##VIDEO ID:bZbWYMVqrz8## uh first item is threat protocols superintendent gr all right um I thought we would uh just kind of go over some things related to safety uh obviously an important topic affecting our district and you know it's just that superintendent conference last week Monday and you know sharing some woes a little bit some of my peers were like yeah you don't have Market cornered on that a lot of districts are dealing with it although you know I'll share a little little bit later of what we've learned from our training um so our uh our district threat and emergency response team has continued to move forward and I've gotten some good feedback from people our our staff that it's they feel like we're prioritizing this in the sense that we have meetings every month uh we have goals that we're working on and these are the these are the priorities for the year on this sheet here um a training plan for staff um we had all relevant staff go through SE stag to I'll talk about that a little bit more in a minute we have radios this is kind of like inventorying I mean the things that you just kind of it's easy to sort of lose track of but we have a lot of radios in our district we have um 800 megahertz that we use they're capable of communicating with law enforcement Pat was involved in that project um then we also have smaller handhelds I mean it's over a hundred of them that are used for kind of that teacher on the playground Pera on the uh pickup Island kind of just I want say incidental but things that are more emergent than a phone can do um to have at least one tabletop at each School site is on our list of things to do this year specific to unification develop the district website for our team and also have some training videos on there and we're um in the in the in that process we'll be creating space on there for some public facing information too because I think that'll be a a useful tool for us and Sean is taking the lead on that one we have um teams assigned to all these uh Alice is our program for active Shooters um and you know they're learning a lot about active shooter drills and really moving away from kind of that live reenactment live training because it ends up really creating all kinds of anxiety in kids and you know making them very anxious about something that statistically um during the course of our SE stag training based on and and this is where it gets difficult because like you you you for the places where this happens it's very real and statistics mean nothing but when you look at the number of schools and children in America it's like one in 6,000 uh one in 6,000 schools wow it happens to so like the from statistical standpoint it's not a huge probability but it's very real when it happens um we used so Alice is a program we use uh nav 360 is a piece of software that we use and we're using it you know probably at a not necessarily a basement level but maybe a first floor level and it has about 15 floors I mean it's very capable program of doing a lot um but so part of what we're working on this year is establishing one of those Baseline implementation at each building like what you know first it was you need to make sure you have your plans uploaded in there and you're building maps and and uh establishing what the next thing that will leverage that tools for is one of the Tool uh team's jobs um part of that nav 360 is a flip chart and that is just like a um it's like a virtual a virtual set of one pagers like what do you do if um so what if you do it a fire that's one page on the flip chart it's just digital instead of something you'd see hanging um and so ensuring that we have mental health protocols in there and then um something we've talked about as a group is you know we have a number of uh items or I'll call them crisis items that we can train on but from a statistic standpoint it's much more like likely for instance that Shawn will have a kid choke okay a kindergarten right so making sure that the staff there know the choking protocols and where the dechoker is is important in 11th grade choking is less likely um but that staff may need to know more about Naran and vice versa so where are we you know being real smart about what we're spending our time with our staff so uh we have uh training ongoing but we also have two early out a year one coming up on the 16th of October where they'll work on some things as a building so these are the priorities for our team this year digging into SE stag a little bit um and this is all in your package here but you know one of the things as we went through the you know the the threat that we had a few weeks ago that felt unfortunate is we've never been more prepared to handle or to react to that type of a situation in terms of our own training so um because we we've prioritized that with this group over the last few years and so this this seag program comprehensive School threat assessment guidelines was developed in the wake of the Virginia Tech shooting and they took a look at all kinds of data U shooting data and determined a lot of things and used the uh Secret Service documents that have been published as well and deter that you know as much efforts as there are to profile that that's really an ineffective way to approach um safety and so it's really more about looking at student behavior and um being proactive that way rather than trying to come up with some profile of a kid because there really isn't a profile that exists so um they've determined that this uh this system is uh where schools use this they're more safe um and you can see here sort of what some of the main things behind it it's based on Behavior like I said not profiling there's a five-step approach you can kind of you'll see on the next uh the next page it's based on a team which if you've you know the last thing you want to be doing in the case of uh evaluating something very seriously is having this all fall on your shoulders or bias or whatever so this team involves counselors principes mental health staff um cre Larson uh has some uh crisis response team time and resources available to us to use and our law enforcement Partners as well that kind of get involved in that as well as anybody that might be connected to the situation the student Etc um and then ultimately results in the identification or determination of transient threats which are threats that really maybe weren't even made um substantive threats which are uh the implications could be serious but um there there isn't necessarily A a path towards the execution of that threat and then serious sub substantive where this was in place they made these threats they actually had access to weapons they had you know um and that's when things get really really serious really really fast and that's not what we had two weeks ago that next slide shows the process and it's a little bit small um but you can kind of see the five-step process that our teams work through evaluate resolve respond do a safety evaluation one of the things that I think is valuable about this process is that there is a considerable amount of effort put into safety planning and follow through so it's not just we determine this and then that's the last time we talk about it there are things that are put in place whether that's morning check-ins every day and follow through with counselors and follow through with mental health and who's doing what and when so that's a part of this process uh maintaining Conta and maintaining relationships um so we can continue to monitor situations um some things as we went through the training and again we had in our district uh I think it was around 80 people go through the first SE stag training and and then the SE stag 2 was a little bit smaller but teams in every building went through the second phase um and they were pretty intense and long uh I think this the second training was about eight hours it was a full day um statistically and this is again where I don't know I don't necessarily even understand the word gaslighting but I think this is probably where it might apply where um it's hard to talk about in some ways but really statistically schools are among the safest environments for children less than 1% of of student or child deaths occur in schools um but again that doesn't it's hard to say that out loud without making it sound like you're minimizing it when it does happen that's not it at all there's actually been a decline of violent crime in schools um but there's a heightened perception of danger and I think that's where this kind of ying and yang kind of comes where even though the statistically low risk public perception of school safety has been affected by the preponderance of media and so it seems like it's a worse when the data doesn't necessarily support it our awareness of it is probably much much higher on the other hand I think bullying and mental health has raised attention to new heights and I that is real and I think that is something that we've seen increases of um across the country and it remains considerable concerned and the other thing kind of along with the Alice training comment that uh there are some safety measures that we've put in place other schools have put in place and there is those have to be done carefully because in some cases uh those safety measures May improve safety marginally but they also create anxiety I think like metal detectors are a great example you walk into a school with a metal detector does that make you feel better or worse I don't think it makes you feel better um it increases anxiety so it's a that's kind of an extreme example but but they have determined some of that as well any questions about SE stag we uh I feel really good that we landed here and I feel good about the energy and efforts we've put into this um because it is you know it's part of being a school in 2024 you know that's it's kind of part of it Matt do we have a if I heard you correctly we have a SE stag group in every building yeah so people are trained in every one of our buildings and it's some of it's dependent on the particular threat that might be you know they might be evaluating it might not be the exact same team but it's a team of people that's been through the training okay M and also if I heard you correctly and from what I know uh all staff uh have Alice training is that correct that's part of our every kind of our every year work so everybody's there's a a base level at every there's a base level yep and I think that's something that we need to you know constantly come back to and also determine like what what is that acceptable level of awareness that we need with that good thank you not let me talk about statistics and and I know you know nationally we talk about statistics and one in 6,000 you said in schools are relatively safe in that and and I get the point about you know you talk about about it but I think it's important that we talk about it and I'm not sure what the right words or the right venue is to talk about it we deal with perception more than we deal with the reality side of it right that perception becomes that reality for those people but I think it is important twofold here one is I think it's important to let the public public know that what we have going here right that we are doing things to to minimize risk within the schools and I think it's important we communicate that out the second thing is I think it's important that we talk about schools are a safe place to be even though that might be a a hard conversation because of the gaslighting because what's out there on social media and not nothing against the media aspect of it but it's a story and they're going to tell the story and it creates that perception that it's happening all over the place but if we don't talk about how safe our schools are that perception is going to override how safe the schools are does that make sense of what I'm saying so my point is this is that I think we need to find some venues to go out into public and talk about what we're doing to prevent SA or to have safety in the school and our schools are relatively safe yes we've had incidents and I don't know what we have for Statistics over the last five years as far as events go but I think it's important maybe we pull some of that research some of those statistics and talk about what's actually happening in our backyard in relation to what's happening on a national level and schools are relatively safe right and here's our data supporting that schools are safe does that make sense in what I'm saying yes communicating out um to me it's creating a an environment and a perception that which is really reality that schools are safe and if we don't talk about it the public will talk about it for us based on what they read on social media based on the new story that maybe happened last night or happened tomorrow night our schools aren't safe I'm keeping my kids home from school today because of whatever yeah I think you know School transportation and you know I don't want to jinx anything obviously but you know last year our buses drove n over 900,000 miles we did not have a child get hurt in a bus accident that's significant you know and it's I like I was one of my kids last night was talking about how scared they are on airplanes and they feel unsafe and I said actually statistically uh airplanes fly millions and millions of miles a year and millions and millions and millions of passengers and it's one of the safest ways you can get from play from a to be but again it's when we see the plane crash and you know Sully doesn't have a river to land on it's s but but I do think you're right I mean we have 4,000 children in 500 plus people that congregate in our district buildings every day and most of those days that happens without incident it's like at the size of a town I mean Chism is draw everybody it's like everybody in Chisum and you know the surrounding area all coming to one place every day they get here on our vehicles they eat our food and come to our buildings and they get along so my only caution with data is kind of three things one legally you can't study gun violence so it's hard to get actual numbers on it you legally can't study gun violence right so you can't get real numbers on it two they're minor so you won't often hear vinance that don't hit the news and then three kids keep secrets and so just be real cautious about what we can consider safe because safety is different yep creates its own different perspectives so kids who have been bullied or other things would feel very different about that and you might get some pretty visceral reactions from that so just be cautious as you do it but I think our stats here though I think can tell the story in itself right and what I mean by stats is I'm I'm referring back to the incident from a couple weeks ago right I'm not saying bullying is not here it's here obviously mental health issues are here and those are things we need to be talking about as well but I think there was an added height heightened awareness if mtion the awareness gaslighting if you will based on the events that happened a couple weeks ago and that's not an everyday occurrence or I would say that's not even every year occurrence the perception is is it's happening every day and it's not and I guess if we don't talk about that they will continue to think it's happening every day why do you have to report to the Department of B we have a dur report that we have to file and it's based on you know um data that gets entered into campus and it's mostly physical violence suspensions and Tre you to fill out that report back in the day yeah yeah um yeah we do have to file that every year but that that could be an indicator right I think you're moving into communication and I think that's Pat's point and I think that's Melissa's Point how can we more effectively communicate and I know that you've been very good at communicating but uh message sent and message heard are not always the same that's very true we had some statistics from the GRS Police Department right the calls or whatever we those are steps within the school yeah it just be interesting toare you years or whatever I think one of the things you can talk about to the public though is the training that we give staff and and I think that's very reassuring and um I I think it's pretty comprehensive effort overall and I think that could be communicated I I think one of the other points to remember is that uh we've always had a very close relationship with our law enforcement agencies and and that the collaboration between the the PD and the so has just been incredibly good and I think that's another talking point right the the collaboration the the working relationship um and to me it's not a oneand done it's it's a every time you have an opportunity you talk about it right that brings reassurance that brings gez things aren't really good here you know things are safe here in this I think when law enforcements invol trading Insurance statement that's because you involve them throughout the whole they're involved in the whole process anyway they put out their own statement if it's a joint statement that they can agree on that yeah and we didn't make it clear this last time I mean you know this kind of after action we didn't make it clear that we were working as closely with them as we were um and that was a step you know yeah just as one of those things and because I think even with a missing srl it didn't change how that process went which is what but making the process visible is that's yeah I think that's that's a good that's a good word for us um in that Pro kind of talking about process this is one of the things that we're thinking about and visibility um how we handle this how do we handle threats when we get them and this really this kind of comes from some procedures that we're working on as an admin team to to land on and and this is you know it's one of those things where in some cases you just move through this and don't take the time to write it down or just as a natural part of how you do things but writing it down enables you to make it visible and and I think there's some reassurance I mean I get some feedback from parents that were like we just wanted some reassurance I'm like huh yeah right that's great that's super good feedback um and uh we wanted more reassurance so that's good feedback and I think some of this would help but securing that environment right away and this is where it gets a little bit hard for parents that uh sometimes wanted information early uh earlier than we were able to do that because really it's about securing that environment maintaining Integrity investigation um communicating with the people that we can um as soon as we can and then moving through that assessment process you know and then communicating with parents once we're in that spot where we know something that's useful uh we've taken care of what we needed to take care of and then get to that safety planning the other thing that we've found to be helpful is to have a briefing or or debriefing depending on with staff uh that because they have questions they hear from kids they hear from parents and it's not a good spot for them to be uh to have less information than than you know their neighbor does when they're living right right in it so that's been very appreciated when we've done a good job of that and something we just want to make sure we're calling out and remembering to do every time so what's the process and what's the process when a kid um was kind of bullied in the sense that they were put out as if they were a threat but they were never a threat like how do we deal with that because now the kid right information gets out that this kid was a threat to the school but they never were it was actually somebody bullying them or some you know who turns it you know so it was almost a reverse like how do we deal with that it in that sense I mean that's the other piece like parents want to know but the reality is if it was their kids they didn't want everybody to know either right you know I mean so I'm just asking the question because I I think we've historically had some incident similar to that just false reporting yeah and that one of the things we ran into in this incident was or one of the incidence is that there was in personally identifiable information getting put out there by families about minors that wasn't true and it wasn't happening during school it was happening right you know and so our ability to control meta or police that or is really hard now did we make some phone calls to parents and say hey look this is really not okay um yeah that happened we don't have any ability to really to force them to take something down off their person account um so that's where it gets really really hard I mean yeah that's where it gets really really hard I think what we can do Matt is put out as much information as we can without jeopardizing if there's a criminal investigation whatever and obviously the names and all that we can't but um TR of being more proactive than reactive if that makes sense and and and I know there's a fine line there and if we could do that be unified with the city and whoever else needs to be at that when we put that information out so that they're not shopping well we're going to go to the superintendent first and then we're going to go to the police chief you know I love the officer that worked on it we're going to go to the officer then too you know and I think if there could be a united front up front where the players are there and they're all putting the information out in unison I think it makes a big difference is that statement that legal could make around slanderous statements and relation the minors like just at the bottom of something to be like you know almost kind of a warning you know like that and maybe it's the PD that puts it out I don't know but it feels like you know it's it's not just like I'm saying something bad about something I'm being slanderous and that's gonna hurt that kid for the rest of his life here right I mean if you're that if you're that child it's like I don't want to go to school why do I want to go to school you're going to tell me I'm safe I'm not safe you ran this process on me and I didn't have anything to do with it like I don't beat my wife anymore I mean there's just something that that you know a reminder there's a fine line there legally fine line that's what I'm saying it would have to be a legal statement coming out of that we we do not share minor names and information I mean there there can be a there can be a legal p on that and we obviously we can't right and I think you can quote a statute to that back to your point right give them the statute let them go look it up and then they can formulate an opinion on whatever it is based on that stat right yeah and sometimes it's a little bit of a moving Target it was this time the you know to there there are there's the potential to be able to talk spec with more specifics if personally identifiable information hasn't been created in the community and that's what we ran into this thing um so we were what we could have shared was even limited by that so it's it's uh it's sure tricky but yeah there's It's Tricky yeah um in terms of communication relative to safety um our first priority is the immediate safety of students and staff and so all of our communication is going to run through that filter we're not going to say anything unless or until we know that it's not going to you know uh create an unsafe environment um you know the working closely with law enforcement that's something we we've historically done um we kind of had to get you know it's a new school year and had to sort of circle back to that a little bit and our You Know Chief Morgan did a really good job of reaching out um to make sure that we were on the same page there because you kind of get in the middle of it sometimes and it's like oh yeah we have to make sure we're uh doing that so um that's important we talked about data practices and I and I said you know at the bottom I think constantly seeking to learn and and improve and we've thought a lot about I've thought a lot about the timing of the message when does it go out um you know is it when people might be available or not at work so they can actually access it or late at night was too you know maybe too late for some people to make decisions or ask questions they want to answers to so finding that right time is tough but important um having as much in the message as we can and and still make sure we're maintaining the integrity and the the Privacy that we need to and then also how are we sending that message out um is it an email is it a call is it both what's the best mechanism or mechanisms or approach to do that so those are all things that we have to learn learn from and learn about um all the while you know hoping that we don't get excellent at it because if we get excellent at it it me we're doing it a lot uh but you know that's tongue and cheek obviously but um so those are all things that we've been reflecting on any thoughts questions on any of that the the Facebook live we had scheduled I mean it was not a a popup one um the timing of that was good um and uh I think that that was probably helpful uh I think it there were like 15,000 views on that wow wow yeah then then the average time was like two and a half minutes so they weren't watching the whole thing but no they're just getting yeah yeah yeah so I think what's important with Facebook Live Matt it's more of a personal touch then an email or a text or a phone call right and they have an Avenue to ask a question if they so choose I would just say if there is an event like this again I think Facebook live is a good way to communicate when is it appropriate time I don't know based on the circumstances but again back to having the team if you will wherever that team needs to be whether it's law enforcement you principal or you principal or you law enforcement whatever again I think that's important it brings it to a level of almost that Personal Touch where you're reaching out and saying David Marty we're talking to you you know and that um and I think that brings comfort and reassurance to people that I watch Facebook live right and I heard what he said not what I read on Facebook I heard what the principal or the chief or whoever said and I think that carries a lot of weight going forward um and it can be a good message carry carry as well yeah the person that's or people and I was just say an incidents that rise to that level having you as the point of communication is important because they know then it's risen to that level and your this the leadership in the school is paying attention the top dog is watching not that the others don't have a role but just when it rises to that it it feels better as a parent when it when it comes to it's good point and them set of specific school have their principal there with you at Facebook live it brings that Personal Touch to the school then with the principal there and acknowledges their own leadership um okay um see I didn't probably behind on my things here okay I did so there's some procedures I I forgot to mention here that we're putting together one is investigative investigation procedures again you know as a principle you do these all the time and you kind of but if you haven't done one in eight months it's sort of easy so we're trying to just put it together A playbook s of like oh yeah okay that's right I should make sure and do this and takeing pictures of this physical evidence and um and also the report creating a consistent report for an investigation so we've got all of our eyes dotted and te's crossed and um obviously that not only helps continuity from what we create what we produce but also if it comes to the point where there's something that's challenged we can feel really good about what we did so I think this is going to be really good um again it's not something we do all the time but I think it will be a really good tool for principles to be a go to and okay through that I would suggest Matt that um at least annually said I want take a look at this and then you can say it was looked at on an annual basis there needs to be some adjustments wherever or even after the if there's an event there need to be adjustments on but I think it's let's still make it put in a book and put it on shelf and collect that right let's pull it off and take a look at it and um people come and people go right and we want to make sure the new people that are coming in are aware of processes going forward in that yeah that's okay um communication update then um just some things that we've been working on and I was going through this is like holy cow uh again this is all without a Communications person uh and we all know I think that you know that would be great uh we don't we don't have the luxury of that right now uh so I I guess probably the first thing I want to just do is acknowledge Lauren still and Melanie from Community Ed they're doing a great job of carrying water Julie's doing an incredible job of you know picking up a lot of this I'm picking up some I mean it's just it's been a real team effort to make this happen our connection with Colin from M has been really really helpful so um it's it's been a lot but but it's been good so this is this newsletter first of all was came out of our Communications plan and that was part of the audit that Colin did and he was like Hey a lot of people said this was important and a lot of people that aren't connected to your school with kids or grandkids or whatever that's this is how they were getting information and in some areas of the state printed newsletter might not be the most effective tool in your District it is it's a and it's an affected tool so this is coming out in late October we've got some information in there about each School uh we kind of do some highlights of some different programs talk about Finance you know our overall goal with our information is to build trust and confidence that's what the purpose of all the communication we're doing really is um one of the things we haven't talked about a lot enough but we're kind of put putting in here um and and the caveat is they're not our scores aren't where we want them to be we were above reading we were above the state reading in a math and we were above every one of our neighboring school districts in reading a math on 2024 MCAS um that's not that's not a statement we should shy away from um we have work to do and we'll continue to to do that work but that's uh that's data that's backed by fact or a fact that's backed by data whatever we want to frame it so this is uh coming out I think we're on you know our fourth draft Collins been very helpful lawren done a good job of kind of stitching this together we've had a number of meetings to to work through this and so um I'm looking forward to that going out that will go out to all uh addresses in the district awesome community outreach for this year Julie's been doing a lot of hunting down uh of groups that are currently out there so for instance the uh Association of itas County townships uh scheduling me to get with them um so if you have a group that we haven't thought of maybe just shoot that to Julie and so we're trying to get to the townships individually that are interested trying to get to other groups that are interested uh this isn't a sales pitch I'm not pitching a referendum here this is just hey here's what going here's what's going on in your school district in our school district so that's uh that's happening we've got some schedu think even yet for this month so working on that and if you're interested in knowing when those are so you could attend you know I'd say just touch basic j a lot of work around our strategic directions and so first of all our website and uh Julie I don't know if you've been there yet as as a board member but um if you click on that image Julie again Lauren and and Melanie did a really good job of this so under Administration you scroll down you'll see strategic directions and so this gives a little bit of background on the left uh going back to the feedback we got from our community again that was 700 surveys returned staff meetings in every building uh talk uh interviews with current former students focus groups geographically all over the place so that's what ultimately led to the report that we got from Ed and Laura and the synthesis of that creating these six strategic directions we've talked about those a million times what you maybe haven't seen is this and if you click on one of those like Equitable education it launches you into a section just on that and kind of expands that Equitable education is sort of like the abbreviation for Equitable access representation and outcomes it starts by talking about why we think this is important and what it looks like when we're winning and then if you go down Julie scroll down a little bit on that page um it kind of lays out our operational plan objectives that are tied to that and I just met with our uh kind of a uh strategy team last week to update some of these some of these need to be changed already we've gotten some of these done and need to refine them so you know this is a living document we knew that that operational plan or strategic directions aren going to change but that operational plan will and then if you scroll down a little bit more um we've just we've started to just documents some evidence of progress you know there's progress being made on this and here's here's kind of what uh here's what that looks like so every one of those wedges has a expansion you can blow that up and take a look at that so that was uh I'm really proud of that and I think um you know again trying to be visible I don't know how many people will go to that but um I don't know it's there it's there and I do think you know and I I'm you know Angie's over here uh I I've said in my 321 Thursday emails that when people are sick of hearing me talk about it that I'm probably means I'm about there and I'm probably getting close to that I don't know but um I I will share and maybe you saw uh in the one I sent last week um I was at the high school I saw I saw a copy of this athletic tape to the door of our lock room and I thought that is good that's what we're talking about right there right it's getting in I was really uh really excited about that so this is one way we're working on communicating strategic directions out um another one is a video that we're creating so this is in production right now and um it kind of goes through each wedge again we've got voices from all over our district sharing you know here's why this is important here's what we're doing and just another way to communicate how this came about why it's important so um again that this for me personally goes back to 2020 when um I heard we needed some clarity about what we're working on it should be clear that we're working on these six things um uh let's see informational campaign uh we're working with Dan Connelly locally uh he does a lot of work in video too he's creating some video for us or some footage for us that just highlights our video or highlights our district why why would someone choose to come here um how do what do uh small community kind of feel Big Time opportunities what does that look like and so really capturing that story he's got some great ideas it's fun to be around creative people like that because they just you know it just kind of flows out of them so um I get excited talking about our schools I think there's a lot of reasons to be proud and and we need to tell that story so that's in the works 321 Thursdays I've mentioned that I'm just taking that as an opportunity to make sure that you know Share three things that I think people need to know two things that um that I've observed that make me proud to carry the banner for our district and then a note of gratitude um and those have been fun to do so far uh you know by March maybe I'll be running out of materi but uh but so far I've gotten good feedback from people um trying to make them readable in less than five minutes and so far feel good is are well done thank you yeah they good thank you um the logo and the name we've worked uh you know worked through that name piece I think that's just sort of happening happened um I had a conversation with a couple local people to update our trees and water it's very reasonable to work when you work locally so we'll see where that ends up I think there seems to be some interest in [Music] um creating some sort of connection to our high school mascots because that's how a lot of our community connects to uh connects to our schools there's the Big Fork one uh Big Fork kids just selected their uh they voted on their um kind of one of their landscape views of their logo just last week so that's really cool and so um we've got two legal logos now can you just put the husky in the tree yeah maybe that's what it'll be I don't know yeah I'll leave that to the professionals but yeah don't yeah don't take that do that okay yeah like that right there we just like put the yeah just the Husky right on the shore and yep you know sound effects of the hawk flying over and it's like it's interactive logo little thunder in there it'll be yeah some Thunder little yeah yeah that's good got it all got it all covered um Rapids radio uh we um have been working with them on a couple projects one is some radio ads uh we had some staff in recording those last week again it's about trust and confidence about um you know the the themes that we're after some appearances or shows uh they've been good about inviting me in and others in so we'll continue to do that and then also uh moving into a space that I'm not that familiar with uh which is digital Impressions and this is again um just a way to get our school district in front of people one of the things that last November told me very very clearly was that our community needed more information so this is all a response to that um how do we make sure that they get the information they need um so those are the uh those are kind of the highlights on the communication side is there a point to adding uh kaxe uh public radio yeah it's a good uh it's a good point I I can reach out to them and see what they're interested in doing I think they would be amendable to that and I think there's there's a uh group that listens to kxc yeah it's good okay they've been super Cooperative with everything we done too so um I'll reach out to them I don't know what the video is with Connelly but um Megan and Christian s spent hours and hours and hours of video footage with around the area and I know she said like if somebody needs it or somebody has any to talk to her she's physic Grand Rapids and they did I mean did Wise Guys shoot that for them you know no they brought in some big somebody else okay so she and you know she used it she used pieces of it but there's just hours and hours of footage that might might be that might be useful and she would know or maybe not but but I know that she has a whole okay that's super helpful okay those are the two items I had Mr chair and certainly open to any questions or comments or other suggestions I got a few here and some to-dos questions or comments good job I appreciate the attention to communication good updates I just say What's hard with than that is it's it's as I said earlier it's not a oneandone it's a Contin continuation of doing it and even though it might get old on on the district side there's people out there it'll still be the first time heard and that's the unfortunate thing and the second part of that is there's so many venues on how to communicate to now it's almost as if you got to try to hit them home because everybody gets their information from whether it still be newspaper whether it be radio whether it be social media whether it be the neighbor you know just and the third thing I'd say is the more Personal Touch we can get to it physically getting in front of people it carries a lot more wait in the newslet people still get most of their information it's through the mail because I've been in conferences where they say that mail still the number one way people get information so the newsletter will be good on everyone's house I think the biggest barrier so far to our community meetings uh has been scheduling I mean they've been pretty receptive for the most part would you say Julie very receptive ironically of them are held on Mondays yeah yeah there's a ton of on that's been a little bit of a challenge but yeah we get any other business thank you in relation to that I know I'm not going to be R after December but maybe it's uh exception to the rule of change our board meeting date to something different that would accommodate somebody attending these meetings that are held on Monday to make that connection alter suggesting that we change our meeting date for Monday's P oh my gosh you should change it yeah maybe 7 a I won't tell you all theoc me big so question is did you guys uh see on the news uh public schools in the Twin Cities and some of the suburbs were out protesting the um end of covid dollars because of the implementation that they got to do around uh Reading Writing and arts yes and that by taking that away th there are programs that they've started up that will no longer be accessible to students and again same thing reading going up math is going up and art was accessible I just thought that was really interesting that that was well the pitch that I got out of it is that they were looking for somewh federal money oh for sure that was the point but I just thought that was really was quite interesting because but they have referendums too yeah if the FED would just honor their commitment to special ed B fill that fill that Gap you know uh so so speaking of that and I know it's probably Way Beyond us but I'm going back to our conversation with representative St stabber up in Big Fork of there's no appropriation for it it's in law but there's no appropriation for it what can we do to help facilitate and push that for appropriation for it so we get our 40% our legislators can we talk to our legislators I mean can't he do something he said he's working on he said he did did well that's all con Mee meetings a Jour thank [Music] you e