##VIDEO ID:ibrGNwEHkk0## oh never mind says right here all right great um well it is 5 well 5:16 so we'll bring this meeting of the grand maray uh Planning Commission to order um we have our Quorum so that's great we can get on to our agenda we have the consent agenda before us I would entertain a motion to approve the consent agenda I'll move second all those in favor I I that one oh that's this one is here okay now I understand second for the record yeah great all right and we have but one thing on the agenda here today um so to your question uh Brandon yeah that's the Stone Harbor MH and the section right next to it at the last city council meeting uh we approved the use of that section there for that that building um or that business and um you know that was the same deal that we had with jackstone had it before and it's a similar deal to what we have with East Bay next door so that's kind of where that is gotcha um I'm going to skip back to the agenda page quick we have a new feature we'd like you to look at um oh the hearing process oh and in response to your feedback no no that's right I'm sorry yeah so uh yeah there were no written comments and I do not see anybody here for the public hearing unless is there anybody online besides Mitch okay just Harvey I guess all right very good um old school man I like that yeah um so and now we are back on to the discussion thank you very much Patrick and Mike for that um so um I I guess right off I have a question for Mitch I'm wondering um I've seen obviously the property many many times um went down there was measuring and looking at it um there you had mentioned that that you're going to be continuing on using it as uh as it has been used um there are a number of vehicles parked there there are canoes kayak or maybe not canoes but kayaks are all parked in there uh I'm wondering what the what the plan is with that yeah thanks for thanks for your time everyone um our plan to answer your question and kind of touch on what sorry it's hard to see exactly who's saying what but I heard someone asking you know are we planning on continuing it as a Outfitter um and yeah in all purposes we see what we're doing as kind of continuing on what's been happening with the first floor continuing to do some tours um on kayak we won't need nearly as many um and really what we're the the biggest thing we're just hoping to to add on and and build into the business is making use of the second and third floor that it seems the building was was built for I mean there bedrooms and kitchens and everything in it but Jack just never used it that way um and so our our hope is to put three residential units up there and we would prioritize the use of that lot um for for those to have parking spots for those three cars um rather than as as many kayaks are currently out there so that's our that's our kind of hope and dream for the space and um yeah that's kind of the 10 10,000 foot level for you okay and so with the um so there's going to be reduction in that and and of course what I'm what I'm driving at is I'm wondering about uh the H how what's going to happen with the truck well I mean there is a truck and there is a van that seems to be associated with the business will you be uh taking ownership of those as well is that all part of the package or what's what's the plan no those are Jack's vehicles and his trailer I mean okay may maybe down the road do we end up buying something from him possibly probably not would be my guess but I I guess I can't say for certain um but our for our purposes our plan is for those three spots to be for residential we don't see a a trailer taking up a spot or or anything of that nature okay and where would the kayaks go then there's some space um behind the building there's like a little shed there um some of them could fit in um you know well depending on on how many we end up keeping we might make use of some off-site storage um there there's kind of a a few different ways that it could go um for us the thing that we we know is that the residential upstairs would be higher priority you know if it's the difference between we can fit four kayaks instead of six without any problems then we would do the four like getting the residential up there um is is important to us and if it means figuring out some more off-site storage for kayaks then then that's what we would do so um I don't have a perfect number for how many kayaks I Envision out there I know it's significantly less than what Jack currently has um so yeah yeah I just wanted to get a a sense of what that that might look like um I mean obviously the point is to make sure that those aren't being pushed off into public spaces or anything like that totally yeah totally y um and then in terms of the second floor I'm just this is just my own curiosity so you know it's lofted right now as retail uh well that continue to be retail or you're enclosing that space or what's the what's the plan with that yeah so there's so the lofted second floor will continue to be retail and then if you go down that hallway that's where it's currently built out and they use it for like office space and overflow storage um and we'll essentially wall that off to be a uh enclosed uh lensel unit got it got it all right sounds good um do Commissioners have any further questions for Mitch are those the only um the only modification that you would make uh to the space or are they essentially ready to go other than Walling them off yeah they're they're essentially ready to go um what we are our plan right now is to add literally one door on the second floor that walls off kind of the retail um and then on the third floor doing similar um so it's like in these narrow hallways we're throwing up a few a few feet of drywall and a door and aside from that you know there might be like a cosmetic change but nothing like structurally is changing we're just adding two doors to to make them self-contained okay and forgive me if this is nosy but uh how big are the units approximately um that's a great question uh I'm not a i full disclosure I'm not a spatial construction guy those that's okay let me rephrase um um rather than give me giving me like square footage or something um does it have are the units do they have multiple rooms is there a separate bedroom living room or are they more just sort of uh Studio Flats what what do they look like more or less got it yep yeah so each floor is about 2,000 square feet I do know that um the plan is for the third floor to have one studio and then one two-bedroom apartment and then the second floor would just be a two-bedroom um and our hope is to be able to use it for a combination of work Force housing as well as short-term rental um and so it's kind of being able to to do both with it is is really our Our Hope okay okay all right um Anton do you have any questions I guess um I guess the question I'd have is looking at the proposed parking Arrangements um I could see that being a kind of a pain to run a business stacking up vehicles in that way but to have potential renters and different schedules and um I know you're limited by the the lot um to hitting that requirement for off street parking but I it that doesn't seem great to me you know I mean I guess I just don't yeah that it doesn't seem I don't think that seems adequate honestly um you know it's I think again like if you're if it was employees and it's like oh yeah this person never leaves and you know that and they're parking their car up front I mean it just it maybe it's not really our issue but it seems it doesn't my guess is is that it's not going to get used and that people are going to park in the city parking lot because it looks kind of like a mess to try and orchestrate that especially um in you know in a short-term rental POS you know situation ation that seems seems pretty hard to navigate sure yeah um couple things one of them you hit on the at a at a minimum we do foresee at least one of those spots at all times being kind of the the building manager um you know staff parking um and so from a like flow standpoint at a minimum one of the spots would be for them and they're they they'll know the situation and um it's it's probably likely that two of the units at least for a good portion of the year are Workforce housing um and so you know they would just go with the with the territory of you know they'll they'll know our short-term rental guests if we have one with us that night would get the one in front um I know it's not like a huge spaceous lot we we have like walked it out and thought through like there's a couple ways I mean his his kayaks currently take quite a quite a bit of space and they're pretty sprawled um and we were we were kind of walking through it and eyeballing how it would all work and and um I I hear you for sure that it's not this massive parking lot but we did feel like three would be would be adequate um for what for what we're trying to do okay okay it does look like cars would be getting in in each other's way doesn't it yeah what about when you when you walk when I was down there and measuring that's not their property I don't yeah that's that's on East East so I don't it ends here yeah it's just the green highlighted okay and a quick note about the green highlighted it's the city's property and this is relevant to the conversation because the city council talked about leasing this to him but they last meeting which they're open to which they agreed to okay but the question came up at the council meeting what if that lease expires and we've given him permission to use that space for parking and it's parking that he needs to have in order to meet our minimum zoning requirements right so I think there's an expectation that the on the council's that we address that with a condition on this permit right and I guess in that um yeah I mean if we need stable Arrangement you know had with East Bay that parking lot's been there for 15 years plus without us having to touch anything so I guess I don't think the risk is very high but when we're offering somebody permanent permission to do something can't no risk and why do we own that propert property just as a reminder because we have a storm water pipe underneath this lot that goes between the parking lot and the pond behind the co-op okay um and what are what would the city be on the hook for in regards to the that strip versus versus uh Mr rum here who's leasing it we we're not on the hook for anything um we don't expect that our leases are taking care of our stormm water pipe but it doesn't really need a lot of taken care of uh the lease agreement is pretty simple they get a permission to use it but they have to make any improvements and we have to okay them they have to clear the snow if it needs to be cleared they have to keep it in good condition kind of typical lease type language so getting back to the the concern of the the council was that if you know this were to expire and we've given the permission though to um to have the the rental um there would need to be something stating that he'll have to find other reasonable parking for those units I would think or the you or um or that the conditional use permit is granted as long as the license agreement with the city for parking is maintained and when that ends the conditional use permit ends yeah yeah that sounds that sounds like it it would have to be resubmitted to the new parking then he can apply for another conditional use permit when there's another solution because our code says you have to have parking or variance or variance or variance yeah yeah that sounds reasonable how long is the lease Perpetual oh okay all right tell me to make a motion to that yeah that'd be great see if I can repeat that yeah that was it was pretty good we recorded it you don't have to there we go okay that thing I said is my motion I'd make a motion to approve the conditional use permit with the stipulation that the the lease agreement from the city for parking this this coincides with that so if that license ship whatever whatever whatever we're calling it for parking which helps them get to the parking requirements that are in our code if that goes away then they would have to come back in and apply for a new conditional use permit with another solution I'll second the first time yeah very first time we can rewind all right uh Motion in a second all those in favor I I I all right we have come to the end of our this will be on the council agenda next Wednesday at their regular meeting thanks Mitch thanks you guys really appreciate it really excited to be in town yeah that'll be good thank you thank you all righty any other business none a juring is the other business done and done done and done hit the gavel quick yeah uh I hear you're stealing our Margaret Martin