##VIDEO ID:FbORVVX0UXY## the uh Grand Rapid site and the rest of us are here uh with that in mind uh I don't see do we have do we have any speakers in Grand Rapids we do not have any speakers in Grand Rapids okay thank you and we have nobody here uh to speak uh Ken are you uh able to uh give us a principal report uh in our open Forum good evening everyone good evening so just to give you a little bit of a report on what's been going on in Big Fork for you the first three going on for weeks um we had a really smooth start I think I talked to first day of school about the fact that um thought wow it felt really smooth this year and then I had to remind myself that well we were still buttoning up construction projects everything else last year and and that probably is why it felt a little bit calmer this year but um we did a real good start and I want to start off by just just sharing some um a few updates and one of them is uh a week ago last month Monday we had an internship signing uh with six of our Big Fork High School students superintendent girls was able to attend part of that as well and um we had that at the Timber Lake it's it's a really nice internship signing um kind of program if you will much like a student would be doing a signing like if they're signing to go to a college or something like that so our students um along with some um students from floodwood in particularly that day we signing um as part of a partnership with um School District um I asked ex career Pathways and local businesses we've got six students that um during first semester they're they're at school part of the day they're out doing an internship during the school day Fe they're part of the day they're earning high school credit for that but they're also gaining valuable work experience that's going to allow them um some you know some great background in their next steps of life so that was really fun to uh congratulate those students and wish them well as they started the internship and they're off to a great s so that was that was a big deal last week and thank you superintendent girl for being a part of that um our PBIS team positive behavior intervention supports team is is um we we we've been off and rolling even since before school started we're using that how acronym I've talked about before it stands for honest hon it willing and Lead we're looking for character traits from those areas in our in our students both Elementary and high school students earn how tickets they can either save them for a bigger incentive or they can turn them into a draw for a drawing and um it's been really well received by both our elementary and our high school students and it allows us to really salute and recognize some great Behavior Uh in our in our school and at our school activities fall sports are underway um not only are are the gamees going on but all of our um our activity groups have been um utilizing the uh the new fitness room um including our cheerleading group um they've you know they've been in there volleyball's been in there football's been in there we have a a real small group of community members that have been accessing it we're hoping that number will grow um as we advertise that through Community Education and some other things but um we've been really pleased with the fitness room the equipment in there and um and the way we're able to use that uh our youth sports are going well we've got good numbers in our youth sports um meaning our meaning our activities that are um for our younger age um kids and a lot of our high school athletes are helping out with those program so that's really nice to see that coming full circle another thing I wanted to note was that our PTA made some some generous donations to all of our teachers which allowed them to purchase additional supplies through the classroom um we've got a we've got a small but very dedicated group of PTA members here in big Fort and their efforts um do not go unnoticed another way our community is helping things out around our school is is um as I talked about before we have a new music teacher this year so we've got the K12 music program back um our community some of our community members pulled together and um have rebooted if you will or restarted a music boosters Community organization uh some of their goal you know their goal is to raise some money and also be able to offer some scholarships for rental instrument rentals and those kinds of things to make um those kinds of things more affordable for families so it's great to see um boosters getting behind our music program to make sure that there's some nice momentum there uh last week Our Big Fork advisory committee uh met that included superintendent gross and uh board member um Mark schroer as well and a couple of community members we talked about some of the stuff I've already talked about but also um agenda items were um you know there wasn't a lot to reportable we what was the potential solar array um solar for schools program and at that time we didn't have new information to share but that's still in the works we also talked about um The Edge storage building um storage building for for this facility to be located just outside um off the parking lot area here adjacent to the building and um there's some Stakes out there Mr aor one of his classes has gotten the stakes out there um director jurny and I looked at that last week as as well and he's going to get some s soil samples for that area and U Mr Austin's class will be turning in some materials lists and a project plan uh for approval at some point as well so those are probably the bigger things that we talked about um our next meeting is in October and we'll include um a guest speaker uh for the Big Fork advisory committee about Project based learning so interested and looking forward to hear what he has to say more interested to see what our community members and staff members think about some Project based learning ideas that he has to share and that's being organized by superintendent gr we appreciate that any questions on the schoras board of things I just Ratt off Ken what's our time line on on the right building St building um I don't have a definitive timeline I think that once we have that plan in place um and already you know and can submit that to um both the the district and the Big workk Valley Community Foundation who has a lot of funding for that want to make sure that they're on board obviously and that you know the district obviously as the you know the agent if you will the vehicle or the owner of it it's GNA going to make sure that you know it's going to be something that we can maintain well it's going to be something that um is going to fit those needs um then I think things can happen relatively quite one of the things that we were kind of exploring is whether there would be some uh economic benefit to timing that construction with the solar construction which would be next summer so I it pushes it off but we're going to have to trench power and um if that's the difference between being able to afford getting power into that shed or not I think the group would be you know they're really interested in having power out there and lights and stuff like that so we're kind of waiting solar thing to find out when that could be if there's an economic benefit to waiting and then at that point it's just a matter of you know how late do we want to pour concrete in the year or do we just push it off to spr so from the funding side of it um obviously we don't have any qutes or bids yet on it we feel we have enough money there I know funds are raised from the community yeah they have uh they've they've set aside some funds at the the foundation so Tim's managing that and who should be good you know part of it is managing expectations are own size you know it's not going to be a 40 by 60 shed by any means but you know compared to their current situation for sure it's going to be a big upgrade and you know as we kind of walk out hopefully here in a minute and see it's going to be super convenient for this place so I think it'll be a big Advantage is just patience and communicating like timelines right we learned that like people can handle um people can handle knowing just as long as they know what's going to happen and here's when it's going to happen even if it's maybe not pass f as they some of the things that have been talked about too depending on affordability have been going with a little bit higher walls because then you can stack as far as equipments um the other thing that has been discussed has been the possibility of partnership with um our Sports boosters because they were looking at potentially doing a you know doing a new shed but also connecting it to like our ticket shed out here that's not in great shape so two birds with one stone maybe share some of that cost but with this going up would there could there be like a rear entrance um to it and could we knock it out with one building um but that's just something that's been discussed but not necessarily finalized and again depends on affordability and is it going to meet those needs well any other questions at all any other questions um any anything from uh crime Rapids hearing none Ken thank you for this report very much appreciate it appreciate the work you're doing here in big Fort well thank you and um always great to see all of you have a great evening thank you uh if there's nothing else at this point uh we will um adjourn the uh uh open forum and uh perhaps we can take a tour of the uh solar potential solar site [Music] here e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay uh we are reopening uh the open Forum we have a speaker uh Josh Basel sorry brazelle brazelle thank you I appreciate that uh Josh uh we have uh an opportunity uh we provide a specific time for persons to address the school board at any time topic subject to the limitations of policy 206 individual comments shall be less than 5 minutes uh depending on the number of persons present the school board chair May reserve the right uh to further set time limits uh we do not allow negative comments in public session about individual employees or students specific factual information or recitation of existing policy may be furnished in response to inquiries but the board shall not deliberate or decide regarding any issue that is not included on the agenda posted with the notice of the meeting uh with that said Josh right so I know one thing that that's probably been on a few people's minds that with late events been school safety with the threats that the middle school and high school have received um so I guess the only thing I have is really is a question and that is what further precautions are going to be implemented and you know event of due to Future threats potentially or how the current ones have been handled and what further precautions would be do we have in mind or might be in place that's really the only thing that I have on mind is because we've got a middle schooler with us um and we just we kept them home through that examp probably just out of caution so we it's just been something that's been running on our mind for the last weekend thank you uh superintendent do you want to speak to that at all sure I you know thanks for coming Josh uh obviously something that we thought a lot about um I think one something that is good to know and this is just you know Baseline information schools statistically are uh one of the safest place for kids to be um we hear terrible we hear statistics and stories about tragedies and they certainly are um but uh across the country schools are statistically very very same um something in in retrospect as we you know look across what happened last week and really the the only threat that we had that was you know affected the school was at the middle school the high school really was more about responding to and an outbreak on social media and both perceived that happened but um I think one of the things that we learned is that our community and we have because we haven't communicated what steps we take when we learn um you know we start Always by securing the securing the facility and that could be as simple as um if there an individual student uh removing them from class and bringing them in or you know locking the building down if it were to come to that um the second thing that we do is engage law enforcement immediately and we obviously have an SRO um but our work with law enforcement go Way Beyond the SRO the grpd was involved from you know step number one um in both schools uh then we get the investigation under way and that includes uh interrogating student Witnesses teachers that may know the student um the families involved uh to determine the significance and I'm speaking in Broad terms right now but to determine the significance of what was said or the complexity of the threat or the viability of the threat um you know sometimes we run in across things that students say that um there's no capability of them doing um they don't have access to things that they might need access to to carry out what they said they were going to do um so that's part of that response and that investigation and then uh we determine what discipline is necessary and one of the things that's challenging about schools is that um we're dealing with minors and our ability to share what our parents really want to know a lot of time is limited and that sounds maybe um unsatisfactory to parents sometimes but um it's it's the law when it comes to student data pracy um so what we can say is that in that that next phase of discipline we look at what our policies are what state laws then we take every step necessary to make sure the school is safe and we'll leave it at that Mr superintendent uh Josh so you know uh We've made an exception generally we do not respond uh this is an opportunity to hear uh but given uh this particular situation we did ask the superintendent to response and I appreciate that it's just that's just the main yeah main question that GSS at the back of the mind so I do want to thank you thank you all for your time today thank you uh we have uh another person Juliet are you here uh do you want to come forward uh Juliet is from Big Fork and you want to speak to the board minute hi there oh you guys aren't using mic um yeah my name is Juliet Paradise my son goes to Big Fork school here he's in first grade and um I'm really pleased with the teachers and the support staff there I think it's been a wonderful School experience he's been there since preschool um but one of the things that I have learned recently as I um we have difficult drop offs and I get to walk him down the hallway to his classroom is that there are ceiling tiles missing at multiple spots along the Big Fork hallway as you go down through the elementary school and when I asked a couple people about it it sounds like there's kind of ation forming on the pipes and the ceilings and it uh creates drips here and there along the entire hallway and so they've been removing the tiles um presumably to keep them from getting damaged but it essentially means that we've got students attending school every day who are avoiding drips from the ceiling which I don't find particularly acceptable at a public building so I wanted to know is it something you guys are aware of is it something that's in the process of being fixed are there detailing details about when exactly that will be fixed about well I have seen workers but nothing's really happen you like to know some details about what's going on to get that fixed um super yeah so um thank you uh it's been something that we we are aware of and uh essentially what's happening is that the materials in that plumbing are the materials are Contracting and expanding at different rates and so that's causing you know some of that condensation in water um when we've investigated what it would require is kind of a repiping of the whole uh kind of the whole cooling heating hbat kind of system so we're trying to figure out some ways stop Gap ways to deal with that before until that would happened so it's it's like a symptom of a much much bigger problem that we're trying to come up with the plan for do you have any potential idea of timeline for like overall resolution if it's going to be an overhaul of thean I don't I don't have a I hand a lot of time on that okay but I'll I'll do some checking tomorrow I'm meeting with my okay buildings Juliet thank you for bringing this information forward uh very much appreciated thank you for coming for board this evening thank you again we generally don't respond uh the queries uh at the board meeting but uh we had the opportunity to have a little time we're going to adjourn this meeting now and we'll reather at 6:30 uh ladies and gentlemen uh we are convening the uh regular board meeting uh we are at the edge Center in Big Fork uh it is September 23rd at is 6:30 uh meeting is called to order please allei to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you I'm David Marty uh I am uh the uh chair Mark schroer is uh uh had a plan absence this evening so I'm sharing the meeting this evening uh we have board members uh pep Ben Hawkins here and the superintendent and in our office in Grand Rapids joining us remotely we have Mindy nurri and Melissa bar will be joining us from Grand Rapid St with that in mind uh we have uh an agenda that has been presented uh do I have a motion motion and a second to accept the agenda second any thoughts or questions or comments hearing none all in favor of accepting the agenda as presented say I I agenda is accepted uh our next issue we had a principal report from Big Fork uh uh Kenda CER uh we had that earlier uh so that's already been completed stewardship of resources approval of the minutes of September 3rd board meeting uh we need a motion to approve approve second Ben moves uh Pat seconds any discussion or clarification uh on those minutes I found them acceptable uh all in favor signify by saying I all right uh same sign no uh the minutes of September 3rd are accepted the approval of the claims for August of 2024 uh in the amount of 7,631 49012 to I have a motion to accept approved uh motion to accept from Ben second from Pat for future can we do roll calls on the rest of them please I neglected to put that on on the agenda but since we do have one board member any remote will roll call for okay thank you yes thank you uh do we want to go back and think we we better okay uh let's uh pick up right where we're at uh we have a uh approval of claims for August of 2024 we have a motion from Ben a second from Pat any discussion on that issue hearing none I will do a roll call vote on that Julie yes Mr Marty yes Mr hin yes anding yes uh that motion stands approved thank you uh we're going to go back uh to cross our tees not our eyes the um approval of the minutes we had a motion and a second we'll take a roll call vote on that really start with Mindy yes yes David yes and Ben yes uh minut it's approved and uh we've done the claims they get them all uh we move now to the uh approval of the consent agenda all matters listed on this uh consent agenda are staff related uh and do not require discussion these will be acted on together in one motion if discussion is necessary on one particular item it will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately uh with that in mind we have a motion to accept the consent agenda so by that second second time Mindy thank you uh any discussion or anything that we need to with withdraw from this hearing none we'll take a roll call vote on the consent agenda start with Pat M yes David Marty yes Ben Hopkins yes and Mindy ning yes that's got a big check of it we're going to uh approval of the preliminary 2024 payable in 2025 Levy uh and Casey are you uh able to uh are you there I am here hey Casey you want to speak for us yes so I'm on behalf of Cara to present this so I recommend the board approve the preliminary 2024 payable 2025 Levy by certifying the maximum amount available at this time it's that we ask to approve the maximum at this point because we are able to reduce this amount if we need to or 10 in the future but we are not able to increase it if we have additional needs um we will hold approvement tax public meeting on Monday December 9th at 6m and then there are a few things that significantly AFF um three of them that here noted for me were our enrollment numbers we are providing estim quite a few years out so those numers decrease or increase adjustments ly are made um Debt Service obligations so our op debt will be paid off in 26 26 which will allow for more funds in other areas and um the third biggest one is our retire benefits our expenses in this year 24 were 5.5 million and right now these funds are covered with trust money which we have money to cover forward for a few years but we will need to look at using Levy dollars in the future when this money is depleted okay thank you questions for um Casey or for yes for Casey at this point Mr chair I know we're getting G to go into the discussion before we have to do a motion in a second but I didn't really understand what you have to say there it was really barble I guess my big question is case is Casey is I know we always Levy the max but I always ask what that percentage is because the general public usually looks at what percentages are versus what the max is and they know this is this the preliminary Levy and we have an opportunity to lower the levy in December we can't raise it by no means once we approve it now so what is the percentage in regards to this maximum ly I do not know the percentage amount I can figure that out find out for you I do know that should be Matt do you have I can I I know that the you know in the discussions with Cara that I've had so far um it looks at this point like it's going to be reduction um the what Casey was talking about were three areas that are significantly you know in flux right now and Cara and I were just on a call with Ellers today who's advising us on a number of things but three big variables that are still kind of in process one is Debt Service that's uh we're working through that second one is enrollment our Levy has a lot of formulas that are a function of enrollment and then third one was our retire benefits oped and so those are three big factors in the what will be the final Levy and so at this point uh was the last time I talked to Cara it was looking like a reduction um but in terms of how much of that is will depend a lot even on some of the adjustments that we make uh even today in talking to Ellers we had a discussion about um adjusting our OPB uh benefit um Cara had just made some adjustments to enrollment uh our enrollment is down that brings Levy down right so um but as far as the exact number that part of what I mean the the question really is why we Levy maximum now because coming up with that number today is really difficult and it creates an unrealistic expectation one so let me try to Define it will ly be a negative Levy that's appears that's what it appears like yes because I had talked to car last week and she threw a a percentage out to me and I was kind of really and she said well that's what we know today and there was this discussion with others that were going to have me today and she T me you might be able to have a what that percentage might be more definitive on so that's why I asked the question on it and again from the public perspective it's always about percentages not understanding maxing or Ling the Max on so but I'm happy to hear that it's going to be a a negative Levy I think that's good for the district good for the public board forward to stay consistent with uh uh board action uh this is the first re um I'm sorry this is the preliminary 2024 for Levy payable for 2025 uh this will come back to this table uh in December do I have a motion to accept the preliminary so I have a motion second I have a second uh is there any discussion beyond what we what uh Casey's been able to clarify for us so far M Mr chair I would just want to clarify that the motion's intent is to certify the maximum at this point I just want to make sure we have that corly okay thank you is that the is that yes um and that's consistent with uh board action we take every year at this point but this will come back to the table for uh final approval in December uh hearing no further discussion all in favor uh we'll do a roll call vote thank you was Ben Hawkins yes David Marty yes M yes and Mindy n yes okay thank you the uh preliminary uh Lev is approved uh we are going on to uh policies uh that are going to be approved in one reading um and these are all uh being consistent with State action uh legislative actions so we're not making changes other than those that are required by the state uh Matt thank you Mr chair uh as you referenced our policy 208 provides the board the ability to approve these in one uh reading conditionally upon the the the basis for that and again this is about statatory change 416 uh the change there from the state had to do with uh Laboratory Testing around drug alcohol and cannabis um so that's again reflective of Minnesota statute 181 uh the uh 418 on drug-free workplace that uh there was a piece in there about the patient registry and and non-discrimination for people that are on the patient Reg again that was a change in law 419 um that was updated to reflect indigenous cultural use so that was really the major change there again reflective of law 4 25 there were some statory changes there for par that were specific PA professionals and so that's what you'll see in that one and then student discipline there was updated language in that one um relative to the school resource officers I'd recommend approval thank you uh And to clarify all of these are based on State Legislative changes it's not our changes do I have a motion to accept uh these policies so move a motion and a second second uh I've got Mindy as a second uh any questions discussions clarifications on the policies if not uh we will uh vote to accept uh Julie Mindy n yes David Marty yes Ben Hawkins yes p m yes policies are accepted uh Partnerships board reports specifically um Mindy are you okay to start on this sure um I went to the W board meeting and the new director Jim Mack is getting settled there's actually a meet and greet for him on October 7th from 5 to 6:30 in the r Lobby to meet the new director of the ri Center and he's also got a survey online on the website um which is a community survey so that people can find out can kind of give him thoughts and ideas that's open till September 30th thank you uh Pat do you have a report sure um just had a couple of meetings at facilities meeting update at the high school things are moving along obviously completed point where we got school back in session that and then we had the msba advocacy tour which I believe attended D yes as well David uh setting a legislative priority for the Minnesota Schoolboard Association or the ideas to set the agenda and then a district Labor Management meeting and that was uh pretty uh pretty quiet there but um going back to our um Workshop that we had U I think on September 16th we talked about the traffic plant at the middle school and we talked about how we might be able to Loop in the parents on that plan and I think we uh talk about maybe through the parent teacher group and after reading the newspaper here the other day um and thinking back to how the city and county handles some of the traffic uh changes that they do they do a public hearing and I thought well I'm kind of trying to chase the parent teacher group though maybe we just set a public hearing and have the consultant come in that did the plan up that people show up it's there they can speak to it if there needs to be mod modifications on it we can go back to the drawing board with them and do that and I think it'd be appropriate maybe to have that public hearing or public meeting for the plan at middle school so that you can maybe walk out and actually physically show them so I just mentioned that to as an idea going forward and see maybe we can apply that on this project at the middle school and I know it's created a lot of headaches over the years and I think the plan looks good but again having an option for the public to have some input I think is a good thing with it and then just one other comment uh as we know the hearing tonight from parent from the middle school and the activities that occurred last week at the high school and the middle school um and I mentioned this to Matt about maybe uh at our next Workshop just to sit on and have a discussion on where we're at with our communication plan in regards to events uh not saying that it needs to be changes maybe just talk about and have the principles come and uh talk about do we need to do anything different should there be more of a central point of communication just throwing some things out and ideas out on how we might be able to communicate better and what we can communicate all versus what we can I know there's a lot of expectations from the community they need to know now but obviously there's a lot of instructions on the school district we can what we can do and Matt I think you explained some of those things tonight and I think it's a a good thing for us to just have an internal discussion on where we're at and see if we need to make any modifications changes to to that going forward and uh maybe have some boilerplate language that we can always use for these events but it's more so I'm just going to call it an after action review on how we did what do we think might need to be changed and if there does need to be some changes what's that look like going forward so it's more about having a discussion good that's all I thank you it's good to have uh uh information about the plan for uh Transportation uh the middle school that's um there's some significant conversation going on there then uh had a facility meeting and Labor Management it okay um I uh uh as Pat referenced the msba was doing a planning meeting for uh issues coming up uh as did m a uh Minnesota rural Educators Association talking about issues uh legislative issues for the coming year and what what people needed to be in support of they were good healthy conversations uh we've got people uh that are willing to address some of the issues that we consider to be very important uh the boys and girls club uh has met um the the facility continues to be uh a major issue we've combined the programs in the boys and girls club uh there's a bus coming from Greenway to bring students over to uh the Grand Rapids site and the Grand Rapids site uh is continuing to meet uh but there's a a realization that we really need to have uh a facility and uh there is a call out if somebody has an idea on a facility it would be appropriate for the boys and girls club uh we really are looking it's going to have to be because of the financial situation that the Boys and Girls Club is in uh it's going to have to be uh a very healthy donation uh there is some funding at the Boys and Girls Club to do uh some renovation and update we have about $350,000 to do some um um updates and things like that uh but if anyone has thoughts about uh facilities we'd appreciate hearing from it um and uh the endowment of the IRS uh ISB 318 uh endowment uh committee met uh we are accepting applications early this year it will be uh first week in December it's all online and encouraging uh teachers uh to get applications in uh we have some that have come in uh they will be turned around really quickly this year so that the funds can get uh into teachers hands and it can be making a difference in our students lives which is what is really important uh meanwhile we have uh election coming up we have uh potentially three uh open Schoolboard positions and we have eight candidates I would encourage everyone uh to spend some time to get to know these candidates 10 10 okay 10 candidates who knew uh and there are a couple of O open forums of which uh I'm aware I know there's one on October 9th that's wife Center uh I just got notice of another one uh today on October 202nd I believe um so please uh take an opportunity to inform yourself uh on these candidates uh who are willing to step forward and serve on the school board Mr superintendent thank you Mr chair um we're uh here obviously in the edge and we've talked about this uh some of the lights above you the ones that kind of look more uh Square in shape I guess you could say are are new was part of the grant that Heidi cored was here talking to us about previously so we have new stage lighting uh new house lighting in the back uh if you would have seen you know our ability to bring up lights before that whole back roll was pretty much out um and then a new sound and video board is in the back there so that's great and she is really excited to not only use use it um but show kids how to use it and that kind of thing so uh really good leg work by the group up here that uh hustles a lot to get things done um had the chance to be in classrooms a number of uh days in the last couple weeks and uh people are working really hard great attitudes lot of new whether that's new curriculum uh new ways of teaching reading um that aren't necessarily new ways of teaching reading uh but new maybe at this point in time um or change but uh really really great attitudes um you know obviously kind of circling back to what our uh parent was here talking about earlier one of the things that we haven't talked about enough with our community I think first of all is just how seriously we take not just safety as it relates to that but we it's not lost on us that every day 4,000 uh children are entrusted to us whether that's them getting on the bus what we feed them and certainly what happens during the school day so it's a responsibility we take really really seriously uh one of the ways that we've tried to demonstrate that or or be good stewards of that is and we we haven't talked about that a great deal publicly but our we have teams in every single one of our schools that have gone through two phases of what our uh which is what is an evidence-based uh program for evaluating threats um that involves really specific questions about the individual student that might be involved their background checking with mental health developing safety plans um we have we're more highly trained than we've ever been relative to doing that investigation and we haven't talked about that to our community but um it's something that should provide some some degree of of um satisfaction there we do you know we do have things to learn and the question that I've asked myself a lot and and back to Mr madri's comment about uh circling back to this but this question of what could we have shared with our community or with parents that would have given them some degree of calm that would have been legal for us to share and I think there was a reference earlier about just the the challenges of what we're able to share we're talking about um minors and uh communicating personally identifiable information out we obviously cannot do that and no parent wants that but are there things that we could have communicated that would have increased the level of calm uh so we're we're kind of wrestling with that question um and also in our new um maybe it's it's not necessarily new but in today's environment when we are um needing to respond to social media uh as much as the actual threat itself um is a is kind of a different environment and a different animal and challenging uh I think our high school situation was a perfect example there were multiple reports of weapons on campus of an arrest that was made neither of which was true there was no evidence of either of those things the student that those reports were being made about left on his own with his father and so it's challenging when we're trying to keep up with Snapchat and we're trying to keep up with Facebook um and we're in a kind of a weird environment where um Society tends to trust social media before they trust institutions that historically have been uh viewed as highly trusted so that's a a challenge for us um one that we will just have to take on and figure out new ways to do that kind of comes back to that Communications question and also kind of in when the communication happens post event but also prior to prior to an event um I mentioned that we're working on some communication materials that can be out there for our public to be able to reference um at any time so they have a better understanding of how do we handle threats in our district how well have our people been trained what can they expect um so that what we can tell them is in front of them and they understand maybe more about what it is we can say whether we can say it the timing of the communication is a challenge and I had some feedback from parents that were like we needed to know right away the tricky part of that is and again something we could have said last week in our communication if we roll out information too soon we jeopardize the investigation that law enforcement is doing we can jeopardize the investigation that we are doing if all of a sudden we're putting information out that technically is in public public when we're still trying to get information from people who might have been Witnesses if that information is influenced by a communication that we've already sent out the investigation is you know tainted and that's the last thing Law Enforcement wants it's the last thing we want but um again I think if we were we were setting a baseline of what parents could expect that would help so we've got some you know we learn um that's what we teach our kids every day to be Learners we're going to be Learners we're going to get better and um we'll learn from this whole experience and improve um the last thing uh you know we're connecting with uh Mindy remotely we just signed um uh some work to get the facility there upgraded with audio and video that'll make things like this easier also make our uh meetings there easier and so that work should uh be underway in the next couple months so looking forward to that that's all I have thank you uh any notes for the superintendent comments much appreciated I appreciate the diligence you take with our students safety is uh much noted as appreciated with that uh we have meeting notices uh over the next uh month month of October uh you can see those they're posted online they're posted uh at the uh on the board at the uh District Educational Service Center and uh we won't read them here but they're all there is there anything else that should come before the board at this time hearing none greetings [Music] adour e