##VIDEO ID:wJWZePBFzNk## bu it from Anderson I used to be SK Patrol Bing went back and I didn't use PS because I was always picking people up for carrying them and they went have how did you get time that when you were down at plenty's office how did you get time for that I had plenty of Plenty put it to you that way we call me in order it's 9:00 answer the pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all have the agenda you should maybe you want to explain the additions there Carl so yesterday afternoon I had had request from HR to uh remove the close session and change the close session to an LS memorandum of agreement uh we're going to be moving the non-contracted cafeteria plan underneath the human resources we'll be adding in Morris Electronics 247 reports or remote support under the coordinator and also under the coordinator will'll be adding the energy rebate for the LEC um under arpa funds I do believe that Logan Township will be attending to request their arpa funds as well is that's the last uh so that will be under the coordinator um okay and then I do have a letter from erall Township requesting their last AR funds as well good under coordinator you said energy re and what was the other one Morris Electronics 247 support is there a motion to approve the agenda with those changes and additions so move second second discussion say I I opposed carried meeting minutes e e Mr chair I'll make the motion to approve the December of approve the minutes uh a second second discussion on favor say I I carried rule of the warrants can tell you that you noticed we had the $133,000 bill or warrant to a Central Specialties and I asked Matt if that was much more than original planned cost for the County Road 10 project and his answer was yes about half of that was from a buried Culvert that was found to be failing and needing to be replaced the rest was from por soil slm that was uncovered in three sections after the pavement was removed which required removal and replaced with sand yeah that's 82 that kind of oh yeah okay so yeah he didn't reference that it wasn't 10 so yeah okay so it is not County Road 10 expense no no no they got that they got into that would be working together well that's kind of I was wondering I just opened it today and like okay so that well then that make sense yeah yeah and I seen them do it yeah and they didn't they found a cul that was they couldn't it was buried okay and then what they did is they that dip down to there were slews on both sides they sub cut that back is that the sou west north and west yes right past right past the uh R Peterson where the where the city dumps compost just west of there in that dip there was a there's a low spot there they got into that P okay yeah they had that the trucks were hauling out of there yeah and bringing sand back in there yeah actually they kept it open they did one lane in the tight no right right e all that West Central Communications that's 911 fees right that comes out of there that service feed for dispatch move [Music] 25,000 yes that would come right but that's 911 funds I would presume versus out his budget well that would be coming out of the sheriff's budget whether they move that over to the 91 nor funds that would be whatever but right now it's been taken just budget Sheriff's budget okay we will be getting a bill for br of fcks in some of the street lights that are blinking out here in the rural areas and stuff like that so that'll be a next month thing just so you guys know intersections the intersections yep we got some Street lighting that's the lights are blinking or they're not on so we got a little bit of a maintenance issue that's going on there gin is doing the work get a bill next month from those guys from there they'll come out of Hing just to give your heads up knows he if he comes early he's going to be put on the stand so he's going to walk in at 9:15 but told me to St isn't built up any good will like my see in here now land construction for that 227 446 now that's to bridge funds that as you remember Matt kind of talked about that y okay yeah there's a difference between Town Bridge funds versus County Bridge funds y it's all and bucket the money might be a winner right there yeah there you go I like that if someone makes motion to approve the warrants we could hurry up and get Reed up here I'll make the motion Mr chair to pay the bills and the settlements there second I'll second Mr chair discussion don't fa say I I HST so read we got five minutes why don't you update our group on how the hearing went for the that's your the last item on the agenda for Greg and I I don't know if you want to wait till then or do you want me to give that that's on the agenda that's on oh Planning Commission meeting it is on the agenda so G was coming but we don't want we don't want to steal that Thunder I didn't see that so then come on up and talk about something else I just told the guys I said he's getting smart he's not coming till 9:15 but then you walked yet I sure I suppose I can do too is grab other chairs for The Other Two Fellas that are come sit up here too in a minute what are you what you looking for upd on Ken well I would say I'm G leave that a little bit up to you just maybe anything is happening with the solid waste I know that's there things on here but just from a higher elevation that you would like to um talk to us about he did it they got their ugly sweatsh treets on we got man we're going to give it a go anyways Greg is pretty good uh from a high level everything is kind of we runs a smooth ship there's just some Finer Things that we're trying to figure out how to make some improvements but also you don't want to go flipping the cup up that out how to make small changes that actually matter you know not just the change because I want it changed change it because it actually makes sense kind of using and use that Solid Waste committee here in the next couple months to really here's our idea what do you guys think bring guys like Troy in or people from the cities like Marita from Barrett has reached out and said hey I'd like to talk over so she's going to come maybe try and get some of the townships out by the Lakes there that have quite a bit of the routes on their Township and try and get kind of their thoughts and would you generally say our relationship with the cities and the townships is is fairly good is there some speed bumps uh I I'd say it's pretty good um just like anything there's things that flare up or things that come up that you got to deal with but they're all super friendly super nice super you know receptive to talking out what the issue is and how do we go about fixing it whose responsibility is it to do what or if they need info or I need info we're very good at sharing what that info is and they're very understanding that a guy's brand new at this whole Solid Waste thing so they're they don't go well you should know that they go I get your new here's kind of what we've done in the past and here's kind of how we'd like to see it maybe evolve or change or things we'd like to do so you're a little bit new with this would you say your relationship and your experience with Anor Brit's been pretty well done pretty well yeah that you ask for something at eight by nine you already have it and then some so it's it's staff and trit on there very very good at what they do keep really good records which makes it very easy for me to just go oh I need this number to do for this reporting or for there it is punch it in it's way you go it's super friendly or the city say hey how much ton of we have for whatever can literally just send them the thing that says here's exact amounts pretty straightforward so you got a little less than two minutes do you like to close out with something um no I got nothing I'll be honest with you questions for Bill little bit statement wants to make your point the point Comfort people and yep you know the garbage service that you know got put together out there and the double dumpsters and stuff in the summer time and all that stuff they're in love with you guys just so you know which is good that's a I do you back so they love that out there in my opinion what I do is now police it okay so nobody gets the dumb stuff in there but you get and they do which is not as big of an issue is I think is people think it is you know I think everybody gets all fired up that people are dumping stuff here in willy-nilly most people aren't yeah of course you have some bad actors that dump stuff places but it's no different than anything else you're always going to have a couple that just dump get with the program right what they they all got you know pickups and in utvs and stuff and they don't wear outs or garbage in their in their garages anymore and they're getting used to that and they love it much better they do so just so you know where that's at and the road is staying intact and so out there is always there's always something going on y but they want me to convey that message thank you Bill okay it's 9:15 we got Solid Waste we all come up there and sit we got a you guys okay get the three guys instead of just me I we don't really have Christmas carols on the agenda so you have to look there I could sing for you I don't know I don't know if You' want they make you sing yeah don't make me S so I'll let you go ahead and Lead this whoever's want to well I think my goal today was to uh again try to pass Theon a little bit here to read so uh we you know you've seen the agenda we got three or four things on there Reed does have a household hazardous waste meeting at 10:30 so hopefully we can get through this it shouldn't take too long so but if we drag on maybe he'll have to get up and leave better so first thing is organic contract extension or do you want to talk about the program in general we kind of give it a a dual thing so Organics is traditionally been a year-to-year thing with iner brets in here to Hall just cuz the county has never really been sure how they wanted to go about it so Greg and I being just taking it over we're learning it and what we're wanting to do is next year is run it again for another one-year deal and get more input from Solid Waste get more input from the cities get input from Ang and how to make this thing make more sense because it it makes sense but it doesn't it's it's a good program because you need the tonnages to come off your solid waste tonnages because it helps that recycle percentage that compost percentage it helps all those percentages so that's kind of the where we need to figure out where can we make those go up which in won's contract is a one-year deal so we're just trying to get Troy another year so that way we can figure out what we want to do and then in the next year we're hoping to then come up with kind of a longterm here's where we want Organics To Go from now until whenever we kind of end make all the contracts kind of end at the same time the solid waste recycling Organics all is one kind of like called package all three are one time frame so you're not trying to keep track of all these moving targets it's just one moving Target of the contracts make it easy find a sweet spot we've had this discussion also our try the map cost $65 an hour we got a handful we're post 30 some thousand Grant now the state we're kind of on our own don't feel like this is working very good in some areas talk to us from your standpoint I know you know a lot about it we got to know more about it y I'll say okay we need more Tage to make this work in my eyes and in Stevens count what are we doing um the customers we have up here I see some growth and there's some new customers that could be added um which gets put back on read or they get somebody to help do that you know Stevens County originally had um Sydney Bower hired through the grant she went to every food vendor everything in town in Stevens County and she set up the schools the grocery stores and she brought in educational pieces and she did all the educating she did all that's what's made it successful there and it took a lot of time you know Bill C's like like I I can't do this I couldn't have done that on my own um she was in charge of ordering the bags this to get people set up the way they needed to be set up and she go to the produce department at willes and say you know you could do this with all your cies for the day and put them in these bags and put it in those C carts and put them out so sat have been sustained is she still on staff or is that she only comes in once once a week and that's fried is for minimal now and she just touches base now um as needed in places that are slipping per se okay because you know after so much time kind of will we'll slip off of people have new employees re-educated you got re-educated and um she's she was instrumental in in making it successful and I think that could cuz I just know that you guys don't have the time and Bill quite frankly said I didn't have the time to do it so they just kept her on for one day a week on Fridays she drives a Transit bus the rest of the week I don't know if she's got any time available that would be a conversation you guys would have to have with her or if there's somebody like that up here that would be willing to take that on but she's got educational literature from and we've met with her we met with it was very very informative and she knows what to do and I think the idea like what what Reed has been mentioning is is we maybe want to just continue this relationship and hopefully by 2026 now through that committee that he's referencing and all that we can come back and say hey here's a better strategy to get our tons up which then takes pressure off our garbage and if you look at that big full circle the hire your Organics right it's just kind of a because the savings is what how much $50 T yeah right roughly Y and cost to I know of course depends on the mileage but generally Grant County our already cost is what per ton you think well it depends on the ton but I mean pay three hours a week I'm guessing how much is it three hours a week pretty Clow yeah okay I mean 500 bucks and remember we we need 10 ton to break even yeah and it's and we got what two yeah and can it's hard to do the tons to hours thing it gets muddy it's we remember we pay ing Bron's the hourly deal and we pay Pope Douglas to take it and when we give it to Pope Douglas that's where we save that 50 a ton we're piing versus the 100 it's costing us 50 so that's really where your savings comes in there it's harder to equate that to cper tons to make it make sense I got to remember to take it off on the end yeah on the solid waste Bill yes it say on their solid race build that way definitely increasing tons is the way to go the way you got to go I mean it just is and and hitting the places that have food prepared food it's heavy you know like the hospital has towels paper towels they have lots of paper towels but it's light you know they have a really nice cafe out there too if you could get the kitchen staff you know I mean that's that's what Sydney was really good at digging in to to get the tons and I really put it through to her we need the tons I understand the paper towels is great but we need the heavy stuffff so okay I don't know you have some questions as it relates to that obviously we we had a contract extension discussion but as far as the program doy you got any questions oh how like and Steve was coming how often you pick that up Monday Thursdays okay and we're picking up up here on Thursdays you know I mean it could get jumped for twice if if enough t here to do it you know um and the more tonnage we get the less air Troy has to haul the truck gets more full versus having to haul a half empty truck because there just wasn't the tons so the more tonnage we get all the way around equals a better deal for us the summertime we would have once when the university leaves so the university has a lot I mean every building up there is got Organics from paper towels to what's trouble with contamination non-organic not terrible it you'd be surprised you know it's not bad it didn't look okay um there is some certain instances but I would say it's it's pretty good and that's where that education piece up front and she's got signs everywhere you know if there's a organic can there it's a sign above this is only what goes in and that's the key one year they done that at the fair but still people were too damn lazy to you know they just I think they just throw it in the other one just to be honor she she sat there through the entire fair and then sorted through after the fact and she she got quite a bit I'm surprised but it was a lot of work she said she wasn't going to do that particular piece again digging through them but she did it the first year just kind of prove a point on what you could get well I think the biggest challenge is the word recycling and the people the organic speace is part of the education probably that's the biggest learning curve so so like a drop site um which we don't have any drop sits up here but they're a cage basically with two or three carts in there and uh like to fall pumpkins very heavy and we get a lot a lot of pumpkins and there's a big push for that so the community all their pumpkins they throwing a garbage can which you got to pay for you still pay for the Organics but it's at a much cheaper rate so we picked up a lot of tonish through that so it's it's being creative that go ahead then proceed with what what's next well so what I'm looking for you guys is kind of a maybe a motion to improve that contract so we can get a new contract for next year going so the contract went from 155 an hour to 165 which equates a couple thousand bucks a year2 $2500 more next year so not a lot of money but still some money nonetheless money nonetheless the get a little more tons to we need to we don't have a grant for it anymore right correct but number one would need to come out yes whereas number five it references we're going to follow the agreements from the mpca that are in the grant so I mean we could are we going to follow those same terms or I mean we have been we have been correct we talked about that before we got in here try about that language because it it doesn't say we have a grant it says we had a grant that's where it's pretty loose that way no it says we had the county has received well has received fund so I that pass H then yeah and could get how if we agree that we're following every one of those Traditions even though we don't have that money yeah we that's a good point I mean we we could very easily in that contract it's relevant in that if we want to change a condition during the year but we we got into it that's that's a valid point so we could easily take that npca pie regardless your program still has to follow that kind of stuff not necessarily the grant pce the requirements are still kind of the same because we still have to do the report and you still have to do where it goes how much it is that part doesn't change $4 are are eligible for this correct correct let's just not reference a government agency if we don't have because then that's gonna give [Music] them take out number one would you say very yeah like said we we talked about that this morning before we even came up whether number one had to be in there and so would you say that you have requirements what this Troy is saying that references the bo control or should we take out five all proba take that one out if that's how you want to word it too I would take it out we might as well do it make it correct because I mean everybody can be fine with what the mpca says today we're going to do next year but come March and they say hey we're going to do it this way right and we don't want to do it that way be hooked yeah is there anything else in the agreement that the rest of it was pretty much the same other than the rate Chang yeah the rest is all the same as the last one the only thing I changed was the rate that's the only part that got changed I'll make a motion to approve contract with those changes so we have a motion is there a second I'll second Mr ch so under C they they've named The loal Ridge they've named that piece of that site y yep interesting that's what they called it but that is the site I mean yeah yeah that's where it goes that's where she all goes other discussion on the signature page would you like it to change from Chad Van saden compy auditor to Carl County coordinator that was the discussion I was going to ask who is supposed to sign that now yeah who do you you want it to sign and I think I maybe have an updated one that has your name on it Carl that I can give you too the one you have say Carl does that one say Chad that one says Chad make it say Carl yeah we just weren't sure about how that all worked or how you wanted that moving forward right I have a question if yeah um okay so do we have a list of who is participating right yep um wonder if I could get a copy of that so but we got we go with two tons now right and we want we we need 10 to break even is that is that a feasable deal are we going to I mean if we work at this are we going to be able to get there well that's our goal get rubies rues rubies in i' just be interested in the list just to see who's participating who isn't right now it's mostly uh people businesses in aake there's occasional events in other towns but mostly it's in El there the rest of the Cities either haven't or haven't really been contacted enough with to get going well like our schools really aren't uh no El Lake in town here does some and they've talked with Barrett but sometimes you get to the high school level they're high school kids so they sometimes want to do it sometimes they don't and and in our last to start with the elementary yeah yeah a lot of educ then they move into High School school they kind of bring it with them that's what was focused on in Stevens County and it it seemed under work and which we could do here I I've seen ashp's uh you know my wife works in the kitchen there I mean there's a lot of that right that's just going into the garbage now yeah y would TFC be an option for Organics possibly Poss get semi loads you know I'm not sure on their trimming piece but I wonder what they do with Central buy products probably takes it it do y they do you should actually be able to utilize that and yep I do I get the numbers from Central for them and a couple other places we should be able to utilize that they use that they go on our report yep we use those two so we had prior discussion and so we understand the cost that Associates to with this contract is getting distributed to the cities based on the solid waste onage it it's not it's not mixed in with the solid waste tonnage I did some checking the the cost when we charge a cities it's not they're not mixed it's just the solid waste amount the mandatory amount that they pay for no no I didn't ask that so if cost's 13% of the of the solid waste budget do they get 133% of the $165 an hour yes technically ti do it in a way because it's part of the overall Solid Waste budget but not I don't know if it's quite that simple there's a lot of nuance there but it's not quite you pay 133% of this total B but so let me re ask a question we have 2024's tonage yep that's going to determine 2025 cost yep for Hof you Z as they represented is the cost that's distributed to hofman for for 2025 Does it include the organic piece that $155 an hour it will include because so Organics is charged as part of the whole solid waste recycling bill but they are build separately because they pay their percentages is based on their tons not based on the solid waste budget based on tonnage but there's ways when you subtract from the budget and the tons that make it all it's a very big circle and it's very moving so you have to there all these nuances are very difficult to show you without showing you the numbers and having a here's the big thing you look at all the numbers look at the cost so yes but not that straightforward they do pay for it but not what do they call that on TV that word salad Greg would you explain it because I don't believe him what he said sorry about that read no you're good no honestly somehow you got to get to the number how does Hoffman get their number these guys yeah and it honestly what what he is don't know so that's why I was really listening because there's I mean it is very I mean it there's we have right we have the overall budget right of whatever the number is we'll just pick 300 we'll just say 300,000 to keep it simple so we got simple numbers right so we have that H we have that big number that cost that's what it costs the county so we try to spread that equally amongst all the residents that pay in right we got that right there's just a big flat fee that everybody pays to have a solid waste program right and then within that there are little budgets that that move around each year based on tonage following that that makes sense so it's tracked you mean yeah it's tracked but it it it's it's a I don't want to call it smoke and mirrors but it's hard to track and and and get your head around and on an don't I don't know how to describe how it evolved to get to this point but I think we all recognize that Grant County has a pretty unique uh garbage Arrangement because right we we have an ordinance that says we have one hauler and we're in charge of billing where most counties aren't involved in the billing and Troy is the one who does the billing right so when you come to Grant County we have this Billing System that we put in place that we say city of pick Barrett City Barrett here's here's your 15% right now you go figure out to your citizens what how they're going to pay that 15% you follow that get that let me stop you does the 15% include the $155 an hour yes or no no it does not because the 15% is z percent of the tons that they're they get from the county total tons that does not include the organic tons organ where does the $155 times hours come in is the whole budget they end up paying for it through the county pays for it not necessarily the cities individually paying their percentage of that it's a it's a part of the it's basically line in the budget that they pay out of that so that 15% is not what they're paying 15% they're not pay 15 you're looking at each other like something well he's not understanding it he's the analytical te well at least and we sit down with Carl and show him the solid waste budget at a later time that makes more sense not well the the only reason I'm asking is because if I got asked or if any of us got asked in relative to the city we represent we'd have to have the answer and I'm I'm not feeling that I would have the answer and I don't want to be labor it but somewhere along the line that changed then because how this was originally set up was the tonnage went to the respective City so if there was a ton of organic picked up from the city of El Lake that went into their solid waste and the expense went into the couny overall and got divided out amongst everybody that was paying solid waste so it would have been 15% would have went too H the understanding was this was a pilot program and we were going to be expanding this yes and I mean so now we're we're paying more now and we really have to get to the expansion stage I mean if we shut this down we're not starting to back up but we have to get to that expansion stage to get that tonnage up we have to make it available to every municipality and not only available we have to we don't do billing for cities we are absolutely not going to get involved in that but we have to encourage them to make it so that their food waste producers do this because if we don't the easy thing to do is just continue on as we've been doing right every time you throw away wet coffee grounds it's not only heavier than dry coffee grounds obviously because you're adding tonnage into garbage but they're having to use additional fuel to burn that right we have to get this through so I mean we're we're running out of time to just Contin and I'm not to continually extend this Organics contract we have to get so that we have all our food producers using it we have to get two drop sites I I made the motion and I'm in favor of continuing this it's just we're running out of time that's that's why we only want that's why we want to do this one year thing so that we can say here is the plan moving forward because as of right now there just been so many moving pieces with the whole transition deal that there has not been time for anybody to figure out it's hard to expand something when you're still trying to learn it that's been the reason we want to do this I'm just saying yep I I get it I'm just saying we're running out of that time 24 cost for the Organics program in Grant County not over not I won't have time to tell January do we know it to date approximately which number you looking for I know $155 an hour yep right now we paid them 16ish thousand bucks for the year $16 so let's say it's so by the end of the year it'll be about yeah 18 I think last year they budgeted about 18 or 20 so it' be right about what we figured you know how much you paid at Pope Douglas uh yeah it's only 2500 bucks because we them it's easier you you got two tons at 50 bucks well that's you know pretty simple math I suppose for the we have a motion this pie this discussion since Troy doesn't get involved in it but I think we should get some clarity yeah yeah I agree sooner in the year than later would that be fair to say Mr chair I'll second this but you know something we've tried this you know and we're all population out here and you got to get people to compliance and get got to you know help us with the system and sell the system right because it didn't work in the past it just didn't we we're too low population and there isn't enough to justify that the time spent additional dollars open and above our solid Poli contract that's a RAB but we can do it again and see if we see if it grows I wait just a second oh he does all right well then okay so is there any other discussion uh considering that concerning the contract for Organics program otherwise all in favor say I I carried that was easy well we learned so sorry about that Jim used to give out you know really broke that down well I we we have them now it' be nice to be able to get maybe a monthly something like that y can Solid Waste program reporting that would be the piece Bill you're referring to Y and now that we've kind of figured out a little bit The Hope is then next year to either do what you guys want do you want it every month maybe it's a quarterly probably a deal or come and so here's the numbers here's where everybody's kind of looking and then the cities would get the same kind of update that way they can keep their planning their budgeting that kind of stuff so that's basically all that was it's just kind of if that acceptable you guys quarterly would be soon enough because I don't know if monthly really hard to do every month but quarterly kind of gives you here's kind of how would track him so that's our plan that one thing about reporting may drive us to the answer to our previous discussion okay next is Bid waste and recycling contract so uh within our pack a while ago we had conversation Ang about our recycling trailers got a dozen of them and they're starting to get pretty worn out rusted out falling apart uh kind of junk on Wheels kind of things you guys all see in the cities um Troy for last year has been fixing them and not bailing us not saying here's what you guys ow to fix these they've just been fixing when the floors fall out or the hinges break off or big holes in them so the tires blow out run flat whatever it may be um so we were talking about Troy moving forward kind of how we'd like to replace them and there's a couple options there is we buy them and Troy uses them there's Troy buys them and then rents them to us there's Troy buys them and then he just has a long enough contract to recoup the cost of those trailers or the what they would be now as rollof but so we had all those three and we kind of were going back and forth and Troy said this is what I'd like to do I'd like to do I buy them I being Troy Troy buys them he then just gets a contract long enough to recoup the cost of that investment which is the proposal we sent you so there's a couple options to buy them from two guys they're about what 10 to 12,000 bucks a piece but where you go and we would need you know 10 of them so here's 11,000 bucks the current 214 200 the current is what currently right now the currently the current recycling is that 214 yep that's what we PID right now we so because we we cont we extended you or you extended for us we accepted it 211 416 is through 2027 2 211 what 416 and then that was for 22 23 24 25 26 and 27 and then in 28 to 31 it goes up about 2800 it's kind of in and it's all that proposal yeah if you keep rolling oh it's farther down excuse me I that and we talking to tr it it basically varies what basically one to 2% increase across that eight years is kind of roughly what you would need to recruit those yep so we wanted to come here and have that discussion with you guys before we go drawing up contracts and doing all that well then the other piece too is is we're at a point where if we don't we got to pick the model we use because they're done we got to do something right so we thought we'd have the conversation with you guys prior to making a decision because we talked about it in the solid waste committee a little bit too so and the gravity flow trailers are just they're labor intensive you got to crawl in them they're they're just not handy and uh you know they were great curbside when you Source separated you know plastic and one bin aluminum tin when they're Co mangle now it they don't need to be that way um and if you go to a hydraulic trailer you're going to double this 14 to 15,000 for a gravity trailer or you can buy a roll off for you can buy two for one so we're contemplating extending both recycling in the solid waste program for 10 years you have well so they're eight years eight years you have that lastly as we prepare we'd like to discuss the items do we need to discuss and decide them before we issue that or are that things to come help me out with that oh down here in the bottom I think well you got your 10year plan Y which these are some of the things that I would like to help them address like I helped Stevens County address when there's popups like this in in their Solid Waste plan which we've gone through down there so when you guys started working on this I said these are a few of the things that I would suggest we look at you know whether you do anything about them or not it's one things I would bring up to make the program better so we don't you don't have to address decisions on them those are things we would talk about like that would be in the your 10 plan 10 plan and our Solid Waste committee and that kind of stuff and then that' probably get brought back to okay yeah I would make a motion that we accept Engle Britton's proposal to extend their contract for solid was and recycling thank you is there a second I'll second it any other discussion all in favor say I I post so then you'll come back with a contract I'm assuming correct Y and we've worked with Justin already a little bit on it and tried to get some of the nuances figured out and I think I think next next meeting or January we definitely can work on that just give give TR Direction too here now on which way to go with those containers now we got some resolution kind get them those bottom items if there is a change we just amend yeah yeah I just would like I think next part is but this is I don't know if this concludes you can still hang around yeah but I would like you have more for us or not all I'll say is I we very happy to be here in Grand County and serve the people and that's why we did this for reasonable cost right and and I was just going to mention as as board chair that we share that feeling and you uh delivering the services that you do at a high level I don't I don't if anyone gets complaints I sure don't and and you're willing to invest in the future for our County I think is we really appreciate that that's important for us to be invested in it is and uh we just we appreciate being here and appreciate the business y Mr chair I got a question on these City cleanup rates and things like that is there good participation you know I know the city of does their cleanup days and they do a couple of year right and they that's build separately that's on them right okay and does any other TOS do this they all do okay so and we've switched all of them over to using rollof containers and instead of a guy in a truck um simply for the fact of safety um I mean crushing matresses and furniture and there's pieces flying I said my my insurance company's like somebody's going to get I taken out or something's going to happen and they just make it safer so we got to switch to this and so we made the kind of conversion this year went well I didn't hear any complaints City brought down their their pay loader and they could kind of pack them in there and well it's a good fit here because the metal recycling is across a road what what do you do for the other times youing metal container yeah have some metal then they have a mixed one and some garbage whatever they have and uh get them what they need then yeah good so people clean up well historically like bar would not accept anything that's accepted at the recycling so they would not take metal yeah so so they they went really well you know the only uh me were talking about that the only in one of the last Lees um how about H toer North Dakota yeah the problem you know with the problem like Furniture things like that I can't bury on my site I got to bring it up to a a transfer building in Alec and then they have so then they charge us through the Moon and then they haul it to Todd County because Todd County landfill won't give us a license for just hauling a couple times which we go to gwinner with all of our unacceptable stuff every week you go there now every week with our our own Stevens County stuff and pop County so read and GRE would you have any reason not to to have a problem with that we shouldn't have that's yeah I think it's part of that conversation we have at the committee level and then bring it right I I just think that got a truck going there yeah and to keep the rates down for this stuff and there there's a piece in the or the reason I think in the past there's peace and ordinance says to try and keep it in Minnesota when possible but the County Board does have the discretion to send it somewhere else so I guess that would be where we have that it's not Sol it's not garbage it's the problem stuff it's only problem stuff that's why I brought it up the difference it's only problems now I guess the question I have prior to us having a solid waste committee and and then coming back in the interim do we Okay that or do we want to delay that I don't know the politics or the what's going on it's up to you guys well I don't I mean I I think we could wait one meeting or we can wait till with a little more pros and cons kind of stuff okay I don't know if we need to make that decision today okay pass anything else TR plus no you have a merry Christmas and happy you guys too yeah thank you thank for having we six minutes late but you give us the quick update so all of you guys are aware we've been doing the charlon ordinance update stuff for a while now um last week we had a public meeting to explain to about 20 25 people who showed up what we're doing basically it's a format change stuff make this thing easier to administer easier for public to understand some minor updates we went over with it there was nothing crazy that came out out of that there was a recommendation from the pack to you guys to make uh motions to approve that you guys set up a public meeting at your guys's level now to have this kind of same idea where we go does anybody have any issues with the proposed ordinance and that way at the following one then we can do kind adoption and they're all kind of convened on with like minor grammatical or minor changes not you know oh this should have been there should be a the there or cut that a out or this should be capital little things well this will come back to us at January February meeting in a January meeting should be Jan one of the January meetings we got to make sure we can meet the day's requirement for noticing in the publication All That I Can Say and I told them Greg and Reed did a great job presenting that uh there was discussion and questions and I was really pleased and and um on their presentation so I publicly want to thank you for that anything else do we need a motion from Bri um well yeah I don't know if you need a formal m just just recognize that that they're recommending approval and with then now we will publish in the paper then okay so to accept that and then you guys will make your motion at the next meeting so you got that Carl it's FYI so we'll get her in the paper and get it published properly and that's all I do yep BBE you two minutes for Amy good if you have extra we'll give you more thank you guys all right thank you good morning morning thanks for your time uh we have I have two things on the agenda for you all this morning um we're actually making our rounds at all five County board meetings so I'll be going to the Douglas after this as well covering two of them is there were several um opioid applications that came forward in all five counties actually and um one of them is a five County application coincidentally it is from Horizon Public Health but um our our our process and role in this is is we have a um a competitive application process for the opioid settlement money um there is about $85,000 $86,000 in change of unallocated funds right now in Grant County and um there were actually two applications that were brought forward both both were five County applications um one is being tabled and we will be working with that applicant on some revisions that we heard from the task force and the second application was recommended to bring to the County Board which is why I'm here this morning and it is for A5 County um comprehensive Communications campaign it was actually um asked for a little bit of a rewrite and some revisions um which happened to just clarify how this um media campaign will be be administered across the five counties so this is not a newspaper campaign this is not this is more of a um a digital marketing digital campaign the primary audience will be with youth and the secondary audience will be with um parents and adult caregivers and to really just talk about um the prevention of substance misuse and then heavily focusing on reducing stigma delay initiation and promoting local resources um uh parents Giver uh we do have three Health Educators on our team right now working across our five counties on this type of work they're they're focusing on substance use but this isn't a part of their primary Grant duties right now and so this really complements that work very well so um again the task force had recommendation to fund this the final um guess authorization sits with the County Board any questions do I you're on that public you are you want to have input do you have recommendation for our board or well I'll make a motion to approve the Horizon application that Sarah second second additional discussion say I post carried and you have and then the second thing is is I am caring for a team member here as well um because again we are conquering and dividing all of our board meetings this morning so this is uh the the tobacco licenses um for Grant County um I think it's uh we administer your tobacco ordinance for you it is your ordinance and so these are the tobacco um applications for approval and there are four outstanding applications that will be coming to your next board meeting in January and Jessica we'll be working with Carl on that so I don't have any um you know with they've uh met the requirements and we just you need to process so we need a motion on them do we approve the ones that are in front of us yes okay and you can get the list the list right but we don't need to identify them for the motion is there a motion to approve those application second discussion all in favor say I I carried great well yeah we have the clients check in our packet is that in her wheelhouse do we need to talk about that it's kind of in my wheelhouse I mean I'm part of the organization and I'm aware of um so the compliance checks are done by the sheriff's office um it has 14 days are we going to get is that we need to talk about that oh um I believe they have been done by the Sheriff's Office and then so they will be coming to Horizon public health for notification um I think if there you be in your ordinance you lay out your um failure schedule and whatnot so you know it is our sort of our role as well if we would have had multiple failures over the thr the last few years to bring that to your attention and but they've been completed I have heard they have been completed I have not I have heard they have been completed so and then yeah so I will have so if they haven't hadn't would you then be in Communications with the people necessary yes we don't need to worry about it right right you don't need to worry about it yep the sheriff's your Sheriff's Department takes care of that and I have been told they have been completed so okay anything else do you have any question yeah okay so we got four applications here right okay how many in the county are there that are selling these products so that would be it it'd be the seven you the current situation would be the seven you just approve approved plus the four of the outstanding applications so seven plus four yep and are we assuming that they'll be able to continue selling January 1st without us approving it or how we what do we do in January one and they they don't have that in say it again if they don't have them men is that the question well are yes because we don't have another meeting what's the plan they when people to go tell the six that they get them in by the six say that again I I don't know what that ordinance States I I would have to go back and read that I Justin you want to weigh in on that or not I review the ordinance reason either you know that if someone has a complaint or issue that it will be investigated and I will take a look at it the share no no I'm refering if there's four businesses that will they be able to sell tobacco January 1st if we haven't approved their application I don't know if there's a grace period under the ordinance so I think we need to review that ordinance um well that it's pretty clear that we have seven that are in it's not our place to go run out to companies so they get license we got to expect that if they don't have a license they're going to follow the law if they don't there's a process for that as well okay so my question is the answer to my question was fairly clear then what you say Carl I I understand uh your question um I'm just kind of reviewing the ordinance right now here by the sherff he's listening have you had this experience since you you administer the program do you know about how Horizon looks at this um I I don't those would be really good question questions to just reference in that ordinance um I don't have the ordinance with me right now I would assume that if they don't have a I think I don't know if there's a grace period noted in the ordinance well I yeah well I mean let's let's say there isn't a grace period and they can't s six days what what is your thought we're going to do well I mean no have the thought other than if we approved something and there's then if we either got identify that we're going to let them no we don't identify that at all that we have an ordinance and if they're not if they're in violation of that ordinance that has nothing to do with us nothing at all not a thing that is law enforcement County attorney those are both elected departments that deal with violation of an ordinance that we've set okay we're we don't deal with that at all okay so then are your the fact that I brought it up I don't want it construed or were anybody thinks that we're okay in them to sell tobacco that's against the ordinance is that fair am I saying it right d I know yeah I guess I would say too there's two there's two sort of applications to this as well is there are four outstanding applications we have not received as of today okay you guys don't have another meeting for a couple weeks but if we receive them by the end of the year do they have to be approved by you or does our receiving count as we have it on file those are sort of the the questions at hand I think that's where else kind of go the renewability license issued under this section shall be handled in the same manner as the original application the request for Renewal shall be made by the licens at the least 30 days but not more than 60 days before the expiration of the current license read that one more time releas 30 days but not more than not more than 60 days before the expiration of the current bense so as long as we receive it within 30 days of January 1st then is that am I reading hearing that well at least 30 they saying that we should have received them and it's the Hoffman but that doesn't say that it expires on January 1 yeah they could they could be if I remember right there the February 1st whether it's the liquor license or the tobacco license that we used to approve so there's nothing that says that it's a January 1st renewal it may be a February 1 in the four are the Hoffman Market the Farmers Co-op tips in a mount scul course which might be null and void um assuming they're not operating today and then the Dollar General out of four oh just say that we have an ordinance just what you said and it's not our job to enforce it it's law enforcements and you know unless you want me to direct something no I I don't I would absolutely be against us directing the sheriff or the County Attorney to do anything we said ordinances and the enforcement of that is not our responsibility that we're Crossing Lines here that shouldn't be crossed then do you have anything else any no is there any direction from from us and harass and Public Health on this on these you know four matters as well on on what we're just talking about yeah just the way he said it's not our business so I kind of agree with them but I don't know who business It is Well if I don't get my driver license renewed you're not going to go do that for mein on all right well we will revisit this as well and have conversations with us since the sheriff's office about that I will leave that and I can be in touch with you that'd be great other questions for me before I take off and go to Douglas County's board meeting okay great I appreciate your time everybody have a good holiday highway it's one morning Marvin so Justin drafted this up and it's basically just a summary of everything that we've gone through on this whole redetermination process so this is just finalizing it and then and then we'll go through the the Taxation and everything and I'll work with Chad on getting that figured out and I think the land owners wanted to do it over the course of two years then so you know that coming rapidly yeah when we set those do you need a motion to approve this what are we fing this it is the finding an order approving the redetermination of benefits acquiring grass buffer confirming damage and directly I'll make that we have a motion is there a second I'll second it this discussion all in favor say I I post car anything else ER oh that's that's all I got within two minutes way to go yeah there she's here she is morning morning what just going to email believe in policy yes do you want me to start or wait for the trial well we get but go GL fly all right so the first one is the sick and uh sick and safe time so in January 1st 2025 we have to um put the same language under our sickly policy being that we have separate vacation and sick we only have to do it with the sick leave not the vacation so what I did was I took our sickle policy and I put the language in um the es EST language in the CLE policy so what you'll see is um I have all of the permissible uses for the sick and safe time is going to be the same for for just the sick leave as well um we provide our employees acrew more than what we're able or supposed to uh for ES so we're fine that way but part-time intermittent intermittent intermittent seasonal temporary employees part-time will still Ur one hour of ESD for every third 30 hours worked um and that's a maximum of of 80 so we'll continue to do that um but we'll follow this policy only now and there will not be two separate policies and in talking to the auditor's office um we're going to be transferring or they'll be transferring the esst hours that they have right now on their Bank into sick leave hours so it's all going to be acur in the sick leave policy so we're not going to have two separate Banks anymore except for the part- timr um they'll have an ESS bank because they don't acrtic leave so what you'll see is all the uses um what you can use it for that was added um the one thing I'll point out here is the weather event exception so this was in the ess2 is that you know obviously someone that has is law enforcement that has to um be added a public emergency or weather event they're not able to use um during that event that need to be there um or an employees need to care for a family member whose school closes or place of care has been closed and that is an EST statute the other one is anyone with a CDL so of course Highway you know we want them obviously to be on the road for an event so they are excluded from from that part of it um and then the other thing is employees may use earn s sick and safe time or sick leave for these family members and those are listed on there as well of what they can use or who they can use it for and then the other thing I changed is I put the um amounts of payout I put that in a a grid uh in instead of just having it listed so it's the same what we've had I just formatted it a little bit different so so I are there you identified some things are these material changes from what we had in two policies or are there any material changes no by putting them together no okay NOP there are no changes it's just putting things together and then following what the new law states basically and then adding the statutes in there to follow those okay there you're suggesting approval of this yes is there a motions move second second Mr car any other discussion fa say I I opposed carried thank you um the next thing I have is um we have hired a deputy recorder um we hired the employee at a step two of the Deputy recorder scale and so in our conversations the Personnel committee discussed um is we would like to create some separation from where our current employee is so our current employee is on step two as well and they um their anniversary date is January 30th um so coming up they will move to step three and so obviously our current employee has had um going on two years of experience training and so we'd like to separate them a little bit on the scale so what we're um Personnel committee's recommendation would be to move the current employee um to a step three of January 1 and then they will get their um Step increase on January 30th to step four um and then this will create that separation and then of course we talked about how our wage scale right now we're in the middle of a wage study and so we're taking these situations Case by case because of how our wage scale is set up right now um so I would be a recommendation from the Personnel committee would be to to do that to create that separation um and the new employee coming in at that step to I will make that motion okay motion Troy is there second all seconded discussion all in favor say I I post carried thank you all right so the next thing is the new thing yes all right so the ls um bargaining group has agreed to the employer contribution proposal that we had talked about and so the changes that will be made to the agreement would be offering family coverage the employer contribution to 1,600 and the other increase would be increasing the employer HSA contribution by $25 so it' be $125 a month so so um those are the only two changes so just an overview of what we currently have is employee um single coverage would be $900 a month employee elected family coverage would be $1600 a month and then the HSA contribution the employer would contribute $50 for single and then $125 a month for family and then of course what we have still in there that did not change is that any new employees after January 1 of 24 would not be eligible any employee that were hired before January 1 would be eligible for cash and lo even if the employee makes an insurance change so that doesn't change those are the only two changes was the employees family contribution and then the employer um the employer's HSA contribution and this does sunset um December 31st 25 um because we're and hopefully would get some other benefit options health insurance options uh LS did agree to it they have signed it so I'm just coming to the board asking for approval on that a motion for approval second discussion all favor say iOS caried and then the other thing that we Carl and I decided to move up is then the non-union so is this an um is this agreement is something we want to have the non-union follow as well means that they obviously L don't um negotiate um and we typically follow what the unions do so I guess I'm asking the board if we want to follow this change for the non-union as well has that been fairly what we've done in the past yeah and are you recommending that and is the Personnel committee recommending that I well I guess I'll ask the ones in the room this all happened yesterday oh so it's what has always been done you know I think their op that would would make and maybe it would be appropriate for the board to act on is we have two other bargaining units that have not yet accepted it um there is no additional meeting before the end of the year um so authorizing if they accept our offer the the chairman and the coordinator to sign such memorandums as are necessary because if it waits until January then you know ordinarily benefit payments because they're not taxable or not retroactive so is there motion to include the non-contract in these changes so Mo second what is the what is that motion is it just the non-contracted is it the non-contracted and the other two unions to follow like we like so we're just doing the non-contracted okay I'll second that we'll we'll get to I'll second that oh discussion all in favor to say I I oppos okay I'll make a motion that the two outstanding unions upon approval of what LS accepted the coordinator and chairman can sign them to make them we have a motion you understand that Carol yes there second I'll second it additional discussion say I I OPP carried and my only clarification this includes the commission is correct okay I just wanted to verify that so that's all I have thank you yes well before you I mean we didn't move it up necessarily but we do have the non-contracted salaries which 3% was in a three three yeah yep we want to address that now what yeah I mean that's i' make a motion that the non-contracted salaries increase the 3% that matches our Union contracts it's I didn't hear that with the steps as appropriate yeah not so we have a motion is there second discuss just to clarify came in on the end of the last motion this would likewise be for the for the board right no no that's that's different we don't get status no no but the the 3% we'll deal it's listed separately we'll deal with that separately because if we don't list a dollar figure for that amount or for that we're gonna okay sorry I didn't I missed that so we have a motion in a second who made the motion thank you for keeping me in line there you get the second all in favor say I carried okay so do we want to do more that's on the bottom or do that come later under coordinator we have someone else in the room I don't know if we're holding is that the what AR fund requests oh yeah so should we stay on track then and would you suggest so I think you're done then I'm done Merry Christmas Merry Christmas thanks ashy thank you uh the next item on the the agenda is the gr just a minute Justin yeah Merry Christmas yep Merry Christmas guys Merry Christmas okay go ahead this is the contract for with low Plains Drifter club uh basically Grant County is the the pass through for the grant money um and this is good through June 30th 2025 and Chad the representative on okay and you're recommending approval I would recommending approval of this yes motion to approve Mr chair second second discussion all in favor say I I oppos car now we got our wait us through that so the ARA funds uh as of this point we need to identify where the last the funding is to go by the end of the year um I did reach out to both Logan Township and herall Township uh about their arpa funds have not been received yet by the county um and that's why I'm here today or where we're here today uh they they both have not requested their $2,000 request um if you'd like to come up to the board andp so you're I'm Terry tson okay I'm on the Logan Township Board sure go ahead and and we're just uh requesting the the funds CU it got lost in some paperwork and one of the board members that was knowledgeable on it wasn't at that meeting so I just was told to come and request funds and we have the documentation or you have the documentation he has the documentation and signed I I have not signed anything yet um I I don't what was the the item requested or what was the so Logan Township would like to request $2,000 in N funds to help cover the cost of gravel in Logan Township New gravel on the roads helps keep the roads in safe passable condition thank you for your consideration Logan Township Board uh they have a bill here for $4,440 that would be so I can speak as the chairman I don't think our intent at any point was to and I know we talked about some sunsets but I don't believe our intent at any point point was to eliminate someone's request because I think everybody understands that they're thankful to have people that are willing to serve on Township cours uh there is however the other form that we would need that help me out in indication or what is it narrative you made no well there is a there is two forms and so I guess U we would need them would that be in the auditor's office Chad will have them because he's not supposed to issue that check until he has those do so the point would be is is there a motion to accept Logan's Township's request the $2,000 with the understanding that we get the paperwor there that would be up in the auditor's office Chad I would go up and talk to him after the meeting here after you're done I'll second any discussion all in favor say I post car I might have it here what you need okay I just let me look through my file here a little bit oh history I don't know if you know any of the history of how this commenced to take place back when we were trying to determine where to go with some of these funds we put into place a Community Partnership program and and the city's got an amount based on a fire award through oura in other words the larger City's got more than the smaller and then in that it was mentioned what about the townships and so at that point we said well every town sh would qualifi $2,000 we're happy that you made the request because I would get slight every time if you can use it or you spend it yeah but that's how this is least I did have one to even but Chad will be able to give you one of them about right there leave it okay that's at the courthouse yeah okay than you Merry Christmas next the other requests that came in um again I Township as well also on the list of not receiving their funds we approve pay I thought we had um I recall El Lakes but I don't recall all I know I they U when I look back at their their email history they had sent it on September 20th and it was received but it was never like I looked through the minutes and El Lakes was approved but we never approved so we've had their application and then we just haven't officially approved it we hav officially approv their motion to approve second second any discussion all in favor say I I I post car um the other so uh with the other ARA funds that are uh being requested it looks like the ones that have not been paid yet are the ones that are in red or that have not been dedicated so it looks like the the funds remaining not dedicated by the board would be $3,587 so those funds would need to be dedicated for by the of the Year by the end of the year the rest of them in red like hum Western PR those have been decided on so those have already been approved yeah they have not received all of their up funds yet yeah but we what you're saying is we only need to address the 3587 correct probably should wait till if you come sh would it be a good spot to throw that money at the remodel in the courthouse there yeah we talked about using some of these funds for that that you have any recommendations or ideas car the the courthouse remodel would be a good place to put it um I haven't had a whole lot of time to sit down and think about where these funds should go it's not a lot of money so I I don't think we're going to labor our for too long right if it was 35,000 might get different would you like to make that a motion yeah I'll make a motion that we put the rest of the arpa fund dedicated towards the remodeling of the uh new offices in the courthouse is $3,587 here second second discussion can you guys hear me this is Chad yes we can hear you yep um I just have one question about you're talk I just got tuning in here again you're talking about arpa funding yes um is is the intent of the EMS Ambulance for prayer Ridge Hospital still at $100,000 as part of the funds that are obligated or you you dedicated or whatever word you want to use was 100,000 for Prairie r bridge and now we have 165,000 in the levy proposed Levy um are those both of those items still hold true to those dollar amounts if my recollection is those are separate issues the $100,000 of arpa money is for an ambulance that's been ordered but not yet delivered and the 165 is a levy continuation of building a a fund for ambulance and retirement I could be wrong but that's my Rec recollection is the 100,000 of arpa money is for an ambulance that's already been ordered that 165 is for future use that's my understanding Troy yeah okay I just want to make sure hold on a minute I just wanted to make sure that both of those before we approve stuff that that uh bear with me I'm printing an arpa application thing here for someone um that okay you should have a Hillary set that printer Al there um that before we went too far here that both of those were still in play because they were large dollar amounts yes and okay Terry from Logan Township probably coming up to get forms for and maybe he's there I don't know but yeah someone's here okay I'm back in my Vault so do you have any other questions on it chat no okay did we vote or not no no okay all all in favor the motion say I I oppos carried cessor appointment extension um I was just going to inform the board that I did receive an extension to appoint uh myself as County Assessor in Grant County that extension is uh extended to March 3rd um there is one other applicant that will be interviewing here just after the first of the year um so there's potential that we won't be to use that extension all the way to the end um so I just wanted to inform the board that I did receive the extension um and this is in writing so I ended up talking to property tax director and Justin Mason who's the the ptco for for our basically all the PTC so um after our conversation they were that's when they made the the approval do we have to approve this set we do not need to approve this um the commissioner approved it so perfect Courthouse door access hours um so Ashley has been uh going through the the card access um because we've noticed that there's some discrepancies between times that people are allowed in and out of the courthouse and what we're trying to do is look at do we need to make this consistent across the board and say department heads have 24hour 247 access to the courthouse um are there employees who do not need 247 access um but what should the access hours of the courthouse be um there there tend to be some some night meetings so there are some employees who do need access Beyond 4:30 Beyond 4:30 if they have a 7:00 meeting um currently the courthouse access hours are from 7:30 to 5:00 so that is what the the normal standard hours are some some requests for an extension of that can the hours be 7 to S uh that would allow employees who have later meetings to still be able to get in and out of the building um or if they need to get into the building a little early it would allow them that extra half an hour um so what I'm trying to do is can we make this more consistent that that non- department heads it be 7 to7 or would the board like a different time frame for employee access um do you have a recommendation my recommendation would be 7 to7 um I just feel that it would it would cover most of the most of the scenarios that that create a problem a 7even to S would work um some of the issues is that we would still need to be able to have an opportunity say the auditor's office during elections they need longer hours to be able to access the courthouse so there would be a time frame during elections where they would be maybe be granted 247 access uh to the to the courthouse because they have weekend requirements and they also I mean they're there till midnight on Election night so there there would be certain times of the year where they would need longer access um so would you say and I see the first part with courts that they already and do to or something Have 247 would you would you then be saying that the the department heads would be the same as courts and everybody else would be seven to seven consistency you're looking for yes I'm looking for some consistency piece in place yes yes so right currently right now the department heads do have 247 access okay so that that I'm not asking to change no um because there are certain times where we do need to be in here on the weekends we do need to be here at 8 or n o'clock at night there's there's operator there's different times or we need to be in here at 6 o'clock in the morning um it it does happen and so is there much much differences I was trying to read through this it a little complicated that you would just change I mean that can be done electronically that can be yes just so you you want a motion that would say this this and this yes the people who would still have outside of department heads would be deputies but still have 247 access to the and it looks like the game W on on this system too then he yes I believe he would have a I so law enforcement and Department how about how Commissioners yeah we're on here yeah you guys would have 247 access as well does that I'm not seeing that it says 247 granted commissioner different than if you're looking at 247 for social services building then they list the courthouse separately so we have access to where we need to be we don't get into law enforcement secured areas it's a different setup than any other that's why it's listed to the commissioner so do do you want a motion and do we have an understanding what that motion would be I I'm just looking for consistency extend the hours that it would affect all the non- department heads that would be within the courthouse and their access hours would be 7 to 7 so if I were to recommend a motion it would be to extend the uh the the non- department head our is in the courthous from 7 to 7 7:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. we're just addressing the courthous not this building not this facility because I feel um in the next couple of weeks the only people who are going to need access to this would probably be myself maybe HR the County Commissioners um I don't and the deputies I would rather see this let's give borrow guidelines but then let's write have a written policy on this and I'm I'm fine with 7 to7 let's have a a process then where whether it's for an election or anything else where someone needs extended beyond what [Music] they're have it written down so we know there's a process to do it variance process well I mean if we say we're going to extend it well that's great but how do you get it extended then is it just you go and ask car which I'm I'm fine with that we have a coordinator let's use them if someone needs an extended that goes to the coordinator and if he's comfortable with the need he approves it if he's not comfortable with the need he brings it back so conceptually we agree and you understand kind of what what you've told us we agree can you draft something for a sub subsequent meeting or do you want a decision today no that's fine if I have at least a conceptual what should be done so I'll put basically within that it'll be a a 7 to7 uh with the variance process there would be an application for an extension variance for a certain amount of time Yes sounds good D Carl the department head is there he can bring his employees with them right yes I mean if it's outside of that 7 to 7 and it's 9:00 and the department head is there yes he can they can bring so that you know yeah so we got cler is that all on that yes worker County Board in coordinator absence yes so I don't think it's been stated anywhere who my my back would be if in my absence or if I was ended up ill for a meeting um is the only auditor to be set as as my backup um because February I will not be at either one one of the meetings the first meeting my son has a state scheme uh meet and the second one we already have a a family vacation that up be so how we do that is obviously up to this board that we did include that into hr's new job description as the back up clerk that's we did that right Carl that's where the it it's included in there but in I believe in statute it's under the auditor so that would be the and that's why I still had confusion in there so that's why I want to make sure that I know who's the the intended backup so that in my absence I would know who to to send information to keep them in the loop or to keep them as the alternate host to the Zoom so do you have a recommendation if it's in statute would the primary backup be statute and the secondary backup be HR would that be something you recommend or you got some give us some direction I would say that in in the we could use HR as the backup and the auditor could be the secondary backup because then he would be the the one that in the in hr's absent he would still be on there that's the all right there and you said it is in the updated coming description you added in there y okay so is there a motion that you not how that you like that stated that HR would be the primary backup with auditor being the alternate backup that make sense SC there motion effect I'll make the motion second I I'll second it discussion I'd like to say that none of this was discussed with myself okay I don't know if it's in a good point uh I don't know if it's in if it's in statute I don't know if it's any other list of things to do I don't know um well it's list of in statute that he's the backup we may need his okay to have someone else listed as the the first backup so he may have had to okay the coordinator doing the clerking so you may have to okay this so do you agree with the are you still there Chad y so we let's discuss it so do you are you conceptually okay with what we're talking about or you got a different suggestion or explain to me what you're talking about don't to explain it Carl so uh for example um the the first meeting in February uh I will be absent I'll still prepare the information for the board uh HR will be uh clerking the board and then if HR was was Ill or unable to to perform the duty you would be the the backup for clerking the board you'd be HR so you'd be second in line to C in the board all right third in line or would you prefer to be the the backup I I was I was you know after the department head meeting we talked about this Carl and Canon right yeah and again it comes down to communication if I'm going to be involved in something I would have been nice to have been communicated with and instead of finding out during a board meeting which I am on um probably should have been I I just wish I would have been talked to about it prior to this and if that was the plan then I'd like to redo my paq because there's nothing in there stating that that that piece I'm not I guess maybe I'll just address the communication piece and and we did talk about it after the department head meeting U I guess from a board level when somebody's probably performed a duty for 20 years there is a level of assumed assuming and you know how assuming can get you in trouble and I guess we're in trouble however um when we looked at the bringing on the coordinators office I don't know that we ever talked about taking this out of your required um and if it's statutorily required I don't know that it's an issue the other issue is that there need to be two people who are unable to to clerk the board before Chad would be required to click the board which I I feel would be a pretty far stretch I'm just going to say for me again it's the communication part I mean if this was going to be a plan or a discussion it would have been nice to have known ahead of time rather than finding out now and like I say I don't know if you were aware that by Statute that the auditor is responsibilities are to clerk the board fully aware okay so then 21 years so then we probably should have you as the first alternate and have Ashley as the backup I will make a motion to table this until our next meeting okay we have a motion there second second is there any discussion all favor of the motion say I I I opposed carried uh non-contracted salaries for the following year oh we did that commissioner salaries for the following year so the last few years we've done the 3% increase everybody else has is that what we're going to do again we have to list a dollar figure we do phone will be BR so do we know what that dollar amount is and is there a motion to increase it by the 3% anybody know what they get paid not really so for 24 it's 14, 4328 so 3% of that is $432.92 Commissioner salary for 2025 at [Music] $1,865 4 cents 14865 4 is there a second discussion all in favor say I I opposed Carri um we did the not the cafeteria plan for DM rates that would be that would be for us that's for everybody that is or on any County committee or board and we have meeting pay not per DMS y so that's right so right now it's $80 per meeting and 120 for a second meeting or all day it's $80 for an AM or a PM it's 120 if you have am and p.m is there a recommendation or motion to change it or delete it I'll make a motion to leave it the way it is a motions there second I'll go ahead yeah that's right either one take your pick do I spoke up first discussions on favor say I I opposed carried apartment budgets for following year and final Levy I that's all kind of part of it right you had the addition did we the energy Grant and oh Excuse me yes right Electronics let's go back to the agenda there additions you want to lead us through that Carl yes so there was uh Jeff holon sent over an energy rebate form from the El Lake municipality uh the electric for the new law enforcement center uh was $631 um so the the question was is where do we receip uh this rebate into does this go to the general fund or does this go into the LC or the sheriff's budget my opinion is use it to pay the electric bill on that building it's from that it's directly relates to the Lac yes yes this would be inputed into Jeff's budget the electric yeah wh the if is Jeff's budget paying the electric bill for the L so that's not separated out that's not sear okay well that's I'd say where should go right do you have another idea no that's the end of the day it's going into one big po of money it's just on paper it's broken out so is that a motion right okay okay we got an okay is there a second second discussion say I iOS Mor Electronics moris Electronics has uh had a request for there to be 24 by7 access to or not access um or remote remote support for the county um basically what this is is is an addition onto [Music] our our contract with them um so this will be starting January 1st 25 through December 30th 2025 uh the cost to the county is going to be uh $1,331 120 basically in addition to our current contract um I believe they haven't calculate out what it is per week or per month um but it is it is a minimal cost 1300 bucks for the year for year what's what's going on there Doan I heard about it at Horizon is he's reaching out to all of his clients and we we didn't know that this was a for sure right do right he he Wasing out to make sure if he gets enough people on board then he'll do it I think correct so is that right yes okay so yeah so it rise there that's minimal if uh if you need help so is there a motion to accept the proposal I'll make that motion second second discussion all in favor say I I iOS carried now are we at the budgets yes you want to Le us through that wait us through that so uh last night we met with the for the TNT meeting uh we've gone over the budgets with the County Commissioners um we are proposing a levy of this right here 8,594 696 which is a levy increase of 4.86% or an increase of $ 394,161 after reviewing the budgets um I I do feel that uh this is an correct number um again after looking at the the revenues and the expenditures I we feel that is correct there other items that the board has questions for me comments questions there was additional discussion by the board last night one thing I think we should have is we should have a policy of an amount that is in your budget and you can purchase it without coming back to the board I believe we talked last night about that amount being $5,000 that it's in your budget it's under that amount you can purchase it if it's over that amount it needs to be okay by by the board prior to ordering now we talked about Highway that's a different am Parts and Equipment you could probably order anything for $5,000 so that I think is an amount that should probably be they'll have to figure out what that amount is and if there's an additional process there but I'd like to see something like that come back at the next meeting I don't think we we don't have anything to vote on it just I think that's unless some unless nobody else agrees with me one thing we talked about was that and that uh in an emergency one one of the department is it emergency management management that's in event uh what my thought would be is if we approve this budget if we wanted to do the $5,000 purchase limit with the idea for Highway Department to come back with a similar uh policy as we have for emergency management and and consult with Matt on the dollar amount is there a motion to you would like that as two separate policies I I think we can approve the $5,000 limit for the other departments today is there a motion to that effect oh I would much rather see this as a policy than just we're approving an idea this should be written down okay so it becomes a policy as as discussed last night then that's something that the state Auditors would want to see yeah so I will I will look at writing a policy for the budget for $5,000 or uh for all departments other than the highway department the highway department will have their own policy or their own just put it in the same policy with under highway is have a process of a threshold well you it's still the $5,000 but you could go up to 50 by having the County engineer and the coordinator both sign off that this is needed before the next board meeting because if we got a parked it's needed because there's a storm coming we're not waiting till the next board meeting so that would come forward I guess I got a question because we did talk a little bit about some budget items in certain departments by consensus should we reflect in the minutes that that this would uh be in place starting January 1st pending the formal approval of the policy so we don't have a run on the bank is that the right term Greg got feelings on that is that okay to have that reflected now the budget I think it was reflected in that these budgets are kind of fluid and they're moving targets I think Carl and Chad will put quite a bit and the department has quite a bit effort and work into it but like we said last night in a day or two things can change really rapidly if we had large bills or something or money that comes in or whatever Jad had also given a couple of of options of adopting the levy as it as it sits otherwise the the board also has the option of leing for a lesser amount if you have expectations that there might be other Revenue coming coming in um that is one of those things that revenue is not always guaranteed um that that that is a risk um and if we did have money that was in the general general fund we do have funds available there if you know you did choose something other than what is ly well I would certainly like to see it drop we got some markco driven chains on some of this real estate out here it's very reflective on that what do you thinking drop at 1% or what's your thoughts still so are we talking about budget or Levy those are two separate things yeah the 1% would be the levy reduction in the levy so we need to approve the budget first and then the levy second so two difference so the eight 594 696 that is your Levy your budget's 21 million [Music] 43855 yeah I'll make a motion to approve the budgets at the 21438 551 thank you is there a second I'll second that discussion say I I I oh car now the ly that's weird was getting ahead of myself thank you Trey for getting me in line you do that a lot B you had an idea you want to make an a motion whatever that idea was lock it down to 3.8 not 1% off and what would the what would that dollar amount be off of that uh off of the budget or off of the levy be 82,000 1% 8 that number be like 80,000 [Music] 825 yeah 5,946 96% I we can live with that oh it's it's off last year's of 8 M200 why would we take 1% off of last year's well get your calculator take $8,200 579 times 4.86% well look 25 Levy those was 9 million right so here's the key is the percentage means nothing to anybody other than to say we did 4% or we did a 3% we have to set a dollar figure right but what I'm saying is the the sheet of paper says the levy increase and that's the increase over the prior right what I've said for a number of years is to take 1% off of the proposed Levy I think we would still be okay not off of last year's proposed l i could car less what that 4 point whatever percent increase says that's a figure that people like to talk about but it isn't what we're setting we're setting how much money we need from the public to run the government for the next year right Troy but if you apply the 1% to the 4.8 I just got done saying I'm not interested in percentages how much money do we need then the percentages can be figured out afterwards what 10 to to take your your 88,200 uh 579 times your Levy increase of 4 806 that does equate to our 8,594 696 so I what bill has stated was to take 1% off of that would be 85,86 so that would be it's fine I'm just saying he said 3.8 the way you're doing it is not 3.8 and it's not fifth grade math but it's not far over that right right but I'm so in 2023 figuring out for 24 we went through listed what our needs are and the money that we didn't get from outside sources was a levy a dollar figure and in 2024 for 2025 we did the same thing the money we need to run the government government for another year is what is short it's not based on 4% or 3% or any of that once we've set that Levy dollar figure the percentage will figure itself out okay with all due of respect bill of valy said 3.86% I'm telling you that's based on 4.2 million that's just a number okay you want to run the math the other way Troy you can but I heard Bill make a motion for 3.8 Am I Wrong Carl or not that is what Bill said yes so that number you're right try but Bill didn't say that so you can't do a percentage you have to list all I'm just going by what Bill L Val said he said 3.8 and you that's applied to the 8.2 so that right dght well try to reflect to a number I I just picked the 1% so try deflect to a number it be 308 171 calculated versus the 394 1117 so you want a levy $38,000 for next year no he about the increase that's just the increase go to the bottom of the sheet yeah so if you were to take 8,200 579 times his uh 3806 Levy percentage that would equate to 8,512 693 say that again car how much 8, 512,000 693 and 3 C than the 8,594 4,696 right so that's what your motion has been buil that a dollar amount yes just said yes then your if you were to take the 1% of off of the 8,594 696 and you so that would be that minus the [Music] 85,681 58,000 750 right that be $4,000 difference between the two yes that's just round that was what the discussion was that I was in between Bill give me that number again uh 8 Milli 58,000 750 the world is so concerned with the percentage and that's [Music] not so is there a motion was that your motion Bill sure so which dollar which one the 512 or the 508 508 oh give me that 8 million 8 million 5087 okay which the percentage increase would be then what we don't want to well it's on the sheet of paper it's part of our budget yeah okay that's usually what we get asked yeah that's that's what the public I know what Roy saying to yeah it would be at 3.75 I'm sorry 3757 9% increase we have motion there a second second discussion I'm going to State it I was yep I said it last night and I'm in favor of doing this is we do realize that we may have to put that one plus percent right back on next year if things go out just so we yeah we may be setting ourselves up to fail but it's worth the shot that is very valid statement yes you know got to be said before we do it yeah I am any other discussion all in favor say I I oppos Carri we also need to set the H Ling well that was requested and approved wasn't it at the 200 do I have to redo that or not well just because we approved the request doesn't mean we certified the levy it let's just I'll make a motion to certify $200,000 HRA for the levy that makes it official and well you got to certify yeah what was it last year I'll second motion discussion favor say [Music] I car anything else other and Pages you got any others today so uh then for that first meeting in January we should bring the back up that should come back on the agenda I'll Jour the meeting at 11:15 you