##VIDEO ID:yPgkf44nPsE## [Music] it is now 5:30 I will call the select board meeting to order on January 2nd if you can please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance One Nation indivisible andice for thank you right so all we have on the agenda not all but we on the agenda tonight is to interview the interim Fire Chief candidates so we are going to go in order um that we have in our packets here and I wanted to ask the other board members before we get started um after interviewing the candidates do you want them to stay or is this something that you because I know in the past when we've held these interviews we've always waited thought about our decision at the next select board meeting we made our decision yeah that's so is that fair to say to do that again all right so just want to be respectful of their time as well yes so the first one is gonna be Jeffrey and I apologize if I say this wrong is that ha ha Hai all right I was pretty close hello there how's it going how you doing pretty good you good thanks so we did um get your cover letter and your resume if you don't mind uh because people at home are watching this too if you want to introduce yourself and tell us um things that you want people to know um because as I said we have the packet but they don't okay uh well my name is Jeff Hai I live uh in belra town I've lived there pretty much my whole life um I'm on belg toown fire I've been on for 20 years I um also work for Department of fire services at the uh massire Academy I have a wife three kids and uh it's pretty much it and it does say you're still at belter town right yes so if you want to just explain uh why grany um grany kind of reminds me of belr town in a way um I've been on since 2004 belch toown was an all call department at that time and uh through the years we now have a shift of six so we have 24 full-timers so kind of seems like gry's maybe back where we were a little ways and um we still run a call Department as well as full-time staff um I started as a call firefighter so I'm still pretty attached to that um so it just seems like gry's kind of a a good fit to if I was to move to come to here you know you do you guys have questions so um I have a quick question for you can you um describe your leadership style and how it aligns with the current needs of the department um so I am very involved I uh I'm a shift Captain over there so the way we operate we have a chief and then there's four captains the captains are the shift captains and they're basically in charge nights and weekends when the chief's not around we don't have a deputy or an assistant chief so it falls on us so I have a lot of administrative work to do but I still am out I will go out wash trucks with the with the crew we're still running calls with them I just I feel like it being involved has brought my group really close together I'm not afraid to to get dirty with them and you know we train a lot so I think just being involved is I like the lead from the front kind of okay what challenges would you face uh if any come to a new department and not just coming to a new department but being that Department's leader um I know a little bit about Bry just you know working in the town next door we do Mutual Aid we've trained with them so I get a pretty good concept of the department I think the challenge would be wrapping my head around the chief's job you know I have I've never done the chief's job um just figuring out you know the budgetary stuff working with the select board Town manager all that stuff just learning the chief's job of the administrative side of it if you are appointed to the interim position uh would you consider applying for the full-time position as Che yeah it's definitely not off the table I figed this is a great opportunity to kind of get involved and see how it's going and if you know things are working out well and I get a good grasp of the job then absolutely I would think about applying from a full-time spot can you uh give an example of a time you had to make a difficult decision that had significant consequences within your current Department um I had an issue with one of my crew members um and it's it's a little difficult in our town because we're not the boss but we're the boss um so it was a little bit difficult because you're you're part of the family you're part of the group but you also have to be the boss um fortunately for me I uh I was able to speak to him once it didn't really rectify the situation um it happened again so I did a formal documentation but brought him into the office and I was actually able to reason with him and get through to him my view my side of what the issue why it's a problem and um he was very upset with me at first um but talking through it with him he actually came around and and understood where I was coming from as the boss and I actually think it helped our relationship a little bit if that's what you're looking for makes sense yep thank you Jeffrey suppose you wanted to implement a new policy tell us how you would go about implementing it and then evaluating its Effectiveness so um if you're going to implement a new policy I think the biggest thing would be is get the get the Department involved especially the uh supervisor your lieutenants the deputy and get their opinion they're obviously going to understand the department more than I'm going to right off you know the beginning here um so their input is going to be very valuable um and then just understanding the mission of the department in the direction that it's going and make sure that that aligns with that and then put the policy in place after a few months you know kind of revisit it with the officers of the department see if it's working if it needs to be adjusted thank you what do you do at the uh for the mass Massachusetts fire Services City an instructor so what you would actually classes the instructor what takes place I work uh I do the recruit full-time fire training there I do the call all trading there and I do the uh fire skills group so it's mostly just teaching new and improved and all the new recruits so with with that said it goes into being I would say the chief as being a mentor and a leader um what would you see to be the difference between a a new firefighter versus someone that's been there for five years um I usually find new fire firefighters are easier to Mentor as they're new they're excited they want to learn five years I was still considered a new firefighter I think the issues that may come would be from the 20 30y year veteran firefighter that may not agree you know work at the mass fire academy is a great opportunity to stay up on training uh and bring new trainings to the department um and sometimes the seasoned veteran firefighter don't necessarily want to change um but was good time they all you just got to show them and then they usually listen how would you um prioritize funding needs for equipment upgrades training programs or Personnel development um you know once you start working I could you know analyze see what we our needs are um there's a lot of Grants out there these days um there's grants for training there's grants for personnel there's grants for equipment um grant writing is huge our town in belch toown we've Wroten written a lot of Grants and actually do really well with those um and the grants are a great way to offset costs for a town for equipment or Personnel needs and are you familiar with writing grants yourself or yeah so the the four captains all kind of do a little bit in the grant writing stuff each one of us have our own thing I'm in charge of the uh same program okay in Bel so I write the grant for that every year um if we do any large grants uh one of our captains usually writes it and then we all review it together to just make sure everything looks all right how would you approach your first two weeks with it in staff um I think you would just have to be involved you know meeting them showing up seeing how they operate um one of the things you know we just got a new Chief in Bel town probably 5 years ago and just watching them come in and then learn how the department works you don't want to I don't want to come in and change gramby to belr town that's not not the goal so you need to kind of almost take a a seat in the back for a week or so take it all in and see how the crews are operating see how gramby functions and then they could start the analyze maybe we try this to make things a little better or maybe this is going well we don't want to change it but I think you just kind of take a step back that first week or two and and take it all in and just analyze and see how things are are going I mean Grammy's a functioning fire department right now they don't need me to come in and and change everything if things are working I think all my questions have been answered how this affect your current position with which B Town you're giv the opportunity um so for the interm chief position I've actually thought about this a little bit already I would I would more than likely just take a leave of absence from the fire academy um to to you know devote more time to Gran B um I'm doing about 24 hours a week at the fire academy right now so it wouldn't be uh too much more of a workload I don't think if I were to take a leave of absence from there um part of my plan would be talking with the deputy in in grany um obviously I work 224s so those 224s I'm going be on available I mean if something that big has happened in gramby I'd probably be coming anyways so I guess that's a that's a good thing but um just try to work by schedule around the deputy over there and so that we have some kind of chief officer that can able to respond no matter what are they the same days every week for the 224s or do they rotate it rotates but it's a it's a set rotation El I was gonna say the interim Chief would be Monday through Friday so if your two 24hour shifts are in Monday through Friday window then unless it's something big you wouldn't be able to be here right correct I would have to yeah any of those days fallowing a weekend it yeah it's so like this week I work Friday Sunday okay next week would be Saturday Monday and then Sunday Tuesday so it just jumps ahead one day every week but you always get a weekend day so no no so it I could go a couple weeks without a weekend okay um it's usually like a it's an 8 day rotation so it's very it's kind of hard to explain but it's not the 24 on 24 off it is so 24 on 24 off 24 on and then 5 days off seemed rather popular like 15 years ago like everybody went to that said when I was young it was nice but now sometimes the late nights are uh could be a little tough any more questions for no I think I'm all I'm good thank you so much for coming in thank you thank nice to meet you meet you all right Daniel Massie come on out hello hello how are you good how are you thank you all right so we will um start if you don't mind with an introduction of yourself yeah my name is Nathaniel Massie I've been on the gramy fire department for on my 11th year uh I have five years as a police officer I I'm on my fourth year as an EMT here in Grandy and I do HVAC and a family company as well I've been a grand banian my whole life you looking for another job keeps me out of trouble all right so um can you speak a little bit to your um kind of your um approach to communicating and being in charge do you have experience with that yeah I've uh been I'm on my third year as a lieutenant uh in Gran B um I so you know not the most for all the candidates of um but I very much think that leading by example being honest and upfront with those under you is extremely important I don't believe it's right to expect something of your subordinates that you yourself wouldn't be willing to do and teaching by example I think is extremely important that shows them that they're being led by someone who themselves is competent and is not willing to get down and dirty with them I I would ask the same question I asked before on the other uh person and you might be a little different um you know being on the call Force but what what challenges do you think you would face coming as the interim Chief probably being as young as I am and not being a member of the Command Staff for very long um if I did get the position yeah I would be younger and have less experience than both the deputy and the assistant chief which are things that I recognize uh and truth be told I don't have admin experience in the grany fire department so I would have to learn all that and from the ground up and kind of sift through what's happening where things are at and learning all that essentially as I go so I Envision that is quite the challenge so are you at all familiar with a budget or writing a budget to present to us as the town negative have you as Lieutenant um written any grants not as a fire Lieutenant I have written grants as a police officer um what about experience in supervision with sta my supervisory experience would all be on scene either directly being in charge of a scene and commanding the firefighters from the incident command role but in terms of the day-to-day operations I don't have that experience any outside experience that within the fire the fire department uh no as a police officer I usually work by myself and same thing with the heating company I'm out of my own okay what are your strengths as a leader and how would you address your weaknesses I'd say my strengths would be although some might view it as a weakness compassion um I know what it's like to not have an aggressive personality and attitude and that by itself I don't see as a weakness uh it does posst challenges in sort of the field of being super assertive and that's a that's a fine line that I've been especially as a police officer been been learning to tight RPP walk over uh so fine-tuning that would probably be a challenge that uh I'd have to keep honing a skill I'd have to keep honing I would say how would you approach your first two weeks of intern Chief I'd probably have to sit down with the deputy and the assistant for however many hours it took to get up to speed on everything going on administratively uh in terms of getting to know the department and how it runs that I have plenty of experience with um but sitting behind the admin desk and tackling whatever that entails uh I would have to I'd have to just soak up as much information as as possible what is the biggest challenge you foresee in this role if you should get it your biggest challenge personally personally hopefully I don't know if it how challenging it would be um but getting the department at a place where a fulltime Chief walks into the department everything's running ship shape and hopefully that is a place where they will be for a long time and able to retire if you were appointed to the interim Chief would you in the posting came out for which it is um a permit Chief would that be something you're interest in I would put in for it although truth be told uh I probably would not meet all the qualifications as I didn't for this position but I would still put in for it what about scheduling and uh time I know you have several different positions that you currently work at well that's the beauty of maintaining part-time status in all of my places I can make my schedule as I see fit so if that means a 40 hour week Monday through Friday I can make that work by just saying that those are the hours I need spe real spe you have any more questions that's I'm good great thank you so much for coming in thank you for your time thank you R Anderson hi good evening welcome back thanks if you want to just tell us a little bit about yourself for the people at sure so um Anderson I was fire chief here from 2006 to 2016 uh I left at that point to go back to my original Community uh there was an opportunity to help take the U Ambulance Service we were the only basic Ambulance Service in western Mass needed to go to 24 hours and uh ALS service and was successful in accomplishing that and I retired from that uh two years ago since then I'm involved in working for grant writers I do um I'm in charge of the mass Fire Chiefs convention in Wester every year and uh keeping busy with Wester Mass Chiefs of training and etc etc so if uh as far as your hours go you're pretty wide open then or no yeah I mean I know I realized that uh being retired and over 65 I bring a little different something to your plate there um and I know you're looking for an interim chief that can and depending on what that involves I know in the past you had Chief Cipher that filled in and handled the business side of the the station um and that was what I was presenting when I submitted to Chris was that um you know I bring 17 years of working as a chief in managing budgets uh the budgets of my last budget I think was 1.2 million something 1.3 million um I could bring some stability to that part of the department um personally I have all the faith in the world and and the two the two chiefs that are there now I you know gramby still in my heart I still have on the scanner uh listening I listen how they operate and procedurally tactically they're there um I would have all the confidence in the world of them handling any fire that comes to them or an emergency red fire Farm is a good example I remember listening to that Tyler and and the others and uh it worked so I have all the faith in that what I bring is bring a little bit stability until you get your feet on the ground with a new Chief um that would be call you know budget some of the Personnel issues some of the other things that come out um when I first went through an assessment center here with Chris way back the member of the um the leader of the assessment center remember it's only this much fire and that those those words hold true every day in this business and you're dealing with all kinds of other issues and fires are not the majority of them um so I feel I have a lot I could bring to that table uh if that's something you're looking for but I understand too if you want someone that's taking the role of going out and doing everything I understand that as well too what challenges do you think you'd face um trying to figure out where it is right now I know you know just listening in a little bit of talking and uh um speaking to few different people that you know there seems to be a bumpy road with the some of the finances and stuff that went on uh trying to audit that figure out where it is unfortunately you're in a you're in a time of year right now where you're preparing budgets getting ready to move through that session um I I think I could get a good handle on what you have what you don't have and what where it needs to go um not granted any permanent Chiefs going to come in and have their own ideas but I think I could bring stability to at least uh catch up and bring bring it current if you would I read one thing that really caught my eye in your resume was um strategic action and planning resulted in several Financial gains for improvement despite a flat or minus 5% budget cuts sure can you explain to me how you went about that and so got through it refreshing my memory quick but uh it um if I remember right we we evaluated our our raids for ambulance so so every year and it's very typical every municipality is the same I want a zero budget I want a minus five budget sometimes minus 10 and then you come up with something in the middle that was very common history here as well um but when you go back and look at your resources your ambulance revenue is one of the probably the biggest resources that you get a benefit you know not not all municipalities have an income um but there is one for the ambulance and if your rates are current that I think that's one of the things we did was make sure our rates were competitive and current with our contiguous towns um and are we receiving that money so you have you can build all you want but if it doesn't come in what goods it do it so we looked at different ways of um trying to recap some of that money that we weren't getting making sure we were building the proper amount I think the second phase of that if I remember right was uh the fleet of of vehicles CU tagged with the fleet of Vis Vehicles is maintenance as they get older etc etc and we reduced some of the vehicles we had on the for the um this I did the same thing in Southwick we we had a fleet assessment reduced down one engine uh we had our pump capacities and whatnot so um the fire service is historically hangs on the stuff and it isn't necessarily always the best business model to do sure thank you ch I didn't see it on here uh but do you have grant writing experience yes okay I think there was approximately if I remember right $200 or so th000 that I wrote for gramby and I think I wrote 300,000 for South something like those they do see 350,000 for the over 10 years you know those are okay incremental things and I do I do now work for first responder grants which is a company n naturally that writes for uh fire grants you currectly what yeah it's the grant opens up once a year or twice a year for about a month and so you work like crazy for that period and then it settles down a little bit just finished though last week and we touched a little bit on you know the challenges that you would face but first couple weeks uh what would what would be your game plan so I mean I get a handle on what what what was what's hanging out there I guess is is the important thing and know um I did talk with with the deputy a little bit and you know he has his frustrations that he's trying to do his job and trying to do all the paperwork as well and submittal and stuff so get up on that and what's what the process is here that I know when I went from here to Southwick the municipalities operated differently as far as their structures the purchase orders all the other things so I need to get freshened up on how it works here um I would want to audit the budget to see where where it is where it's going what's left um and what's going to be needed or forecasted for for Staffing Andor materials um how the how the schedule Works fill filling in for um I my understanding is there's a you know career person on each shift and then filled with pdms or call Force Etc on those other shifts so that can be very challenging and especially when the call forces or the the pums have multiple jobs typically and they typically call out a lot and then you're left hanging or you're bringing in someone from overtime and create creating a lot of overtime so i' would want to get my handle on how that's all been working um and then try to forecast that out by units going forward into the next year or the next budget and kind of translate that into the next budget for the whoever walks in this position here's what you got here's what you might not have um and of course it depends on how long this position's open I know you you Clos the position soon right this month January for the career look right it right you're all soliciting it's like the 17 posted like 127 so with that said I mean depending you get good candidates then this you know might only be a you know a couple month operation you know depends on how that goes historically it's been longer than that in the past but um I think that if you have good candidates there's no reason to expedite someone into here by February I mean depending on what it is I don't have addal questions really speaks for itself yeah that information there very very widespread you've covered a lot of things here we've done a lot here right yeah we had some we had some challenging times so I thinkk I'm all thank you the only thing other thing I want to mention is you know if you chose another Direction I understand but I'm still available I'm involved in teaching and doing Assessment Center if that's something that you want to do and this this candidate pool comes in I'd be willing to help the committee set those up and you know do that as well so um just wanted to throw that out there appreciate that thank you thank you I can't believe been gone that long so F St all right and Brian crops did I say the last name right you did CRS CRS hello hi how you doing hello very good how are you guys good good thank you can start off with an introduction first absolutely um I know you said you were having trouble finding everybody found yeah it was stuck to the non- stapled staple very I brought some just in case but I'm glad everybody found it um so I'm a resident of grany since uh 2015 um right when you guys started building East Meadow I brought my wife my three children we moved to Kendall street so I'm at 80 Kendall Street um we uh we wanted to be here to take advantage of your new school which all three of my children um my middle one will be the first class to move all the way through um so they'll be excited that I talked about them on TV anyways so um that's that's what what Drew us uh we I I I'm on the fire department Hool o I grew up in hoolio um Holio changed a lot since I was young um I went to Catholic schools in hoolio and uh being a um my wife stays at home with the children um so being a firefighter in hoolio I wasn't putting my children through private schools so this was our best option to relocate and take advantage of your guys school system now my school system um and and we're super happy here we're not planning on going at any place um i' I I've got to see how gramby operates over the years and I've seen some of the challenges I've seen some of the things they've done right um so I I always wanted to join and be more involved in the fire department but um as I get into my resume and all the things that I do it'll make sense obviously why I can't um but I've been with Holio since 2007 I'm currently a lieutenant on the ladder truck um based out of headquarters down in High Street um I started 07 I got promoted in 2017 and I've been a uh Lieutenant since 2017 um I began at the um teaching at the mass fire academy in Indian Orchard right when they opened in 2015 um and I've been there ever since um right since I um right after I left the fire academy shortly after I went through as a recruit I continued my education um you know W with with aspirations of moving up in my own Department um which I have and I'm currently um on the captain's list to to be promoting at the top of the captain's list right now um the Department's doing a lot of different things right now I don't know whether um that'll happen but it'll be the third time in a row that I've been at the top of the list and and and I won't get promoted and that's that's just how Civil Service works I'm I'm not a veteran um I come within a point of of the top score and just don't get it which is fine and I knew that's what I was signing up for um but grany can benefit from all the the hard work that I put into to making myself a better firefighter a better Lieutenant a better leader um and and Holio will miss out um and you know that's that's just how how it is um I would be excited to to start to work again in the town that I live in um I think I could bring my excitement my love for firefighting my love for teaching um training learning team building to grany um and and make that apartment you know I I haven't heard a lot of you know I I I read the paper whatever and and I was at the the last meeting so I could learn more about what was going on but um every department has challenges every every department has someone that's going to say something and uh you got to look at the big picture and uh and you know make choices for the the for the citizens of gramby for the uh firefighters for the um Chief officers whomever you you got to make the best choices for them and not everybody always likes them and that's just that's the world we live in um I'm also a Hazmat technician um I'm currently not on the State team but um it shortly I should be on the State team um I'm also part of the western Mass uh critical incident stress management team um that's a team that we put together and I when I heard about it I I wanted to be part of that um we've had critical incidents we we we lost one of our members um in Holy Oak and I thought that is my opportunity to to to give back and to uh to help out a little bit for the for the needs sometimes that aren't so obvious um and so that that would be through the uh the mass fire academy where that team was created and that should be up and running by March um I think that's everything I wanted to share M um what do you see would be the challenges would you face come to a a new department so the challenges obviously will be me being an outsider and in in coming in and being accepted and learning um learn everybody's got something some special talent that you don't that's maybe not so obvious but they're going to benefit you when when you need it it's going to help it's going to help the department um I worked for a long time with um with my crew that we have now one of my guys is an HVAC technician and so when we have a call where where there's a furnace malfunctioning Doug comes right in and Doug Doug here's what I I think is going on do you agree with my assessment I never think that I have all the answers so I need to come in and I need to learn everybody that that has something extra that maybe they're not talking about but someone that's building houses on the side and there's some sort of structural problem in a house I'm going to bring them and I'm going to bounce my thoughts off them I would never think that I have all the answers I would like I always like to get to take a consensus and make sure everybody's agreeing with my thoughts and I I I learned that because that's what my superiors have have done they've always looked for me for some guidance and and it's just it makes you feel better about your decision and it makes your team feel needed and and it's and it's rewarding when somebody says you know should we do this and actually you know if we did this it would work out a little better and it's it's a it's a good feeling to be part of the team and have your uh input requested and utilized so that's what I would do come in try to figure out get to know everybody and and utilize them for all the resources that they can have you ever done any grant writing as Lieutenant for ho um so for uh maybe the last eight or nine years I've sparking the dog so I you may have seen me on TV before uh everybody has their own Sparky the dog but I was Holy Oak Sparky the dog that's part of the the uh safer um Grant process so i' I've participated in in write writing and I've wrote a couple of the grants to um you know they end up going to schools and and you're probably familiar with it already but they go into schools they'll hand out coloring books and Cran and um we get car seats we do car seat installations um giving out bike helmets so all those things don't come out of the never have come out of the budget of the taxpayers of Holo they've always come from Grants and I've been part of that for the last eight years um prior to to um working on the fire department I was a legislative aid for the State Rep out of hoio um and so I was I participated in the state budget for three years um I assisted in communities finding grants F uh passing bills uh finding funding and uh in general constituent issues um so that's where most of my um grant writing and and uh budgeting would have come from who' you work for Mike kee and H's made up of fulltime and my fulltime firefighters so what do you know about uh the call service so as I mentioned briefly I'm an instructor at the mass fire academy I teach full-time recruit as well is I work have worked with call ball since 2016 um so I've I've got to meet a bunch of the current uh call Firefighters here as well as a couple of the um definitely one of your full-time uh recruits I've taught um so I've I've met and worked with them I I it's you adjust your um delivery and your instruction like someone that is working a full-time job and then coming to learn like you just put yourself in their shoes they're exhausted they want to go home and sit down and have dinner and relax and watch TV yet they're willing to some of them aren't getting paid they're willing to sit and and learn and and sweat and work hard and and uh do all that for for their community so I have a lot of respect in uh for all the call Firefighters um but that's probably my limited exposure would be through um instructing them at the Academy and uh and just knowing where they're coming from when they are there learning and and uh and working hard well you talk a lot about team building so how would you build and maintain motivated team within the department how would you go about that process so when I became a lieutenant in 17 um excuse me backup one of our chores every single day in downtown Holo there's there's big wind tunnel that trash just builds up leans against the building it looks horrendous every morning we do a lap around the building and we pick up trash and that was when I was a probationary firefighter that was something that I did well that was something when I started doing it I told myself I was never going to stop doing it cuz if I see the trash on the side of the building it annoys me and and I said I'm going to make sure that I'm on that problem forever and so when I got promoted generally a lieutenant wouldn't go out there they would start doing their paperwork or or whatever but I've made it a point to to be involved in that you know that it's a humbling task Gathering trash every day but it allows me to get out and talk to all all the the members of of my shift that there's um 11 11 people that would just be with me outside every morning and and we walk around and that allows me to to get a um more relaxed environment so if someone's having a bad day I could sense it outside and maybe we'll slow down a little bit so that they get some privacy and I'll I'll say Tom what's what's going on you're not yourself today and and we'll continue to pick up trash and we'll talk about whatever's going on in Tom's life and now I know if if he's not himself that that there's something going on and and and I'll check back in the next day and and you know that's it I think all my my team members my my guys have um I hope respect me for that than just think I was an idiot for picking up trash when I didn't have to they I had an ulterior motive and it's and it's worked I I I'm in tune I know everybody that's that's having um uh a good home life versus challenges at home and I and I try to you know keep it confidential when it needs to be or or or discuss it when it's something that maybe at the dinner table that night a good discussion makes everybody brings them up to speed and say they know to to also keep an eye on whomever is going to have a little CH or is going through something um but you know I could tell you many different examples but that's probably the the the most simplest one that I've gotten the most results out of um it it brings everybody together um and as well as you know as simple as um having a meal together whether you you you get encourage everybody hey come sit let's have lunch at 12 instead of everybody picking their own five minutes to eat by themselves we we have a big table we um you know we we spend a lot of time we put a lot of effort into our meals not to be like Oh I'm I'm eating steak tonight but it's it's for that that camaraderie and and that team building that that goes down and um I think some of my fellow lieutenants and captains that that work a different group might miss the reason why we we do have meals together it's it's not to get somebody else to cook for you or or whatever but it's for that that camaraderie and that that just um informal chat that that happens on its own you don't have to do anything else you don't have to say okay now you tell me something everybody goes around and and they just talk about their day or talk about that tough call and uh and and it's a healthy way to to check in on somebody and and um you know just just make sure that you're staying in tune with everybody now if you give the opportunity to be appointed to the interm chief would you be interested in the full-time position that's an easy one I already applied for it and and I would benefit from the interim and I would think the town of grany would benefit from being the interim if it would give me an opportunity to to prove myself to to everybody that's make that needs to make a decision um and it would also let me uh try it and and it would let maybe I think that I'm going to do a good job I I think that it's for me but it would it when I saw that that you were you know I could tell by looking for an interum that you're going to be looking for a permanent Chief and I uh I embrace the opportunity to try to kind of get a trial period out of it if it if it's not for me if I can't make the changes that I think I will be able to make I would expect you to find somebody else now what about uh the schedule so similar to to Jeff the first person you interviewed um we work 24 hours on 24 hours off 24 hours on 5 days on so there'd be plenty of weeks that I'd be in every single day there be couple weeks that it would be down to 4 and then um there would it could fall if if it was Monday Wednesday then I would be available Tuesday Thursday Friday so I could I could work longer days we I'd be open to whatever made sense with the uh with the select board with the town manager with the uh the deputy chief um I've heard a lot of positive things everybody that I've talked to uh speaks very highly of them I haven't met him personally but um I would definitely consult with him and and um see what what would work best for him I would never want to leave um gramby unattended but um I I would from everything I've heard I I would have confidence that he could do a good job in my absence you have other questions St well I guess just one more are you are you familiar with um anything leading towards the budget creation or what we'll need to create as a budget if you are a chief or interum if we need to create a budget so that I I don't have firsthand experience of creating a budget but I would I would take a look at at the current budget I would take a look at the current numbers I would look at the previous couple budgets and see what what is working what is where are you know do an audit of everything that's going on and see where what is costing us the most where we're spending most of our our money and try to um you know make adjustments and and uh you know obviously request the funding where it's needed and maybe um you know adjust it other areas where where we could do something different to uh save some money but um so the answer is no but I I I have a business degree from Westwood state college so I I would I would be excited for the challenge but I I definitely can't tell you that I've done it before okay thank you good all right thank you so much for coming in thank you thank you thank you thanks me thank you very much all right so we said we're g to go home go through all of our thoughts and then on Monday we will discuss it during our regular St board meeting okay agree this to be put on it'll be on tonight so you guys can maybe go out just look at the video too if you want help you make your decision yeah good all right so with that I will take a motion I will make a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll second the motion and discussion any F question no no more disc all in favor