##VIDEO ID:VfBOcGEIDPc## okay we'll call the med order at 9 o' we stand for the Sledge allegiance to the of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all you have an agenda in front of you would look to uh are there any additions that should be added motion to approve Mr chair second all favor say I I I car r of the minutes as they were sent out e this would be the minutes of both August 6th and 9th we would be looking for I will make a motion to accept them or to approve the minutes of both meetings of both meetings yes got a second to that second Mr chair discussion don't fa say I I opposed carried to the warrants do we know what the armor Express carriers and ID placards pouches pouches plate do we know what that is off hand no can you let me know what department that was armor Express yeah Commissioners warrant yeah ID place card there it's all Sheriff's Office okay it must have I bet something to do with all their it's with best carriers and ID okay I'll ask yeah carriers and pouches yeah that's what it is either that or either that has to do with something well and that that leads me into the next one is we have on the agenda the reimbursement from Bond proceeds for ditches we're there's a lot of bills in here for the law enforcement center are we going to do we need a resolution to we don't okay I'll explain some of those if you want to go through well no I I I see what they are it's just a wanted to make sure we can some of it is some of those bills that are for the law enforcement center if you remember back in 23 the county got 140,000 whatever it was that state Poli money Public Safety dollars yeah the onetime deal yeah part of that money is being used in these bills for their camera system backup whatever whatever whatever whatever they'll have to take it out Bond because you can use it for that it's one of those deals where well if we don't use it if you don't use that money what the hell you can use it for sooner not use the bond we don't have to borrow that much money then we so that L to pay back that what's not used on the bond can just be returned taken off well sit against it's going to be like this building it just sits there it sits against what is old the is already you could be using it for a payment or for whatever so that'd be like that 21,000 most electronics for Access can can I had the same [Music] question got yeah that's little more we had to use those Public Safety dollars in this calendar year correct I don't believe so we've used part of those Public Safety dollars for something else smaller portion of it was for a server backup or for up something i' have back up then the Watson dispatch councils that 55,000 that'ss correct and that's coming out of 911 we're trying to not yeah have more chest there either because every year that gets reported at the state as far as our balances are and we're done a very good job for the last 15 to 20 years with the sheriff now the previous year so knowing at some point we're going to have to spend a lot of money for dispatch right well at some point is today so now we're going to burn some of that up because the state well you can probably remember this do I state state sees that and they made comments yeah some counties some counties do not have a penny we're sitting on about 450,000 yeah and they're going to say why do we keep giving you money if you have that much right well and it comes from the phone wheel you know that's where we that comes up 91t right but up until last year um it was in 2023 up until 2023 we were getting about 6,500 bucks a month 6700 month something like rece well now we're getting 12,000 or 12 yeah 12,000 month9 money funds so we've gotten to the point where we're you know some of our computer stuff that we pay for for we're we're trying to not build it but we were waiting for you know today to happen and then we're going to sit down and say okay now what can we start really drawn up that so allowables yep and it's so it's very very strict on what you can a lot of it's technology a lot of it's your radio communication those types of things but you can't take wages out of there or any that so on page 13 that West Central Comm Incorporated whatever that's not community actions no that's not Community Action West Central Communications that's West Central Communications that has to deal with the Sheriff's Office cat switch 8 Port GE whatever that's all see that's coming out of that 280 that 01280 on the formula that's 911 okay same thing and that again has to do with all the upgrade the interoperability yeah y can you spend um to buy armored radios out of those Public Safety funds out of Public Safety funds that one time money I'm assuming so I think it was that was pretty loose there weren't um it's definitely not like 91 it's a different I I believe you could yes okay good now one time you talked about paying for the generator out it you know right Mr chair I'll make the motion to pay the warrants and special commissioner warrants and auditor warrants motion we have second second discussion favor say I I carried we got four minutes we could start a little early since it's Ashley Edy you'd like to come forward morning um the first thing I have is the employer recognition program so um usually in August September I send out uh emails to those that um have hit a milestone um because we have a recognition program that allows them to purchase an item with a grand County logo on it um and looking at the website looking at the price ranges we have there's not a lot you can buy with some of the prices we have for the five and 10 year we've had 20 to $25 for five years and that can barely give you a hat so I'd like to adjust it a little bit just the top the 5 year 10 year and 15 so the fiveyear I'd like it to go 25 to 40 10 year 45 to 60 and 15 year 45 to 60 the rest day is the same um which is 20 25 is 60 to 80 30 and then 30 to 50 years is 80 to $100 so I'm just adjusting the top three to give those a little bit more variety to choose from um so I'm just looking for an adjustment approval to adjust those I will make that motion you'll get those that's up to Chad Carl the figures yeah yep we have a motion I'll second it is there discussion that relates to that all in favor say I I post car all right um the next thing is just a discussion as far as where we're at So today we're interviewing for the emergency management position um Tina's also going to be involved in that and um we may make a decision on that I just wanted to give an update as to where we're at with that make sure that you guys are all good with that and we'll move forward and hopefully get someone filled in in the position any questions y that's all I have so yeah need 12 minutes you want to give us some update on kind of your department and what all you got going and give us review from Ashley's um what maybe we can do to support you um hiring we've been hiring some big positions lately obviously you are all aware um working on open enrollments coming right around the corner um we're going to be doing afflac open enrollment um Health Insurance Open Enrollment um and all of our other supplemental open enrollments as well they're all separate but we're going to actually this year have um Gallagher who we work with who's our broker um come here for open enrollment to explain the benefits in more detail explain the HSA in more detail I think it's important that employees know how an HSA Works especially that the county now is putting funds into an HSA um we have quite a few people on that plan so they're going to come out this year and um talk about those plans um I'm in communication with Gallagher quite a bit about what you know next year looks like we're in our last year of Peep um and then we'll be going out for bid to see what we can get um if we move or if we stay um I'll be this 24 the last year or 2 25 is last year we'll go for bed next year to see what we could if we want to make a switch the downfall sometimes is is peep doesn't give us our um numbers until September right end of September so it gives us only a couple months to make a switch which is a lot of work to do um so they've kind of got that figured out but um the plan is to go out for bid uh next year just to see what we can get if there's anything different better I'll be setting up an insurance committee meeting here um probably after we get our premiums um so we can sit down and look at those and then um talk about open enrollment so that's the plan there afflac is scheduled to in October so they'll be here to do open enrollment with everybody in October um we're looking to um have an HSA plan that everybody will be on so kind of like our how our flex account works we go through Health Equity and everybody is on the same Health Equity plan or for their Flex money they put in so HSA is going to work the same because right now everyone opens their own HSA account um and we you know not me the auditor's office has to input all of the routing and account numbers for all those separate accounts so we're going to try to streamline it so it's just one Health Equity I input the numbers um the funds and then that's what they get every pay period in their account to use so that's what we're looking to change for 25 G for the HSA P HSA yep and so help me out with that that would be a county fund no so it's each of has individual accounts just like our Flex everyone has individual accounts that they use but for do you a it how do you how do you send funds or like for Flex it'll be the same for Flex Flex think we a it a it so they just I think send that to the designated accounts like if I had an HSA the funds would be sent a and put into my account so there's a company that manages that yep yes Health Equity let's say there's 10 people that put $100 a piece every paycheck in so we have one when we do pay be one check to the vendor or to this company it's like one AC file or one one check for Simplicity they get the full amount they don't get $100 $10000 for but they get one and it gets sent there and they know that who gets what in each line um because I I'll every at the beginning of the year I'll set the amount yeah so then they know I want to make sure I did I was thinking that maybe the county was going to take on that vendor role managing the HSA no no yeah I didn't but right now what happens is that's done HSA um they go to their Bank of their choice and they set that up on their own um we're having some most people will do it in the same bank that they have their check in con or savings cone at so we're sending money it's getting kind of messed up with some banks I would say and then we have one um institution that has multiple employees at the same bank so they're getting these AMS and we're we're we're starting to see issues because some of them want those direct deposited well if we have three people there we can't set up three different banks for the hsas and three different ones for it's it's getting it all needs to go to one place for Simplicity and management management I think is probably more so than the Simplicity um because there are rules to hsas as everybody that have knows [Music] um um and then it's this 10 year for recognition program so I'll be sending out emails to those that are eligible to choose something and then come December I always come in and let you know who met those Milestones um and that's right now open enement is starting so it's getting to be busy times with that questions for Ashley one thing to look into with the HSA is those who have it at a different fin are they going have toose close that account transfer no they'll be able to leave it open and they can transfer it if they want to otherwise they can use that and then have the other one as funds start going in so who collects the data you know if they want to do pre-tax dollars is that up to you or did they reach out to the a so open enrollment time we're going to be sitting down with them I'll be probably administering it filling the paperwork out with them and then um December I put in that information of this is what they want to contribute we have 26 pay periods and then they figure out yeah and then it's automatic once the funds are sent yep it's the same it works the same as our flex account and our dependent care right right now we have that we have currently y sounds good anything else no I don't know anything else thank you upd the updated one Matt would you like to you got extra five minutes we can talk about like 10ad 10 not my agenda items that's that's a great answer not on the agenda can we approve the agenda or if we can talk about a committee report I guess and we can bring that up that way that's what you're interested in we better let's rephrase how are how's Matt doing I'm doing good how's the board doing I think okay we're pretty early in the game you got four minutes to talk about something other than what we're going to talk about at 925 I'm not too talkative I know you're not man of not so many words I've seen a lot of dust now at County Road pin yep shaping it up today PA tomorrow on Thursday okay so they're to do that everything else down there thenb gutter I went through there the other day just looking there's some clean up some wash outs and stuff that they need to fix up about seating yeah well that'll come after they finish PID me yeah there anything else on the yes there's several items that still need to be finished up I haven't seen anything yet done the cultural science and stuff that need to be put up there those types of things I think the public is anxious I would assume they are been a long project yes long [Music] enough makes it interesting that road is sitting there the way it's supposed to yeah it's not moving at all so when we dug in the culs it was pretty hard down there so the next item would be and the official appointment for Matt uh I did talk to Matt and asked him if he could the one that was sent out with the agenda didn't have some dates on it and so uh the appointment you received it in the mail would say that we declare that the county Engineers should be appoint for a term of four years whereas mat was originally appointed to one-year term beginning on August 1st August 1st August 1st 2023 needs to be reappointed therefore be a resolve Grand County Board your points for for your J beginning on a what's that August 20th today is so would there be a motion to reappoint that effect of August 20th 2024 through August 20th 2028 it' be probably through May of 2028 because that's when the statute says as reappointments are supposed to be okay so may is there a motion to that effect I'll make that motion Mr chair and I'll second as a recommendation from the highway committee members is there any discussion I guess we have a highway committee you want to you have any inut commissioner wot you made the motion no I I uh I worked with Matt now for for a year and I see that he's uh he's good with the public he uh he gets back to people he's going to do something and gets done so you we've been working on a lot of little projects that have been in the works for many years and uh they're moving forward now with helping townships out on a couple Bridges I guess they call them or culber um so no I I think he's doing a good job so happy I'm happy about his uh style there as far as if somebody calls him and I tell all these Town board members to call him up and he'll talk to you and he'll he'll tell you what he can do and what he can't do so communication's a big deal there that's uh pretty good at that so I have to agree with you yep in fact there's a lot of feedback coming out here from the public that they they're like you and how you set things straight and where things are at get back to people and things like that so you got some rapport with the public out there which is is exactly what we need any other discussion mat would you like to add anything before we bow I yes sure I've enjoyed my first year here it's been extremely enjoyable I would say challenging at times get through that first month well the first month was really [Laughter] challenging but yeah it's been fun we got a lot of projects that we've getting to the finish line now got a lot of looks like there going to be a lot of work come next summer with getting all these projects out the door and completed and hopefully start moving forward on new work St that's kind of the goal I think we're really fortunate to have your leadership all in favor of the reappointment say I I oppos Carri thank you thank you you we'll see you tomorrow morning of course maybe the afternoon too at lunch after okayy we got the sheriff you got an extra three minutes they're going to need it no my schedule kind of changed a little bit so so all that on the agenda we talked about new Deputy introduction scheduling it should not didn't work out so we'll shoot for that sometime here in September when we get them both together that's okay um kind of been its place and something that I had forgotten to get on the agenda we had met with a quite a personal committee meeting was it last week Troy week week before last o we talked we're meeting with Tina LR talking about some em stuff going over some things and and one of the things called uh that was brought up and kind of moving forward here and looking at um the future uh we talked about the um we're talking about the armor radio system uh the local system administrator LSA of which I hold the title right now and remember back in the day um one of our past just dispatchers used to hold that position as far as the dispatcher local system administrator 911 coordinator and so we brought that back to the table to uh discuss that and are asking if we didn't get the board's blessing to reopen and revisit that position um we believe there's potential within our office that we would have some interest in that and that would in a sense to lessen the load on on our end as well moving back to that position um Ashley was uh fortunate enough to find the old job description we reviewed it and there was uh only one minor change to the whole entire job description and that was um removing the radio programming certification uh which was required in the past the reason that would be removed is no longer um do any of the radio programming uh there was a time in which we had all that equipment to do so uh the computers the staff staff the instrument to to program everything it's not costeffective uh to us to hold that type of equipment and that's why we rely on W Central Communications to do that for us so um yeah so the position again like I talked about was the dispatcher SL LSA 911 coordinator and um so that would be the the ask of this office if we can uh reopen that job uh title or that position and post it internally to look into the future for for our radio stuff here in Grand [Music] County it's not an additional dispatcher it's just the and a number of years ago we the board passed if a job sat empty for a year it had to come back here before we could rehire it so I'll make the motion to to reactivate the LSA dispatch or whatever that title is exactly we have a motion is there a second Al so help this we had this before or who's been doing this no make sure I get this me okay yeah and we had this before so um without getting into too much personal stuff um that person that held the position um was relieved of their Duty uh and their job within Grant County and so um having knowledge of the position and and the workings of that I took on that role and I've held that role for let's say six years now five years and it all kind of plays into in with with Tina leaving who was very involved and very knowledgeable on the armor radio side of things too for this County um it just it's it's a it's a better fit moving forward on having another person now kind of dedicated uh to this role and duties right along with the rack and the some of it yes so this will be Sheriff's Department employee that will be designated correct would the involvement from the future Emergency Management person would that change then or evolve great well obviously it it obviously could but there again it all depends on whoever that new em is and what qualifications that person has that would be a and also on the Emergency Management side is it's the involvement in that right part of it yes so that that's not going to be the focus initially that yeah so we have a motion a second is there any other discussion and that person would be the contact for the you know the Emergency Services Board and things like that all depends on on where that person falls as far as on the committee if what they if they're an alternate or a designate okay okay any questions or comments but this person would train train the employees that's a part of the that's part of the job description is is the radio training portion of it it's not just the sheriff office employees there's your fire department ambulance schools it'ses 130 radios that you get a service right and train on and however that works that's what we still have for number on Armor radios in the county correct I couldn't tell you what the exact count is it's probably actually more than so did you get the motion how okay all in favor say I I opposed carried Courthouse security Grant yes so um we have formed a committee thank you for letting us do that we met on Friday um and so right now that there's a grant out it's a 5050 match through the state of Minnesota and it's due August 26 so we are diligently working to try to get some quotes um so we did talk to the IT department and they said that the courthouse security could update all of our surveillance cameras um possibly adding um an additional 6 to8 um now that the sheriff's office is going to be moving out you know we are kind of losing sense of security because we won't be there but I mean we're going to be close um and so we talked about um cameras we talked about a medical a metal detector um and we got a quote from that um either 4,000 or $6,600 depending on if we can get on this GSA contract it would be cheaper through the government um so we got to look in to see if we can qualify for that um we also look at doing another security and on-site security um assessment and that hasn't been done since 2017 so I did reach out to the MSA um Minnesota sheriff's Association and they they said that they've since this grant they've been um asked to participate or to do these again and so they haven't come up with a um a yes or no yet but they did say if they did it would be about $2500 for that so those are some things that we were going to add on to the grant um if if you guys so wish um the grant does request that we um and it doesn't say I think a verbal would just be fine um but it says the application must be authorized by a court County Board and must demonstrate a 50% cash or in kind match um so if that is something that you are interested in and we can continue to go forward with this grant um so you mentioned the metal detector that would be for the courthouse l or for the LA no no no it would be for courtroom security yeah court court that's I mean because if we did have one at the the lower level then you'd almost have to have someone Manning that so I was kind of wonder where this was going so yeah I should have clarified um yes this would just be for the courtroom and it would be for um right now just for jury days when we have jury trials we always have to have a b Bay up there so that they can be helping man that make sure so it will be down to entrance it would be through the elevator only and then we check down the the stairs going up to the top level um several other counties that have unique cour houses like us that's what they have to do they just rope off the um the steps and line everybody up through the elevators so do you feel this moving in a direction that we may get asked to address coural security with the new law enforcement center I mean is this obviously it's moving in a safer direction is it moving in a Direction that's going to satisfy Court Administration oh yeah um just part of this committee meeting that uh occurred last Friday um part of the people that are on the committee are been uh for administrator the judge um facilities maintenance obviously building committee law enforcement um so yeah it everybody's on the same page yeah um obviously Jud do who was on the committee she was very uh supportive of the program and offered to uh write a letter of support for the program for the grant uh Rachel also acknowledging and she even indicated that she would have been would have tried to have been here today for this meeting to talk about this um whether she attended Zoom or not I don't know so yeah there's I I think everybody that's on the committee is of the understanding and the agreement that um you know anything that we can do to improve the security of the courthouse as a whole not just focusing on the courtroom is is a benefit to everybody and so from what I understand Jen you're saying you have the 50% in your budget in the Sheriff's Department's budget for 24 so then we would be acknowledging that is that no no what it is is yeah we're we're coming we're we're presenting to the board asking the board to cover the 50% oh that's that's what and we don't know what that 50% is going to be right until we we get uh quotes on the overall cameras to uh be additionally mounted and to see what this uh walk through metal detector uh would cost what we could potentially see as a cost so let's say if uh let's say if if we see an overall cost of $6,000 we' be asking the county to contribute three right because it's it's a 50-50 match we we don't know what that price is going to be the 2500 would that be would that also be part of it say 10 grand or whatever so you're looking for i' say 10 or 12 yeah so 50% and you know this this this came out um it's only $500,000 for the whole state of Minnesota yeah it's it's be divided mon 87 counties basically so it's not a so if you get if you get too big you're just going to be set to the side anyway yeah and we can continue to look for Grants to so but we this got commence to happen before the 26th you said or something yep so I have to do right make the application yep yeah so I do have a I have pretty much the grant written already um and I have all the quotes that I've been been uh receiving from the Garrett walk detect walkth through detector and um we do have a quote from uh Mei so yeah we got to pull power up for that walkth through thing is there electricity 11 y yep and it's it's on Caster wheel so we can move it which would that would be ideal and then update this security assessment so we got fresh dates on it fresh dates dialog yep and you know they give out recommendations because there is a best practices for cour houses um and so you know due to due to being historical building we we have some setbacks obviously um and now that the sheriff's office is leaving we're all we're going to have more but so but we you know I the one in 2017 um we tried to follow some of the recommendations as much as we could um minus of us having a big security right when you walk into you know and have it having it manned 20 you know eight hours a day financially we just can't do that so this assessment you have what's your expectations that would come L of that well it the state of Minnesota states that we should have it done every five years and we would try to accommodate whatever suggestions they make what if they suggest something that we can't do it's only a suggestion yeah oh it is yeah yeah and a recommendation probably yeah yeah yeah so um if anybody wants to see the one in 2007 I do have a copy of it would you like it no it's mine your copy remember it was I oh yeah would you like to see it okay anybody I have a copy yeah yeah so we have a request that it comes out of someplace other than the sheriff's departments that sure I read that got well it's Courthouse security it's it's not yeah Courthouse security because you left oh I'm teasing okay so it's coming out of some fun but that's other than the sheriff's department where's that fun right well let's say it comes out of the Sheriff's Office fund it's comes out of the general fund I mean at the end of the day it's coming off it I mean there's no special places coming from other than taxes at the end of the day where's your special fund is the taxes it's a great cing cost more than just you know shariff's Department how you know how the auditor's office codes it as far as which fund is not I mean where does It ultimately come from it's the same place be Public Safety dolls to maybe sh so if we make the motion in the second Chad where where is it going to get it come under the commissioner's budget you have a department that's called buildings love every year so that's where I okay there we got that second is there a motion for this make that motion as a recommendation from the court security committee M my well we should have a second is there a second discussion my question is are we putting a top on what the county will contribute you've got some codes you said 40 some the 60 some plus the 25 I mean it's well I I think it's 12,000 I think before the you know if there's a a cap on it let's say I think it's probably best that we have all the figures in in front of the board before that decision is made how much you know that wants to be spend on it well I mean realistically let's say the Grant's going to be $115,000 what we're asking for we could say going to cap the County's contribution at 20 that actually allows you to apply up to 40 it just it's normally we have a dollar figure cap on what we're going up to not to exceed yeah well that I mean I don't even Force us doing 15,000 and half of that would you know be ours so right it's just that's my opinion that's best practices to have a not to exceed amount so would you like to amend your motion Bill to have a maximum County contribution up to a dollar lo I can do that Mr chair okay and I would venture to say that I think a $220,000 c would give you that range on the counties or the grant just the grant so 10 for the county correct okay we have a motion is there a second to that I seconded we think that's enough Dre J I mean she the one doing this is that is that enough yeah no I just I didn't say anything about an amount I no I it's good I I agree with you is there any other discussion all in favor say I I OPP thank you thank you um last I guess on the list is just a few things with the new L that I need some answers from the board for [Music] um materials there's extra materials left over uh some that were removed and we'll start with the old retaining wall by the middle building you know we had to tie a new one into the old so there's a lot of old block and everything removed there's two different colors um you know we we stacked all of those on on pallets and set them aside um technically it's just County property and um we have no use for them at at the building now um I'm wondering what the board's take is on that and what they want to do with that and if we want to hold on to them for potential further use where can we store them at um we do have some uh leftover brick uh exterior brick for the building that we have always have also have to store someplace just in case you know somewhere down the line we have to repair something or fix something on the building um I guess my question is is there some of that stuff that is that can be stored outside indefinitely um can we utilize the fence Dam Area North of the recycling shed by Highway um as a you know a place to store those things it's a few pallets um for things like that we'll have other materials that I'll find room for inside buildings uh that we can store indefinitely um but those are just some of the things that are starting to come to light now as we get much much closer to completing this project uh this final dirt work will have to be done in those those products that we've had stored in Back to the north of the LC will need to be moved so we just need to find a home for them kind of [Music] um last Wednesday we took delivery of our generator um you can't miss it if you come up there it's huge it's big and it's screen scen yeah um and I want to so I I I want to say this that um you know we had to find a big enough crane service to to lift that in its place and locally there's nobody around that had a crane big enough uh for that and the only person that ever came to mind uh to me was John Riley he's got two cranes a 75 ton and 175 ton crane and you know Doyle's brother-in-law has run them ever since they invented the things Ron bulker and so I reached out to John uh weeks ago in a text telling him that we needed a minimum of 75 ton crane to lift this 13,500 pound generator into place and um and John Ry called me back and he says yeah I got your text what do you what do you need and I I told him what we're looking at and he said yeah well he goes I don't have a lot to do with the crane service you'll have to talk to Ron vulker about it and line it up with him I said okay I said now we need to talk about uh your availability and cost associated with this and he well um he talked to Ron about availability he deals the schedule as far as costs associated uh that will be free to you um so I told him I well you you can't do that they say I kind of can because I own them and so um I think it's just worth noting um and mentioning the fact that John had offered that service you know to Grant County uh his machinery and his his employee to come up here for a morning and um set that in place for no cost of the county so yeah last Wednesday Ron showed up and we had a pretty good Siz crew there to help Ron uh rig and everything and get that lifted off the trailer and set in its place and it went flawlessly at what it did so it worked out fantastically so I I did want to mention that about about John Riley for doing that for us so and I will personally reach out to John again about it and and have that conversation with him so so yeah um with that I mean everything is still flying along um we've got a lot going on there today the wells uh well guys they all finished up last week on drilling the 24 and geothermal well two three 140 ft deep they returned yesterday and now they're digging uh trenches and connecting all the lines and getting all the manifolds and everything they need to do in place I think they'll be probably done with that by the end of this week which will be fantastic and um then we can start looking and focusing on the rest of the finish work waiting on Joe Riley now um they're doing some more dirt work up there as far as the drive and the parking um waiting on Diversified for for uh sidewalks and curb work to be done so things are flying along so it's just looking really go so uh that's really all i' I've got at this point um just wondering if you guys want to keep those keep those blocks or if you want them disposed of or I would say keep the bare minimum of what we have to and then ask Pat on the next sale I mean all all that stuff that can sit outside to me can we put it in ask M if we can put it in the salt pit then it's not where people are looking at it and seeing it then that they're seeing it down there is why are they in there that's my thought there you have a recommendation do I I I don't I just I'm not a thrower um you're going to dispose them I do have run recommendation the light you were there the go to shed is my belief if I can recall that far back that thater bought and paid for all those retaining all block did not he donated all them I bought some of them too and you bought some of them yeah I think it was you two the two of you that bought them yeah so just but Cony technically didn't buy it was block you have your block back I yet let him have the block back so just just so you know somebody says property that um yeah the county didn't spend any money we should ask then and reach out and ask them probably wouldn't be a bad idea yeah okay I I can call you can ask Tod but mine mine was strictly a donation to the county was in possession 91 of the law I'm I'm not a thrower so I have a hard time yeah well yeah don't throw how many how many are there you know I I go come Jo but I mean there's like I said there's there's a handful of materials that we have to hold on to and then I can find storage where it's just that they're going to have to be moved and we just can't keep moving them from one end of the site to the other to the other to so so question uh there was some Communications as far as the contracts for the city contracts did you want to address that um well yeah the the only uh the only city that's really responded to anything was the city of Barett okay um I've had no communication with any other council members throughout the county um city of Barrett you I had agreed to uh going with a one-year contract not to exceed the 3% not that we were asking for the 3% um and then we're not comfortable in signing um un anything moving forward not like not signing a three-year contract I docked him right afterwards and explained that the one year was for budgeting purposes we would negotiate the other two years prior to a contract I don't think there was the full understanding of what the intent was no okay there was budgeting purpose for the 3% still to negotiate the other two before there was a contract it wasn't he thought it was just open end the contract would just be openend for the last two years and right and I and I after after their response yeah I I kind of assume that too maybe they were under the impression that well are we going to ask for a 5% in 26 and 27 but they were locked in but with no bre well it's not Material in relationship to the other cities okay we got four minutes Jen you want to add anything else from your department Sheriff that we're excited we're F staff yeah yeah and the new the new deputies uh it's going good yeah y they're both Grand County and citizens they were in the beginning so the one the one I knew I remember when she was born the other one knew him when he was little too yeah sure you're old in other words good I am old they're young though they are young okay well all right thank you thank you much appreciate it reimbursement resolution ditches are we expecting someone for that or that well I be go over it I know that Jamie from lisu was zoomed in but I can definitely go over it because I've had communication with um with the folks from tap uh and from TFM who are are Bond councel and and financial advisers so what the I believe the letter that are the information I sent you the first letter um from tap explains it well if you've read that what what it what this is is really just a resolution um in past years or in past projects you've adopted something similar or had the ability to adopt something similar much like much like Troy alluded to for the LEC project if you spend funds ahead of the bonding or during the bonding you can basically pay your son back in a nutshell that's kind of like same um given the two projects now that the ditches have been Authority has been transferred to pois Su um they are looking at doing a couple of projects and a couple of ditches and um if you adopt the uh resolution tion which they're asking to do then um a declaration of intent could be signed by the County Board without full approval of the board in other words you adopt the resolution then the board can adopt the intent um ditch 21 the exhibit a would be um the estimate is 3.2 million just to say the county is probably not going to go spend 3 million and that's SP the money back um and the ditch three is 1.6 million that's a repair not an improvement right I yeah I person it's um so they're asking for the for the um reimbursement you know the compliance of the reimburse Bond you know under the Internal Revenue Service Code that gives the ability to adopt the decorations it's pretty standard you've done this before in other bonding projects times you use it times you don't just gives you the ability to do so and if Jamie is on I don't know if she's on but she probably can explain it better than I can but sure thanks everybody so we've been working hard to get these projects to go both Grant County ditch 21 the Improvement and the repair of Grant County ditch 3 ditch three is sort of if it were a horse race getting out in front and we want to make sure to keep that rolling and it doesn't make sense to request a bond issuance for both of these projects it would be better if we bonded them together and so this resolution just sort of gives a placeholder so that as we incur costs at the Watershed that later we can get reimburse through Bond issuance when Grant County ditch 21 is ready which will likely be next spring so Jamie it'll between the ditch three and ditch 21 that'll be just one bond is that what I'm hearing correct yep the bond issuance costs as you guys know can be significant and so it just it just makes sense to put them together to um alleviate the land owners from the duplication and issuance costs right and one is an improvement ditch 21 is an improvement and then ditch three is the repair correct correct yep just didn't know if anything changed there where that was headed I will make a motion to enter into the reimbursement resolution I'll second discussion has Justin reviewed this or not needed or you have thoughts on that Chad I don't believe Justin has reviewed it but we have our legal council for bonding okay that's this ta okay that so that's who we work with the na yes okay and then Jamie um you know touch on Lucas crocus has look this thing over correct uh I actually didn't have Lucas do it because it's your guys's Bond it's it's your guys's Bond Council they represent you guys and um from our perspective there's a lot of different ways this could go as as the placeholder and they're the experts so thank you do we have a motion in a second is there any other discussion all in favor of a motion say I I opposed carried 103 Carl you got two extra minutes well chairman Johnson had asked had called me last Friday and just asked kind of what would my position look like if I were to leave and kind of what are of the things that I would do right away starting as County coordinator if I accept the position so um right now I'm still working with the Personnel committee on a negotiation for this job um this is just kind of a rough outline these are just some ideas that I put down um so last Friday I I created kind of where I kind of see going forward with the position um it this is again this is a a quick 500 foot view this does not mean that this is I haven't met with the strategic planning committee um to kind of verify where I'm going to start in any one of these processes but this is just kind of a a kind of an overview or an outline of things that I see what need to be done um still looking for input from like I said the strategic planning committee or the County Board um this is basically an overview and a lot of these things they they just're they're going to take some time um like if we're talking about creating policies for the Board Writing up kind of what Chad has done in the past and having the Board review that we we can make this a living breathing document to make sure that it's changing with times as go through things just uh was going to bring it up sometime and I didn't get it added to the agenda before we approved it but since it is on on here under General it's Carl Scott research at Grant County East cannabis policy and I was contacted by Council people from hofman that there's an article in the molis Tribune U that there's a application for a outlet for cannabis sales in Offman and so was like 1800 I haven't seen the article he just wanted to make it aware I did get some correspondence from Jana um so we kind of knew it's here and and I don't know what we necessarily need to do yet but um that is a example of and I know we talked a little bit before the meeting that public health has been involved in this Horizon and and so uh that's an example what um potentially might float to the top before something else U the other piece is and i' I'd like maybe you to address it Carl is your vision and how you see assisting in your current job and the new wearing two hats kind of how how do you so um see that for right now once I would be appointed as the the county coordinator I would assume that I would be vacating the assessor position uh the county has 90 days to appoint an assessor uh in that 90 days I I'm not going to let my assessor's office falter um it'll be one of those things where I make sure that the essential items get done so that the county continues to flow in a smooth transition manner uh when we get a the new County Assessor in position uh I would again I would assist them in their their position I would make sure that they're set up for creating the 2025 assessment uh just showing them the timeline showing them the basics of what they need to do um where they need to go to learn to do the assessor job um the assessor position all of my my daily functions are all written in a procedures manual uh basically getting them so that they are on that path I want to teach them show them where to go find all those documents where they need to be successful and when they get to the bigger ticket items again that's where I'm going to come back in and I'll be able to assist them through those processes so will you have two offices was there place up there for you or do you take uh Rob's former office or what how do you how do you envision that I'll need two computers because I'd like to keep the assessor stuff separate from the coordinator stuff yeah um I believe that I could probably work out of my well my existing office for most of it there are some private items that might need to be moved down into the meeting room um I assume that yes I could if there was something that was really pressing yes I could probably for that a day run down and work in Rob's office but I would probably foresee that most of the day-to-day stuff I could probably do in my existing place until the assessor position is filled uh at that point we'll figure out where we're at with the the movement of the sheriff's office or when they occupied the new Sheriff's building if they're not moved out yet I can move into Rob's office I'm not I'm not picky about where I'm at doing my job I I don't it's not my space wherever you tell me to sit I'm fine was sitting there um until I'm assuming that the sheriff's officer is a little bit of work that needs to be done probably some some carpet some painting some few minor things that need to be done up there before I can fully move into that space that's kind of always it as in the Marine Corps they're saying it was Seer Gumby I was flexible so I can be flexible overcoming ad that one thing I don't see on this list though that you kind of created here is you know AMC is you know I mean we see a lot of Administrators and coordinators and things like that on there you know and I'm sure it's it's written into the Su of the language here that this is some of in my opinion that's a good place for you to show up and I know you go to the cessors convention and all that stuff but I mean we got a fall you know and an annual conference and a legislative conference and things like that that'd be huge if you would talk and that's why I put under the County Board those last couple items is what committees and what conferences would you like me to attend no you know if there's I I did already kind of had the assumption that it was the AMC conference y I wasn't sure if there were other conferences that would be more coordinator geared other than the AMC conference you know they have one I think it's up on Breezy Point or something they do a lot of strategic planning and stuff like that you know get email on Y and if there were other any any other like State committees that you would like me to try to get on to sometimes being a new coordinator you don't just get the Primo uh the Primo committee that you want to be on typically you might have to serve on a a subcommittee of some part just to basically get your your footings or learn how the organization goes and then after you've been there a year or two then you can typically move into those because they might elect you into those positions I think you're want to get a hold of Ryan Erman at AMC yeah and there's trainings they would offer there's things they can help you get assimilated yeah you'll be y so mat ran or Nathan Zach I think is his name the IT specialist I have a question Mr chair go ahead yeah getting back to the Kid Cannabis okay Doyle and I we were at Horizon last week and U Stevens County they they're finalizing their cannabis ordinance and right away Douglas County asked them for see if he can send us a copy of that and I think we should take a look at that too that that ordinance and uh because there's some things rolling our way here with applications and things like that well the first thing we got to find out is are the cities going to do their enforcement or is they going to hand it over to the county because you can't write a county one until you know the cities are what the cities are going to do that's right so I mean it's but it' be neither one of them can really do anything until the state finalizes their rules it's a mess and that would be a thing that I would Pro I would be working with the city clerks and I never got a good I think it would be good for you to see whatever Stevens County ordinance says just in case it goes out because I I don't know what the cities will do but they might say County make it I'm assuming they will but I don't know that that Steven's Cony or Douglas con Steven Steven con and Doug Douglas wanted to copy that right right away they wanted to look at that I think we should look at it and uh and see but yes so but I uh there's a lot of work going to go into that when when the time comes where the states have G you know you can take applications or or or you know hours of operation yeah things like that compliance so much like a tobacco compliance and so I'm sure Becky Young is involved heavily in that one down there so she's a good contact for you y yeah she would be she'll help you out doesn't Verizon do the tobacco compliance process yes well yeah tobacco compliance yes yeah they've also been involved in the Cannabis but it uh it's it's a lot coming our way on that that end of it I definitely think there's a lot coming down the pipeline yeah who knows who knows who will want to make application you know there's money to be made I mean there's for the people some on that so going back to the office location I do think would probably be a good idea I mean obviously Rob is moved yes to establish that as a point of the coordinator until the the law enforcement center is vated by Sheriff Department uh it might be healthy for your existing job and so we're not mixing well there's going to be mixing yes but that you do have a home base and I I just feel like it whether it's confidentiality whether it's just workflow if you're here you might somebody else in your department might be picking up some of the things that normally they'd say well Carl's there you take this and you might be taking more stuff than you need to I don't know I I don't know what your day is like but I I think I would recommend I mean I'm it's up to you but would be as long as we have a spot that uh so that that would lead me down to to the next item and until we're done with the negotiation process I don't feel like I should be doing fully doing a lot of the coordinator position work until we get to that point well till the the teaser Crossing da or what's what's the intention or how how would you like me to move forward if I Personnel can you help me with well we've been we've started the negotiation process of getting to where he's going to accept the offers so today we don't have a recommendation of that I I would wait I mean we I don't think there's any question about that I I mean we've got the coordinator wage and we've got to figure out you know if you're doing a dual roll there's additional compensation for doing a dual role that's got to be put in there too and we haven't even gotten that number yet squared away so it's there's more to it than just here it is just go yeah no I and there also does need to be some time that I do need to wrap up some of my personal projects that I've been doing in the assessor's office that I'm there I do need a little time just to strictly finish those up because to hand those off to somebody mid project is can be very confusing so I'd rather start them off in the beginning and kind any other counties out here you know looking or pursuing assessors that you know of or the all those R buil in our region we're we're fully staffed so do you think there's anybody in that office that could take over your job or currently I don't feel like anybody in our office right now would be willing to take on the position there are a number of licensed appraisers who could move into the assessor position in the area um in some of our surrounding counties who are probably at the next stage of their career that would be willing to move into it um and especially if they're they're kind of a new or inexperienced they might benefit having some of my knowledge or some of the the preset stuff coming in to help them be successful um they might be willing to take the position otherwise there's there's the opportunity to put it into the the maao job search basically it's all licensed assessors in Minnesota so any one of them if we push out the job opening to any one of those as long as they're licens we could bring one of those individuals there so it it really Narrows down who you need to to advertises to because you it can't be from anybody from out of state unless they miraculously had the position but if it's going to be anybody it's going to be somebody from that pool and so let's say you get the negotiations piece settled my thought would be a little bit like a running start you got things to button up and finish and and you're going to be building this right I mean if 60% of your time is spent coordinator and for and assessor you build the respective departments for your costs and that and at some point you will transition and I think we gotta we've been this is new to all of us I think we support it and so I I think you just use your judgment and keep the ship sailing in the generally the right direction and to put a half fast heart date by this that ain't going to work no I think we trust you that you you've been around a while so you kind of know what's happening and that no other suggestions for Carl thoughts so Carl that 90 days and that doesn't start till you officially resign take that what happens if with 90 days we haven't found any we'll find somebody within 90 days there there will be an applicant um there there there will be a failling [Music] um there there might be some restrictions on their their license so if we hire them as accredited Minnesota assessor they have I believe it's one year to get their Sama which is the license level required to be the county assessor um so that would be the time period that they would need to meet it's not basically it's a interview with the safe Board of assessors it's an 8 hour test and a couple other classes so it's not impossible every year they're available so they should be able to point well just like when you resign you still got your license for my intention is yes to retain my license it's way too much work to just drop that license other thoughts you might have or questions for us Carl that's that's basically what I had again this this is just a a very very rough this I sat down and just kind of put my thoughts down on on paper and just tried to make it so that you could see kind of what I'm looking at I wanted to make sure that there's going to be other input into this document if there's things that you say Well we'd really like you to look into this as well let me know I'll put it on here this is this is exactly what I was going to create day one yeah was start figuring out kind of what I need to do and start creating a work process and and I was going to get a hold of Becky Young and kind of see say if you were to start this position and it was a brand new slate what what are the first three things you would do like should be good one girl and I know Becky very well so it's one of those things that I I have a good relationship with Becky even outside work so it's it's one of those things that I I did want to kind of reach out to some of the the the surrounding counties and just kind of see where they are because they're pretty similar to Grant County sure I probably would suggest uh that we have maybe a basic understanding that just like you have now that you're on every agenda and it's toward of the end and say in case something comes up prior that can be addressed at the end of the meeting uh at which point down the line you don't feel you need to be an agenda item but I think there's going to be enough moving forward and and communication and just working together to have you so I'm not going to ask you to put you on your agenda just put yourself on the agenda how's that I mean I just think it's important and until we like I say at some point that might evolve but can do are there anything else conferences next month at awood for AMC fall conference 12 13th or something like that if I don't if I give you a recommendation then you can do whatever you want but you know the general government committee would probably be a good one to get started at you know Public Safety environment and all that stuff but just to get your head around everything that you want to do and there's coordinators and administrators that sit in on General government so and I as well as I I sit there that's my commitment my other item too is kind of that we're thinking about this is at what point would you want me to start like if I once we get through the negotiation portion when would you like me to start ordering a computer or has that already been ordered or when would you like me to kind of because there's going to be some cost just setting up an office and there's certain things that I can bring the the pens that I've gotten at previous conferences I can bring a couple of them down here but I mean I don't have three stap loers laying around and I don't have there're just some minor things um at what point would you like me to start at least getting some of the basic items well I would say you should today would be a fine time to start yeah because so you're giving me permission to we have a coordinator's budget okay and so and I don't know what Rob left in the office or what you can move but we're going to we're committed to the to the position and I now that's Ken's idea I don't know what your thoughts are sooner got get there sooner or later might as well start on more thoughts thank you all right thank you very much committee reports got I have one Mr chair uh our EMS committee uh you know we presented to the board last meeting I guess but anyway we didn't put a dollar amount into the U line item that we made a motion on so we met again um and uh we're we're recommending for the preliminary budget that we put the 165,000 in there and uh and then because Chad will need that for his plinary budget is sooner the better right Chad yeah yeah so so yeah so that's that's what we would recommend so is there maybe I should know this is that based on [Music] some need that or some identified how do you come up with the number well Eric presented all that okay but uh but some of it was for the relief Rel and uh equipment it's a 15year projected deal on on ambulances saving up uh Lake Region was a 10e plan because they use their ambul more and what he discussed was that the county you know we Levy the money and then uh the EMS committee would meet and for equipment and and look at what the needs were or what the requests were and then present it to the board um what what else for the relief uh the for for the eligible persons that that meet the requirements at the end of 25 then a request would be made for that relief mon in 25 at the end of 25 because they got to meet 10% of their of the uh activities these uh these volunteers that the request the money would be moved from us to the cities then or to the individual or I I I don't I don't think it would go to the cities it would go to the uh that firm that they're setting up an individ I cannot stress enough you need to get bylaws for this entity made up y because you're dealing with tax dollars going to individuals there needs to be bylaws that that spell out you know this is what makes you eligible and this is what it is and this is when you can get it and this is how you can get it and this is how much you're getting just to set up an account like that without those bylaws you're asking for trouble no well they they they understand that that's for sure so so how much of the going down that path try how how much of that 165 would be designated for the benefit piece do you remember uh I think it was 45,000 yeah was they had they had a number of and it you won't know so you're doing doing an estimate because you won't know until you have the end of the year numbers of how many people met the criteria and then it's I believe they propose 1,500 per year so that is how you're going to get that actual number you're doing an estimate where then you may not have to Levy as much the next year you have to Levy more there's more people right depending on the enrollment of employee you know what I mean the benefit of people it's great I thought I had it here like Eric's volunteer crew up there is quite large but a lot of them you know they probably wouldn't make the 10% so we don't we don't know exactly it's an estimate and then we were you know the Offman got that like around 50,000 from the state you know we're trying to figure out if they can order an ambulance and that money could still be used towards that ambulance when it comes in three years you see and they don't they haven't call out an answer to that yet and they really don't know what to do with that money down payment unless they can do that with it down payment yeah yeah that's what I that's what I st get the process started yeah because their ambulance 16 years old and uh been hit by a school bus you never so we approv the preliminary win Chad September and second meeting in September yeah so for now do we need a motion to this or just to let Chad know because we're going to approve the preliminary we don't really it'll be in the okay yeah because we got the line item and we'll just see how it all unfolds there but yeah I agree with you Troy the bylaws or there has to be that has to be stated you know all of that so once it's in the budget then you create the bylaws for it and then 25 it's not our bylaws we're not the ones that are creating those right no no but it's that'll be a so I wonder I wonder then those bylaws would have to be adopted by Ashley HW well there's got to be an entity somebody's going to have to own that account and then you're going to have to be I mean so we can't just give money to a random account they're probably going to need to be set up as a 501c3 would be ideal because then you could ask for money from other places such as fire reliefs and things like that but yeah they're they need to be an entity so and I think we've been down this path at some point this is kind of got to happen I if we're going to appropriate money and pretty soon it won't be preliminary it be a final budget will be like the Chicken and the Egg and I agree with what sh's saying but if we don't and all of a sudden we're at whatever point and we're scrambling for some entity bylaws how do we how do we support our committee well I think and I correct me if I'm wrong but our auditor before he cuts a check to somebody's going to need some sort of tax number identifying where money's going don't they don't you yeah yeah so they got to have a tax number as they don't get no money so the point would be we can appropriate the money or set it up but they need in order to get it they're going to do get need to get that done right the ball would be in their Court have to be anty yeah that makes sense okay anything else on EMS any that on EMS yeah yeah oh one other thing on Sprint paramedics we're working on that too there's another committee on that okay and uh it all we're meeting every Thursday and uh you know we just we have we haven't found out when when to apply for this money or whatever yet so there's a lot of things like they were GNA we need to order a couple Vehicles you know but you can't order Vehicles unless you got money to pay for so and things like that so it's it's coming along but it's slow right bill yeah yeah so so Elk Lake Township at Chad had sent that out for their $2,000 uh and make motion to approve their offer request for their 2 are you g include Hoffman's request for I'm assuming that was what had left yes excuse me I can let's do them both the B their balance was $ 29950 or something like that uh so the balance so I'll make the motion for both hofman and I'll break down here thank you second discussion all in favor say I I post now we should address the spreadsheet yeah uh which is an email from Chad uh the PDF from the one that he's got uh funds designated but not requested to date we had we had talked about September 1st is that correct you agree on that now I visited with Chad some of these we got the housing for w community actions and we got the EMS the ambulance not to exceed had the child care Western Prairie the city hofkin taken care of and El Quakes taken care of in our discussion we agreed that because they necessarily haven't come forward they won't lose those first entities won't lose because they' made a general request am I saying it right Chad well you go those entities yeah so we've approved of discussion as to the September first date was for the cities and townships not for the other entities yes so I don't remember that's so we have an understanding based on the the one document that Chad sent to us that that so basically we got Logan Gorton and erall Township would be the three then that if we don't uh receive a request by the end of the month then that would get do to two the two in my district I reached out to them and I told him September first so okay I'm not going to do it again I'm I guess yeah we if we feel we're done our part as far as letting these townships no and you just have more unallocated and isn't there like 2500 unallocated now 35 87,000 okay so if those three townships that'll be 6,000 more security that's that' be good any other questions or you can buy the auditor's office of car what kind of car are we buying for don't payment n Grand heard that don't payment well if you surrender the block that's the D payment right there the engineers call I don't know if we fell off the rails but we can continue the discussion I'm lost here people have can't we have yeah so any other committee reports we should have on the agenda next month HRA appointments due put it on the agenda as an item oh for the do you mean the ones that come up so do we know very oh okay so have you have you talked to him I've talked to yeah well we can you can just do them now if you want if you want to wa no yeah I mean it's not going to change in two weeks so yeah and he's willing to serve again he'll do it again yeah okay B will do which one was that for the only one that I know of was oh I see okay I I thought they were all up I think Laur is up in 26 no they're they're every five years so it's just one a year I okay AB historically what Jim had done was let the commissioner from that District know yeah I got that commissioner to talk to the individual to see if they want to reappoint and if not then that commissioner would bring a recommendation yeah I I I got a letter and yeah so would you like to make that motion motion to reappoint on per or the H board another term is there second second discussion say I IED anything else can I bring up one other item real quick sure my appointment is due by October 1st that's the other thing is is if the County Board chooses to do nothing that would be automatically reappointed as the county assessor for the next fouryear term until I were to put a resignation so the the County Board could make no decision and I would just be reappointed if I'm still the county assessor as of October 1st otherwise we need a reappointment we could take care of that in the September meeting if if that were yeah desired otherwise we can just do nothing there those are the two options so but you said if we do nothing you get reappointed automatically automatically see that was what Justin said with Matt was we didn't it was supposed to have been done in May because we had appointed him until May and then when we didn't do it Justus like well he automatically so he can't leave that's the way I well it was my idea to formalize it formalize it just good to recognize it but we'll have that that play outse else will Jour at 10:40 thank you thank you