all right we're going to start with the Pledge of Allegiance allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible with liy and justice for all uh this is to notify you that a regular meeting of the greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School District committee will be held on Tuesday March 12th 2024 at 11:21 a Boulevard Massachusetts at :45 and the student we are back from executive session Mrs fad do we have public comment yes we do U Mrs has a pental would like to address the committee on up he I'm going to bring some people with me that's okay my name is Heather pental I am from Fair Haven I know that that's um part of the process I teach history and I am co-president of the union and I am Serge mise her co-president and I teaching the diesel Serv shop we are here tonight with all of the people behind us to to invite the committee to come to negotiations we are building our second contract and we have put our heart and soul into the mission we are trying to build the best contract for our students and the district and the only way to do that is to have all of our voices represented at the table so we hope that you seeing all of us helps you realize it's not just Heather and surge asking you to come it's all of us and our next meeting is March 20th at 5:00 and we hope that you can come it'll be right here and if it's one of you or all of you we welcome you thank you all right all right uh reading and SE of minutes of the February 13th meeting um you should have received copies of the minutes from the February 13th meeting motion we second all in favor um we also need a separate vote to accept and hold the minutes of the executive session until the matter is completed as amended favor all right um reports approval of bills again included if in your back included in your backup materials is a copy of the warrant 24-8 the amount of 968,000 to approve second all in favor we do have a couple of presentations tonight so we have Kathy rebello who's going to give us an update on freshman explor tennis match have a presentation going up or is it just you coming okay so excuse our backs we're going to watch the [Music] presentation all right well good evening everybody um this presentation is going to look a lot like what we looked at last year as we're trying to maintain the same data points from year to year um so as we go through we are going to look at much the same as we did last year there will be some slides that seem to look the same or have the same information on them um but they're represented in different ways in some cases so that you can get a visual of um of the of the big picture of what we're really working at okay so this first slide here is going to show you um the shops that are single cycle along with the available seats how many seats in each program that were available to students who were looking for those programs all right and there was there were a few changes this year we made some adjustments to some of the seats based on level of interest and also safety concerns so for example in Dental we we dropped a few seats because um of the nature of the physical space in Dental um we felt that um little bit to um three separated rooms to have one group of stud is not really a safe dro the number to 18 from 20 things like that happened we added two to auto automotive because they were extremely popular this year so we kind of made adjustments based on what ours were all right so um when you look at the placement statistics here um our first choice 63% of our students got their first choice and 4.6% did um did not get any choices out of the six that they chose in the end um if you look in the the um chart to the right there and the the um light red color you'll see where they all landed all 26 of them when you compare that to last year last year we had more students get their first choice um not a lot more but it five more um and then we had 22 students not get any of places last year versus this year um go ah to the next slide all right so again another General overview you can see what everybody selected all six choices all the way out for each program um you have these slides in your packet so you can kind of study some of this and and take a hard look at some of this data um so being 565 grade n students they were total of 583 seats Avail or 82 seats available to our students this year last year we were 583 seats so it just went down by one when we made all of our adjustments um and we we had 564 students placed so we lost one along the way I think since exploratory um placement has happened we've lost two freshman students and those were two students who did not get any of their choices so one thing I'd like to add um and share with you this year is traditionally we've only had a weight list for First Choice students this year we expanded that out all six places so the 26 kids who didn't get any of their choices are on six weight lists and we did that intentionally to try to make try to um offer some around the fact that we may get into one of those six choices um as movement happens um there's been quite a bit of movement with weight list um since explor happened all right so I should have brought a copy of my slide because you want my want my laptop no that's okay okay yep so the S electrical legal and protected and Automotive were the top three choices first picks they were the same last year top three picks were the same three shots this year we had a tie we had uh three people three shops um tie for second place and that was hbac Auto and legal and protective services and then carpentry came in um for third so um carpentry actually brought in a lot more uh students this year a lot more excitement and enthusiasm around that program so we're excited about that and then so when we look at the numbers and who students choosing first through third or top choices um we always want to make sure we're looking at percentages so how many kids went through the program and how many kids chose based on that number is a more really Apples to Apples comparison of um our students and where they're where they're going what their interest levels are so this slide shows um that percentage and the top three were electrical cosmetology and plumbing last year they were electrical Dental legal for the top three percentage wise and then the bottom three are diesel machine and media and last year they were um Delo Diesel and Engineering all right and again this shows how many students explor each program you'll see that that number is different that number is based on um students coming in and what they chose at application um Mr M tries to make sure that our students get into as many of the six choices that they select at application as possible so you'll see the double cycle shops there's more kids explor all right and here's your visual comparison so the green line indicates the number of students who went through each program um um the red line indicates the number of students who chose them one through three the black line indicates the number of seats available in each one of those programs just a little visual representation right so then we're going to look at this chart um and this really this really tells us a lot so it tells us a lot because we're comparing what kids chose at application versus what they chose after exploratory so again last year hbac is at the top of the list and that's because in my opinion a lot of kids don't really know what HB is so when they get to go through exploratory they get to learn a little bit about the program and you know what what kind of career Pathways might there be in inback what are we going to do what kind of Hands-On skills are we going to learn what kind of credentials are we going to get um so that's why I think you see some some vast differences between kids at application and kids after exploratory that tells us that our exploratory program is working on you can go ahead to the next SL and this chart is the last chart and this shows um our choices over time so last year I did a 5year comparison and a 10year comparison this year it's a six and 11 um I went with 1819 for the comparison year um for the for the six year because 1920 was the co year it's not really going to give us some good data so I kept I stayed with the 1819 um and you can kind of see the top three what changes have happened over time um with the six-year chart on your left and then um over 11 years with the chart on your right um and it's quite interesting um Metal Fab is at the top there they got 100% um increase over six years kind nice to see what happened over time with each one of our programs um and then stationary engineering um increased by 300% over 11 years so that's quite remarkable and that is my presentation does anyone have any questions I want to know how the students don't make it too hard students chosen because I know the students that went to get into certain departments that they didn't get into and um I just like to know how they have chosen to get that's great so we have u a real grip that students are graded when they go through each exploratory program um students have an opportunity to earn up to, 1600 points so they get 100 they can earn up to 100 points in each of the shops they go through they go through 15 and then the 16 100 points is their AC average that raw score is then if we have 45 kids who want elect as their first choice we take that raw score and the top scores are the kids who are going to get the first chance to get in does that make sense it's a point so it's accumulation of points 15 kids explore 15 shops and the last 100 points is the average of their four four academic subjects and we're going to try to make that more transparent because I know this is complicated um through the admission policy I believe Mr Watson yeah so I want to jump in just a second Mr Comal on that so um you know we opted to keep the presentation the same again this year to for consistency so folks were able to see the numbers over a period of time and I think that that's really important but one of the conversations that were having is when 356 students uh get their first choice right the question that I asked Kathy Jeff and the team was who are those kids I want to know who those kids are right and so we're running those numbers in conjunction with our student information management system uh we actually have a data dashboard that's now operational um that we're going to be previewing we're actually reviewing it currently but what I can tell you is that 63.8 1% of the students uh got their first choice but who are those students and is that different for elll students students with disabilities different race and ethnicities all of that number is all those numbers are now available through the Aspen Connection in the data dashboard and we're looking at that right because some of the criteria that you're basing that's leading to some of these choices and ultimately selection in the classroom we have to determine whether or not those criteria are actually Equitable across all boards for all demographics of our student population so that work is brand new this year uh and I'll share with the committee I can tell you that 65% of V students got their first choice they actually overperformed all groups however less than 50% 48 or so% of students with disabilities received their First Choice so those numbers are concerning for us um and so that's that's the point of showing you this information and showing it to the school Community it's not about the number because behind all those numbers are kids faces they're real people and so we want to make sure that we're able to figure that out that wasn't just for me um a few parents have asked me some of their kids obviously didn't get into the show they wanted to so I just wanted to clarify and know it's you know what's going on they chosen yes and I think that that's a really important question and it's important for us to make sure that the criteria that's ultimately lose for exploratory is Equitable across all student subgroups and so I want you to know I want the community to know that's the work that we're embarking on now yes uh just my comment it's you know great presentation of a lot of data and I kind of looked at this before I came in but I like to just uh almost request but you know through Mr Watson if possible I'd like to see this is a great data I'd like to see some typ a report back to this committee or to me on from the teachers to their administrators on what they think the numbers are because the numbers are numbers like you just said but you know what are the good things what needs Improvement on and it's almost coming from the the Hands-On people Y into the shop that would support whatever the coordinator is you know feeling but again great d but you know how does you know I see Serge I'll use him because like you know I see him all the time but you know what does he feel in his Department to the coordinator to hear so kind of a a brief summary of yeah we're very pleased this year even though our numbers are down because of this or maybe you know what we have to do is to increase things so great Adder but very good how by next week I'm going to forget all these numbers so I would like to have like some feedback of each of the shop is not tomorrow not next month but down the road then I can understand that the teachers are in support of yeah I think that's a great point I think it's definitely something that Kathy can work on with the administrators and the respective shop areas what are the things that worked well in your areas what are the things that we think we can improve and let's get a synopsis of that for all of our technical areas I know not everything's going to be in line to be perfect but but I I I think then I would feel that whenever the teachers in their shop area create technical career is passing it on and then the coordinators can present it with the teachers and inform us a little better absolutely thank you and the Cindy myself Fred Wayne um with the general advisory it was really interesting because they had the same kind of questions and responses of if they have some innovative ideas that they would like to see to kind of maybe make some shops more appealing or um but it was that was I thought it was a great meeting I mean we went really late that was such dialogue going on at that table so thank you yes so I do want to share with you that um if I may um that we do share this data with teachers um they do you know they're they're kind of waiting for it to come out now they want to see what it looks like and when you do that and you're transparent with teachers about the actual numbers I think it's Innovative to them like they it's it excites them they want to see what you know what they're producing in their programs you know we've had some ation with some some folks and as a result of that they've improved their numbers they've changed some things that they're doing in their program so quite well taken I totally agree with you and saying improving is is not the only answer because people look back and say well I didn't improve this year last year that doesn't mean we're criticizing correct the people it might be a simple thing of not getting more exposures a simple thing of of equipment that they need whatever so I want to make sure that's factor it's not picking on what didn't happen it's it's just their own they they own it which is great I want them yeah absolutely thank you um I just wanted to comment also last year we had 22 students that didn't get any of their shops and um this year we have 26 that's concerning to me that we have 26 kids coming into this building and not get any shop um I think we I thought we would proof on that and I would pointed when I saw it the other thing is i' like to know the demographics of those 26 students because that's really important we know we've been working on that data and I'm sure Mr Watson can give that to you put together a spreadsheet with all of that information um so that we take take a hard look at that one thing too I wanted to share with you the academy administrators and I have had a lot of conversations about exactly what you're talking about um they also have concerns about 26 kids not getting into any ch I mean when you go six choices out that is concerning so is there something we need to change about the process itself um and those are conversations as a matter of fact I showed my team my presentation talk about that they would like to see also different ways of looking at how students are placed like for example right now all kids go into a bucket and whoever comes out the highest scores with however many seats that's who gets in the shop second choice third choice fourth choice whatever well I can imagine I'm looking at this because there are times if you have 30 slots and you have uh 15 or I mean you have 40 kids with the same score who's those you know what I'm saying those kids are getting in I need to know the demographics of why that particular number got in and some were left out and had to go to the second choice with the same score it was concerning to me last year with 22 this year I'm even more concerned because it's 26 so something needs to be dealt with in that they aren't going in the same score though there's not like a group of 40 kids with the exact same score I don't know that that's what I'm saying I don't know what I think the gist of the conversation so and and I'll just be really forward about what I've said right so electrical talk top selection again 111 kids wanted to be an electrical 40 are in I know what the 40 kids look like I know what their educational background is know the profile is what we also need to know is what the 71 kids who did not get look like that it's that doesn't mean somebody did a great job not a great job the system's good the system's bad that's information that you need in order to make a decision about whether the outcomes are Equitable for all kids and so I just want to share with everyone tonight that's the work that we're doing every pick whether they got any of the picks whether they the first pick the second pick the third pick that's the work that we're embark on because this is one wonderful to put the numbers up on the screen but the question is what do they mean cuz behind 363 kids are 36 the number are the kids and we need to be able to be clear about what those outcomes are for all kids in the building and so that's the work that we're taking on and I agree 100% Mr about what you're putting for thank you all right next we have um Dr Susan Sylvia who will talk about the instructional support coach program hell so I know everybody has a copy of the presentation in your packet um so I'm basically going to start off with just kind of what coaching is um you know a lot of people in the room all the place have been a coach of my type or another right you've coached Sports you've been coached and sometimes we go into the idea of things with uh what we have experienced ourselves and the idea of instructional coaching is a little bit different than the normal kind of coaching Vision that some people have in their mind um so the definition for our district at the moment is that instructional coaching is a learning strategy that uses conversation questioning discussion uh between two people the coach and the teacher um to try to support the teachers specific professional growth and development uh it's about the end goal being increasing student achievement and fostering collegial relationships between people in our district I tend to be the collaborator I'm a confidant um it is confidential I co- plan with people I help them organize I'm a sounding board in some cases uh it's really VAR depending on the teacher who's sitting me for me I try to uh when I meet did people the first time to ask them what their goals are or through the first few conversations to try to figure out what people are looking at doing in their professional growth and trying to focus what we're talking about in subsequent meetings on that right so it's about the person it's not just about the schools goals and districts uh the school and uh District schols so we celebrate their successes we talk about their challenges and we try to find ways to navigate all of those things um I'm the instructional coach obviously and most of you know me uh throughout the room and so you know my background I'm not going to tell you about that what I wanted to do with this slide is just to tell you that it's really helpful that I've had a varied background right the two districts I've been in having a supervisory background even the yoga and meditation background has really come to bond together those things have all kind of bonded together to help me better um serve I guess and support the people that are sitting in front sometimes the people who are in front of me are feeling really great they having a good day and so we talk about whatever we pre-planned the meeting before sometimes people walk in to the meeting and they're really experiencing a sense of overwhelm from whatever's happened in the last few hours the last couple of days and so sometimes we can rely on some part of my background that can help them navigate whatever situation that they're in and even that like meditation and yoga thing we talk about breathing we talk about reducing that feeling of stress uh that comes that every new teacher has experienced at one point or another so here are some guiding principles and one thing that I think I want to say kind of early on is that um all of this that's here is the beginning stages right this is the first year of the coaching position in this District it's the first year um that I've had this position and so while I'm trying to be very slow and methodical in my Approach as roll out the program because I'm trying not to miss a lot of cral you know critical pieces um all of this is sort of still in flux right so right now this is where we are in terms of The Guiding principles I think most of them are pretty solid but these things might kind of change as I get feedback from the teachers as I get feedback from the process um but the most important part is that it's really about collaboration so I'm not there to tell people what to do um I can certainly give people advice and give them some strategies and give them some structure when they're looking for it but it's really about me working with people to find out again what it is that they want through some ongoing discussion um it allows for a lot of honest conversation uh which I think we all need sometimes to have and I think that's partially there because of the nonevaluative status of the instruction coach right so there's no high stakes and I try to tell that to everybody I think I've told that to everybody in their first meeting that it's not high stes um being there is nothing but uh support so the teachers obligations are really surrounded by or centered on I guess the growth mindset and um I don't Mr Williams has mentioned the growth mindset it's come up in other areas in the district and during collaborations in upd but for me the gr mindset when it comes to teachers who are walking through the door for coaching is really about welc new experiences it's really about being open right and believing that learning is a continuous process that just because you might have been a teacher for a year or 10 years it doesn't mean there isn't anything else to learn um I can tell you that I learned an enormous amount from the 49 people who are on my roster just so fiveish year um it's really about remaining positive even when you're in the middle of having you know some overwhelm you can still remain positive about the steps that we can make to help get you there um so who's participating there are currently 49 people on my roster 26 of them are nonprofessional status VT teachers 23 are nonprofessional status academic teachers that's 49 teachers in total that's a lot of people on on my calendar I can tell you um but and I've also had a few other people which is kind of like a nice side note that have come throughout the building that are not on non pts status who have come and asked questions and asked to have a specific visit for one particular thing or asked to have some feedback or some help with something along the way and that's a really nice thing because that means that the people who are receiving coaching are talking about it with other people and their comfortability must be coming through when other people are coming to seek out some uh questioning so so far this year um March is not up there because we're only halfway through March is 27 to point and it's a little bit more than uh double that for the remainder of the month but to date I've had approximately 350 prots um from September to now um and that equivocates to somewhere between 3 to five a day sometimes six the day and in that extra time that I have in case you're wondering what are you doing with that extra like you know 20 minutes sometimes I'm just eating much um but sometimes I gather sources resources for people um I'll read admit that I don't have enough time to gather everything that I would love to give to people but I'm doing my best to pull those resources together again this is year one and so by year two and anything after that I anticipate that those resarch will be a bit more um uh elaborate I guess I can say so this scheduling of course with 49 people has been a challenge but so far it's going really well I'd like to point out before you move on from that one can you go back one before we move off to this slide I do want to point out a couple of things about the 49 teachers who are on this um my roster and that is that when everybody walks through the door for their initial meeting and then every meeting after that it's really not about people being a number like um somebody else mentioned face Mr Watson mentioned faces behind the numbers it's really about who the people are so the first meetings are really important because that's the time that I get to know people from off the top right so people who are new to the building people who've even been here for a while that I don't know very well and it's really in my mind three different categories of teachers right so we have teachers who are coming in directly from college right and they have a certain number of experience a certain type of experience behind them from their college experience and their Theory and then we have the career change people who are coming in from the trade and we also have teachers who are coming in from other school districts and they're coming in with their own set of experiences and years of teaching that um mean something to them right and they mean something to us and so I try during all of our meetings to make sure that we're on the same page about everybody's background right so differentiating my coaching techniques with them the things that we talk about the things that are relevant again making sure it draws back to their personal goals so that people feel appreciated for their background um while those are three different types of teachers and there's different kinds of people within each of those three um categories uh and that all those people have their own original aesthetic experiences it's important to remember as we move forward in this program that those things are quintessential to the district and the the people's experiences right and so we need to take those into account okay so the meetings as I said you can keep going uh the meetings as I said are not one siiz foots all right so they we come up with a plan dur our first meeting what are we going to look at and I learned very quickly because I'm Mr Tri leer I learned very quickly that when I see somebody today if I see them next week or in 10 days or 12 days or whatever the time frame is that a lot of things have happened in their lives between now and then and so I was initially you know coming up with this plan initially what are we going to talk about and the next time around picking up from there and I realized that as soon as people walk in I need to check on on what's happened to them and with them in the past like week or two weeks and then we pick up from there so it's very specific to the person some people walk in and they say come here with a list and I want to talk about these things and can we do these things absolutely and some people come in and say I'm not sure I'm in a really good space What can we talk about and then I bring things to the table these are some of the things that we might be talking about during those meetings and it's not exclusive to this list these are just some of the things that while I'm going over and meeting with all these people these 350 meetings this is what I see come up a lot and then these are some of the topics that we might cover uh and these have all come up frequently so the importance of curriculum and lesson plans and course and Sy right we do a lot of talking about lesson plans and what does that look like and how you chunk out time particularly in a 6-h hour uh VT class what does that look like uh we talk a lot about the importance of lesson plans and how that really gives you uh better class management and how it gives you some structure it's nothing about the content we know we know everybody here knows their content it's really just about planning right we talk about content and language objectives and research based strategies we talk a lot about adolescent psychology for people haven't worked with teenagers before what does that look like and how is it different and uh We've even talked a lot about parent communication because believe it or not when people haven't done that a lot or when people are new to working with adolescence and parents there's a a big sense of overwhelm for that so I'm wrapping up by telling you uh a couple of things so what additional things do we have outside of what I've just um outlined and that's again the Stress and Anxiety reduction which I really try to focus on with people to reduce that feeling of over Al that teaches in their first uh several years in a new District or first several years of teaching experience right we don't want people leaving the district because they feel the S overwhelm uh we talk about time manent planning I have a Reader Library that people borrow books from and that has things that are adult psych adolescent psychology and teaching practices and strategies I do a Monday morning email that goes out to everybody with a different strategy or different uh article or something that's relevant and there's no pressure to even read them but a lot of people come to uh the coaching sessions with their copy highlighted and wanting to talk about it uh we also do lure I also do lure and test prep uh with some people who need it or who just want their resources and so wrap up what's to come so year two next year um we're going to be welcoming Back 40 people from the non professional status teachers that were on my 49 roster this year roughly and I expect that there'll be at least 10 to 15 new nonprofessional staus teachers coming into the district I'm hoping to expand the class visits and small group small group collaborations which we've done and started to do more and more as the time goes on um plan to re visit some 230 dropin where people can come and bring uh something additional that they want to talk about and whatever else I can squish in and whatever available time that I have so that's a big overview I know there's a lot of kind of talking and not a lot of data just one little one little screen of data but do you have any questions anything you'd like to offer for that through you madam chair when and where do these uh sessions take place what time during the course of the day or during the course of the school day so what happens is that the BT teachers um there was some that was a slow to start at the beginning because we didn't have a designated substitute and so people on the BT side were covering for each other and that made for some angst because sometimes you're expecting to cover and then something happens or somebody's out and now you can't make it there and then somebody's not making it and so we had that discussion Mr reell Mr Angelo Mr Williams and Mr Watson and I about that was creating some inconsistency and so Mr Watson uh had put in to have a substitute designated to cover for the BT folks in the coaching when they're coming to coaching this way they didn't have to worry about their prep they didn't have to worry about the extra time it's an extra for them right and in academics uh they're they are scheduled during the structured prep so they don't come on a day unless they make a mistake and then they tell me and I fix it um because it's complicated but unless they uh they don't come on a PLC dat so that they still have one prep a day every day you have a go into the shop areas or class areas not to evaluate but just to observe what's going I have started that yeah so like I said it's been a slow process just getting everybody scheduled and figuring out how to do that took me a while and but I've been building it in I've now done probably somewhere around I think I have around 10 classroom visits scheduled where the teacher and I go to a class together we spend 15 to 30 minutes um and then we just talk about what we saw later on and how that applies to their practice we've gone to academic classes with some BT Folks by their request I I give them all the options and I let them choose where they want to go we've got some mic people who are scheduled we haven't gone there yet but I have a couple of scheduled visits to the shop area with some academic people and some other BT people uh we're also we've also done some videos and My Hope Is that I just talked to Mel about this we haven't had a lengthy discussion but we just touched based on it this week that I'd like to create a video library of Veteran teachers so if anybody wants to volunteer for that at some point um great audience for that so I'd like to get some veteran teachers to volunteer that we can videotape some classes so we can have a library it is sometimes the schedule the free time that the teacher has or the coverage time to get into somebody's class and we want some people want to see somebody in particular they've heard something good or whatever and then that person doesn't have a class on that period that I'm seeing them so if we can videotape some of our veteran teachers doing the practices that they want other people to see then we have that whole video library that we can also use um and then I've had several teachers asked me the the nonprofessional stat teachers asked me to go into their classrooms and offer them non valuative feedback and so that's just starting as well and I anticipate that as we go on that's going to be more of a focus next year yeah um you have any support do I have any support everything that you're doing I mean it's kind of a lot it's great it's great I you know uh yes I do I have plenty of support support Kathy's been great H's been great Mr William has been great Mr Watson's been great everybody's been great the academy supervisors the department heads everybody who supervises teachers they've all been great they've been very supportive they've been very open it's a it's a tough process to kind of weave in a new job in between all of these when it affects everybody everybody's been great the one area that I don't have is a instructional support coach who did this job before me here so I have an online group that I joined and um I've attended a couple of classes I've attended a couple of conferences trying to create my own um support system I guess of other coaches so that I can learn from them and the things that they succeeding at in their [Music] districts one one of the important pieces of this and I I thank Dr silia for a presentation is there are 50 50 or so new Educators that are here 17 of which are on emergency lences from the state so you know some of the conversations I've had with some of those folks and the things that make me most proud the work that we're doing is when the high five comes they pass the test and they are provisionally licensed preliminary licensed initial licensed so they're on their path to a career um in education and so uh we have 17 Educators that are emergency licensed today that number has dwindled over the course of the first six months uh more of our folks are signed up for the tests this spring so we're hopeful that more and more people will be able to earn their license share through the support of Dr Sylvia and the work that we're doing in an already tough job to be able to earn that third certificate and build a pathway for them I'm deeply appreciative of the work that our folks are doing to help support that um so Mia our student representative is not here tonight Mr Williams is going to greatly go over her report for us absolutely I'm happy to unfortunately Mia is not with us she had a family engagement that she could not get out of but she's in she's here in spirit so she wanted to talk about a report on the Spring Fling that happened this Saturday night we had about 800 to 900 of our students there out of 2200 very well attended the Spring Fling dance also is where our Miss VCH is crowned um so for a second runner up and People's Choice winner it was Art Clark first runner up was deani Perry and Miss VTech who will be crowning Mr VTech is Ava Silva um wonderful uh group of wonderful seniors who you know were crowned that night and I had you know the express pleasure of of being the person to Crown them and announce them among that great crowd uh at Spring Fling also Nia would like to report skills USA districts so skills USA District event was on March March 1st and the awards ceremony was March 6th our school is sending 36 District qualifiers to the state competition in marro on April 25th through the 27th where they will compete Hands-On against other vocational schools in the state both cbte schools chapter 74 and comprehensives I know we're going to take home gold so that way we can have our kids go down to Atlanta and hopefully take some gold down at Nashville so very great to report that and one thing that she mentioned here I I'm really excited about is for the first time in many years we'll have a group competing in the Teamworks competition which is a really cool competition where a group of students across a number of shops build a small version of a house and there's a masonry element to it as well so that's that's a big deal us uh also Nea reports spring Spirit Week today was Barbie day as you can see them wearing pink and uh Nia and the crew they were all wearing their pink tomorrow's a jersey basketball football soccer jersey versus Jersey Shore day Thursday is celebrity day and then Friday is Western Rodeo day um moving on Nia reports that the business Professionals of America or BPA um students are going off to Nationals 45 of our students did well at States and so they'll be going off to Nationals in Chicago Illinois which is really exciting for them and that'll be March 9th through the 12th I'm not mistaken May but I say March I'm sorry May 9th through the 11th 14 14 14th thank you for the correction I think those are I'm going pretty excited team effort tonight yes that's right much appreciated skills USA moving on uh for more information about that skills USA mental health committee led by Nia and Ava Silva um School skills USA mental health committee has been creating a variety of different projects that help end the mental health stigma this team has collected over 650 mental health pledges in which each person is pledged to treat themselves and others with kindness the committee is also partnered with new Beford Police Department our very own office Fisher to help end the mental health stigma throughout K through2 education also skills USA chapter was recently highlighted on the new Access Network that can be found that can be found on the internet we do have a link here but I'm sure if you Google it you'll find it also National Honor Society induction just for your information reports that National H Society induction is March 21st at 6:30 p.m. uh we have a vast number of our Juniors who have achieved 3.6 GPA who will be honored uh and inducted into the National Honor Society and with that that is the student report on behalf of Nia robt thank you Mr Williams right superintendent Watson your superintendent Shadow thank you Miss bqu so this month again you can always shout out the great work that's happening every day but I want to call specific attention as we said earlier um around the exploratory and the soon to be second Lottery that'll be drawn toit uh in April I want to shout out to Mr Karen Jeff Karen who's assumed a new role with the district as the dean of exploratory and and admissions um some of the work that Kathy articulated today I just want to call special attention to it because it's happening in both of his Realms whether we're talking about the exploratory piece or the lottery piece or the selected criteria piece uh we're kind of leaning on him to not only collect information but dissect that information in ways that we haven't done so before um and so while he's engulfed in that work every day and more work is to come over the next 30 to 60 days I just want to take a minute to kind of acknowledge Him also in a new role uh and new work on behalf of the district important work I think uh to kind of give us more information in terms of the workings of our school every day so uh the shout out this month is for Jeff Karen for his efforts uh both past and and to come in the next 30 to 60 days we'll keep going with you do you want to uh give us a update on parent communication with the posip yep so in your included in your packet is the most recent posip report again these come every other week these are feedback that are coming from parents um in each of the grades um that's there for your perusal and I'm available of course as always for any questions all right Williams AR report please may I take the podium pretty heavy I'm not all right so as always here with me we have 65 slides hi 65 slides worth reading because of the wonderful achievements and and things that happen in our building it's certainly not exhaustive because you couldn't them all 65 slides but first shall I compare thee to a summer's day Shakespeare William Shakespeare a project going on in the English Department next slide by none other than Miss McLean Mr newcomer and Miss pza they had a recitation contest if you go to the next slide slide actor actually you'll see our students actually in Shakespeare G it was a recitation contest um they concluded with the summary and Analysis of the facets of the poems it was public speaking techniques communication skills and it encourages students to take academic risks the judges were Mr Kean M Roberts Mr Bernard and Mr Perry all right closer so in Miss du's grade n English class they were working on an essay a quilt of a country America is an improbable idea a mongr nation buil of ever changing disperate parts the group made a quilt a cultural diversity project that was done by the group if you go to the next slide after studying this essay students created their own quot patch reflecting both cultural and personal aspects of their lives to contribute to the classroom's diverse quilt display through creative and artistic expression students shared aspects of themselves with the class contributing to the whole of my my quilt of a classroom display you see there at the bottom we have Thomas Quincy and V moving on to the math department we have Miss Lauren aubertin there who will be recognized at the Holy Cross College on Thursday May March 14th she'll be a guest at the association of teachers of mathematics in Massachusetts annual spring conference she'll be formally recognized as one of the three state finalists for the 2023 presidential awards for excellence in Mathematics and Science teaching the award recognizes those teachers that have both deep content knowledge of the subjects they teach and the ability to motivate and enable students to be the to be successful in those areas regarding November mcats math mcats we had all but five students who achieved the passing score next Slide the math department completed their trimester to Comm informative assessment data Dives analyzing results for uh student strengths and weaknesses to determine next steps for Student Success great work on their behalf next slide pre-calculus enrichment program this is an amazing program for our students to take things to the next level it's in its second year led by Mr David Gonzales Mr Helder Almeida where they offer a rigorous extensive program to Juniors for pre-calculus the purpose is to Prep students to tackle honors differential calculus in their senior year highly successful it was highly successful last year resulting in a in a significant increase in enrollment in this this year's honors differential calculus and pre-calculus program Academy C led by Mr Shephard we move on to Automotive as I read we actually go to the next SL a really cool panoramic view picture that they took all grade all grade levels in automotive are busy at work with many different types of vehicle car repairs with no less than 10 to 12 cars in the shop daily they actually just said my Camp it was pretty cool Junior Automotive students I did have a work report Junior Automotive students had the opportunity to visit Toyota's Parts distribution center for the new region facility supplies Parts 130 Toyota dealerships in t $25 million worth of Parts each day and if we go back to the next slide you have 17 students listed that are out on Co-op right now shout out to them for being out there at places such as pouth Dodge Toyota of dman Ralph's automotive AutoZone and Baptista Automotive we move on to buiness business technology on March 13th students will participate or yeah tomorrow uh students will participate in the Junior Achievement Titan challenge hosted by hosted at UMass dar it's sort of like a Jeopardy competition I know last year when they were going on to the bus they were pretty excited really wish I could go uh seniors are wrapping up their entrepreneurship and investment business plans and will compose presentations for their senior private entrepreneurship and management related course Juniors have been focusing on accounting and personal finance specifically filing their in income tax returns students who have received W2s will have the opportunity to learn how to file their own tax returns and congratulations go out to four BT students for their senior superlatives the best duo was Nate Mendy's and ncy Ramos most likely to be president Josh Abu also president of the business Professionals of America president best school Spirits Nathan Fernandes and longest e-hall pass none otherone other than the 6'5 Lon Wells um Collision Repair technology the permanent freshman students are currently learning safety precautions in the safe use of shop equipment we go to the next slide you can see some of their hoods next cycle freshman students will be introduced to step-by-step detailing process on customer Vehicles sophomores have taken bodyw work training and applied it to vehicle hoods taking damage hoods to refinishing with artwork they chose and appli to the hoods Junior students have been delving deep into the vehicle repairs fixing light dents to heavy damage and the refinishing and refinishing all in preparation to head out on Co-op soon Junior students Jahim meny's and Hamington Reas are working at L Alon with three other students to be going out very soon seniors have five students out on Co-op you have they're at Pinto Auto Body Broman Auto Body leech Auto and Czech Collision moving on to cosmetology after three plus years of studying practicing and determination we are pleased to announce that Rihanna bernado Sophia senra Deja Sor and Lea soua have recently passed their Massachusetts cosmetology state exam and are now licensed cosmetologist there they are right in the stage they also could get the eall pass award but they are licens I'd say that to their face um and we have several other students in the pipeline positions them perfectly to go as well so next slide we have advisory committee members Lori gones and two colleagues they provided a presentation to our freshman class on traditional and non-traditional career opportunities in the cosmetology field Lor is also the owner of beauty Union Salon in the bford she in colleagues shared that they also have done makeup and hair for the television theater and the film industry next slide we have freshman students they've been studying hair care and the types of shampoos and conditioners that work best for various hair types and textures moving on to diesel services the permanent freshman and diesel services have been placed and currently working on safety instruction both in the shop and in the classroom freshmen are being introduced to Ocean safety training curriculum receiving OSHA 10 cars in their sophomore year students continue to learn on diesel tractor trailer that was purchased this year for the program you see some of the heavy equipment in the four illustrations below that they get the Hands-On work so that way they'll be ready to go off on to co-op which by the way we have three students out on Coop Cory Freight at best car dealership and you have two Juniors Elizabeth Santos and Christen Morana next information technology and programing web development the junior information support services and networking students collaborated with the programming and web development instructor to design order components and build a high-end computer to support shop projects including game design using Unity software the new computer will soon be in the junior senior program Web Design shop and connected to the issn internal computer network and data center where we'll access will have access to the internal web and application servers sophomores from both issn and BW are currently enrolled in the Cisco Network Academy and working towards their Cisco certificate in introduction to cyber security the five-part program covers the following the need for cyber security attacks Concepts and techniques protecting your data in privacy protecting the organization and will your future be in cyber security Marine technology January 25th we have teacher Mike McConnell if you go to the next side we'll see them Illustrated and student Jacob Reynolds they were both invited to speak on a discussion panel at the annual business of voting conference at the lake view Pavilion in foxb put on by the Massachusetts Marine trade Association the conference is a gathering of Industry professionals across the state discussing happening in the marine marine industry trades the discussions included employment trends legislative updates new industry trends products and relationship between industry and Vol schools on Co-op we have three Juniors and we have six seniors we have Kaye Malik Peter we have Nazir Aiden Bren Zachary Jordan and Jacob all great kids Academy D led by Miss rebello architectural and mechanical design as you'll see Illustrated here you have students working on Model Homes the senior architectural design students have been working on building Model Homes which reinforce the skills required to build wood frame structure and continue to prepare them for architectural classes in college which many of our students do go off to wwth it's pretty exciting and if you pass by the bill the the board on your way out to the right you're going to see a lot of the college acceptance letters that our students are already poting out so really amazing work on their behalf engineering and Robotics engineering and Robotics so if we if we take a look at this this schematic here uh the engineering and Robotics program has some really great news they're going to be going on a trip and doing work out on CY hunk the engineering program is excited to announce their partnership with the cuty hunk steam Academy to develop a wind energy curriculum the curriculum includes research data collection Mainland and Island experiments This research will educate the Junior and senior students on the purpose and benefits of offshore wind and the production and usage of wind which is perfect timing because there is so much of that going on right now at the helm this project will beheaded by none other than Dr suland Who's in attendance and uh Miss Michelle carvalo of the C hun steam Academy if we go to the next slide you'll see that this Innovative project was made made possible through Grant funds awarded to the great B Tech Cy hun steam Academy wind energy collaborative the collaborative was awarded [Music] $73,500 South Coast Community Foundation and South Coast wind nice work moving on to machine technology if you take a look at that machine huge machine unbelievable just delivered recently the instructors and students would like to thank Mr Mark verono and the team at broer Machine Company Incorporated in Beford for their generous donation of an updated CNC milling machine again meeting industry standards these are important machines for our students to have access to this new equipment will allow students to work on a larger capacity machine and stay current with industry standard equipment which will better prepare them to enter the workforce Metal Fab and joining we got students there so the welding students continue working on projects for various departments throughout the building you'll see there Simone chaplain and Emily Andre they finished fabricating and installing a new stainless steel tabletop for the cafeteria food preparation area nicely done beautiful equipment in in the welding shop as well if utilize next slide ABC Testing Incorporated Mr Bruce Richardson who you see Illustrated at the top right of ABC Testing Incorporated Bridgewater spent some time with the welding students and instructors teaching them non-destructive examination techniques and training them on the use of this specialized equipment stationary engineering performed a live emergency repair remember they they they run the school the boiler right so our students alongside zaruda and his team repaired so students from the stationary engineering program performed an emergency bearing replacement of critical heating system circulator what happened students during their daily rounds discovered an odd noise coming from one of the school's three primary heating circulators Motors of this size normally take between two to four weeks to arrive and there was no guarantee that the motor would survive that time frame next slide next slide so here they are at work with the vacation week looming and a window of warmal weather the decision was made to take the pump down and replace the bearings on the motor students stepped up and provided the manpow the people power under the supervision of their instruction disassembling the motor and replacement bu bearing within the day students learn the importance of doing their preventative maintenance rounds how to respond to an emergency and why it's important to always be prepared for such failures talk about live work on the scene well done we're almost there moving on to co-op Co-op program is on track to equal or surpass last year's data point we have 255 students who are currently on co-op with the numbers continuing to increase to increase day by day especially with more juniors is going out being that it's third trimester juniors are beating Mr deg Grace's door expressing interest to go out into the workforce there are 50 Juniors already out with no slowdown in sight Co-op sites there are over 25 new sites this year which is 17% higher than last year breaking mr's one of his goals or topping his goal and this number is pretty amazing collectively our students have made over a million dollars collectively out in in in the community and Community that's north to south east to west we've we have so many people that we work with that our students are working alongside each day uh we'll go to the next slide next slide please 420 plus non- Co-op work permits have been issued this year for students age 14- 17 probably not a surprise I know I know most of students faces Market Basket any store you go to restaurant all of our students are there that number is a testament to that our kids are working they're getting that the work ethic the work experience um plus the embedded academics that go with the intelligence that they have next slide we have Emily aala she's a culinary arts senior working as a chef at project independence of Bedford she works as a soul Chef during her Co-op rotation she has the Liberty to work with the with the sites nutritionist to order meals and make her own menual that's pretty awesome cck Collision we have Noah Korea in Marvel Pico from Collision Repair there cck Collision has a great program where our students get to work in all of the different areas in their shop before the they find the perfect fit for our students I was just there with Mr deg Grace last month tons of our students there both present and and uh alumni we'll conclude by talking a little bit about skills USA 2012 smart conference we had 14 gr be voltech freshman which is rare normally skills USA starts to take root sophomore about predominately Junior and Senior year we have begun to to place roots with our freshman this year we had 14 gr B Tech for that Smart Start um freshman five upper class students were also student facilitators you see them Illustrated there and Mr Ricky Jordan who's one of our teacher assistants was actually the keynote speaker there rila carvalo won a medal for being a rising star recognizing her leadership and enthusiasm and she learned about the skills organization and the g&b student facilitators W second place for best representation of their topic and rods won the MVP facilitator again I had it's great to be up here seeing these Kids In Action great to see um our very own teacher assistant giving the keynote speech he's an amazing speaker as it is but finally I just want to thank my Administrative Assistant Miss Kathy Sullivan and the various administrators for helping compile this report I know it takes a long time to do but it's important because this is the essence of who we are these are the actions that take place in this building and I thinkk you your just want to call I was going to say at the end you talked about skills USA and um how and I had the opportunity to attend last Wednesday the Awards like skills USA and I don't know if they've done it that way in the past but it was kind of cool that they the kids do not know what they won until that night with the parents and family there and the kids were just outstanding sharing for each other and I tell you it it was you know myself just to look at where it is and talk about freshman talking about young kids but I don't want to mention names because I'll forget somebody but thead no advisers the advisers from each of the designated areas they did an outstanding job I mean you and I talked about it afterwards it was just a loud moment to see getting a gold medal people standing up clapping the certificates anything they had so nice touch there but again I'm glad I attend that opportunity very well organized and it was one of my first student attend thank you superintendent wson we update we have all of that in our package they're all in your packet if you have any questions at all uh these are the ones that go out Monday mornings just let me know and I'm happy to uh um so we all also have a copy of the proposed school calendar that needs a vote tonight the motion we approve second um next we need a vote to approve the student Opportunity Act plan um you have a copy of that put in in the materials as well I don't know if you want to give just a quick update on very quick yep on April 1st uh all schools that receive student Opportunity Act funds uh need to submit their threeyear uh proposal plan into this department of Elementary secondary Edge that's what's before you if you have any specific questions about that I'm happy to try to address them motion to approve second Perfect all in favor all right next is the vote to approve overnight travel for the engineering students which we just heard Mr Williams explain to us um for the trip to cudy hunk Beverly rebello Academy the administrator motion to approve second question is there any liability on the school or this would be a school it's a school trip your approval will provide them the ability to do so any other questions all right all in favor all right um next I we have a situation in April where um some members will be at a conference we had a school committee meeting planned we had an alternate date which is the spring advisory so we have to find a date I think our so I think our options uh so we need to have two meetings in April because that'll be the that we approve the budget one will be the last week as we normally do um so I think our our best option is to see if we can't identify a date the week prior um and have our first meeting uh if possible first week of April if not we we can look at the second week adjusting the times uh perhaps so that we can accomplish them all uh certainly willing to have a meeting earlier on the day of advisory if that meets the committee's pleasure and we want to do an earlier session on that day um prior to the advisory I think we can have that conversation as well but it's really up to members in terms of what your schedules look like so tenative you're looking for April 2nd we would be looking for April 2nd we could look at April 4th if that's better I'm not sure what day uh some folks might be leaving on the 4th April can we meet on April 2nd or is that good for everybody I'm just wa for that whole week I'm a vacation that week so but if everybody else can make it that make sense here yeah I think we're looking at either April 2nd or we look we'd be looking at uh something ahead of the advisory would probably be the best on April 10th would be we could do if that worked we could do a like a 4 P.M on April 10th and then those that are staying for the advisory it's kind of whatever is in your what's better for you I would prefer to do that personally the four the 10th at four we here anyway does that make sense if we did a 4 P.M on April 10 yes I'm back on the six you Conflict at 4:00 um no I can make it I know you had your book out iay clay and three but my wife all right so we're going to do the 10th at 4 remember to RSVP for the spring advisory if you're planning to go um um okay that was easy um next item is to designate equipment as Surplus you should have seen the list in materials approve any questions all in favor HVAC bit award also in our materials from APC Development Group on file on file right any question on that all in favor and then we did get um one notification of early retirement and then the Honor Society file we have a couple of those so we could just kind of take them all together if we want to do that um the Honor Society induction is March 21st Al so I think Cheryl sent us an email for anybody that was interested in attending that so information any committee discussions business that didn't come before us today motion to adjourn motion to adjourn fa