##VIDEO ID:f9AI-JzSrSU## e e e e e e e e I'd like to call the meeting to order of September the 19th 2024 if I could everybody please stand for the pledge of allegiance to the flag the United States of America to the for which it stands one indice roll call please Mr Richardson Mr Richardson here can you hear me yeah Mr Hogan Mr L here Mr NCO here Mr kitan Mr Bahu Mr Mormon yeah Mr Sheen yeah just um anybody sign up a public appearance Mr Moore or Mr Hogan good thank you uh there are no school Community Communications I'll turn it over to superintendent Davis yes so uh good evening everyone I'd like to take a moment to introduce our new student representative Tyler pathano from the town of drit all right Tyler is a junior in our plumbing program his goals are to go out onto co-op in January he is also striving to be a member of the National Technical Honor Society here at grol Tyler is a student leader who has participated in high five Training in Vermont he has also facilitated leadership activities with his peers as well as with our leadership team during our summer Leadership ship Retreat Tyler is also a multiport athlete he has been a member of our indoor and outdoor track team since his freshman year as a hurdle jumper as well as a member of our JV soccer team Tyler's dream is to attend a division one school for track he is also interested in the possibility of attending the Marine Corps so if everyone could welcome Tyler uh as part of our committee welcome Tyler welcome welcome thank you very much so I have a motion to approve oh I'm sorry goad you got a report for us oh yeah I did yeah go right ahead brother cool just trying to get ahead of the game that's on eight so a quick update on um organizations organizations and clubs the great technical Student Activities and clubs are up and running for the 2024 to 2025 Club descriptions and meeting information have been updated on geot tech.org website which includes meeting dates times location and advisor information our freshman and sophomore planning committee have scheduled their annual field trip to Screamfest at keny Lake on Friday October 18th 2024 annual event begins with an activity after school with pizza dinner before buses depart at 4:30 for the park tickets will be on sale soon at myschoolbucks.com also the Junior planning committee have gun organizing their junior prom which will take place on Friday December 6th at lenis and Drake this annual event is a semi-formal dance for juniors and their greater Lo guest the National Honor technical Honor Society and National Honor Society 2024 application period has come to a close the faculty council is now convening to review membership's applications for eligible Juniors and seniors who choose to apply and will be notified in the upcoming weeks if accepted with the annual induction ceremony taking place in November the Great LA was proud to take place in the old home day Dred home Day festivals on Saturday September 7th 2024 our National Technical Honor Society students represented our school well as they applied free temporary tattoos for children and the staff members were on hand to answer questions from families from parents and families regarding enrollment and student life at Great alone homecoming 2024 is around the corner homecoming week will be on September 23rd 2028 with our annual Friday football game featuring the crowning of homecoming royalty followed by our homecoming dance taking place on the night of 27th dance tickets are on are on now sale at my school bucks and expected to sell up fast quick update on Athletics the girls and boys soccer team have kicked off their season in a strong fashion the boys are currently four in one with having big wins over the boys are 4- one and the girls are three and nil with one tie with both teams winning over shashin and having an and the girls having a nice non- League win for the girls and low high with a score of three to zero varsity football is two and nil out of the gate with a non League win over Medford and Waterton girls volleyball is currently 4-2 with tough test upcoming against Rivier and shaen in upcoming weeks the boys and girls cross country teams are out of the gate fast with both VI for the CAC league and state vocational championship this fall the Griffin golfers have been competing well this fall currently holding record 4 and three with League wins over grle Lawrence Catholic as well as a non- leag win over Tings Boro the cheer and and competition dance teams are both gearing up for competition season which will be kick off in October also UniFi basketball will get things going and when they head to MW in high school on October 7th awesome thank you very much for the update thank for the update Tyler app thank you Ty you want to stick around for the meeting feel free too if you'd like to go you're welcome to go uh do I have an approval of the minutes for August 29th so moved Mr chairman uh motion by Miss seconded by uh Mr Hogan all in favor please say I I oppos unanimous I I have a motion to wave the reading of the warrant move moot by Mr Warren seconded by Mr Hogan all in favor please say I I opposed unanimous do I have a motion to approve the expenditures of 3,782 96114 motion motion by Mr Bahu seconded by Mr Hogan uh all in favor please say I I opposed unanimous we have no report of our general councel I will turn it over to uh superintendent Davis thank you uh the first item on my agenda I'd like to invite up our schools USA adviser Mr Brad Morgan along with our skills USA chapter officer Brad Tor I'm sorry excuse me Brad Tor along with our skills USA chapter officers so could you all come forward and these officers to tonight are going to share with all of us uh the successes that our skills USA chapter had at skill USA Nationals this summer terrific thank you superintendent Davis for inviting us here to celebrate our skills USA national champions my name is Laura Bon and I am a senior in the medical laboratory and assisting program and I reside in drit many of you know that skills USA is the largest student organization in the country and the only organization that Prov provides opportunities for students and all Career and Technical education clusters skills USA empowers students to become skilled professionals career ready leaders and responsible community members through the skills USA framework a curriculum focused on the development of workplace personal and technical skills grounded in academics because of your support our chapter had a great deal of success last last year with several new initiatives including Tech talk Tuesdays with the preschool our district conference professionalism workshops and greater involvement from our members in alumni in addition this past June 11 gral Technical High School students and five instructors traveled to Atlanta Georgia for the skills USA national leadership and skills conference while there seven students students competed in technical events two students presented our program as National models of excellence and two students Thomas Marshall and I attended the conference to serve and represent the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as National voting delegates serving as a national delegate was an amazing opportunity to practice decision making public speaking time management and professionalism skills as we contributed to updating the organization bylaws and participated in the election process for the national officer team in fact Tommy had a valuable role in this process as he effectively managed our Massachusetts National officer candidates Campaign which resulted in her election as skillsusa National High School president as exciting as this was there were even more successes to celebrate at Nationals at this time I'd like to invite Nick to share our technical competition results all right need evening everybody my name is Nicholas Mor and I'm a senior in CAD and I reside in L I am proud to announce that at the national skills conference ver L claimed two national medals in a team event and three national awards for our chapter's program and activities in addition all seven of our technical competitors were top 10 finishers and five achieving skill point certification an industry credential award to competitors who performance exceeds industry standards the team of Michael Reynolds and engine Le King finished eighth in the nation and earned skill point certification in 3D visualization and animation Mikey and Angie are both 2024 graduates from Information Technology Services Program and both reside in L the team of giovana Mason and Roger a sorry finished fifth in the nation in web design J and rodri are also 2024 graduates in the information technology Services Program both reside and L Mohamed Kamara finished fifth in the nation in principles of engineering technology and earned skillpoint certification is a 2024 graduate at the engineering program and resides in L and last last but not least I am especially proud to share that Riley mcaffer and I placed first in the nation and earned skill point certification in robotics Urban search and rescue as mentioned before I am currently a senior in CAD and reside in L Riley's a 2024 graduate of the engineering program and resides in dren Riley and I have been competing together on the national level since my freshman year and to be able to medal together and after so much hard work was unexpected and really emotional over the past three years we spent countless hours building and perfecting our robot and it was so surreal to have that paid off with a national gold medal however more than any emotion we feel extremely grateful to the great Technical Community for supporting us and encouraging us on our journey we not have had this experience without the support of our Administration and all of you and for that I want to say a heartfelt thank you at this time I'd like to invite Michael to share another success from this year good evening uh my name is Michael Morgan I'm a senior in the engineering technology program I reside in dra in addition to our technical success for the ninth consecutive Year great AOL was recognized at the National Conference as a national model of excellence and a gold level chapter of Distinction this prestigious award celebrates the top eight chapters in the nation in three categories they these are invited to present their program at the National Conference I was extremely proud to take on this role along with amily Morgan toml a 2024 graduate in health assist who resides in drit I'm even prouder to share that at the national awards ceremony the greater little chapter of skills USA was named to the National Grand Champion for our programs member involvement and enrichment opportunities this is a huge accomplishment for both the school and myself and I can't thank you enough for the opportunity to represent greater L on the national level I can assure you that our national our officer team will be working hard this year to achieve this level of Excellence again now to conclude our presentation I'd like to introduce Thomas Marshall good evening everyone I'm Tommy Marshall and I'm a senior in the health assisting program and I reside in drit thank you for the opportunity to share our national conference experiences with you before we close I have one more piece of exciting news to share as you may know last spring I was elected to serve a second term on the skillsusa Massachusetts state executive Council following the National Conference I attended a week of intensive State officer training where I attended various workshops focusing on leadership facilitation time management and presentation skills these workshops allowed our team to uncover our strengths and learn how we compliment each other as a team we emerged from this experience eager to represent skills USA Massachusetts with confidence and enthusiasm and ready to collaborate and support our members in the year ahead it is my honor to share that the state executive Council has selected me to serve as the skills USA Massachusetts State president for the 2024 2025 school year I am so proud to represent greater LOL in this way and I'm really looking forward to forging a path for our members to evolve into the best versions of themselves it is my hope that I can Empower our team to Foster an environment that encourages members to discover how they'll make their mark on the world through their skills USA Journey this is going to be an exciting year but I can promise that whether I meeting with legislators Educators students or industry leaders across the country I'm dedicated to ensuring that the stories of our members and the advantage of skills USA provides do not go un hurt once again on behalf of our schools USA advisers officers and integration team we'd like to thank you for all that you do to support us without your contributions to our organization we would not be able to experience these opportunities that are preparing us to be the best leaders we can possibly be we are looking forward to another year of success and we can't wait to see all that our chapter accomplishes thank you that's awesome so once again I'd like to thank Brad uh and especially I think we should all stand and congratulate these students and their achievements and the rest of the team members that are not with us today congratulations you should be so proud of yourselves your hard work and what you have achieved uh we are surely proud of you in the way you have re represented our school in the community uh within the state and at the national level so best of luck to all of you and I am looking forward to an even awesome uh school year than last year for skills USA so congratulations everybody congratulations [Applause] everybody so the next item on my agenda I'd like to introduce uh our dean of students Mr Ron vers alone and he's here this evening with five student leaders who uh participated in our high five Adventure Training uh this summer so I'd like to call up to come up um Michael Morgan if Michael can come up or do you all have a do you all have we have an order do you have an order okay so I'll let you come up in the order that you choose and please as you come up introduce yourselves but we're happy to hear have our high five uh student leaders here to to explain to us a little bit about their experience uh that they had this summer up in Vermont good evening I'm Kelsey and I'm a sophomore cosmetology initially the trip to Vermont was intimidating knowing there was a sense of uncertainty scared me the edge of leadership helped me overcome that fear high five made the program edge of leadership to help build students leadership skills Ed of leadership presented challenges including creating our own zip line across a pond with our team a rope course that also has a 40ft pole that we had to climb and finally walking in the dark by ourselves that was Guided by glow sticks these challenges taught me how to be a leader for myself guiding me through DBS and fears The Experience brought out the inner leader in all of us both for ourselves and for our team although we encounted numerous challenges there overcoming them helped us develop our leadership skills further the gained experience has prepared me for future leadership roles in my life I would like to thank the school council for letting us share what edge of leadership taught us thank you thank [Applause] you hi my name is Natalie Gorman and I'm in electrical as a sophomore here at and when we went up to Vermont I was a little scared at first because I didn't know what I was getting myself into but once I met the people and I was expain what we were doing I quickly realized that this would be a great trip once we got up there we were immediately tested by our ability to trust others and work together by numerous challenges like as soon as we got off the bus we were told to walk up a hill without not with not knowing where we were going or what we we were going to be doing once we got there throughout the trip um we were given activities and games that we didn't know what they were teaching us at the moment but after every AC we were given a reason and what it would help us learn once we got back we realized that we needed to incorporate our skills that we learned in Vermont here at greater L and we hope to help other students bring out the leading themselves as like we did in Vermont so thank you for the opportunity to go thank you thank you you uh hello I am uh I'm Bobby horen I'm a sophomore in the infotech shop uh so uh up at high five many of the many of the activities focused on challenging ourselves we fought against our fears as a group and on our own I noticed that many people who were clearly against certain activities still decided to push through and complete them that was the case for me when I went up the Pamper P it's a 40ft tall telephone pole that you climb while harest in and someone belaying you once you reach the top you have to jump uh six feet and try to to catch a trap EAS bar I'm not a fan of heights and this went against every Instinct I had however I decided it would be best if I went against my in instincts and I was right after going to high five I my family and my friends have noticed that I have changed I'm a lot more open to things that I would have out declined before like speaking here today you're doing a great job absolutely high five helped me realize what I can accomplish if I choose to try yes you you did a great [Applause] [Music] awesome good evening committee members my name is Christopher Gorman I am a senior in the information technology program and in January or summer 2022 I had the opportunity to go to high five and I was initially hesitant but the experience was amazing I loved being there with people I met how much it grew my confidence going into sophomore year so when I was offered the opportunity to go back this summer I was very into it and I was very excited to go back so this summer I had the opportunity to be there as a facilitator meaning I spent time in the cabins with the people who were experiencing this for the first time but also having more responsibility in making sure nobody was falling down during the night walk or baying during the adventure course and I think that uh educ taught me a lot in the second year about knowing the balance between your responsibilities and still finding time to have fun and enjoy your experience and I think that it was very important especially for this upcoming football season because I am a member of the football team so I think knowing that balance between responsibility and time with the team is very important what would you share with your fellow uh team members um I'd say always always always know your responsibility and still still find that time to make fun but also know when that time is awesome awesome thank you very [Applause] much so as I stated before my name is Michael Morgan I'm a senior in the engineering technology program and you may remember that I presented the edge of leadership trip at the end of last year and I'd like to thank all of you for allowing us to have that experience um I had the privilege of participating in the EOL experience and facilitating part of the program for the last two years uh the time I've spent in Vermont has made me to who I am today by emphasizing what a good leader looks like and how to encourage others to lead during the summer of the 2023 school year as a participant I started to grasp what it meant to be a leader however my time as a facilitator enhanced my understanding and passion for leadership I had realized that a good leader knows when to step back and let the followers lead day two on the ropes course was by far the best part of the trip that allowed that day allowed students to step into the independent and guiding roles to be able to have that direct exposure to work with a group on a smaller scale my role then was to Aid in ensuring the safety and supporting participants while they had created their adventures and discovered themselves my growth happened here next to who I was last last year giving a similar venture to what I had so that they could continue to develop their confidence and Trust in one another this year also faced many challenges one of which being the adverse weather and still the group continued moving forward the rain had ended the ROP scor Adventure short however this event prepared them so they know they know as Leaders plans are occasionally foiled gathered Under The Pavilion wet and cold we improvised games and initiatives to build more leadership qualities after the rain we briefly returned to the course to challenge ourselves one once more however I'd like to argue that the reain promoted a deeper message that day the unexpected is good and no one leads alone thank you again for your continued support of this program and for fostering the growth of student leaders thank you Michael thank [Applause] you Mr verone is did you want to come up and share anything uh you can come up and we can say thank you for you for organizing this and Echo providing our students the opportunity yeah the opportunity to go um you know it's it's a it's a sizable sum when we send 22 students up um and three staff members so we really appreciate the last two summers you folks being behind that 100% so thank you again for that and um Tyler himself actually is a a graduate of that program Tyler did you want to share anything about your experience there U I think we're good off the cup speaking we're still working mrone thank you for keeping our kids safe yeah you're welcome you're welcome and we have um Cassie thine um Dan Packard and uh John Hickey are three staff members who attended uh with the students this year as well and stayed the entire three days with them so thank to them as well so I just want to add also Mr vers alone and uh some of the student leaders uh I think Michael was here this summer uh who actually helped facilitate some uh activities during our Leadership Retreat so it was natal it's so it was very uh well maybe they can share what they thought of the experience about uh leading uh School leaders want for that that anybody want share about their experience with the leadership team did you guys have to jump no be kind so I got to participate in the new teacher orientation when all the teachers who were new hires came and we introduced them to each other and to us so they had a familiar face when they walked into the school and um it was great after I came back from Vermont it was great to have another opportunity to be a leader and also teach other people what it's like when you don't know anyone but you have to put on a brave face and try your best um and it was it was a great experience because when everyone was there they didn't know each other but they still were open to many things and they were a great new group and it was fun well we're happy that you were a part of that and thank you again thank you thank you thank you very much awesome anybody else want to share about their experience either with the leadership team or with new freshmen I mean new uh new teachers anybody work with the new freshman as well um yeah I did both actually do you want me to talk about both sure okay um so I'll start with the Freshman program over the summer um it was the three-week program of all the new freshman as one of the group leaders uh I think it was honestly one of the better um I only did it last year too so it was one of the better years uh it was it was a new style too so it's a lot more structured I think the freshman got a lot more out of it this year I feel like they were a lot more engaged so um I think those was really good i' give for that and then I facilitated the admin Retreat for um Miss Davis and M um Mr Barton Miss Santiago all of them um we got them on the ropes course out there Miss Davis was a little hesitant but it's okay be kind that's right just put on the harness part of the game right yes I did put on the harness that's right um I think there's a picture somewhere of me helping you put on a harness yes I think so Michael that was last year yeah um so yeah we got everyone up there a lot of people were very willing to go and you know experience like the new the new heights that they had never gone to or even like the lower things the team building and Trust right there's a lot of trust a lot of competition they're very competitive especially Miss s very very she's going to love that yeah and um yeah yeah thank you thank you very much thank you thank you thank you thank you all of you thank you again I just want to give a round of applause for all of our students I think I think they're all leaders and they all should be proud of all the work that they do uh in the school Community because we are definitely proud of them thank you yeah you make us all very proud um you know it's not easy to step out of the box join skills USA and really not know how to present and sort of be coached into presenting and um really trying to do your very best that you that you can and even just be a part of the competition never mind making the states and being a part of the states and knowing there's a whole new competitive level that you may or may not be able to reach it's um something that you should all be very proud of never mind making the Nationals and as far as going away to the um leaders recognition congratulations on stepping out of the box and seeing what you were made of because like you said you didn't know what to expect you just showed up and you know you carried your bags in and you knew it was going to be something that wasn't sounds comfortable for you but you all grew and congratulations for you know making us very proud of school committee people and you know um um having the funding and happy to share the funding to give you guys that that that new experience so share what you've done um it's a long line it's a long gry line of kids that uh go here to Great Lal Tech share the experiences and let them know that it's all is available to them as well thank you leaders encouraging leaders thank you yeah congratulations guys thank youone thank you you guys can go if you want you don't have to stick around so the next item on my agenda actually before I before the next item I'm on my agenda I just like to say that we usually don't provide a Cooperative education update in the month of uh SE September however I do have an update for you we usually provide one in October but I just want to update one uh we currently have 26.5% of our students senior students out on Co-op uh already this year this is one of the highest numbers that we've had in again this is September we usually give the report in October so I'm sure in our report in October we'll have even more seniors out on Co-op uh so I just wanted to share that and next I'd like to invite our assistant superintendent principal Mr Michael Barton up to talk uh first about our medication administration policy and then our medical Behavioral Health Emergency Response plan that we're going to need to separate votes for and I just want to extend a thank you to Mr Barton uh who has been working uh with his uh school council as well as the uh School Improvement plan team to include goals on our school Improvement plan for uh building leadership in students and uh tonight was a an example of that work uh having a huge impact on our students in school community so thank you Mr Barton no thank you thank for recognizing that uh appreciate that good evening everyone um the first item on this agenda is the medication administration policy uh this is a policy that had been prev previously approved by you two years ago it's a requirement that um this District have in place um it's up for Renewal the only change to it is the date and medication administration policy is uh simply the policy that governs medication within the school district in terms of who administers it the policies of procedure security around that medication um so it again it's a policy that has been approved previously by this committee and the only change necessary is the date so be heard approval any questions or comments from Mr Bon motion motion by Mr B second seconded by Mr NOCO all in favor please say I I opposed unanimous okay thank you the second item on the uh agenda is the 2024 2027 medical Behavioral Health Emergency Response plan that is a plan that's also required um that is renewed every three years uh essentially this policy is one that governs um The District's responses to any medical emergencies as well as any behavioral uh Health uh responses that are required by the district Personnel um the changes that are covered in this document for this year are simply changes to uh names and telephone numbers for personnel that have been uh welcomed to the district so again uh policy that's been approved by the committee previously it's required every 3 years I'm looking for approval so moved second motion by Mr L second by Mr Baho uh all in favor please say I I opposed unanimous all right thank you very much sir thank you very much thank you point about the medication uh as a former feacher I had a student who had a pump you know a diabetic and you know whe whether they had to go to the nurse or that and you know all these medical problems that our kids have it it all goes they don't just walk around with a port of pets yeah exactly they're administer and also all the ad EDS that are in the building do those go through some kind of a service yeah sure we have an AED plan that that lists all our aeds when the batteries are need to be and when we need to replace the actual AED machine that's all uh reviewed by the nurses okay thank you thank you thank you sir uh there is no report from the business manager uh anything under the RO business gentleman hearing none is there anything under new business gentlemen hearing on again uh committee person motions none report of subcommittees don't have any uh motion orj motion second motion by Mr uh morren second by Mr NOCO all in favor say I opposed it's unanimous thank you very much everybody did they get did they get an you were write notes down did I get an A e e