##VIDEO ID:kq7OMUNijJU## e e I think I heard it so it might actually I can't kick you with people lday can't kick any I know I'm G to try whatever I can tonight okay this meeting is called to order adequate notice has been given this meeting as required by law notices have forward for publication of District official newspapers posted in the appam cud Creek and oest high school and fored to all the clerks of the municipalities within this school district there are two opportunities to address the members of the board the board values and welcomes comments and opinions from residents as long as remarks are not personal or discourteous the public portion the meeting allows the board to list in community members and to hear their opinions on school policy and operations the first public portion is reserved for persons wishing to speak about agenda items only the second opportunity following the action items is when residents May address the board on any school related issue each speaker is asked to limit their comments to three minutes and you're not permitted to yield your time to another the public comment portion of the meeting dur both sessions will not exceed 30 minutes and upon being recognized persons wishing to speak should stand and identify themselves by name and P please stand for the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all jumped up at this point I would like to ask you in the moment of silence to keep in mind and in your thoughts and prayers Carol Hal president who will be having surgery tomorrow and Greg cly who is recovering from various health issues please keep them in your thoughts and prayers please let's have a moment of silence thank you roll call please Edmonds present Garrison here Gunther here Harman here hassa here cly Soria here right here how you have a COR I please I'd make a motion to approve the um minutes of October 14th so move second motions been made and seconded to approve the October 14th regular meeting minutes are there any corrections or discussion on that motion on those minutes Mr gry Edmonds yes Garrison abstain Harman yes Passa yes sartorio yes Wright yes Gunther yes motion is approved okay tonight we are going to have some um presentations and I'm going to ask the board please to wait until the presentation is over before you make any comments or ask any questions all right but the presenters present and then if you have questions we'll deal with it thank you uh Miss Callahan we are actually pushing her presentation until the December meeting uh Mr Manning though will come up and introduce uh the oakrest marching ambassadors for their presentation and recognition this evening Mr Manning so uh when you are a new principal the question that you get asked every day almost is uh so how's it going is it what you expected is and a lot of times it's kind of what I expected sometimes there's been surprises there has been this quiet pleasant surprise for me that I have uh I've had the experience of repeating a few times this fall and I say quiet because I really haven't said anything to anybody about this yet until until right now uh and it has been started with was our first home football game and I'm in my office and I can kind of hear the van getting Ted up you know right outside here in the Bus Loop and I said you get ready to walk out to the football field now hour so before kickoff um going out there like it turned into a thing and every home football game the fans getting they're getting all warmed up I'm going for walk and I just kind of find myself as I'm walking out there like hey These Guys these guys are good these guys are good now I'm not a f guy kids band guys but I can appreciate the effort the time and the true professionalism that our band has demonstrated this fall I feel like they never get enough accolades that's why I asked them um today uh with a whole bunch of trophies the world's biggest plaque that I've so I'm going to hand this off to senior meure she's going to tell you all about the season this is their last performance we're going to keep it m for Now you kind of check that out and maybe we'll get to listen to it a minute or so very everybody stand up wait set this like I set it up in the main [Music] office good evening I am Megan mura one of the graduating seniors this year of the oakrest marching band I love i' like to start by thanking the faculty and staff that have supported the program Through The Years allowing us to be where we are today because of the hard work from Mr Schwarz our staff and the students the band had an excellent season this year with first place awards every competition week bringing home our ninth straight region one championship and Landing us in third place overall although it feels like it was just last month our season started in July with practices in the evening leading up to band camp where we spend one week in August learning the majority of our show this includes the music we play where we are on the field and any dances we need to learn to make our show come to life through our hard work the final presentation is what you see here once September hits the band is firing on all cylinders with practices football games and competitions despite the busy schedule we continue to show our dedication to this program through our successes and the relationship ships that we build with other students here at the nest during football games it's always exciting to watch cheer from the sidelines while they give their all into their halftime performance and when we start the fourth quarter together with our boom chicka boom cheer the cheerleaders continue to show their support for our program often sitting on the front lines to watch our performance after they have finished theirs it is through their actions that they have shown their appreciation for the band and the band to the cheerleaders as well when first hearing about the show idea I was immediately excited to see how we would take the concept of building a pyramid and bringing it to life on the field I only realized halfway through the season that this concept wasn't only chosen because having a pyramid on the field had never been done before but because of what it represents strength integrity and a group of students working together to complete a common goal in all ways this represents the oakrest marching ambassadors we are an ensemble of individuals that have given our utmost effort into putting forth the best performance we can it was only through our shared experiences and efforts that we could create the show and make the season what it was a show as memorable as the pyramids themselves thank you for such an amazing [Applause] season a littleit taste [Music] that [Music] [Music] think I think too uh you know super impressive to see all doing me one of the coolest things that I saw was at the whole football game wasn't even on the Feld it was the interaction between the student section and the band and it was awesome it was it was Aus was you know three points away from being an A but it was a really really good night especially in it's the B thanks guys so excuse me certainly for the board um you've heard me over the years talk about you know it's August when I'm sitting in my office and you start hearing the band out in the parking lot um and I just want to make sure that you know the board has a full picture and I've kind of talked about this before but it is not uncommon for a weekend in the fall to include the band being here on Friday night for a football game performing at halftime you know interacting there's a great there's a great relationship between the band and the student section here at oakrest and the cheerleaders as was mentioned and that back and forth and they're here cleaning up after the game some are playing for the team as the team is walking off the field and they're back here the next morning at 5:30 to pack up load up and get on buses to go to a competition or they're leaving really late in the day at like 9:00 and they're not getting back until midnight or one o'clock in the morning so if you think about what that Friday night performing at the school and that Saturday going and competing on their own what that means what that commitment is one more time for everybody to hear that the band is without being a cliche among the hardest working men in the business so thank you guys [Applause] yeah okay um committee reports let's start with the students please board member rep do comme I'm sorry I'm sorry soon guys I'm sorry I'm new with this okay the program committee met on uh October 29th we discussed curricular changes the magnet programs dual credit updates bio nursing articulation standardized testing we met the district supervisors and we had um updates and we also discussed a be the change initiative which I personally as chairperson of the program committee was most impressed by I think it's a very good very very good program be the change initiative uh any other committee members want to add anything Mr Raina um I would just highlight we have another committee meeting tomorrow night um as most of you know we usually have a sequence of two fairly spaced fairly close together in the fall so December we'll have another update I'll share the full agenda agenda out with the full board one of the the highlights I want to I want to hit on there's a great um shared responsibility and shared workload with Mike Manning coming over as principal Ron Schmid as District supervisor of science Jen rushin is director of cni Brenda Callahan involved with um CTE programs and Joe Sabbath the new District supervisor also involved with CTE this biomed nurse articulation that you see there is a door that is opening between oakrest high school and our biomedical magnet and ACCC that would be the first of its type in Atlantic or Kate May County to actually accelerate students into a professional nursing program and somebody correct me if I'm wrong but the minimum we're looking at taking off of their two-year degree is one year and we could take off also from a four-year degree if they transfer out accurate so when you think about you know the availability for a career in the nursing area and what is out there this is the type of program I know as a board we talked this summer some of our Focus was not just the traditional College route but also looking at you know career paths and how do we get kids immediately thinking about what do I want to do for a career you're talking about a student being able in one full school year and a summer to have a two-year Nursing degree after they graduate high school that is a phenomenal opportunity for our students to enter the workforce so all of the people I mentioned before deserve a lot of credit working together to get us to this spot thank you thank you at this point we'll have the board member reports and I'll start with the students am I okay now absolutely good we'll start with abami please good evening um just want to recap on a couple things that we have going on our new bus lot for the athletic entrance is now painted we are just waiting on doors which hopefully should be very soon um I wanted to take a moment to thank all staff and fire companies NE from last week we had an evacuation during zero period um but everybody was able to get out the building safely back in very quickly as well so thank you to all the staff and fire companies for that next week on the 27th we have Brave day and that concludes of two um two workshops per student they're able to choose what Workshop they want and they do that for the morning half the day and then for the afternoon they will go to the pep rally which will go right into our Thanksgiving break um we also had Varsity Scholars last week on Thursday night which was a phenomenal event I know I mentioned hallway Halloween last week or last month at the meeting I just wanted to recap on saying that it was a successful program we had about 200 kids that good evening here's our updates from the last month so volleyball won the Cal Championship which was I believe the first time in history the two two um years that's on the banner was the runner up so they were really excited about winning the cow Championship um also Shan Martino qualified for cross country meia Champs he's the first ever boy and girl to qualify for meia Champs for Cross Country Death By Chocolate was a play that was over the weekend and it was a really funny play I got to watch it myself it was really good um Key Club went to the fall rally in Six Flags which is really which was a really fun night I got the go myself also our pirate bowl is tomorrow which was formerly known as Powderpuff and homecoming is coming up this Friday thank you ohris um our homecoming dance was October 26th and it went very well we did hallway decoration to go along with the theme and it kind of was a good sense of community it brought the grades together to just kind of add some Spirit around the school and to keep that going we're going to do deck the halls for Christmas and kind of incorporate winter sports with a grade to kind of just build more of that community and then try and have a point system to bring up at the winter pep rally our freshman transition program is going to start having more events to kind of introduce the freshmen to seniors and kind of just get them to join up together we're continuing to promote our magnet program on trips our shadow program has been going very well where we fill up all of our slots for days um our Powderpuff is coming up November 26th all of our fall Sports have finished and I want to briefly highlight all of our all stars because we had quite a bit for field hockey Lauren Haye volleyball George Ry and dalen Ramirez cross country Israel Kennedy football Jefferson Samuel zikri bis Jaden Harvey Donovan lithcum Jalil Williams aen Oldfield Ryan Stanton girls tennis mateline wise Samantha McDow bendia Dave Gabrielle tropiano and for soccer Carly poy um all very good athletes and I wanted to also thank ESS and kind of the district for running a financial aid night for parents and seniors to go to to navigate the whole faf FAFSA for colleges so thank you so much for that personally it was helpful and I think it was a great turnout and that's it thank you thank you students we always appreciate your reports board member reports are there any board member reports yes um so I wanted to mention uh I went to comfor Tre with uh over at Hamilton and I got to spend time with a lot of really amazing staff that were out there having a great time really really and I really appreciated uh being be a part of it um I know myself and several people went to Workshop Workshop had a lot of really great sessions uh one of the sessions I got to go was the session specifically for uh board leadership uh certified board leaders have tested for that level um they're looking to get more involved and get more that hav't g a lot of people already have everything you need on your uh transcripts so they recommended that board members especially have been doing this for a long time take look at your transcripts because you may have everything this test to get to that level of certified board leader or a master board member and they're looking to get more longterm board members involved in mentoring new incoming board members the so they just told us to go back take a peek you might be way further along than you realize um the county meeting was really nice it was uh all about best practice and pres school district and W School District tookess some of the different programs that they're utilizing um some are really nice but where they were getting their teachers regularly involved in activities but the one thing I noticed they talked about best practice a lot of the stuff excited to hear other schools really highlighting it and going very closely to what we do here and I just wanted to recognize oest math club forry um every sing mon a them take that time thank you any other board reports I do want to mention Carol H and I did attend the school board's convention in Atlantic City and I know others of you did too yes I wanted to to say Carol and I um enjoyed Trunk or Treat in Galloway and got to see a lot of uh familiar faces ha students um and their families and also hallway Halloween was a big success it was nice to see that um and also our shows which the students mentioned our past shows uh drama shows and um one other thing and I can't remember so I'll just say thank you thank you all right at this point we are uh we will have public comment it's the first public comment and it is a public comment on agenda items only is there any public comment hearing none um item 10 on the agenda information items you do see those I don't know if you have any questions about any of them for the superintendent or the business administrator they're just information items okay um business items I would like please at a motion to approve or accept business items 1 through 23 I make a motion to approve business items B1 through b23 is there a second second Daryl and Lois motion's been made and seconded any questions or discussion on that Prime offers free service disposal ask they would be will to come to the district equipment we get said I know sometimes try to sell lot ofu have onist is unusable unsellable yeah and I don't I'll talk with the Lang yeah definitely they basically take [Applause] everything that's great all right thank you corre yeah thank you any other discussion or questions Mr crossi Garrison yes Harman yes haa yes Torio yes right yes Edmonds yes Gunther yes approve Transportation I would like please a motion to approve or accept Transportation items T1 through t22 I'll make a motion for T1 through t22 second motion has been made and seconded to approve items T1 through t22 any discussion or question on that motion Mr gry Harman yes haa yes sorio yes Wright yes Edmonds yes Garrison yes Gunther yes motion is approved all right um education I would like a motion to approve or accept education items E1 through E4 I'll make that motion E1 through E4 page 14 second I'm sorry who second it Amy motion has been made and seconded to approve education items E1 through E4 any discussion or questions on that motion Mr grai haa yes sorio yes right yes Edmond yes Garrison yes Hartman yes dther yes motion is approved Personnel I would like a motion please to approve or accept items P1 through P20 I move P1 through P2 second lo you seconded motion has been made and seconded to approve items E1 through P I'm sorry P1 through P20 any discussion I'd like to just make mention of P1 and um Chip's years of service to this District have been invaluable I've had the pleasure of working with Mr Garrison um both professionally and personally uh Through The Years in different ways um Mr Garrison was actually uh when I was a college student one of my first directors that I worked under um and to say that his shoes being left to be filled are are big and it is going to be a very tall order for whoever comes in after um is the understatement of a lifetime um we're we're truly losing a a real Gem of this of this program um I I I have met with and uh actually taught uh some of his uh people that are coming up behind him and uh I I believe that absam is going to be left in in good good hands so I'm not concerned in any way um but I'd be remiss if I did not point out the fact that um what Mr Garrison has brought to this District um through the years is just remarkable and I really think that um we should go back to p15 and add I don't know how you do that but add with regret with deep regret for his retiring for P1 P1 P1 I'm sorry P1 I think you're what do we we have to do Mr crossy we did it just write it on we did it okay he did yeah got okay any other discussion all right uh sorio yes right yes Edmond yes Garrison abstain on P1 yes to the rest Harman yes haa yes Gunther yes motion is approved superintendent report uh so I'll I'll first briefly by echoing what Dan said um you know I had a conversation with chip last week after I got his letter in the building and and I will simply say that I told him that both personally and professionally um I will miss his Productions and I will miss his friendship and his trust um I want to also recognize P5 for a second Keith low is in the audience this evening with Mr Manning this is the vice principal Keith if you want to take a take a rise so all can see your face so thank you for joining us this evening and welcome um as I had shared with the board you know when we're interviewing an administrator it's it's it's not a quick and easy process teachers um other administrators were involved throughout the process Mr Manning and I then had a chance to sit with Mr low um you all know the situation that we are dealing with that has brought Mr low to to us and and looking forward it's just we will focus on what we believe is going to be a wonderful relationship between himself and the district so welcome sir um on to the superintendence report a couple of couple of things I want to hit um number one and I just say this so the board has an understanding um of the awareness of your Administration superintendent uh The District administration the building principles and the the business administration um anytime there is an election there are potential ramifications in the world of Education um we have already begun um good bad or indiff we have already begun planning for what elections at the state and at the federal level could lead could mean for us moving forward again this is not about who or what this is about me just wanting you to all know that you know shared before I sit on the State Legislative committee we've already started looking at that conversation about how grant funding could be impacted and and Brenda and Jen rushan and Renee and I have already had that conversations Tom has already had it come up at his level so we are all aware that moving forward at both the state and the federal level there could be changes to some of the programming within schools again I just say that so you have some some confidence and some awareness of the how quickly we are are beginning those conversations um for some construction updates um there was a question asked at the last board meeting um Dan and I are working on some some some final audio review for the Performing Arts centers um there are some issues in the supply chain right now in those areas anyway but Dan and I are hoping to finalize them Tom and I spoke with the Architects last week or the week before Tom about that program I think we identified a timeline um to look to go out for final proposals based off some of the feedback that Dan is providing from his experience running an auditorium at Stockton um we'll look to do that and then probably looking at bids Tom I think we were saying February with the timeline then if this work would be able to be done in all three buildings next summer so again it had come up at the last board meeting I just wanted to share with everybody an update on where we were on the packs uh Cedar Creek the track is now striped so everything at Cedar Creek as far as the track and the turf is up and running so you now you know uh not well just about two full years later you have three brand new Turf stadiums three brand new lightning stadiums three brand new tracks so all three schools are on a Level Playing Field there um thank you Chris for mentioning the uh gamy parking lot that is something from a uh student access in a convenience Point um there are marked bus spots now in that space that used to be the first so once some some modifications are made to the entranceway and the doorway is there we will be able to create an area where by our student athletes will be able to move directly in and out of side doors right out the buses or when the buses come back at the end of an event drop them off and go right in the side doors it'll also keep the buses out of the traffic flow area so the rest of the parking lot will not get tied down when buses are coming in and out the door project the hardware project the handle project door replacement at Cedar Creek and abami are both underway um I was at Cedar Creek Friday night I went to the play and I walked up to the outside door with my key and I know they're working on the doors kind of like okay we're going to do these three today we're going to do these three tomorrow but it was funny because I kind of walk up to the door you so much muscle memory after 14 years of walking into that building I had my key at a certain height in a certain place and I wasn't even looking at the door and I looked down and the locks been moved on me um so it took a minute but it's a positive step because the the work is being done and if you remember that was a significant part of the referendum also all of those doors at abami and then locks and Hardware indoors at both abami and Cedar Creek um the library wall um at abami is scheduled to start we're waiting Mr Curr correct me if I'm wrong we're waiting for just the final drop Deb from them okay we have everything we need we're good to go we'll make our adjustments in the library we can afford to have the library close down for a few days while they're working on that window wall in there uh I think that's the majority of the update right now related to construction projects um I I talked to a couple of board memb I had the opportunity last week on Thursday I spent the day with about 43 abami students going into New York City we went to the 911 memorial I just share that with the board because I think it's one of those trips we always try to get as many students as possible either through history classes or through our magnet programs into the city to the 911 memorial um our kids were great we Blended in with the AIT program that we're housing at abami they join joed the abami students which was nice to see some bonds building there between both the teacher as well as the kids um but our kids were really really good you know anytime you you enter a space like that um you you hope that there is a a reverence or respect for for the area that you were entering and I can say that our kids are absolutely their behavior was was exactly what you would all hope for uh full drama events I was able uh to go to abami a few weeks ago I went to Cedar Creek Friday night I'm again as always um it's just so impressive to see you know a kid who at two o'clock in the afternoon is walking down the hallway and being the typical goofy 16y old and by 6:30 at night they are a completely different Persona makeup clothes everything and they are a different person up on stage um and something that maybe we don't do enough but I want to recognize all of the parents at all of our drama programs and all of our Performing Arts this certainly could have been said earlier while the band the oest band was here also because anytime the kids are in the building there's parents in the building also um you know Amy could certainly speak firsthand as a drama parent you're there as soon as school is over helping kids get prepared you're there late into the night you know cleaning up and what needs to be sewn real quick because somebody busted out of a costume what adjustments need to be made so when you see something go on for an hour and 45 minutes like you did that night you realize it's the hundreds of hours that the kids and the the parents have put get it to that point um there was a phrase mentioned earlier Shadow program I just want to make sure the board remembers that's the opportunity for eighth graders to spend a day assigned to one of our freshmen move throughout the thing um each of the three buildings has kind of moved in a little bit of different direction in terms of how they do it but it is alive and well and as was said the bookings are are always weeks ahead of time until there is space available uh I will spend more time in December on this topic but while she's sitting here I'm gonna give Kim Kramer a little shout out um the district we are hosting a program um in December uh on civil discourse and and it's a professional development program and and Kim Kramer sitting in the front row and Kim BRS our association president have taken on a leadership role we are going to have teachers from our constituent and our sending districts teachers from other high schools I've already gotten commitments from mainland from bua from AIT um bua Mainland AIT Egg Harbor Township has committed to send a couple of people so the point of that is a days worth of conversation related to whether it's politics or or whether it's law enforcement or whatever these quote unquote difficult topics can be how are they approached or how are they responded to in a classroom um so it's an opportunity for a group of teachers we're going to have about 17 18 teachers involved about three or four administrators involved the other districts or buildings are sending anywhere from two to three staff members just creating a network of teachers then who are gonna sit through a PD session on how do you how do you Broach or how do you respond to some of these difficult topics and difficult conversations and then our 17 or 18 teachers and our administrators one in each building will be able to take those skills and some of those conversations back to the greater staff within the buildings so you've heard us talk about it for it's just that ongoing idea of making sure that our staff is able to and willing to have some of those challenging conversations um so the last thing I'll head on before I turn it over um to Mrs Gunther for the the board president's report um the the we recognize there are uh individuals here to speak in regards to the abami football coach um I appreciate apprciate you you waiting you are um you will speak during it's number 19 on your agenda it is open to the public because there is no agenda item for this topic so that is when you will have the opportunity to come and speak when we get to number 19 on the agenda um a couple of things that I want to hit before we get to that point and I know Mrs Gunther has a couple as well um you will hear some information in terms of what you can and can't say and the time limit that everybody is afforded so all speakers are afforded an equal opportunity um I want to make it very clear that um we understood there could be parents who would want to discuss this topic so what was called what is called a rice notice was sent to the coach which allows the coach to say do you want to discuss this topic in private session or you do want to discuss it in public session so if there is a point in evening where other individuals continue to speak about this this this topic understand that everything being discussed in public is at the coach's request okay so I just want to be clear and make sure everybody understands that the last Mr may I jump in real quick just to clarify um when there is public comment and Mrs gther will touch on this a little bit more but everyone's going to be held to that three minutes um we ask that you not identify students or other staff members or community members you know by name or attributes or whatever the case may be um please know that while we can't really stop you from speaking other than that time limit um we aren't endorsing anything that you're saying about anyone um and you could be responsible if you're saying anything negative about those people so I just want to make that clear and as far as the conversation if there is a conversation with the board after any public comment um because the coach did ask for that conversation to take place in public that's why it would be in public and everything would about that conversation would be in public even though that's totally not what anyone is used to um but that would that is how we would pursue that there is a conversation there might not be a need for one but just wanted to throw that out there thank you last point I will make just so everybody is aware of the process there is no agenda item related to the abami coach that's why you would speak during number 19 so the reason why there is no agenda item related to this issue um there is no tenure there is no seniority there is no rights afforded to a coaching position it is an annual year-to-year appointment um the way the process works is the athletic director and the principal come to a decision whether or not they are going to offer an individual a contract if they believe they're going to offer a contract to an individual for the following year recommendation is made to me if I agree with it I recommend it to the board of education for the board's approval in this case there was no recommendation coming from the building to offer the individual a contract for next year nor am I at this time recommending the individual will receive a contract for next year so that is why there is no agenda item at this time just so everybody is clear um miss gford anything you would want to add for that I don't think so thank you uh that concludes my superintendent report and uh Mrs Gunther it is your sh thank you um president Hal asked me to make few comments from her to you the first thing she wants to do wants me to to do is to congratulate Brian Lois and darl on their reelection it's a wonderful to have you again on the board of education I guess um we're very happy that that you were reelected congratulations uh also Carol Hal and we've already done this but she wants me to give her congratulations to chip Garrison on his retirement and the long and wonderful career that he has had impacting students and abami and the community and the thing she wants me to to say to you is that she hopes everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving that's Carol how that's Carol y okay now here's um the vice president's report I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving too um I do want to remind you of a few things during public comment this is any public comment this on all matters each person speaking has three minutes and three minutes only the Sol solicitor will keep time and when your three minutes are over she will ask you to be seated for a total of 30 minutes we're going to keep time um 30 minutes is what our policy says it's what Mr grai read in the beginning and I'm reminding you that public comment is for 30 minutes three minutes each please remember you are not to um mention any students's name or any other staff member's name it is it is not necessary and we we as board members don't talk in public and mention students names and so please don't do that um this is not going to be a dialogue board members as well as people in the audience making comments this is not a d dialog you state your statement hopefully under 3 minutes because 3 minutes is the limit and then you sit down no dialogue no give or take just present what you want to present and get it over with uh this is not a dialogue also when you come up to speak please state your name and your address your name and your address address all right um I think that's all I want to remind you did I miss anything okay all right thank you yes Mr senior priv driving this discuss that all seniors have and all free buildings have the availability to drive what we didn't do was extend it onto Juniors okay for a variety of reasons and I think the overwhelming majority of adults agree with are many 17y olds who probably do not but no that that that parking will not impact anything to do with student driving it's based on there is space at oest there is space at atami Cedar Creek over the last I'll stick with coming out of covid um I believe there was one year where they had to run a little bit of a raffle because there were more requests than um actual spots available but it actually sorted itself out throughout the year if I'm if I'm not mistaken correct any other old business new business I just want to note that the joint Insurance Fund on Tuesday December 3rd is having their annual state of the fund dinner if you're interested in attending please see me at the end of the night and I'll sign you up thank you any other new business all right at this point we will have have um public comment open to the public on all matters is there any public comment hearing none I need a resolution for um executive session pursuance to section 78 the public meeting act the following subjects will be discussed in a session of the board education Clos to the public Personnel anticipate that the item mentioned resolution can be disclosed to the public when a decision made upon the same or in the case of personnel issues when the C need for confidentiality no longer resists formal action including executive session may be taken second motion has been made and seconded to go into executive session yeah all those in favor I I those against those abstaining come move do you need a break minut 5 minut break all right executive will not be for the board