##VIDEO ID:XvPZJ8wL1Q4## we are returning from executive session and this is a regular meeting of the greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School District committee being held tonight Tuesday September 10th 2024 at 1121 Ashley Boulevard New Bedford Mass we are at uh 6:40 in the student forum for a regular session Mr rat do we have any public comment this evening no we do not no public comment next item on the agenda is the introduction of the gnb EU executive board for 2024 2026 um like to ask that um each of the members if you'd like to go to the podium and introduce yourselves yeah absolutely all right hello everyone I am Serge manise I serve as the co-president of the uh locational portion of our uh Union um it's just a couple of us that have have either a new role or or a new member um so before I let them introduce themselves I just want to take an opportunity to to thank um Heather Pento and Kathy Chase for their years of service with us and all their hard work with GM to our new Co president hi Kelly Hy um formerly vice president of membership um I also want to thank hea because she stayed on for negotiations and saved many hours of my life so and um I also want to present this with um to the chairperson uh Mr way Ola um with all the support that we have we're grateful um to your involvement and I think Mr Shay as well uh in negotiations and um I just want you to know how committed we are to getting this contract signed um so I'm going to get this and I'm going to hand it over to a familiar face Kelly Martin vice president of grievances good evening my name is Kelly Martin uh you know me from the last couple of Elections I'm the vice president of griev and I'd like to pass it off to our new vice president Hi everyone I'm Jillian Bond I was previously a building rep but I am proud to serve as the new BP of membership hello I'm Shannon McGuire I've been the secretary since the Inception of the GBU and continue to be involved in negotiations as well um thank you and I'm Cassandra Al I took over for Kathy Chase as treasurer thank you and on behalf of the uh school committee I congratulate you on your new new roles and uh good luck with future endeavors uh with your new roles thank you appreciate your uh introductions uh we'll have the reading and acceptance of the minutes from the August 13 2024 meeting uh if we could uh motion to approve motion to approve second second any discussion on those minutes hearing none we'll call for a roll call vote Mrs yes mrso Mar yes yes yes and uh we'll have a separate vote taken to accept and hold the minutes of the executive board session until the matter is completed approve motion for those a second okay we have a second any discussion on that if not roll call vote to accept Mr yes yes yes M ala yes all right next under reports we have approval of bills the approval of 1,645 800 uh I'm sorry 1,6 $45 808 for approval we have a second on that second okay um Mr sh yes yes Dr Marin yes yes Mr ala yes all right next we move on to the superintendent shout out thank you Mr Oliva uh you know this month I just want to uh recognize and acknowledge Monica Blackwell she has served the last few years of leading our freshman testing placement initiative uh over the summer months planning it last spring and and kind of executing it out for us and I just want to thank her for her work in this additional responsibility and and congratulate her on a job on a job well done yet again thank you all right again with the superintendent weekly update in your packet includes the welcome back letter to the team from August 9th as well as the letter that was sent to All Families on August 14th and the first few weekly newsletters which have resumed now on Monday you uh next we have our um student representative Caroline Pereira thank you um so just a few things um starting in August I started uh a senior backpack a little um tradition we started um recently and we had good participation from the seniors where they were their favorite child backpack to represent our last year so I love to see it throughout the hallways and then I planned a senior Sunrise which was amazing we had lots of participation and I believe more than half of the class attended it was surely a good one and the year coordinator also was there to take pictures of the class so that was a little successful week for the seniors and then starting recently we had our uh class officers and student council meetings to discuss our fall spirit week as well as our pep rally where we introduce fall Sports and Spotlight the seniors and also include our homecoming football game and homecoming as well and then we're going to start planning our bonfire and some senior fundraisers and then lastly I would like to add um that we're in the process of start of doing our vote registration day that we have this year but so far that's it awesome thank you thank you yes Mr the sunrise place it was in the parking lot in the parking lot okay some people a go beaches or whatever thank you you're wel anything else from the members all right thank you for that under uh old business we have the second reading and Adoption of policies and uh this will be the following policies use of electronic messaging by the school committee members Universal free lunch school lunch School nutrition program charge policy District security relating to technology data and wreckage retention Personnel use of Technology access to digital resources and Technology resources student use of technology in schools Community use of digital resources and last is District website and social media you contain a motion to accept the policies in the second reading so we have a motion second okay with the second any further discussion on any of the policies just commment that it's a lot of work you know to try to keep it up and going I know some schools have issues with not having having a lot of old stuff so whoever is on this committee did it keeping up to date and relevant absolutely yes all right so we have a motion with a second um there's no further discussion we'll call for the vote roll call please please yes yes sorry yes you don't want who you say sh business I just be up before I okay all right on the new business we'll uh we'll go to Item B first we um vote for the approval of formation of the new student clubs and we have Ryan Meier here um if there's any questions uh any presentation by Mr Methia we have the dance club a debate Club pickle ball club book club and run Club just I mean form do the give you a petition and then trip so yeah first it usually comes in the process starts with either a um an email most likely from either a staff member or a student about a club U Mr Rivera then takes that we form a description of the club and then we send out an interest form um we try to see above 20 at that point we'll then bring it to the school committee for approval um to where we'll then have signups post for an advisor and and try to get the club up and running so right now we have those five that are at um we have the student interest for is probably I have four or five on my desk um that we're going to be sending out after this meeting more interest and um hopefully we'll be up to around 30 clubs by the end of the year so thank you the go Mr kitchen is to make sure that if there is student interest we're going to run them uh we are putting in some processes and procedures to monitor involvement once the club is off the ground attendance at the clubs um so on and so forth basically the way we're compensating advisers now is via the trimester so I've asked Mr Williams and Mr Methia to make sure that the advisers have tracking sheets of who's who's attending so we can monitor the involvement of students each of these clubs as we bring them we say we have just shy of 500 that have signed up for the 21 clubs we have currently add that in with Athletics and the drama club we still have about a thousand kids that are part of the school that aren't part of the community after school that we really want to try and make sure we have opportunities for every kid that that wants to take one job questions for committee I just asked which one was the the most popular say it's got to be pickle and we have a space that we would be hopefully our kids to foren TJ Adam Rogers runs successful pickle ball so I have some 7 72 year old people there the club later on good I wasn't a badle player myself challeng any other questions thank you Mr Matthew all right so um if we could uh entertain a motion to approve the uh clubs as listed okay we have a motion and second any other discussion on it if not we will call for the roll call Vote Yes Dr Marin yes yes Mr yes yes all right next moving on to um item c will be the vote to designate equipment as Surplus uh there's some information in your packets uh declaring the items motion to approve we have motion to approve the surface equipment second second okay any discussion on that hearing none we'll call for the roll call yes yes yes okay and then moving back up to item a will be a presentation on the admissions policy superintendent Watson okay good evening everybody um I wanted to take a couple of minutes uh in September to kind of update you on where we are regarding the admissions process that created have votch um and what the next steps are that are coming so this time for members not only to ask questions but also to be able to digest some that's before so in may members of the district leadership team met with the Department of Elementary and secondary education and what's called the methods of administrative review in which they took a look at our admissions policies they highlighted some disparities that they see within the data relative specific subgroups and about two months later on July 29 issued the methods of administration letter of finding which is included in your packet on the vast majority of issues uh it contained within the review there was there was no finding at all but unsurprisingly uh given the long discussions we've had with the Department around admissions processes and policies there were findings relative to specific demographic groups of students and dispar incomes in their view the letter of finding requires that the department prior to admitting the class of 2029 a school Comm committee approved policy they submit to a voluntary compliance plan that voluntary compliance plan is due on September 27 so tonight I want to take a few minutes to not only walk members of the committee through where we are and what we see with the data uh I want to talk about what the district's work over the last six weeks has been primarily sented in this capacity on the voluntary compliance plan let you know what is going to be included at least on some level compliance which by the way I will make public immediately after its submission to the department before October conversation uh and then highlight what my recommended course of action is to you your your consideration and vote next month so to begin I want to just highlight some of the state data points that are up this I'll turn your attention to the trajector we're going to have to really make that little bigger from back here so this is available it's public the department does this for every single Regional Vocational Technical School um in the Commonwealth uh it tracks the eligible Marketplace which I'll talk about a prospective students that can come talks to students who have completed applications offers that were made offers that were accepted so on and so forth so I'll draw your attention to the total number in the top leftand column first make that just a little bit larger for me 1652 is the eligible number of eighth graders in this particular class who are eligible to apply at grade Deb 10 1,099 of eligible eighth graders submitted applications that's nearly 2third so roughly two out of every three students public students who are in our schools that submit to The Sims requirements of local districts are applying to be members of the greater de C Tech Community that's a testament to what we do each and every day we made offers to 686 of those students received letters from us that said you wish you can enroll at Great Book Tech obviously that was done in waves because we cannot 686 students 561 students initially in the first round accepted we hold a class of usually between 565 and 570 that number was ultimately up to 571 I want to point out that the Department's data lags behind by one year so these are rising sophomores right there are currently I think 562 or so sophomores that are enrolled uh in the district now every one of these statistical numbers is then broken down by students of color by white students by low income students by non- low-income students students with disabilities students who are not with disabilities El students not heel students and unknown students just to give you a quick uh feedback and I I've conveyed this to the department on multiple occasions if you look at their demogra their data points they'll they'll divide by eligible students I I've pushed back on that as strongly and as firmly as I can uh if a student doesn't apply here I don't I don't need to talk about why they were accepted or not accepted right where my focus has been where the district's Focus has been is on those students who are in fact completing applications and then we are sending a letter of offer so for example 686 of the nearly 1100 students received an offer of employment when we look at that number across the board we sto to look at students of color and 306 students of 529 eligible students of color were offered the opportunity to enroll a grade A new Bey ftech this just over 60% white students 343 into 515 again in the 60s 60% low-income students is nearly about 50% 328 into 643 non-low-income students 321 into 401 that's 80% so here's the first disparity that I see that calls out of a real statistical measure that I want to point out to the committee if you are a low-income student in the region your chance of being accepted if you complete the application process is about 50% if you are not a low-income student your chance if you complete the application process of being accepted according to the department mind you and I have my questions about some of these statistics which I'll point out during the BCP it's about 80% but on a surface level that requires a deeper analysis by the district some students are given a five- 10 chance an 8 and 10 chance while we use selective selective criteria for me it bodes a lot of questions that I don't have the answers to today but that I intend to write in the voluntary compliance plan and to ask for an I've already asked the department and emails a precursor to the vcp but I will follow up in the vcp for example why those students which specific selective criteria is in fact creating the dispar income in dispar outcomes in their process um I think that's relevant information to the process before we make a determination about whether selective criteria uh is relevant to the process here gr have fot 10 But continuing on the track we're on right now when we look at students with disabilities 88 students out of 181 were offer that opportunity that is slightly lower than 50% also concerning if we go back to non-economically disadvantaged kids their chances of getting in eight and 10 when we talk about students disabilities their chances are basically 4.8 in 10 and then El students are just north of 50% 30 into 58 is roughly 52% chance of being admitted although you will note that 175 eligible students there that is significantly lower percentage wise in terms of applying than nonel students roughly uh we're at the two-thirds modu for all for all kids that's about 33% so what I can tell you today is roughly a third of eligible El students in the great and Bedford region that app that are students here are even appliable so there is an argument to be made that and we are working with Yanda we've added folks to that team we are developing an Outreach team currently with members of our staff uh to get out to the schools I've been working with the superintendent EV very closely about a plan to get us into the schools and talk to kids during the day but it's clear to me at a surface level that in order for us to really assess the impact of Els we've got to get to a place where El students are actually applying for admission to gr into B V Tech at the same rate that that all students are applying and then we've got to get into the conversation about access testing schooles and whether or not kids are being flept out consistent with state law because there are a lot of questions that come from that first but on a surface level if we were to just accept the Department's data boards I can understand why the letter of finding has been brought forth I want to shift gears for the moment to the voluntary compliance plan and to talk a little bit about what it is that I intend to write in that plan to the department and submit uh on September 27 first and foremost I do not want the school's admissions policy be discriminatory in any fashion and if it is I will Lobby this board to change that policy but what is required is a detailed thoughtful and thorough analysis of all data points the biggest question that pres presents to us today is of those students who are on the wait list who are they white students are they students of color are they students with disabilities are they El students are they low-income students are they normal income students we don't have that information that is not information that greater new benit V Tech currently has because they're not our students we know that information for each of our students because we submit it as part of our Sim submission on October one of the questions I've already asked both verbally and in writing and will submit as part of the vcp is that I think any thoughtful analysis about the value of selective criteria in vocational technical admissions requires that we understand who these kids are and what specific criteria prevented their offer of acceptance to the district we know what kids scores were we know where grades attendance what district displine may have impacted kids what we do not know is what the profile looks like I have currently spoken to two of three plan calls with uh organizations outside the Commonwealth who are capable of conducting this study the third and final call is Thursday afternoon at which point we'll make a decision about which vendor we intend to contract with to initiate the voluntary compliance plan both of the vendors so far have agreed that a thoughtful and intense analysis of the issues require the department to work with them in terms of that data points to be able to idea and measure the effectiveness of voluntary of these admissions criteria on our student B Shifting the last piece of this uh while frustrated that we're halfway through a twoyear pilot on qualified Lottery which was 285 seats out of the 570 that were administered uh in a random drop of students who qualified for the lottery I am moved by this data that there are potentially some gaps that require further statistical analysis and at the outset I mentioned that I don't necessarily accept this on its premise because I don't understand the statistical measure to which the department has utilized to conduct this evaluation that is the second question that I've have emailed them and included in my report is that I want to understand how the statistical analysis was done I won't get into the specifics tonight about a 4 fifth statistical analysis versus regression analysis but there are varying levels of statistical analysis that will yield a 95 to 99% certainty obviously in any legal Challenge and things the like those levels of certainty are required so I've asked them to provide with their data team the methods to which the statistical analysis was conducted uh I will include that in my report for the voluntary compliance plan which has also been discussed with third party validators uh we will see what their response for that question is but in the meantime it's my belief that we should be moving forward with dual purpose uh your job next month hopefully or in the coming months will be to set the admissions policy for the district to admit the class of 2029 while the letter of finding is specific to the fact that no action should take place until the district submits its voluntary compliance plan and submissions policy is submitted to the department uh it is my hope through conversations with members of the senior Department's team that we'll be able to move forward with this submission and have a dual process uh around this around this initiative the next point I'll make is what the last two years have taught us so of the roughly 1100 students who have applied to the district through the qualified law roughly 670 students have been in fact qualified that is they scored 70 or better in all four academic classes they were not chronically absent they did not have any disciplinary fractions that exceeded the 378 statute the district that's still only about 67% so I've asked our team to really dive deep into what that data actually looks like and we've done very surface level discussions at this point that we want to also test uh with a third party validator but what I can tell you that uh the Changers that I'm going to recommend to you moment uh that would increase that number from roughly 670 students to almost 960 between 950 960 students which would make virtually about 86% of those students that complete applications eligible for a qualified water so let me walk you through those steps it's my belief that the most the two two most essential criteria that are essential to success at at r v Tech but really vocational education at its all uh is attendance and discipline and the district has taken a position its attendance policy so far that it would utilize the Department's definition for chronic apps and teas the department has spent a great deal of time moving around the state and meeting that I've been in and certainly others articulating the students who are chronically absent are in performing on state assessments compared to their non-chronically absent for us plus it is something that I believe is essential to participation uh in in a vocational technical program not only in meeting the competency hours determined by the state statutes under chapter 74 but it's also something I've heard repeatedly from different employers as they look to see and fill positions that are out there um I was troubled to learn as we looked at some of our data points which required that students eligible for the lottery had to be present for 90% of school days that some students would be let's for example say they missed 20 days during their seventh grade year and three days during the first half of the 8th grade year that student was not eligible to be in a qualified Lottery over the last two years because they exceeded the 10% threshold in seventh grade so one of the proposals that I'll put forth is for us to look at the admissions process in an 18 month period seventh and e8th grade collectively which would basically tell all students uh if they had 27 absences or less during the 18 month period they would then be considered not chronically absent and eligible for participation in the qualified I can also tell you that we saw similar issues with the policy with grades for example Mike Watson might have had a 68 in seventh grade English but a 91 in the first half of 8th grade that student also in the last two years has not been eligible for the qualified Lottery because they did not meet the 70% threshold during the seventh grade year but an aggregate average between the two certainly would have made that student eligible had we gone down the path of recommending grades to be included we would have also recommended that consol we are not going to go down that path our plan uh to recommend to you is to use two criteria both defined up of Elementary secondary education chronic absenteeism and discipline standards exceed 10day suspension of the 37h statute and then randomly draw the entire class of 20290 that is the proposal that you are likely to see in front of you we believe that would increase the applicant pool uh from 670 or 680 qualified applicants to close to 960 or so uh and we believe that would have a a significant impact on the percentages on each of these demographics uh as I said that will be something that we recommend to you it'll be your call whether or not you want to make adjustments to that policy accept that policy vote that policy uh once school committee approves the admissions policy I will do what I've done every single year to just submit that policy to the Department of Elementary secondary education concurrently as you will see in just a few weeks you will read The District's response the voluntary compliance plan which answers the questions in my view very well about what the Department's letter of findings articulate with disparities and puts us on a path with a third party validator to confirm the admissions criteria essential to participation that process is likely to take months it will not be 30 weeks so uh the next steps of what happens will literally be in the hands of other folks we will have conversations with the Department about that but it's my belief that we continue to move forward until we're told otherwise and that we are complying the U specifics outlined in the Department's letter chairman I will answer any questions for committee we have any uh Mr Shay it's interesting because highlight answer a lot of the questions but out of any areas seven of them said no action Beed that's correct yeah one area of that voluntary compliance plan is this school the only school that is being done at this point or yeah I remember you talking about saying that we were the pilot of the school yeah so so anybody else do so great question uh there are four schools that have been identified by do by the department as having uh disparities in their only one this school is required to commit uh provide a voluntary compliance plan at this point because the other schools they say are one year behind us what I can tell you is that the admissions issue is extremely complex there are lots of stakeholders that are advocating not just locally but Statewide on both sides of this issue and unfortunately it's pretty much like any other political issue that the country is facing at the moment right compromise has become a a very difficult uh process right people have dug in around their heels there are Senators that have filed specific uh bills to mandate Statewide lotteries for vocational schools those bills have not become law they are they are caught in different areas uh I am working with MAA very aggressively I'm starting to lead specific groups with the organization around teacher testing but also on the admissions process I've been very outspoken uh at the Retreats and meetings with the MAA folks about this you know I'd be remiss if I didn't say it out loud so I will right the answer to this really is about expansion of seats U and I'm not going to get into tonight about you know the millionaires tax and $ 1.8 billion new dollars and how that exceeded State revenues and uh you know 60% of the money is being for education and what is that money used for but those are questions that um as we seek to further this conversation that I've already spoken with Bob about and joined with them on I will be hosting a legislative breakfast again later this year where I intend to speak very specifically and ask questions about what the legislative branch is doing with additional money in the millionaire tax uh because it's my belief that at the end of the day this is a conversation about families and kids I believe very fir that every family has the right to choose and have access to a free public high school education that they're choosing uh it's unfortunate that we don't have the ability to fit 750 or 800 kids and I would argue for new Beford High School I would argue for any high school that offers chapter 74 programs to be eligible to this process but I do think it's incumbent upon the state legislature to consider options about how some of this funding would be used to expand access not only at Regional book Texs but at any school that offers chapter 74 comprehensive education because that would be meeting the needs of our students who are advocating for that point so this is a point you're going to hear more of I'm going to talk very openly about this um here in New Bedford and and out there across the board State I attending on basis to make sure that we're present and and and out there ready to discuss just last question is that it seems like a lot of effort a lot of time or is it of Education giving us any finances to do this project we are we are uh applying for currently a 7 which we would use to expand uh you know development which is going to be required for our staff it's not used Class sens we can use it for s team uh and really our plan is to use this around professional development for our team a lot of this is going to require uh started the Strategic plan last night push forward with the multi-tier system of supports that's going to require administrative changes the district we're launching udl principles next two or three years working on accommodation Matrix currently all our folks need support in that uh it's going to require us to do it but that's where we intend to utilize a lot of $75,000 I access family thank you Mr chair well thank you for the comments any other committee members wish to question just the admission policy and such because it's going to go into your SOA and kind of your heat map and such are you going to track it that way say that one more time are you going to track it it's either Dropout it's either nth nth grade advancement so when you map and it also breaks it down by the same graphics so most of the most of the data that we're collecting and again the world is Shifting I I talk about this all the time it's sometimes shifting so fast that it makes people people nervous um but it's my belief when we talk about things like absenteeism that vocational technical education actually improves loc uh attendance outcomes for kids uh we've just recently signed on with a third party vendor that we're working on tying into our Aspen system that program is going to literally track in real time every day students who are meeting attend requirements who are approaching chronic absente ISM status and who are chronically absent it's literally going to change the work of our attendance offic right who currently right now builds that data almost daily probably two hours a day into a spreadsheet that's literally going to be done overnight for her allowing those two hours to be focused on remediations with families and those kind of conversations and then to your point what students are in the building um what what is the progress that they're making when they're here right so what we know about the students that are enrolled here is we have access to their information I know what their attendance rates were in seventh and eighth grade and so we're going to be be able to talk and prove about whether attendance rates actually improve when you're participating in a vot tech school and then the followup question to that is does outputs improve as well this academic performance locational technical performance improve as well uh we had about 8% of our students who were chronically absent last year which is great number Statewide I mean there certainly schools that have bigger challenges my question for the team just this morning is we need to dig into that data to find out what percentage of those students did not meet competency determinations in their classes compared to those students who were not chronically absent so these are the data driven conversations that are happening it's a lot of work uh we are building platforms we are we're out there uh lots of conferences and lots of places looking for The Cutting Edge tools that are going to help make the work easier for us to do it I know I know it's hard for people to imagine W live in those seats every single day but uh you know it it's time consuming it's timeconsuming and that's the piece I'm trying to push on the department uh you know 60 days to write a vcp yes this has taken hours hours over the last six weeks not only to write to rewrite to look strengthen weaken certain pieces um to try to tie it to specific questions that they're asking in the letter of uh letter of findings and I you know I I want to share it with you but I don't want to make it a public document tonight until it's until the department gets the ability to actually see it uh but we are very close to final form with that and we'll be submitting it to them on September 27th me releases to members of the community at large by early October anyone else have any questions from the committee just give the opportunity uh Jo she has no questions Carol do you have anything uh I just want to make sure I I know this is an issue that she uh is concerned about just the last I'm having a hard time hearing everything and it's pausing so I'm not sure what to say I mean I can repeat it but I'm happy to have a conversation with you tomorrow all right or Thursday whatever works for you if you want to reach out to me we can certainly walk through I will everything I've tried to outline tonight yeah this was an update so um superintendent Watson could certainly bring you up to speed if uh hearing tonight's presentation was issue mik will that be after you meet with them how long yeah so I'll meet with them and likely ask them to do what I asked the previous vendors to do which to submit a proposal of services within five or seven days um so Thursday is the 12th I have that by the 19th that gives us a few days and a weekend to try to make a determination about which vendor we'd like to go to try to reach out um again that's not required that I identify the vendor the vcp other than to tell them I have proposal I'd like to in an ideal space when I hit the button on September 27th I'll also identify that we've entered into an agreement with a third party validator that's my hope it's a tight timeline which I told them you know the 60 days was a tight timeline to begin I well I I just mentioned that you know during those two weeks initially you know one I had a couple of days I wasn't here and then I was at theat I asked to kick that a little th but we're going to meet the I'm I'm going toet that's kind of a complicated issue and certainly we want to review the upate move us forward on the admissions so thank you for that yeah um Mr Watson I will definitely set up a time to speak with you awesome Mr FAL no problem okay all right if there's nothing further we move one thank you all right there's no action required on that as it was an update we'll move on to um reports on Personnel appointments retirements or resignations we have U two notifications of resignations one from Sarah kagano I apologize if I didn't pronounce that correctly effective August 27th 2024 and Cassandra Nora D Costa effective immediately motion to place on F motion to place on file with a second call Mar yes yes and next we have um a donation from Dr Jordan Bush that was in your packet as well I believe that was a um motor okay um so we got have a motion to accept the donation motion to accept so second okay with a second motion with a second roll call please Dr Marin yes yes yes yes all right next moving on to any committee discussion oh yes um okay hearing committee discussion no okay uh next we'll just move on to uh business that may come before the commission committee um and we have the uh Mo MOA with the um rated New Bedford Educators Union units a b and c and um Au well uh so we'll be signing these two uh Moa tonight that was talked about in executive session uh if we could have a motion to allow the chair to sign on behalf of the committee motion made motion made second any discussion on the signing any cont uh yeah I'll refer to uh superintendent Watson just to give a little more Contex just uh just for the benefit of the public I know members were brought up to speed on this executive session so uh in conversations with the both the GN beu uh leadership teams uh negotiating teams as well as the leadership team of the gnba um it's my belief that we're close to to finalizing Collective Bing agreements with all of our unions um and unfortunately we've run out of summer days before the first paycheck uh and so several of our members and several of our Personnel are in the process of moving steps uh salary scale Andor Lanes if they met all the collective bargaining requirements about subit documentation for that and so given the the proximity of where we are towards a successor agreement um what we asked and discussed an executive session we make public tonight is the that the district will move forward uh with advancing those steps and lanes for those Educators along that process um absent full collective bargaining agreement until we are completed but that those folks will not have to wait to move from step five to six or whatever step that they're on through that process so hopefully that helps clarify yes thank you I'm glad you glad you were able to clarify that any uh any other comments or discussion on the matter okay so we have a motion with a second to allow the chair to sign the uh memorandum of understanding we'll have a roll call vote Mr yes yes Marin yes yes yes yes all right um brings us to the end of the agenda if we could have a motion to Jour second and a final roll call Vote Yes yes yes thank you