Hatfield Huntington pelum Middlefield Williamsburg Goan and Worthington asking if we would be interested in joining their Consortium for the provision of veteran services for the town's uh veterans um the cost for if the town agrees our assessment to the end of fiscal year 2025 would be about $220,000 we do have that in the budget if we so desire and I'm just asking the board if that we want to enter into a group veteran Services Agency like we were before when we belonged with the South Hadley and East Hampton would they be giving any hours like having anything on site there will be hours on site and I'm under the understanding that one of the people in their office actually lives in grandv so it would make it nice to have a local person available what are the hours now Chris like would what are the hours now would they be getting the same service that we're getting now or would it be okay I think it'd be about the I think it what would end up being there's a phone number they can call to make individual appointments but there will be a set set of office hours where someone will be here that they can come and talk to what they still desire what is the yearly cost well the yearly cost because I don't have the budget we would and because they base the share the assessment share based upon population size based upon our population with the other communities that currently are members of this group we would be 8% of the budget 8.22% of the budget so that could be see the current fee is uh 3 current operating budget is 359,000 so 10% is 35,000 right and we're paying we budget 33,000 for services now so uh plus the fact is is we don't have to keep trying to find somebody um you belong to the to the group The District and it's much easier to be able to continue providing services oh it's a bigger Network yes Services as well far as you know having people that can contact and things like that so yes because I think since John ' Conor has left I think we've gone through four agents so you know it's just uh sometimes it gets harder and harder they they want to come in and they want to do it out of the goodness of their heart and trying to take care of the veterans but then they find out that sometimes it's a little more daunting than what they expected it to be it's time consuming you need the time yeah so so if you don't have a problem I'll get in touch with the district if the board approves it and let them know that yes we are interested in joining and what's the name of the district Chris for that I know it was in veteran Services Agency you started off with Northampton so I don't know it's through it's called the veteran services intermunicipal agreement intermunicipal agreement okay um that email oh is this in here okay okay I don't think they really give them El a name well veteran services intermunicipal agreement is fine and then it has all the towns listed underneath it oh they're called the central Hampshire veteran services District central Hampshire Veterans Services District J know it wasn't in the email if you want me look it I know I know who they are that stop all right so do do you need a motion for that please I will make a motion sorry I will make a motion to allow Chris to reach out to the veteran services intermunicipal Central Hampshire excuse the central Hampshire County veteran services District thank you I will make a motion for Central Hampshire vet services district for Chris to reach out to them to possibly join their group I'll second the motion any further discussion do we know when um Dave mosa is going to be leaving yes no he hasn't really indicated stay on until we can find a replacement okay yes okay all right PA in favor I all right last one on new business is Parks Department that was the board discussion so I know um I'm Jim petus thank you had come in and talked to us about it and I know we kind of tabled it until we had somewhere to put them because we don't have don't have anywhere to put them and they're not in the budget yet so I think while it's budget season we need to keep this on our radar and see if this is something that we can fund and then what at I guess my thing was too is they made it very clear that GAA is staying so what what would be the parks Department's responsibility and I know we talked about this before a little bit more but um well I think it's instead of having we used have a oversight committee fit of parks so this would be in place of that it would be in place of that we'd have someone that would basically the the parks department would be a department that's all and you'd have someone responsible for things that have take place to the parks upkeep is being done so that doesn't fall under Jeremy currently well right now he maintains them he maintains right now right so essentially it's already he's already kind of in that position more or less to well he's considered public buildings maintenance but he is doing all the mowing right all over the place I mean I mean and there's things that we can look at too as far as you know with Jeremy too and we decide what his responsibilities are so we can you know add that to his responsibilities but also look at uh giving him another staff member but also he only has one supervisor what's that he should only have one supervisor who Jeremy the you only would have one supervisor he only would have one supervisor well what happens sometimes is when there when someone becomes a department head and they it's said that Jeremy is maintaining the parks they will then feel that they can direct him as to what he needs to do continually where who would feel that they could we run into that we have a parks department they will we've run into that when when we had shared services with the school we found that it didn't work out that well because supposedly the position was supposed to report to the superintendent of schools and myself but it ended up being the principles were always out there trying to tell them what to do then the business manager was trying to tell them what to do then you know what I'm saying it's just it snowballs everybody says well it's my building I have the right to tell them what I want done no it has to be in place that the supervisor is the Town Administrator and if they want things done they inform the Town Administrator or we go through a work order system type of thing makes sense to me okay but that would have to be spelled out if you create this department because we ran into problems in the past where former members of The Parks oversight committee felt they could call up Jeremy and tell him what he need what to do at that Park and when to do it I mean I mean it's it's easy enough for us to put a protocol in place right but I'm just saying is we just have to keep that in the back of the minds because people think that once they become in charge of the parks that they have the right to tell people what to do and when to do it okay not considering that they have other job responsibilities too that's all I'm saying I'm just trying to put that out there well no one has the right to tell the town employee what to do oh they do though well but they don't but but to my point is that they work for the town and they take the directives from the supervisor who works for the town so you know someone wants something done and it's redirect them to your point Chris is that you need to speak to the Town Administrator if you want me to do something that created a lot of friction in the past I'm just saying it creates friction I I get it but without you know protocols in place and and things to do stuff then you know we can't let we can't let chaos happen and and we cannot do something because we're worried about what may happen people people need to follow our policy and our protocol to what we want to do so and I agree but there has to be known up front that's what the protocol is I I think you gave a great example there's a work order you want something done you submit a work order that's easy enough to create something like that MH okay I'm just but I'm just for warning that's all it's just that and I think we need more information on what the salary would be for this person what the budget would be for this person like I think we need more and right now like you said Jeremy is maintaining the properties right so but I would like to incorporate this into Jeremy's responsibilities okay and give Jeremy another person instead of us creating a another department and the department head which would probably cost additional money where we already have someone in place where we can give Jeremy the responsibility over the oversight overseeing the parts but also give him another uh person under his direction to to accomplish a lot of things that that may come along with that well yeah because I'm just thinking of programs and stuff like that I don't know how much Jeremy knows about um starting programs he would he wouldn't know about so we would need recreational programs right that's what I'm thinking of like if we do a summer program for kids we do that if we do this like it's are you just looking at a parks department to maintain the fields and equipment or a park and wreck department I thought it was a parks and wreck to develop Recreation programs like we used to run the summer yeah Camp up at D to my point is that you could have someone over we can have J oversee it and if we're going to hire someone we hire someone that can help with the task of those type of things for developing different types of recreation for children but also be able to do some of the other work that needs to be done as well because essentially Jeremy excuse sorry because essentially Jeremy is already the parks department for the most part he's maintaining everything yeah right so if you if then he were the goto person the supervisor whatever you would give him as a title then you would have to have somebody for a recreation which might be able to be a part-time position we used to have Parts uh we had the bo we had the um you elected there were three board members and then when I was on it in Charlotte um he got a position of a a director um which did not go well in the end it um because OFA not they the town people agreed to it because GA said they would be paid that that never happened and then when it came up to an override that was put on there and that's one of the things that left we don't Happ anymore and again the big thing was that uh because we the ones that did the brown house in the park and was very good and help me getting all that done but again it was one that went people said no we don't want it because GAA um was still in effect and so the only um part that we did do at that time was girl softball well I mean so again this is something that we're investing in for the town so why wouldn't we reach out to town maybe have some type of meeting and invite people you know we are considering um a position for a Parks and Recreation what are some of the things that we feel or they feel that we need to accomplish that I think Mr beus would have a lot of thoughts on maybe that but but some other people to be involved too so now we can we're we're not trying to create something on our own we're we're we're reaching out and getting information from people as to what they feel the need is for that and then we can kind of digest that and look at that and feel where we need to to go with it and then something else to throw into the mix is of course we approve the volunteer form MH so that kind of gets thrown into that mix too I would think because then they would be working under Jeremy essentially was volunteers oh but that volunteer thing is more like if they want to do something in the park they're asking for permission to do it correct but but there is over right yeah because that was kind of directly related to GAA Sports at Brown Ellison yep to help right so we're talking about it so how do we reach out to people we just put it on the agenda because not everyone's going to come so how do we spread the word out that we're looking for suggestion and help for the Parks and Rec Department well I think we look at putting it our agenda is one of the meetings and then we put it out previous to that we have gam here I said I can reach out to m Mr petus and I'm sure you can reach out to some other people that g we can reach out to G things like that that's I that's what we want we want the input from you know from the people that really they see what the involvement what they need is what is a good one for G he gets store out that way it gives us an idea what what services are needed and what people are looking for sure we can create a a job around that what the responsibilities would be we'll at that point so are we looking at a meeting in December January attention de summer Chris we're going to have a lot to fill in with the licenses and everything right so should we put it until after the New Year I think we do ask New Year because we have the Gravel Pit December four December as well yeah we're going have busy December we're going to have uh town minator things to that out too so I think we just put it off to want to put it off to the third or the second meeting in January that way we have a date sure so second meeting in January what there will be here to so everything slows down and works so Kathy if we put it on the agenda we can just put it as old or any other business and we'll just do tentative Jan the second meeting in January okay all right so to respect our town council's time um for old business are you guys okay with tabling that until Monday we only have another week before we meet again yes okay everyone agreed yep all right so we will now go into executive session 3 A- 21.5 to investigate charges of criminal misconduct or to consider the the filing of criminal complaints and only come out of session to end the regular meeting roll call vote du FR I leonti I sex and I thank you but