##VIDEO ID:dZHUl3onmsg## [Music] now we're on welcome everybody um so today we I'm going to introduce you to our designer this is Tim hi Tim hi everybody and the purpose of today's meeting actually according to the agenda is to go over the status of the project where we're at hopefully um lay out the timeline which you all have a copy of what Tim which I have an update oh okay which Tim has updated which we'll talk about in a second and then um any other information so I'm going to actually hand the floor over to you guys you guys have vomit nail so you know the op all right Tim the floor is yours Perfect all right so take one pass one around the updated schedule I flushed out in particularly uh the first two pieces um the programming and needs assessment and existing facilities assessment which are more or less what we're looking at for the next four weeks um so just to start flushing out the immediate um goals and steps along the way um today obviously is that first kickoff meeting um with going forward essentially start with programming piece um one is a workshop session which that would be in person I have questionnaires which I can either email you after an example of them Lyn maybe maybe that's the easiest way to do it um which ideally Chris and myself who those of you for the interview Chris wany is one of my colleagues he'll be helping me with the programming side um and and the intent would be to try to find a day where we can get all of the stakeholders um that we want ultimately involved with the programming in a room run through questionnaires and figure out space needs um adjacencies things of that nature um the questionnaire which I'll distribute to Lynn and then she can to the group um will give you an idea of what we'll be discussing um the thought would be to if we can to look at doing that all on one day um between the two of us we think assuming scheduling works it's a total of maybe 4 to 6 hours for us not necessarily for each of you cuz I imagine each individual department is probably somewhere in the realm of 30 minutes to an hour um depending on the complexity of their needs um what we were eyeing initially for that would be next week on Friday if we can make that work that would be the ideal granted if we need to we can look at the following week I just know that was the earliest that would work for Chris wait so we're talking about the 25th yes if that's workable and granted part of the discussion that I wanted to raise you folks is who exactly the um decision makers are going to be I assumed and just kind of going on the town website that we're thinking it's the primary leader or the actual head of the said department is who we would want to meet with the invitation would go up to the well so we've already met with some of the Departments we know what the space requirements are so that I think would be um applicative yep but I I um well and we can share if you have that information that you can share with us that would be good as a starting point and then we can see what additional holes or pieces we want to fill in the gaps on um cuz part of what we're going to want to discuss is not only space needs but also any specific functional needs in terms of privacy sound isolation interaction with the public interaction between departments or lack thereof that you want to maintain and things of that nature and that be clear in the questionnaire um that I'll share with you all right can I can send you an email later on uh today or tomorrow with the space requirements that we perfect already gathered yep um cuz I have what was in the original committee notes that were given as part of the RQ that hasn't changed okay well the qu we would want to get deeper in is essentially at least space requirements but um I'd have to make sure for sure I'll send you an email perfect and we can flesh out and find what the actual date would want to be um that one in terms of the actual programming workers shop is one of the more tricky ones CU it involves more of your personnel here in town whereas the other pieces in terms of fieldwork um whether it is um touring existing Department spaces which part of the question is going to be how much do we or don't we want to do that um which is really more of a question twofold one is part of we like to do programming is to make sure that we talk to what do you like and dislike about the space you're currently in now granted given the constraints of this project from a time and a budgetary standpoint there's only so much we're really going to be able to address that but part of that really helps us nail down what are the absolutes that people truly care about um so that's something where in an ideal world that happens on the same day that we're interviewing with people is that we can just spend a half hour or so just touring each of their existing locations um that won't happen in a half an hour because they're spread out between well I mean in their location a half hour is what I'm saying so so so the way I would recommend this going is you set up a mandatory meeting for the these department heads to to be there or have a a a represent on that Friday next Friday because time is at the essence right and we don't want the town holding up a dime holding up a dollar and then and then a followup meeting with the committee and OPM and yourself yep to review fin to review because the final say is the committee right yeah we already started having conversations like L said at one point and one party was in here saying I really don't want to be with this one and things like that so I think that um we should put those aside and see what happens exactly but I'm just saying I mean space the space requirements we we have what we have I me we based our project on what was asked mhm so that shouldn't change much but of course needs wants and desires are are different right right and and usually what we like to do and the way we approach this is we want to have a conversation which is why we give a questionnaire and I'll and I would ask you to give it to them ahead of time so they can think about it because after I've asked certain pointed questions about um the specific spaces the specific equipment the specific number of people that are in the space I generally like to let them talk a little bit about what they feel what they want what they get from those questions cuz usually and this is where my translation comes in after the fact I can glean something from that that they might not be thinking they're telling me um about what they truly care about and maybe there's something where this is a critical element that they might not have thought of originally and it's a lot of psychology in some ways of just trying to G glean from the people we're talking with of what truly matters um because we want to at least get the spatial side of things right um and the be able to fit in the individual functions that they do because I think that's going to be the most achievable part of what we can do for this particular project when can you get the interview questions I can get those to tonight and if you want I can give you a hard copy of them now there's a different different one specifically for the senior center cuz that's more unique um and then there is the other one which would just generally be used by department but I can email you those either and you wouldn't you wouldn't need these answered before the meeting or okay so they need to bring their answers with them to the meeting yes yep granted they can make notes they can do whatever they want they can hand me their responses I've had people take all sorts of approaches and these are the questions that you want answered um and it's just 30 minutes to an hour 30 minutes to an hour I suspect per department now the one that there's a few that are perhaps more involved that may be longer than that but I think some of these particularly where you have lesser amounts of square foot for them um outside of going through some of the specifics regarding security and storage and things of that nature that I imagine are necessary um like I'm looking at the um Town assessor and perhaps even the tax collector or the building inspector may be a bit more [Music] brief can you so you said you wanted to go through where they currently are with them right so would you have these meetings in their offices in their offices so go to their office they could be done either way and that would be probably the best time I think I think that's really a question and that's why I bring it as a discussion point today of if that's going to make it easier to schedule and get all of the people involved let's do that if it's going to be easier to mandate that they have to be in a space the only issue is if they have to be in a space at the same time obviously we're just two of us we can really only deal with two departments at a time so that that's where that may not work as well whereas between Chris and I if we're just cycling through and we kind of get a block of say an hour and then leave a half hour and then we meet for at the next Mark for an hour and just kind of spread that throughout the day that might be the the best way to approach it what do you guys think I think having meting here the biggest principles you have are here conso on Aging the the uh Town manager's office the treasurer's office who else is up there Building Inspector Inspector the bulk of them are here the other ones are on a small footprint over the other side the only one that you'll have a little or responsibilities or or or footprint with would be the uh Town Clerk and we've got plans and we pretty much know mhm yeah what so I would say right you don't need to go there to see what they've got because which which is fine because generally people the the reality that I've always dealt with when programming is people know what they know and they know the spaces they're in and that's why specifically I bring up and some of the questions will be based on their existing space if I need more information on the other spaces I'll let you know and I I think for now we can plan on given that they're more minor um that will just do it here um it's not that they're more minor it's just they're smaller well that one I used the wrong but that's what I meant is they're smaller more self even if literally you just swung up to the annex at 9:00 take a look around yeah well and'll be about 5 minutes and that's essentially all I'm looking to do is I want to be familiar enough with a space so if someone mentions something about their space I know what they're talking about that's really all I could meet you up there and have walk through here with you at 9:00 less than 10 minutes 10 minutes we'll be heading down here and start your meetings yep so I'd say that would be the perfect way to approach it okay just quick right so he gets a visual of what they're in yep yep because again like I said I get the best answers from people typically not based on imagining something that could be but what do you have now what does it work what doesn't work what do you hate what do you love what and those answers typically the what do you hate and what isn't working is the ones that are most helpful um because they tend to be where people get a bit more fired up and actually know without needing to think too hard all right so um I'll send an email or one of us will send an email out to the department heads and say we're having the design interview you on this date um you want to start at what time um we can get out here I'll need to double check with Chris but I would imagine the earliest we could get out here would be actually it's FR if we're looking at Friday why don't we say uh 10:00 okay so interviews start at 10: although you'll you come a little earlier to walk through or you want to start at 10:30 what' you say is it home by [Music] do you want to walk the annex at 10: or do you want to come a little earlier and then start interviews at 10 issue is I have another meeting first thing in the morning so I be taking that as I come over we we'll say the interviews won't start till 10:30 just so you can get here for 10 walk the annex and whatever else you need to see yep and then we'll do interviews at 10:30 and in that um email will say department heads have to be there they can bring her if they want yep to go to and then ultimately we'll just get this is just our information gathering we'll C we'll gather it we'll condense it we'll produce notes that then we'll go to this group that then we can review and decide yes this is reasonable or no this isn't okay um and that should work out okay because the office is closed at noon time right so right see well if I don't think so no well and let me no they close the offic they they're still working okay that that concerned for a cuz otherwise I was going to say let me check move they're they're there till 3:30 the doors the doors are shut that's when they're supposed to be catching up perfect they can catch up with you yeah yeah no that that works fine all right so then essentially once we've had that meeting um we'll develop the initial program um we'll develop those notes and get them to you and I have a meeting scheduled in here tentatively I was looking at um essentially 118 um for that to review initial information and some initial um space analysis SL test fitting um and then another week after that to finalize okay so Friday is 118 a Friday that's actually not a probably not a great day to meet okay can we can we switch up to a when do we normally Tuesdays or Thursdays so I think Thursdays based on what Neil was telling me are going to be the better day you can do it Thursday afternoon Thursday afternoon can you guys do Thursdays I can do any day I mean unless you guys want Friday doing the afternoon what so nobody's working overtime on Friday yeah yeah so attorney but if we can find a time that works and then we can have a kind of standing slot ideally on Thursday afternoons moving forward sure for when we need a meeting so we'll say November 7th then okay that's 4:00 a good time for you yeah that's fine for me you guys okay with that November 7th yep so that's programming uh the next big chunk is the building assessment and existing conditions um I the main question I have with that is kind of twofold is who should I be contacting or who should be my conduit for people going out on site getting into the building say the chief um well wouldn't that be Jeremy yeah but probably should go through one a bus first that's find with me okay and then um cuz I've got a few that are looking to start essentially either Tuesday or Wednesday next week um to get them into the building I am also coordinating with I haven't heard a date yet um from the building scanner um but they were saying they need approximately one day onsite um where they'll go and the laser scan the whole building and then it's between 2 and 3 weeks then to produce the model which we'll use for the documentation um does someone have to be there the whole time that they're there that's also a question oh what was that he said he'd love to yeah well I mean I can probably work with you in we can try to figure that out Jeremy at least somebody in the building just kind of around I'm free I have nothing so who okay what's the access requirements once you get into the building everything open everything locked couple offices that are locked you need you guys to access need to remain locked right cuz you using it there's records and we also have some um seized items that we have Au so yeah gotta okay so I'm wondering um can it be a whole committee thing so like he contacts you or me and then if one of us can't be there we ask the committee who can be there on this state because we need somebody in the building with y a designer and anybody can volunteer right I mean I don't know I don't know yeah well I was also thinking that we once we contacted Jeremy he going to loock it and I think um even at that point I think he get Jeremy's phone number and uh which even if he goes offsite for comes back but I mean you guys are there's need one of you guys on there to unlock those doors right at that point that would be the main thing because we could do that first thing first day and then you can secure it to your satisfaction and then you know instruct your model that those rooms I believe Jeremy has the keys to those one one is records and one is just some items that were seized that are because essentially and I've done this approach before too if that makes the most sense and if that the best way then we just need to know who the contact is and the and the contact number and so on but I've done this before to where you get us in you unlock things you either stay or you go or whatever and we just call you before we leave have to get a hold of you before we leave to let you know all right basically as long as you get locked in the building is what happens which we've done right just because they don't want people watering the halls or anything like that right I just don't know what the protocol is for gry I mean do we does anybody know like in projects like this I don't think there's going to be an issue honestly like I said I think the biggest thing is because it is basically starting as a construction site they want the do locked they don't want people wandering the Halls what this committee should start thinking about mostly you CH is what are we going to do with this stuff during it needs to go right right or find a a a space that we're not going to be working in to move it to ours just has to get auction off we're started talking about that the other day so a we needing grill lights so that being said um probably tomorrow morning I'll reach out with dates um and who wants to come at which time I'm trying to condense people so that they're coming together if at all possible okay um and I'll get that to you and we can get that going the earliest one I think was uh has met which or no civil was looking at potentially Tuesday or Wednesday next week granted they're outside the building um who was that civil a phone call let you know that they let you know absolutely then we can just give a phone call to the building maintenance and uh um it is marked off that it's under it's a construction site no trespassing but once we know that they're there they're valid no big deal yep yep and then the main group I think starting with Hazmat they've said next week on Wednesday is when they want to start um in terms of coming on site um and then I have a couple of dates that I'm coordinating between myself and MEP and structural that I just like I said I want to try to get us there at a similar time day if at all possible so that we're in and out without too much hassle so I'll get all that to you tomorrow okay for those days um so next Wednesday the 23rd yep yep yeah it's on there yeah the the preliminary dates I actually put in there um for what I was picturing um so on what people coordinate with you okay um 23 I'm pretty good all I have is uh one company com and walking through to take a look at the the camera project for the I have a 230 other than that okay I think 23rd's fine and I can just basically leave for a little bit yep let them do their thing yep yep then the last piece related to all that is I don't know what if any existing documentation outside of what was shared in the RFQ you may have for the building whether it's plans or previous Hazmat testing or I think we have a little bit of both right both well we have the original the original study we have the original plans too don't we uhhuh hard copy or scanned hard copy if they're hard copied we can scan them for you um or scan at least the ones that we want to use in his office Chris has they're in his office they used to be in the closet oh Chris asked about that too I told do you know when colar did their study what seven8 10 years ago whatever it's started do you know if they got a registered land survey of the lot I don't think so I don't remember saying that I don't remember seeing it in [Music] there so you want any existing specs and plans of the building yep any documentation you have if you have a survey plan if you have a survey plan if you have any testing that's been done in terms of Hazmat um cuz we I we've talked a number of times about what we suspect I assume some level of testing has been done and that was done in 201 what 12 when we were looking at renovating 15 12 I don't I got but that's when it was done right when we stuff sent out for that it was for that it was I think I think that started they might have i' have to go back say I think there is one B draw take and scan wait what so I think there's one big drawing that you have to take and scan but just saying with Neil I thought all that stuff we had was in that one of those original proposal things that we sent out for the OPM and it maybe and I telling Neil that I'll double check what was s yeah everything we had was in the colar study cuz I was for his met yeah yeah because the thought is that what we'll do and it's more from the standpoint of what we can't really see without destructive investigation if there are any drawings that show assemblies and wall sections things of that nature if we don't have it it's not the end of the world but it's always helpful anything we have I don't think I'll seeing anything in that graphic I think we do okay so I'm not surprised but I'm going to ask yeah that can't hurt that yep and then essentially the plan is during programming we're going to use the plan which we received from you as our base and we'll draw over that for programming um because essentially we should at least preliminarily um be receiving the RIT model then from the building scanner around the time when we'll be starting SD okay one one higher level question that I think you guys should start thinking about is the end use of the building and how the hours of the senior center are going to differ from the hours of town hall and the reason that I ask you that question is there's a reasonable expectation that there'll have to be some separation internally of those spaces and functions that's what I was thinking earlier and um that leads to uh questions about ESS and how people get out if they need to under both circumstances that's things that we're going to need to talk about um pretty early in the process some would actually come out of the program it will and that's part of the question um is involved with that is who do you expect to come from the public when is your hours that people would come and that'll be part of what we sort through didn't we talk about that a little bit about the door at the end of potentially having two separate entr using the far entrance the for the offices front the senior center yeah all right all right that's something to think about definitely during interviews to yep see what they want it might it may also guide some of the discussion on adjacencies M yeah right like departments like ours like public in terms of who would be going the other piece which we'll be doing as part part of the existing facilities assessment is a full survey I guess would be the word from the standpoint of accessibility so that's also going to then build into part of our approach in terms of where we might may or may not put people and what level of work we need to do to get to a point where it's full where it's fully accessible cuz I'm assuming most uh of these facilities are going to need to be publicly accessible um if not all I think we got a pretty good base on that from prior discussions and meetings about what's going on one side of the building where SE all Council on Aging is going on the other side so that'll help maintain yep um outboard of that really the other piece that I had in here is just to confirm the must haves which are starting position that then everything will grow from which is hazardous material remediation fire protection the windows and then the accessibility compliance is there anything and I know there was mention of the ventilation in there too which was one that was more of a needed to be studied same again fire so fire protection mhm existing Windows removal and replacement hazardous material IAL accessibility compliance and then um ventilation Windows including doors yeah yeah which that was from the RFQ as part of what you were kind of giving a starting scope right that's as long as that's still true want to make sure yep I think there's going to be a lot of things that fall from that discussion yes well and that's going to be a major part of that initial study of what about electrical electrical oh moving it up from the basement well at least getting that that those Transformers out of the basement and getting an exterior Transformer I think you've got to look at service size yep yeah does does anybody know um obviously now I think it's all in one but does the senior center pay for electricity separately from the town or could it all be under one meter in one service um he gets like 30 electri I was going to say there ridiculous every Department in like building is broken down okay but it doesn't but every but every Department in building is pretty much separate right no no no I don't think so every what every Department within a building like police and fire it'sing yeah building cuz I'm like I don't remember right he must he must figure that out he must break it down one one meter one service serving both facilities is okay right and and he would probably figure out how to charge yeah because he's been trying to get it combined and they just keep SE sending them the separate bills for each yeah building so we can help that [Music] right yeah that's what I had in my list so that's going to carry us through December November that'll bring us through essentially the first and second week of November yep and then we'll be in by February don't is that one those Milestones turn around camera and them you want a shelter under my print we we did for end of December but at the last select board meeting up the select board was advised that probably to go till December next year yeah right that's with no surprises right right that's well that's with you know seeing if we can extend the lease where at the annex and then very worst case tell them they got to step up these few offices cuz they have to move in by the end of December you know yeah and then the rest of the schedule as it plays out from there right is schematic design uh essentially through the end of January or the beginning of January it's middle of January second to last January no I'm good just got to need a long ride and construct there we go construction documents through the end of March correct and then we're bidding presumably we're out to bid in April right for the start of the right the process 6 weeks minimum I thought we wented a bit a little earlier though because around in the win what I'm trying to just sort of set that expectation it's public bidding is typically a six- week process when all is said and done yeah you can reasonably expect another two to three weeks to execute contracts exchange bonds and insurance after that so we're looking at a start of construction probably somewhere around March uh probably May probably yeah probably early to mid June is what would be my guess and then plus 9 months I would think give or take which to the point part of that discussion will have to be and this will be I think something we can start talking about and teasing that when we get to programming cuz part of I think one of the way to approach this is particularly since we we already have that other Wing available as a potential space that can be somewhat peeled off to look at do we need to look at not necessarily full phasing but try to work from one side if you will towards the other um which may be an approach we have to take in order to relocate people so just for clarification you're referring to possibly like working on that wing and adding people when we can because of the restraint contract we have with the inex if we need to yeah ideally we don't need to do that but it's better for us to plan ahead a b c okay I would say plan ahead with that in mind yeah just just bear in mind right all of that considered if we need a new electric service right in order to occupy a building and the electric service is going to take us six or eight months to get right we won't be there in January right we're currently looking easily 16 weeks for Windows so if we're going to replace all the windows in that Wing before you folks move in which is very likely right right it's going to be very tight to get all that work done before winter right so I just I I hate to say it but managing expectations is 80% of my job and I just want everybody to be aware these aren't are not shelf items right right where hbac all of that stuff will be custom for this job and that will take time to get right so yeah and thanks for the clarification the the issue is and this is where we have to really get to as we dig deeper into this and figure out the needs more um particularly as it pertains to electrical service as well as mechanical um those are probably the two where we might have the most sway in terms of timing um depending on what's needed where unless there's a way we where we can parcel it out which electrical service wise there really isn't much you can do um I thought we talked about it when we interviewed that there was a possibility would if we knew we needed what size switch here yeah we can well and that's what I'm saying certain things we're going to try to figure out as early as we possibly so that we can coordinate prepurchase with you because very likely if we need new service we would have to I also thought we could get we could um build it with what the higher service but put in a lower service for the time being but have it ready for when that you might have to cut over right um which would just need to be something that we'd need to figure out fairly early and would have to be part of the discussion then with the building department in what particular requirements they may have to in order to do that because they may have specific stipulations of what they're looking for to have that done part of that discussion too is going to be from the standpoint of the sprinkler system and the fire protection is unless that's able to get done all at once are they really going to allow people in if it's not up and functional and how does that so there's a lot of questions that we're going to have to tease Town actually had that conversation with the building inspector already and I think we got frankly I it appears as though we have a very favorable good opinion on that so good yeah cuz my plan would be maybe not during programming so much to have a deep sit down with them but during SD um I definitely plan to sit down with the local building official once we have um some of these things in place in a general plan um to just hash through all of this sort of stuff to figure out what are the potential problem areas and where are the points of concern um the more we can get him or her involved um early in in making those choices the better off we're going to be so that we don't have headaches and hiccups from that standpoint um so just to clarify the timeline Neil I thought you said start a construction will probably be early to mid June MH yes Because the bidding is going to go out in March yep end of March March yes and it could take up to 9 months to to complete the building that's what we're think we're looking at March of 202 for complete complete everybody in but December people some people 2020 is that we okay right okay any when we meet that day what we're talking about is that Annex the annex is what what needs to be done December 25 right the lease is up if we get it extended that's far as out is because they're willing to go land owners willing me go from what I understand see looking at the assessor's office the tax collector town clerk Board of Health want yeah collector tax ass tax collector there's four clear those four y those a pretty pretty easy Department yeah I think in the end those are likely the simpler storage y you know help go anywhere U what else do theor tax collector probably go somewhere for well we could probably use the old library if necessary we've got that building mhm if necessary if necessary the one I'd be most concerned about would be uh Kathy town clerk the town clerk is the one that PO head as well yeah I mean that would be the more difficult out of the four it's the most difficult out of them any questions for Tim I don't think so all right awesome thank you thank Youk you we'll hear from you later this week yep I will follow up and guys send all that things for distribution to you and Neil y it's probably the [Music] easiest okay um any other business [Music] um well that would be why don't we approve the minutes first so um you all have minutes in front of you from last meeting yes I make a motion to accept the minutes second all those in favor all right so um Dale can you put those up on the yep website so just so you all know all our minutes are on the gramby website go to to select board under the select board we'll list our committee and then open our committee and all our minutes pop up from post special town meeting and they're up to date on there they're all they've been there for months okay I don't know look yep and then old business Dale from last meeting we talked about how Pathfinder had contacted us for landscaping services and obviously we didn't need it right away so D's going to contact ly ly do please it yep she was wonderful and already put us on her agenda for next year um and we'll contact us as it gets closer to the project being ready for that but they're um they actually cut out residential now and are just doing municipalities to give back to the communities so it'll be pretty exciting to get them the kids in there absolutely so we will have Landscaping done yep um for next spring I imagine they don't come out to Springtime or maybe they're going to come out in the fall and take a look at it right yeah and they'll make arrangements at that point they're just putting us out there so all right so before we adjourn the meeting we know that we're going to be meeting as a followup [Music] on what did we say the 25th is 25th is the programming Workshop oh so so so for the workshop yes who has to be there for that so that's kind of the question for you is do you want it just to be the the stakeholders and then maybe one or I don't however many of you want to be there listening in um so okay if needed I guess I need to find out from you what um so give each department an hour yes and you want to start at 10:30 yep and we have 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 yes seven eight and maintenance right y y nine departments yep but you said you could do two at once correct yes cuz Chris and I are coming all right so we're looking at 10:30 to 4:30 pretty much in all meeting here yes so Lun I can email them if you want again like we did the last time yeah we can talk afterwards about that all right all right so um I I I'd like to be at least for some of them to hear what's going on the subcommittee needs to be at minimum needs to be in especially if you're doing two meetings at once need to be involved yeah if for no other reason than to to observe them mhm would it would have to be posted of course the sub committee the sub comme mhm and I'm just trying to upate my calendar now we're we're planning on the 7th at 4:00 November 7th 4:00 oh yes that was the date I was thinking of yeah November 7th yeah that would be the followup with the initial program so our next meeting as a committee is November 7th at 4:00 what no I just need to be educated the the subcommittee meeting needs to be posted online is that what you're saying so yes that's what Neil is suggesting okay so we will post it on the website yep I will get an agenda to you okay there is some um I agree with Neil has to be posted let's just put it that way okay yeah I was just curious why just so everybody is aware what we're doing open meeting law requirements okay all right so if three of us and all are coming to the meeting okay and our our committee is only seven right 1 2 3 4 5 6 and we're missing one yeah so a majority of the committee's meeting okay anything else can the public come to that as well or no that's why posted they can they can come to observe they can't ask anything but they can observe yeah okay all right that's that was gonna be my no public comment no public comment perfect perfect so I'll entertain a motion to end the meeting all in favor all right 455 thanks guys thank you very much thank you