##VIDEO ID:wRmNUmg4jrM## any birds up West yeah I wasn't there not lately okay it's 9:00 we'll call order stand for The Pledge Allegiance Pledge Al to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all hey you have an agenda there any additions changes otherwise I'd look for a motion to approve it don't move Mr chair second motion second all in favor say I I meeting minutes oh you said you sent us a corrected one or there is a corre I handed out the corrected one okay and the only change was the name you said yes that was the only change e in the statement where we appointed you and Jamie to the budget committee is that clear enough that that's in addition to the existing budget committee or yes I mean we're fine with it so under the coordinator when there was a motion made and a second it doesn't have any results none of these have results and carry I can I use the same was was there supposed to be a r call no here so I I've taken the same methodology that was used in the past so if it was and carry would you like me to include motion carried how would you like a motion was made it say car two approv on some of these motions yeah M see in the end carried yeah I I thought we always had like an MCU at the end of it so motion carried unanimously and maybe that's fine I it's just this is what you I took it under the samey that Chad had used looked at a couple of Prior board agenda minutes and kind of carried it forward so that it was the same look you like me to change it I can I'm looking at some past minutes and I see it's I I know what you mean that in historically we haven't at least a couple I've looked at here I I would think though Mr chair like if it was a you know like a three to two boat didn't Chad break that down then it has to be listed individually yes yeah and then names of you know who voted yes who voted no yes right cor yeah that that has to be in there would it's that way but if it's if it's just when a motion was made and carry that means all five of us voted y okay if you'd like to see it a different way or no I take your lead on it there motion to approve the second second say I I car appr of the warrants name you a meeting sounds like we lost a check to C sales and service in the mail and was reissued did that check get cancelled do you know that I don't know okay I would presume it would be it's happened before Mr chair I'll make motion to pay the bills he we have a motion to pay the bills there second second discussion say I BS so Jen you're on at 9:15 so you have eight minutes but we can talk about other things this what Ken does come on up here how are you doing good how are you good a fall day today I just got so looking at John's email looks like we're commencing to the move is in progress or or done or not quite done but it's in progress Y for the you know we're working over there dispatches over there so from uh from your standpoint and kind of your give us your vision and on how that is taking place and how it's how it's going yeah well I think it's um going as well as it can yeah movings um sometimes it can be a mess so yeah yeah so no you know dispatch is working well over there and the data moving the data was a big process and it was you know with the help of a lot of people their obligation yes yep Motorola y big thank you to them y they put in many many many hours so there a lot of different or new technology or equipment that we're using now or just a matter of relocating it's just a matter of relocating there not not a lot new in the sense no Ian we might have updated a couple things but for the majority you know old dispatch was brought over to the new dispatch so yep yep yep so so were they those dispatch since we're talking about that obviously the conditions are a lot better I would think I mean from an operational standpoint and and a work setting is it yeah there's it's secure it's safe even like the deputies like we have our own processing area now it's you know everyone will have a home and it'll be safe and secure so yeah yeah it's really was everybody is everything out of the Court courthous done or not quite no we I just I was just there there's still a couple things that we need to move but for the majority it's out I would say by the end of the week because I know I think Carl I think they're itching to get in so yeah yeah yeah it's really nice so come on over and yeah see it this kind of the schedule that we were looking at I mean it pretty close to yeah y yeah which is really pretty good of course we had a really good winter we did we did yep and a good summer so yeah yeah good timing and hot mix going in there and turbing yep yep that's that's all done we can't drive on it yet but no well they got to put the Workhorse in okay and that's Friday so okay okay y Monday you get D perfect perfect yeah so have you had your first client in there yet then um in the booking or no not yeah we've done a couple uas which they have finally you know they have their own secure bathroom we don't have to take him into the public bathroom you still got time to be the first one to spend a little time yeah yeah supp we could pull something it's ready be done here make your PL can you wait until like I don't know six I should be down don't you go out like a you for old chairs like a statue we can go get a statue yeah but yeah no it's a it's a I'm sure it's a weird feeling for the dispatchers where they can get up and go to the bathroom oh yes yeah going out in the hall yeah process 180% oh yeah which station in know is the in there is the main station where they're going to sit most of the time you know take their pick they can take their pick but um you know like in the mornings like when I get there you know early in the morning some of the deputies from the night before are sitting in dispatch just yeah yeah ready to go home that's good because the public comes in there and depy right there you know I talk to him yeah yeah they can come out take them in I suppose they take them into that if somebody wants a chat or make a complaint or whatever they can take them either they take them right into that first office yeah no we have a a soft interview room yeah that that's what I that's what I me and it's very very comfortable cuz we like I had had many people that were victims like of sexual assaults they said like in our old office like this is not a comfortable office to spill like every you know so that is a very comfortable office it's yep yep and then for if we're doing interrogation we take them downstairs to the processing and we have our own interview room there and capable of um you know phone line so we can call an interpreter um you know it's very modern so so then so then when you're recording on a like a hard interview is there a button down there that you push activate that or dispat doing that no no so we would just use our recorders oh y yep nothing recording no no we would have to use our recorders so there's no video down there oh yeah no there is video yeah yeah yeah but that's always recording so right okay yeah so how about uh Courthouse security I know we talked about equipment for the court Courthouse security Grant yep yeah where is has the court [Music] system raised up and said now that you're not here oh nope they they haven't um you know we all medicine committee I wrote the grants and I haven't heard anything but I don't think I was I think it was the end of November is when they were going to I'll have to look back at the timelines but it was a it was a bit yeah so you know we offer we requested more cameras um in our absence because there is a lot of voids that could be captured in the in that area you mean or uh through throughout the whole Courthouse oh okay yeah yeah so there's still a bayth that's up there during court um if it's in person we up there yeah yeah so arraignments you're up there if they're in person yeah yeah not in cost you know like say say the all the speeding tickets come in and and when they're going into the court in on the court there's probably somebody up there then yeah yep yep and it you know there is a new schedule that um depending on the crime you committed if it's going to be in person or Zoom so I think it'll be a little bit more Bay lipping that we're going to have to do yeah yeah think yeah that's all right yeah we'll just you know if it gets to be too much for the deputy working then we'll probably have to look at just a bayt like we used to have so but e than e e e agreement yep to enter into a grant agreement to to work with OTS yeah okay yeah so move we got a second I'll second that okay Carl did you you got the of that you were yes so there's a motion to approve um Fiscal Agent ins the agreement yeah there a resolution right here resolution any other discussion all in favor say I I post cared thank you thank you if you come now you'll get an extra minute I get down means we ask you question good morning can I go yes okay first thing I have is um so last meeting we you approve the vacation donation uh new policy or program we do have somebody that is actually requesting to um use that policy um he is um in our Highway Department going through some personal things and so he's requested we've had many people call asking to donate when we're going to get this approved so call are here to get the approved um to open the request or open the donation program for this individual you know you've Ved it out it meets the requirements of the policy has the proper paperwork filled out and we're ready to go was there a motion to grant that request based on Ashley's recommendation so move Mr chair I'll second is there any discussion don't to say hi hi all right thank you so I will send an email out to all of the employees letting them know that this program um is open for this individual and if they can you know they can donate and then I'll work with the auditor's office um to get those funds or those hours transferred over into his bank so um the second thing I have is just request um a request to extend um Mya El's current schedule um he's spending with the with the ending of the year with the uh Campground it's a lot of things still need to be done and so he's looking for an extension just to work his part-time hours so what he's currently doing is Monday through Thursday 8 to noon so then he has presence here every every day Monday through Thursday um and so he'd look to continue that schedule until November 4th and then come on full-time November 4th because then everything would be wrapped up over there so this was how much different than what we first started or was there any this was the same it was two days and then so he was doing two days full days and then he um asked if he could do just four days of mornings and um then his you know he's in the office then every day Monday through Thursday not Fridays but um and so this would be the same schedule just to get things wrapped up for him um and then November 4th full time yeah they got to drain that Campground there's a lot of work to be done on there for the season there was nice weather too still people out there probably you said water lines were shutting down today oh could be so campers are gone or I don't know yeah they're shallow so they got to blow everything out out there plus take the softeners sounds like a lot of work it is so does this require you want motion or you just let the minutes reflected what you I don't know if it needs a mo motion probably not I think let's approve it okay okay I'm fine with that I'm fine is there a motion then to approve the request for Maya for the temporary work schedule is recommended by Ashley I'll make that motion I'll second it any other discussion one thing I would say is that let's say it was recommended by the Personnel committee not an individual okay thank you for that yes because it was sent out to the Personnel committee prior to coming here so we did go through the proper channels you got that Carl all in favor say I I okay we had two minutes what uh would you like to add how you how are you doing you get happening um we're trying to hire but we had a retirement so we're uh filling a s Tech hoo position um so we're interviewing internally today we'll see how that goes and then um hopefully get that one filled who retired John plaster did yeah yep so he is off to do what he wants to do so um we're getting into the busy time of open enrollment um health insurance premiums went out yesterday we did get about a 12% increase um which is not great but it's better than last year last year was 19 so um I sent out that information out we have open enrollment in November we have afflac coming next next week um afflac will be here uh to sign people up for benefits change benefits anything like that and then all of our volunteer benefits you know the dental division long-term disability life that that open enrollment will be in November um the insurance committee has been meeting um to look over the benefits um looking over kind of a dental plan too there was a bit of an increase on Dental so we're looking at some other options to see if it would be the time to change to stay um and so if we do um decide to make a change obviously I'll be coming to the board with with that um and so yeah busy time with open enrollment right now so any questions well was bad but it's not the 26% Western Pur to it is yeah yeah we did have our first meeting with David grown for the wage study yes we did so we're we're g to be um starting that process of talking with our department heads tomorrow um to start the job description development and things like that so it's moving it's moving so any questions your time is now up okay my have is waiting thank you Ashley morning good morning man the item in front of them back on uh September 10th we opened bids for County Road 34 project we did get six bids which was great which is four more than we got previously the little bidder was Joe riy Construction in the amount of $899,000 45753 uh roughly 27,00 ,000 under what we estimated the cost to be so I did send this down to mot they did give concurrence to move forward with the project and I'm currently working on the grant agreement for uh the bridge bonding for this project which I would assume would come probably to the next board meeting for approval so at this point we're just looking for uh awarding the contract to the L bidder Joel Riley construction there it was sent out in the packet uh a motion to accept the L better based on that's recommendation so move Mr chair as a recommendation from the highway committee I will second that is there any discussion estimated assuming everything from State comes through when are they going to start they won't start till next Spring right but it be May probably yeah miday most likely start estimated two months I would assume it's normally going to be about two to two and a half weeks for each box culber and then probably two weeks for Paving so about a month and a half with so those box cers M will be ordered then at any time yep once we get contracts signed put the order in for get those going we did open bids for 55 and don't even R Township and I'll probably be bringing those to the board here the next meeting good busy next year yeah just the start of it it's good any other discussion all in favor say I iOS carried thank you oh you got two minutes well that's the end of the agenda okay you're off motion to adj thank you y does mat does Friday work for you at one o' yeah Friday would work for me so okay sure I'll just I'll call Ron and make sure he's on board for that time one o' yeah and if Ron can't come you'll have let us know y okay perfect thank good thank you Mr chairman um as she was wondering if she could have one more ension to her come on down I forgot I had it laying right on top of it and I forgot to bring it so speaking of John plaster retiring he requested so you retired last Tuesday well I couldn't get the vacation um the individual's uh request approved until today of course and so John plaster was wondering if his sick time that he has because he doesn't get it paid out he was wondering if that could be transferred into this employees vacation request he doesn't get it paid out it'll zero out he was just wondering if we can move it in how much is it how much time well he can only donate it would be the max of what he can donate it's more than that I don't know if it was a couple hundred um and so he was just wondering if he could get that and I thought it needed a board approval because he retired and he's currently gone already um and now that we just got this approved today so I didn't feel I could make the decision on my own without board approval well I I think that he wanted to do it when he was an employee here right yes he signed it he signed a a paper that said that he'd like to donate a sick time to him yeah well he didn't really have a chance to get in front of the board that we were meeting so I I would I would think that'd be all right with me anyway so got a question is there a maximum amount that an a request can receive the individual can only see receive I believe it was 520 hours yep and I think I I'd have to look back at there I don't have the policy in front of me but if it was 80 hours that an employee can donate I'd have to look at that again but he wants to whatever the Maxes he wants to be able to donate that I'll make the motion Mr chair then allow that to happen okay we have a motion is there a second I would like to I know we're supposed to get a second first but I'd like to table this till the next meeting just to go through this it's setting a precedent that I don't that I'm against but I don't want to do it on spray a moment either well one of the issues and once again we could wait till we get it would be and the reason I asked the amount is if if there's donations that Max the situation out then this wouldn't be material no if he gets the 520 if he gets the Max and then somebody else donates they get that back so then if yeah that would go coincide with what Troy said because am I saying that right [Music] Carl I I understand like are you because under the policy it states that they have they can they have to have 80 hours left in their vacation or their sick time um would that be still in place that he would still need 80 hours [Music] or from from all of it yeah because he is gone so he's not so if you want to set an amount that can be donated um I don't know okay so he had like 200 hours he said I want to say he said he had a and he wanted to donate at all he wants to donate whatever the max the max would be which that leave 80 hours left in his bank per the policy yeah but he's already retired and gone right so but he but he asked to do that when he was an employee yes so if he would have if there would have been a commissioner meeting before that we' have had that you know if we would approved this before yes before he retired he'd have been doning in the time right what I was getting at is is there a Max that the person can receive you said 500 and some hours 520 what I was getting at is let's pay forward and what Troy is saying well let's say that happens that the this person gets 520 hours from other employees then deviating from the policy wouldn't we wouldn't need to that am I saying it but do you want to wait on to see what he gets I I'm not help me out I I I want more time to go through that I'm not against this it's just when this polic I I didn't Envision this when we went through the policy this scenario so I'm glad you brought it up because it was brought up at the first Commissioners meeting I think we just need to table this issue so we froze everything as is until the next meeting so we can do a little because yeah I mean he's not here he doesn't need to hold 80 hours so do we do the whole thing or do we do what we need to do a little more work on this I think yeah and we'll we'll still accept we'll still accept the donations coming in for current employees and then if you guys you want me to come back next week if Dwight resed that I'll make a motion to table this until our October 15th meeting okay but I I do think that you know we can I do think at some point we should use his ours and and not take away from current employees take time because they might need it when it when their time comes right so you know I think if we can use if we table it it'll come up in two weeks and then we'll yeah okay okay we have a motion so do we have a second to third motion oh second then okay does that make sense to you car yes is that a y yes there is yes okay any other discussion all in favor say I I post carry I'm done now done okay thank you coordinator all right there was a request by ER p uh to receive their ARA funds of $2,000 um in your board packets there's completed the pap work that they submitted so I'm looking for a motion to approve the upper money request to uh thir all Township for $2,000 is there a motion to that effect motion to approve Mr second I'll second any other discussion all in favor say I question Carl yes um so is that about the last Township now then or do we know it's got to be get close well there so I know they had mailed it prior to September 1st so we haven't gotten it by now it probably hasn't been mailed by our deadline right right yeah their day down here was 813 one other to I need to look into the arund a little bit more just to make sure who has and who has not I chat with you see where we're at with those we're about down to the bottom much we were carrying like 2300 or something yeah um the other item that I had was the opid settlement annual public meeting um I met with them about two weeks ago and they set a date of October 16th for that I do believe they do need a County coordinator to or county commissioner to be at that meeting um I don't recall who was the the board member who was I'm on what time on the 16th that is from 11:30 to 12:30 and it is in this room what time 11:30 to 1230 yeah I can't make yeah the emails are we all sent out I sent out email as I put it up I put it there but I don't care it don't make any difference whoever I I I know I can't make it so if there's somebody else that can I I I can't either I R to be G okay okay so they will be designated to and will you be attending I will be attending as well who's all who's all involved is that is that Horizon and Horizon W Western Prairie yeah I had there was also the um the parole officer he was here Tony Tony Tony was here and that's pretty much everybody was in the room that day good so maybe he'll find more out about it and are there timelines that we're getting pushed up against that we need to be moving this group forward than we are from talking with the group at this point in time there's $85,000 that was was granted to Grant County um so right now what they're in the process of doing is figuring out how they're going to spend the the OB money here within Grant County so there have been a couple of different ideas thrown around I believe that's what they're going to be talking about at the the annual meeting here just some different opportunities or things that one for what we can do every year you have a community meeting that Partners can come and bring ideas of how to spend this money this is not Grant counton is not going to spend this money Western Prairie is probably not going to spend it's Community Partners that will get this money it just comes through Grant County Western Prairie and your timeline is we're in year two I think of 18 years so we've got it ain't much for year it was well it's it's front loaded so there's more now in the than what you know by year 15 through 18 there really isn't going to be any money coming in what else does Carl have for um things that are kind of on my my docket right now are is I'm going to be updating the tobacco policy that was one thing that at the the opioid uh meeting we discussed about the our tobacco policy and how it's so out a date I sent some updates on what that should look like basically to follow you know the new laww that are regarding tobacco um I'm also going to let me stop you there so Grand County actually has a tobacco policy that based on law statute that affects license sellers or or smoking and public oh okay y it's it's regarding smok policy or ordance it's our ordinance okay yeah and the other thing that I am also going to be questioning is if Grant County has a ordinance numbering system so I'm going to kind of work with Justin a little bit Chad and see if there's anything that I should be if we have a or a plan in place to make sure that they're all in order and we're not stumbling over the same ordinance numbers so I need to look at that and then the other thing that I'm going to start looking into is the um the Cannabis and I'll be reaching out to each one of the Commissioners to kind of get some questions on on your feel or how I should kind of be drafting the ordinance for the the Canabis policy so I want give all of your input to so I'll be giving you a call I'm probably going to look into it next week and if I can get to this by November 1st is my goal is to have something drafted and in front of you to look at that's what my my goal is and then and then the cities kind of pair you know with with some form of fashion of you know yes and that's my intention too is to reach out to the cities and kind of see y if they're planning on doing anything there's be is it possible that a city could have could have had or will have had a request or needed to make a decisions prior to when we've done something they they could have yes and is that material for us or them I need to do more research I need to to dig into it and read into it and I need to actually read the statute and I need to read the statute digest it read the statute again yeah and then I'll need to call to the cities um and look at some of the other stuff the AMC has out there for for cannabis right now um and then again it's your guys' opinion too do you want the wild west or do you want it to regulate them so I mean that's the two extremes of what we're looking at so I think cities are are obligated to the hours of operation for the dispensaries and I think any of these meeso businesses and micro businesses that's a state license but it could it's got to be regulated distance from a school distance from a daycare I mean there's a lot of there's a lot of you know pieace that need to be put together for our ordinance actually and I I would have to think that there's different counties that are going to have different ordinances in place from the couple of examples that I've seen of it so far no tour like n exactly there'll be 87 different there'll be 87 different ways to do it so on that though I would recommend you don't call us I would say wck send out questions you need answered because that would be consensus building you need that conversation needs to happen here in an open meeting right why and I can I can def you can send out the questions it's just the conversation needs to happen here not even individually it would be consensus building okay so that that will be what I do then send out a question here yeah that'll that's how I'll kind of proceed forward with that is um I just need to get through all [Music] these things right now and it's uh I've been to the AMC conference the the Nao conference then the the make a conference and so I'm just I need the conferences to kind of like slow down or stop and then I can like after after this week it'll be much much better I'll be in the count don't let them overwhelm you either if it's too much say okay that's it I'll have to get it next time Y and that's kind of what I'm doing with a few of the conferences that I'm seeing or that are coming up I'm just saying it's it's too much on my plate right now I don't need to sit in that it's not imperative so i' I've already turned down three or four different invites to do well I believe 47 emails a day 550 there is I sent that General government email to you yes that's actually probably one of the I like that committee because there's a lot of things that are going on there it isn't just Target different just one one or two three things there's like 10 different things dozen different things that happen in that Comm anything else part Carl that is that is all I have for any other committee reports I I have one Mr okay so it's not it wasn't a meeting that I that we had but I it's under EMS you know I I was in Canada last week and I was we're close to a town called Harney Manitoba and the old owner of the property that uh that we hunt on lives in hartney and I was talking to I was in his house talking to him and we were talking to EMS and he said well we used to have an ambulance here and uh we don't any more people no people to you know run it and Equipment costs and I said well how long ly does it take you get an ambulance here that well he said it could be an hour and a half two two and a half hours to get one here from ser and he said well last December that he he woke up and he had chest pains you know he'd been having some problems so he he drove to cus which was an hour way and ended up having a stint put in his heart and went a peg so I told them you know about what we what we're trying to do here in Grand County and he go boy if you can if you can keep your EMS boy because they they don't have ambulances anymore there and that's not good so so they I was up in otter tale County yesterday paying my taxes and I ran into their their emergency manager and they're they're having a work study with the Commissioners up there today at CMS they said well here's a story for you so relate it to we we don't we don't want that happening here so so that's uh that's my Ste today and I can touch on a little bit I did that presentation over at General government for you know P tabs and where we're headed with with any kind of this gaming and what's happening and I had discussions with Tory westr and Jordan rers and both state senators and they're on board with me they they think that instead of us begging money for like armor radios and things like that that we got to start tting some of these charitable gambling and the taxes that they do pay into the state and whether we can CLA up absolutely not why why would barish Fire Relief go through raising money to pay taxes that's all it is is to pay taxes yeah yeah no the charitable gambling is for giving back to the community not for paying taxes no no no if no no no the taxes that they pay into the state you're misunderstanding what's happening so in the past charitable gambling didn't pay a tax the General [Music] Revenue paid for the compliance of charitable gambling then the state said no we're not going to do that anymore we're going to tax charitable gambling to pay for the compliance so do you think the state's going to pick up the compliance part and then take that tax and put it over here no they're going to take that tax from whatever percentage it is now and at least double it so there's less money going to your boy scouts there's less money going to all these individual the other way there's X number of dollars that a charitable gambling will raise the more that the state takes the less that your local community gets that's that's actually not this is math bill there's no way to spin that that is math if I have a $100 and 20 of it has to go to the state I can give out 80 if I have to give 40 to the state now it's 60 it's a 27 3% increase since 22 of taxes that that and what they want to do when I was under Fire Department we used to have hundreds of thousands of dollars before even the state was stepping in on it okay well that's what I'm driving at is the state that's collecting it it's going into the general fund that's what I'm talking about is revenue coming back for the for all charitable gambling that would it be Alliance whether it be a fire department whether it be a Hockey Association all of that Allied Charities is all on board with this I ain't kiding you this bigger than what what you thinking is you you you're going to end up with more Revenue throughout here in you're going to wind up with more tax and your charitable gambling no I tax no yes you will no that's not true no no they're on board with it so if it's going into the General Revenue fund why don't they just say okay well we're going to get more money out of the General Revenue fund why do we need to say that it's the tax on charitable gambling they can do whatever they want to do I don't care one way or the other it's just that they're going to utilize more Revenue in local if it's coming out of the General Revenue fund they have no reason to say it's going to be charitable gambling tax no but they can crack the TA they intend to increase the tax on charitable G they they have never said that that's the only reason to bring that up the specific Source it's the only reason to bring up a specific source is they intend to increase that tax that didn't come out of the discussion with regional forties they've been working on this for the last probably five eight years they need to go back to paying for compliance out of the General Revenue and quit taxing charitable gambling so go to your local sources correct that's what's what's happening but they're not going to give it all up right the one thing had been involved in Hof at the Lions Club there's the margin on what's left to give to the boy sculls is pretty narrow yeah it's 10 12% you all these dollars when you sift it all through between the cost of the games and pay the seller and taxes and the accounting it's crazy if you go back to the Heyday I mean of pull tabs yeah once you sold over a million dollars it was you you didn't have any money to give away anymore because you paid all in tax now they changed some of that and there's less SA but when they changed it to from the general fund paying for the compliance to taxing the entities to pay for that compliance it that's not why you have 10% margins and thenly you get over a million dollars and you got have a $4,000 audit right yeah right it's crazy well this is I don't know if who's correct and maybe you're both are correct and you just I don't know on that part of the discussion so I I like Charities from you know from the cities down there they're they've been pushing for this like I said for the last 58 years and when they' seen the 273 3% increase since 22 you know it's A3 to $400 million price tank that goes directly into the general fund right so they're figuring out and Allied Charities would love to see they're they were tickled that I reached out to and actually brought it to AMC and there's a lot of people that have called after that and and quiz me a little bit about it so we're they got there's there's a uh they're creating some type of you know legislation in place to to take to the State this semester and this is a and Allied Charities is going to take the lead out it and I'm hoping AMC sponsor it'll be more stating locally not when you get the state involved if you got the state out of it there would be more Revenue staying locally yeah but like I said but now you're making more laws when have you ever kept more money when you've made more laws there you go I I don't know you just got to figure out you know different mechanisms of clawback I got help on this you know on account this is a Statewide thing so maybe what we do is and I'm not like I say I'm hearing both of you but if if you're a little bit driving this bus that you you're hearing Troy and that yeah that if if Troy is correct that when you're at a place where you're impacting some discussion that you you remember this does that make sense right you got anything to add Carl being thrown into the woods with some of this stuff it like I I've only got so much time to dig into charitable gambling to these different things and this is Bill has been running with this for a while and I understand what he's saying and I understand that yes there's tax implications for charitable gambling um those numbers and how it affects Grant County I don't know yet I I well I can tell you different entities Between the Lions and having spent 10 years as the CEO of a charitable gambling entity all I can tell you is anytime the state talks about taxes on that entity you lose money anything other committee reports then dur the meeting at 955 we did well very well