##VIDEO ID:yfqhwxjD8a0## all right no Mike no no that way I don't start it after we do yeah who he's married to chis krisco yeah kris's daughter yeah that's what it works yeah she's not very good sheap she ain't no that's what he said he built that new house there and uh he told me uh well I was there I don't know it was freezing up we had to put the back front yard together a little bit so they could get the L back back here to put sighting up and you said that she's on hospice so yeah it's quite a house he put up there though where did he build it at South End of Pelin is it almost 14 seconds hey sitting back down no call the meting order start with the Pledge Allegiance Pledge aliance to flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible be in justice for all are we uh reporting yes okay looks like we have a visitor and you are oh you know this guy yes he's here for a general government class oh good well welcome morning good morning morning oh do we have a approval of the agenda as in front of us so move Mr chair s discussion favor say I I of the minutes the last meeting second second any other discussion favor say I I the warrant says was sent out e e e e e e e e e e e I'll make a motion to pay the bills is there a second to the motion I'll second discussion questions all in favor say I I so we got seven minutes and I I didn't catch your first name what was it Tren Trent why you come forward Carl didn't tell you this would happen if we got ahead of schedule so you're uh tell us a little bit about this class you're in and and what your expectations are by attending our board meeting and update us a little bit that I have to do it's a big government class that we talk about all of um what goes on around the US government how was formed the Constitution all of those and then I have to do one government meeting of any kind whether it's School Board City Township um state or federal level and I have to go to one of those and fillow a paper to be able to pass the class is required paper and you've chosen the County board meeting as yes so that I didn't miss ski practice to go to the one tomorrow that's a good reason so uh once again do you have any expectations or you're obviously here to observe and to get a of our agenda and kind of no got the agenda okay well there might be there be yeah any the other thing is not whether it's relevant for you our meetings are recorded and then posted on our website on YouTube so that is one component that our County does utilize and so the transparency that goes along with our proceedings is we feel is important and questions you have for Bill la valy oh good thank you if you thought you were insulated you know with your dad you cheap cook and bottle washer here you know chances are you're you're going to get grilled in question on things which is good because then you learn so who's your instructor for this class uh Janice Canon okay you want to add anything else since you have five minutes no well I appreciate you coming forward and thank you I hope you learned I hope you gather enough so you can be uh put something in your report for your class yeah thank you you and to get you involved I'll chime in here a little but to get you involved you know what I mean to give you a comfort zone to do this oftener and later on in life you kind of got an understanding this is a great tool for kids to be involved great tool it's your government Ste the way you see fit could start a little early on the fishing Wild Life I'm assuming since you're in full uniform and got a smile on your faces that you're next grab another chair and move up here if you would good morning Commissioners good morning morning how Thanksgiving Mr Powers how are you today sir I'm doing well thank you so much sir good morning Commissioners morning morning my name is Jessica Paylor I a realy specialist with us fish and wildlife service I'm here to present a track for certification the Thomas J well TR trust at all track it is in Township 130 um sorry uh range 43 West Section 10 in the Stony Brook Township specifically um the Wellies came to us and would like to put a habitat easement property on their property uh they are interested in conserving this property for future uses they will still retain ownership of the property and will be responsible for paying taxes uh they just want to make sure that the land stays uh as a native habitat for future Generations it'll be a be able to uh hunt on the property and use it for recreational activities and they've left an area out for food plot so that they can still uh do what they want on that area uh we do have restrictions that they are not able to build on easement but they can still enjoy the land I'm going to open it up to Neil for uh any information on the management side hi Commissioners it's uh good to be with all of you again it feels like it's been quite a while since I've seen all of you appreciate that opportunity um all of our conservation events are what we call working land conservation easements and so the land owner retains some certain rights um to either hay and or graze the property so there's still that opportunity not sure if this is uh within the cards that the well foresee uh the use of the land but certainly as the land passes from generation to generation or landowner to landowner there is still um some type of uh of of grass-based Agriculture that can occur on the property um so in terms of management we help support uh the restoration of both wetlands and grasslands um uh but beyond that uh the responsibility for uh noxious wheat control uh lies with the landowner today will continue to lie with the landowner going forward as well um so our conservation easements are what we call limited interest so while we are acquiring an A A A an interest of value in the property um it is certainly subservient to um any easements that have come before it so uh the use of the roads whatever might be adjacent to it we're subservient to those um often times there's some type of ility there right so electrical or or water or those kinds of things and so I I believe all of the members of the board here have been out on on one or maybe more of our tours um that is something that we're like to do them every couple of years and so we would be we'd like to do that again with uh uh with the Commissioners we would of course wait for somewhat warmer weather um but if that's something that the uh chair Mr chair if you'd like to entertain that and the Board of Commissioners I'd be happy to uh work with um uh the board board secretary or whomever to be able to arrange something uh probably look at um June or July time frame again so any questions for me at all I got a couple questions this is a Perpetual right yes forever it is yes and then what one and two you got we got a picture of it here on the board packet explain the one and and why you can't categorize one and two is it just different I think it's just numerically just to keep track of them so it's Wetland number one and Wetland number two so yeah the numbers don't signify anything it's simply just numerically if we had 50 of them we'd want to be able to talk about Wetland number 50 versus Wetland number 25 so give me in your key on the bottom it references a type oh uh true yes uh but that's not the numbering not the reason for the numbering um that's more the reason for the coloring on there so light blue and the dark blue so a type two Wetland would be a seasonal Wetland um typically it would be uh wet coming out of the the spring thaw You' probably see it hold water for about a month uh and then it would typically dry up as we got into June and July and we saw a little bit less precipitation um the type four Wetland is typically what we would call a permanent Wetland so you're going to see those on the landscape for the majority of the year with the exception of some of the drier Summers that we've experienced over the last couple years so they're probably going to be wet from Spring uh it extend well into the summer some of them may dry up some of them may hold you'll see where it it it backs well well away from theet tails and you might have just a little wet spot with a whole bunch of mud flat out there that would be characteristic of a type four W yeah more seasonal more more more per more permanent yep more permanent okay so would be a good way to describe it the the white blocks on there uh are simply just uh embankments that we would construct uh to hold the water in those areas typically they're uh they've got a 15t top with uh either 4 to1 or 5 to1 side slopes we install an emergency Spillway uh so we don't have issues down the road uh but the intent there would be to restore those two Wetlands so maybe this I should know this but I don't if there was adjacent property and it made sense to improve I.E tile and it made sense to go into this area is that still possible um great great question question it all depends depends on will the adjacent landowners tiling efforts have an impact a detrimental impact to the habitats that we seek to preserve um often times what uh what we'll do in those cases is we allow people to tile up to our boundaries and into the property into it being if you were to say from the south Mr chair so tiling from the south going to the north so putting water into the system um typically that's not an issue if it was tiling from the Wetland and then tiling out of it so it would have some kind of detrimental impact likely not um I was going like more in that would be able to the adjacent be able generally yes um but I will say that every circumstance has its own nuances and we evaluate those through a lens where where the the intent is to try to find um a path forward some type of common ground that will will continue to preserve the intent of the land owner obviously the land owner has some rights and expectations um along with the fish and wild service so usually it's a conversation between us the landowner and whoever the project proponent is so Carl so do you get to assess this differ so we can extract more money out of Fish and Wildlife well we don't directly assess fish and wildlife that would be the land teas um but in a lot of these meetings it's okay for the assessment side of these uh the wetlands would have already been considered as waste and so the value on those would change whether it's in the easement or not because our easement value is the same as our Wetland value yeah um the other lands are already not considered tillable other than kind of that South West portion of it um so that would come out of tillable and that would go into the easement so there'd be a little bit of land value difference there but overall the the value of the parcel isn't going to change drastically yeah okay and Carl my understanding is it it's the county has the ability to make those determinations cor right so is there prescribed that take place on this and you guys have latitude to do that sometimes but not very often typically if we were going to do a prescribed fire out there they would be associated with the restoration and then it would be up to the landowner to determine if that's a practice that they want to carry on okay um I would say if we were looking at 10 different properties from restoration standpoint maybe one of those might see a prescribed fire um it it's a uh it's just something that um in particular when we're having thirdparty contractors do it we have to be really judicious and cautious careful about where we Implement that um because we want to make sure that they they do it right from a safety standpoint that we don't impact other landowners rights or other other landowner interests um so we want to be really thoughtful and mindful about where to best do that and typ typically commissioner uh where we might do that would be if we were to acquire an interest in a property that would have native Prairie and there would be some value in doing that okay so well that is a great tool that you know there's a lot of blubbering about what goes on there but you know something cleans property level like that and you get new growth and you absolutely you know the polymers and all stuff so you know something there there is a need to do that regardless of it's popular or not yep and we're we're not opposed to that whatsoever it comes down to uh generally we have funding for restoration but the funding from a long-term maintenance stpoint really rests with the landowner um so uh what but we what we could do though and we do quite often is if the land owner were to approach us and say that they have an interest in consuming to do that we can simply authorize that through a special use permit and and give the land owner the authority to go ahead and do that on he questions or comments and either our group or it appears there's a certification at the County Board of Commissioners that be approving this Carl would you recommend that we do from your sing from the assessment stance Point there's there is going to be a slight difference but in reality there's um this property has already been kind of doing some environmental practices in the past um I don't think that you know it would be in the interest of the county to to deny it but okay is there a motion to approve this certification for this property Ean I'll make that motion Mr chair second I'll second discussion I've I've watched that property for 30 years nice piece of property I know it well well never been used for any type of forland that I ever seen so it'll help for backfield real estate taxes for him yeah so it'll be sustainable for years to come sure and I it's a good process I think as long as it stays on the tax R yes sir it does all in favor of the motion they I so since you do have 11 minutes give us some an update on kind of where your Department's at as it relates to Grant County and the surrounding counties and kind of Mr chair particular place that you'd like me to focus on land acquisition management in general I can just tell you that when we get ahead of schedule Who's ever in front of me I usually ask him to to give an impromptu update and you now get get the floor so I don't have a specific so I'd let you lead us very good I I'd like to Beque all of my time to Trent be a good learning opportunity for him he did well on the he already got up here one so absolutely absolutely I appreciate that Mr chair and so um I I would say from a land acquis acquisition standpoint we continue to see a significant interest in our programs uh we are very judicial about which properties we have an interest in not everything that uh comes across my desk is a it's given a thumbs up I would say from a conservation easement standpoint that might be half um we continue to have interested parties come forward with an interest in selling properties to us in fee title uh where the fish wine service would then become the owner behalf of the American people manage it on behalf of the American people we have many water fou production areas within Grant County uh the bar for that is even higher um I don't believe uh We've acquired any properties here in Grant County over the last few years that I can recall um the general focus from a land acquisition standpoint uh is from uh the conservation easement standpoint that's where we focus the majority of our time it also appears to be um most palatable with the land owners that we work with from the standpoint that um similar to the Wellies they want to keep the property in their family they want to use it for recreational purposes they want a place for kids and grandkids to hunt and those kinds of things so um such seems to be the most interest uh we continue to have uh a robust Land Management program we do Implement prescribed fire uh we probably uh I want to say and it's highly variable based on the weather right so last last year we were able to start our prescribed Fire season quite early we were able to go quite long uh because we really didn't have a winter to speak of uh but most years we probably have 20 good burn days uh that we're able to implement and we scatter those across our highest priority units um and so we're responsible for five counties in this area Grant is one of those Grant Douglas otter tale wilin and are the counties that we're responsible for um if you Traverse to the South we have a sister station in Morris that's responsible for Swift and Pope and eight counties directly to the south of Brant County so you might work uh kind of across county lines with uh my uh counterparts uh Bruce fresy he's the project leader down there or um you know on road issues or those kinds of things and so um so I got question let me interrupt you there so it appears we're going to have a new Administration in Washington do you sense that that new leadership will affect the US Fish Wildlife in any major form I think that we can take a lot of cues from the administration that's coming in from the administration that that was uh prior to four years ago uh the interest of that Administration really is um to promote recreational opportunities on public lands interestingly enough with waterfall production areas they are completely open to everything unless specifically closed it's a little bit different for a National Wildlife Refuge where National wild refuges are completely closed to everything unless specifically open so 180 degree difference so from from our standpoint I I don't anticipate significant changes we always see some um changes in terminology differences in emphasis um but I don't see anything that at least at this point in time and I I certainly think that we're going to learn as we go that's pretty typical of most administrations um it takes some time to um to get all the players in place it takes some time to have a new director of the fish and Water Service who is a is politically appointed to have that person in place and once we do uh we'll begin to to to feel what that difference is and so I think I think Mr chair I I if I can hold that question um in my back pocket maybe when we get together if we can um in June or July I'd have a more clear response for what that might look like just so your vision we move forward in the next short term for this area including Grant County what would you have to add to us for us so as a realy specialist I work with the Wetland Management District um we are in the same building but we are kind of separate entities um I there might be some changes with the administration like uh Neil said the focus of where we need to uh look at and what we want to uh work with um recently we've been talking a lot about pollinators we really like pollinators we want to work with more pollinators stuff um so that might be an emphasis that we focus on in the future uh but uh we won't have a ton of impact right away um with this new Administration uh we are still working to acquire easements on property and we work with land owners who want to put on the property we don't force anybody to do anything and we just are out there working with uh anybody who's interested in it and I think that will continue uh I don't think it will be stopped do you have PL funds to do what your your vision is we do have funding that won't be impacted by the current Administration um unless Extreme Measures are taken we should actually talk about that because it's important I think for the commission to understand that um the funding that comes for the acquisition of both fee title and conservation easements is not congressionally appropriated funds it's not funds that would otherwise could be used for schools or otherwise could be used for whatever not in the farm bill it's not in the farm bill no it's not so those funds for that land acquisition comes through the sale of duck stamps you're a duck hunter aren't you so you buy a duck stamp right so um those dollars go to conservation easements and fee title properties not all fee title properties but wpas would um it also comes from uh excise taxes and import fees and so do you shoot a Benelli Shotgun made in Italy got one a lot of guys do right so probably had to pay either import or excise taxes to bring that in the United States before you could purchase it so those fees all go into a fund so that's it's called the migratory bird conservation fund a lot of folks so you have a migratory bird conserv ation stamp A lot of people call it the duck stamp so those fees then are all generated um and that is what the fish life service uses to acquire um interests and properties or new free tile lands so that's kind of a pretty good way of yeah so it's not it doesn't compete with other other Congressional interests or Congressional priori so it's um kind of I'll just say user generated in a lot of ways um so and that fund um a lot of ammunition also come is imported as well so um that fund generates anywhere from1 to $150 million a year so at the start of this last Administration was closer to 150 million it's probably down to about 100 million right now it fluctuat weits wildly so well you got about a minute and 35 seconds would you like to add some more get um we are always open to working with land owners in Grant County they're feeling far between but we're always excited to to work with land owners in this County what would an ideal piece of land Ling honestly the Well's land is pretty ideal I just walked it last week week and a half ago and the amount of wildlife that was out there was incredible it's it comes down to location it's it's like any real estate right location location location so for us we're always looking for the places that are um most biologically significant to us it really doesn't matter so much about what it looks like today because it might require restoration maybe all the wetlands are drained or all the grass has been plowed up or maybe it's not very um not very healthy or whatever the case is but it could be in a very biologically significant area from a wildlife standpoint and if you were to look at places that we work in um where we're generally not working in those areas that are highly intensively egg dominated um but we're working a lot in those areas that we might call the transition zone right so it's not it's not um the Red River Valley it's not the woods to the east it's that transition in the middle and so often times what we see there is um uh a higher diverse use of of land so we might see grazing haying Recreation and agriculture all mixed together uh we typically see more Rolling Hills um or the interspersion of uh tree small tree Groves and those kinds of things on the landscape that is generally the place where we're working uh it's also a place where the majority of habitat is still intact in Minnesota so if you were to look at a corridor just think of of um through um uh we'll just go from from Fargo all the way to uh down to St Cloud the majority of what we're buying is right along that I94 Corridor probably within 20 miles uh either side of that I94 Corridor that is what we would characteristically call um especially in our Wetland District kind of that transition zone there great question you're now two minutes over thank you for thank you for your present do I need to sign something um if you can just sign one of those thank you Commissioners appreciate your time today good to see all of you again uh wish you all happy holidays Merry Christmas to all of you and uh if it's all right I think after the first of the year reach out to Carl do you do all the board okay car just reach out to you then uh and and I'll just put something on the calendar we can get out see some of the projects and we can take some dirt and talk about more of these questions that you guys have thank you for your additional information I got one more question for you that the stuff that they're selling up in the bound Waters canoe areas are you guys part of that whole no sir okay no it's probably uh National Park Service I would guess okay so okay I will do that I work I work with oh very good very good I'm sure you can trade duck hunting stories yeah yeah well we have if Bergen gets confirmed you guys are going to have U somebody in your court that's knows conservation and things like that I think well certainly um you know the former Governor um and uh if he becomes the secretary he he understands that that balance of land uses and and uh conservation opportunities and and for sure it can coexist without a doubt so yeah no I think you'd be a good good fit for that job it' be good for you guys sure no doubt thank you all right thank you Commissioners take care next morning morning hey I did send the Commissioners back perfect so exciting news that um I did write a grant for the body wearing cameras and um I was told in the beginning that it wasn't it wasn't for little departments like ours it was for big departments like New York and um so I was really shocked to get the email um that we were awarded so um John and I are here to um to to further the grant process we have to accept it or decline it um and I don't have the paperwork it's it's it's a Federal grant so it's very difficult nothing comes easy um so I guess to move forward in the grant process I would just need approval um from the board to accept or deny so we can go into detail of what the grant was um it is a 50/50 match and it'll it'll pay for um the body Wen cameras um they can only allow $2,000 per camera so we asked for 11 um there's 11 of us including John and I so whether we have one or two as a backup just at our office just in case something happens um so we did reach out to um Motorola um because currently in our squad cars we are running um way I well it's the watch guard system which watch guard used to be its own entity at one time but now they were both out by Motorola so Motorola is is the vendor who now owns watch guard so instead of um looking at different vendors like axon one of them uh we decided to stay directly with Motorola because we already had that working relationship uh with them so we went with the it's called the v700 uh camera um and it was again it was in conversation with Motorola for the with the guy that handle these systems and looking at what our need would be for them I decided to go this route and this model so as Jen was explaining you know this grant um came along pretty fast me we get no heads up of when Grant monies are available we'll either maybe hear Word of Mouth get an email or a telephone call saying hey did you guys know this style Grant is available no we didn't and a lot of times you got act pretty fast on the application process even be have a consideration it's kind of kind of put in the cart before the horse sometimes because you know we understand that there is some um you know some authorization that we have to have from the board to move forward on things especially when there's there's a a 5050 match that we would we could or would potentially come to the board and ask is there a consideration for a contribution by the county um in this case this is one of those cases now you know we look at an overall cost of something of this magnitude uh for our agency and you know we could be looking at anywhere from let's say4 to $60,000 for the complete setup depending on what type of package we go with whether we have a on premise server or go to cloud storage things like that um we understand that this Federal grant as Jen says you know needs board approval to move forward now with the board approval it doesn't mean there's any obligation of the board to have to accept or decline the grant or accept um or uh block into make any contribution towards it there's steps involved that we we have to follow in order to be able to move on to the next part of the grant process so you know the the meeting today is to basically have the board's uh blessing to accept the Grant and then move forward to see what I guess what system we would decide on um you know I still want to have the conversation with Mei with Sean and Darren they play a big part in this as well far as storage and things like that so that's That's the basis for the for the discussion today so the grant pedal award was 22,000 and we gosh we would be responsible for 11 5050 and you said 40 to 60 so no help me out with they would they would give us we are awarded 22,000 awarded 22,000 oh okay yeah so they expect another and that's into that 40 to 60 range yep um and again the reason that we chose um the v700 through Motorola is because it integrates with our already Squad cameras in our car if we were to do something different we would have to update that so they integrate together so yeah so this come up kind of quick so when did we apply for the grant um I believe it was this Summer that it was open for like a month or two or 10 that's the project Period start and it goes till the 20 2027 um so we have a couple years to integrate because there are there's quite a few stipulations because it is a Federal grant like we had to have goals and objectives and you know how we're going to you know see that it's in working order and um I guess just going back to body War cameras um you know most agencies have them and it but it it creates transparency um one thing so many things can will benefit from it know and I I understand and agree with it one of the questions I have or maybe would ask for an explanation I know back in August we approved the court of security and we addressed that looking at this this there's 46 conditions and I guess I I'm just not sure why this board would not have been uh afforded the luxury of being aware that this took place sure uh this this surprises I'm just tell us about why we don't know about it until now yeah um you know honestly I didn't um I didn't really think we were going to get it and they they told us that in the beginning um there's another uh Grant that's for smaller agencies and it actually just opened up and so they said don't be surprised you know like this is the one that you should be applying so I really didn't think we were going to get it the federal award date is 11:15 so I mean you know it just happened it just happened yeah I mean a little tough to forecast that either way we could have budgeted we knew you were going into this I'm not concerned necessarily with this 50/50 brand as what is it going to be ongoing for that storage M maintenance yeah you know that the ongoing is the one that that winds up getting in the end and I I get the days coming where we're going to have to have meeting and and I agree with and and that's a little bit where I was going with the question is we're into a budgeting we went to the preliminary budget and one meeting away from the final budget and then we get the surprises I just in no way should it impact or Cloud the importance and I commend you for applying and but I'm not sure I agree with your process and I I agree with Troy that it's never just the 22 or the 40 and so I but I encourage more discussion so I did meet with John and Jen yesterday we talked about the gr a little bit yesterday and part of it was is is it yes we're one of the last counties to have body warn cameras and they're also seeing that their deputies are also St request to actually wear them um just for officer safety off so and liability and yes um we also talked about storage and you know is there going to be a need for a server what is that going to look like what is the retention period on it we even talked about when the cameras click on and off how much is reported so those are just some of the other things that we imp talked about um with this Grant and then um me being the new coordinator I said going forward these are some of the updates that could be let aware of could let the board aware or be known of that page yes we we applied for a grant and here's what it is we we may or may not so maybe going forward that'll be the other conversation that we have is more updates those are the types of things that Bo should be awaring well how are we going to spin this into your 25 budget well like I said earlier you know we're not asking for um at this point we're not asking for a contribution from the county right we're asking for we're not asking for the contribution from the county at this point we're we're asking for the authorization to continue to move forward and to accept the $22,000 that has been offered to Grant County we still have homework to do on it because of you know we'll talk about the server being one of them you know um do I have some room on a current server which is our watch guard Motorola server yes because I've upgraded those systems do we have enough room to sustain no we don't so I need to look at you know uh a bigger server a standalone server for the body warn cameras so it has x amount of terabyte storage on it you know that's an8 to $10,000 item in itself um what's the cost difference between cloud storage and physical well you're going to have to continually replace the server right well so and this is where we we talked earlier about the anywhere from you know we say 40 to $60,000 we could be looking at and we're and we're again exploring all options available to us through molac so if we go with oops and that I mean that's maybe not a relevant question for today's proceedings are we going forward yeah there's something we can look at right there's obviously there's different different costs associated with the variations of how we would store it you know when he has a physical server it's not just that it's now we've got to have someone working with it and they're going to have to transfer all the data when you get a different one and you're upgrading where ideally with the cloud is you're putting it there in St right but I'm not you I'm I won't say anything more about CL chars right we have a consultant that will give us their opinion of whether or not yep right so help me out a little more on the idea what what's in what you're asking today was that we approved the acceptance of the 22,000 help us we can we hit through 27 to to spend the federal money so ideally we're going to approve going forward today and we can get it into the budget for 26 is when you would have an implementation or the latter half of 25 so you only have half a year where you're that's kind of what I was getting at the timing uh and so we're not looking at this coming and then wondering how the budget it correct is there a motion to accept the grant second second additional discussion yes I got a question for you now this when you guys pull people over do you have people that will put their camera yes we do okay so then this you're covering your butt by trying you know if you wanted to try to get some of their footage for a court case or something like that you'd have to draw from the person that you're arresting or interviewing or investigating or something like that this way you we have our own system it takes care of that we don't have to rely on the general public to get it off their phone well it's a redundant system is what it is because of the squad cameras that are already uh in the squad in the squads you know there's there's multiple lenses on our current Squad cameras that pick up uh wide angles zoom in angles of traffic stops the deputies are all microphoned so the the voice recording is all there as far as what has happened okay um a lot of the interaction between the deputy that's made the traffic stop and the driver and or passenger the vehicle is all recorded because it's all there in front of you this is just another layer um like you saidil you know some you we we pull people over and the cell phones right out the window right away right you know recording you're seeing them on yeah recording your approach and and why' you pull me over and whatever the case is and not only traffic stops but even just going to calls at a house you know domestics if it's not if you're not parked in front of you know you're not going to get it that's why our our microphones our microphones um without compromising anything do have quite a reach uh for the uh in Squad cameras so if I'm away from my squad car and there's no there's nothing of video value other than the the camera recording the front of a house the microphone is still recording and like I said without compromising our our system um we always have that voice recording going on but to have that that video and audio directly right here uh on those deputies um it's a huge thing I never um we had this discussion yesterday and I I never thought I'd see the day be honest with you that um we have our deputies coming to us can we please get cameras can we please have body War cameras to wear um I just I never thought I'd see that because people are you know everybody these days is so worried about everybody else right you know deputies are worried about themselves or deputies are worried about that person or or what they say or do but um it it just goes to show me too that you know we're we have professionals out there that that want that recording want that available um if need be to show that you know we are doing the right thing and and we're trying to protect ourselves trying to protect the persons that we're we're called to and also trying to protect the county overall too and um I I give I give the guys and Ys a lot of credit for that other discussion well it probably get rid of the gray area versus inadmissible versus admissible right it it's either yes or it's a no it's not agree anymore when you got a body Che right because a lot of times the cars ain't going to pick up everything right if they're off at a you know at least it covers our buck in my opinion for liability y officer liability but it's what's that worth what's that worth you can put a price t on that correct and you know we can also use these for training you know we can replay a video and we can you know kind of critique like okay what could we have done better here you know but um and everybody acts better on camera and you know I I believe our guys and gals are Grant Count's finest and I think it'll just be very good for everybody so once again I commend you for the leadership and take and apply for the grant um all in favor say I iOS Carri thank you did you uh want to have any other discussion with the cordel security Grant uh other than if you want if you have um you got eight minutes yep so you got to use it I think the um the email that I received it says the um that we rewarded the $3,143 um it will require electronic signature from the grantee to execute the agreement please send me the names and email addresses of whom the agreement should be sent to I'll the agreement requires the grantee identify an authorized representative and so we need to send her that name as well um so and that should be coming this week yeah so we had that conversation a little bit yesterday too with with Carl and so um although uh Jen is the one that wrote the grant for the courthouse security committee you know we don't have being that we're across the parking lot we don't have a lot to do with the courthouse itself um so it seemed logical that somebody the other than one of us be the grantee like is it you know is it Grant County as a whole is it is it you Canen as then as a board chair or is it you know Carl as the might I see on this one you have Chad as the official entity that's because the Federal grant goes through the auditor office the auditor's office so would it make sense either it should either be the cour coordinator or Chad I would say and you have a recommendation Carl I had stated yesterday that I would be willing to be the on that the grante who would be the authorized representative I'll make a motion to Carl both I'll say okay I mean if there's any you know the the paperwork and everything um is one part and know if there's any other anything else that you know that we could help out with certainly willing to help out with yeah um I mean there's going to have to be some coordination now with our with our courts um some rules and everything written uh at the court house security uh group as follow as how we're going to operate because the part of this grant is for that walkthrough metal detector so I may Carl we had a motion for that piece we is that also or is it going to be a separate motion to accept the grant or can that be together I included accepting the Grant in my motion okay and that was the second sure now some additional thank you additional discussion all in favor say I very and I do think that will we we should schedule a meeting with the the our committee so you got five minutes you've now been in your new law enforcement center for 31 days however many days it is uh give us a little update on how it's operating and how it's fitting your needs um any challenges or any well our challenges right now trying to stay warm I'll be totally honest with you stay St warm in the building having issues with some filters on on the heat pumps um and then you know when everything's kicking in and all that all those heat pumps are sucking air then they start to hum pretty loud so we're having to adjust filters accordingly right now I have three three of the heat pumps shut down upstairs and I just had enson here yesterday um I I sent a a text message before we came up here directing how things are going to be moving forward from here on out as far as our heating and cooling system and I best see results I I better see somebody up there when we get so what in the air hand with these the filters it's it's sucking so much air it's whistling in a sense it's more than whistling I mean we before before yesterday um some of a couple one of our investigators for sure but didn't matter which one was working could not even be in their office it's so loud on the West End on the west end so I I have to physically either shut it off the thermostat or hit it at the breaker to shut it down and um just so we can work um I we yesterday I thought okay we're good because we replaced every filter and every unit um balanced everything got everything working as it should I mean the building instantly came up to temperature 70 Dees and everybody was happy even hurt and uh this morning when I walked in I'm like are you kidding me just hling just Hing oh no yeah and so uh yeah I mean so I I I know some things that can be done to correct it as a bandaid um I'm kind of at the point that this is not my job to have to do that that's why we paid the money that we did uh for these contractors to install systems that they did so they best be down here working on them I can climb up and down the ladder all day long and adjust filters and slide one this way and that way and make things work but that's a bandid so other than that no we have it's a beautiful Y and um it's a beautiful facility um if there was anything negative about any of it uh by all the people that we've ran through in the last month is it sure is Bland um inside oh inside yep yep they I mean the comments about the outside are just fantastic right but um like the blue and beige I think yeah but I I think the entry rate is one one thing but you know once you get into the working spaces um down the hallways and our offices and and uh sally port and processing you know all the walls are one color you know there's there's only three colors in that whole entire building Believe It or Not painted colors and and somebody you know people said oh sure is gland well it's not it's it's it's it's to work in it doesn't have to be you um but no other than that it's it's just absolutely fantastic so you anticipate getting some wall hangings picture or something to brighten it up be dandelion pretty quick sure yeah I mean you know people bring in stuff you know it's up to you know if whoever got their individual offices however they want to decorate and and you know we got a couple of our dispatchers that love decorating so they're bringing in stuff for Christmas and and we've got our Giving Tree set up now um in the lobby um I I sent a picture but um yall remember our old glass in the sheriff's office in the courthouse right above the walk-in door was a big piece of edch glass sheriff on it now we we know that probably back in the 70s you know was probably when that was installed when Ed Williams had moved over there but it's etched it's not a decal or anything like that and and knowing that glass was going to come out i' made the comment to to Jeff and Radford and also talked to the guys from Alex glass and glazing that I want that piece of glass I don't want that destroyed because everything else would have been costed so I was able to grab that and I told Jason Morris from AP what my intent of was on that that I was going to build some type of frame shadow box and either hanging on a wall or hang it from the ceiling has an old part of the courthouse law enforcement center bringing it over to the new well Jason had taken it from me last Friday and uh built the shadow box for it and delivered it yesterday he was here doing some work um so we were quick to hang that up in the lobby now so um if any of you have time I encourage you to stop up because it's looks really it's uh it's pretty darn nice that you did that for us so it's less Bland today than it was two days ago it's less Bland today yeah Lobby is not the issue isue but it doesn't need to be there nothing it doesn't have to be anything fancy Beyond those those does well I know you spent a lot of work on this construction I'm trusting that I hope that heat in what goes forward it works out for you you deserve to be warm that's nice so good luck it's it's expected I guess you know but it's I just I'm I'm getting frustrated now a little bit and uh yeah we'll get it sounds good thank thank you is this our copy or they want that back or I don't okay six human resources do you the holiday schedule okay that's a benefit of me earlier remember that all right so the first thing I have is the holiday schedule for 2025 um no new holidays were added so it's the basic the ones that we currently have um I've just changed the dates to be what they will be in 2025 so just looking for approval for the 2025 holiday schedule I got a question shouldn't that first one be Ken's birthday it could be SLK birthday you can put it on your copy is there a motion to accept the holidays for 2025 as presented motion to approve Mr second second or you second well i' put a change in there if I want any discussion who's got the second on there Joy all in favor say I I post approved all right thank you um so the next thing is just every year I come to the board in December for a recognition program so um we did um for prayer policy we send out and the ones that have met their Milestones get to pick a item of clothing um clothing or hat or whatever they want to pick from our website that we have and um in their um allocated um price amounts and so those were handed out probably a month ago now but um I just wanted to recognize those that have met their milestones for 2024 so five years we have Pat McGrath at the highway department we have William Westrom at the highway department we have Ruben Anderson in environmental services and for 10 years we have Radford renstrom and facility maintenance 15 years we have Brenda XI in the Sheriff's Office 20 years we have Chad Van satin in the auditor's office and 30 years we have Lindo omara in the assessor's office so I want to acknowledge their years of service appreciation um the dedicated work they have um had at Grant County so I want you to all be aware of that so if you see them tell them congratulations um and there we have for 2024 so I don't need anything approved just wanted to to all be aware I'm done now you got six minutes tell us a little bit about what opening R and all the stuff you've been the annual stuff yep so gone open enrollment is closed and so we are um yeah I've submitted all the paperwork to all the insurance companies to get those changed um I'm going to have a meeting here maybe is it next week with Health Equity to have a kickoff meeting just to talk about the HSA and enrollment for that because I'll be putting in all those numbers myself and the Health Equity um and so once that we get that in then that'll generate the HSA of cards to get sent out to all the employees so hopefully they get sent out before the first of the year so they have them um so that's coming up for flex and health um or HSA and flex and then um yeah all the Open Enrollment was sent to for health insurance so all those cards should be sent out new cards will be sent out in December for all employees um as well as Dental um there was no vision changes but um so yeah we've got we've got it figured out for January um now it's just waiting to make those payroll changes and we can do that um and we've been interviewing uh we have a couple interested in highway so we'll be interviewing Highway probably in the next week or two we're heavy equipment operator Pat wants to be full staffed I wonder why um and so we have that um and then still discussing the deputy recorder position um making de ision here I would say shortly on that we get that office fully staffed as well you had app or interviews for that yeah yep yep anything else otherwise I'd let you out the hook four minutes early and give that to Matt Matt can have it you don't need it he's the do of one thank you yes thank you you walk slow it'll only be three minutes then I'll talk slow morning good almost doubled my uh time it takes to get to work I know I assume you got your letter yep okay yeah go ahead okay I don't have anything for you guys to act on today just wanted to give you an update on the County Road 52 Bridge as you are aware the plan has been to design this project probably for a decade now I would say but last uh month I was at the board talking about how we were going to close that bridge down to one lane and moving forward because there was scour underneath the southeast abutment and there were issues with it listing and everybody's aware of that uh periodically there have been little holes opening up near that area coming up to the surface behind the abutment um after our the last moisture we got and the last snowfall there was another hole that opened up this side on more towards the center towards the North Lane of the road myself I believe uh Ryan Anderson who is the lead inspector for OT tale County's bridge program he was in the county helping out on the Stony Brook Township while I was out of town so him and myself and the PowerHouse commissioner bill of Val came we came we went out there you say a little louder should we make sure we get powerhouse on the video go we went out to take a look at it and the hole on the surface was about a foot wide Circle underneath it went down probably three to four feet and it was a CO and it was about underground it was about 4 feet wide went down there with a tiling Spade reach down there as far as you could go and you could push that in there as far as it would go and you wouldn't hit anything solid so at that point we decided that it's best just to close the bridge for the time being until it's replaced so I sent out a memo to the sheriff the uh uh school districts and the property owners along that stretch of road informing them of what happened and I did get a call from one of the property owners already and very understanding about it and currently uh with the bridge plan I spoke with Ericson engineering who's been designing it and I told them the issue and they said they'll have us plans and everything completed here this month so we'll have the plans we got the permits completed already and we'd only need two temporary easements when I talk to the property owners they're fine with that and the last thing we'll need to do is figure out funding at this point it's kind of up in the air there's no Bridge bonding right now there is a potential come springtime for a federal off system Bridge funds which would actually pay 80% of the project but we would have to apply for those and get selected for those as well and that would come with additional charges or fees that we'd have to go back and make the plans meet Federal requirements which generally about 10 to 20 grand is what it normally cost but as of right now uh the bridge is closed and it will remain closed until it gets replaced and I'll probably put out our public notice in the paper for this week just so the whole need a wear but that's all I wanted to call or stop up here and update you guys on you have any questions I I see your memorandum uh do we assume that the sheriff's department would have alerted the fire department and and the ambulance yeah they would be the dispatch that would be so they're aware of it y through the sheriff I sent okay questions for Matt is there any intention on putting maybe a gravel pile on each side of the bridge that people don't continue to move over it no that would be somewhat redundant since it is illegal to drive down a closed road so they drive down there they're already illegal so are they driving on it they would be at their own risk if they want to I wouldn't say they're in danger of major injury but I would say there is the potential that if they're driving it could sink and they could end up high centered on it so just make sure I heard what I thought I heard so law wise you got it closed practicality huh people are still using so do do we we don't take on any risk or liability if people go around signs or barricades is it proper barricaded so you got to work at it to get over it yeah got go through the ditch yeah you there are signs that say CL and we are ordering more science say bridge is co is it but as far as legal questions I'd refer to the county attorney for that yeah once we get a snow event enough where the snow gets too deep short of digging a 20 foot Trench and filling it full of water they're going to get around we're not going to plow across it or anything like that once it gets full of snow that's y that make sense y I just thought you don't want to I mean when you go over it so you can get here on time I mean I actually haven't I drove down there this weekend just to look at it I don't want anything else for Matt that's all I had mat do you have a rough estimate on what that's going to cost out there just off I don't have a good estimate based on the project itself but I would say probably around the 600,000 range it's about a 30 put span there's no Cent here so it' probably be right around that range so and with Bridge bonding normally covers about half of it so it' be a $300,000 hit to the county if we go if we end up getting federal funds and they pay for about 80% of it and we' have C 20% so I'll work with the state as and the legislature as it moves forward to see what's happening and where we can get funds and try to get this to the top of the list the cheaper option still be federal funds cheaper would be Federal but there's also extra work you have to go in do with the federal funds A lot of times when they get these off system Bridges they'd like to it's kind of small for federal project so they'd like to get a bunch of them in the district to do at the same time as in one contract well if there's other other bridges in the area or in the district that would qualify I think the state would like us to BU them to together and have one contract and use as much Federal fund as we can B to be a few more around the state so sooner or later there's going to be pressure to do a bridge B there yeah and we're close to the Red River Valley where there's million Bridges due to all the large drain ditches sounds good thank you thank y Maya looks like you want to go on a spending spree I am Christmas time kids want presents yeah um I did send out with the the location and the jurisdictions on that bridge there's only a couple of residences that really probably are affected by the bridge itself um most of them would you would take a different route you know to get to um for the most part uh maybe there'd be a mutual Aid situation where Elbow Lake would try to get to an ashb you know would would have wanted to go over that bridge but they obviously now know that it's closed but anyway so they're it's not in a terrible location as far as emergency response goes um it's not like there's a ton of traffic that you would go that way um just because most of it comes from be the other direction and so um anyway so that part that did get sent out so just so you're aware um and then the other the credit card piece um when I started digging into it Tina had gotten the limit increased um when she was here um I went to a training paid for hotel rooms that sort of thing um the concern was is if I because I'm going to have some training over the next couple of years if I if I use that $ thousand limit that I have right now there's nothing left for if you know if an emergency comes up in in the near term before my card limit is paid and I think that's why it was increased previously I don't you maybe have history on that but so that was just the question was it was set at 5,000 when she was here just requesting to go back to that just so it's there I I don't have any Christmas plans or anything for at this time but um is there motion to increase the credit card limit to 5,000 so move second second discussion all favor say I I I tried to stretch it out as long as I could well you got three minutes so give us your you've been in the saddle now how many two months not long enough to get recognized by the HR lady so um I got a little ways to go yet um it's it's going good I did go to a radio course um Tino was involved pretty in depth with radio training for fire and EMS and that sort of thing so I would did go to the Train the trainer course um that should go okay to keep that process going um it's either an annual or biannual requirement that everybody get radio refresher course so um we should be able to handle that between Josh and myself we should have that part covered so that was good course um the rest of it there's a lot of binders to get through yet but picking away at them slow I will be uh talking with the department heads tomorrow at the department head meeting we've got some some of the um the Emergency Operations plan there's some sign offs on some of those sections in there by Department heads that are involved in the finance pieces all that sort of stuff so we'll have to go through and make sure those are updated and signed and and then bring that to the board for approval for the overall Emergency Operations plan so that will happen in the next month or so hopefully and uh it looks like most everything is in place I think it was mostly due to the recreation after the Cyber attack that had everything had to be rebuilt there so um yeah that part should be going through and hopefully everybody's section is pretty up to date there'll be a few numbers and a few names that probably have to change on some of that but otherwise for the most part it looks like it's in pretty good order just need some signatures so so I got a question uh climate vision and obviously a lot of the work that Tina and the respective people from the other counties did do we need to do anything to sustain that is that thing kind on autopilot and do we know are we getting I I just know on Thanksgiving we went to Morehead and the National Weather Service did not show anything on the radar and that was not the case in Ros Minnesota so where ising now so my understanding is is they are the National Weather Service will eventually start using that information but I don't believe they do yet so I I have they can current they can see it but they haven't integrated it right so so they can see what's going on that but they don't put it out in their information so like they're not reporting on what they see there but they can see it right so I don't know how soon that whole full integration happens um I do know that we were given access to it so you can pull it you know a firemen can pull it up on their you know to check where the storm is at and when they're doing you know storm watch and that sort of thing um is as far as how soon that will be integrated I don't have that answer yet I don't I don't think anybody has that answer because the national weather service has to get the use of that approved to publish it so that is a decision that gets made it's a money thing yeah so um I don't have that answer for you and I don't know that at this point that just anybody off the street can just get access to it I think there was something that is uh emergency response Personnel were given access as part of the use the pilot you know testing that thing out so I don't have that good answer for you but that'll be one of those that binder is low in the stack of binders right now but yes I know they can see it I just don't think they can report on and it's not going to be the one in window that drives getting the approval for the National Weather Service they've got climate vision is much bigger down south they've got considerable Towers it's going to be the severe weather there that gets the National Weather Service the approval to use it sure don't yeah I mean I we drove Mor to our sons and it was interesting because other people drove and they're like I can't believe it it showed nothing on the radar and so I pulled it up on my phone and said here's an example why and I was showing them about climate Vision but I said obviously it's not yeah it's not telling us that there was moisture and whatever caused that slippery Highway my kid left this Monday morning and she said there was curves upside down in the ditch between Fergus and yeah it's just not a great spot so yeah that's kind of a we're doing what we can or have I mean nothing in our court no nothing on our end that'll City still getting leas money from I don't have that information so I thought that was a where they were going to get you know so much a year probably they're probably getting something for having it sit up there but I don't know what that looks like so okay anything else REM I went over my time over your time may you can bank that yeah can I yes two minutes I got that on I want that uned thank you thank you the coordinator all right um the first item that I have is is the resolution regarding Emergency Medical Services in GRE County uh this was handed over to Justin to review it and he did change some wordage um basically took out as essential um so that is uh what's in your board packet is the revised version of the what Justin had sent and Dwight had approved that as well there I guess we can have discussion after we get a motion to approve the resolution number and I'll let Carl include that in the in the motion is there such motion I I'll make that motion Mr chair is there a second second no discussion well for me Mr chair uh the the word that I wanted to see in there was essential because I feel that these EMS individuals running ambulance are essential in Grand County and I'm hoping that uh that uh this will help you know other areas uh to get some traction on this and so that we have uh emergency medical personnel ambulance uh available to the citizens of Grant County and the state of Minnesota well into the near future for many many years so um that's what I got to say about it and then I will I want to say too that utter taale County now last the board they approved the that Sprint paramedic uh funding um they're the Fiscal Agent for that money and so somewhere in 25 now there will be some paramedics uh running around in vehicles and U accessible to citizens of Grant in OT Hill counties from the time I need they big paramedics floating there that assist ambulances and things like that so and we've been meeting once a once a week uh on that and uh so now I it's going to really gain some traction now after the first of the year that say approv that so so we got the statements it had the it used to say h in the bottom now it said something else did that include the 165,000 and the H or was that just the H about the same word you got your tax you don't the truth and Taxation no the other well to had your proposed Levy statement or your proposed tax statement yes right but that that's your TNT that's your truth and Taxation right but the we used to Levy for H it used to say h it doesn't say HR anymore it says something else I would have to look at the form it's not my form so I you have you have yours um I just wondering and I know they double the H recom amount did this include the 165,000 also included in in the Le so that all the special taxing districts yeah well then that may be it may be different because this is land as opposed to it's so the is going to look slightly different than your actual tax statement because there's different requirements of the items that are listed we're supposed to be special taxing districts so that would be so that would most likely be one of the special taxing districts yeah it' be your H so that would for him it'd be bo easy to sue yep okay so we the X statement show say hrh or the St and I doesn't matter me but my question was did it include the 165 and you said no so no the 165 is going to be included in the Grandy the so that increase would have been the doubling of the H it should be again that's not my my former my um but I do believe that would be in the other special tax we have a motion in a second is there a topic discussion sure all in favor say I I post thank you Bill okay cordinator people rolling all right uh the next item that I have is the Cooper office supply for the desks in for the HR the coordinator and the Emergency Management so we have two quotes here we have one for Cooper's office supply uh and their total uh after installation would be [Music] $848 and the other quote that we had is from Swedberg wood products and their quote was for 48,000 $195 um the difference between the two would be is that Swedberg also included a cabinet that would be in the other meeting room and that for the other meeting room that was $4,380 so there's a pretty substantial difference between the two quotes um the let me ask you a question you you said 4,000 but this cabinet says 1425 DMV oh I'm sorry uh that was for the delivery you're you're correct the 1425 is for the cabinet in the which isn't in the Cooper Bel which is not in the Cooper they could have a cabinet they could Supply a cabinet they could Supply a cabinet okay that would probably be roughly so what an amounts to instead of $40,000 is a little less than 40 well instead of yeah difference close yeah so the difference in quality is going to be you see on the first floor in the courthouse a lot of those cabinets would be swis or the one that are in the assessor office where Linda Matt and Vicky sit that would be Swedberg uh style uh Cabinetry and that's also what's in the treasures office I believe they came in and did those as well and that's what's going to be going in the uh the auditor's office as well is they're redoing their desks in there hoopers is going to be more similar to this style of furniture so there's we're talking oranges and pears they're they're two completely different things okay we're still in the fruit category we could be talking potatoes so we're talking laminate versus hardwood basically correct and option number three would be is to take the desks here and just place them in the space up there um that would be option number three and then well we we own these we would be selling these any we would be selling these desks to Social Services or to Western Prairie if they so chose to buy which they should they should stay when they move they match these spaces so can Coopers have these delivered by the end of the year and it's ready to go and Coopers said they could have these by the end of the year so is there a motion to approve Cooper's office apply plus that special cabinet let's do them separately but I'll make a motion to approve Cooper's office supply of 84 84 yeah whatever their bid was second discussion all in favor say I I I think we need to get an updated price from Swedberg on that cabinet because it may I I would suspect it's going to go up being that's the only thing they'd be doing that I think let's get an updated price I don't think that 1425 will hold but would there be reason to buy one item from fedur if not why not buy it from Coopers or doesn't that match in that office well if they would have had something similar they would have put it down well did we ask Coopers for that I didn't ask for Coopers for that specific piece okay so I mean this could end up being from Coopers it could look like a desk card and I don't but we're going to ask for the DMV stuff to be locked in there and it's going to be custom made for a certain size and I think we're better off just going to Swedberg and seeing I guess I'm I don't have a problem with that however I would since we did get quotes from two vendors I would say we should try to get quotes from both and then we can apply them I mean it's got It's got to work I agree with you on that right so should we wait on that or do we since we don't know not let get I'll do I'll get when I finish getting the quotes for the rest of the room that I'll include that with those quotes versus part of the desk quotes okay oh we got something else there so then uh Chad had asked me to bring the uh the amendment to agreement to ride Professional Services between MC and triman systems um for what I understand this is for their ifs system that they're they're asking to work between our computer provider CPT and mlec and trimen systems would that be a correct statement TR right so Grant County doesn't my understanding is Grant County doesn't contact contract directly with for the integrated Financial system we don't contact contract directly with CPT it goes through this Minnesota computer Cooperative which so rather there's like 26 owners of CPT but there's like 30 entities in this cooperative and the Cooperative contract that's just the way it was set up we didn't do this after we bought it it was done this way before so so do we do we have this now I we're talking a ion dollar a year that's for the computer Cooperative that's not for Grand count fainted no no Grant County's only like 20 did you faint I did there's like 28 there's more in the Cooperative than there are owners of CPT so it's spread out amongst them okay it's not a grant that's not a grand County contract that's the Cooperative contract I know how we going to spin this into our final budget this is is this is our we already contract with CPT for this this is the contract between CPT and and so this all makes sense you know more about it than so the Auditors obiously uses this the Treasures Office uses this Western Prairie uses it like this is all the same system that they're using so is there a motion to accept the what's the contract you can reference the specific yes I will contract the MC board ratification statement okay I got a question any any new people coming on board with CPT there's new counties coming out well new counties are there's been a few it's not like it was in the beginning well it's a slower process because it's it's a huge ordeal you just be switching all of your financials all of your I mean it's not I'm going over here now and one day later you're up on board and going it's what we're seeing more of is cpts hosting they're taking over so you don't have to have your own servers and you know there's an additional fee that's charged for hosting and you're seeing more of that the new counties coming on board because it's you don't make a you don't change your provider yearly you want to change it every decade it's it'd be a huge lift to change well it's show in some of the language here each entity added 50% of the yearly support fee paid by the new entity to m c will be added to tr men's annual contract fee right you spell out in any contract you spell out how someone can join or leave so there's always a little bit of a much like the commitment that we gave in the beginning right is about where that's at each time there's a new member that comes on what was that price 200,000 or something well there this is not that's becoming owner of CPT that's completely different than this okay all right that's that was my question because your price tag for being an owner of CPT depends on your status are you already a member of the this Cooperative if you are and you've paid your $50,000 then your purchase price is 125,000 okay if you aren't and you aren't a member of this your purchase price is 175 because you have to join this before you can buy into CPT it's it's a very compli complicated tangle web that we BL and there's a reason that it would be very hard to switch companies oh like if you're talking our tax system I mean that's that's a year and a half process just to be able to switch from us to Vanguard and Vanguard is probably $400,000 a year well with new members coming on you know like CPT used to give kind of a dividend back to the owners yeah we just got a check for like $50,000 we did and it's not a dividend we're currently in Return of investment not on we haven't returned that1 175,000 completely just to be clear thank you we need a motion to approve the approve the contract board ratification statement second discussion all in favor say I I hosed Carri other like to talk to the budget committee after the commission meeting okay so I was just looking at I had a question and I in the bills that we paid that interest on the LA Bond was that I was looking for the in the budget by I can't find it this quick was that the interest 2025 that then we can lower our Levy by that amount since that's in 24 or is that was the levy figuring that in I would suspect that is your interest payment and we haven't started making principal payments until 25 right that's what that's a of That's So my know that's back to my question so the preliminary did that factor in this payment or do we have a$2 some $2,000 gift coming that's going to lower our Levy I don't I believe this was we were chance gave this um these funds were already factored into our budget it's a 24 budget item it's a 24 budget item it is there so we're not going to see a reduction in the in the levy by that amount well there' be no reason to pay interest early it's I mean you're not paying any principle it's solid interest payment you don't pay that early okay um the other item is is that um the Commissioner Revenue is going to be uh looking at the letter that I that we had written that Ken signed um about whether he's going to Grant an extension for me to continue to be the assessor coordinator um so that is going to be done here at about 11 o' if he doesn't Grant it is he coming out to do the assessor duties the commissioner Rue yeah that would be a great question noted that that's the response email right if he says no well the board asked are you going to come out yeah you're next you're not anticipating a no are you I never know what to expect um so you're actually meeting with the commissioner no uh John claring the property tax division director okay um and then Justin Mason and then Lisa Wills she's our representative will all be so they're down in Minneapolis today office I'm guessing so is that you have anything more that's I got just a followup to Troy's comment about the cloud and this continually be investing in servers I and I don't know enough about it other than I I I find it hard to believe that larger entities are continuing to invest in servers at huge dollars are we at a point where we need to This Cloud business that we got to look at that help me out someone that's knows more about it try from what I understand we are already part part of our backups are already cloud-based so we are already using some of these cloudbased systems so and what John was saying I mean if we that's going to be a further discussion that we we're pro we need to have with Sean and fig that so that mean you're to use an analogy earlier you're comparing apples and potatoes because law enforcement there be may be requirements where they have to have a physical server or if they don't they have to use this particular cloud-based that's going to be run under way different rules than what the treasure you know pick your department in the county other than law en that could be under way different rules as far as what I mean so they may have to have a server that is way above and beyond the cost of anything else we would buy where it becomes more feasible to go cloud-based rather than an action so my opinion is non-law enforcement we should be looking at at cloud-based or you know the CPT the the hosting Services because every time we have to buy a server not only are you buying the server now you got to have it built you got to have everything transferred over your hands on I mean we're if you're Contracting with someone they're transferring it for you they're buying the new I mean you know what the price is for the next five years if we have a server that just takes a crap we're kind of at the the mercy of where can we get one how much is it going to be we're already doing some of that with these these cameras in these cars right well I guess my point was let's make sure that we're we're keeping an open mind and that we're our vision is such that the kind of what you were saying I don't know enough about it to leave to this discussion but let's but let's not forget about the discussion that make sense yeah some of the benefits of going cloud-based are that you have an annual or monthly bill that's known from here into the future personal we could I mean you might get six or seven years out of a server and the next one you might only get four and those are that's the the unknown and if you you budget for it that's and the maintenance of it we're still going to have maintenance even with cloudbase well you are but you're going to know you mean they're going to it's it's more of a know know price if you ask me longterm yes it is for castable price so anything else and I understand the the budget committee is going to uh do we have anything that the rest of us want to leave them with so if because next meeting we're going to be deciding are there any items that that should come before this group ahead of your committee meeting I I have a pretty good WFT around a lot of the budget I've met with the highway department I've met with the sheriff's department I've gone through the the entire uh County budget Chad and I sat down and kind of discussed a lot of departments I created a spreadsheet that kind of goes over and I wish I could have gotten on bigger paper but I was down here instead of at the other office what I did is I kind of took each department and looked at all of the different uh funds that each one of these like kind of manages uh just so that I could have a Clear Vision when I get a stack of all the bill or all the the budgets some of them aren't always in order and so this was my way of getting them in order just to see how they all what's the flowchart of these right yeah um and this helped me and then I also learned a lot more about like some specific funds that each department has and whether these dollars for say the ng911 and that's the sheriff was here um those funds are all sitting in the general fund but the thing is is that you can only spend those dollars on certain things they're dedicated we have they're dedicated funds yeah so yes they're sitting in the general fund no we can't spend um and that that goes with a number of these that that people have I mean with when you're talking Environmental Services they have dedicated funds that are specific to certain items and that's kind of what I've been going through and looking at and figuring out how do we spend these or how like where where do we have money that's being budgeted and when I'm going through this there's there's not a lot of wiggle room there and so that's what I need to figure out what I'm still trying to figure out wiggle room in the budget well I'm saying like we're we're heavily geared towards salaries and benefits um good sure know it's about $6.6 million of the levy is is wages and and benefits um so that is that's automatically factored into our Levy um the pens the papers the the little things only attributes you know a little under a million dollars so there's when we're talking about you know how do we cut do we cut it from budgets there's not a lot of room to cut there's there's not a lot of fat on them um and that the next piece that I'm trying to get through is what do we actually have in our bank accounts how are those growing or how are those what's going on um I'm still trying to figure out salaries and benefits and figure out where we're at exactly on those because when we're talking about um general fund building from year to year that's probably where it's going to come from not the the pens and the paper and the light bill the light bill yeah sounds good anything else that should come before this meeting during the meeting at 10:54 thank you so I don't know Carl maybe if this gets stiffed up anymore Maybe