e Mr Le Mr Mr yeah Mr here Mr Mor yeah Mr Richardson here Mr Hogan here Mr she here Mr Rich anybody signed up for public appearance sir negative thank you sir school committee Communications are there any Communications see none moving along uh report of the student representative he uh we don't have one anymore because school is out playing hook approval of was there excuse me a report oh yeah there's something in your uh packet that you can read celebration celebrating graduation uh approval of minutes do I hear a motion to approve the minutes from May 16th motion second any questions or comments all in favor please say I I oppos unanimous of the treasur I have a motion to wave the reading of the warrant motion second all in favor please say I iOS unanimous do I have a motion to approve the expenditures of 10,273 276 51 second any questions or comments none all in favor please say I I opposed unanimous reported general counsel we wait let's later on right thank you sir uh superintendent director Davis go right ahead sure thank you uh the first item on my agenda this evening is the Cooperative education report which is in your packages and the May report uh indicates that 130 Junior students representing 23% of the class of 2025 or were out on Co-op at the end of the school year so those are great numbers for gdle old Technical High School and hopefully we can start the the school year with just as many Juniors who would be the new seniors out on Co-op any questions about the co-op report it seems like we're way ahead of last year so I think we're for juniors we're equally the same what I can say is that uh 50.5% of the senior class had a Cooperative education opportunity so that's a number that we haven't in the past that's unbelievable yeah nice work the next item on my agenda I'm asking for the committee's approval of the proposed uh school resource officer MOA or memorandum of understanding uh which is in your uh packages yes motion to approve second sorry question comments all in favor please say I iOS the next item on my agenda is uh the great L Technical High School of practical nursing uh handbook for for your review any questions on changes to the practical nursing handbook second second questions or comments hearing none all in favor please say I okay uh the next item on my agenda I'd like to ask the assistant superintendent principal Mr Michael Borton to come forward to discuss uh to to discuss and ask for your approval uh some specific handbooks and Mike will review each one of them with you sure good evening everyone uh so I have several items for you today for approval uh the first item are proposed changes for the 20242 athletic handbook um that is the first P item in your packet um the minor changes well actually major changes are the the wonderful addition of extra sports or additional sports that we're offering next season um junior varsity golf unified basketball unified strength L and conditioning which takes place in the winter unified track which began this year and is continuing as an official sport next year and then another one that was uh really well received this year was um girls flag football so we're asking for permission to add those to the actual athletic handbook as official Sports um the next item that's in addition here is a MIAA requirement to include diversity equity and inclusion pledge uh as well as the MIAA taunting policy so these are circumstances or items that are associated with uh cultural diversity ethnic diversity as well as inclusion and sports and equity and then the additional item is just some clarity in terms of the right to appeal discipline in athletics so for example if a student is um found to be in violation of some offense that's deemed an offense to uh the coach of the team in the athletic handbook um there's a process and that process has been clarified first um they obviously have the right to appeal the suspension or expulsion number two the um opportunity for an athlete to discuss with the coach to try to resolve any problem is first and foremost so instead of going straight to the principal or the superintendent or the ad they should start with the coach then it should go to um the athletic director if there's any potential problem that continues and it goes to the principal and then ultimately the final arbitror is the superintendent so there just some clarity and steps so that students student athletes understand that they need to start with the coach rather than just going to the principal or going to the superintendent so that's some clarity that was added the next piece in it is we're removing um the 649 7111 number to call in case of emergency that was the number that would go to tingbo dispat patch um we've been informed by the chief of the fire department that 911 is operable both internally and externally throughout the entire campus so we're asking everyone to dial 911 that's been in place for several months now but I'm asking to put it into this handbook officially um and then the last piece is second to last piece are the inclusions of additional aeds throughout the campus um one by the storage bin near project Adventure as well as the softball field and there just some Clarity on on telephone numbers to call so I'm looking for approval for that uh athletic handbook make the motion second any further question comment fav please say I iose unanimous okay thank you um I have several things for you today as I said uh the next one is the proposed changes from uh policies on head injuries and concussions um main theme associated with this particular change is uh greater detail and Clarity in terms of the language that's um put forth from the state that we're including in our policy but first and foremost um prior to this it was for athletics and now they're including extracurriculars so any extracurricular that's happening on campus um both students and parents need to be trained which is um something that we've done in the past but it applies to extracurriculars as well as allt extracurricular coaches um or extracurricular activities activities directors um need to have training in concussion as well as sign off on training in concussions um and that's one of the major changes in additional changes the timeline that is required for reporting of conc concussions the letters of affirmation have been uh further detailed that we have to do to report to the state and then lastly the concussion reporting protocol is greater detail in this policy as well so um a lot of it is similar but there's those major changes that I wanted to ask for your approval to include second any questions or comments hear none all fav please say I I I okay thank you so the third item is the school Improvement plan uh it's the annual School Improvement plan so this document is um comprised under my direction um really in kind of a two-fold process the first process involves uh once a month evening meetings with community members um students teachers as well as um members of um I'm sorry members of the faculty and myself uh we meet once a month to go over um aspects that they're uh collectively interested in terms of improving in the school it can be things associated with community and culture it can be things associated with uh academics technical programs um alongside that I also have a committee of instructors and counselors and Par professionals that meet after school and my job is to take all of their ideas and suggestions and kind of put it all together in a major plan um so the result of their hard work and time and effort is this plan um so with your permission I just like to go through it um it's really comprised of four parts some of it is most of it is very familiar with you but there's some enhancement to it um and essentially this is sort of the driving force for What's Done um not only the past year but into the next school year so um the first part has to do with Project based learning um you may recall that we've done a consider considerable amount of work in Project based learning in the school um Project based learning is essentially a method of instruction that involves Collective groups of students to center around challenging questions associated with uh building things presenting things thinking about things in both Technical and academic programs um we were lucky enough to get a grant three years ago where we were the only Technical School in Massachusetts to get this grant where we worked with um a company to develop curriculum associ associated around Project based learning so far we've had close to 90 teachers trained um we've had presentations in the mall area associated with Project based learning kids have presented they've done computer projects they've done poster board projects they talk about them they speak about them we've had experts come in and kind of evaluate them so um we're looking to enhance this a bit we've realized that um we need to maybe focus a little bit more on the um fin points of a project the details in a project the comfortability of student speaking about those projects so um that is the first priority to continue pbl work but also to enhance it and make it even um more detailed um just on a side it's been very well received by both students and and staff members um so that's the first part the second part um is another piece that we've been doing a lot of work on and that is grading um um and questions about how do kids understand what their grade means what is the grade comprised of how did you arrive at the grade what can you do to potentially get your grades up and make things better specifically um this one has to do with employability uh which I think is really I think we'd all agree is really important in our school district especially not only in the really just all-encompassing in the in our school district so we're looking for um a little bit more detail about what actually employability means to a kid what does it mean to a staff member what does it look like does it mean dressing right coming to school on time coming to class on time does it mean being able to speak comfortably asking good questions um so what we're planning on on doing is really narrowing it down collectively as a school getting kind of a consensus in the school on what is this piece called employee ability mean how do kids get graded on it and then how can we assure that we're doing as much as we can to make sure kids feel comfortable getting Cooperative education jobs or um jobs after school jobs postgrad uh postgraduated from here so we really need to drill down on that more so we're really kind of isolating it putting it under the microscope and trying to make it better sure go yes uh are we getting any feedback from our employers because I know you know it's about employability and preparing our kids how to dress how to show on time and so on and so forth but I believe you know then they sort of get a co-op opportunity they go to work and then sometimes the employers like them sometimes the employers may not like them um are we getting any feedback from the employers so that we can sort of you know begin to drill down and then offer that you know more so moving forward as years progress yeah I I think definitely we have um and I think it's very valuable to do so and kind of grasp that from them um particularly from our Co-op director she has shared with me and others uh feedback associated with students confidence level um making sure that they can um not only put together a resume and dress right and present well but feeling sort of confident to be able to answer questions in a professional and direct manner being able to sort of present the best side of oneself in job interviews um as well as things like making sure that after getting the job that you feel that you are going to be able to communicate with your employer when you're feeling ill or you have some sort of emergency how is the employer expecting you to communicate communication is like a real key piece to this do they expect like a text message they expect you to call them do they expect you to um you know how to conduct yourself both verbally as well as in in in all manners so that's that's a key piece like that sort of soft skill um and um that is from the top of my mind one of the key pieces of that as far as content goes like knowing the trade knowing um academic schools I get I hear thumbs up all the time um but I think it's centered around the the kind of communication piece and the confidence level piece um which I think is improved but it's still some areas of work is the co-op director getting feedback and offering back to the administrators yes like Mike said he she shed some of that feedback with him yeah for sure good so it's around communication do you go beyond just uh the kids that are out on Co-op to you know to a wider industrial base so one thing that I think we could um probably dig a little deeper in is doing some postgraduation focus groups so sort of taking students who have graduated from here they may be in the workforce and giving them an opportunity to come back and provide um an actual Forum to deliver what their experience has been like that is um something that I think we could probably be a little bit more stronger on it would result in some pretty strong feedback we've done a good job meeting with the kids that are internally here kind of getting their sense of things here but as far as graduates go if I think I understand you're Cor corre question correctly is an area that we could probably do some work on I'm just thinking if your Interruption with David kin if come to security pick up an item thank you if your Co-op kids are in one particular field Plumbing MH it's a small Universe you know can you reach out to non employee participants and see what's needed or required in the Fielding is pretty wide field it it is I think you're I think you're definitely right on that um through the advisory boards we get a lot of feedback from from people um people who have knowledge of our graduates but people who are just in the field in general so the The Advisory boards are a really good source of of that but to get feedback yeah good thank you um so the third the um sorry this yes third third one um has to do with student leadership and the connection between student leaders and students and um the overall community of the school um again you may recall um several years ago we started a student leadership program in our summer enrichment program so we started um several years ago with the opportunity of giving um students who were identified as having leadership potential an opportunity to work side by side with a instructor during the summertime and they worked side by side with them kind of assisting them during our summer ement program and the culminating uh activity was they led a tour of the incoming eighth graders so we have as me um several hundred incoming eighth graders come in July this year it's happens to be August and these kids led a tour throughout the building all on their own and that was their sort of Capstone project if you will for the for the summer program that has built and grown over the course of several years to the point where in the beginning we had like 12 or 15 now we have well over I believe 60 to 70 um they were actually here today for a two-day training voluntarily um so the the challenge has been how do you take what you do in the summertime and then bring it during the course of the school year and for a variety of reasons that's been more challenging than might expect because many of the kids either have after school jobs during the course of the school year or they have Athletics or extracurriculars so we have kind of a competing competing commitment so what we're looking at doing is offering some leadership curriculum in the course of the school day um perhaps with a speaker series uh where kids who have been identified or self-identified that they want to come to a speaker who talks about leadership scenarios or leadership people in leadership capacities and jobs and positions in Civic life can come and talk and these kids can benefit from that so we're looking at expanding that during the course of the school year um the second piece to this program is um to talk about one trusted adult which is a book that the leadership team is reading this summer it's written um by a local individual from New Hampshire and it's a book that talks about why it's important for schools to have one trusted adult who they feel that they can talk to in a professional manner with boundaries but um can kind of feel comfortable enough to speak to them about a problem that they may have or something that makes them uneasy or something that confuses them um again with strong boundaries so that they feel that they can do that we've done a lot of uh work with students in terms of focus groups we've done a lot of work with students in terms of surveys and we've discovered that um although several several several large large percentages of students feel comfortable safe and welcome here there's a small percentage that feel that they could have a stronger connection with a counselor or a teacher or coach or someone so we're doing some um concentrated effort in that by reading this book and then the first day of school the author is coming to speak her name is Brooklyn Rainey she's coming to speak to the staff on the first day of school and then we're going to have break out sessions where we'll talk more about her talk and the work that's in her book so that's um that particular standard that we're focus on and then the last one um deals again with some significant work associated with mental health that we've been on the I think and I think the superintendent would probably agree that we've been on the Forefront since covid probably I would say even before Co um kind of for seeing the Mental Health crisis that's impacted the United States and the world um particularly in um high schools and girls particularly um to do some work with a universal screener so what that means is students that are entering the building or who've been here they'll take an assessment that screens for at risk behaviors associated with suicide or drugs or alcohol trauma things of that nature so that uh it can more readily identify kids who are at risk so that we can attempt to put in Mental Health Resources for them um so that's something that's a goal for next year we have that ready to roll out so in instead of essentially instead of waiting for students to be in crisis or come to us if they sometimes don't always we would be make doing a proactive Approach at identifying kids that are at risk um and providing resources for them so that's a lot um I know I uh I wanted to go I probably maybe talked a little bit more than I should have but that's a lot of detail uh associated with a lot of work that people have done and it's um a driving force for what we do into the next school year so the people who did it um should be applauded because they put in lots of effort and lots of hours putting that together J thank you good thank you thank thank you for that report thank you for that um really digging in and sharing with us what the goals are for the school this upcoming forward we're all very proud of what we what the administration does here and what the students do here and um I want to put in a motion to accept the school Improvement second any further questions comments All favor please say I I oppos unanimous okay thank you uh the last item I have for you is the school um um I'm sorry the student handbook so the student handbook is um the policies that are outlined um by the school district with your approval um there are some changes here uh the first change is ESS some language identifying locations of the building the next piece which comes directly out of our neas report you may recall that every 10 years we go through the newas process um and five years there's a review um one of the requirements in our most recent Nas report was to do schoolwide learning expectations um at a previous meeting um we had gone over the schoolwide learning expectations but these are included in the student hbook and they have things that are associated with academic and career social learning skills Civic um minded learning skills uh that are included here um um things associated with um Proficiency in learning academics and Technical programming relationships in terms of respect and Cooperative cooperation with each other and then honesty and accountability they mirror our core values we had created them so we're looking to include these in the student handbook um the next piece change the student handbook is just an additional statement regarding cell phone policy um currently in the building in terms of cell phones the cell phones are allowed before school after school and during lunch so if a student has a cell phone out before school during lunch and after school that's permitted um individual instructors have their own cell phone policy uh not policy but procedure that they manage inside their classrooms every instructor in the building has access to a cell phone box and I don't know if you've ever seen these but they're typically mounted to a wall they have electricity and a student can place the cell phone in the box and it charges um every instructor has been afforded one of those boxes for over two years now most people have them um some do very few don't have it and it's really up to the teacher or counselor to decide how they want to manage that um they can have students put the cell phone box in when they arrive at school they can do it um when they arrive at class it's really their own management and policy procedure um if they student doesn't comply um they can take that into um their Progressive discipline or management Poli procedure they can um depending on what's outlined in their um outline or what their individual procedure is they can call parents they can utilize the main office um but really internally within their classroom it is their procedure to follow and to execute and to describe to the students so that statement is included there um it has not been included in the past but it's in there now students are familiar with individual instructors procedures um if you talk to students I've talked to students extensively about this they know how the individual instructor operates some are perhaps more uh regimented you walk in you put the cell phone in the Box some may or may not be they may allow it to be in their bag um cell phones can be used on a limited basis for educational purposes if the instructor allows it that's something that's within their you know within their latitude as a professional but um that's in addition to the student handbook um and the last piece in it is the universal screener that I had just described the mental health screening um it describes the students opportunity if they want to bow out of that they can do it um it's voluntary most students choose to do it anyway um and if parents don't want their child to participate they have the right to do that as well okay and then the last piece is the addition of the Athletics that I had already described in the athletic handbook yep and lastly uh there's some changes to our our additions to our breakfast School launch program in terms of mainly uh the application process but mainly what do you do if you've been a withdrawn student or a graduate student how do you go get a potential rebate if you didn't use all of your money what's the process for that and that is um outlined in this with Miss Partridge who was in charge of that so that's all described here nothing nothing's changed about as you said earlier no nothing fre free lunch it's still free I just want to make sure the kids get the free breakfast yeah the last line sort of intered me the alot does that present a problem I um first paragraph Food Service last line and red oh if someone wants an item and they need to pay for it well that would be on their card and they would pay for it based on what it costs does that's in addition to so so all students are entitled to one free breakfast and one free lunch if they choose to desire more food that food is for purchase like chips or cookies or something like that or like fruit is there flexibility with that U can you elaborate on the question flexibility in what sense if ctis shows up for breakfast and he doesn't have adequate nutrition at home he gets the one free breakfast yeah Curtis might need that second one he's got to pay I'm only picking on you ctis that's all right then he has to pay for you got to pay for it maybe his budy don't want his breakfast so he can eat the two of them I'm sure that goes on all day you know we're paying paying for the initi the kid is probably so the universal free lunch program clearly outlines that it's one free breakfast and one free lunch so we we follow the rules uh that were brought forth by the state thank for yes motion to approve Mr chairman is there a second second any more questions or comments none all in favor please say I I oppose thank you sir okay thank you very much thanks thanks Mike that I'm to have another piece of pizza about the one you put in your car all right so for tonight I I just have one item for you and that's just a a a substantial list of transfers I'm getting toward the end of the year here with our budget so I'm uh aligning expenditures from the accounts where we might have had savings to where we ended up actually spending um so you you missed a transfer yeah well seems like it lately um but if there are any uh questions on any specific line items feel free to let me know if not I'll just need an approval to make the transfers as presented I'll make a motion second comments All favor please say I un thank you okay thanks Mike thank you um uh anybody have anything for old business anybody have anything for new business Comm motions reps of any subcommittees there none all right um so we're going to go into executive session in a minute here item number one is executive session pursu two Master laws 30A 21 a and 3 to discuss strategy with respect to colletive bargaining or litigation if open may have a judgmental effect on the bargaining oration position of the public body and the chair so does declare number two is an executive session pursuant to law 38 section 21 a and 3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open heing may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigation position of the public body and the chair of the players uh custodial Personnel educational support St number three is executive session to Master General law 30A sections 21 a and 2 to the strategy sessions of preparation for negotiation with non-union Personnel or conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with non-un Personnel that be Title One facilitator uh we will return into regular session uh to take some votes motion to go executive session motion second all in favor oppos unanimous thank you everybody back in a little while e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e sh yeah um do I have a motion to approve a threee contract for the custodial Personnel for July 1 2024 through June 30 2027 uh motion by Mr Hogan seconded by Mr Moren roll call please Mr L yes Mr G yes Mr Baho yes Mr Moren yes Mr Richardson yes Mr Hogan yes Mr she yes to I have a motion to approve a three-year contract for the educational support staff July 1 2024 through June 30 2027 approved by Mr Hogan seconded by Mr Baho roll call Mr lame yes Mr gier yes Mr Bahu yes Mr Moren yes Mr Richardson yes Mr Hogan yes Mr she yes do I have a motion to approve a three-year contract with a title one facilitator as proposed for July 1 2024 through June 2027 move approved by Mr Hogan seconded by Mr Gia roll call Mr lame yes Mr Gia yes Mr B yes Mr Moren yes Mr Richardson yes Mr Hogan yes Mr Sheen yes I'd like to uh congratulate uh Mrs Davis Mr Barton on a great school Year wish everybody a healthy and happy summer and to you know everybody at the table a healthy and happy summer and we'll see you in the in the yeah motion motion roll call Mr L yes Mr yes Mr bah first little call of the day yes Mr Moren Mr Richardson yes Mr Hogan yes Mr sh yes thank you everybody thank you for