##VIDEO ID:SUu0rexGWgk## e e e e e e e e e e we are I can everybody please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance flag United States of America to the republ for stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh committee man Moren will be participating at tonight's meeting remotely uh roll call please Mr here Mr Richardson Mr Hogan here Mr here Mr Mr G here Mr bah here Mr sh here here uh Mr G anybody signed up for uh public participation thank you sir no are there any school committee school committee Communications hearing none uh our student rep is not here tonight but his letter is in front of you guys for everybody's reading at their um when they get a chance I have a motion to approve the minutes of September 19th so move Mr chairman second uh questions or comments hearing none all in favor please say I I oppose unanimous a motion to approve the minutes of September 27th so moved second second uh all in favor please say iOS unanimous do I have a motion to wave the reading of the warrant so move second all in favor please say I I opposed unanimous is there a motion to approve the expenditures of 4,444 2286 motion thank you second any questions or comments all in favor please say I I oppose unanimous there is no report of the general councel I'll turn it over to superintendent Davis good evening uh the first item on my agenda I'm happy to announce that we have three students present with us this evening that have been accepted to and participated in various summer programs and I'd like to invite each one up individually to share their amazing experiences with the with the committee our first student is Madison kosza Madison is a senior in our information technology program and was accepted into the broad Scholars uh summer program which is a highly competitive program for students interested in science and research Madison welcome and thank you for coming here tonight to share your experience biology compis so we're very proud of Madison this was a very competitive program Madison is currently a senior in our information technology program who is applying for uh for colleges and she's applying for MIT right now so we want wish her well in her future endeavors and thank her for sharing this amazing experience that she had the opportunity to participate in thank you Madison thank you thank you thank you Madison Madison you keep appearing in front of us yes and you know you are by far growing dramatically in this school and we're very proud of your accomplishments next is Nicholas morass Nicholas is a senior in our uh CAD program and have the opportunity to participate in the mit's program through MIT which is a highly competitive program with less than 10% of students getting accepted Nicholas welcome and thank you for coming here tonight to share your experience about the mites program thank you for me so m is basically a it's a program run by MIT for under repesentative students passionate about stem and I participated in their semester program which is a six month online program which with multiple parts so the first part is like Aion phase so through that I got experience with college level classes through like very specific kind of like stem classes that so I got exposed to some new stuff so that was pretty cool I did um aable design and science writing so I got to do like a research like a project on sustainable design and kind of energy and then I also got to write an article about like like engineering Innovations and then the second part with that is the college preparation phase so from August up to December it's basically just helping with college applications so I've had multiple essay workshops I have people that help me with that and then for having interview pretty soon too so yeah been an amazing experience and I've learned a lot can you share your future plans Nicholas is also a senior and if you recall a National Gold Medal winner for urban search and rescue which I know he's very proud of and worked very hard to achieve that uh accomplishment share your plans Nick yeah of course um so senior now applying to college so the goal is MIT as well we'll see where he gets me I'm plan a good amount of ities so yeah um and then with the metal like you brought up is just a robotics competition that I've been doing so I've been really involved with basically anything involving engineering and I'm really passionate about that so I hope to pursue that with mechanical or aerospace engineering in college thank you Nick for sharing your experiences and we want to wish you well very good and next I'd like to invite Rowan Murphy Rowan is a sophomore and our health assisting and pre- nursing program and she had the opportunity this summer to attend the woman tooman conference and everon college specifically geared towards empowering young women to be leaders in our community in addition Rowan was selected to be a member of the 20242 teen advocacy Council for Girls Inc she was one of the few chosen to participate in this program Nationwide and we welcome Roman here tonight to share some of her experiences hi everyone um thank you for letting me speak tonight my name is R Murphy and I go here a g little Tech I'm a sophomore from L Massachusetts and I'm Health assisting which I enjoy and hope to further my education by attending college for political science or law today I'm here to talk with you all about my work and experience with girl L Inc of Greater Ro and how that it inspired me and motivated me to be an Agent of Change girl is organization that has been changing lives of girls in around the little area for over 100 years the mission of girl is to encourage girls to be strong smart and bold it's a fundamental belief in recognizing the potential of every my journey started two years ago when I began attending the loal youth leadership program also known as LP a summer camp that is hosted here at G tech for kids from ages 10 to 16 for those three weeks we are taught leadership skills technical skills and introduction to sport the goal of strengthening our relationship with our community this year they added a career day for the older campers we got to pick from a few different experiences including visiting the state house with an action plan dancing in a music video making a song and many more the second I read visiting the St house with an action plan I knew that is exactly what I wanted to do advocacy work is something I'm interested in but didn't have much experience with little did I know the decision I made was actually to spark F theuse to my love and future with my leadership support after deliberating numerous topics our LP group eventually settled on a topic of Veteran homelessness which happens to be an issue dear to my heart the presentation was so nerve-wracking I've always wanted to do something like this as I went to I felt all the nerves fly away I spoke with passion because it is something I love I loved every bit of it and knew this is where I wanted to be in the future from that experience I was able to forge great relationships with our state representatives Brodney Elliott and his legislative Aid Stephanie bar that was the day I fell in love with advocacy but LP is an incredible organization on its own it's the relationships they have with Girl Z Who provided me with an opportunity to discover and expand my leadership skills Malone of girls have always teamed up LP have teamed up to provide me in another camper the opportunity to attend the woman tooman Leadership Camp it is a 10day camp for girls all over the world held in Boston every year the Girls Inc is the the goal of the program is to provide is to provide empowerment engag and Elevate girls and women worldwide over those very intense days visited many places all around the world all around the state including Harvard bson Rockport Manchester and many more we listened and engaged with numerous women who were leaders in their own right who were we we listened and engaged with numerous women who are leaders in their own right industry such as law Medical Health healthare Fields finance and education and many more the days were long but so worth it we were taught the importance of civic duty in volunteerism we learned how to develop healthy self-esteem and we strengthened our leadership skills through media literacy public and critical thinking and best of all I made friendships with so many amazing intelligent women across the globe at the end of those 10 days each delegate had the opportunity opportunity to present educ to present their own action plan which is something we have been something we have been working on throughout the duration of the program with the additional skills that woman Toom provided me I was able to really expand the topic of combating Veteran homelessness and present the panel of experienced Community leaders home to woman was an incredible experience and my goal is to take the SKS I learn there and apply them to advocate for members on my local community I believe that teens especially teenage girls have a voice and endless potential which is why I have chosen to accept my position of Girls Inc of greater role my mission there is to rebuild the team program Co and construction delays at the waren street building have made it challenging for girls for girls in to help find the people and the teens back to the program my hope is to bring back the team program and to create a curriculum focused around leadership my vision for the is to recruit about 10 girls who are interested in bettering our community from identifying the needs and focusing on one we will be able to make an action plan from there we'll be able to learn how to further develop leadership skills and better advocate for topics that are important to us I want girls my age to think big dream big and share a passion for advocacy by bringing that inner voice out this kind of impact that Girls Inc has on thousands of girls all over the country recently though the encouragement from Miss Malone and the team at girls in I have applied and have been chosen for girls and teen National advocacy Council it's a nationwide body of girls participates from grade 10 to 12 who share our views on address issues focusing on girls and youth communities we passionate about advocacy we spend the year developing our leadership skills and action plans to prev for the animal annual Washington DC flying there we will put our skills and skills to the test as we have the opportunity to voice our desires for change at the highest level of government as we lobby at Capitol Hill I'm looking forward to my year ahead and would love to come back and update you on my progress if you Havey thank you for the opportunity to share my experience with LP and Girls Inc of great TR thank you for sharing your experience yes yes sir outstanding work um you know I don't know if a lot of us know what Girls Inc does but just to hear that you know you want to be an advocate to develop to redevelop the Teen um um group to sort of begin to grow within the community assist what you're hoping is homeless veterans I think that is quite the U goal so congratulations you worked hard great presentation and keep up the good work and I and I'm sure this committee would love to have you back at the absolutely thank you as a female leader myself uh Rowan I'm I'm very I had to say it I'm very proud of you and uh I support you in your endeavors and uh hope that you continue to to uh lead as a young female and follow your passion and fulfill your goals so thank you we're proud thank you Roman thank you I can't obviously I'm biased I've known your parents well before you've been born so uh for me to see you come before us is phenomenal thank you sir and uh thank you you're awesome we'll invite you back thank you thank you to all our uh students this evening we're very proud of you and your accomplishments and we thank you for coming this night tonight and enjoy the rest of your evening thank you guys appreciate it thank you for representing us yes so next uh is our Cooperative education report the report you were provided indicates in your packages that 175 senior students are participating in our Cooperative education program as of the end of September however I'm happy to report that to date uh there's 196 senior students out uh participating in Co-op which is 35% of the class of 2025 uh copy of this report is in your package and I think uh in the next couple of weeks several more uh students will be going out hoping uh to get over 200 students out uh so thank you again to Stacy uh for all our her hard work with our Cooperative education program and uh to our Cooperative education employers keep it coming because uh our goal is to get as many seniors out on Co-op as we can so that's the co cooperate Cooperative education report does anybody have any questionsly that's the first month that's phenomenal I mean let's be honest that's the first month yeah so we're at what 47% last year something around that no oh at the end of the year so yeah we're on a good path so hopefully that continues uh next I'd like to uh ask our assistant superintendent principal Mr Michael Barton along with our director of curriculum instruction and assessment Mr Gregory hos uh to join us to provide an update on our mcast also joining them is our wonderful team of Administrators uh Miss uh Mrs Ariana arrakis are uh math and science chairperson uh Mrs Allison rahani our director of special education Mr Paul mayette our English language arts and social studies uh chairperson and Miss Kate Paladino our director of English language education and I think I got everybody so turnure to support our colleages thank you good evening everyone um I want to start off just kind of explaining some of the changes that occurred from last year's mcast to this year's mcast um our friends at the department um coming out of Co and returning to life as normal um decided it would be a good year to raise the requirements for students to pass MKS so let me let me hit you with this one before I did my first question and I hate the arbitrarily right so they decided arbitrarily to whack us 1515 okay so they had nothing to do with us it was not it's just across the Commonwealth right so I'm just saying so me looking because we went up 3% we would have probably gone up even more right okay fine so yep I'm good with everything you have everything's everything's fine right now we've done a great job I'll never bother you again thank you guys we're all good now thanks let's be honest have a great have a great present so there were two there were two changes in this past year so there was a change in the scaled score that need students needed to earn so um last year in ela it was a 455 for the class of 2026 it went up to a 470 um at the same time that they increased the scale score requirement they Chang the raw to scaled score requirement so students had to earn an additional um 15% in the English test that they wouldn't have had year prior um theyve raised expectations on the math mcast 10% and the biology mcast by 5% um just to kind of put it out there the class of 2030 they're raising it again and the expectation is going to be that students are on a 500 scaled score so um that's the department are they raising it annually or they they raise it every 15 every couple years um it was yeah 2022 was the last vote to raise it and that's what brought to the 470 and then starting with the class of 2030 to 500 so that's just to put everything that we're going to talk about tonight context I'm on your side right now just for Vocational School we're doing double the work and half the so um so with that um the the change in the kind of the scaled score and the conversion and everything we did see a little bit of an impact in English and math um from 2023 mcast to 2024 um English was minimal it did go down about 4% um the state also saw a decline um in math we had a 3% decline in the state had a 2% decline in U meeting and exceeding again similar to the past years those numbers I'm going to use are the kind of the the combined percentage of students that are exceeding or meeting expectations um science was the um one for us to celebrate this past year so I know when we were here last year um Carol Chisum and I um were talking to about the change that we were doing with the ology program moving it from a two-year track to a one-year track um so these are the results of our first year of that at the Freshman Class um we went up um 2% from where we were the yeari excuse me I'm sorry we went up 9% from where we were versus the state did see a 2% increase so um for the first time since surely the new mcast came out we have matched the state average so we are directly on par with um the Commonwealth in terms of science and that's um you know reflective also in change in a two-year program to one-year program so um really proud of the science teachers and our freshman students and their efforts um in the biology mcast um we started this last year I was showing you the mcast grow slides and again you know every year the cohort is different we kind of get the students that we get um versus growth is something that is a little bit more controllable within greater WS the Chang in students um performance from e8th grade to 10th grade um so we did see again a little bit of a a shift English um for this past year and we'll get into this a little bit more in one of the upcoming slides um the writing standards took a little bit of a dip and that's um where we saw the lower growth in English but we already have some strategies in place to adjust that and then um the you know continued revision of the math curriculum um having Karen Jackson in there working with them has been really helpful and we've seen the math uh growth continue to increased year-over-year and we've actually exceeded the state just to clarify Karen Jackson as a math Co math coach yep yes um the dip in English is Statewide what are we attributing to are we attributing to writing are we attribute it to reading students that's the area of struggle students got you so we try to play catch up with them they breing the eth grade and keep score right right right and they rais the English by 15 points of course it is it's a very large realistically um um um expectation considering um you know you're in N City District or Statewide U 15% of anything I would love a 15% savings on my groceries so 15% is very large number so thanks from so you looking at two pie experience one is that looking through the item analysis writing was the biggest hit the the biggest dip I also just as means of comparison I sit on another school committee where my children go to school and it was the very same story there so in terms of looking at the state around that it's it's been very similar so let me ask your question the 15% hit right what would we be so we wouldn't so we're 2% Below on top of the 15% hit right yeah well the 15% hit applies across the board right so we're 2% below that 15% headit so if they that 15% hit wasn't there we could be anywhere from 8 to n to 10 to 12 above correct I don't think we've broken it out any no I wouldn't even ask you guys to do that but in my head so I I this is an arbitrary hit that's why I asked at the beginning and it it it bothers me that we're arbitrarily hitting it across the board I'm I'm a big I don't think the vocational school kids I I think there should be a Hands-On for cast with however we do it but we're not going to get then desie is what desie is but I'm really across the board the 15% we're too below that 15% I I and like I said we don't have a writing problem but obviously we're below obviously we're below that right so I they're going to tell us we can get better and minus that 15% hit I think we're fine but that's that's me and it's only me I'm not reflected of the board I just the 15% 10% 5% when I started looking at it and you know I'm I I watch these is the only number we get to be judged by in the last four years five years we've been going this way and and for them to arbitrarily hit us where we still went this way compared to last year well that was the biggest number we we went it just it it bothers me I think to my way of looking regardless of the direction the number one thing that I want to look for is where can we improve the most and writing is I don't disagree with that but I just want to make sure everybody hears that we're above where they we were above last year where we went through we kind of went up scale right we set that's that's what I want to make sure everybody because people are going to look at this number and say oh you're down 2% actually we're really not we're we're we're five six seven eight% above the arbitrary 15% why isn't a 10 five and zero because stem is new right so why y 15 10 at five and that's just me being made so sorry you're good it's there's there's another arbitrary coming when we get to accountability so um so you know similar we're just going to go into some of our um selected populations just to see the um improvements and the changes that they've been making um our English learner student group this past year and again you know Kate and her team um really excelled across the board so we've seen some improvements in all the content areas um in um all of them they are now um surpassing the average so we're in you know pretty good shape with those um different groups K I don't know if you want to talk to them I know we have some other slides about the elves but just talk about kind of the effort in your team this year sure year teers which brings up to I I'm still a liced instructor myself are out coing we have section 10 11 and 12th grade I also have an instructional coach this year instructional students all right next up we have our uh students with disabilities so um again we saw some dips here with English um primarily in English we did see a little bit of a change in uh math as well but only minimally it was down 1% in meeting and exceeding um expectations and then again science we saw that major shift where we saw an % gain in students with disabilities meeting or exceeding expectations so um really showing that kind of that hyperfocused one year of biology um the team that we have the co- teing teams that we've had in that Biology one program have been really solid and those results are yielding out so you want to speak on the the special ed team and their efforts yeah so um I think post pandemic we come a long way students are working really hard teachers are working hard they're giving a lot of targeted instruction towards the areas that we struggled with previously so through MC analysis not loud enough so through through mcast analysis uh we've been able to identify the areas that uh students struggled with in previous years and then Target those areas specifically and I think that's what's holding us up right now that's a big piece of it uh additionally we've had a lot more writing infused into classwork to help boost that writing score because that is the area of struggle uh and so we'll continue those efforts and keep on going any questions that's sort of across the board right we're trying to increase the writing whether it's student with disabilities or English language Learners or our general population but that's sort of the biggest dip Statewide and they're they're acquiring more of it therefore we have to sort of stay on top of it to keep increasing our important communication skill of course it is and yeah it also like to add that for students with disabilities It's Not Unusual to see them shut down when faced with writing tasks and I think we've come a our mental health supports which really help with that when a student gets stuck we work on moving them past it and getting them back engaged in the class so sure once they're overwhelmed it's very difficult to go ahead and sort of bring them back so great strategy great thank you just a couple more slides um some selected population data um before we move into accountability so um our lowi income student group and again um income status is typically one of the um you know biggest indicators of success in the academic realm um we saw improvements that above the state average in all of them so above the state in English in math and in science um we saw some similar changes in um a little bit of a dip in English from last year but the two saw improvements um similarly our Asian student group saw improvements um last year they were on Lower enough in the um Statewide percentile ranking that they were a student group that we were kind of watching and having to put some more um focus and effort into improving their um scores but we have done that for this year and so they're um moved out of that kind of watch level and we'll see that reflected in the accountability um obviously with this group you know what we talked about last year we're you know still consistently below the State average but we did see the improvements that we've been looking for our Hispanic student group as well um is exceeding State averages were're above them in all uh three content areas um we did see some decline in English and math but again so did the state average um but again this student group saw major gains in science um from the prior year and just really so the first couple bullets just areas of strength and growth um these top three items are ones that we've talked about so the change in the mcast ation for English this past year um we you know have still seen gains from where we were in 2019 so even out of the pandemic with Statewide learning loss where Massachusetts is below where they were we're still 19% above so we're still in the right direction um Paul if you want if you want to talk about any of the kind of improvement efforts of the things you're doing this year need the mic thank you so the probably the biggest tool that we've got in our Arsenal this year um from Greg is the star data testing which we first gave to students last spring and then again this fall and we'll continue that twice every year now um and what that allows teachers to do is for any given student to pull up their performance which breaks it down into some pretty fine detail on their strengths and weaknesses so they can look at what a student can do um very specifically and help to Target that it also allows them to pull up for a class and it sort of Aggregates what the students in that class are able to do so that allows for some planning to focus the needs specifically on the students in front of them uh in addition to that kind of revamping our English tutoring program trying to make it better able to hit a broad array of our population obviously we always want to move from The partially meeting to the meeting that's that big line but we also want to Target students who could use that going from meeting to exceeding want to try to get everybody moving in the right direction and so the students who need enrichment to to hit them too and then of course to continue what we've done in the past that have that have you know given us the gain the past few years that we've seen similarly in math um kind of the tople it's just summary of what we've been discussing so in terms of the um performance areas we did um better than the state in two of the four so our geometry and statistics and probability were really good um our algebra needed some work but that's what the students take in ninth grade so by the time they hit mcast it's a little bit of a year removed so you know making some revisions to the scope and sequence of the curriculum to make sure that everything is um you know in front of them before they go into mcast Mariana do you want to speak on math um well I would just add that similar to what is being done with english we're also using the star analysis um for math in order to see our year-to-year growth uh we also have all of the Math teachers and when to speak about science it's going to be similar they analyze their data every year so that's one of our first meetings that we did they at the classwide level get their data um and they're able to see where they're falling where their students are falling so that we can really focus on improvements just every year in the areas that need it don't go far you're still up next we've got biology um this is the one I think we're really able to celebrate this year um we have done better than we've ever done here at grd Tech we've metch the state average um huge gains in all of our student groups so Kudos of the science department for their efforts this past year and um some you know additional changes that we're going to have for this year to hopefully do even better so uh we had previously had math tutors but this year we also have science tutors so we have one that is focusing solely on biology uh and another one that focuses on chemistry and our upper level Sciences this really allows them because science is so broad over the different subjects to really focus in uh on what's needed and work with the and the students so in addition to that we're going to revise the way that we've done our biology mcast boot camps from previous years it used to be a multi-week event um and now we're really focusing it and making it a little more intensive um and also making it so that we can get more students at once coming in sometimes it's easier uh over just a few days so we're going to take the rough weekends before mcast and on those Saturdays make it more of an intensive all day thing where they the students rotate through the major strands um in biology so each student group will get a real focus on one topic rotate to the next uh and this will be right before the ex it's a great strategy is this an option for the students or are they sort of all expected to come in on The Saturdays during those uh oh be optional but with all of uh what we do with data analysis through of the Year we're really going to be able to tell by the time we get to that point which students are most in need so we'll increase our Outreach to those students and those families to really ensure that this the program is focusing most on the ones that need it most um and then if there's available space for additional students um will continue to open it up to more and more students are the families buying in seems like the numbers are up yeah no no obviously the numbers up no no obviously the numbers are up I just want to make sure they continue to buy in I mean we'll see once we get to the time test syst yeah I mean I just want to make sure they're buying in I mean it's like it's tough to get a kid here on a Saturday uh so I actually did this previously um I ran the um at my previous work the boot camp that we did in this format and we actually found that our student enrollment was much higher um there's usually often many conflicts with after school Events sports so when you take the same amount of hours and you drag it over a period of months by the time the kids get in get settled uh after school after the full day for for months to go every single week or weeks to go you know after school it's a lot and so we actually found had a lot more interest in just a shorter more intensive time it was right before the exams um and families could kind of say yeah a Saturday or two is doable and we liked to have the kids come on both Saturdays but because the exams even here the exams that are being done are fundamentally similar to what is tested on the mcast um we're really able to say to the students hey you really need to focus more on this material this is the first Saturday you know if you can come just the first Saturday that'd be great you know we'd love to see you both but it gives a little bit more um flexibility and a lot of families found that was easier to plan for two days than it was for multiple after school days I'm fine with the songs they're buying in obviously they are and we're going up so I'm good with it if you said it work somewhere else let's have at it do you have any uh issues with Transportation um we're still working on that detail for the Saturday event um it's still in the early planning phases since we're still at the beginning of the year um but we will definitely that has one of the first things that we kind of brought up as something that we are going to ensure that we can kind of problem solve inner city kids might have more of a problem and and we would definitely provide bus passes through the L say could we could we use the LTA or could we I mean we have a lot of buses out there can we I mean it's would it be something similar so you have passes available I think we've done we've done similar events and during February April vacation where we had reasonably good attendance and we provided bus passes in that instance um I think just to Echo uh Ariana's comments that um surprisingly kids do end up showing up especially when they can come um so it's certainly awhile effort and we have had success in past so Transportation I love it I remember when Carol set up here we were strugging at bath and before Co so we had we were hurting on the computer side of it and thought outside the box this is outside the box think and I I I love it but how we can get up here which I love it I think I think it's great and one more thing I wanted to kind of an intersection between the math and the science is that by doing biology in just one year uh it opens us up to offering more classes the second year for science that also have a higher amount of math skills integrated in them so what I've already done is spoken with the chemistry teachers um and we are looking into see how we can kind of weave more of those mathematical skills into those s chry classes in a way that you could it before with Biology and so that's really going to allow us to look at math as more of an applied look at science as Applied Mathematics in some units um and just seeing that real those real world examples of math being used in other ways helps both groups and being a vocational school we use Ma many of our trads everywhere is something that imagine that Freddy yeah imagine that it's actually a big benefit did you graduate unfortunately not here I didn't I know so I just wanted to share that information I know thank you thanks buddy I have a I have a quick question so with November you know a couple of weeks away has there been any chatter from the state or desie or among school districts about if question two goes through um so what I can say is just this morning I got an email from the Department about the November retest the February retest the March retest so they're moving along regardless right now um we did look a little bit into it so um the ballot item if it's a yes vote and um you know the Commonwealth um votes to kind of move away from mcast being a graduation requirement it doesn't trigger that immediately the um language of the ballot actually goes back to the legislation which is able to rewrite it how they fit and it doesn't necessarily go back to the voters so um we it's almost like the you know marijuana when that became legal it sat in the legislation for a couple years before it way out sort of like the income tax decrease we still waiting for yes s that's what's G to happen with the mcast so that's how it is so I guess I'll just jump on that just for a second great question um what percentage of our students graduate I'm sorry um um pass the test past the mcast test the first time they take it is Soph no is that the 52% that I'm seeing um no I would say we're in much better shape because there is those that kind of in The partially meeting where they you know it's somewhat passed they get an EP so they you know pass mcast so to speak but they still have to pass their High School course requirements to fulfill the other half of it I'd say um this past year we had maybe 40 that were not successful in English um another 40 in math so you know very small number and that's in the sophomore year yes that should just be not that's the number 40 I understand and that's high because it's an outlier because of the increase in the requirements for thec test previous to that it wasn't any say last year we had three in English that didn't pass but then they changed the scor so it's minimal bottom line so I I I very really ask a question on the answer to and um so do we know eighth grade they take the mcast correct do we know what our students coming in test at and where they are sophomore do we know what I you know if they're at fake numbers 30% coming in the greater law and we're 50% their sophomore here do do we know that or or do we not know we know that we can prove that we they gain a lot through the school here that's I guess what I'm asking because it just it's driving me insane with the and I know I'm hopping on the 1515 and I I feel bad because was the second year we had to do science and we got it kind of handcuffed and I'm a big V kid obviously I graduated from H I don't like where we have to do a trade and then I'm looking at all the uh not the technical side the academics yeah the academic side sit in front of us and I'm not the technical side can be here they they really have nothing to do with the mcast and and I I take that back they they do they do because we have to work hand in hand but my my thing is we're doing double the work in half the time and I'm I'm sitting here and they arbitrarily hit us with those numbers and we exceeded that by 3% and it's a fake number it's a lot larger than 3% um when I got the pack and I looked I'm like what are we talking about here and um it just drives me insane that we're not getting the accomplishment we deserve and what walking in the door is an eighth grade of where are we as a sophomore because we obviously things were dble uh drit and L set the foundation but being a Voit if we build a house on a bad Foundation it's going to top them there's a lot of progress that's made from students that are you know if you compare their seventh and eighth grade scores to where we are here there's there's a lot of growth that happens in our school um but to your point an interesting piece of data that Mr is going to go over is the overall percentile ranking in terms of like you take all of this data the attendance the drop rate graduation rate put it all together and you get this percentile ranking and it's anywhere from 99 to to and 9 obviously is you know you get your CL car towns that all call those neighborhoods and then you have the lower end our percentile ranking as you're going to see is is 52% and that's the highest it's ever been in the history of this school and if you look at that to compare like where we are with the other B Tech schools which were really climbing high but the other real interesting data piece is if you compare that piece with some other comprehensive high schools now not that you know there's comparables but everyone always does look at some of those comparable communities and I'm not going to name them here but if you look at them we're part with some pretty strong communities I've seen and as your point we're doing this education only the technical education the academic education we're doing in less time which you're underscoring which is incredibly important so you look where we are in comparison to some of those other towns and we're very very very strong for this High School which is I think really a testimony to the achievement that this community has done which is a testimony everybody sitting in this room right now minus the school committee we just set policy you guys do the work let's be honest but you guys do the work we set the policy and I don't take away from anybody to this table you guys do the work we just we listen to the superintendent I think it bolds well just being the most diverse District in the Commonwealth and my my opinion as far as researching and looking at the numbers and the LI uh you know we we stand out alone here if you look at certain areas and uh I'm I'm happy with what's transpired I I thank you all yeah we should be celebrating the success don't know I'm ecstatic about this I mean especially what happened with the aitor numbers it's crazy you're going to see some slides that I think really present the school in a really favorable both in comparison to other book Texs but also other communities that don't have as you said the same demographic and the same amount of time devoted toward academic learning we're really achieving at a really really good Pace a good r at all right in terms of accountability the state is kind of maintaining the accountability system that they were using where they are attaching um points to academic achievement growth High School completion um so this is similar to what we did last year um you know my kind of caveat to this being um the process that they do so each year we talked about how the department puts out a goal and they base it off of last year so last year you know I'm making up numbers but say um our goal in English language arts was 500 we did F you know we scored a 510 so the state gave us four points because we exceeded the target so then for this year the state said well you did 510 last year so why don't you do 520 this year unfortunately we fell short of last year's Target so we got no points and that's the accountability system the state is using every year based on where you were the year prior they want you to do better um and then that's if you you know do do better you get three points if you you know see a little bit of growth but don't meet their new targets you get one points and then if you see even a minimal Decline and we did um we saw a decline in English as the whole state did we got no points um so that's what occurred with the point loss in English language arts as well as mathematics um everywhere else we saw either um where we held the scores that we had last year or we made gains so um again we talked about this in the um English learner slide but Kate's um team scored a four out of four in English language proficiency which was a huge Point gain for this year and helped offset that um so you know Testament to that but that kind of helped balance us out from um the Department's policy and where we didn't meet that goal in English and math um this year also saw the return of the lowest performing student group um so with that the state looks at students that are here at grol in their eighth grade mcf scores and kind of plugs out the um what they deem is the the 10% of students that should do the worst based on their School attendance their discipline ratings their prior mcast um scores other factors um and so that group of students is um weighted in this part of our final accountability so you can see um for all of our students we got 60% of our possible points for our lowest performing group we got 52% and then the state merges those out to 56 um so that's kind of the um reference um Target percentage that they give us for each year so then to get the actual accountability um percentile so they they merg last year score where we had the 80% again that was um getting really high scores in those target areas and then it did not factor in the lowest performing student group so we um only had the kind of the um average of all students so that was factored in there from last year and then we have all students this year um so we had um met 65% of our progress towards Target we not requiring any assistance or intervention like last year with the asan student group um substantial progress towards meeting those targets and um with that we ended up with an accountability percentile of uh 52 which is up yet again from where we were last year so I do remember chairman uh who was you last year that say congratulations but don't let your foot off the gas and I think we you know continue to try to make some efforts this year and um it did kind of yield out our accountability percentile so up the good work yep last couple slides again just the comparison to the other vocational and agricultural schools um similar process to what we've done so this is a graph of every vocational and agricultural School in the entire Commonwealth uh the average accountability score for every single one of those was a 50 so you take the you know your average vocational school we are kind of surpassing them um the state level so you know again really something to be proud of when you uh consider the different communities the different demographics of students in those communities um kind of breaking it down to some other pieces enrollment obviously we are by far the largest Vocational School more than twice the size of the average um low income we're on the higher end in terms of um the students from low-income households that we're working with and again a huge Factor um or huge um predictor of Student Success in in school so I guess the refreshing piece for me was everybody below us they didn't beat us yeah so that's a refreshing piece for me and I started looking at the wealthier community vocational I know he hates me saying this The wealthier Vocational text ahead of us we finished in the top 13 out of 35 so I we jumped a lot of wealthy communities yeah so that to me is phenomenal that's so tiby hat I I I kind of like this shot because I'm a v i want to see the V I don't want I don't want to see the chsas the baras the drons and the wuls it's apples it all yeah I don't want to deal with that you know and to me this is kind of again kind of how I've gone from you know the um enrollment to the percentage of students with disabilities to um English learner enrollment really trying to find who are R 10 um and so this is the average of our 10 closest comps um from last year this year of the 10 seven of them either saw no growth or a decline um only three of them saw an increase um and last year we were right behind Wester Tech I think Wester Tech was at 61 and they saw a huge drop this past year and we took that number one spot for the the year so I I I pulled it up trust me I Sor I Hazard I Hazard that you were G to be prepared for that so um any questions that we can kind of go over on mcast any of the student groups accountability great presentation thank you so much congratulations your hard work truly is paying off keep up the good work don't let off so I I just want to I want to reiterate that again to Mike Barton to Greg and to all of our administrators our teachers and our students for their commitment to their education and to to success so uh we should all be proud of us as a school Community I think we're really making stride as a school community as a whole school Community mcast is one piece of it but there's a lot a lot of things to celebrate our attendance has been incredible uh our Co-op numbers are up our students are committed to coming to school every day so uh our participation in sports and extracurriculars is is increased a lot of a lot of things that make up a really positive School Community are are all coming together so I want to thank Mike I want to thank administrative team is through their hard work and through our instructor's hard work that we're able to be where we are today so congratulations and thank you board as well go top down yeah it takes a village it does take congratulations to you and the rest of everybody else thank you everybody for coming thank you for time tonight night guys thank you good very good uh things outstanding thank you everybody again so the last uh item on my agenda this evening is to invite Mr Barton back to the table to present the revisions to our technical program service catalog which will need a vote so good evening again um this document has been approved by this committee before this is the program is surely oper uh services that we have at the building in terms of theal programs um clusters the only changes on this document are the telephone numbers and the emphasis on contacting administrative support in transportation cluster that's the only two revisions motion to approve the technical program service catalog second by Mr Hogan roll call Mr yes Mr Mr Hogan yes Mr yes Mr B yes Mr L yes Mr sh yes thank you very much thank you sir thank you thank you can I just add before I end because I uh in my uh last uh comment to the individuals that were here I don't want to forget to leave out the support of our main office staff as well as our school counseling department and our school counseling which all working together is important to to achieve the success that we have so I just want to include everybody in that uh congratulations it's a team effort it is a team effort it takes a team takes a team and it's appreciated thank you all right Mr Knight you're up all right just a couple of items this evening the first is the Declaration of surplus of 10 diamedical hospital beds that were in our health assisting and pre nursing program purchased over five years ago and through the use of over those five years have taken some wear have a lot of nonworking or broken parts um so we were able to procure uh 10 new Striker beds that meet the industry standard of our local hospitals um and repl those in that shop so just need to vote to deare those surus motion to approve second all in favor please say I I opposed go ahead sir uh next item is a the funding of the regional transportation reimbursement fund um so as a close of last year our reimbursement comes in in the a little bit after the end of the fiscal year in the July um and it actually exceeded the amount that we had budgeted by about $77,000 on a year-over-year basis now unrecognized Revenue would normally close to and D however um the transportation we set up the transportation revolving fund a few years back to help with the assessments to our communities as we've heard that the growing costs are difficult for them to observe at times um so looking back at the close of that fiscal 24 year like to reclassify the revenue um from that Transportation re um transportation reimbursement from the general fund to the revolving fund so that as we go through the next budget year will'll be able to offer that benefit back to the communities as it was intended funding once cool excellent idea motion to approve $770,000 excess Revenue in chapter 71 Transportation reimbursement received an FY 24 to the regional transportation reimbursement fund seconded by Mr Hogan say that again fast all in favor please say I opposed unan thank you sir that's all we got thank you uh anybody have anything for old business anybody have anything for new business Mr Hogan ancient history but when M castus came in there was a controversy and the young lady pointed out something that's very true she took math and transposed across other disciplines they were arguing that algebra is not applicable to evoke school education whereas math is math numbers are numbers and you slope your roof and you run and your rise stairs all they had to do was change the verbiage and our kids did pretty well over the years didn't they great comment we can overcome anything mm we surely can we should just get rid of them cast that's just my opinion so I see a lot of actually dis probably got the right spot so I'm going to let it right okay motion to adjourn second all in favor I opposed thank you thank you everybody good night all right see you Paul thanks big guy good night thanks Paul thank you thanks Paul one second everyone else has left to call oh thank thank you we good e