##VIDEO ID:YZOkBkgoseQ## e e e e e e I feel like I haven't seen him since last well actually that's oh I didn't even know oh wow I just did not know that whatever that's like me with myud I'm never and then when'll be like he just missed no I'm actually going to be sh a lawyer yeah Prett yeah dinner what's left oh that's crazy that's like a year of school you guys won't be there together I know travel time uh your name actually popped up on my Facebook like like to bring this meeting to order adequate notice has been given this meeting as required by law notice has been forwarded for publication and District official newspapers posted in the apps gamy Cedar Creek and oest high schools and forwarded to all the clerks of the municipalities within the school district there are two opportunities to address the members of the board the board values and welcomes PR and opinions from residents as long as remarks are not personal or discourteous the ponic portion of meeting allows the board to listen the community members and to hear their opinions on school policy and operations the first public portion is reserved for those persons wishing to speak about agenda items only the second opportunity following the actions items when residents May address the board on any school related issue each speaker is asked to limit their comments to three minutes and you're not permitted to yield your time to another the public comment portion of the meeting during both sessions will not exceed third upon being recognized persons wishing to speak should stand and identify themselves by name and town please stand for the flag solute alance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice and I'll ask for a moment of silence Edmonds here Garrison Gunther here Hartman here haa here K Soria here Wright here Hal here Patel here Nelson here who here you have a core okay I need a motion to approve the minutes from September 9th so moved second the minutes from September 9th been moved and seconded any questions comments or Corrections Edmonds abstain dther yes Harman abstain haa yes Toria yes right yes how yes motion is approved there some special presentations we do I'm going to ask Cedar Creek Assistant Principal Kelly slingerland to come forward and start us with our student presentation of the evening good evening I'm Kelly slingerland and um today I have some representatives from Cedar Creek who attended boys and girls State um every year the American Legion the auxiliary Legion sponsors boy State and girl state where students come together and they create a mock government um this year we were very fortunate that the district had 14 students that went so normally the Board of Education will sponsor two boys and one girl from each school um with the help of P Patricia Tatum who is from the Atlantic City Post she was able to find funding for all of the students so every student was able to go so tonight we're going to hear from four students um we're going to hear from Brandon Cunningham Michelle nin Vincent Hamburg and Arjun sarar so they're gonna come up now all right so Brandon you're gonna go first because we're gonna go in alphabetical order good evening everybody my name is Brandon Cunningham and I was sponsored by post 61 of the American Legion to be a representative for boy State um my favorite moment from the week was getting to meet new people and being involved and learning about the government for the state of New Jersey um my a word of advice for anybody planning to go is I got two things one get lots of sleep before you go because you end up learning a lot and you spend a lot of time up and you don't really have time to sit relax and rest so that's one thing and then my second thing is get involved because you end up meeting new people and learning new things thank you for your time thank you [Applause] awesome my name is Vincent Hamburg I was sponsored by post 158 right here in Eber city um my favorite moment of the week was when so we elected a gubernatorial candidate for our party and I don't know how this guy got elected but nobody really liked him so one side of the gym really supported him and one side of the gym really hated him so the one side was booing while the other side was cheering so I thought that was pretty funny and uh it got it was Rowdy it was Rowdy um a lesson that I learned was really how important like local government is local politics um this meeting kind of has like that political um like yeah the Quorum thank you um and you know it really shows the importance of like local like without you guys like we wouldn't have these the foundation for what you know builds up for um like our federal government and it's it's much deeper than just you know President Biden president Trump or Comm Harris um two things of advice kind of going off Brandon or the the next candidates for next year um definitely get some sleep uh apply yourself that is the most important thing like the first two days you're there you're very uncomfortable it's a new situation there's you don't know many people there um but those are the most two most important days that's when all in your CD uh elections so like your Mayors your judges they're all going to be appointed they're all going to be elected um and another piece of advice is just have fun like I had a great time um I wasn't like I didn't shell away from people I was always open to talking to new people I always had you know people I could say something to and you know we would track up a conversation and we would talk for five 10 minutes thank you hello my name is Michelle Nan and I was sponsored by 15 the eight of the American Au um Legion auxiliary um my favorite moment of girl state was when we had our dinner with the veterans and it we had a it was a very special experience to be able to sit down and have a meal with them and when they share their stories and experiences you can see their passion and it was very refreshing to see um The Pride for our country and overall it just the dinner just made it very meaningful to like for the day um something I learned was the overall like how elections are run for state government how city um County then um all way to State it was a very since we get to live in it and experience it it was very like stimulating a very um under like you understand it in deeper way and overall it was like as before I came I didn't know what it was so I think it was a very um very enlightening very inspiring to see and meet all these girls who run for these positions and an advice for the next candidates or next year's um girl state do your research beforehand because I did not know what girl state was and um if you're wanting to run for election position um get familiar with campaigning running and all that and also I think it's very important to participate don't be discouraged from um losing and meet new people because there there's so many girls that this is their first time away from home or like they're by themselves so there's no one like it's always together so you it's go out and talk to people and also have fun because elections are very very stressful and um it can take the fun out of it so make sure don't take it too seriously take it seriously but don't take it hard so thank you good evening everybody my name is Arjun sarar and I was sponsored by post 158 and um my favorite moment at boy state was I was El elected to the position of Judge and so one of the things all the judges and attorneys and public defenders got to do is we went to Lawrence Township um courts and in the courts we were able to see the actual judge go through some cases and um one of the like my favorite moments from that was there was this man who walked in and you could tell you know something wasn't the like something was you know he was having a rough day and you know I'm sure it didn't help to have 30 something kids in the back all wearing white and So eventually we didn't know if he was an actor or not eventually yeah no we gen thought oh this must be like some actor because he's like staring back at us and like looking at us and so then eventually he leaves and the judge says like you got see that man over there and we're like yeah and he's like well that man um is currently homeless and living in this homeless shelter and here's the thing did you ever see me like raise my voice or act rout him and because he was saying that because he wanted us to know that like as a judge like even as like an elected official or a judge or whatever you still have to have that like Humanity in you and that common decency in you to not act out and act high and mighty you know and I think that's one of the most profound moments at boy State um so anyways my one advice Well my two advices is you can actually get a lot of sleep at boy state if you become party a party leader and you run your party's meeting then you can decide to close your meeting off a lot quicker which is what I did and proceeded to go to sleep at 11:00 each night and woke up at 6 o00 cuz had a late breakfast so I had a great amount of sleep at boy State and um two I would read the book like skim through it because nobody reads the book and so then you come in reading the book and they act like you're the smartest man there like wow he's really smart and then in reality you skim through the book 20 minutes before on the bus ride here like I did and you know it helped me get that party leader position which helped me get sleep so I recommend it thank you thank you do you have any questions for any of the candidates I I have a question for you in your opening remarks did I hear you say that how many students are sponsored did you say two boys and one girl two boys and one girl from each school is paid for by the Board of Education yes from each school why only one girl so so I can step in was actually on my notes because as soon as I heard it I said hold on that is not us that is actually the organization that runs boy State and girl State what they take what they accept um so I was gonna point that out for everybody that is not us limiting opportunities for girls it is actually the way the organization is set up by the state because the programs are not identical in how they are run the second thing I wanted to point out for everybody I want to make sure that everybody knows Kelly is a veteran um and a lot of the extra students were able to go specifically because of her relationships with and her ties to VFW American Legion and other organizations in the county so on top of her role here shout out to Kelly not only for her past service but for what she still does to get extra students involved 14 total right yes there are 14 total impressive thank you for in the program and oh you had a question yeah no I asked two questions is it at Ryder University right boy state is at Ryder and girl state is at georgean court my alma moer and then the other qu you know this is just a comment um just like you see us here you know we're elected officials um I I was on city council um you need to have an open mind you need to not and what's unfortunate we we see a lot going on in in our in our national politics right now um we we as elected officials and even young young adults um you know keep keep that open mind to you know someone else is entitled to their opinion you may not you know agree with it but it's still their opinion and it should at least be listened to you know and and when you're in politics and even us here in the board you know we need to listen to what everyone has to say take it in before you actually make a comment you know so just you know listen to what they're saying and um and get involved I mean definitely get involved like we we know I I think what we have with our our student representative should have been happening years ago um you know get involved in everything you possibly can because the more you you know and um politics can be interesting once you you know get when you find out that it takes a lot to get something done unfortunately but when when you do get it accomplished it feels it feels like you you've done something so you know I'm glad you guys got to go and and had that experience I have one question it is one based on them how so the auxiliary runs girl State and they have a much more limited space so the way we were able to get extra candidates for boy state is because not every Legion Post sends people so that's why Patricia Tatum um was so valuable to us because she knew which Legions in the area didn't have a sponsor and that's why we have so many different post sponsoring them so we had one two three four five six we had seven different posts sponsor them so it's not yes okay I was just curious about the depression question it's a question we've asked for decades literally well thank you no that's that's a great problem way getting so my question how do you get the Next Generation understand like you're telling us and I'm like wow this is so cool I really didn't realize this um how how do you get the next you know the next class excited so that they prepare they get ready and when it comes to next year of type of problem that so I think it's a good problem to have so so one of our ideas was to make a video like um for each school has like their own like Morning YouTube video like for us is pirate TV um so we want to make like a small like commercial video to like show like the next upcoming Juniors like what girls State and boy state is about because like entering most girls that I know who went to girl State don't didn't know what girl state was until we got there so I like we should make a video to demonstrate what it is so like upcoming students that coming in will understand and be more willing to like have more people to participate and try to go to these programs um I personally like think we should like Target um a lot of sa classes and promote them a lot more like our AP go class for instance for me example I uh I started like my whole thing with Civics like with AP Gov in um sophomore year I really enjoyed that class and you know I've always enjoyed history so and all of that so in um junior year I was asked about the American or rhetorical cont uh Legion or rhetorical contest which I did um really great contest and I think that also should be promoted more but um it was really because I had that basis of I know what the government like you know how it runs for most part like what my role like what role I want to have in my like duty to the government and what I want to do in life and I think that really helped me want to join boy State and I think that's one of the biggest things is this really is a program that targets people who are interested in the American like government and democracy and you know it's really something that if you're interested and you really do enjoy so yeah um I we also discussed about um having the you know girl State and boy State now like so us to go to the junior class like um during their history class or like any other class they're available in and just talk about it and since we're there they have the opportunity to ask us questions at the same time so um to go back to your question I would I think advertising is the most important thing like leading up to before I like to thank Miss Kane my AP History teacher she's the one who told me about it um she said she thought I would be a great candidate for it so I applied but even when I applied for it and leading up to that before she told me I had no clue like I had never heard of it before ever so I think just advertising you know letting kids know whether it's through their teachers or through you know School advertising like pirate TV um I think just getting the message out is the most important way um going back to your question once again piggy backing off what Vincent said also advertising is the best way because at first I had no clue what it was and then shout out to my mom um she told me what it was and she was like yeah you're going and I was like I don't know but then as soon as I got there I loved it so I feel like advertising and can help bring in more people to allow them to go question over here just a brief comment there's actually a pretty well done documentary on Apple TV plus um in past five years that highlights boy State and how girl State got started because for decades it was only boy State and I guess they figured oh women can do this too um so that might help in the exposing other students to it as well it's pretty well done too so one of the reasons why they're here and you can see it being recorded is is we wanted was Miss Slingerlands idea to start pushing it out more but just so everybody in the room is aware it does go into junior level history classes as well as our Student Government organizations so that is kind of where we have always called the applicants from um and I think the convers ation is about because I believe the application is what it's in the spring right you guys applied like March and April if I remember correctly so we typically start pushing it then to do anything now would almost be like four or five months from now it might kind of run out the other side um but it is typically conversations that go on in junior level history classes and our Student Government organizations in spring for Jun anybody um I just wanted to make sure that I said first of all before I forget um Herms slingerland thank you for your service and thank you for taking this on and encouraging the the students and dealing with this and for the students I love the ideas you shared at the end I hope that they really encourage other people to go but um not only does it sound like you had a great experience but um I love that you all took the time to come tonight and speak to us because we do this all the time and we don't always get to hear from the students that go to these and to hear like what your ideas were what experiences you had while you were there um sharing the lessons that you got from it to to share with other people um I really appreciate it and I want you to know how much we really enjoy hearing from students about these different things so thank you not only for going but for coming back and sharing with us nice job guys uh so up next I'm going to let the students in on the secret if you guys want to sneak out now would be the time to do it um up next with um some presentations um or is director of Special Projects Brenda Callahan thank you guys great job speaking great job that's the reaction Brenda gets every time everybody leaves the room it's over my head okay we'll take the abbreviated version for memory tonight I know about Dam learning map Al maths and sence so anti each year everyone special will to reflect on the prior year talking about policies procedures professional development theit itself personel and Reporting investig andle if you recall there's 2 different indicators eight elements or domains a SC exceed expect every single category but if you're just doing what you need to do Mee so as went through building different they different kind of structure last year for we went and we had a change in our had a little coordin so we saw some things that weren't necessarily documented asly as they could have been already struct but again it's knowing that meeting expect hi both regularly in he also as a remedial measure we've had a lot our district as you know a lot of time and one of our studentes we also have a lot ofal but also tomor as Anor we have r [Music] oh one quick question um on the one page that has the numbers o crust is red under I'm just curious when I great okay great um um and just no you if it'sa just one quick note um as far as climate you guys also feed students and that does a lot for mental health when students are able to not have to worry about not having food um they're able to study more it shows that they're able to you know it it takes a lot of stress off of the family you guys do so much more than just what's listed on here just to acknowledge it and recognize it you guys do so much thank you the self assessment is that the best way to actually grade how the Hib works or how the how how our um procedures work but we we do other types of Assessments of our procedures just to see yeah so Brenda is being [Music] um Brenda's not giving herself enough credit for the degree to which she calls in the buildings this self assessment is not one person sitting in office 20 minutes and scribbling down numbers they lock themselves in a room for three hours and they all go through their data and what they can demonstrate and what they can show so it it is what I would say is a very accurate system that gets to that point with the building administrators answering to Brenda in that moment okay good thank you and that is not what we're talking we are not talking gradu we looking at already in AA again that is all required by federal govern English 11 at Target and Advance are what onade level again small population um so what I do is try to present you the data that I so we had 11 students overall we have last the last years because it's such a small population know also but again while we don't have and now n Focus Ona 9 and alha one both of those have a passing 750 so you'll see that 750 that level three level and level9 rather than doen arrows and red arrows and I'm toor number so if you see a green number it means that number has increased since last year see number it Stat or number so we'll go through we had 74 as as our average scale score for students again you'll see simal if you to look fora 9A ass students every started to go kind again program coming up at the end of the month I'm going to kind of over this in Broad stroke but please if there are things that you want to when you look at it had 743 was our SC score [Music] 7 at the bottom are the sub that's what we start to look at there something that's jumping out and nice thing in this is that you're kind of again start to dig a Little Deeper up are they the same students showing up in the red all the way across are they just showing up in the braing we start to do that deeper diving so again this is just OD this is now going to a look at those um student populations you'll start to notice there are certain gaps that we again remember that number was 34% was that dou 24% overall you can start to see last level graphically a [Music] in mathematics n toally every student would one all population it doesn't mean they're students what that means that geom but again you start see geometry now this again uneven now we're talking about end of course algebra and we know that end of course algebra isn't just grade n but for us it is just grade when look at that State the state number we're never that state number don't again start to kind you know we're educated consumers of data it tells a story us being aware what that so again where we are numbers wise C inst when I go back I look at the overall 2 not meting what you don't see is 38% similarly look at those little the subgroups mathematics is a little bit mudy water and that major content and minor cont it's not as clear have to dat maatic where theud are and what and you'll from the next slide you'll start real quick to see what so you'll see some some bigger Gap here and this is again weend time start one of your again what you don't see is that 25 Side the approaching gets that's we start to look at students again remembering this is just months this is still a nth grade doesn't include those that passed in seventh and eighth grade correct we don't get their scores K through 12s do yeah yep you can count starting to to that point real quickly the K through tws that were out for a year and a half are your core reading and fundamental math skills those kids still still have four more years before they get to us three more years before they get to us so the data is not going to get better for probably seven or eight years mindful are those Gap again now you're going to start to see but again and the state still grades this on Ninth Grade no matter if you're K12 or high school so they don't give they don't give it they don't give they don't give our our type of District it's the same reason why every Regional High School District that is 9 through 12 ends up at 77 or 78 in the qac curriculum and instruction score if you're 7 through 12 you can even a s through 12 you can you can get to like 81 or 82 because of some additional because of some additional test scores we shared that before brief interlude I apologize or SE um Sid step qac is about to get completely taken apart and redone and looked at differently and that is actually one of the topics of conversation [Music] [Applause] but again still do a lot one of the things that we have to and not a lot of we jump into the next SE quick question so I I guess I mean I prior to this I've really only seen I've seen the younger kid ones so you know and and I only really saw it for the one district for for Maze landing area and I'm I'm kind of it's not just a matter of of the learning loss which we expected but some of the areas in which there's learning loss don't seem consistent with what I've seen previously so for instance socioeconomically disadvantaged oftentimes there's a big shift there where here there seems to be kind of a leveling out there um you know of course we know there's definitely a major sh with the with our black and African-American students um but like our our Asian students our female students where I I know typically when I've looked at similar reports there haven't been as as high of a learning loss in those particular areas sometimes um I'm kind of surprised to see that those are kind of areas where now are losing ground are we noticing a shift in the groups that are beginning to struggle is it a basis of now we're providing resources at a at a higher level to the groups that were kind of needing it and now some of those other groups are kind of you know in need like what I'm just curious about your thoughts [Music] yeah just like I said some some surprising shifts like some of the shifts just weren't consistent to what I've I've noticed before so thank you I appreciate that very vocally this know 11 test is given at the end of 11 and it's not this so just be different it's given part for ass and again part of and again they have that us [Music] and again this show you [Music] yellow but again little bit up look back comp2 FOC I wrote my questions down um historically I think we've seen especially in some of the ascending districts where students have all students do but there's there's an increased number of um options for school choice and historically we've seen probably that top 20 25% from that school choosing not to attend this District um so I think that has an impact on what we see not only not being a K through 8 but even in those eighth graders that probably may have passed the test but are choosing other districts to attend the other high schools other choice high schools to attend um I think that impacts these scores overall so with that in mind this gives us a partial picture and we can use it to help in some ways right but for a full picture is there a way for us to glean this information um and this data buy sending District so two things number one it's the reason why our goal this year is based on growth yeah and not achievement exactly what you're talking about um so if you go back to those freshman scores it it it if we look at growth in grade nine or we or grade 8 to nine and then also grade 10 through 12 it removes that barrier of well they just got to us and now we can assess what we're doing so that's the first half of my answer the second half of my answer is we do look at the sending districts I'm not going to get into conversations about what sending districts do what in in you know in the open but they're not always what people might think okay um what you also have if you look at Cedar Creek to be candid we have to also acknowledge there is a huge chunk of the top 25% of Hamilton Township in Galloway that is ending up on Cedar Creek's test report and a math heavy so so even beyond the the math heavy it's just that idea of through the magnet programs if you recall you know this is the the the other two buildings are over 90% um homogeneous to their home Community this building is around 65% homogeneous to to its sending districts so that is a significant difference in the data in what is coming from and as I said without going into too much detail historically the kids that are coming to Cedar Creek from Hamilton and Galloway are the kids who are going to help standardize test scores and that's just being transparent and clear yeah got thank you I need to ask we we do even dig into I'm sorry Brian but just so everybody is aware and I think I've discussed this before I mean we even get into at the building level when we're looking at the C districts and Jen plays a role in this and blend Brenda plays a role in this and the principles we look at what percentage of students in the eth grade top 10% top 25 top 50% where are they going and ultimately we also see how that impacts it so in addition to you know internally Cedar Creek may be the quote unquote beneficiary for for those patterns the other thing we've seen and I think I've shared this with the board before is if we go back to preco we've also actually seen a little bit of a shift in the demographic of who is leaving the district and it's not the top it's not as heavy in the top 20 or 25% as it used to be it is now spread out more across the Spectrum so the last couple of years specifically we have actually done a better job across all of our kada eights of keeping the top 25% in those k8s in the district they're still getting the numbers but it's slightly down from a percentage [Music] perspective yeah just my my only I think I've asked this before um how is it taken into consideration we're still a fairly transient area in in in in this country you know that student who's a ninth grader we have really no idea what they came from and the education that they received you know they could come in as a standard ninth grader and not have that that background and right right no there's no Aster next to that name once once they enroll their ours and we've had this conversation in the spring with graduation rates you know a student can enroll in their fourth year of high school with 35 credits and they were enroll with us in February there on R did not graduate with their cohort score and they're here five months before their cohorts graduating they have 35 credits and and literally we could go back and find at least one student in every building last spring that fit that definition yeah okay thanks Brendon thanks Brenda okay I'll move on to there are no committee reports tonight go straight to board member reports like to start with um Adriana and oest hello I'm Adriana from okas a few things I wanted to bring up were our magnet programs recently they went to William Davies middle school and Mica middle school and it was a great turnout many eighth graders seemed very interested and a little highlight from our biomed program is our white coding ceremony recently happened for the juniors in the program where they're just recognized for the work that they've put in and kind of that halfway mark of the completing their first two years with the magnet and finishing out their junior year and then their senior year and also something else for the media magnet is that next year will be the first round of seniors that have completely gone through like the four years with the new magnet um our open house was successful and along with that our shadow program is starting up soon where eighth graders will come and Shadow we had a great football game against Cedar Creek the 4th sadly we lost but it was a very exciting and great game the senior night is the 25th and then the next day is homecoming so that should be a good turnout um another Sports highlight is our girls tennis team that is 133 right now which is very good and they had their senior night that was very well girls volleyball had their senior night so did boys and girls soccer and just a lot of fun exciting sports are going on and just kind of getting into the the year and a lot of exciting things are about to happen that's all I have thank you very much uh Chris for Gabby hi I'm Chris pel from abami um something we have coming up very soon is the Lost Girl play which is on the 24th and 25th of at igami Performing Art Center um another thing we have following that is hallway Halloween and that's a community event where kids from around the community will come in and they'll have different activities throughout the building and be able to help decorate couple of the hallways and you know make them all spooky themed there's also a donation Drive during that where you can bring in canned goods and recently we had one of our service dogs with a teacher who recently passed away and in honor of Duke which was the dog the local church is accepting donations of dog food dog toys treats and Etc um some sport highlights we have is we have a staff kickball game with our reach program on the 29th and kickballs next game will be at Creek on the 24th abami also had a few senior night victories that are field hockey football tennis and boy soccer tied with Pilgrim Academy Cassandra Hughes from our tennis team just qualified for the state singles tournament and will play one of the top players in North Jersey that's all thank you ala good evening my name is alila from Cedar Creek so recently we had the activity fair for the Freshman where they were able to sign up for clubs and sports coming up in the winter and the spring um we had Fall Fest which was organized by student council I would say it was very successful for the community and also for the students that come out speaking of community we also had Varsity day which was a very fun day for Creek um although not all teams have one it was still fun um speaking of sports the turf has off officially been used by all of the Fall sports but is currently under construction for the track um tomorrow we have PSAT testing for the juniors and the sophmores next week we'll be introducing our wall of fame um currently Mr Parker has introduced a new career series during Zer period and next month we'll have a tattoo artist electrician and a carpenter um this fall we had night of Disney auditions which were the 10th and the cast came out the 11th and I believe on Friday we had the San Janeiro Festival which was a big success and it was an opportunity for the students and staff to get together there was food games and all organized by restaurant management thank you thank you he any other board members have anything to report I I would just like to make a comment real quick about something that ala just said about what Mr Parker is doing with the what stuck out to me there I mean was the diversity and and kudos to him and his team for for that the idea of bringing a tattoo artist in um just really stands out to me as as kind of really thinking outside the box and and and you know Applause to him and his team for that I I will pass that on Creek started working on this in the spring before we actually even identified that as a goal over the summer the other buildings will now roll into a similar type of program but credit goes to the creek team and Mr Parker because like I said they started this conversation in the spring and the majority every month they're gonna have a different group of people in and a lot of them like we talked about again during our goal planning session in the summer it's the parents of students it's recent graduates it's people with connections to our community that are willing to come in and spend time firsthand with a kid and say you know what guess what I thought I was gonna go to college to be a graphic designer and I ended up a tattoo artist which you know the guy I go to that's his story who's a graphic designer major in college like you know so you never know Amy yes um just fall fast was a blast it was a lot of fun um thank you guys so much much for all the hard work you did to put on such a great Community event um besides that the uh the New Jersey school boards had that AI presentation which was mindboggling and just completely unbelievable um really looking forward to Workshop coming up um at the end of the month um and just being part of the Hamilton um board members um I just want to give one more thought and and prayer to the whole oakrest Community for the Lost of AJ bero it just you know we had the opportunity to go and and hear all the stories um that were shared from family friends and and colleagues and it was just very moving I just you know continued thoughts and prayers for for that Community as they go else all this time I'll open the meeting up to the public anyone wishing to speak on agenda items only okay uh information items are listed on the agenda I will move on to business agenda action uh items B1 through B20 can be found on pages 3 through 7 you a motion I'll move B1 through B20 second okay B1 through B20 have been moved and seconded any questions or comments on these business items dther yes Harman yes haa yes Torio yes Wright yes Edmonds yes yes motion is approved Transportation item I'll move T1 through t84 second T1 through t84 of the movement seconded any questions or comments on these trans it partman yes Passa yes sorio yes Wright yes Edmonds yes Gunther yes Cal yes motion is approved a lot of pages turned um okay I'll move to education agenda it I'll move E1 through E12 second who was that car was that yeah was it car E1 through E12 been moved and seconded any questions or comments on these education items haa yes Toro I'm going to say yes but even though I probably don't have to I'm going to abstain on e4 and E12 yes to everything else right uh yes abstain E2 Edmond yes abstain E2 on which one E2 E2 con I I am going to vote Yes and I don't know if I should abstain on E2 I'm going to say yes are we just this yes yes I just want to make sure everyone but abstain I'll I'll defer to the attorney I don't think it's a conflict but I'm not the attorney so this is just the correct so it's because some cases we're putting out money for these things so if money was going in somebody's pocket you should not vote on some on money going directly to a person well I mean they get a salary too so should we not vote for Sal for the payment of bills we should all abstain because somebody no it's not the payment of bills but you don't vote vote on their contract yeah you want to vote on no but don't don't we have um isn't there a a a business item for um bills paid and isn't there um salaries isn't that a part of the business um stuff not on the bill specifically individual people someone that's related to wife so are you abstaining from anybody in particular no I am not apartman yes how yes Mo appr Personnel items just before someone does a motion want to correct on P5 number 10 uh the effective date says 1021 of 2025 that should be 2024 actually had a question on P what I need to move first need a motion okay I'll move P1 through p14 second okay all right now P1 through P 17 of a movement second any questions or comments Department yes um p8 number one I just curious as to the change in his position he is picking up a sixth class um we are we are separating out we were doing autism and reach fizzed together we're separating those two groups okay and that's what he's picking up okay thank you I have a yeah um I would you excuse me would you explain please somebody the difference between p13 and p14 I'm sure there's a difference but I'm not I'm not clear I believe one overseas it correct Brenda right one one is one is is overseeing the program that's 13 you see it says experience coordinator instead of instructor it it's slight difference in language but The work-based Experience coordinator goes out and communicates and checks on the students in the community that's why it's called a coordinator okay all right any other questions sorio yes abstain P5 number one right right yes Edmonds yes Gunther yes Hartman yes H yes how yes motion is approved okay so I will start off if I could point out the young man with a sleeping child don't get out um this is Mark Prince this is your new ad for abami high school Mar is a gamy grad uh he taught at oakrest for a number of years coached at oakrest um and as I said in the F or as I shared with you in the FYI has been in the ad position for the last three years with bua so he has a little bit of experience and familiarity with the job but also he is one of ours coming back home so thank you so much I appreciate you guys all Prov man said to come back to the district so we actually had a JV football game of Unice so brought the kids with me they weren't in school I wasn't in school so that's why we play hard and she fell asleep welcome back welcome back welcome back if I were you I'd get her in the car c okay thanks Mark um I'm sorry sitting next to Mark is shanik mcferson the new uh fizzed teacher for oest high school so welcome shanik so Shannon again as I shared with you in the FYI has teaching experience also has some public um health and fizzed program running experience on her resume um and has coached uh multiple Sports at the high school and the middle school level so she will be able to jump right in and get involved with our programs so welcome Shannon thank you thank you welcome uh and then I would also be remiss if I did not acknowledge uh P1 and P2 um you know long-term teachers moving uh toward retirement uh throughout this year and and heading into retirement at the end of the year so congratulations to both and thank uh huge thank you for their service um greater egg day at Stockton if you remember a couple of years ago we started a relationship where Stockton runs kind of a private Saturday morning openhouse and tour for us it was two Saturdays ago it was the same Saturday as the gamy openhouse um we ended up with about 63 families signed up we had over 50 families there that morning uh I went there first before I went to the gamy openhouse but it was it was a great turnout again over 50 different families and students showed up they got individual tours they talked about financial aid they had conversations about transfer of credits both from Stockton and from other sources through our our dual enrollment programs um some students signed up for instant decision days that are forthcoming so it's really nice everybody from the number one person at Stockton's admission down to recent District grads giving tours everybody in that building that day is focused on just greater egg and those are our kids kind of getting and our fames kind of getting pampered on that morning so again 50 families from across the district I think is a is a tremendous number um open houses as I said gamy was that Saturday two weeks ago o rest was last week Cedar Creek is coming up this week I believe um all have done very well it's it's funny gamy um somebody made the comment they're like ah you know the weather's not great it was kind of drizzling but that's actually a great day for an open house because then everybody is not running on their way to Lowe's or Home Depot at8 o'clock in the morning to you know what I mean to get work projects to to work on for the day um so the good turnout in and both buildings Gam and um and oest it was interesting we did have some students present um and some families president who said they were specifically looking at gamy as part of our acit partnership program so that you know hopefully we'll continue to pull in some students from from other communities into the district and help us out that way um shout out if you recall in the last uh contract um we negotiated with the Teachers Association teachers are either going to do the open house or they're going to do graduation the turnout was phenomenal the principals tracked so far the two buildings hit between 40 and 50% of their staff being there on that day so that's a much higher number than than we used to say um the Galloway path project I had spoken to you a couple of months ago um they're putting it on hold until next summer we actually had our first construction meeting um and when the contractor was given by myself and the Galloway superintendent and um the head of traffic for the Galloway Police Department when he recognized that in the window from 7:15 to 9 o'clock in the morning there are about, 1500 cars and buses rolling in and out of Roads re to the entrance to abami they decided to put the entire project off until next summer they said there was just no way they could they didn't realize the traffic was going to be that big a number um so gallway and the contract are both mutually agreed and if if you remember it's paved all the way from the sidewalk is going to be done all the way from great Creek up um I'm forgetting the name of the road now might be called Underhill there's a U-turn in one of the developments or a u u-shaped Road it's going to go all the way up there 10 foot wide but that's that's been put off until uh next summer for now um can't understand what that note meant for me um a sign yeah I I did want to touch on um and it's aide so was taking a while to process that um I did want to touch on Amy uh what Amy mentioned the um degree to which this distri District came together um staff from Cedar Creek and abami came over to oakrest and helped out on that Monday I know a number of people as Amy spoke about on the board went up either Friday night or Saturday morning um two AJ's viewing and and celebration of life um there's been a lot of close contact between a number of staff and and AJ's Family um I shared with with I think all of you previous viously um all three buildings were unbelievably generous in their denim day collections on uh that that immediate Friday um we were able to cover two months of the Cobra expenses for the family's health insurance so that's one less thing they're going to have to worry about for the next first 60 days and we were able to also provide some some immediate funding relief to the family uh in addition I know all three culinary departments have talked about working with the family as we get closer under the holidays and trying to set up weak week's worth of meals you know unfortunately or fortunately in the immediacy tragedies like this happen and a lot pours in very quickly but then over time assistance wains and Fades um so credit to the three culinary departments you know they kind of all said themselves you know what when can we help why don't we look at maybe like that window from Thanksgiving to Christmas so all of our culinary departments will kind of step back in in that window and try to provide some more for the family as well moving forward I'll keep uh the full board apprised if there's anything else related um to that topic and I think that's it thank you um for m just a couple reminders uh Workshop is the 21st through the 24th so next week and um I know Marge and I are going to go over Tuesday if you're looking to see who else is going the days you're going or whatever anybody can share when they're going um if you go to anything really interesting it would be really nice if you share that information when we come back um you know sometimes you may learn something that you think is important to the board so the next time when we're doing our board reports if you want to bring anything back you know materials or just information to share with the board that would be great um next County meeting is not until November 14th um it's listed as hybrid and Tob announced location I don't think I've gotten anything yet more about where that's going to be but it's um best practices so if you want to just Mark that in your calendar it's something you could do whether you go there or you could go online um and the next thing is uh if you remember usually one of the things we ask every year is if anybody wants to help with Trunk or Treat Galloway and Hamilton I've got the dates and the times for those um I know that was one of the things we talked about you know with Community involvement they really have set up I know I did I've done abami before um they set everything up the table and all I pretty much brought some candy to help out and helped give out things to the people there so galloways is October 26th from 1 to three it's right at the municipal complex um Hamilton's is October 19th from 1 to 4 and it's a test so if anybody would like to volunteer to help either of those days please let me know and I'll pass it on to Tim else cu the Union's you know setting up and doing it but it's it's just a couple hours it's fun you get to see everybody and it's a nice way to be out in the community are we going to have like a trunk for the the district or how do you guys it's they the um Union has a big I guess it's GTA table they have it's all decorated they decorate the trunk they put out candy so I just brought more candy and helped give out gotcha you are expected to be in costume yeah not for that I've done this before good try though let me know if that's something anybody can help with and I think that's all I have for tonight um so I will move on to Old business skunker yeah I'm sorry but I would like to go back if I may um to attachment E2 I want to clarify my position and I want to make it clear that um when this has to do with the Key Club and the Key Club advisor when the advisors were appointed I abstained because they get paid for that this is a field trip I don't know that it's a professional day it's a field trip with the Key Club it's on a Sunday he and the other advisor they're not getting paid for it it's a Sunday they're taking the Key Club to the fall rally now should I abstain on that or or not no money is being exchanged it's a part of the Key Club ADV but if you think I should I certainly will do what you think is [Music] correct no it it doesn't sound like it I don't know if they'll submit for mileage but I I don't know that we can taking the kids okay so you know I mean it's proba getting as I said I abstained when when he was appointed but so you probably vote Yes oh yeah I voted yes I'm sorry old business thank you well did you look at me when you said old business jeez be ancient um old business um when we talk when you brought it up with the uh truck or treats I was remind it um shirts or something that we could wear to represent the board even if we have them ourselves Tom and I'll have that conversation tomorrow question I meant to have with Will and I've never seen him so case you to check in if it's okay for the board to buy Polo Shir the board to buy polo shirts for the board to so if you can check in to that U because we would like to have a little just school spirit within the Board of Education thank you for bringing up it was all my list I forgot okay thank you and I did have one more okay um you're allowed to yeah um that's it too the past 18 months I think at uh Opress there's been a lot of loss and cool goes on and the staff does an amazing job of moving forward but they're changed when these things happen and I just don't want if the district can make sure there's touch points to make sure folks are thought of looked after encouraged to do things that'll help them um it it would go a long way I I think um I think there are some things that we' we' we've started doing um and I I share this example with a couple of people to your point um ESS who oversees our tier 2 and our tier three programs they bought lunch that Monday which sounds like a very simple okay so they spent $200 on pizzas but um what I saw is I was sitting in the room it and and people started coming in where they walked in in ones and twos and 15 minutes in there were 11 or 12 teachers standing over here eating and talking and then there were five six teachers over here standing eating and talking and to your point it was just a little bit of community right in the middle of a day that otherwise people might have just eaten in their classroom or done something like that so so we have tried to look out for little things like that um Mike Manning has come up with a couple of ideas to do things along the way for the staff ESS is actually coming back in about a week or two and and doing a similar like Hey we're here come down even if it's just to ask us is this how I should feel now a month later so so we have started to talk about some of those those little things and um you know you do try to continually say to people you know just checking in Ju just asking if you're okay and I think people are trying to be aware of that but I I appreciate you noticing that um and there are some things that Administration or our contracted service providers Atlanta care has also through the teen center especially in that building offered some extra supports it's it's hard thanks any other old business I just want to add to my report from earlier that we did two weeks ago about Mr Kern did have a Dunkin Donuts food truck come over for the morning and it was just like a little Friday enjoyment for the students to go out at various times for the morning hours and play like Duncan had they brought their own D Jenga and cornhole and stuff so they had take pictures and they serve little coffees and Refreshers and stuff nice very nice any other yes uh Tom I was wondering if we could get an update on the where we at where audio um for the performing art centers know it's been a few months now I'll check with the architect and get back to thank you I'll move on to new business I know I've got an addendum I'll move new business one and new business two second second that Brian or I'm not sure ran Brian quiet okay new business one and new business two have been moved been seconded any questions or comments on these um new business items right yes Edmonds yes dther yes Hartman yes haa yes sartoria yes how yes motion is approved could I add one point of clarification everybody voted but just so you know the student coordinator that's not a new student coordinator that's backfilling Margaret Cesar's position who became a vice principal just wanted to make sure everybody understood sorry okay no no worries any other new business this time I'll open the meeting up to the public and wish to speak on any any items hey guys doing my name is Nate Ross I'm a head coach of the abami boys and girls team I was uh invited here last year for the flag football for the girls when we went to the Philadelphia Eagles and played in the playoffs we had a really good season competitive game against Creek as well too we still talk about that uh you guys did a really good job at that presentation for the board meeting did a phenomenal job today as well too so I just wanted to introduce myself be a little bit more present and uh build a little bit more of a rapport with you guys so thank you for the opportunity for me to come back as well too like Mark Prince excited for him to be here back at absam and same thing as me as well too being back and helping out so thank you guys thank you very thanks mate not see anything else resolution for executive session we do not have executive I need a motion for make a motion for adjournment all those in favor those against those abstaining don't move who was the second how many thanks that one Christine said you have a I don't know what that means