##VIDEO ID:n2yjiQUxpkY## [Music] all right so we all have this new design draft from EDM design draft three um to keep on schedule we really should either approve this tonight or go get back to them um and then when we meet again as a committee next week which um I know we said the fifth maybe did we say six o'clock though I think we did I think there was only if we needed it right right so if we don't do it tonight we'll definitely meet next week unless something else comes talk to us about the other things that were I that we have in the emails so first we'll start at the design draft three um what do you think what back to what we were originally thinking about yeah that whole Wing being all the time office yeah so the the door's gone yep well I'm not really sure what this is in front of the copy room it looks like doors but they're not going to be I think those are the existing that's the existing structure to be honest yeah I think that's the existing I think that's for more like emergency exit for okay those couple off yeah I mean we can ask what that is but that's definitely not an entrance no it's not an entrance for the building itself what what steeve I no that's what I thought that from what I last heard last meeting y that that was not going to be an entry way right so we removed it but is that is I don't know if that's an emergency exit or not or if it just need to be closed up in the emails that I read that you gave back he says that that's just going to be an employee for like that office or whatnot if it doesn't get removed okay from my understanding when I read the emails okay so what he wrote was kitchen gymnasium and multi-purpose areas have recolored to all use the common shared space which is right right town admin's office is smaller with the conference table pulled out it's also moved which is what we talked about last week um meeting room Flex V Space within the town Administration space which would be used for select board meetings um how how say 200 square feet that's that's uh like 10 by 20 I think it's a small meeting maybe but I think I think I think basically I my take on that I read what he was saying but I was thinking more meeting space for like the admin if if the if the Town Administrator needs a space right put that table in there yeah that's that's how I like that's what I think they were trying to come up with whatever it's a meeting space I'm okay with that because then the other thing was because we talked about um using that meeting room up the hall where the folding partition is for normal s or regular s but if there's a special event then they can use the multi-purpose correct correct so I think I think if you look back at one of the other designs for the meeting room I think that that space was basically designed into the Town Administrator office originally and now moving it out of there here okay okay okay so like if he wants to have a meeting of five Personnel he can have it in that room if if is bigger they can go into the adjacent room bigger they can even have their selectboard Monday night meetings in that room I just you never know how many people going to show so maybe the best thing would always be to have it in at least in one of those other rooms probably you know which is 300 square feet open up the right you open that up you got 600 s f feet you should be good 95% of the time that's it uh okay I've shown another Flex meeting space below the Assessor's department on the left hand side of the corridor yeah right there them it's right below the purple yeah yep okay is another space and 270 squ ft which is uh this size of space will need to be confirmed based on how much space we ultimately need for relocating utilities and a new mechanical for the basement okay so so that could be altered based on Mechanicals right right right I think that's fine I think that's fine too because like you said we also have those other two meeting rooms that are probably not going to be used most of the time during the day yeah I've shifted apartmentss around slightly from the previous to better fit program and work within the existing classroom walls um I was trying to figure out what that was that he shifted around um he didn't shift a lot I don't think when I was looking it looks like the break room with kitchenette right got moved over which is good it gives people some privacy wait where is it now it's off the next to the Vault just down to the Vault you got town clerk yeah I see building oh that's a one door entrance y right so somebody wanted to go out after the lunch or something if that door stays that's great yep you mean the ramp door that's not a ramp step the one that he closed off initially M the one that he was in the middle the kitchenet comes right off of that door now right here I can't read those words okay and this is the door so then employee eating right there so this is really like a like entrance thing yeah maybe I don't know though I don't know you want want to pause it because we need we need yeah we need a COR anyways have pause know paused okay yeah because we need a Corum y i you know what MDF is right it says in the copy room it says MDF if we fired oh you know what I think that is I think that has to do with something with the um the internet building I think that was a uh cuz they were talking IDF MDF that's a that's like an internet pump or something they would run a main cable over to there and then Branch off Branch yeah okay that makes sense okay so what we were talking about was um the flex space below the assessor Department size of space will be confirmed based on how much space okay we said that I've shifted departments around slightly so um to to work within the existing classroom walls so I mean that's great because right ABS money yeah saves money without moving walls to that end to better accommodate the Vault break room copy I've shown the town clerk's Vault space as separate from the primary vault which I think is very good yes maintaining the existing classroom wall although it may be linked with an internal door oh maybe that's where I was reading link to the external door I think that's where I got that from part of the previous discussion for the clerk's records is that there are elements they need secured from the rest of the records particularly for voting so this appeared to be an opportunity to shift so that's great so that was his comments on this draft um I mean all the the storage space was greatly decreased in the cafeteria which is what we wanted ta was moved which is what we wanted um the clerk was put now back to the middle of the hallway so um she could help anybody who comes in reception clerk y y just a clear clear clarify that gymnasium has all the all the things that we built out are now not in there anymore as as which is good it's big use we're not going to use the Vault space upstairs at all which is going to cut out cost for um the lift and the corridor issue um um so this existing bathrooms remain and they has this hard black line we're not doing anything with that right is that what that means yes basically the hard black lines where we're going to stop okay cuz that's with the bottom of the stairs cuz the bathroom is on the top of the stairs um right I think they're just saying they're not doing anything that save us money not time to doal right now because You' have to put a lift in and plus that bathroom up there from what I understand the amount of dispenses that's in there well I think we want to get that's okay that's that's another discussion in a second okay about that Hazmat stuff um but before we before I entertain anybody else changes to this or questions that they W asked um a suggestion was made that since we're not using the kitchen well we we are using the kitchen as a heating warming area for now future buildout making it a real kitchen commercial kitchen it be in the future because we don't have the money for that also I'm sorry I totally forgot I got crazy this afternoon um I have a business card of a person that came in and had a conversation with Chris about some uh development and she knows a few she's from the state she could bring in a few different people and possibly they can help us with um renewal Grant or something to try to they can do the kitchen yes but maybe we should have a subcommittee meeting and try to set up something so we can address that talk at least talk to talk to the people and see what they she can do um so she came in and talked to Chris yes it's it's a good possibility that since the programs the state program federal grants and all that that they're looking at that kitchen and saying it can be utilized as that tool we we have the Monies to do that I think it was R rural development or something like that but so how did she she just came in how did she find out anything I have no idea she stopped in Chris just kind of said hey I had this card before I misplaced it put to your next meeting and it's sitting on my desk okay well my only I think it's great that's not a question for me but then I go back to reading the septic oh okay the leechfield part but this is all future stuff but this is just something y because I think we need that so that's not the question we don't need a kitchen we do need the kitchen all that in the future but we just got to also considerate considerate and who knows what if we say look we do that we need this yeah you know but reading some of that trying to are we Switching gears are we going to go to the oh well yeah no no don't let's stay where we're at just before we jump all so the suggestion was taking aside the grant possibly for for developing the kitchen I'm we don't know if that would be now if it would be after the building's accessible um this is a huge kitchen and we don't need 1,000 square F feet to be just sitting there for warming and keeping food cold so it was suggested that maybe some of that kitchen be divided so um the COA has a greeter here rather than over here take out from the so you can take it out from over here they' have another space in that designated hallway area for that that they're all in and then when um we decide to upgrade the kitchen then this person then it would be shuffled and moved back over here and the whole kitchen would probably be used but I this is this is a lot of space to be sitting there and when when when we could move one of these officers greeters out make more space for them back here take personally I feel like we should let this design go as it is and see where we're going and then that gives just time to meet with this development person to see if there's a potential grant for that K before we start spending more time drawing stuff I'd like to see this keep going and I'm not opposed to trying to push some put something there if that's what they're trying to do at some point but we could also even have um pass us or something like that after the fact if we're if we're looking for something like that which is I I I can understand and agree with you the only question I have for that is if we do Pathfinder like you said we'll put like walls up because it's a little cheaper for to do it that way we still need Connection in that if they put an office there like phones and all the internet and all this stuff we still have to have access into that area if they put an office there in the future I understand looking at the plans see what we have now but it gives them another space here you put all that stuff in there you're not gonna move so no we would we would make it clear that this is temporary because we have the room currently yeah and then I don't know how long we have to talk to this woman yes if this woman says oh we can start this now right and work in conjunction with you then I would say no to moving an office over here in the kitchen but if she says well this is going to take a year or two's time well then a year or two's time gives them more space and then you know with the understanding that it will be changed in the future because that kitchen will be used that's that's I just figured well it's not a bad idea because it kind of gives them more space again where they can put in office since we've made this completely sharable yeah I don't think it's a bad idea but everything has to be understanding it's temporary yep well just like everything here this is also temporary because hopefully we can expand to here as well but it's an extra cost for building a wall that we don't need to build we just saved on cost too because he's not tearing down walls because he's incorporated into each classroom where we don't have to tear down a walls so I guess the question is do we suggest this to Tim and find out what the cost would be or would it just be a temporary wall and the cost would be the uh internet access and what else would they need internet access over there they need that honestly they may put phone in inter in there for the kitchen too who the heck knows I would think they would that is true if that's there then we can do a partition right and it's not going to be a wall it's a reader it's just I mean what do they have now um so I think we just make a mention to Tim that let's make sure the kitchen in that corner has internet phone yep and they can have that they can have their little their little office for the temporarily right right until we can turn around and find a better location at some other distant time well the better location will be back where they are and they'd have to shuffle whatever they're using their rooms for like I said I'm not opposed to talking about doing just basic connections there yeah but I think we talk partitions I don't think we even talk about build I don't yeah I wouldn't um again we don't know what the cost of any of this is but yes but again running wire running internet wire and running um well I see phone you're not even run a phone anymore no it's all internet so a couple of it Connections in the kitchen here here exactly well I I think it's a good idea all right um let's just make sure he knows that we we need to have some connections in there I think we can just tell him I'll just say look just while we're planning we'd like to see it connections and yeah because they can also be useful down the road I guess the other question is I I absolutely the other question is though is what would they be doing would they use any of the existing Plumbing that's in there and how that setup is because I'm thinking I'm thinking down talking for the kitchen yes okay so if if they're going to use any of that any of the plumbing that's there that going to cause chaos because isn't the dishwasher if you're looking at the thing at the room I believe it's all the way to the far right correct is that where they're talking about possibly 20 off you when the doors come up like this yeah and you got um cuz the trays just go here get washed like that cuz the cooking was in the middle cuz you have that mented uh tile wall in the middle yeah that's um that's where the plumbing is and stuff right and that's I just as long as we work around I guess we have to ask him are they going to try to use that or if they're going to design something is just the time of Jackhammer that floor was there anything in the existing conditions report talked about the kitchen I don't remember this the only thing if I remember reading anything about the kitchen it was only about that greas strap that doesn't GRE strap yeah that's which again that's something that we can install now is that something we should be looking at well if we're going to have this for a plan for the future it might be if we're already having in um cuz it sounds like that is what's causing it I have mode in my head but that's not the word I'm looking for to put it in now before we have everything up and well didn't we discussed that a couple meetings ago that they were going to give us a price with um minimal kitchen changes and then an alternative for correct kitchen so I think with minimum kitchen changes they wouldn't be moving any pipes around unless they had to right and so then we have all I'm saying is whatever little office space we're going to do for now if that's what we end up doing we're going to have to work around where that where that yeah I would I wouldn't move yeah I wouldn't move any of that stuff because the whole idea is for that to be future kitchen anyways and if it doesn't hurt to it's just a temporary spot right that's what I was thinking yeah I mean it doesn't have to be a greeter it can be their closet I don't know what they want to use that for but just giving them another space to um I mean I think that I think that you should probably have a greeter there because everyone's walking here and this is now the main entrance yeah right so you really should I know that it's easy to go right to the right through the cafeteria however you know if you're not if you're new to our COA but then you're also just just on the hall from the reception clerk anyway that's true just say so it doesn't doesn't have to be a greeter it can be whatever they want to use that just an extra space right well don't forget I don't know what they're doing this is this closet isn't it no uh yeah that's a closet right there what this right here that's the outside this is access to outside and inside there's uh this is a mechan no there's there's a small little mechanic you want as long as you don't that has the the the ladder to the hatch yes but I don't I there's a wall right there if they need some space there you go for storage or whatever it doesn't look like he's doing anything with that no it's primarily what it is you don't want somebody going in there having an office with you know no I'm not saying saying they saying they need a little more storage you know as long as they don't block the the ladder and they don't block I think there's an electrical panel in there off the top my head that not be a fire hazard could you put stuff in the far back I mean other than that I'm just saying stay keeping away from them well um I bet I don't know what fire Cod I'm just saying that's a potential yep it's just we need to beat up on this I think we need to so I'll send an email to Tam and see what he has to say about that okay um going you're going to have a sprinkler in there anyways should be some kind of suppression right yeah yeah well yes you have a regular suppression but if future not kitchenwise we're talking just that everything has to be yep well I just think it's a good it's actually a good idea to take a look at it and just see ask him okay asked him about just adding something to the kitchen temporarily or asking him about the closet temporarily adding to the kitchen you see they can use the other one I'm just saying if it's there like I said there's a hatch access I thought there was an electrical panel on there but I might be wrong there is an electrical panel there is an electrical panel but I thought he want I know our electrical is changing it is changing so that may not even be there so it's just the hat to go up right so that's all that's in there yeah but storage not to be uh on my side but if I have the access to get on a roof for a fire I don't want to be climbing a whole bunch of stuff just to get I'm just saying even if we had to put a sh partition thing to say you can't go beyond here yeah you could just put shells I don't know I mean I don't know how big that closet is I don't know what's in there it's narrow it's narrow but long and then they I don't even know if they need the storage right they have all the storage here they um I mean I'm not sure that's what they have for storage now is that that area there right I me over there yeah they're there and over there so where did we move remember we last meeting we talked about them walking over here for storage and that has been changed now because that's a rest the restrooms bigger um so where is their storage going to be oh in the gym there's a storage space in the gym they have the small 80 square foot in their office area on the further end with the orange okay and then they have the cafeteria stores the cafeteria storage some of it there's probably going to be tables and chairs right right so but other than that well I was just thinking once you said L greeter that probably that's what it is because the seniors will come up to here instead of walking all the way up to the reception desk all the way down at the end I agree but all you can do is ask him and see what they think right okay all right um I was looking at the septic in now so oh okay so is there a a motion to approve this draft to get back to Tim and say this is it to approve this draft I second it thank favor I same now um approve with the understanding that this kitchen might just change a little bit due to a storage I mean due to a a temporary temporary W yeah that's I'd rather call it a partition that's I by temp partition yeah okay it's hard to take stuff back once you give it I yeah partition's easy to remove exactly so this is the final draft hopefully yes fingers gross okay so that was that now the second oh you have it I am my paper that's okay okay uh leech fields so um I know we discussed last meeting he said that we had to increase the space size and uh we all said H doesn't sound right when it was built for 450 people students we thought anyway so we checked and it says office use requires 450 to 525 gallon a day design flow the seniors acquire 3,000 gallons a day with a cafeteria 2,000 without out so let's go with the 3,000 for now may also be approached by doubling average water meter at existing facility if we don't expect used use to change another potential approach would be to limit the use based on capacity so we I think we have options I think I believe this is on water no it's not there's no water here 12 well um he had asked me to get a um water meter data for the COA there is one there isn't I sent sent Chris an email and I'm waiting to he back the only water we have is gray water for measurement because we have City septic here right but we don't have water coming in but I don't think they meter it right they just do a base edu I think that listening to some of those other select board meetings from yeah um because I know because you know when you get charged when you're like we don't get charged because we have setic and we have well but people go I get charged for water coming in and they get charged for water going out so they have to measure somehow to figure out how much water is going out my daughter's over on High Street there's no meter it's just it's it's a fee it's a a single household it's this so um you can ask like you said you I just don't be surprised if it not an answer honestly so we got a great summary from guntlow I thought which was attached this email I sent it out to you guys um bottom line it said normally a past Title Five grandfathers you for whatever capacity it was used for right leech F leech field size is not a past field component of a titley inspection so that was good um there's one suggestion possibly digging up something and looking at it yes just to take because he mentioned it was it we need a tank they okay since we uh where is it it was SAR see it has had normal use for a long time so the Board of Health could voice an opinion on goo's pass the dist distribution box needs work yep that was I remember that there was also something else yeah it's coming I I I read you um oh based on verbally reported history of the other older leech field near the playground saving the kit serving the kitchen being that it was often pumped because it was clogged we we have considered it failed without excavation and physically viewing the system again it has not seen normal use in a long time this may be a benefit to the system I suspect it was previously failed due to the lack of an exterior grease trap on the kitchen line this system was designed for 250 students and a cafe ceria so it might be beneficial to excavate and see the system in case it is no in case it is no longer clogged right so that was a question well I think at that point we could uh I think we should go du diligence and ask Jeremy if he knows where it is y and get and see if Dave or Jeremy can get that exposed because so they can do the do the job if that does if that's a a pro thing know um something that comes out POS to this that would be good for overall system as well and the only thing then for our kitchen in the future is maybe a just a grease trap right right I think that'd be a requirement no it is going to be a requirement but I'm saying when we going to do it the grease trap is going to have to be put in right where and you know where where're in the system where in line does that go if that's something we should be designing in now to do it so so you want to do it now you want me to tell uh Tim to tell gun to actually go ahead we'll get it dug up for them to do their diligence I think we should I think we're to benefit over knowing that we're gonna eventually use the kitchen for a kitchen right what else ties to is it just a kitchen or I kind of that there was other stuff kind of tied to it too there I didn't read that no what the thing is is because I mentioned kitchen gymnasium and they mention all the other things what made me start think about is you know Chris possibly wants to make this an emergency shelter so if you do showers and everything else that's lot more water as well so future again having this system actually working right and then again maybe there's some emergency management money we can try to get to go for that but but yeah that's all future stuff but let's let's least could you send the email just in the email just asked is it worth us seeing if we can get that excavated for them to inspect it yeah well we could just say do it yeah I mean they questioned it it might be beneficial to exate see this system to see this system in case it is no longer clogged if it's not clogged it's good to go yeah if it's clog then we have another issue but um that way at least we know and then we know if we wait and kick the can down the road it'll be more expensive to do it right so I'm sure Dave will take a couple hours and get that exposed for us we just a matter where where is you know they have to be planned somewhere around exactly have to be well it chased them they had it chased it for they they finally found the the one off the playground that's the one we're talking about isn't it that's one in the tree line right they know that that's exposed and they know the the debox needs to be fixed I think right okay this is on the other side understand okay this this is Tre Bo right over that side is that no it says this is the um based on verbally reported history of the other older leechfield near where the playground was located serving the kitchen so that's by that's by like the to be thought that was exposed cuz I thought they found that like you said over by the tree line right M well there is one over by the tree line where's our picture from last week don't didn't even get a septic picture I don't remember the setic picture hang on my phone really oh that was I know what you're talking about those lines that were running on that's the first one is it the other picture in there this was that's that's the original that was draft number one we didn't get that then did we okay it doesn't trying to use a short word to see if it come up um it be in here no it was definitely on a drone was was it part of the um the parking lot hold on it was the parking lot y hang on you're right Engish so so looking at the school from West Street you're talking about the tank the oil oil tank on to the left would be further out I further out where the playground used to be oh here we go sorry it's on my phone wait but it is the um parking lot it's in this um conglomerate of stuff that we got I eventually find it unless I didn't bring that one okay I agree I don't have so those two those are the L from the school yeah okay so that's the key box he was talking about there's a SE tank M and then the pump station let me see I'll just hold it up we can sorry okay I just made it bigger so there's that there and here's where the school for location of the school right there's the dbx that's the pumping station that's the leech field okay that's cuz that's the playground area that's the one that's clog used to clog a lot yes and then if I go back here you're saying there's one back here I thought there was there no I thought it was over here more so keep on going there's one that I thought oh you're saying that's by the tree line no no no no there's supposed to be another one what's that no no what's that one right there by your finger up top over to the right your right right there no up up up what's that that was a that was the raised underground fire suppression thing okay that was that okay sorry so I'm not sure where where the second one is that they're talking about so yeah that's a good question but I do remember reading it on the Pat the newest leechfield in the Northern woods would pass a Title Five inspection here it is way over here so let me decrease this there's West Street School that's way over here by um so that's that's where they dug it up yes that's the new one that he's talking about this is the old one for the um kitchen all right so that's that's going to be like you said Steve right next to the oil tank where the oil tank was right there yep so this one's kind of like no it's out it's out in the grass yeah it has to be out in the grass where the pler on no no it's out Y no no it's ball fields work yeah yeah where's where's where's the where's this is the black top right here yeah see and that's where the baseball field was yes okay now I get it yep okay yeah we should get that whatever they need exp y we should get that we should we should get the kitchen exposed so we can see what's going on good thing I got a bigger phone last week we be looking at his tiny thing trying to figure this out but we have I just don't have them with me uh the bit pictures yeah yeah all right so so um I'll do that I I'll contact Tim and suggest that they we think could be beneficial to excavate since we're planning on eventually doing the kitchen even though we don't have the money right now well the thing is I understand that part of me understands we got to work on this this is what we're as Jim would say this is what we're destined to do but in my eyes I go I get this but if we had to do something now to help us in the future that will save us this to me this is one of the things that would be floor do it while nobody's in there you know yeah some of that stuff said hre then the other thing we got um information on was the hazardous material survey this kind of confused me a little bit because um he said the current testing they did only covered the renovation area remember he said that some of the floors had triple yes layers and we were like and we thought maybe it was the older building so no current testing only covered the renovation area previous survey covered the 1941 right-and area and would need to be updated if we intend to Abate that area as well now I thought at the last meeting we discussed we want to debate the whole building correct yeah to sa because of the so he said I have Atlas putting together a budget for this so I sent him the budget we already have from Atlas that's a year old I said we already got this hopefully it'll come in at the same price if not cheaper um and he said where there are multiple layers of flooring they have included testing for the full profile all layers Atlas is going to be development estimate for the removal abatement of the Hazardous Materials the approximately 24,000 of the area of renovation I don't know what he meant by that the approximate 24,000 of the area of renovation that I'm assuming it's just the area that we're doing yeah no that's that's that's less than 24 that's less than 24 that's like 18 isn't it s like that I thought so I think I think we're talking CU remember he mentioned this before is oh no no no proposed area was 20,000 Square ft okay existing area is 12,900 the proposed area taking into account everything we've done he do have existing building at area level so so the other part of the building is only 5,000 square ft no wasn't it 44,000 I thought the whole thing was 44,000 total yeah existing building area at level I don't know what that means I think he's saying everything that is at this doesn't take a left a lift off be yeah which would be the second part that we're not including in right but I thought we talked about a to beit the whole building well so I sent him trigger some windows having to be changed which okay so so okay wait um you got price on window right right yeah we got price on well okay hold on take your time we also um what's the word I'm looking for a baby um when we got our Windows quote it was for all the windows and I understand we discussed yes and I understand we discussed last meeting that um why would we do that if we're not going to use that building it's going to be an excess amount of money that we don't spend but um I thought we thought it wasn't that much more money it was worth doing all at once I think at least you have them give us pricing because I think again if we have the we want all those pcbs out of those windows right that's what we were thinking and then at that point you know okay if we need a couple more classrooms it's going to cost x amount of dollars to to do it and maybe we can budget it and just keep expanding this building again remove part of that person with that roal development maybe even said some of that because you know at one point uh Christ said possibly you know startup businesses and stuff like that could could get an office space for a while develop themselves and then move out kind of thing it sounds like there's some of that program money available so so some of that though is we're not going to know if we want to put Windows all in those spaces or just the um panels I think we have to judge the best we can with what we have and you know um I think I think if if we I think we just plan on them being office space I mean I think I think everybody would love to see the old Auditorium Library become a place for another beut area something you know I for I'm concerned you're shooting for the Stars right you do what you got to do no I the I know there's a budget involved here I understand that but they can give us they could give us two prices they can say this and to do the rest of it and I I just think we already got the guesstimates right right for the whole building right I mean they're a year old but right um you know but we're not talking about heating that part we're not talking about but at least we have updated windows and all all the ASB bestas out of the building it's basically pre for our future y yes exactly that's how I'm looking at it room for expansion mhm you can't you know we got and and then again hypothetical you know if something ever happens to the town we have space that you know that we can utilize that's you know there's a whole host of situations that could occur that if you have you're you don't have to have all of it but if you have at least something you can walk into and you know you're not dealing with pcbs and asbest and and all sorts of other situations that are hazards you clean it up now and at least you have some type of future that's how I view things you know you walk in and you say hm this is what we're going to need right but it's not going to cost us all that much because we already already accomplished quite a bit of it yeah yeah that's how I look at situations I'm I'm just looking for the future of the town may be dead and gone by the time you might need something of that nature right but at least you got a A standing building that you have attention right I think again probably if we have the wall the windows and stuff changed so you're going to probably look at it electricity you know some kind of heating and air conditioning and those lifts lifts are going to be the big big expense you know at some point maybe if the town has has money to do it you know we do it and so you know he kind of went through that last meeting he said let's go through the Mechanicals and decide if we're doing ho or or capacity and um so what I've written is Windows capacity part but I think we just I think we at least oh and they said they unoccupied at an alternative cost but I think I know that we've already done our due diligence on that and it wasn't the price was so negligible to do the whole building that we yeah that um sprinklers capacity part heat sensors in occupied unoccupied portions correct I don't know I with Riser set up I don't know what that means but I meaning that they're they're they're prepping for the the sprinkler system itself so basically the big pipes are ready to go and they're just capped so when they're ready to put the branches and the streets and everything else that could be a future because the Riser is the one that you have to come from the ground and it just that's you have to connect it to that pipe and everything else it already be prepped for future and again and I I think we need to reiterate too when we're talking about that um sistern and the pump and everything else we should be installing it for 44,000 square feet yes so that we're ready it's got the ability to just do it that's it's done built it's over I just don't want to create I want us to do what we're supposed to do and what we're delegated to do but I also don't want to put a hiccup for the future and they say why did they do this back then when they were able to do it but again it's all around money I know it that was another number that we got back in the time and was negligible it was it was reasonable it was not so but then the two that I'm really questioning I have written down HVAC and lighting and and what I had written was only the um occupied leave the unoccupied spaces as is which I I don't really is that really what we want to do are you talking about well the AC I don't have a problem with unless there's something in there that has to be cooled down but for the winter you don't have to have it like at 80 or whatever but you need enough to be warm enough for any pipes or existing whatever won't burst or do whatever so so the minimal amount of work and the unoccupied section is to keep the building running yeah and lighting you do the existing one we have now already be minimal well I just don't I just okay um because I do believe you said you can also use it for storage right so because it is going to be heated right I mean heat detect so you using the storage that's how we put the heat detectors so we can use it for storage correct okay so then um I don't think any air conditioning are going to be in here that was all the information I've gathered since last meeting um uh can I have a motion to approve the minutes unless you guys have any changes no motion to approve the minutes those AG great did you for a second all in favor that's the I Perfect all right so took the agenda I'll sign it no problem okay so we will um we currently have a meeting scheduled let's see it's 5 o' 5 I think almost five we have it scheduled for 12:5 yeah I have it scheduled at 6 o'clock do you guys have that in your phone I have it at 6 o' I do station because there's a they have to come in there's a hearing here oh 12 be the public safety and that' be with them coming in I mean they could call in but I'll give them the choice I guess I think that was another I think that was a day again that Neil said he had something he at 5 yes that's why that's why we put it at six right because he can sit in the parking lot and do his meeting in the parking lot so the question would be do we have to meet on the 5th do we want to get together as a committee and um inform everybody else of what's going on and um and a check-in with the OPM I mean ask the OPM and I justess maybe check with him and see to check in again right CU again because we already approved the plan and then don't they have to move forward now well besides things that we're telling them um maybe is it a good you know but if they haven't gotten anywhere they they're just working with what they got well I guess let's see if they think they're going to have anything because if not then we cancel it yeah yeah and then I don't know if we do something me I just don't want to go too far out without having another meeting to keep keep the project rolling AG right I mean yeah we should probably be meeting weekly or bi-weekly latest yeah um but we're in a standell until we get schematic drawings now right yeah that's the next step which should be done I thought by December right the schematic for everything okay uh um because then once you get the schematics then you go out for the bidding um but we when he does the schematics that's when we will also get prices or no no I think you have to go if you have to go to bid if we already have some prices but I mean we have to include all these you know everybody first to go out to bid you talking about the contractor part where he talked about yeah at what point are we to know for within our budget I think we still a little ways to go M I think they do the schematics and then they then they start they can start pricing there all righty maybe we let's plan on the fifth I think just to regroup yeah know where we're going what we have to do to keep everybody moving that could just be a quick meeting yeah okay do I have to go to work right after that meeting oh that's you said you that was the day you couldn't meet but that was a DAT that everyone now that now that things have changed up there I have somebody that I trust enough to go in yeah I'll be up shortly okay okay shouldn't be I I would assume it's not a long meeting but if you have to leave you have to leave no no not you know it's just if it's virtual then he can dial Ino yeah um do you have to get it from Kathy don't we do she we have our number already set up okay is that does that stay that way I think so I can ask her um I'm just saying if that's if that's what's best right motion to motion to adjourn second second all those that's it