[Music] okay 535 29 board joint public hearing on Monday ail 29th 35m one Library Lane full Library top floor to consider the petition of Jeremy Point seeking a special permit on Section 6.2 and site plan approval section 6.3 of Z byous applicable of section three regulations 3.7.5 accessory uses regarding part par our state is exceeding 1200 S ft and an area to be located 7 chick Street Grandy Mass known as map 15-b d7.2 chair I'm just going to recuse myself from this yeah sure yeah so the planning board's obligation is approve the site provided board a special permit um the applicants I don't appear to be here um I know and I I'll turn to the board members um is that I certainly would going to he from the applicants before and the app are um and unless you feel otherwise because this is a large building and one of my concerns vo through is said it's for private use so I'm looking for feedback from Members I know I definitely would want act hear from the yeah to discuss the In fairness yeah so I don't know if our options is to reschedule if they don't show to de yes I would my preference would be and again I'll from my board members is to um continue um because it is um 50 by 60 building it looks nice it looks but I'm one of confirming what the uses are going to be and I would like to have the applicant umer review the uses that would be Mon and if the four agrees we can always reschedule continue the here I guess that would be the best war J that's is to continue yeah I mean I I'm juster Des they do Z conditions but In fairness but In fairness to Institute conditions I would want to um I think it would be good for the petitioner to be present yeah that's in in my opinion is only fair y than us to impose conditions without even speaking to the petitioner did they let us a few more minutes see they show yeah we could give them five or minutes or do you have other items on your agenda this evening did they let us know that they would be here they let us know that they were going to be here no they don't hello are you here for 7 CH Street here we go here we go we all going to be question answers okay good good afternoon oral evening I'm Kathleen Broner chair Theon board are here what we I know thank you for um presenting your materials um and all your attachments and what I would like to ask for you just to quickly review the building the building uses and then open up for the CBA members ask any questions it is a large building it's and um so if you guys are s Builder and obviously I could be building this thing out of wood but it's not really cost eff vertly to Steel so there's a couple different types of Steel Buildings there's like silver steel building there's so lightning steel there's like a red Iron building which probably didn't see any more commercial setting um and then there's like heavy iron so this would be like a red Iron building build so it's going to have you know a bunch of a frames that go across and it's earling connected together and then covered with sheet steel so the roof would be like a standing corated steel roof and then the side would be a steel um skin but because my wife wouldn't let me put that out or going to strap the whole thing and cover it with Rush on P so it's going to look like an old B so it'll have a black so you'll have steel frame covered Li steel frame steel walls and everything and then it'll just out and rough Sol things and then use engines to big toy box to be honest it's I got a 41t camper I got a 68 Shel I got three trsil main street o what's the name of the place to F you guys should know the best not that on the East Co um so that's why so I'm always you know building W integ having on the project was all personal but this is for personal use not business use no my business is there my point is I have welders and I'm always building something so you space do you get paid for the stuff that you do with that demand that's so that never were open for 15 days out of the entire year but that's that's know has nothing to do with build all Stu I have a commercial building there 20,000 commercial building okay excuse me on that one you're talking no I'm just saying that that's the kind of guy like when someone says they're gonna buy a h build a you know there's nothing in my house that I haven't built including the house well we just want to clarify that uh because of the location no business at that no business at that location that's how we want to clarify I'm a builder I your house not really much I s yeah it it just doesn't seem excessive for I know you say Car Guy Tinker with it you could do a rotisserie Frain walk construction rebuild an engine for that rotiss no I want to put four post LIF I put two post like I said I have three trucks two hot RS camper you pull FR M kind start like s my wife kick my wife everything questions just personal use personal use um I so uh could I ask for a propose a motion or ask for a motion from the zba propose a motion to accept with the St relation put in that this is for proud only no business may be conducted with do I have a second all in favor [Music] all okay appears to me it meets all the it's aate l so I don't believe it can SE from thead [Music] any questions now the application materials as you mentioned Mr chair um the where it's presented within the lot seems to be far away from any other property okay I'll I'll make a motion to approve second any further discussion no all those in favor I that's it right days we'll submit the paperwork tomorrow to the town hall um it is filed and recorded and U there's a 20-day waiting period once that's been filed and contact for follow okay good luck thank you thank you we're [Music] done so do we need to close I would close your session close our session so okay sorry we were ready to go have a motion to close motion close do I have a second are we all in favor all okay we're we're done sh