##VIDEO ID:n1WcNe43UcQ## so we got uh any additions or corrections to the agenda Doyle had an appointment he had to be at so he won't be here could be here later but probably not motion to approve the agenda so mov second discussion all favor say I iOS carried meeting minutes e I'll make the motion to approve Mr motion is there a second to approve the minutes second discussion say I hi oh very Wars they're emailed out so how maybe you know this C $10,000 what did that do I can tell you CU I researched it has to do with the email data request emails that got released that should not have okay there's a deductible in that process then Chad responded e Mr J make motion pability second second thisal discussion say I we can we can um address the ordinance we can do that 10 minutes already can't we NOP don't posted for 9:15 you can't start that before 9:15 that's a public meeting yeah we I can make a motion to approve the resolution supporting the psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility in Clay County assuming it's the exact same one we approved for Western per so we're jumping down to that last item there that's what I would recommend okay do we need to talk about it at all or we've seen it I it's the same one that's the same one so you made that motion y we have a second to that I I'll second it any other discussion all in favor say I I we do have a little time read why don't you come forward come on you want all our or just no we got we're this is the impromptu part you didn't did that other duties as a sign you didn't they didn't tell you about that morning I'll come sit and be your time filler for a minute so part of that you you seen us do this before haven't you or yes Y and so you somewhat come prepared yeah I think so somewhat okay never know what you guys want to know or want to ask so so if if I asked you if there's an area that you'd consider challenge or just use I'll use the challenge that's that's in your position and kind of how's it going what where would be an area that the learning curve or the that whole deal how how's Reed doing it's actually going really well we're kind of winding down our field season here with the temperature switching and weather coming so that's been good because it's been kind of a flurry of hurry up and get stuff done just like everybody in the field does too but other than that it's pretty good solid waste is its own kind of monster so we're still kind of figuring out all the little nuances because sometimes you think a is a problem but there's really so much other things in the background that you just didn't know so had a couple different meetings with angle bson and a couple with some other folks who run other programs in Stevens County and a couple other counties so just trying to figure out some things that we do and is that how they do it is that how we should do it kind of so you referenced the monster tell me how many tentacles this monster has for you as many as you guys got too County Board is its own monster too you just about the same there's everything we do is related so just you know it's all links together whether or not it's directly or not it's pretty well entitled to everything again is directly and indirectly there you go but it's a fun thing to it's all new so it's it's a brand new oh this is something heav seen done before it's an adventure it's yeah there's some frustrating what the heck but there's also some well that was easier than we thought it was going to be and now we're kind of coming up on going to be a year here shortly so we kind of figured out some of the you know Rod things that a guy can figure out pretty quick now we're kind of the more detailed little tweaks here and there that a guys it out so u i noticed in the bills at the Organics bill is just short of$ short of $1900 have you done an any analysis on how $1900 relates to tonage or to communi a guy so we that we had a meeting last week with iner Bron and Stevens County about all their Organics and how they do all that uh got to be careful associating tonnage and hourly together because they just don't they don't mix and it doesn't work and if you try and figure out that way a guy will never come ahead and we got to have another one of them Solid Waste committee deals because there's about five deals that we kind of in the last week or two that have kind of propped up that need a chance so does in brit think with the mileage drive time hours is it making sense to them if we got some more tonage it would be better there A lot of times they're coming this way anyways for whatever reason so it's not a big deal but some more tonage would definitely make it you know equal out better unless you get a pretty decent amount if probably never going to like you're not making money obviously that's not the goal but you're not probably breaking that even either so yeah you got to get some more people involved which takes more time on my end or takes more time with Greg or Ruiner having somebody kind of walk through here's what we need to Target these businesses who are some pretty you know they have a lot of weight that's why we met with Troy I trusted here's like your top five that I would go after if you're going to do this CU they produce a lot of weight and a lot of that could be diverted to Organics or could be diverted to somewhere else then that would save them money by not having to have their dumpster twice a week and now it's once a week because the other half went somewhere else so there's a pretty big education piece that's going to be coming that's was the majority of what Troy and Stephens kind said that first half or year or two is just getting people to know what it is where it goes how it works it's how about these R rural dumpsters you got any complaints on some of them not lately it seemed like they just like everything else they're kind of quiet for a while then all a sudden a couple of them flare up but we haven't heard anybody dump in anything or Troy hasn't said hey I found all this extra stuff that's not supposed to be in them there's some stuff with like the drop sites you know in the intersections that's a little funky with animals it's usually kind of an issue so we want to talk to those students and their use is kind of sporadic it's not like somebody uses it every single week all the time and it's constant it's ah this guy used it once in three months and somebody else used the other one once two minutes so it's kind of sporadic something talk about four minutes of wisdom from Reed Peterson four minutes you got four minutes of wisdom I know you now crack a yeah no I Greg's wisdom is Life's a roller coaster you just try and stay level and it works out a lot better that way don't get fired up don't get sad or pissed you just CC I'm trying you know work W ride the wave two different waves one's work wave one's the life wave you know the way I see this is commissioner Proving Grounds not yeah is B but no that's the best way read go just don't don't don't let him get to you and just try and stay in your swim Lane the best you can kind of flirt with the edges something but just stay in my be good at listening a little bit right and explain yourself my wife that's why I say gota listen otherwise you talking and not enough of the listening tell you what they let them have their say yeah a lot of anxiety out here these days and people that's how they get rid of it they feel so much better after they're done chewing on you y I can tell and if you can handle a little bit of chewing it's okay it's a PhD and Bs you know I mean so I got a couple of them you think you could teach Bill how to eat warm Crow no no not possible no you can teach Old Dogs new tricks but I don't I'm not volunteering for that job be honest you couldn't teach Bill to eat warm Crow I don't think I can teach anybody to eat warm Crow chicken yasak just put it in the crock poot long enough it'll be fine so let's go back to the whole PhD and Bs thing sure don't follow that at all just tell the truth and your life is going to be way simpler I think you're right don't I think that's kind it may be a little uncomfortable today but tomorrow is so much better I don't know the truth yeah I always found if you can't do something tell I can't do but I'll that's my M I tell you I don't know that answer I don't know how to do that but I can sure try and figure out who does know how or does do that and we can figure this out so which is the whole Solid Waste monster no idea how to do it when we started but now Carl yeah helps curbside recycling do going well what it seems to be it seems like people have figured it out usz it and some of the towns their tages are slowly creeping up but I sure like it what it does take pressure off of these trailer sites yeah so there always there there's always room yeah instead of being stacked and packed there's a little more space so okay it is now 915 you've done well I'm G to get out of your way Greg are you next uh well you got to do your ordinance at 9:15 oh excuse me was jumping down to Ros my bad okay Carl what do you need to add anything or so this is the the Grant County ordinance uh number uh 2024 1111 9-1 it's an ordinance prohibiting cannabis use in public places uh this is the time for public input if there is any um so the this has been published in my office if anybody wanted to copy um they can they can get a copy from myself now um this is something that was brought to me from public health uh this would mirror uh basically what statute States and prohibiting cannabis use in public places this helps a lot allow um the the sheriff's office because there's some some points in there for for them to have some some teeth in this and this is the recommendation of Public Health I've not had any comments or requests uh to view the ordinance um it has been posted in the newspaper for longer than 10 days after reading the the ordinance requirements um I believe we have met all the requirements of the ordinance okay is there a motion to yes Mr chair I got a question here so then if the city set their own then they have latitude to do that correct is that what I'm reading Here authoriz Local you units of government to adopt yeah if it's superseded right correct so you're saying the city could adopt where they had let it each Township to in in public he's correct any political subdivision right but if they don't adopt anything then this would they have to stick to this yes so the fine portion of this is a petty misdemeanor up to $300 which means it's really not a crime but that's P Miss and again this would follow what state statute says at the recommendation of the Govern have you heard from any of the cities or that we um all of the cities for the regular cannabis ordinance um most of them would like to see what the county rights to determine whether they'll create their own or we're taking the lead then it sounds like we'll be taking the lead uh the only cities I have not gotten a hold of yet are Wendell and Norcross so those are the only two that I haven't been able to connect with but all the other cities have been I've talked and they're all in agreement that if the county has something they would if it's something that they could jump you know agree with they would jump on board some of the some of the jurisdictions are are on the let the free market ride and others would like to see a little bit more teeth into it um but they they never stated what that teeth would look like as a former Sheriff what do you think about the enforcement side of the public thing well you know it'll I guess you know if I got a if I was a sheriff I got a complaint on it i' I'd go and handle that uh you know there's probably going to be like if you have an out door deal going on there's probably going to be a lot of people doing that it probably be a little hard to pinpoint it once they throw it down you know but I guess uh I guess you know it's it's an ordinance and uh we kind of got the contracts with the cities and you know you're supposed to enforce their ordinances so you know the reason I was asking too is is in a conversation Carl and I and Reed had some of our bigger Metro counties or L you know with 50 60,000 people I think law enforcement was was a little apprehensive about they enforce that but I think out here rurally I think it's more manageable and if public health is very interested in you know that concept I think it's a good idea but right yeah the the bottom line is you know that unless the deputy sees it it's pretty hard to yeah yeah right because they're going to throw it down and then you got 10 people saying he didn't do that or yeah so it would it would be a you know you get a complaint you'd walk into the area and maybe they clean it up a little bit yeah you know yeah it's just how it is so and it's no mistaking marijuana smoke I've been around it for 55 years SM for 55 years no I've never used it but I smelt it many times right again oh man yeah how did you do that throw a bail in the campfire there I've done that too okay the destruction orders we burnt a lot of marijuana but lightning Lake comes tonight what's that lightning Lake comes tonight yeah yeah so we could entertain a motion for the said ordinance number is listed here and then get a second we can have additional with this and this ordinance sunsets December 31st 25 the can so this is just the the public use so I don't I thought we had one that would have been the the prohibiting any New Uses so since we're so close to the January second date this is this is a separate ordinance I did not bring that other ordinance forward as I didn't feel like having the cost Associated that anybody's going to start a business in the next month so I didn't where it come the the next ordinance that'll be brought forward will be the Cannabis ordinance so there is no sunset on this one there is no sunset on this one the only thing that would sunset this was if it was to be rescinded or if a different ordinance were to replace this one something supered y something supersedes Mr chair do you think we should write out the the time frame with your terminology right out the time frame me well this is a hearing right nobody is here but it could be somebody walked in right so before we pass it we should actually give the you know to tr's statement this 93 it's no you just can't start until 95 you just can't start till 9:15 it can be if there is no public and there is no input there is no set amount of time in statute that says you have this has to be open um as long as you hear public comment um but if you wanted to change the verbage of the ordinance we would need to repost it and do our 10day notice if you wanted to put a sunset of five years or two years or Mr K I have a question on the sunset what what have we talking about here for the is there a sunset for the new ordinance that's coming in uh for the well this we're just talking about the ordinance prohibiting Cannabis used in public places if say the the board chose to say this Suns seted uh December 31st 2030 that would be something that we would have to add to the ordinance no and then it would have to be and we just got to remember I don't know that we don't someone doesn't like it a future board and they can change it I don't think we should Sunset it but when Troy mentioned the sunset that on something else that was on a different ordinance that didn't come forward because there's only like a month left that it would I don't know if there will be on that or not I am not sure my question on this becomes and I look at the exemptions from public places is you have Campground it's technically private property is it illegal but it's accessible to the public is it illegal for an individual to sit around a campfire at the camp site they're paying rent on it's smok everyone well I read that you know TR but it looked like the owner of that campsite could prohibit it isn't that what it says in there if he says you know because campsites even though it's private they can prohibit things right they sure you know a private Campground can say hey you can't have alcohol here right right but let's say the owner hasn't said that but the camper next to him complains does this make make it illegal for that individual to sit somewhere he's paying rent or she they're paying rent by a campfire but the neighbor doesn't like it I mean is that like El Quake Campground got one tips I mean there's campgrounds all over it that are public that's public that would so that that case probably they couldn't I don't know so we're getting into a definition of public placees that well so it's it's a public Campground open to the public but I'm paying rent on this law that for me before we move forward that's something I need and I thought I'd brought that up before but apparently not is there a definition of public space in that organ not because it says a private residence including a person's her tillage or yard private property not generally accessible to the public I just don't want to have 30 problems on campgrounds because one individual thinks it's fine and the person next to them says no and they repeatedly are calling saying they're in violation of this ordinance well the number two though it says you know private property I hit something there not generally accessible by the public unless a person is explicitly prohibiting prohibited from consuming canish Flopper products local see him but it's not but in this example it's not necessarily private property if it's least that throws it into a different Arena so if you take Ken's example of Elk Lake it's owned by the city of Hoffman but I'm paying rent so is that private my private property now or not I would say it's the city of the property I think it is too so then it would be illegal it would be illegal okay now Barrett Lake Resort that's private property it would be their own specific legal but if they said they said if they said we're not going to touch us we don't care then that's that's private property that would be yeah but if they said Barrett said no smoking marijuana no marijuana here then it's unlawful no well it would have to be the owner that's privately owned the owner would have but that would be private property so then that would be that but I believe like if there was a event going on that was centered around marijuana public use would be allowed because in that event it's permit yes so who's issuing said permits that would be the public health and that would be the ordinance that we need to the next ordinance that we need to pass and that's something that we're I'm going to have conversation with Amy with Greg with the sheriff's office with Stacy those are the the different individuals but whoever would be tked on the County board so that we can all kind of come together and look and see how we want those ordinances written up or if you want to pass ordinance so well we're saying it has to be permitted we have to be able to have a permit in a permitting process the allowability of that permit so Section 1 B where it says public place it pretty much says it all other than it doesn't specifically say Campground it references Beach pier side Block Park but I think you can almost assume within that description that Park is Park it's vake but it still covers the I would think I know that warrants that we need to specifically list Campground I think there's enough well I use Campground as an example because pineridge park it doesn't apply because you're not paying rent once you start paying rent for a lot does that insinuate then that it's your home did you you have rights there that at least gives you the right to occupy that space for a set amount of time same as an apartment same as an apartment but the apartment owner could prohibit M cannabis use in their apartment let's say they don't where we run into trouble is if they don't if they don't specifically prohibit it I just don't want law enforcement responding to calls every day because my neighbor Joe is sitting by his campfire again smoking a joint wa knows what I'm talking about that phone call if if this isn't clear that phone call will happen repeatedly that's the conversation I was trying to have a bring up is that's what we're hearing is law enforcement's kind of going well right because I mean there's individuals that it doesn't matter what you tell them every day you tell them today and tomorrow they're going to call again don't you think that would fall under and let's use hofkin for instance that the city they could apply an ordinance that would permit it right and that would override us anyway but I hear you but I think if somebody wants to permit get in the campgr and let them that would also be the requirement of the one on pound to ter yous anything that's it would be the the city's determination of whether they want to continue to follow the ordinance or whether they choose to create their own ordinance so Maya there's a guy with some experience well this is what I'm listening to because I I was curious and what would happen and if the city you know if the city chose to make a difference would there would they supersede that is that how that is saying that would work so you could say no public but the city could say you can do it on the campground yes if they chose in your site only right and does it mean not in your site the campground your site the whole seasonal leaser versus a Weekender this is just it there's different variations you know how does that all play into it you know is that all going to be on the city to decide those pieces for how they operate that particular campgr I think so that's interesting so weigh in a little further I I well I I like your comment but I you got more in there that you haven't told me what's that you said that's interesting let's go B further well I mean you know as as these things are going to roll out here now you're going to you know obviously there's going to be difference of opinion you know as far as you know what is public and if if I rent or if I lease or if I'm just a weekend traffic or if I'm going to go play at the basketball court at the campground or sit at the beach is that all you know where does that line fall if I'm good at my campfire am I okay at the beach can I go you know smoke while I'm throwing horses you know all those pieces are going to come up here and it's going to have to be it's going to be kind of a murky mess if it's going to be the beach is 20 ft away from your site right now I'm right next to the beach and I'm sitting at that picnic table but your site is over here I can sit at my picnic table but you can't you know you know what I mean it's all going to be a it's going to be a mess so but this kind of clears it up until the individual jurisdictions decide right would you say Carl in my opinion this ordinance would prohibit it on the campground right now that are City that that are parked because it be the city public space yeah the private campgrounds they would create their own their own rules if the city felt like they wanted to allow it they could even say cannabis use is only allowable in this portion of the campground everything else is off limits they would have that that right or the ability to amend or to make this more or less prohibitive sense right yeah I guess I would see it being not in the common space you know it's going to be no common spaces but at your own specific site like I said it just gets a little murky when you start talking about tenting sites that are right next to the basketball court or you know this campsites right by the bathroom versus this one way far you know all that stuff is going to be that's that's where they're going to have to make that determin I mean they could just say no and that simplifies things but if you know somebody wants to argue well I lease this you know I signed a lease here this is my 20 ft or whatever why can't I you know then then that's going to be the question so I got a question Carl so the January 1 when the new regulation or the regulations and then the next ordinances or rules will some of this get further explained or come to light potentially I believe the the next ordinance is going to be more geared towards licensing like how many uh dispensaries dispensaries are allowable in the county and hours of how many and hours of operation and how far away from schools how far away from public places what kind of Licensing do you want to do who's going to do it who's enforcing it who's permitting but the state won't have rules probably they tell what they say the first quarter they're hoping to have them completely completely in quotes there and a wrote more and and right now there's there's a number of other counties out there right now who do have ordinances in place some of them are wide open whatever you want to do is fine other ordinances are we're going to limit it to to one dispensary we're going to limit it to and that's the only thing you can can limit right now you can't limit how many gr operations you have how many mobile businesses you have how many like edible like those are all the different that this other ordinance can also cover or what it can and can't cover you could limit the amount of each I I'm I'm not an expert in pus I I when we get to that point I would like to have public health come in and maybe do a presentation maybe the the second board meeting in December if we if I have public health come in and do a presentation I think you'll find that meeting's quite busy okay maybe we or I can push out into January um again that's up to how the board would like to well we're in a rush to make it legal we're building the car while we're driving it so it whatever we pass if we pass this today or if we wait a month and pass one then we're going to be amending it anyway because we don't the individuals who told us we must do this didn't really tell us what we must do you just must do something so so it's it's going to be a work in progress however we do it so I got a question do we think and I I understand what you're saying we're building it as but do we think at any point if we looked at our vision in the future that we would from an oversight Grant County public spaces think that we would start carving out campsites and specific situations within our overall policy yes or no no no would you agree so then why would we do it now no I'm not saying we should list a camp site or anything like that I would wanted to have the interpretation so that as we just said this will be amended at some point and Carl's probably the one that with Justin that'll do that and now Carl knows what our intent is so that if it has to be changed in 3 four months yeah we've had this discussion and he's familiar with where we want to go so is there a motion to accept the stated ordinance yep I'll make that motion to adopt this ordinance there second I'll second discussion that good discussion thank you everybody is there more discussion all in favor to say I I post I have one question okay so when the state legalized marijuana is there a statute a violation of state law where if you are smoking in public that that's aside from every County ordinance do we know that you know usually when they pass a law they have penalties with it on the state you know the 609 they did not they did not well so you got to be 21 and you can't be this close to that and I mean it's very general right but but there is something there then if you hook a 21y old smoking dop it's illegal under it's same as ala it's illegal to be under 21 yeah yeah so there's a there's got to be a statute then State Statute this is a County ordinance so and all the ordinance link to those State statutes that's that's where lot like all the charlot stuff is all linked to the state statute under charlan rules that's yeah it's a similar deal here yeah I'll look at that one B it's the full canabus statute is uh in chapter 342 okay Revis yes okay Environmental Services who gets the next push right so if you don't mind divide tankam is that okay come up what were you going to do if we did M uh then would sit in the back or I would one of the two right there we go us well you got a few items you two just proceed and if we need to make decisions along the way we'll do that right okay so maybe what we'll do has all hit the contracts and then you can talk ordinance that sound okay yeah I don't okay all right so um as you guys are aware we have uh GIS software that the county uses and every year we uh come to you guys and uh request that we renew this contract with them and uh in Carl and I's conversation the other day we maybe came to the conclusion that this is uh such a everyday part of doing business that moving forward I don't even know if this is a contract um that that we probably even need your guys's approval on simply because um you know it's it's a it's a year in and year out contract that we that we utilize ezri our vendor to uh assist us with having Gis for the county and we budget it every year right so I maybe it's just a sidebar but so what so what we're doing today is just requesting that you guys recognize and uh move forward with renewing the contract with ezri and one of the things that we ran into was is they sent this to us all electronically so this is just a quote saying yes we will renew the contract but then we have to go online and do all the rig aoll with authorizing it and all that right so we're going to get it we'll get a voucher and all that put together afterwards so today what we're looking for is for you guys as a board uh to authorize renewing our uh 25 contract with ezri to assist us with uh providing Gis for the county what uh percentage increase is their fee uh I didn't look at last year's but I don't think it was much Carl do you can you ask assess that last year's contract on my other computer I couldn't yeah uh I don't believe it was very much at Ultra I mean it was pretty insignificant this year last year it was kind of a bump because the software uh we went to what they call Enterprise which is not untypical of software companies just like Microsoft one year it's you're getting Microsoft Word and then all of a sudden now you got to buy the suite that kind of game but this year it was uh pretty insignificant so the standard desktop concurrent users go are the same as what they were last year okay and same thing with the the desktop or the analyst yep those are the same as prior years and then the the basic single users that's the same I believe the Enterprise is the one that had a slight increase in it right okay so who will be getting this contract next year EZ no Carl Reed who Reed okay I will make a motion to approve the ezri contract and in there we're going to put in that as long as renewals are less than a 10% increase the director of Environmental Services can just approve them okay but if it's over the 10% then it needs to come back okay that makes sense yeah and that's kind of some of the behind the scenes stuff that we've been trying to work out too right you budgeted for this yes for sure you bet all Y Line yep okay so we have a motion is there a second then we can so one comment uh just paging forward is that this normally now would be under Environmental Services right and it's listed as and gr Land Management office yes so those are the little nuances we got to change so right that would be one pointed y y we've already talked about that okay y but that's a good y good catch um yep other comments or questions it's a good system a lot people using a lot reers were just crying a lot of Staff yeah when it when it crashes people get and there are little improvements that we've been working on too so okay yeah all in favor say I I hold carried so the next deal is that Charon ordinance public meeing discussion so I think all of you guys are aware a couple times how we've tell that we're updating that Char ordinance have been for a little while um we are finally at the point where DNR basically gave their conditional approval which means we have I don't know less than a half dozen little comments that they want us to change and we'll hold our public meeting and see if the public has any comments and then we're basically moving forward to finally adopt the new one and it's basically just rewriting the old one to make it more user friendly easier to read not quite so cumbersome and then updating with any like State Statute laws that change that we have to follow um so we're looking at doing our public meeting mid December and then going forward coming after that meeting coming to you guys to do some approvals and then between that meeting in December for you guys and middle early part of January's meeting DNR has 10 days to kind of give their final yep you're good to go thumbs up you can now adopt this so there's kind of a couple of steps and we're finally at that last like you know 50 feet before the Finish l so same process that Carl just went through with adopting an ordinance we'll hold a public hearing with the Planning Commission first okay I was going to say so it'll go before the formally go before the Planning Commission and that's where the public meeting in the paper meeting correct and they and then they will recommend approval to you guys and then we'll bring it back to you to that so do you anticipate any changes between now and then well between the public meeting and the commissioner meeting um because you have to have it be able to be viewed for the 10 days and if you have to make a change we're running out of time we've talked about that so we if we have to we'll back it off the second meeting in January get more time but it'll go up to the cities and the townships everybody here very shortly I we don't see like substantial changes yeah maybe there'll be some little tweak here or there but not oh we got to rewrite the book kind of change so it's just that if you we just don't want to back ourselves into a tight Corner that we can well right you got I'm getting is you got to advertise that the this board is going to have the hearing right and we're going to have that well if you advertise that and you've got that started before you had your public meeting for the planning advisory you may wind up having to cancel this one because what someone viewed isn't what's being right yep yep so I I you know that realistically I think you should look for this board into next year with Thanksgiving and Christmas your time window is just getting so short so what what how will how we'll roll with that Troy is is on our at our Planning Commission meeting they will recommend the F what what if the public comes in and says well we should change this and they agree right then then those changes will be made that night at the Planning Commission meeting that they will recommend to you guys we'll bring them recommendations forward and if you guys are okay with it then we will publish in the paper that in January you guys will approve all of that so that that keeps that oh but D and I will have already reviewed it and they will be yes they will be reviewing it at that in that same window so so you're not looking to have a public hearing here irregardless in December not with no you're correct right we're bringing that recommendation forward and if you guys are good with it then we will go publish in the paper that I thought you wanted to have the December no public no the public will be in front of the pack at their regular SCH Bo so so for example that was the little Nuance that Reed and I had to have the conversation on because statutorily it isn't it isn't cut it isn't super clear so that was what I was that's what I explained to Reed how that's going to flow right so you guys all get that that their ordinances are just a little bit the statute on their ordinances are slightly different than the ordinance that we passed yeah just because we're under 39 it's called 394 right so but we're trying to give the public plenty of yes exactly so we'll be sending all paper copies to all the townships and all the cities and you know boys the Sue folks in the count in in staff that are on our committees so it'll be very well known and but I think we've greased the skids pretty good everybody's pretty aware of it and we've been pretty diligent about taking our time and trying to do it right so in a multi-year process it shouldn't be shocking or surprising to anybody just a maybe a comment because I attend them as the board chair that funding advisory committee is really engaged I was very impressed with the how they're they do their work and so I be comfortable and what you people are doing and that group it's I think really really handled well right and that maybe that's a perfect Segway into the next one right so every every year I think all of you aware but you all kind of appoint somebody to be on that board of adjustment Planning Commission there so yeah so from you guys the board chair is on that but there's the other five guys who represent each one of you well the last redistricting that got switched up so now Troy you are without a rep and Dwight you have two reps or Doyle has two reps yeah I wasn't involved in redistricting doy has two now so now it's so next and so you used to have wendle remember and that's and your representative was Bob Onie right right and then when it got redistrict tid then uh you you didn't have one so you picked Bob Bob Grover but then what that ended up doing then was is it kind of made Bob Oni on an island of his own because Doyle had another representative picked who was libis me right so that redistricting then Troy ended up with no one so now we're in a situation where Bob who is the chairman is saying that you know I'm kind of winding down here I'm in my 80s and I don't know if I necessarily want to be I don't want to be the chairman so the other four who were on there a couple of them were willing to step up none of them are up for reappointment this year a couple will be next year Bob is the only one up for reappointment so where we're at now is is I guess we could have maybe had a sidebar conversation with Troy but so Troy is without a representative so conversation then we can have later is are you willing to have Bob be your representative or would you rather have someone from your District we don't have to we're not we don't have to make that decision we're just telling you that this is the where we're at I you know you and I had a discussion too about the appointments that the county do I think we need to advertise and find people that have interest right and that's just continually reappointing the same people is necessarily the appropriate way to go yep we should be when we have appointments come up we should be asking for those who have interest yep so we can run an ad in December and say hey we have an opening that that's my feeling I mean it we going to get a lot of people that are interested I yeah it you know don't know I'll share with you that in some counties it actually gets to the point where uh the board does interviews with potential planning commission members you know if you have 10 people we're going to have to whittle it down some right and other count they yeah they to go scouring the hills and you know I mean we've had sometimes you guys got to go begging I mean it's and and it's not right so this idea of interviewing 10 people I don't know if that's ever going to happen so potentially your planning advisory could be a whole different group in January no no the other four are not up for reappoint we stagger them that that yeah they're staggered to try Avid there's continuity there it's just like you guys you guys don't all five go up for re-election that's maybe it does happen but it's rare but the other the others are one a couple are next year and then two are the year after we're staggered but from what I witnessed the few meetings I've been at this committee has got a lot of horsepower I mean we had that happen with what's the b in Ashby there I me and just some of the shorelands it's an important now one of the questions I'd have if and I agree with the advertising so there's Discovery and openness if we didn't someone didn't come forward would we be able to then appoint Bob yeah or or yeah I mean he could but but but the thing will be now is he's not in your District so you guys then kind of gotta right and you guys Troy could honestly say well he's got a lot of experience I think he's my best candidate I right I mean that could be the but yeah but if someone else com up then just him but traditionally you guys have had to go on and b or you go find somebody you think would be interested and that's kind of how you went about it last time right you knew that Bob was because when I first started as commissioner I had two in my district didn't I because I had H and I had Dave Williams yes there was two in that washt District then right yep so who who does Doyle have now down SC okay okay good good yeah that's right yeah so what we're trying to do is just kind of clean that up and get it back on track yeah yeah right he's good yeah and that will commence to process to advertis yeah so where we're at now then would be is on the website yeah and I I guess if you guys I don't know if it takes board action to go down that road we could maybe just make that a we could talk to Carl and have that as a policy for for for all of your guys' boards whether it's this one or Bo Zo yeah I mean you got all kinds of right maybe make it across how that's just that's why we hired Carl right was to start bringing all that kind of stuff so we're consistent with all of our appointments right oh it have to be yeah we'd have to do it that way yeah that'd be an example there too right all of them yeah we just want to make sure with our present members that we're doing this not because you're incompetent oh oh for sure yeah for sure yeah and Bob knows that because they're they're really hunting's good oh hell yeah very good excuse me we don't want to turn into training ground here either yeah well no that's that's right we don't do all five at once they don't like it walk you know what I mean and we've had that a few times they have that then yeah yeah well you're still in training you're trying to teach some eat warm c yeah he's have a hard time isn't he he doesn't have that on his menu you well at any rate Mr that's just Mo on to the next subject Carl you don't need a motion or anything to draw a policy on there do you no right so but so that means we should or should not advertise just so we're clear here forward we should when do you want well it's a January appointment so we got December we can come back at the next board meeting and well I mean I I would say advertise for it yeah I think okay yeah that's you want them to reach out to us and then we'll bring how many of there are to you guys or to you could it be for yours I would say have even before someone writes I mean they're potentially going to want to come and talk to you guys to see what it all they come talk to me oh it's Grand you'll love it greatest thing ever good right you're going to know the more detailed end and I mean it's been on there but right right and I and I can I have examples of how it's been advertised so maybe what I'll do is I'll spit out in email and show you guys this is what we're thinking can I ask a question on this um so we would be doing the the voidu watered board that would be one of those is there's you've got a ton of boards you guys yeah all the boards that you guys app Point kind of be the same idea yeah just make sure you're not comprehensive local water plan or is that that's just what Jared that that's just has to be SE don't you have an extension the planning extension that's Doyle and I supposed to be the board chair been married publicly the public ones the extension committee is that n so that's there's other people there's other people on that Lucy Anderson Tim Coleman also needs appointed so that would be also with the advertising Y and all those are up in January wiam up Bloom y the Housing and Redevelopment Authority board yeah we all pick one y That's why I wanted to ask we're just trying to go through make sure that we I'll probably list the Committees that should be part of this policy yeah well you're coming up you but put in a disclaimer that it's not an all-inclusive list so there may be some we missed somewhere that or ones that come up that now sudden you need to Appo people to so that was more just FYI we don't necessarily need any more Das just good dialog that's back to you for the last one then yeah okay so moving forward um each year we do get uh uh money from the state to assist in running the uh septic program and this year they want to award US 20 $11,200 so I am uh requesting that you guys uh authorize Grant County to approve and accept that Grant they traditionally do this yeah every year yep and it's about same number every year Well it sneaks up a little bit but yeah this is you know and it does this is I wouldn't call you know septic isn't an unfunded mandate but it the 21,000 doesn't necessarily cover the whole program but we utilize it to pay salary and that kind of stuff know what you what it does it helps people oh for sure yeah big time I mean it's a $34,000 price tag on a $15,000 system no this this isn't this isn't uh one that's a different one this this basically goes to the county to support our program so it helps with ad admin this isn't a this isn't a grant to offset the cost of a septic that's that's a different over and above right and that's something that uh now that we have Ruben on board and actually Ruben's at uh utilizing some of this money he's had inspector training today so right he's just a little plug for Ruben he's doing a hell of a job is there a motion to accept the grant agreement is motion second second additional discussion all favor say I I Ruben you could have got a better guy yeah I watched him build those Mounds for five years yeah he's a good guy I'll probably need you guys to sign these then or can quick I'll just take them and later perfect thanks for your time guys for four minutes be right what's the the pay for those appointed people like bucks well it's the same as what our meeting so let's say you had the planning advisory and they had on all day it would be the one there wasn't an actual signature line no it's a give us a contract later that's just whats okay motion and it's what it does is he goes if you go to a meeting I'll take your see that a good fit then get divide the duties and a lot of it is wrapped on the Fair anyway you know so it's in his court he's onfair cour or at least he was okay so I do the meetings and it keeps it cost Mr Coles looks like next morning uh something very very short so um cleaning agreement for the new law enforcement center we had explored um and taken bids from a few different cleaning services and I questioned the the cost of those I was never really happy with them because they were expensive and um just so happened to be in conversation one day uh Josh alre who's our one of our dispatchers LSA 911 coordinator says well my wife cleans so Heather came and met with us and took a look at the building and said oh heck yeah I'll clean it so she was about anywhere from $400 to $600 less per month than the other CTS that we had taken and so um we been began conversation with Ashley and also with County attorney uh regarding contracts and things as such and so Justin had suggested that we have a contract uh with Heather just as the other like Western Prairie would have and also the highway um in and having an agreement uh with our cleaner so we had basically just changed uh you know dollar amount within the current cleaning contract that the county has or Western Prairie has with with their cleaning services and also Highway and changed the name and uh Justin had looked at this agreement and agreed that you know it is what it is so my request is um to get board approval to uh have Heather ol do the cleaning for the new LEC and she does a she's been cleaning now um for about a month and she does just a phenomenal job so and you will be budgeting for the to have to yeah say you took did you advertise in paper that you were taking bids no we didn't advertise we had uh reached out to um the people that are doing this [Music] one um the crew that was um hired to do the um cleaning the first big big cleaning of the LEC after construction to submit a bid uh they also you know do weekly bi-weekly cleaning so those were the two bids that we had we had taken I guess the only comment I would have is that since it is a contract that we make reference that it's the sheriff's office it's as possessive and I don't think it is the Sheriff's Office it's a law enforcement center and that's no not a negative comment to you John by any means but it references in under number two and in the heading so I'm just wondering if it shouldn't say law enforcement centers is do I think that's what it is yeah whatever whatever you think if you want to know do you want to leave it all as as Grant County or as the law enforcement center so did you buy a vacum cleaner stuff or we have we have a lot of that stuff that was from over next yeah that we had yeah but you're going to provide your cleaning equipment as we did all that yes yeah we we uh went with the same agreement that the county has with Hillyard and uh ordered all our products through them so we have everything on hand is there a motion to accept the cleaning agreement with Heather El I'm assuming you she has the demonstrated the insurance coverage the states yeah we've got yeah I'll make that motion Mr chair is there a second I'll second additional discuss fa say I I car I'll um I'll make the revisions to this then for like law enforcement center well I just I think that's I mean the building states that it's kind of all the path we're on and so I'm just thinking it's it's a little bit like Greg referencing Environmental Services as we move forward that's that's the new office so I think having it okay accurate with what what we has it own setting versus just so I I'll leave the signature page with you then Carl because that doesn't reflect anything as far as the changing goes and then I'll get the rest of it change all right thank you thank you oh and by the way I thought and I've told you this but I thought the open house really well I thought I think there was a really a nice turnout and the flow of the people and a couple people there for sure is that what it was I was ask so I yeah well what we had it from 3 to 6 and they started showing qu 2304 to 3 and I think I got home 10 to I uh thought in having the staff own in yourself went good so yeah yeah really good we L the following oh okay John you you'd still take a group like that if they anybody that wants to come yeah that clear yeah so once things slow down through this fall I I hope to uh doing some things with each fire department as well so yeah some invite on night soon I would think uh good oldfashioned school teach tours would be pretty pretty good for the upper grades you know yeah yeah all right thank you thanks Matt morning good morning Commissioners my agenda item is uh the final of the contract for hsip Street lighting project this was a joint project with Douglas County that we administered uh contractor finished everything up and they also completed all their backend paperwork that's required for us to final out the project so today I'm here with the final payment and the board would need to resolve to accept the contract as final and make final payment in the amount of $2,395 19 okay do we have a motion to accept the final acceptance of the contract so I got a question uh for discussion and I think I brought this up back when Tracy was involved in this and and we've gotten some grant money and uh is after Rea changed their fees for basic service and I just looked in this month's warrants that's about $10,000 a year that we're spending on electricity and I know there and I can't remember where it is but I know there's a and I brought it up about going solar and and he said no can't do that well I don't know if that's how he said it but well there is one in gr Douglas County somewhere and I just find it hard to believe in this day and age that we're spending $10,000 a year on 13 or 15 lights well I can speak to that I wasn't here when that conversation took place but at my previous employer we did a similar project to this we I've done a couple of them in the past and the on thing was there's a transitions at menot with different people in charge of various departments which can sometimes throw a wrench into things so I ran into the same problem where we had a light that was about 2,000 ft from the nearest feed point so we had proposed to use a solar light there which we had done in the past because otherwise you have 1,500 feet of cable which gets expensive and you got to every time there's a one call you got to locate that each and every time but we mot came back and said nope we can't use solar lights because they're not determined to be crashworthy so they can't be within that clear zone of the road unless we wanted to go through the effort to make verify that they are crashworthy which would have costed us tens and tens of thousands of dollars to do that so we did the same thing which is well we're not going to do solar I guess and we'll just hard wire so unless something changes at M do I don't know what's going to happen I think there are ways around it but they're not cheap either so if if they weren't on do we have any that aren't adjacent to the state highway yeah there would be some other kasak Kasa rades so would that mot's rules apply to that no we are under road authority they would since these are federal funds we would have to still meet those requirements yeah placement is our is our call right uh placement is our call but they would still have to meet the crashworthiness since it is funds so if we were going to do a just a county road which wasn't on the casassa system that would be all local dollars we could we could do that yeah count the RO we would have to meet the standards we don't have any that aren't bu right I don't believe there would be one on a county road so where there or they are using have they determined there are some crash crash worthy solar lights or not I guess I haven't gone back to discuss it with them because that was about three years ago that this conversation took place and I don't know if it's changed since then or if they've evaluated something but that's something I would look into if I ever did another project like this because Grant County's very rural so it only makes sense to have more solar out there and they do come with their own disadvantages because if a solar panel light gets hit and all the hardware is there with it well all of that needs to be replaced now as opposed to just the pole and the light yeah so there's plus and minuses to them and I know it it become a lot different issue once Rea switch their minimum charge policy in yep yeah I was kind of surprised when I was putting together the budget how much it was was costing just to keep these lit very popular they are popular price oh no I don't know yeah it was 20 some dollars 26 or 29 and they I disagreed to them they lowered their kilowatt the rate per kilowatt hour and then they raised the minimum fees so the large users got all the benefit minimum use users got all look chart I mean just paying through the nose was no for me it was no different well no in our house it was about a wash but in a lot of places like this and they're treating every intersection as a minimum Yep they're all separate feed points so yeah that's but yeah there was looked at for solar and that's why we didn't get the one down by the golf course done because there was they forgot to get a price for the electrical run to that when they switched from solar back yeah it was designed as solar and then the state said no that's what I remember was like 20,000 just to put Power there wasn't it I well there was two of them there was one on West of Herman 2 off of 27 and our so those two got asked that was like a $440,000 bill for so do they have data that I mean show that these save accidents and lives oh do they say they do yeah I guess I've never read a study on whether they do or don't just I'd have to look into that not it to me it's more of a convenience to light up the intersection so more for wayf finding and if there are pedestrians or something near the intersection they can see them but sure I don't know I can find an intersection in the dark if I need to it does identify the intersection snow storms and stuff like that so very popular I mean there's a lot of people that thought we should have been doing this a long time ago yeah I've had people that were Furious that we were putting them in in the past and thought they were a waste of money and then all of a sudden once you actually do it then calls start coming in with people requesting more and more every intersection so yeah kind of H I mean it's more posi the negative yeah it gets negative when there's houses right there that aren't used to having a light there they're bright lights they light up a large area you can see them for a long ways so who's doing the maintenance on them well we would do the maintenance on them okay I got I won't remember one of the people that drove be truck West Somewhere commented that one one of the intersections I one was flashing and one was out or out of I he asked me if the county does it yeah I didn't get the intersection because it was in church here talking about it that's the other thing you people say they're out but they might not be our light they might be midot light or a city light or a power companies like so all in favor of the contract say I all very thank you mat thank you coordinator all right we already passed the uh resolution supporting psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility the other resolution uh White to ask me to bring forward was the designating Emergency Medical Services as a central of Grand County sent out your board packet and I I Mr chair I just felt that we needed to do this to uh make a point I guess that in Grant County we do believe that RMS uh services are essential because they are and U I just wanted to have a resolution showing that and maybe maybe a other places will pick up on it and we'll have a EMS in the future for years to come has the Justin looked at this I don't know if Justin has looked at this this was brought forward by I I don't I don't I don't think he has no I get the only and I don't know that he needs to other than if and I don't know when you when you use a terminology essential service and since there are law enforcement and Fire Protection that are considered essential Services is just take on a wider range of responsibility or liability or is there is there more is there a back story no I don't think there does I because in the state size they're not designated as the essential Services we're just saying that we feel in Grant County that it is essential you know I would like Justin's opinion on that essential Services as well because that I'm Leary that that brings with it additional responsibilities me we said it's essential you must now fund it beyond what I mean I I see here it says that that we will consider funding but being it's deemed essential is that saying that you will you are required to fund it because it's been deemed essential well we can ask them but I I I don't feel that's it at all but I yeah we can we can run it by you I I would feel more comfortable with that and then you know the other part of this is it does say Emergency Medical Services is I've had questions from First Responders not necessarily ambulance service but First Responders service saying well if we're ponying up money so you know that's something that's got to be thought about too is that the requests aren't going to end and I I support the concept and and not at all it's not a negative at all but I I Echo the same thing Troy just mentioned uh to make sure that I mean obviously that we were will to budget $165,000 to support this is some verbiage but I I do think we should make sure we step back and and have that analysis down well any contract should go in front of the County Attorney I resolution of contract it'll end up that way yes so can we uh then table this uh until at a time that whether it's the next meeting or meeting after that Justin has and we've done a little more research that makes sense are you okay with that D bill yeah and we did the last thing now we got other I don't know I went over there by St Township and took a look at the box cover install and where things are at and and it was there last night it's back fi and they were going to they had rip wrap there they were going to rip probably the north side have a guess so I'm guessing this rain kind of up a little bit so but they're going to finish so and it's you know it is a Township issue but you know the Count's taking the lead so as a member of the highway committee I wanted to just see just how they were pursuing and how fast they got on it and and the install of the box to and all that stuff they did a beautiful job beautiful who was that again um starts with the G GL or something like that they set that think okay did they set that black construction gladen did they set that with a crane or did they have the big full swing hole set it I didn't see a green sitting there so okay they had a big hole oh yeah they got they got actually three back was sitting there here yeah well that's good that's uh I've seen that washed out a couple times and it was good here's the twist good that they get the install done so then that thorough around the construction that's going to happen next year between you know cat side corner and wend at least they only got to go a mile to go around whether it be a farmer or anybody and then they were going to try to get it done by June and you know what that was going to be it's you know of course you can go around the section but on to the South you know what I mean you can't go around you know down through the you know to the east of of Abes you know ch this is you know that's a tough road to try to get machine enough and they do but it's you know we it's best when the water's low and you're not fighting water to be able to do these installs that's the way I see it so it was a good fall install time frame for so I had a question Troy I see you were listed uh the Hazardous mitigation plan is that mitigation that planning and team meeting is there should he have an update or is that a Maya should have probably asked him when he was here you got any thoughts on it or it's just got to be redone every five years and you got to have stakeholders so that plan is there's someone from the U and a consultant writing it and when my gets that was one of the final steps it'll come back to the board okay so everybody have an invite to that uh yes I believe they did um what yeah it's just you know you're you're listed you got to have you got to have your potential hazards listed and then you've got to provide steps of what you're doing to mitigate them so that you're eligible for female Ming in the event yeah what have we done to try to help reduce the severity of a tornado or not much you can do other than you know if we have places where people gather do we have storm shelters you know so then you you got a list wind events what are you doing well what can you do okay thank you I just might mention that yesterday they had the exit audit meeting on Zoom there was I don't know what is there five or six department heads and uh and myself in the state audit auditor's office one of the things I just would like to mention mention is that other than a few findings it was a unmodified which is the best report one of the discussion points at the end was whether they thought uh we wanted them to make the presentation to the full board and they haven't always done it I did ask for Chad's input on it uh I told them based on what I heard and I don't know if Carl you can weigh in on it that I did not think we needed the his office to present it to us we will receive it uh a copy electronically and that we chose not to have them on our agenda so just to let you know that was a decision that you're not fine with it then we have to call them up that would that be heard way saying it Carl yes yeah other things you have car or anyone else I gu I don't have any other items um coordinator the Assessor's off stuff is starting to pick up quite a bit now um so I'm going to have to start transitioning some of those other things and like some of the little smaller projects I'm probably going to have to put off in the coordinator and dedicate more time into the assessor's office just with valuations coming to a close uh I was all the the time to make all the appeals to the Department of Revenue we do have one large time trend in opman city and I'm still trying to figure out if I can fight that about this budget committee you know and the time's available and you know you know a lot of times you know I I sat and read through the emails just to see and I did not respond because I figured this going come up today and that's what I wanted to bring up what days in December work for you FR as we're getting to the tail end of this month Carl you mentioned you know the 21st 22nd 25th 26th and the morning of the 27 I think what I'd like to do is as I'm digging into these budgets a little bit more I'm really noticing that just talking with Greg the the numerous different pots of money that they they manage I think what I'm going to do is I'd like to meet with the department heads and kind of figure out and and I would really like to create a kind of a flowchart of saying you know the emergency or the Environmental Services they take care of the garbage the solid waste the how they're dealing with um you know the the AIS money the there's all these different number of pots and I just kind of like to understand all of those different pots and kind of how they correlate back to their budget or how they're budgeting different things um I think I need to kind of get my head around all those different pots of money too so I'd also like the the Departments to be able to kind of tell me about a little each one of them a little bit so I think that' be helpful as well and then going from there I think we need to I I still need to meet with the sheriff's office is there a commissioner who would like to come and sit down and discuss the the Sheriff's budget because as I'm looking through the committee assignments I don't see one that kind of really fits in with the sheriff well there was a public safety that there should there used to be I think they I think they disbanded that I don't remember I can't it's not on there the public I I don't remember that established there was in the beginning but I think it's been gone for quite a while there was a Safety Committee and then we had the court security committee there's Public Safety Committee yeah Roy Johnson Doyle Spear and Sheriff Choice okay but is that the is that do they typically talk about the budget in that committee well that was designed to be the sheriff's first Contact before coming to the board that was Sheriff Langley that established that originally when he wanted something that that would be the first con so like a highway committee it was that's how it was designed is that would you like me to set it up under that that imity or is that something the chairman would like to designate somebody to have me go talk with the sh so let just look over here didn't we have a I missed a budget committee or you're thinking a we did have so there's I originally i' kind of thought that there's the sheriff's budget is a whole another animal compared to the general fund compared to the highway so the highway we're going to be meeting at 2:30 this afternoon to be going over the kind of the highway budget and what that looks like um the general fund I've been through that a couple of different times uh Troy and Bill and I sat down and kind of discuss that for about an hour um and then the only the only other department I haven't sat down with would would be the sheriffes well I can make I can give you times I can't give you a whole even morning or afternoon but I give you times right well I would i' would be fine with that so one of the things that I mentioned that bill and to uh Carl and I think this would be the time when you meet is the law enforcement budget and I brought it up that know we just approved a $9,600 cleaning contract that that was in Jeff's budget the county buildings which they're not in the courthouse anymore and and Jeff's budget went down from last year so I think the committee's got to sit on with John and his team and they need to have their own budget and all the the costs associated with the law enforcement center which we generally identified is in this budget and it's not in there right now and so I don't know where they're going to pull it from but then Jeff has his budget for the county buildings and Highway has theirs for their buildings and John will have his for his buildings it's not together um I mean it's he's got 41,000 the preliminary 2025 under County Billings $41,000 well we just spent 9600 of them we don't pay for cleaning for this building out of building and maintenance no we don't pay for it for Highway out of building and maintenance right so they that's got to be changed before the final and before we vot on the final and that was talked about well in advance when we were going through this because we talked about1 to $120,000 potential operating costs yeah the response I got before when was brought up is we're not going to need that well we're going to need it it's got to come from somewhere and we we don't want to be in our December final budget meeting bumbling in front of the public trying to figure out who's going to pay the cleaning bill so yeah I think your Comm do that doesn't need to meet yeah yeah no and that's what we and I'm not saying anyone's disagreeing with me but I always want to raise it up because I did bring it up during the preliminary and I did get the answer that no it's it's in there and I'm telling you it's not and it shouldn't be in there anymore because they're not in the courthouse I'll let you guys talk about when you want to figure it out well we can do that after yeah okay anything else Carl not at this time I don't have anything else anything else from anyone else okay during the meeting at 10:36 thank you did Greg did you see that email here yeah I gotta run the bathroom I got to get car yet anyway are we going to meet here or there 2:30 oh