##VIDEO ID:oooLzL2aXbY## yeah yeah you know I drove over from the condos just cuz I thought I don't want to be out again in the wind and I actually went further than the I went behind the light I oh I've got to okay okay the meeting of the Board of Trustees the grandm public uh we'll start with the we call everybody introduce themselves and we'll start with me and go around um I'm Kevin Le the vice chair Su mclone trustee Nancy jagar trustee Sarah McManus trustee an old trustee Anda St John Library Director Erica turnus librarian all right so we'll move on to approve the consent agenda and I know that Nancy had a question so maybe you should answer your ask your question oh I just was going to ask um maybe this goes down to approve the payment of bills but yes no it's the approve agenda minutes and bills are all together in the cinity all right okay well my question is what did we pay the um Harbor's Public Library $200 for sure the um to Harbor's public library and Silver Bay Public Library and gr Ray Public Library all go in together for the book list subscription is it book list or book pages book pages goes out here so everybody sees what's fresh and coming out and because we split we get a discount wonderful money well spent I read it every month well thank you good to know there any other uh questions or uh of the agenda or the minutes or the payment of bills I wanted to add one thing to the agenda sure um discussing the reviewing the LI Library director to bring that back up we talked about it briefly last month okay that should go that could still be new business yeah we'll do that do it after the calendar it shouldn't take very long for that's review director thank you anything else I'm seeing n a motion to approve the uh consent agenda as amended uh say I hi hi hi opposed approved next thing is Library director un move that we approve the consent agenda I'll second you're cruising sorry okay the library director's report okay um we're going to do some building updates for today the boiler repair was made so we had talked that the boilers were in error code e14 which had something to do with grounding and it we're pretty confident it has to do with condensation building up inside of the cabinets as soon as we turned the heat on the problem stopped happening and the heat has been stable so we're pretty sure that's related um there were Parts replaced in the one that was problematic as well as its twin and just getting them both updated at the same time and the cost of those repairs was uh $1,120 and we won't know if we solved the problem until we've turned it off for a while and something else reoccurs so um this with this particular problem it's sort of hunt and Peck and trying things out and we're just going to Hope right now that it's solved um but it won't affect our heat during the winter time this year is what I'm seeing the uh Northern doors hardware I let you know that I was going to repair the sweeps on the door and they came through did that repair for us and that was $260 and then today we had ESC systems come up and they do our annual um smoke alarm test to make sure that our um our setup our system is working properly and I enjoy working with ESC systems they help us coordinate their trip up here with other businesses in the area so that we get to share the cost of travel excellent any questions for me okay anything else I that's it for today okay so uh so the emergency door is now the crash bar is now on the right side the correct side we are expecting that to be fixed okay this weekend this week and so then I'll tell you what the solution was move on if there's no other questions to new business set the 2025 calendar board meetings and holiday anybody have any questions or or Thursday still work for everybody 5 o' still works thinkers I don't think so we're really we're we're on a pretty standard system here there uh sometimes like Christmas and ends so close to the weekend or something that we ask for an next extra day but I um I don't think there was anything we needed to talk about this year okay so do we need a motion yes is the June 19th being celebrated on the 26th June 19th is being celebrated on the 19th oh okay I'm sorry I was looking at this as the as the dates are closed so no that's on there never mind if you want to flip it over there you go oh there we go okay all right but good to question me because I tell you every year get something I get one of the dates it look good to me it look good okay I would move to accept the 20125 calendar for board meetings and holiday closes and I would second any further discussion seeing none all those in favor of accepting the uh meet board schedule and the closures uh say I I I opposed okay next item is a uhana there was a review the D yeah so I was just reviewing our policies and we do have a policy that we review the director annually which is something we haven't done since 2019 I think um and I just think it would be a good practice to return to the library board hires and retains the director we have oversight um we have aate strategic plan we have a job description we have all the tools that we need to do the evaluation so I think it would be appropriate for us to resume that okay I'd be happy I have the tools we looked at last time I'd be happy to bring those to our December meeting for us to look over and decide what we want to use I know we talked about it two years ago but I but I I did think we have done at least once and before that or 2019 is last that's the last I could find in the minutes okay so we just talked about it we talked about it we just didn't follow through yeah okay all right it's probably one of those things that sort of got lost in the pandemic and the aftermath yeah and if you want a little context um I believe it was 2019 when I was under review and the review was delivered December January something like that in the winter time um right there next to 2020 I think and um what happened was that at that time we were using a subcommittee so the subcommittee would then communicate with the larger board and like everybody was asked to go ahead and fill out fill out go ahead and fill out the review um but in your policies you both have an example of the city's expired Library um excuse me um staff review form and you had a review form created by board members and so there were logistical problems where some of the trustees were filling out one form some the others some both and it just was a great opportunity to have a little more discussion about what um how the library director is reviewed um because I because the library board is unique and having a governing board and also being a member of City personnel and having to um potentials to be reviewed um and so yeah that's that's how that progression happened it was like right at the end of 2019 was the last time we talked about changing the form and um how we wanted it to appear and what we wanted to actually be in the policy set and then we we um we didn't finish the work we chose to allow the city to perform the reviews and to provide regular feedback to the director through meetings yeah so do we want to go ahead with the suggestion from Sarah but we're bringing stuff and looking over on December meeting and then going ahead and making plans that yes good I that sounds good not duplicating what the city already does but it yeah I guess that would be a good idea yes I wouldn't use the same tool as the city right I I would add that I did look over that I did look over the um I do have a copy of the what the board used and I do think it needs some modification so we can work on that next month [Music] greaten thank you for bringing that up and and kind of taking charge of it thank you welcome so let's I don't know that we actually need a motion but that should go on the agenda next to review the review okay right is there anything else we need to bring up we're going for the record here goofed up anything else well I think I'm going just ask for a motion to adjourn that I will so move there a second second all those in favor of adjourning say I right thank you meeting is when next meeting is U 19 19th December I think our record