##VIDEO ID:55vonf8B57o## [Music] guys so I guess we're going to discuss this first draft before we meet as as a whole committee to give our thoughts as to what the architect needs to change in addition to what was said at the meeting so basically I was glad we scheduled another meeting to meet outside the with the architect and and uh the OPM I've got cons after our last meeting I could concerns of costs getting away from us already not I'm not saying it's being done intentionally but with all these entrances access and egress becomes expensive especially when they started talking about what we have to do um to the site to make it accessible right um moving our main entrance Town Hall entrance to where they have it there's not enough parking there correct there plus there's there's there's things underground here if I'm not mistaken and it created another entrance a public entrance no no this entrance is already there though I I understand but it has to be modified to become a well any of these entrances have to be modified that's right to a degree but adding an entrance here in the middle you don't need one there there's a by code you have to have a separation I think it's 200 ft by fire code or something like that between I don't know the exact footage sorry but but if you've got one here here you don't need enough another one here or if you have one here here you don't need this one as an off an official entrance yeah you can keep it just as an emergency exit for employees is that what your thought but yeah so and and some of the talk about our original our original thinking was we're going to have an entrance here and here I don't think we need one here if well no right I think the the discussion from the last meeting was if we're going to put the entrance back here with the hallway this entrance goes away so now we've got one so we have the senior Yep this would be a senior center entrance this would be if you have to just go to the town hall entrance and I'm not sure if this was just like an emergency exit I think they were thinking originally like an employee entrance or something like that over there because if we're okay we don't know anything but the parking yet right so our employees parking back here or they I don't know where the employees I don't we haven't seen anything from there's no parking here this this is all this is all turf no back this is all paved you're talking about this over here I agree with Jim there's only a roadway that goes across the back yes so this is like you said Turf and then you the employees parking way over here with no access to the building here in the back and over here on this side or this side over here yeah this is West Street right exactly so then they have to walk all the way around the building I thought originally if the employees were using that old ramp that's there that has to be modified or whatever employees would park here and the general public would park over here and come in main correct there's probably enough parking for that so that they don't interfere with with the general public parking cuz this this this roundabout was going to totally be changed eventually that's going to be taken out exactly taken out well that's the way that's what they're talking now with this going away and and that roundabout I don't think we want to get rid of it I think we're going to want to modify this entrance for for cost saving having this having this road still here and you get a fire truck down here how the heck you getting it out they like to they like to be able to to turn them turn them around back it out 300 ft well I guess then again if we keep I think it's I think it was designed that way in the first place on that little area there was handicap parking along that edge that used to be along the the playground yes and and that side where his finger and th so that's not that far for somebody to walk into the what was the original entrance anyway with whatever modifications have to be made to get up standard I wasn't sure if they were talking about the fact that handicap accessibility because when I was there after the other meeting um they said they had to get rid of all it and then they have to raise everything I go that's a lot of soil and that's expensive it's expensive it's not just it's it it triggers other and then they'll tell you oh well we've got to we've got to put new storm water uh systems in and oh what are you gonna oh now we got to put a detention pond in we're trying to minimize the cost of this and minimize what we right what we're doing here to get these offices in place before our rent runs out I just and then so I guess we're all in agreement we make we go back to making this the main entrance yep yeah that's what we said last meeting too everybody yeah this that one just closes emergency exit right the other one I think so yeah yeah okay and then this we never this was as far as I I remember and understood this was going to be remained open we may were we were going to uh allow them allow the Council on Aging to use areas of it but this was supposed to stay open for meetings right for cafeteria use once the C once the kitchen is is up and and a couple like a like say some partitions or dividers if you want to put something like that I I'd like to see it remain full size as well too because at some point if we have another emergency and we have to set up a shelter area yeah true they think that that cafeteria is going to be the prime prime place and you look at we we've got storage unit chair storage and Prime real estate okay so so again just to say it on camera yes Our intention was to always have this be shared space the architect was never told that so um we tell them that they go back they get rid of these walls the storage all the storage can go over here to the kitchenet staff kitchenet which we're going to suggest they don't do that with a copy a setup this this is 400 squ ft so they can use some of the storage there is that I think you have kind of a little bit we had a and then move the kitchenette oh keep in mind some of the storage can go anywhere in here it's all rolling storage it's chairs that well I'm not really sure why we have so much storage we have the chairs then we have this other storage what's this other storage for we know didn't really say it just said storage so we're just well they have Medal Supply storage and they have tables and chair storage and um they wanted storage for their items that they give people donate and they give away for free CU unfortunately people are stealing stuff okay so the way it's drawn that would be up here in the this 80 foot square foot storage right here right there's the food or in the food pantry that's the food that they store because they got clothing they store and they have food that they store so that would be all there food pantry with the storage so I I can't see why they can't use some of this I got asked a question this gymnasium that we're going to that we've been talking I'm bouncing around a little bit only because it's it it all comes it's all tied to each other we talked about using this as a voting area but now we're going to wall off a third of it yeah we can't do that I didn't why would we do that I thought there I thought there's already existing St there already existing storage there there there's small closet not this size not this size okay but I know there's existing storage I just don't know there existing storage this what they wrote is Fitness maybe program we don't have that program currently again they were drafting this knowing what other senior centers do so this does not have to come in this is this is a potential so I look at the space they're in right now granted it's not adequate for what they want to do but I don't see all the I don't see all this storage sitting in the in the Council on Aging now all this area this area that's a lot right this and it's not it's not just that they're taking up real estate they're showing it all being built and and exactly walled off walled off yeah and actually the some of some of the seniors expected it to be open as well they didn't expect it to be blocked off as much it is sorry I got to put my glasses back I mean I'm certainly in favor of buying uh movable partitions that on whe where you can so they can have privacy and then and then once are in there if they can ad justify something down the road right then then someone's going to have to come up with the budget for it we don't have a budget for all these we we talked about using this building as as existing as possible existing conditions as possible especially with the amount of money we have I just you know I just think we can use more you're making these notes I just think we need to be on the same page the next time we sit down with that was the reason why wanted to meet today no I think it's good without without them interjecting yeah I I don't think they're going to have any issue if we go back to them and say this was a little more than we anticipated cuz they don't have I we haven't seen any money yet we don't even know what the existing conditions of the building are that should be coming this week he said and this weekend the second draft of this um we're assuming we're going to be over budget looking at this plan yeah well because of what they've done done with the with the the the repercussions of what it's going to have to happen outside logistically as well we don't want public parking down here no I don't think there's enough room you want that should be like the employee parking employee parking and then all the public there's plenty of public parking down here on for normal for normal use yep right well so and and so so you want to totally can this middle when I Town Hall entrance yes and um one keeper the gate one entry it makes it easier for security you've got one entrance not people access in all different places yeah if you if you put in a fob or some sort of a system down the road then you can track who's in the building M so security is huge to everybody one of their iies I think part of this the way it's drafted also is that when we met with each of the department heads they all said they need needed you know um to be a little walled off from the public and that if like the senior senator wanted to stay open at night this part wasn't access so I think they were trying to like just do two separate incidents so this would be closed off and this part would be open but there's other ways to close off I think we can put a a doorway somewhere somewhere in the hallway here just say okay no no nothing nothing Beyond here because this is all you know there's doors there now that's the access to the bathrooms that's why he was thinking he could whatever yep exactly so up the hall great whatever but there it's easy to and we've talked about being open one night yeah per per week per month per two weeks or something so all of the department heads all the boards and everybody can be there so it makes it easier for the public to One Stop shopping for the for the town yeah so this would be an emergency exit this would be the main entrance for everybody whether you go senior or yeah municipal offices we don't have to worry about making this accessible because it'll be closed off would this be an emergency exit well it's the only two the only two rooms have access to is these two right so you would have to enter this room to get out there or enter into this room to get out there and that would be and you can go up this way right or this way um the only thing I would think of is this wait which oh Clerk's I here this is the clerk okay thank you um because my thought is because you know she works all all different hours all the time so she would have her own interest I figured that would be easy but it doesn't matter she have this one right right so yeah that's fine the only thing I would find out is like if it's uh safe uh with the fire exits if we block that off but there's only one way to answer is through the classrooms I don't know if that would be considered a well they they can figure out those details once we give them their March in orders right but if we've got something going on in here I I to me no matter what direction you're going in it's all it's all getting funneled through one right so the only issue with this one hallway design wise is when when and if this kitchen ever becomes a commercial kitchen there'll be a draft they said that goes back and forth but that could be BR a draft well people getting their food here haven't gone to the cafeteria and people having the enter to get into town hall wow well not only that but I also think there there's some sort of air exchange more than we anticipate if you close this off oh if you close it off right to what the way the the way they had it right they can double door it can come up with some kind of a I mean it's been like that for right right a long time right exactly you guys for me um all right I can go back there architect let him know this is all open yes maybe partitioned this is for shared use M get rid of the entrance here entrance here only this is the only entrance and the one over here because these would be easier to modify right right this is employee parking this is public parking um and I we can suggest you move this storage to over here and move the kitchenet to over here where there's some privacy from the public when you want to an employee wants to eat or be alone during their lunchtime come out of the office and go over here rather than coming here and being interrupted by copers and other printers and then maybe we can reduce the size of that a little more and get some more room for the bard of Health Board of Health or whatever Square ft it says 400 ft copier and a kitchenet well do you need that for the storage cuz this current storage for these two rooms I mean when you say do they need their storage close by for chairs well if they do yeah cuz you you don't want the labor to be to be right moving it from here all the way over here put it over here in a corner and if if it's un slightly get we'll get some uh partitions movable partitions just a box them off box them off a little bit it up but whether it goes here or here what does it matter because this this is going to be common space Oh from here down you're saying yeah where whatever the the t- Mark is what is this right here door no there's nothing there at the wall I think no I think they put a door they're putting a door so that has its own entrance that's that they go from the games into the hallway otherwise how would you get I guess you can get in there either way they're building all these walls right well yeah I wasn't sure if these were walls are petitions like no those are walls walls just like the rest of it is okay and again for if there's larger select board meetings or um emergency management issues that we have to open a shelter we need that area makes perfect sense well I would think that larger select board meetings to go into the meeting rooms which will open up to 800 square ft yeah cuz this is supposed to open which like again that's what 40 people could be but it could be no no I think he said that that would hold 40 people at the last meeting and I don't think you know to me that's a good siiz select board meeting but depending on what the topics are sometimes they get bigger than that okay not very often but if you have to you don't have to you don't want to try to manipulate going to another building or finding another space down when we have it available so I I just I just wanted to Circle back and remind remind ourselves what our what our challeng is here what our our goal is what we've been charged with yeah initially and that's to get these everybody out of all these different locations into one location right under on budget and there and there's there's a lot of good one we're losing we're losing a building mhm um the inconvenience of bouncing all around we want to get the you want to get the polling the town uh the clerk wants to get the polling out of the the school the school so they can have a permanent setup where they're not there there's some cost saving just from them shlepping stuff around right yeah not having rent on one selling the other one that's two buildings gone and everybody all together here where everybody can do work you know if they need this department or that department they don't shuffle all over town and who knows what the what the economy of scale will be and the efficiencies with everybody in one spot [Music] right right yeah less grounds for building main it's all it's all there you know and like you said just moving equipment around the polling equipment is when it's all right there and you just set it up and take over the gymnasium for it's labor Stu gets damaged when it gets moved periodically yeah and then once once they're in and everything's then let them figure out what their their specific needs are each department if it becomes you know yeah we do need to put a a little room over here for them we figure it out once you get there but right now getting us in there under budget and getting it and and in a timely man I think is we need to stay focused on that makes sense and again if something like that if they can wait a little bit maybe we get pathfinder to do it or something like that where it's not the excessive costs of major construction right now that's the only reason why I wanted to call them me to all right I'll uh talk to the architect give him our thoughts and hopefully Monday he can incorp corporate some of these thoughts from Monday night's meeting yeah all right it'd almost be fun if he could sit there cuz he is going to zoom in or whatever that he'd had his computer all set up that we could see that and he could cut this out and put this here move this here to you know what I mean see see how I don't know if it's that efficient and that fast I I don't understand why it wouldn't be but again yeah I know how those programs work exactly great all right okay cool