[Music] welcome everybody we'll start right away with our OPM introduction this is our OPM nail Joyce nice to meet you all nice to meet you this is our committee very nice I introduce yourself a little bit to them sure um Neil Joyce principal at construction monitoring Services uh we've been doing OPM work in the Commonwealth for a little over 25 years um happy to be here today happy to be selected uh for the municipal offices project and happy to take any questions anybody may have about me or us or what we do or how we do it well congratulations yeah we're excited you're on board we're really excited actually yes I think we're more excited so we figured we'd be kind of laid back and just ask nail questions so does anyone have any questions for him I trust him implicitely oh that's unusual of you yes it is can you just go through your process how you start and where you go like yeah I say what is our train so next why don't we just talk about like next steps and sort of back the overview that I have of the project so far um uh you need to get a designer right so we'll go through a designer selection process here in the next six or seven weeks round numbers um like to have the designer on board by mid-september would be my preference um we had previously uh drafted and circulated uh an RFQ that we can send out um the process for selecting the architect is very much like the process that you underwent with us so there's an RFQ um will rank the finalists or rank three finalists by um uh the evaluation criteria that's included in the RFQ conduct an interview uh rank the finalists one two and three and then uh solicit a fee proposal from the top ranked candidate so that whole process like I said I hope that we can wrap it up um 6 weeks plus or minus um love to have the architect on board by mid-september I would foresee um somewhere between oh I'd say four to 5 months of design time overall hopefully um so we would have a a construction Andor renovation package scheduled and ready to go out by first of the year or or end of January have a a Contractor on board for the major renovation in March time frame of next year and then plus or minus 6 months for the intended construction schedule so construction is very largely going to be driven by what the final scope of the project actually looks like as well as um the lead time associated with various components that will be incorporated into the work um we kind of we'll get there we're not there yet but we'll get there eventually um we also anticipated uh that we potentially could do early package for the abatement associated with the um former School building on West Street um that potentially could be ready as early as the fall and it really I think depends on how much rework you need this designer to do um I know that the building has been evaluated previously I know a lot of that information probably hasn't changed in the last 5 years as the building's been mothballed in not used um so if there's a Reliance on that material that's already been done there's really no need to um reinvent the wheel and spend the money to do it all over again um obviously the selected designer may have some input on that um before they put their name on the documents they'll want to be sure that they're comfortable with what's going on um but we can get the RFQ out for the abatement concurrently with the R so it wouldn't be an RFQ it would be a bid um uh there will have to be plans and specifications that are prepared um it'll have to be bid accordance with uh chapter 149 for a building construction project even though it's not construction um but yes we could we could do that process starting now um and get that rolling as well I think that'll keep our time frame it'll help keep the time frame correct it it yeah yeah depending on the Comfort level you have with the existing documents yes Chris the lease on the annex is up July June 30 June of 2025 yes right so do we have the opportunity to extend if we're not I will be seeing the owner of the building 19th 19th yeah because we may need just in a month or two yeah oh okay I have faith in us but this process potentially could go a little quicker too right barring any complications or which process like even the first part where you're saying it's like up to 6 weeks no it probably won't it's going to take it's going to take mid-september because we put it in the central register we put it on comy as of tomorrow I'm just going to say as soon as you tell me it's okay I looked at it I don't have a problem with it right okay okay um so it will go uh with the approval of the the committee and an advertisement placed before the end of the day tomorrow yep it will appear in the central register next week yes which is Wednesday the 7th 3rd 7th is it yeah we're already in August yeah yes would be the 7th yes so first is Thursday it'll appear the 7th um I would normally say that we will go 3 weeks before rfqs are in so that would be the 28th MH we would have you know depending on how much time this committee needs and how many responses come in if we could turn around uh a short list in a week we could notify for interviews the first week after Labor Day go I can't believe we're talking about Labor Day already um so perspective interviews might be the week of September 9th and um we would have a candidate short a finalist out of the interviewed candidates by Friday September 13th that's aggressive Friday the 13th God down can't make it up if you'd rather wait till Monday the 16th I understand no no no no we like tealing on the edge we're good so um you know I would suspect that the designer uh would have perhaps some input on the preparation if again depending on the level of preparedness of the documents that the town already has and if plans and specifications that are capable to be bid are ready um that could certainly be part of a separate procurement um you would you would still need either Asmat consultant or somebody to prepare proper plans proper specifications uh it would be advertised in bid so presuming in the same time frame that documentation could be gathered uh minimum 2 weeks plus an advertisement to bid so you could probably have an abatement contractor on board by August excuse me October 1st or October 15th worst case and they could start their abatement work thereafter you know 10-day notification the whole N9 yards would probably be the first of November before they actually lifted a tile or clean the PIP in the existing building um question for the committee do you want to do a subcommittee again like we did for the OPM contract to review the um designer bids that come in along with uh the OPM to speed the project up instead of having to get a quorum of the committee together all the time that way we can move this along even faster maybe on the evaluation and H makes sense and ranking of you know it seemed to work well last time right yeah you know it's easier for probably four people to get together today all of us yeah so Mr Martin will you be part of that subcommittee no I can't why can't you because you're not on an appointment I haven't been reappointed to the committee can we do that as July 1 yeah can we redo that a little late just slide those names right across yeah we'll work on your card not to [Music] worry I don't know I thought the other three worked well yeah I I we the same subcommittee can do it again but we need a fourth and why because then you we don't need a fourth you're right you don't have a quum you only need three at this point cuz now you have a committee of seven we'll have a committee of three with some input from a fourth if need be mhm you can do that you guys okay with that I'm okay with it I'm okay with that yeah works for me yeah okay Jim you want to be on that subcommittee again you're looking a little uh I'm fine a little stressed over there I'm fine he's going on vacation no I don't know we should we should select an alternate then if we need a full if we should what select an alternate all right who wants to be the alternate you want to be an alternate sure all right there you go got an alternate just in [Music] case okay so um Lynn or Chris you guys have the RFQ already right why don't you Circle it around to everybody on the committee or at least to the subcommittee and um I have everything going to your attention here that's okay um did I hit did I say you are going to place the ad in the central register you you didn't identify but I can it doesn't matter we're happy to do it as well I just need to know what to tell Joan and I why don't you do it and then I'll work on to putting it on convoys cuz that's fun so the contract you already sent Chris looked at and approved so I think it's okay to go okay yes works for me oh we just don't have attachment a on it our standard contract form Y and I'm been out trying to find it and I can't find it out there on any of the sites being AIA or if it's a or on like inspector General's office or would you like us to provide it a draft okay please okay um I assume any state agency template yep would be acceptable yes okay all right we'll put something together for that um I'll send to um you two you3 the uh what we have currently yep and so that will go out and be public as of Wednesday morning from next week when you guys open business um yeah so I think we put in there it was a week from it was the 16th I think you put in for the potential walk through y does that work right here works for me Friday at it was a Friday at noon I think it was yeah I didn't I I you guys might be closed but we're here okay we're here but we will meet we'll meet at the site yeah okay so maybe we just want to put the walk through will'll be at the address of of the building think it's at the school vmer school no Friday 16th at noon okay but sometimes the people don't understand where where they're going mhm so I usually put the address of the building and in the RFQ it on the front door just to play it safe if you're here for your for the walk through you're you're off a little bit yeah you know because we do know how well people read documents we won't go any far than that 14 West Street 14 West Street memory yep NE is there any chance we can get a a a schedule timeline schedule sure based on what you just y what' you say Jim timeline he wants a timeline be good for us to have look for I was going to ask a question go ahead so this next step is this another one where they put a bid in at a certain time yes by August 28th at 2: p.m. and that would be here too they 2. yep right here on the top no late proposals they will be rejected don't did you read well that's what we do with the first one too um yeah a very common request is for the town to provide any available information on the existing school why why they want it at this point in time is beyond me but they well you saw the packet we sent out for the opms the first time around okay we'll send that same packet out that's fine so that'll I don't I don't know if you want to issue that as an addendum like almost immediately thereafter I don't have an issue with that or just include it with the why don't we include it with the packet okay and then like I said when I put it on combis I'll just have it as a an additional attachment for the [Music] uh okay so that timeline will that have deliverables um for the RFQ yes um um for the designer services and then again depending on the level of Readiness for an early abatement package um that's something we'll have to work through so so in other words what I'm what I'm what I'm asking for is deliverables on who has ownership or what who needs to deliver what to make that whatever is contingent on it which one for the for the designer all the way through yeah well the outline of the RFQ identifies all the deliverables coming in from the designer so from the designer but I'm saying even from here what what you're expecting from what we need to deliver to you our timeline I see what he's saying okay I I'll have to think about that but I I will get something put together that's that shouldn't be that shouldn't be much just so we know just so we know what we've got out in front of us and what what we have to do to meet our commitment so that you can do your job yeah okay we still have I mean that abatement timeline am I missing something just that seems far out that we wouldn't have a contractor until November no because again 3 weeks of the bid process advertising right we have we we have that earlier information about what needs to be Abed right we have all that from that we sent out to those two firms yes we have all that information that's the information we will hand out to people okay it was so we don't have to do any more study for that that that's set that if if the architect has no issue with what with what we are providing him then he will sign off on it and then we can go forward and then we can go forward they're I'm just going to say they're not even really going to have a say until the middle of September when they're selected right right that's what I missed y That's what I was missing we have documents immediately ready to go say it's within a week okay we throw them out we'll get bids in by mid October there's a 10-day notification required so it'll probably be early November before anything of substance moves forward inside the building so as soon as the architect's on board we give them what we have right have him bless them yep and then we start that process formally I didn't know if we needed that architect or we could just say well we already have this documentation why can't we start you know but he have he has to look at it and make sure it's satisfies him to put his St okay right I wasn't thinking that part right um yeah we we have to be we have to be somewhat through the design phase before we pull the even though we went through we go through the process before we pull the trigger on the abatement we need to know what our what our budget's going to be from the architect you have established the budget correct yes we've established the budget but we need to make sure that the architect the architect is not we have a project budget at this point in time yes so that that probably should be I think that was identified in the RFQ I think we said it was a set figure yes 5.7 million I think for the total project budget correct correct um the what was I going to say the um one question that I had was is it the town's intention to to Abate the entire building or would it be that goes back to my last question oh okay if if our budget's 5 point whatever right and the architect knows that y but yet there's there's there's things we have to do that exceed that why would we spend the abatement up front until we know that because we know we have to I was to say the intent of the intent of Expediting the abatement is to get as close to the June completion date as possible if if it becomes uh apparent that either the estimated cost of the abatement is higher than expected or there something becomes apparent that the June date is no longer attainable maybe it doesn't make sense to move forward with the abatement separately I think it it's something that you know you're going to have to do it anyway whether you have to do all of it or not is maybe a different question um but it also raises the issue of eventually you're going to have to deal with it and having to ba an occupied building can be far more complex than an unoccupied building so there's a there's a big part of me that says you're better off to tear the Band-Aid off and do it now um there's another part of me that says if you need to be in that building and occupied as close to June of next year as possible on a very fixed and limited budget you may not be able to afford to Abate the whole building at this point in time so it's really a practical question of how everything else plays out as well see we hence the reason of my question is that before we can have everything laid out and ready to go but until we know what the conceptual plans are going to be and what what the the numbers are going to be do we do the whole building do we do part part of the building or do we not do any of it because we're we're way over budget again I I think you got that's that's going to be a committee decision I think I don't I don't know that we know enough information today how to deal with that cuz all the points that you raise are true and it it literally is like that's why I'm saying we don't want be a batement until we know what our what our yep well again we wouldn't we wouldn't be making a decision to go forward with a bid until the designer is on board 6 weeks from now okay plus but I think it makes sense to gather all of the information that you have because that will be the basis for any bid document that's issued shortly after the designer is on board if in fact we go down that road makes sense long as we're all on the same page that we're not we're not jumping out too far in front to gain to gain some time that's not going to save us anything right until we have till we have some numbers right but I thought regardless for the whole project not just that piece I thought regardless we have to do the abatement yeah so you say that but we don't know if we have to do the whole building right or just the building we're going to occupy or we don't do any of it the whole the project gets abandoned even if the project abandoned you have to bait the building isn't that will we discussed no it depends so the there are there are certain not going to doubt there are certain thresholds that once you know that you have an imminent Hazard you have to take action on it that is not the case with asbest floor tile or an old boiler that has an ASB bested gasket or pipe insulation those can live in a building that's abandoned for a long time before you have to take any immediate action if if we were to sample the windows and the windows identified a uh PCB contaminant and that level was beyond the threshold that's set by the D you would be under an immediate action that you would have to Abate that without delay that's a time thing with with the DP so it really depends on what you look for what you identify and when it's identified could cause the town to to have to take action immediately when we sent out the packets to the OPM that first round and I think you were one of the companies yep didn't we include the report from Mike feny from dph where he went through and identified various hazards and I thought he was talking about the windows and pcbs and the and so on and so forth mhm Maybe I should send that forward to you again okay just so you can have a better understanding y of what we've already done right so so a lot of times sometimes I should say not a lot of times sometimes you will assume that the window is hot without testing it and you'll bag the whole window assembly as well as some uh margin of brick all the way around yep assume that it is hot and treat it as um an appropriate waist stream and dispose of it accordingly but you never actually do the test um that's another possibility okay so let's get that information to and then we can yep visit this discussion again once you got the information from uh ATC yep and uh from dph the indoor your air quality report that he did right and then we can address that whole situation at that point in time perfect yes I think so what are you Whispering up to I was just asking the question no I was just wondering um can we Abate some and encapsulate others or does it have to be a complete abatement has to be complete we talked about the floor tiles encapsulating it at one point yeah that was my but we were looking at putting carpeting on the floor and if you just encap encapsulate with carpenting first time you have to tear that carpenting up you then have to go bait at that point in time okay so you're pushing the can down the road that's all you're doing yes it's worse than that because most of that to to Neil's point it's coming up anyway it' be pretty hard to cover that so that was the discussion we had at the very beginning of this project when we were talking to the gentleman from ATC so I just wanted to clarify that's okay you're intitled to ask your questions I'd ask them even if I wasn't come on now and we can get Architects from anywhere in the state yes no we're only going lot no no no is it your experience though that people from no no but is it your experience people from Eastern Mass are going to bid on this as opposed to in our area dep work I would say you never know what you're going to get they could all come from Eastern Mass depending on what people's workload is like and their appetite for a job of this type honestly I mean I know firms that I work with they I've told them about it and some are interested whether they actually submit or not will remain to be seen but um we'll certainly throw it out there and beat the bushes and see how much interest we can draw how often NE do you expect us to meet with you as a committee or as a subcommittee um be nice now I will so job done once once the designer is on board um I would say that we would probably meet maybe bi-weekly through the fall twice a month kind of get caught up answer questions do whatever we need to do sometimes that's going to depend on the architect um how frequently they need to visit we'll we'll drive how much information and how much decision making we need from the committee early on we'll drive um but it it'll take us a little while to get to that mode we'll have to do you know programming we'll have to determine you know sort of a conceptual layout of the building how many desks how many people how many departments sort of that whole nine yards which won't really re require a lot of feedback from the committee but it's more of a fact finding Mission with all the various departments that are going to occupy the space so should we um and that'll be the first thing that should be done should we resume our meetings with the Departments with their wants and needs yeah so so that point you know how will you know what they need if you don't get it from us uh normally the designer will conduct the interviews themselves we can be present we Cann not be present they can do it with the committee or subcommittee present however well there's F decide understood and there's what they're going to get and that you know that sort of process right of vetting that out what is a need versus what is a want um that all plays into the schedule how long it takes to get to that consensus um appease any personalities that may need appeasement um as well as uh uh the approval of the committee on what the program is and how much of space you you need in the building and then sort of that is your first step in establishing that getting the in of the committee and then moving forward into a you know floor plan that will work within the space providing just just for your edification this committee when they first we first started this whole project way at the very beginning a email was sent to every Department asking what are your office space needs and storage space needs y they got a response from each of the Departments saying I need 1,000 I need 900 I need whatever that's how we came to about the 15,000 square ft that we're now concentrating y when we started conducting actual inviting Department in to meet with the committee and this those numbers magically started to grow MH knowing that those are now wishes right not what they actually need but now they have wishes right so some of that was already done by this committee that the committee should supply to the successful designer firm so that they can get a baseline of what we were looking at when this project first started if a when you say first started give me a time frame a year ago five years ago about a year and a half ago okay significant change over Personnel changes no no okay so then the programming effort will dial it back will be uh a departmental meeting again this is what we understand was the list of needs and wants that was provided to the committee have there been any changes if the answer is no okay great we're all set thank you bring in the next Department do the same thing just go through all the different departments that are going to occupy the space okay that makes sense and sort of verify if you will what's out there already and if that's the case and there's no sign ific changes then you've just cut you know probably two weeks out of the initial design process and Consolidated it into an afternoon of meetings and then they'll go back and start doing their box diagrams and whatnot for pretty much spaces and contingencies and whatnot well I'm just saying we started we've already started anybody except for uh the one that's probably going to be the we haven't met with the Council on Aging right and then we haven't met with the tax collector cuz she wasn't available on the nights we but she wrote what she wanted she wrote but you may still want to have her come in yeah I agree you know and then we do have departments that says well I can't work next to this one or I can't share space for that that's that's called ad Jon C's right we'll we'll sort of go through all of that as we lay out the puzzle piece if you will and put everybody on the floor and see where but I just want to let you know we already did encounter that as a part of our preliminary so we we are expecting that to are you are you planning for like the building department to be part of this no okay so I was going to say there are going to be some agencies or some entities or departments that it's going to make sense that they would have a service window like off of a public space uh as opposed to others which you don't want anywhere near a service window right so they'll kind of go through all of that and figure out right you know the the various Landing spots main the Town Administrator gets put off in the corner can get to so usually with a side door yeah that's right the Escape PCH yes don't worry near the par we will always find the Town Administrator huh shush oh another one I'm not worried we always find them I say nothing I say everything it'll be a little harder to find but they always seem to know what leads to his office that's kind of the process um like I said I do like the fact that we're going out to bid possibly for construction in December December January I've I've it's been it's been my experience that the best time to ask a contractor for a price is when they're cold and hungry and that happens in January right January February anytime in that is usually good pickings you'll get a good competitive price people are trying to fill their d dance card for the summer right and you know for a good mediumsized company this would be a great great little project for so right yes I do like that part of the time if the abatements done ahead of time and they can inherit a clean building you know March one all the better they can get right to work immediately um if they can't then we'll deal with it deal with it accordingly so but then even like with that December timeline that everything's drawn up if we have in the beginning you said there could be isues getting like electrical equipment and stuff like that right when we talked about maybe the town just ordering it and saying we have we it's a little it's a little different a little yeah it's not just ordering it we've got to go through a procurement process no no I'm just saying but if we get that ball rolling in the town purchases it so that even if electrical there's yeah there's an opportunity to do that maybe save some time in the end right and I think a lot of that again a lot of that is going to be dependent on how much uh how much of the hazardous material that we're abating is got to be opened and exposed and you know if it's a an easy abatement like floor tiles and some pipe and some hazardous ballasts and whatever else it's pretty quick it's pretty clean we're in we're out that's the best place to be uh speaking of which does the building still have water and power mhm yes okay good they will need both of those in in intact to do the abandon work mhm so we'll have to make sure that stays live for the winter and a heat Source mhm I can AIT the cold okay say but there is heating move a little faster gets it gets a little tricky with the showers so if it's heated if it's maintaining 50° that's it's nice and it's actually quite comfortable it doesn't have to be warm okay but we do have minimum we have yes NE have you been in the building yet no I have not field trip bringing their own showers on the 16th something probably I me I'd be happy to go through ahead of time but it's it's up to you if you feel comfortable you want to go in ahead of time we can make it happen will there be somebody available from the town to conduct the site visit yes okay chances are you'll probably have three committee members who will probably present so we we typically like our like our walkthroughs are very um sort of hands off we open the front door we thank everyone for coming we welcome them to go in and and and develop their questions and see whatever it is that they need to see and then we don't answer any questions that are outside of the scope of the RFQ we ask them to be submitted in writing and then we issue a formal response after a review by the committee or the subcommittee um from the town so we we won't do a lot of handholding and and walking with them just let them go in and look around till they're satisfied and then lock the door when they leave and that will be the end of it so we try not to make any prejudicial statements either in favor of or against uh as as part of the process sounds good and did we get the contract signed just did it today we're all set I think last time I knew we were so we're good good okay cool on board thank you than congratulations glad to be here we're getting very excited now yeah it'll get very real very quickly we're ready the quick part is what we're talking about yes you're going to be surprised hopeing it starts to move once the designer is in place then it's really going to it'll go quickly that would be great that would be actually really nice it's a positive note really keep baking Dale keep baking really how many boxes do you need do you like chocolate brownies usually never say no what's down there today they're good I I don't want anything you just asking it's chocolate cookie dough oh yum no no no I really don't want any I don't I had a big lunch yeah yeah that candy bar was really big what you that that candy bar was really big it was it was was it a Snickers no it was an extra large Hershey bar that I cut in half so it was huge might have been extra extra large I'm not even sure anymore no judgment no judgment so Neil you're welcome to stay if you want to hear the rest of the meeting it's up to you or if you want to get home to it's up it's up to you folks I'm like I said I'm here to answer any questions I'm happy to stay if anything up or lingering thoughts or I think if there's any other questions I'll have them send me their questions okay and then I can email them to you okay so then what you're looking for from us is the michaelia report the um ATC report the packet that we handed out to in the first in the first we'll just send everything out right cuz I believe that was included all those you're included in that packet yeah we'll place the ad in the register I'll work on a list of deliverables and um I'll touch base with you in the middle of next week y there abouts and what I'll do is uh once I get the standard contract form for the designer y I'll put it on I can just get appended to um the document we've already given you I think I sent you the live file right yes it wasn't a PDF so you can make any changes you want edits whatever whatever you need to do yeah cuz I was able to get the uh designer application off of the uh the DSP form the SB form so that's already been Incorporated we have that too so okay okay so that's been Incorporated already it's the 2016 version sure and then all I need is the contract and that contract's ready document is ready to be uploaded to com right perfect there's a half a day project yeah if you're lucky canting that com oh combis is tough you'll you'll take care you said we'll you'll do the local ad paper yeah we can do the local ad paper um and then just post it wherever you would your normal solicitations in town hall I think that's the four yeah we got we we got a closet door we just throw them on there you go it's perfect we don't say we put it at the inside of the door but as long as it's on the door all right yes thank you thank you okay excellent no problem thank you thank you you have a good evening thank you all right moving on to number two which is a gcam space request um I we're not firing them what we're not going to fire them I fored all of you an email four weeks ago now with gcam space res I have it here I just I pass it around for people Lynn's looking at it I know that um Jen had a strong thought on this that's that's an outside entity yeah it's outside it's outside the scope of the project have a problem with them coming but then it's got to be a rental situation right and I don't know if as a town entity we can do that but there's other there's other organizations that have been requesting space so that right well that's what I'm saying a Pandora's Box can't Grant space to one and not others it's a rabbit hole I don't think right now we should be going down and if that's the case then let the select board to do it not us do what go down that rabbit hole and if they're going to turn around around after this project is done if they want to turn around and add this add this add this add that add that let them do it yeah so the bottom line is the scope of the project it's just municipal offices any other department that's asking that's not a municipal office but like a friend or gcam that'll have to go through after the Project's over with you'll have to see what kind of room is left to the S board ex we talking about 17,000 square ft and they were requesting 15,000 there's not a lot of square footage left to yeah exactly [Music] mhm all right so select board can revisit that when the Project's done with when our or or unless or unless they find additional funding to increase our scope of of work okay any other business does anybody have anything else before we go on to approving the minutes so you brought up having the department heads come back in again like for their wishes are we waiting until after we start you know how you just said we got to bring them start bringing them back in again well yeah that's part of old business we can bring it up right now um well apparently we should wait to The Architects on board cuz they're going to be doing some of that work okay may be easier to do the work for us keeps personalities out of it I mean we only have two left that we hadn't talked to but I I don't know what do you guys think do you want want to get that started up again and then bring it to the architect or wait till the architect comes on board so I I think when that when that process starts this board should be involved with it with the let let them run the program but let us make sure that nobody's seeding right right what they need what they need and they're not sneaking in non- departmental office space yeah we can't have this we can't have this project grow and still make our commitment I think it's better to let them handle the interviews we'll just give them what we already have so you know Bally we're base off and then when he goes through his interviews he'll turn around say well this is what they you know stated probably and said this is what you guys said they stated before and well this is what was stated and approved by the town when we presented it correct for footage square footage so it really can't go much bigger than what you asked for all right I think he's blowing us off or he's not coming sorry I don't no you can say blowing off that's okay so the other old business was um the veterans housing request Mr Dore Mr Gore Mr Gore Patrick Gore was supposed to be here for 4:30 correct he was having car trouble oh so what was this in regards to another so this is the person who came and spoke quickly to Dale about wanting to put veterans and half the building that we were going to renovate that this the the government would renovate that half of the building for veterans housing I had questions about that well that's why I wanted you to come in and talk to us about that but he he's um not here what was some of your questions Jen accessibility um term limit you got ramps at the back end of the building well they would take care of all that no no no no no no no no excess you mean time frame like no are you saying Town's accessibility to that side of town accessibility to that side um I can tell you what he did say when he came in he said that the state looks for a lot of old school school buildings to renovate for veteran housings for single room occupancy and when we talk veterans are we looking at older veterans there was no age there there is no age group yeah okay and he said it would what was nice about the funding too is that they helped like put in showers like do the kitchen pretty much com in so that that Financial backing would have been nice if it's you know feasible but but I I have reservations about that I have I have a few already you guys already right it really would have been nice come in and explain it we can never use it again but I also has I also have reservations on things like safety and things like that yeah they work all that out but I don't know what the compatibility is between what he wants to do with our building yeah and what we're doing now and what we're going to have in the future right that was my concern regardless if we went down that rout yeah it was just an alternative an option to look at because of the funding yeah like what they could do in the building but we could always have him come in and explain or as we no this is one shot oh okay no this what this is his one shot to come in explain the program yeah cuz he's come in and talked to Dale a couple times and each time it's sort of changed a little y yes okay so so not be on the confidence well who is he is he a contractor is he a State Rep is he no he's a he's a veteran service agent he works out of Northampton he said he works doing this supposedly quite a bit but is what he does and what he actually does kind of changed the last couple times he's come in so that's why I was hoping he would come in and actually like speak to the group so you could ask questions and see because the last time he came in he was looking for some funding correct Chris wanted to see if we could provide him office space in the building so that really was like hm that's not what we talked about but so so it switched from housing to office space he needed an office he needed an office space and plus monies okay well he's not here so he can't explain what he [Music] wanted but the original request was housing for Veterans and apparently that's not how it's ending so we don't know I apologize for that it would have been we take any opportunity we can and we that's where we review it and see if it works for the town and what we were requiring to do for the building a good politically motivated [Music] speech all right um no I'm not running again approval of minutes from last meeting did you guys get a chance to look at them no uhhuh yep yeah regardless of Chris's no do I have a um motion to accept them motion to accept minutes as uh approved and read I'll second it all in favor I all righty I abstain I she was actually brownie it's more important all right that's um our agenda so unless anybody has any other business we want to schedule another meeting or do this committee want to schedule we now that you know the timeline of what's going on let's wait till he gets back to us mhm I agree well August 16th is only two weeks away right mhm yeah he's going to put a timeline together for us too so that'll give us a with deliverables we're the architect walk through on the 16th so we we shouldn't meet not meet until then all right let me ask you this question M do you want the subcommittee to meet and not the full committee well I'm sure Neil's going to send email you right so and it would be the timeline for the architect well the actually the whole timeline he's going to give a timeline with deliverable so when when he kicks that out then we can set a meeting up yeah because it doesn't matter we know what when we know what we're being charged the whole committee it doesn't matter I think so I think the whole committee would like to know what the timeline looks like with the well why don't we wait oh why don't we and then if we have that we can actually schedule but we're still not getting anything from the architect until when again when's the last when's that date everything is supposed to be submitted in by the 28th well he's going to put that timeline up so no I just trying to remember so he'll put a timeline out before then right but we're not going to have anything with the architect until the 28th yes we'll probably have a timeline before the end of the week with deliver and so we'll meet in so we'll look at it and we meet next week or a week after depending on what his timeline right spells out for us so to wait well let's set a date let's set a date in two weeks let's do that and then if the timeline's not here at that point we can cancel it and if it is here we can meet and go through the timeline it should be here by then F I agree but okay so 2 weeks would be um August 13th I'll be away I'm on vacation you're out of control I actually won't be here all right I don't uh give me another date people August 20th 20th it's the next and that would be right after the walk through M unless you don't want on a Tuesday it can be another night are you on vacation the whole week oh I'm sorry I'm on vacation a week of the 12th to the 16th oh okay isn't great to have so much vacation time you about Toth let's wait until we get the deliverable and and then schedule a meeting all right well we know it can't be the week of uh cuz if we start scheduling stuff around ourselves that's what we have an alternate no no offense no absolutely that if we wait until you get back I don't want I do not want the OPM saying well it took you guys 3 weeks no I totally agree and I won't be far you're talking about you're talking about the subcommittee versus the whole committee this it doesn't matter the sub we need to meet if the SubCom or the the subcommittee needs to meet if the whole committee wants to join in fine you follow what I'm saying I but at least the subcomittee and if Kevin's out or I'm out or someone's out micheline's here that but right let's not let's not let's see how quickly we get this timeline if we get it on you know Monday let's say the 5th we can meet anytime next week correct that's that's kind of my point if we don't get it then then we'll push it off to the week of the 19th that's fine I don't want I do not want push it off we don't want them pointing the finger at us that we're holding them up right so you said you're out the week of the 12th and Micheline you're out I come I come back the 14th okay all right so we'll wait on till we get to deliverables and then we'll put an email out any other questions excellent mtion to toour in favor all right 455