##VIDEO ID:Qf2YVj8s1fo## okay um well Missy cook wants us to go up and kind of tour that house that got built up in the northeast corner of town and we were thinking we would get all that wrapped up get our meeting done and and go up and do that first it ain't going to take that long and then do our then do our building meeting after that androy wants to be done by noon if we can get all that done that would be good well um all right I will make sure I'm up at County office building 10 minutes 10 if you guys are we want to get done by noon and you guys gotta go do that are we going to meet at the courthouse wasn't that the plan do that yeah that' be even better when we do that and go up and do the missing cook thing then we'll meet you at the courthouse it might be 10 to 124 to 12 somewhere there okay thanks bye what I don't know two hours for why I don't know what he was thinking yeah hi how are you good they got somebody picked up picked out for all East [Music] I start [Music] February allowing public use cannabis might not be a janary when they hired me it was March put basically because it doesn't start until January 1 anyways basic allows anybody to do [Music] it ask me if I was interested ask me that 62 years [Music] old I'm married to enough self I married everybody's having fun and you're working see I years fire department here Johnny H all the dances and all the stuff trainings you're married to that job yes yeah any on assess position there not any anyit whatsoever so when's our December 3rd what happens December 3rd I I got to dig into more of that I gotta figure that out Jerry Larson you're early I wasn't sure what time it was but I thought it was today right it is 10:00 10:00 is that the time for the [Music] yeah up right over there are we recording we are recording okay so it's kind don't want to call the meeting to order R for The Pledge Allegiance Pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all we have the agenda I guess the only thing would be the add at the end the other would be a recess to both view the West Central Community actions their U the house that they built that we were involved in our in our arpa funds on site in elow Lake with that addition I'll make a motion to approve the J second second discussion favor say I I car minutes e I make a motion to approve the minutes second no sir discuss every say i i Warren that's do we know exterior waist Tank $649 Master pling and heating is that part of the tank outside of the shed is that what that was for yeah guess y they finally get that the installs quite so that be this great time frame for that that to be approved because we moved that needed to be installed or what yeah because it were black top black top on we hooked it up to the Sewer it never was hooked to the Sewer did you know that was like a rock drain oh the dra the drain in the building that got up to the story okay and subsequently you need y you got to you got to do it by Cod y okay Mr chair I'll make the motion to pay the bills a mo is there a second oh second one question before we and I suppose it's a highway department question by see we had another WSB construction engineering some point that Highway 10 project unless this is for something else do we know what that 24428 is that's part of the phase of you know the last phase of the project and then you know you'll see numbers come in front of it from us from Matt you know he's going to Brand it what what was talked about at the hiring committee yeah but this is still on Highway 10 y yep well WSB is Highway 10 it all in favor of the motion say I iOS cared V sheet is up there West Wars uh what's that the commission so what do we need to know about the pro you is that your presentation or is it mine or uh nope this would be mine okay so this is the the proest maintenance and service agreement and Technical Support agreement so this is something that we bring to you every year um nothing has really changed the even the the rates that they're charging are essentially the same as what they charge pass going up this is so that when we do splits combinations um basically it says this going to charge us and this is what they're going to charge us it also is like when we had the computer event they are the ones who are going to bring that system back up and get it running for us so on page five the link classic will no longer be supported is link classic oh I guess that says 21 yes so that's been in there so this has been yeah so this is the question that I had him for them as well and so link classic is it's it's the original view of of our GIS system this is what I like this is like the goat mode this is like the the top level um basically I can have the kitchen sink and everything else with them um so what they're going to what they're in the process of doing is getting rid of that and going more to uh like what you look at on your phone like a GI I call it more of a doy screen and I just need them to build the top level GIS again for the assessor's office for the Land Management basically we're the ones who are using all of the tools all at the same time we don't need just one thing to show us where the ditches are we also need to see all the Contour we also need to see how the you know how the EMS districts might flow in we might need to see how uh like where the river lines are like all those different things all play into up Factor so that's why Greg and I need everything and the classic hasn't broke yet so that's why we're they're just saying that when it does finally break and our computers no longer support it they're not going to support it anymore so that's a special exclusion that's plumed into that time right yes and the price similar to Prior similar to Prior years yes is there a any anything else Carl motion to accept the Prest maintenance contract for 2024 25 so moved second second additional discussion all in favor you say I I I carried oh 9 20 know what that means may can we start early you get eight minutes to talk about how it's going I won't even take two you got to use eight have a chair um do you I oh it's up there so yeah so this uh what I needed was just this uh the central Minnesota emac appointment letter is just one of those pieces that's going to come to you um the the reason it's here today is because the first meeting is next week and so um that was one of the requirements was that you can't go to the meeting unless you're officially appointed um and then there'll be more of those type of things there's a some radio user groups and stuff like that that we'll have to hash out with the sheriff's department as far as who's going to take those I know Tina took a lot of a lot of them now with the new LSA position they probably will fall that Direction More Than my Direction but um uh yeah we got that um I've got the emergency manager course work requirements so there's about 45 hours of prerequisites before I can even start the actual course so um I have that list and I'm luckily a few of them fall under some things that have done prior so I've got a few of those things taken care of already but I'll continue to work through that to get get that course work started so um most of it'll be an online based um I know when I try to get some information from Tina she said I did it 20 years ago and it's it was all in person and you know they don't do that anymore so anyway so it's all changed and and it'll take a little figuring out but we should be able to get through that so um otherwise just kind of really dipping my toes in the water here trying to figure some things out and get some acronyms down and and uh Tina has been really helpful the other emergency managers in the area have been really helpful so um yeah seems to be going pretty well so you mentioned with the new LSA is that what you call it yeah some of those things would could fall under who would be making those decisions is that us or no I'll work with uh John and and um Tina and Tina over there as well as Josh will be you know as we figure fure out you know which one of those groups you know some of them are directly linked to the system administrator um versus you know Tina just fell into that position because she was familiar with the radio stuff and and and that sort of thing so some of it's directly linked to programming radios and and things like that um I'll probably be more involved with the user end of it owners and operators y so so those will be different um as we start to figure out who's going to take those you know my understanding is there's a bunch of funding tied to your participation in the meetings and so the biggest piece is to make sure somebody gets to the meetings but um figuring out who fits better and each category will be what will work with the yeah I'll work with John up there and Jen and figure out and Tina who who fits better in each one of those roles so just to be clear that's tin a gra yeah yeah yeah and so we've already had several discussions there's a few um you know classes for some of those things as well that have already been scheduled so uh next month we'll both go to a class in brainer for two days on radio um 101 yep so um so we'll work through a few of those things but over the next couple of months you'll get uh some more appointment letters just for these other groups that are not as pressing so so yeah so you can assure us that there's going to be no gaps I mean that no between the part yeah and right now connected and yep right now the between Tina and the sheriff's office they had the delegate alternate covered and so as we work through and and a lot of them are quarterly or by anually type meetings so um as we work through as they're popping up here making sure we got some coverage on those we should be we should be covered that way so yep okay and Dwight I are on the EMS board yep so I'm the delegate he's the alate so that's kind of where that's been for my 10 years I've been here I've been a delegate the whole time sure so a lot to it have you been able to have communications with the local EMS and fire rescue in the various communities is that or I know the toes are wet but yeah no I I did send out an email to all the fighter Chiefs yesterday um get some feedback on a couple of different items that that we'll work with uh there's some in some of our planning preparation there's some contact lists for the each department that sort of thing and so um working with them to get their rosters and who you know contacts for all those so that as we go to our next planning phases that we have all the upto-date information it used to be just fire chiefs now they want all firment you know that kind of thing or you know so um yes I've reached out to some of those luckily again I have a firsthand relationship with many of many of them so it's very fluid that way I've been pretty receptive so I have a question are you still in the department over here I am okay so so if Grand County had an event it required a command center and Leadership do you feel you would be able to lead that um tomorrow I would definitely call I would call and call Tina right away just because we have never had to set it up yet and and she's assured me that she would be available for that I've also spoke with her and some of the other EMS if they have an event that I be able to go there and and see how they set it up and how they run things and how things are organized so um that part is you know in the process you know in the process you know there not been any events yet but um yes so that's part of the you know there's obviously a a manual that says this is how we're going to set this room up and these are you know this is where you know I'm going to sit you're going to sit all those things um but as far as actually actioning it and plugging a phone into the wall and making sure that it does the right stuff um at this point I would be looking for some help with that piece so you actually you do have a plan yes absolutely Y and you're you're not losing any but if you ask if I could do it by myself today I would tell you absolutely not so I mean we we get something it wouldn't look like probably what Tina ever did or anything like that but we we would we would start something but yes it would definitely be a a community effort yeah so that's good Mr chair I got a question what kind of a cache have we got in portable radios I have 10 on my desk right now that are there's a couple that need work but there's 10 that are functioning and and on Chargers and and being rotated um so and that's just here um I know at least we still have probably four or five additional like up at you know this department I don't I don't have all those answers as far as what every department has for alternate but I know I have at least 10 sitting on my desk currently now that cach will eventually rotate up to the new dispat you know where the LSA sits so um likely I will keep my two Emergency Management radios and the the cash radios will go up there when they get that all in place but for right now they're still on my desk so yep so how I do now we're well you're perfect you used up your eight minutes now we're prly on time all could I have you sign that um that's yeah so anyway that's kind of the the nuts and bolts of where we're at and again that was just an appointment letter that needs to be done for next week's meeting so as a delegate of the ESB board I will make that uh if you want to call it dedicated appointment to move into the emergency management advisory committee we have a motion is there a second second there any discussion you know going forward this is a committee appointment that the chairman usually just handles I think could yeah that way but that's well since we got a motion second next time I'll just do it easy see we're learning we're learning every time we show up here we're learning something so all favor say hi hi there you go so you can either use your next four minutes or we're going to hand it over hand it to the next one I burned up somebody else's eight no Maya you got this no it was good my is up against the gun for I got another appointment so thank you you yeah three extra minutes pry soon these people I did a card coming right on the button good morning tell us a little bit about what your vision for the the foreseen future looks like from HR um well I guess I'm moving at some point so we're working on that we picked out carpet Carl and Maya made me pick it out so we picked out carpet and we looked at some desk options kind of looked at our spaces and that was good to see what that'll look like so that is the future of HR is moving to the courthouse eventually yeah um open enrollment has been really busy getting that all lined up and afflac was here last week met with employees and then um Insurance committee has been meeting to go over U voluntary benefits and the health insurance benefits and um some changes that are happening there so open enrollment will begin in November um I just sent an email out to everybody that uh Gallagher is who our broker who we work with and they'll be um uh doing a webinar a live webinar with um employees to join to go over all the health insurance changes um so yeah I encourage everyone to be on that it's always good to have a refresher even to talk more in depth about the HSA and how they work because I think hsas can um there just may not be an understanding of how how they work so I think it's always good to hear about that um so yeah that that came out today that email um and so yeah we'll be will'll be heavy into open enrollment and getting the changes ready for 2025 so then hiring we like to hire so we're hiring still hiring uh um we'll have a heavy equipment operator and an engineered Tech we still have that position open as well so and then a deputy recorder so that one is new newly open so that one will close here in the next week um and we'll be hiring for that one so did someone leave there who was that uh shaa okay yep so she's um I believe her last day is tomorrow or Wednesday um so we'll be filling that that role so there you go well let you start a minute early oh thank you all right so the first thing what is the first thing I have on rers okay so this one is for the travel meal and revers one I've gotten a few questions from employees and I thought it'd be better to uh formalize it and maybe update it a little bit in our current policy it doesn't state that there's a daily rate um and so I get questions as what is our daily rate and it says in there it's set by the board I don't think we've ever I don't recall ever having an amount so I never know what to tell them um and then so yeah this is just to update it as far as getting a daily rate in there so they know how much they can spend if they're you know out of the office at a meeting on site um I sent this to the Personnel committee a while ago back in August as far as options like what I I've reached out to other counties to find out what they've done um Jackson like an example is one County does $45 a day um another County splits it up with like breakfast $15 lunch $20 dinner 30 of course that doesn't include um that is must include an overnight stay um and then of course tips in alcoholic leverages were not reimbursable so those are just some options if you want to set just an amount for the whole day or if you want to break it up um I thought I'd leave that up to to you guys to approve what you'd like that to look like and then mileage of course would stay at the IRS rate we're not going to change that that's already set so so just the daily rate oh thought wishes ARL you have a recommendation well the typical meal C you know dinner meal costs at least $20 nowadays typical lunch cost is just went across the street now is $13 and cents for a cheeseburger and BR um you know breakfast is 10 or 12 bucks I would you like to do a daily rate or would you like to do per meal or how and I I will say that some meetings that people go to some of the meals are provided so maybe it wouldn't be all the meals but um yeah I guess if he just wanted a total or a Breakout thoughts from the board I would say if it's a day trip it's a $20 limit and if you're staying overnight it would be 60 and I'd put that in I'd specify that in the the policy that it would require an overnight stay things like that and that's about the range of the other counties around here yeah like 45 was for the day uh Klay county has 15 for breakfast lunch 20 dinner 30 and then they have specifics in there about overnight breakfast must be an overnight stay a dinner must include an overnight stay yeah oh what what did say day was what 20 for the day 60 for the night thoughts on that you like that or what's your thoughts you have a recommendation so the day you're you're probably figuring just one meal is that what we're figuring if you're if it's for the day and then overnight would be 60 yeah I mean if you're staying overnight a lot of the hotels have Continental breakfasts too that are included so there's that I I would probably agree with [Music] that mean if there's there's a lot of supervisor approval stuff in there let's say it's a cons considerble distance for a day and you think there should be two I would be fine if the supervisor approves you're going to be given $40 because you're your meeting's three hours away so you're going to be eating two meals yeah we want to look at the rest of the is that the only yeah that's the I just wanted to specify the amount because whenever I was getting calls it was just what was approved by the board and I don't know what that was if there ever was an amount I so I mean typically I don't turn in builds for food got to eat anyway lot of the CC stuff that we got going on they feed us so yep whatever I guess I'm on board with the 20 and 60 I had a let's see reasonable amount is this whole poliy excuse me B go ahead so you you're just not eating a b soup and some crackers or something get something is this whole policy new no this is the same policy it's just I'm the deily rate is it was just a daily rate it had been interpreted as reasonable right yeah and you know yeah and I just was getting a few calls of like what it is and I thought well I want to be more specific when I can give an answer yeah so I had a couple comments on page would be two of the policy it makes reference to on number 12 that ethanol and oil should be charged locally ethanol could be can we construed as E85 all gas has EOL in it should I say gasoline or say petroleum or the other thing is number um approv number 11 approval to use your car when the county is a when a County vehicle is available will be given when you say will be given that there's no there's no discussion it says it will be given that's a hard one because we don't necessarily have a lot of County vehicles right so a lot of people are driving their personal but like Carl has offered in department head meetings and that you know that vehicle Greg has as well that those vehicles are available if they're not being used too um but we don't have a lot of County vehicles available so the point would be is it if it it says it's just okay then because it will be given I it's not subjective at any level to meet I guess we've always assumed it like within our office since we do have the the vehicle if they're going to go for a day trip and they're going to they're expected to take the County vehicle unless the County vehicle needs to be dispatched somewhere else then they're giv permission to use their personal vehicle to go to a meeting yeah so it's really not an issue either one of them so is there a motion to accept the policy as with the changes the changes with the daily rate and then do you want me to change number 12 with like Carl said fuel I mean I don't think it's material I think whether it's in there or not I gu well something that I would we need clarification on we're talking about transporting children okay so this potentially at one time covered our social services which does transport children now I don't we are transporting any non County s and if we're going to we're better make sure we have approval from our insurance company law enforcement do they what about when the sheriff's office needs to transport well transporting someone in custody I think is different than what the intent here is I I just don't like the word children and it's not to say that we can't keep in like law enforce you know fire departments give rides to kids and I'm not saying law enforcement can't do that I'm saying we're going to keep it like this let's make sure we're covered for our insurance law enforcement I think would be completely different that's going to be covered but if we're having non- count staff that's my concern so if the and I don't know if that'll ever happen but if someone was coming back to the meeting and it just so happened to corespond with a child at a school and they're coming by if you don't have it in there are we saying they couldn't pick the child up it obviously be a saying we're going to have it we better make sure they're covered okay that's a good point there always is a possibility I'm not saying we should take it out I'm saying we need to make sure we're covered if it's going to be in there we better make sure we're covered okay so maybe leave it in there and then we should you want to do that research Carl and if MC says no then we can revisit that I don't think they're going to say no they're going to say well it's going to cost you this much I mean it it's not standard practice to all the children their own but there are on Council and bar fire department wanted to make sure you give kids rides and it costed more money we did it anyway so then I would if that's throughout we're going to go I will make a motion to accept the proposal as presented the 20th for day and the 60 yep we have a motion is there a second second discussion all in favor to say I car all right so the next thing is just what was was tabled last meeting um with the sick leave and you know prayer policy you have to have 48 hours remaining in your bank so if you wanted to move forward with allowing you know John to um donate his sick leave to leave 48 hours in his bank would allow him to donate 37 hours and that would follow the policy that it's currently stands the 48 Hours remaining in a bank questions how we make that motion to just follow our policy even with her retirement policy states he was still an employee when he made the request yep so it would follow yeah we're following the policy that leaves 48 hours left in his bank and allowing him to donate 37 what are you looking for Mr chair motion well yeah we did presented with a policy at the prior meeting right and then with exception so I would say then we need accept the policy and I don't know then if we need a second motion with the exception or the policy with this exception or or we just make a motion to approve the 37 hours leaving 48 at a policy that'd be cleaner it simple I'll make that to approve the thir and approve the other donations any other donations right or do they just automatically get their supervisor approves y yep well I'll make the motion to approve the 37 hours y we have a motion there at second second additional discussion all favor say I I car got that that's all I have okay thank you okay we can grind away a little bit at your stuff right Carl yes we can that's why there's a little bit of extra time here um so the first thing that I was sent was mcit sent me a voting delegates and alternative or alternates um So currently the delegate is Bill Val bill valy and the alternate is dney um basically are these the correct delegates and if so then we don't need to respond or we don't need to sign anything believe that's right yes that's correct so then we don't need to do anything no we don't need to do still it's still in in fact yeah right but I just wanted to they sent it to me I figured I um the next thing on my list is um how I'm going to start numbering ordinances policies and and resolutions and I ran this by Justin and I verified with him that there are not um there wasn't already a policy in place and how we do number these ordinances policies and resolutions and so what I came up with is if it's a Grant County Grant County ordinance it's going to be labeled as GCO and then it's going to be the year the month the date of the commissioner meeting and then a dash one would re would recognize that it's the the first ordinance passed at that meeting and any subsequence would be- 2-3-4 D five then that way if anybody ever looked at an ordinance they would know the exact meeting uh date year time everything everything they know about it and they wouldn't have to say well gez I wonder when that was so if this way somebody could go back and look at the meeting minutes or and and follow exactly what happened or see what motions were pass um Justin said yeah that makes perfect sense so um this is just kind of the process I'm going to follow going forward um if anybody has any of their ideas or recommendations I just figured it would smooth in Sy I noticed on your ordinance for cannabis you've used it I did yeah and so so how would this affect the existing numbering if there is a number for our existing ordinances so those numbering would still be in place this is basically going to start today going forward okay um unless we'd like to go back and review all those prior ordinances and policies and rum them and repass them that would be the other the other option and then as because if you're going to open up an ordinance now you've got to post it you've got to have a hearing you've got to to repass it you to leave that sleeping so I I believe the the old numbering system that was in place that's that's how it was but going forward this is how I would like to see ordinances numbered and um I feel it makes sense that way you'll know immediately right off the bat whether it's an ordinance or a policy or a resolution so uh is there a motion then to accept Carl's recommendation of the numbering system for ordinances for Grand County don't move there second I'll second it but what's the o stand for is that a zero ordinance no just to be clear additional discussion all in favor say I I Carri ordinance prohibiting cannabis in public places you sent them out or they're part of the packet they're part of the packet that I sent out yes um so the first ordinance that I have this is uh a recommendation from U reson Public Health in that we create an ordinance prohibiting cannabis use in public places this is the same policy that some of our surrounding counties are using um similar language U basically it's it's one of those it's a lot like our smoking orens basically just saying that can't use cannabis in public places it's also in State Statute stating that you can't use cannabis in public places okay and this is what other counties are doing emergency interm prohibition on establishment of New Uses uh that's a separate ordinance okay so this this one here is just the ordinance prohibiting cannabis using public races that's your recommendation this would be my recommendation is there a motion to accept Carl's recommendation on that number which you have right for the minutes yes I know you called for a motion but I had to have a question why are we passing ordinance to make something illegal that's already illegal if there's a state statute because counties are required to have an ordinance in place uh prohibiting cannabis in public places so when I talk to Amy yeah um this is one of their recommendations that we passed from the state from Verizon Public Health oh right okay yeah so they since they're are partner in in um organizing these they they're recommend or since they're a partner in like our smoking ordinance they're also our partner in the Cannabis as well and one of the things that is required is an ordinance for but could it also follow to that so when January 1st 25 comes on the state let's say they get their act in place that we're not all rushing to for formulate ordinances we're already got that done would that be a way to so that would be the second ordinance that we're going to be talking about okay so this first one just says you have to follow State Statute and you can't use cannabis in public places that's all that's all this first ordinances referencing so these are two separate ordinances that I sent so with that explanation I mean we're going to follow a recommend we hand it off whether it's tobacco and I think the miror this is public health is the correct venue and they say do this we're going to do this I just get very leery of us passing a law that's already illegal because then when the state comes and changes it now we're going to wind up getting sued because we're saying you can't do it and the state changeed their law that that's my concern is the state is going to change down the road and then we're going to be left with this and that's my concern but it's a right so yeah but I mean there's severability and amendable so here's the thing do if this is an ordance we've got a post that we're passing an ordinance and we've got to post the ordinance we got to have somewhere where they can review it we can't just pass this ordinance today no okay for an ordinance well then what should should we address both of them and then the motion should be that we will proceed to and and follow the ordinance policy yes or procedures yes so why don't we go to the second one so the second ordinance um is for the Emergency prohibiting the establishment of New Uses or the expansion of existing uses related to sales testing manufacturing distribution of can products um this ordinance would take place through January 1st um essentially that is when the the Cannabis opens up for uh to legalized and that's when the office of cannabis I don't know the whole name man ocm uh yes so that's when the the law basically starts and that's when they're going to start establishing new uh new licenses to do these things basically what this will allow us is saying that that from now until January 1st we have the ability to gather more data about the the Cannabis law and to um see how we're going to write our ordinance once the Cannabis log was into effect so we need to figure out yet with the Land Management of and the Sheriff's Office who's going to be the overseer of this who's going to be in charge of the enforcement who's going to be in charge of the study the study yes so those are all things that we need to be in place yet um again this is something that Western Prairie recommended that we that we pass um but again we'll hold off on that until we can have a hearing and Western Prairie or Verizon Public Health Verizon Public Health sorry so do we need a motion to proceed with the pro organized procedure for these two yes so I call for motion for those two to uh put that on would that be the next agenda then that be proper notification oh I don't know I don't know exact you can do the we have whether it's the next one or the one following so this we can vote on the so be the November the 19 that would be adequate all a sudden motion to that effect second second discussion relates to the two es all in favor say I iOS car what no 24 ballot board members so then the last item was [Music] to ballot board numbers [Music] don't know that we got that yeah it's right here the last thing I'm yeah I get last minute that the mcit please no it's page 47 to 48 oh so the this is for the tment of the 2024 general elections absentee mail and o or u a VA ballot board members as follows would be Chad Van sattin Hillary rbru Ashley Carr Marlene Nelson Katherine H Miller and Diane gy and they've done that for a while the other not the employees but the other correct Diane would be the new member is that what it is okay oh he is there a motion to accept those appointees I'll make that motion Mr chair second is there additional discussion all favor say I I I oppos Carri MRC met it was last week and their top three priorities are solid waste and all the related topics the landfills all that Transportation infrastructure and then placements Mental Health that me or some of AMC's platforms and priorities to have guess probably I mean it's up in different committees but so that's their priority the platform is considerably larger and yes some of it will overlap with AMC some of it will overlap with Maxa it's got a few minutes before we'll start i' stretch my legs right ER sure yeah I'll just this look you guys want me to pull up or anything what they want [Music] [Music] when we move on the ship the ship's moving [Music] [Music] you makings got higher standards in most places and it's just you know should run for two Mones that time of year and then go car like they're taking some corn off over there go [Music] so they get you out there the L one it's called W absolutely desperate [Music] got some of that oer for Halloween for the kids see I do I need the movie anymore not really and then yeah I think River and five oce they'll probably come up [Music] because [Music] [Music] [Music] know in a minute [Music] okay it's 10 o' I'll will open a final hearing for the redetermination of benefits for Grand County ditch one be ask Erin to set the stage a little bit um so I received a petition for more than 26% of land owners to do a redetermination of benefits on gr 20 did1 this was last year um viewers were subsequently appointed they prepared a viewers report and benefits and damages statement related to the redetermination of benefits and damages after the viewer's report was filed a property owner's report was prepared and mailed to interested parties along with the viewer benefits and damaged statement notice of the public hearing was then provided in accordance with the applicable Minnesota statutes um so that's a little bit of a background on what we're doing here today um now Ken if you want to open it up for the viewers present their findings on the redetermined benefits and damages and benefit and damaged areas okay so we have uh viewers here yeah okay explanation yep go ahead and and you want to present your findings then you just have to tell me if you need me to move over or whatever good morning my name is boy B I always get elected to do the talk we try to do there's three of us that are involved with this and Loretta mson and and Don met over there and we kind of equally kind of come to a determination of a decision um to explain the spread Truth uh let me back uh we had a informal meeting and it seems that we pretty much got all the speaking of the Commissioners here that we pretty much got everything ironed out now having said that that there a mean something may come up today but um with that I'll to explain the spreadsheet here we've got the tax everything's done in parcel tax Parcels so 4040s um so you have your parcel your parcel holder taxpayer address um sler over there and then uh and then your toship rang in section and what quarter section and what quarter quarter section and then from there we go to our to our uh soil typing and and and it's uh rated AB b c and d a being uh simple terms a is a cattail flu and B is or D is at the top of the hill we do a we do a cash flow analysis and if it was uh how much it is benefiting and if if of course this is pre swamp Bluster um you know if if it if it was drained it had no value it would just be Catta so that's the highest rated or highest asset we go to b b would be like a grass land where the best in the Natural State it would be grassland and then C and D is is the difference between uh completely drained and some draining needed so anyway these dollar amounts are added or are assigned to uh to each area of soil tight and and within that quarter quarter they may be one to all four types of soil and then it's uh it's benefited you know in equal uh equally balanced go ahead so anyway in this case on and back up a little bit here the if you have a farm site that is just benefited one acre if you got a 10 acre or 15 acre 8 Acre Farm site you are you are benefited one acre of Cl last D land the lowest assess land so that's why some of these will have one acre it won't balance out the perfect 4040s okay then uh as so each one of these tax Parcels are assessed that way with the with the dollar amount now the cost of the uh the cost of the project has been plugged in at 2981 million and all this is assessed across the the the system is they are their their net benefit is brought in at at a pro rated percentage so as this is this Top Line right here is uh 0.26% so of that cost is [Music] $260 of of this and there's technically no project involved in this redetermination it's just simply a redetermination so these dollar amounts that you see are based off of a theoretical $100,000 project yeah I miss both I'm sorry here that 2.9 is the benefit benefits across system oversight on my here so going across here um go ahead bring it across that's as far as it goes oh your your existing RightWay are are Exempted off um your channel are Exempted off um we we allowed $8,000 with the with the buffer law which will be absorbed into this uh $8,000 $8,000 an acre was assigned over to the people that have to give up land for the right away which will be given which will be given as a as a Perpetual lease is that how it's going to be written on so um and then any maintenance where they do any digging and ruin crop where they take need to utilize the land owner's land to do any Improvement or um initial work the land is rented for $300 in AC so having said that other than my oversight here I apologize for that didn't look at that quite right as I was talking before I was looking really so anyway um is there any uh questions on that any anybody from have a question on your dmj Johnson one of the uh D and it came up U the land that's on a hill away from the ditch Absolut the ditch does absolutely no benefit except that the water from there runs in how is that factored in there is that well that is that D yeah yeah that's D and then it's uh it's multiplied by the percentage well then it's pro rated or so then even more wi though well yeah I mean it it's all you know when I tried to you know we tried to explain it that day that it's a weighted average you know your whole 40 is DL it's that low but if you got D and B and then it's a weighted average is old within that 4040 yeah and then D might I'll tell them that there's a proximity Factor too so the pr away from the ditch yeah oh [Music] yeah there also proximity back there you have the mat yeah yeah I got it so like the further away from the ditch less your set you know because just on proximity alone and you know I've heard the statement about you know I don't need to ditch the water away but you know in reality you know there statues created if your if your water goes there you utilize it no matter how high because if there wasn't statute this guy below you could probably build the damn and you just keep your water I guess so and and we and then doing this we we we do uh try to be oh we are fair you know words there are anomalies of course and and little small deals but um I guess that's kind of how it is so did that answer your question J oh yeah anybody else have any questions or we have some people in the back are you here I got a question for the Commissioners not you oh okay I didn't know you sitting [Music] there no I I would just say that I I'm supportive of the whole process it's a fairness issue and I'm sure any three reviewers could come up with slightly different uh values and but in the end it it all averages out and it's a fairness issue it's a good process and now everybody's going to be treated better than we have been in the past so to the viewers do you apply this same Matrix to all your projects that it's basic there are some anomalies I mean there's tweaks that are made on different systems um you know depending on where it is the location now you get out in red Pat Township at Trev County it's all be and only so far from the ditch and that's kind of the end of that story now here a little different you got all like I said you could have all four different um soil situation um within 40 acres well then it's a little bit more trickly you were rating is that statute pardon the fewer rating the a through D is that statute or that deter I would say the re how we do it yeah well this has just been the acceptable way of doing it from the and it this originated from Ron renquist which has done it he was kind of the viewer viewers of Minnesota I think you could say and that's basically how we we we studied we had a course that we studied the three of us and that's just kind of how we've done it I guess you know know the records you know records weren't available really of any previous it's just this person paid this much this person paid that much and I believe Jerry would agree with that and now we went we we bound made a boundary of the actual drainage that goes into this ditch and that's pretty much uh we feel we did a very fair and Equitable job with well I got a question for you in this ditch system is a CRP you know land that's in CRP is that about the same classification like what ditch 21 is well trp is crop L artment that's the statute yep now I don't know you and I know Bill you were in not sitting in on 21 yep the difference between CRP and and in that case on 21 was water water bank reserve water bank reserve has no a incentive it's just grass L for the dust Wetland yeah and by Statue um there's just nothing that can be assessed to it however CRP can be broke up and farm so it's it's brought in and assessed in the system at the same level as about the same it's whatever the difference on them is if it's a Perpetual already then it can never be go back to farm so the farm value of it is not increased because of the dit figured and stuff if it is in CRP that is a so long of a term right and then it goes back to T and that's so then it's considered till okay and the D the buffer on this ditch is 16 1/2 ft on well that's kind you're kind of get out our realm if it'll stay at 16 and a half you know because in Grant County you can modify it but it but it has to be established at 16 and a half in the beginning right that's correct that's the minimum yes well yeah and then uh it goes out to 50 feet okay and that's all engineered and measured with engineering and and then that $8,000 is appli to those another thing with this this ditch has never been redetermined since it was established in the early 1900s so the original Deb ditch benefit amount was $741 so that was the amount we had we were legally able to spend per year in order to maintain this Stitch and now this amount will be this $3 million so possibly that no that's what it is that's 3 million not what it cost that's what they M them that's benefits right that's a benefit of the M yes whether you Levy that taex I Ain not to Levy that's could could do a $3 million project and pay for it any year if they wanted to right now that typically doesn't happen well I'm just saying that's that's what we have to spend now so where before he only had what 7,000 he said all he could spend well you can't do do much for clean anything so in this ditch is in complete working order so you know there there isn't going to be much repair moving forward I just cleaned out um 3/4 of a mile this year here and there's old tile in it and it's working so no trees no C there some trees but I'm sure there's Cattails issue it's dry is it is there any water standing in it Jerry no after the grean on it it's been draining in fact it was still running I was just there last week it's still draining From The Underground tile and that underground tile there was a camera run through it like a sewer camera years ago I think any it's all functional it's not big enough of course right but most years it works fine so I cleaned out look on the TV from from this is County Road 48 to right here so yeah there there's water in it last week still Jerry said I wouldn't looked at it too and then this section right here is is uh original clay tile that I have camera was there a rock in in the P yeah just a small rock go like this that was what you talking about what you did camera yeah well I guess any more question read no question for the viewers about the public other than the viewers you have comments questions well I have a couple questions for the Commissioners assuming that this gets approved I'm wondering if the taxation could be assessed to the land owners over a two-year period uh it would be quite a substantial hit uh if it was all in one year and and under the understanding that it's possible to maybe borrow from the general fund one year and assess the land owners on a two-year basis and my second question is are the distribution of the damages what time frame would that occur that's a that's a good question I don't know the answer to that well we're talking about taxation for 25 are we what What's the timing of you know setting the ditch Levy oh so the ditch Levy will get set It's usually the first part of the year so this year is already set obviously so next four next year it would be that January time frame is when we'll set 4 42 no 425 for that year y y okay and so I guess my question would be my request would be that that we be assessed half of this cost in 25 or from the general fund and pay interest and pay the second half of the taxes year so we can Bor we can borrow to do that from the ditch fund it's not the general fund the problem and I don't know what's in the ditch fund because the problem is we just gave away the vast majority of our ditches and the money went with it I talked to um Tom guile at Bower yeah and he said I there are other counties that I borrowed from the J fund okay as long as you pay interest yep historically it's been the ditch fund and we just gave away most of our right we don't there's not enough money in the ditch fund now to do that so and what is gr only dit one balance uh I think it's $6,000 now after I paid for this ditch cleanout so there's I mean we've I've been paying paid these guys you know engineering fees and stuff so um but the borrowing from the general fund could probably be a Jus in question more than anything but I from what I understand regardless of where it comes from if you just pay interest on it it's acceptable so follow up to that is there a projected project potential cost that we're going to be talking about assessing as it relates to this question on this this there's a total cost here on the machine there's the damages of those excuse me the people that have ACD next to the ditch that were forced to to give it to the ditch and not Farm it we've been damaged yeah so it's kind of my related question is is it paying damages different than a normal assessment we're going to be paid uh ,000 an acre times the number of Acres we gave in because we for the buffers so the ditch the other land owners based on their percentages are going to pay that so the mechanics that's not really is it a special assessment outside the guidelines of Maintenance or a projects not really a project so that's my question it's other but they are two different things and we're going to be pay that what was the amount on that the damage the total damages well for buffer is that what you're asking for buffer yeah yeah it's I think it's I believe it's the $2,545 is what will be paid out to land owners that have land along Grant County this one with buffard what column is that the last one AG bottom right and I don't I'm I'm pretty sure if I'm reading the spreadsheet right there am I is this right well you're right and what that is total easement value yeah you're either this number is H it's this plus this and here's your here's your acreage being used with 19.15 Acres time $8,000 Acres and then there's there's the cost of the determination you guys well that's that is that included in 72 no that's a sep above that I've already been paying for for this already the the biggest there'll be a balance to at the end there that won't be I've been paying as it goes oh because you've had let's just say you had $30,000 in the ditch fund it's been more than enough to pay for the engineering fees and the viewer fees the biggest hit is this buffer amount cor right five I thought we had like 26,000 yeah whatever it was it's not that anymore but sure okay clear that up thanks so did we get an answer or a resolution to well well I just trying to understand mechanics of is that an assessment are we going to we assessed our normal amount for for uh what what the so if we're assigns us if we're going to do it let's just say two years I'll I'll Levy call it 40,000 this year and then I'll do 40,000 next year give or take if legally we can do that boring from the general fund well then the land owners are going to get paid damages in two different years well if we borrow it out so currently we don't have anything to pay any of that 72545 right so if we Levy half of it next year then the question becomes do you Levy half of it pay at the end of 25 once you've got half of it borrow a Year's worth you pay it now borrow the whole thing those are questions that we've got to answer right so I mean it can be done you could pay half of it and then pay the other half and then you wouldn't pay any interest but that's way you pay interest to have fun balance and I think it'd be simpler to pay it all at once and be done with it and spread it over two years because actually you got the money you're borrowing the money to and you're paying interest on the money so the bill is there or the funds are there it's just where the source of the money came and so we as land owners will pay interest to borrow that money for one year no different than if you're buying a farm or any other you no big purchase so yeah if you paid it at the end of 25 you would have half of it you borrow half of it yeah pay interest on that and then you'd recoup the rest of it in 26 yeah if it has to be but it' be simpler to just pay it 25 pay 72,000 yeah or are you saying pay it I mean in reality if you're borrowing money to pay it at the end of this year and then you just have interest on two halves but if you levied it all in one year then you could pay all the damages correct and to everybody I think it's probably standard practice to pay it all at once but I'm never done this before and you'd have to you'd have they have a little bit more in because yes if you're going back to clean and you're paying $300 an acre for damage right right CU you got that in excess that's in excess of that 72 is every acre you damage you owe another 3 got 72 there no that's that's including oh that's right that's that that other one yeah that's right y oh okay you did have estimated y right yeah well currently the ditch is in pretty good shape with the recent cleanout baring some unforeseen thing but really there's no anticipated improvements needed in the next year or two because it's all it's all functioning well and it's uh I don't see any any problems near term so we wouldn't need toiv any more dit funds for the next well we always we've always had some fund ballots you know just say there's a wash out of C something so if we had if we l 40,000 a year and take half of 72 a 36 so you're going to have a fund balance plus we should currently have $6,000 fund balance so we in Ence have 10 grand there for emergency if just say we did 40,000 over twoyear period and then the second year would be a little higher with interest we got no I what Jerry is saying is is exactly right you looking beyond the two years you're going to have to have I'm talking as a grand County resident not as a viewer but you would have a a ditch fun going forward anyway well that have would have to be established so you'd pay the damages in two years versus just the one that's that's up to you guys that's all I'm inputting is what Jerry say makes sense as a resident that was in a form of a question you know you pay damages over two years or preferably it would be paid in one year I guess I'm all right with two years if it's going to simplify the I'm speaking for myself I get I have acreage so I get paid damages but I'm also a 14% owner so I'll probably not out right so but there's some guys that are don't have that don't have damages that's that's what we're talking about the people who don't have don't have buffers next to the ditch will receive nothing right and they'll have to pay so it's kind of a splitting errs at this point I guess but that makes sense to me pay it two years and assess it in two years but we can borrow the money too I don't have any problem with that either so I mean Jerry you're you would be getting you have damages and you have damages would you be okay if we said we're going to pay it at the end of 25 but we'll assess it over two years so then you have half of it on hand and you borrow the other half pay interest on half of it that would mean but my preference is to pay it all and but borrow for assessment over a 2-year period but but you're okay waiting an additional year not getting the the payment this fall well my preference would be to pay it all but I'm not hung up on that as long as we assess everybody over a two-year period because some people will complain that it's a big jump for one year that's right well that's I I have no problem assessing it over two years and borrowing the money it's just you borrow the whole thing and pay interest for two years or you borrow just half of and make the payments at the end of 25 it's it's not my money so that's why I'm asking if it's better to get it paid right away or if you wait a year doesn't matter it's a horse a piece horse a piece for me did you have a recommendation Aaron their money I think it would be a conversation with Chad and Justin just to be sure but do what we're going to do today is we're going to accept this and reestablish that right we're not going to actually set those we won't set that Levy M or make I mean we can have that conversation yeah we got a while and then got to do EAS I got to do easement stuff so easement for the buffers yeah Point down there so do we then have another public hearing some of these questions or decisions that will be made or do we do we make them now and there you now what you do is you close the hearing you would accept these benefits and damages as presented um if if that's what you desire and then um then the hearing could be closed and then Justin would draft the findings and Order establishing the redetermined benefits and damage or the approval at the next board meeting or at meeting after but it wouldn't be a hearing or anything so we'd be accepting the spreadsheet and and the viewers presentation viewers report but as far as the payment in the leving that's for a different time that's a yeah I guess my final comment is what whatever makes most sense to keep it simple uh two years one year I mean it's all going to come out in a wash um but if it's simpler to pay it all to one time or if it has to be two years I mean let's not make it any more complicated than it has to be oh I appreciate charo's input this is really new for me I haven't done many any of these so if I'm asking more questions in the chairman should it's because I don't know and I admit it yeah so are do we have more comments from anybody I mean it is set up to go till 11: however we don't need to we don't if we're at a point Carl you have anything to add from Sor your point I guess I don't have this point other than is there another ditch that runs Beyond judicial ditch one this is Grant County ditch Grant County to the to the east well kind of to the north there Scott this is the what you see here is the legal profile and alignment of the it ends with the depression right there on the south side of Point Comfort Road yeah well I I drive this road every single day I mean I'm very familiar with where this whole area is that's where a lot of times I see that the water always pools in Scotty tberg and they go where does after that down down or over through the ground it's a depression what it is well in the spring of the year it will overflow and run into the wildlife the they've had a lot of discussion about improving that but that's not part of the original that's not part of the and we brought that out that's a private issue any other uh comments or questions if not i' uh I close the hearing and then ask for motion or do I ask for motion then close the hearing just close the hearing that the hearing and ask for motion to accept the redetermination of benefits uh from the presented viewer report additional discussion every say I I very like to thank you you viewers for your work and your people that come and express your interest tough time of the year for hearing done though that's why there's nobody it was pretty well that was a good there was a good showing of you know everybody that was affected so the consensus of that meeting was any different than what we're doing here it's just a formality for this for [Music] thanks for thank you back you didn't fall while you're doing the ditch did you you didn't fall in the ditch did you took a header off the impl chair I'm sat broke my oh jeez so hopefully it might have been a little bumpy but I'm not really in the best shape over well thank you for your presentation and we're going to let Matt start early because kind to handle the balance of the agenda so oh this take thank you guys yeah good morning morning we got time I can hand pass them down right they not all this this will be my last agenda and Ron Brave with WSB is joining me for the disc question so we'll do the other stuff first yep he's here yeah he's us 34 you want to start with that there sure uh first item I have is the local bridge replacement program Grant agreement with Mot this is better known as Bridge bonding County Road 34 project which we awarded couple month ago uh has two bridges on it they're both box culverts uh with the bridge bonding we would receive about agreement it's a standard agreement and every two years with the new Bond they change minor things in it but the three items in this agreement that we would need approval on would be the overall Grant agreement then a few pages in there is a u let me see where is there is the vine Bond financed property certification and that just means that we own the property or have interest to do the project there and we won't sell property for 37 and a half years being H was a bridge that's not going to happen so that would be the bond certification and also in there there's a resolution to accept the $557,000 or 550 $557,500 $12 to accept that amount of money and uh if there's any excess money that's on the county to pay and if there's anything less we would get the full 55 555 57,000 I had too much coffee today my brains going all over the place so those are the the items in the agreement that we would need approval for so it would be approving the grant agreement the certification and the resolution accepting the funds so I had a question on on the sources the 185 State Park Road y help me out with that that is a special program that they have for using funds to uh either improve State Park roads or going to various Parks so we are going to receive $185,000 for that money and that comes from the DNR and that's just for the road the hard service black do going back in yep okay clear to PD yep part of our 341 that we would yep okay I think overall the project was right around $900,000 was what the bid amount was so we get receive this 57,000 for bridge bonding and an additional 185,000 from State Park Road account after we've exhausted the funds and we drawn back corre yeah so do we need a motion to accept the help me out make sure we get the wording right for Carl there the Minnesota doot agreement number you looking for that Mr chair 1055 416 and I will make that motion okay we have a motion there a second we listed off the numbers what I heard Matt say was we needed to approve the grant the certification and accept funds which one is this this is this would be the entire that would be I'll second that additional discussion all in favor say I I car uh the next item I have is let me see here uh the Stony Brook Township cul replacement they're on 310th I believe it is we did receive six biders for the project uh the low bidder was grade in construction in the amount of $264,500 66 it's about 20% below what we estimated the cost to be so uh I would recommend awarding the contract the construction in that so second motion second to accept Bladen Construction any other discussion when they going to do that this project will have to be completed by June 13th is the date yeah all in favor say I I post Carri uh the third item is the trunk Highway 55 uh Bridge replacement over mker River uh we got five bids on that project as well they came in slightly the low bidder was slightly underestimate by about 3% uh low bidder was Midwest Contracting out of Marshall Minnesota and the bid amount was 1,475 24430 and it would be my recommendation to award the bids to Midwest Contracting okay is there a motion to accept Matt's recommendation for I'll make that motion Mr chair of the Midwest Contracting LLC of 1,475 2443 is there a second second additional discussion favor say I I I opposed carried okay those two items are out of the way now we have uh Ron Bray here with WSB the next item would be our Pad 10 [Music] project as you're aware we've been going back and forth with the contractor for better part of a year now trying to come to some sort of agreement a conclusion on the issues we're having there P out there and Ron spent quite a bit of time recently working with jrc to come to an agreement or something more acceptable than what they were asking uh in your packet I provided you with the first four pages were for four or five pages is one John riy construction were claiming that they were old old that's about $3.9 million uh the next page would be a letter denying some of their issues and uh or some of their claim and going through some of the items in it the next few pages are change orders 11 and 12 those are the numbers that they have agreed to and they've also assigned that and then the last page I provided you the 11 by 17 is more of a just a check to see if what they're asking for what the numbers are make sense and are reasonable so at the end of the day it started at roughly $4 million and right now we sit at about $1.64 million as far as the change goes so this number here is now this number Yep this number here is now the N the numbers that are on the change order and this number on the 11 by7 and they have agreed to that number on this yep they have signed the change orders saying that they would agree to those numbers talk to me a little bit about the men do average how how that plays into the inertive well the Mind do average is mind do takes every bid that they do and they do an average of everything across the state to come up with an average bid price number that's available for us to use just kind of to check they aren't necessarily always Apples to Apples when you're comparing them especially when it comes to Earth workor because sometimes you're using say scrapers and you're only moving a quarter of a mile but if you have waste well then you have to use an excavator and offroads and then you have to haul it and pay to dispose of it so the numbers aren't apples apples on everything a lot of times they are pretty close on some of the other items and spots are actually less than the average is most of them are pretty close to typical numbers you would see for the type of work I would say right it's a good accumulation of everything across the state different types of work so typically $751 cents for common excavation R's come in at 1574 yep so that's the biggest driver of that is typically on a big grading project like this is you would be doing earth work balances where you don't have waste and a lot of times they'd probably use two scrapers to move that dirt from one spot just down the road put it to another spot they use it on the job yep with this number this is stuff they had to excavate put in a truck haul it away pay to dispose of it so it adds a lot of cost to the number the Mind do isn't recognizing that or is that a situation where there is this difference well the difference on the mot B do number is that number might be 5 million cubic yards total whereas this might be 40,000 so it's a kind of a completely different situation we're not going that big so that would like you say what you were saying it's you can't always apply yeah those two items and most example of that well most of the work on the project is I believe their what was their excavation number was maybe $4 when they bid the project for common excavation and that was anticipating no hauling no Excavating everything you use as going from one spot to another to balance out the project well then it came down to it well they had a lot of material that needed to be wasted and removed from the site that wasn't anticipated so a lot of time a lot of more equipment Manpower that 51,000 what was in search charge too yep R yeah that was be spread out over the rest of the road well we' been the rest of the road so that had to all be held back to that pit M correct so it changed their plans completely yeah so if it hadn't been changed would it have come out or would those quantities still been at a point of something well I believe uh that was before my time when that was changed but originally the search charge was supposed to be built out of sand and that sand was to be used after the search charge was complete that sand was supposed to be moved to adjacent to the road to build up the road well that was changed and they used clay instead during the project and now that clay had to be removed and it can't be used anywhere because all the grading work is already done throughout the project so it's got to go somewhere so it needs to be ha off site and disos so there was a lot of sand going into that sear charge too and got to the point where we I'm going to say basically wasting sand because we were pushing it down so deep so we did add the clay on the job that was some extra so we decided to use that up first push that to the bottom and we ended up finishing it with Clay so the sand that was supposed to be used was going to be taken off under a common excavation number and then distributed actually all the way down to County Road two then all the way over to the east Junction of 36 so that was going to be in the subgrade surfac so in order to get the road done we went ahead and put the sand in and left all that dirt on sech charge to over the winter to my recollection is sand was more expensive than the clay it was $8 a yard yeah so if we just kept dumping sand in there we'd have probably been over by more than this anyway the sand was adding up fast y but the clay probably give it a better ribbon yes would you agree with that would carry a little bit better than just hand it locked up better than it did just a loose sand so is there a recommendation man well I would say it's this is probably I would say as good as it's going to get without if we say we're not going to go along with this I would assume we're going to end up in rep over it so I would recommend moving forward with this and being done with the project what does this do to our budget well on a transportation plan for this year there was a line item to advance funds from next year I haven't done that yet because I didn't think we were going to actually need them this year I figured it might be another year or two down the road before we came to a conclusion so H if this does get approved I would go ahead and start that advance for our next year's funding and bring that money in to make us whole I think it would be about 1.6 million out of our $2.6 million allocation for next what but like for the County Road 10 project overall at the end of the day the project will be right around 11.3 million yes 11 versus 9.3 versus 9.65 and if we look at some of the other extras it's probably more like 9.8 was some of the subgrade work we did other areas week areas so probably 9.8 versus 11.3 and aside from search charge challenges is it like a lot of building project you run over is in road construction do you a lot of times run over that a little bit normal yeah the difficulty with uh road projects is you do your best to try to figure out what's going on there and you do soil borings maybe once or twice a mile but everything can change drastically within 100 feet out there there's run into a lot of soft spots a lot of muck that needs to come out cu you don't know how the roads were built back in the' 40s so so I got a question if Brown Intertech had done the 7 five or two foot borings and identified the muck would the bit of this project been 10.4 because there' have been more and more and more or would it what potentially the outcome could have maybe the end outcome would be the same but the process would have changed because it would have been identified and they would have bid it accordingly do in your professionalism can you I would say sech charges are very tricky to begin with I know in this situation you're looking at either building a bridge or doing the search charge and it shows a search charge most likely to save money because a bridge would have been probably $4 million about 4 million we estimated is 4 million more about two million more yeah about two probably two million more 2 million more over now yeah over the 113 yeah not two not 400 over the one not 1.6 million yeah the sir charge probably is $2 million a bridge would have been $4 million right and common excavation would have been more in the bid if you were going to subcut it all say they were going to out rock corre me if I'm wrong the plan was never to hit bottom even at 35 ft no so I mean does it change to know that it's twice that it changes stuff but I mean we were never planning on filling that in anyway it was going to be a balancing floating and a wh R so you're saying actually the plan was intended to hope it didn't do like the Super Bowl right we were planning on a vertical compression that's kind of what you try to do with a search charge and we did a very slow approach but still it decided to rotate and start going out the side and once it starts it's tough and if we did a sear charge even if it's cheaper to do a sear charge and just say we're going to bang to fill in because we know it's not going to go well well then the DNR would never permit it we told them we were just coming in there destroying that much Wetland it's kind of the approach that gets still allows you to move forward hoping that it does go vertical and not sideways and still get allows you to get permitted in a wet line like that that is a sensitive wet l so you know to me the the question is in the difference of that 35 to 70 ft is would there have been a different approach to the weight grants U things were going right up until those broke right pretty much are only two in the twool box so sear charges are still they're not an exact science by any means it's a process to save money versus building a bridge or taking it out taking it out would have been over $10 million probably so blessing in describes and did it right away right so Matt you presented we talked about our road 5e road Improvement plan did you have any anticipated these costs in that or is that gonna totally change no that was anticipated I had set aside in the budget about $1.5 million so our road Improvement plan isn't going to have to be whacked in half or something well I think next year it'll drop a little bit but after I do this if this gets approved I'm going to go back through the transportation plan and update based on the amount of funding I have now and I have been working on that for the past month or so but I wanted to wait to see how this goes because that's going to impact what I do next year mean next year we already have a pretty full plate of projects going on so we we're looking at trying to build up our balance a little bit more and maybe do more maintenance work next year and so the the 1.6 the the parties agreed on that the contractor yes yep they already signed it I worked closely checking in with Matt Matt and I met with them initially reviewed their $4 million claim and it was a lot of work whittling it back down and I kept mad involved in the process but working with Larry we uh were able get it done it wasn't easy I would have liked to got it further down to be honest but and you have men do blessing right and we have mad has blessed the change orders also and that's important because the federal money that's on the project so that's your recommendation Matt yes is there a motion to accept Matt's recommendation for the one milon 646 368 95 to settle or for approving change orders 11 and 12 I can't he approve 11 12 as a you know there still hasn't come out of the wash about you know and I brought this up you know these off-road trucks he they didn't bid it with off-road trucks no so this whole thing you know there was gain on both ends of it should have been well we're not going to get the gain there right and actually commissioner JC probably did B plan on using uh the trucks to to increase their profit keep in mind they were 600,000 lower than the next biders right so they they bid was some type of strategy and I would guess it paid off sooner or later you know so I'll just leave it at that I think it paid off for a mon because they came in quite a bit lower than the next bit the search Char only cost a million was competitive yeah well that wouldn't have been the SE just the search charge that would have been the entire project all the and gravel so it have been way more subs and is it relates to this the the punch list I mean is that still yep I know worked on yep they were out there working yesterday I don't know if they're out there today or I'm going back out there they get that dip on by Marshalls right below Marshalls they haven't fix that yet the oh the bump and the pavement yeah where you where you're going solid not yet yeah I know they were working with their sub about addressing that and we haven't heard a response yet from them the point would be if we agree to these change orders we haven't signing off on the punch list NOP these change orders don't have anything to do with the paving or the retainage the are this was all stuff that was done at least a year ago yeah yeah okay you started did you make motion bille or not I suppose I I'll make that motion to change order 11 and 12 with that one 1.64 63689 sides he we have a motion is there a second I'll second it is there additional discussion well we all got to hold our nose I mean we're 15 to 20% over on everything that has happened we're a year over we're on our third engineer yeah we have a road and it was a trug at the end it turned out pretty nice it does that's beautiful road but it's a lot of money for seven miles it is horrible amount push Ro project back a typical grading project nowadays is about $1.7 million a mile so right they kind of priced out of being able to do any of those anymore any other discussion all in favor say I I iOS I know there's other Personnel that worked hard to get to this point but for those of you who are here thank you I don't know that was always so easy like that in some of those meetings it was got contentious from time to time I would say but we did get to an outcome and I appreciate your effort so thank you that be did did we get seated everything's seated search charge 2 is not seated they're working on the top they're doing black dirt work right now okay and then I got to I'll shoot the acreage get that to then they'll have to Mo something for winter the aggressiveness of the schedule hasn't change I get the change or on so it's still a lot of coordination trying to get things done anything else there something else we did have a pre-screening board meeting last week up in Fargo and our the allotment for cat is up 3% across the board which equates to an additional 300,000 for us addition y compared to this year took a tour of the FM diversion project a lot more impressive than I thought it was going to be that's for sure spending a lot of money inspections got done last week FR inspections got done last week and I probably be coming with contracts for some of these projects that meeting I would assume sounds good and we get we're done uh you guys are done are we done Carl we're GNA res that thank you re Crossing yeah that's been a disappointment that's been a disappointment all all the way up to Fargo because three [Music] signatur up in wilin County I think they Clos readed a whole bunch of them at once so it was like a 15 Mile Stretch where nobody could cross the railroad har so people were just furious during Harvest yeah then they were supposed to call and coordinate with us because we wanted to do some additional work work and I've reached out to him a couple times get no response back they said just call usin with you not a word they just come in the arms AR yeah I think they hire a trctor to do Crossings themselves and then their guys do all the bu [Music] you need all the signatures I that work for you yeah should be time you have Missy lined up 11:30 so should I push her up I'm guessing she'll be there a few minutes early yeah should I I we done we're going to recess up to the house I got one thing here okay well we're not recessed then um at Pine Ridge Park there's some land behind there that uh how many it is like damn 12 somebody wants know it's it's it's the it's our land oh they want to know if they can buy interested in selling I don't think we can no I think we got that from the DNR and the only way thing we can do is is give it back to the DNR that's correct yeah I don't only if there's no there's no access to it anyway so you're talking point on the other side it's on the back side y of the lake yeah I never looked on the on the plat book or anything to see so not impossible to access it's yeah back yeah behind the on the south side of choice correct that's what I've heard years back the gave it to us we got to give it right back yeah so do we need to can you communicate with the interested party that that well yeah he he told me that it would have to go up on bids anyway if it was was yeah well should we do anything with it or what I'll just tell him if he wants he can talk to the D our I thought the land owner on the farther south from that wanted to sell some land and so that's one of the best places to Bri over there oh know I thought that's what you were coming no the DNR selling all kinds of land up the W through water or the The Boundary Waters so maybe they'll entertain that where they'll throw up an au or let somebody get it then you buy the whole thing that could be a possibility well we'd have to turn it back to him first yeah could happen I don't know I I still think we should try to not mandatory pay but a voluntary pay so we could make some improvements out there I don't want to spend money we're not getting anything in return but if we have envelopes that say Hey recommended of $5 or $10 a night and it's you to send it to this address in this envelope like playground equipment kind of a thing I don't know what the improvements may be but if there's not a revenue stream there and it don't seem to matter what's out there it always get wreck well so we'll recess to the house whatever what's it called the me Missy from commun y what's Good Very is this something that needs to be signed I'm G stop here it looks