##VIDEO ID:4t_ie6oCU5o## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] la w [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] la [Music] ahahahahahahah [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] nah [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] well good evening good even good evening is that okay there it is it's on now welcome to the Board of Education meeting for grey Evans school district 6 today is January 13 2025 our first meeting of the year and this meeting will now come to order please stand and join us for the pledge of allegiance to our flag plge ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Miss lemon will you call the RO Force please director Zari present director Bentley present director Campo spitzy present director Mash present director Matthews present director Norwood present director Sullivan present all board members present thank you m lemon well again welcome we are so glad that you have joined us tonight for our Board of Education meeting uh this is as I said our first meeting of the year and we first thing we want to do is welcome all of our students back they've been back for just about a week now so hopefully everybody is back in the in the groove and uh enjoying school again after after a break so welcome back to all of our students all of our teachers all of our administrators and everybody uh that's back after Christmas break do want to let you know just a few announcements of of things that are coming up uh one this Friday January 7 19th at 700 p.m. at Chipper Lanes uh you can bowl with the buroughs I don't know if everyone knows who the buroughs are but they're a local band and uh just great supporters of our district and so if you go and bowl with the Bros 7 o'clock at chippers Lane you can uh one get to bowl with the Bros but you also support music in district 6 uh it's a fundraiser that supports our music departments throughout uh district 6 and I think a lot of that funding comes through the success Foundation we thank uh such great part Partners as the buroughs and as uh the success Foundation uh two we have another uh announcement district 6 is hosting a D6 career Readiness conference for high school juniors on Friday February 7th that's from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. that's going to be at Ames Community College welcome center it's the big new building on ases campus but part of our strategic plan actually part of our mission and vision is that we want to to make sure that every student is College and Career ready and and that is a a piece of doing that and so if you're a junior just know in about a month you will have the opportunity to go to a district six uh career Readiness conference and then the very next day with another one of our great Partners UNCC uh we are uh having uh or UNC is hosting rather the pathways of success conference and that's a partnership between district 6 and UNCC and provides sophomores and juniors in the AVID program and their families with the opportunity to spend the morning uh on campus and learn firsthand about college experience and so again uh our AVID program is advancing via individual determination it is designed for for students who whose uh would be first generation college students and so it is designed to get them to college and make sure that they're successful in college so uh if you're an aage student make sure that that's on on your calendar and then finally one last update tomorrow evening at Zoe Event Center at 4:30 we will have a CommunityWide recognition and celebration for our superintendent of the Year Dr de dearra pilch and so this is a CommunityWide celebration and we invite everyone in the community to attend and so hope to see you there tomorrow night at 4 4:30 and so with that Dr pilch I will turn it over to you for your superintendent's honor rooll thank you president Matthews I have two items for my honor rooll tonight I'd first like to invite uh Miss Julie Ratcliffe our our high school business instructor from gly West High School to join us up at the podium and she has two young folks with her tonight Alana Hill and Ray ampo Flores uh if you'd like to join as well um is it Alana or Alana Alana thank you Alana and Ray uh for along with some of their other classmates for the second year in the role uh in a row have scored in the top 10% in the National exam for the High School of Business so uh kids throughout the country are a part of a high school Business program districts our size will typically have one high school that participates in the high school Business program you have to you have to be certified and recognized nationally to be a High School of Business which the program at gy West is um but our students there have scored in the top 10% in the country uh this is really a nice honor and I think both Alana and Ray were with us last year being recognized Julie I want to turn it over over to you and and say congratulations to you and just how how much we appreciate you and your deep dedication to your students there in the program at gy West and I want you to talk a little bit about this if you'd like to and then if you want us to hear from Alana and Ray they'd be welcome to speak as well great thank you thanks for having us here today uh yeah I have Alana and Ray with us a few of the other students had play practice and sports practices uh we have these students are all in very involved and in lots of things so the I have been lucky enough to step in and join the HSB program last year and the previous teachers before me have done a great job of building a really strong program and it is a it's called it stands for the High School of Business it's a curriculum created by the MBA Institute and um it is Project based learning so they get a chance starting with a freshman and you guys both did as a fresh yeah so this is they're they're taking their sixth class right now they just started last week and they get a chance to cover all the different aspects of business and different degrees that you could get um they do a it the program itself does a great job of teaching them independent work as well as the project work so they have to navigate all the things and preparing them for college so it's a pretty awesome opportunity and there are some uh some other local schools that have it as well um we're just lucky to give them the opportunities and so I think I'll just let them speak and they each want to say a little bit so we'll start with Alana um I don't I'm just really grateful for these classes cuz it's like given me a lot of confidence I've Loved all the teachers that I've had it's I know that I'm getting like college credit for it and it's weighted so it's like really helping me stand out and I'm just like really grateful to have these and be able to come to these types of meetings cuz it just gives me something to work for and like feel very proud of for myself so once again thank you for having us my name is rundo OKO and um this year now I'm going full IB now that I'm finally a junior and if I do have something to say is that the foundation that my business classes have given me as a freshman and a sophomore really helped shape a pathway for me in the future now it's easy to say that a business class is of course going to help you in business but it really the curriculum really goes more than just business it more focuses on those 24 century skills that you now need as anybody who wants to enter to a business man whether that be Communications whether that be critical thinking and it is that Foundation which has helped me especially in my Deca and now going to be fbaa Journeys I am lucky to say that because of the knowledge I have gained as a sophomore and freshman I was able to once again qualify for state to DEA this year and for that I am internally grateful and I would also like to thank Miss Ratliff for just being there to assist me just like my past teacher Mr dual thank you thank you um and I want to I want to share with you all that both Alana and Rondo uh have two exams that they participated in and scored in the top 10% in the country uh Alana in principales of business and Ray Mundo in principles of business and then Ry also in business economics and Alana in business economics so congratulations to both of you I I'll mention your colleagues at gy West who also have scored in the top 10% Grace AER uh in the leadership exam Ian Abdi in the leadership exam Grace also scored in the wealth management exam and Blake Stein Mets in wealth management and Jason Vasquez in wealth management so just tremendously proud of our our students and their excellent excellence and achievement at gley West High School congratulations to all of you thank you thank you very much and the second item I have tonight for the superintendent honor rooll is to honor you our Board of Education it is National School Board of Education Month um and it and you all almost on a monthly basis recognize one of our employee groups or a group within our our school district um with a proclamation or a resolution and we want to recognize you all tonight for National School Board uh month and when you got here tonight you had a little gift on your on your table some of uh these gifts came from some of our schools and then from us at the cabinet level but your job is yes you can model it there Dr compos spitzy um your your job is I I know we say this but I don't know that people really understand is fully volunteer you are elected officials who do this of your own time and your own heart and your own will and uh you serve a a minimum of a four-year term typically and then you can be reelected for another four years and um that's a lot of time that you are giving to students here in district 6 and to the staff and to the community and and for that we are all very grateful and with that I'd like to ask Mr Timothy to go to the podium and read a resolution for us thank you Dr pilch whereas school board members are elected to sit in trust for their diverse communities in that capacity are charged with meeting the community's expectations and aspirations for the public education of their their students and whereas school board members are elected to serve the students of gy Evans school district 6 and commit to furthering student achievement and opportunities through Innovation 2030 the district's strategic plan and whereas school board members are entrusted with the Guardianship and wise expenditure of tax dollars and they're responsible for maintaining and preserving the buildings grounds and other areas of the school district that the community has put in their trust and whereas school board members are respons responsible for providing leadership that ensures a clear shared vision of public education for their schools that sets high standards for their education of all students and requires the effective and efficient operation of their districts and whereas school board members adopt policies to give voice to that leadership and employ a superintendent to administer board policy and are also responsible for the regular monitoring of the district's performance and compliance with policies and whereas the board members elected to school board positions deserve recognition and thanks for their countless hours of volunteer service to public education and students of our district therefore I Timothy longaker president of the Council of student Representatives on behalf of the students of district 6 do hereby declare my appreciation to the members of the Board of Education of gy Evans school district 6 and support the month of January 2025 as school board recognition month in District Six I urge all students and staff and citizens to join me in recognizing the dedication and hard work of local school board members and working with them to mold an education system that meets the needs of both today and tomorrow's students that's all [Applause] and quickly not to take too much time I did want to take a personal thank you especially from the CSR members especially president Matthews and all the board members being able to show up and be able to dedicate yourselves to student voice the group that represents the students as much as we can and being able to go out throughout the district to meet these students and interact with them I've gone to plenty of other districts and met District members from the casby event we went to I did hear it can be rough for some districts but just knowing that you can handle a massive group of 20,000 students and be able to help them through their education and push them towards the beliefs of America life liberty and the pursuit of happiness in my eyes is beautiful thank [Applause] you thank you Dr pilch thank you Mr Longacre uh thank you all was very kind um next on our agenda is to approve the agenda I move that the Board of Education of gy Evan school district 6 approves the agenda as presented second any discussion on the agenda seeing none Miss lemon will you give us a vote please director aari I director Bentley I director Campo spitzy I director Mash I director Matthews I director Norwood I director Sullivan I motion carries 7 thank you Miss lemon next on our agenda is our Council of student Representatives report as always we have sitting with us two of our Council of student Representatives Mr Timothy Longacre who you've already met uh president of CSR um and also miss s Vegas uh sitting with us as well and then we have coming to the podium some of our some of our other delegates from Council student representatives and so I'm not sure who I'll turn this over to but it looks like maybe Mr Allen so welcome all good evening board president Matthews Dr pilch I'm Aaron Allen principal at Northridge High School and I'm also a leader of the council student Representatives uh it's my honor to uh present these students to you tonight they went to the casby conference as you well know um and it's such a great opportunity for them to meet other leaders from around the state to get to find out how their school district works and um and just to uh to be in in discussions with you so that was really exciting for them in previous casby conferences we've had uh things come out of it like our student board members that are here today so today we have Edwin power and he'll be discuss he'll be discussing lessons on advocacy and challenges faced by other districts across the state Aaliyah Medina will highlight the importance of collaboration and diverse perspectives Sarah Venegas will reflect on leadership training and building stronger Community connections and finally Timothy long aner will share insights into student voice advocacy and engaging uninvolved students to start with we have Edwin power uh good evening my name is Edwin power and I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to attend the casby leadership conference throughout this training we interacted with lots of students and board members from across the state which helped me gain lots of insight about the role of advocacy within and the role of advocacy the various struggles and the different roades of success that the people within our state have found the major theme that were introduced through throughout the convention is that through a good plan hard work Outreach and execution we all have the power to make change within our communities we also went very in depth into various situations such as school funding four day school weeks and the cell phone policy we were encouraged to look at these issues from different perspectives and discuss with our peers which helped reveal How Deeply rooted and complicated these is these issues are these problems also came up when we were talking from with board members from across the state in these conversations we revealed that many schooler many smaller districts struggle with the same problem problems but have to do a various number of different things in order to make progress towards solving them thinking in ways that we have never thought before was very impactful and made me realize that there truly is no simple solution to these problems and all the work that goes into attempting to solve them and CSR is looking forward to implementing these strategies within our district as we move forward hello last time I was super quiet thank is that good okay hello everyone I am Al Medina and I had the pleasure of being one of the few chosen from this District to go to this year's casby conference while there I learned and collaborated with students and members of the board alike while also learning a few new things and gaining some valuable experience there are some issues we discussed including class size dress code and 4-day school weeks which I had no idea were so complicated they encourage us to think from multiple different perspectives and near the end share our opinions and Thoughts with each other this was Val valuable to me because sometimes we tend to look at things from our own perspectives only and that causes bias and misunderstanding when important decisions are made I learned that from thinking thinking from different perspectives can be eye openening considering all the different places we come from and there are many different things that come into consideration when the board makes decisions like things about things like the cell phone policy speaking with board members was also very exciteful I got to learn about other District's problems and struggles while comparing them to our own when we asked the members we had the opportunity to speak to about their phone policy we saw that their own schools didn't speak didn't see much push back at all and actually soon to have very positive results I learned that we are very lucky lucky to have so many opportunities here in gy and in our schools smaller schools struggle to provide that and I'm glad I had the chance to give them new ideas on solutions to help improve their districts as well on the last day a motivational speaker came in and talked about things like selfworth and how we treat yourselves I really enjoyed being there and listening to him as it prompted and inspired me to think about other people and be nicer since everyone is always struggling with something overall it was a very fun experience and I'm glad I was part of it I look forward to what we can accomplish now and in the future thank [Applause] you good afternoon I'm Sarah vanas one of the four students who had the privilege to attend casby this year with the Council of student Representatives is this casby event was like nothing I had experienced before I had the opportunity to connect and collaborate with so many different people from different districts when we were presented with leadership training I learned that leaders can come from many backgrounds and in many different forms and that connecting with your community is the most valuable part of being a leader during our leadership training I learned that problems aren't just about the bigger picture it is about everything else that led up to those problems connecting with students from different different districts on such a personal level in such a short amount of time was truly a wonderful experience when we were broken up into groups with students from different districts I learned through observing those students just how passionate they were about their own personal districts and the issues happening in their districts we learned that viewing issues from different perspectives is always important in order to develop in order to develop wow in order to develop Solutions best for all being able to talk talk to board members with truly an eye openening experience learning more from board members and from smaller districts I realized most districts have a small student population a lack of diversity in the advanced classes they have and a lack of special education teachers district 6 is a larger student population therefore we have many more opportunities learning accommodations and a variety of advanced classes are provided for us however being a larger community also makes it harder for us to connect with one another learning through the board members that come from smaller districts I realized just how important it is to have a tight-knit community and CSR hopes to work into implementing this into our district finally the most impactful part of casby for me was the motivational speaker the speaker truly opened my eyes not only to realize how hard we are on those around us but how hard we tend to be on ourselves nobody is perfect not even those who portray tray themselves as put together they might also be struggling with something the speaker taught me to Value myself and value others to stop worrying about what I can't control and stop trying to please those around me to be supportive and empathetic for those who are struggling to conclude I couldn't be more grateful for the experience I receiv received from attending casby and I look forward to working with CSR to continue improving our district feels like I was just up here that's weird unbelievable um honestly I'm just going to try and go more free with this so from December 5th to the morning of December 7th the council's officers spent our time in Colorado Springs interacting with school district representatives from around the state participating in small group discussions leadership seminars and discussions with school boards from around the state we learned a lot about how to stand up for advocacy and student voice within our school district we even helped other school districts with issues such as their schools phone policies and the establishment of their own csrs I personally even learned of something myself that I believe we could start focusing on in our own School District that being uninvolved students and their possible correlation with the district to student satisfaction what I mean by this is that I would learn from many of the school board members that we talked to that the biggest issue they faced was a lack of morale a lack of enthusiasm from certain students and that' mainly be the group of students that' be in the back of the classroom didn't see much teacher attention students that weren't outside of the classroom doing sports or activities clubs things like that and it was something I noticed that we may even have in our district as an issue so an idea that the board well the Council of reps has is to start trying to go to a lot of these schools such as middle schools and elementary schools to try and Tack it attack it earlier on and try and get these students more informed of the opportunities they have within district 6 our district is fortunately very expansive on everything it has from high schoolers being able to just go to ases to work on getting their associates degree to elementary school is just being able to really interact with even the middle schools and participate in activities with them I feel like if we can start getting more students involved they'll be more satisfied and happy with the school district because from my perspect perspective I was one of those kids that was in the back of the classroom didn't see much teacher attention especially middle school and I wouldn't blame that on the teachers or anyone it was more that I just didn't know what was available to me cuz I didn't really have anyone to inform me so I just go to school be sad because I was doing a bunch of work that I of course a middle schooler doesn't want to do and I go home and I just feel like I didn't do much in middle school because I just didn't know what I could do I was never told that you should go play football you could be good at it you should go try wrestling in high school things like that it took me until High School to actually just take the step out and what I want to do is start going back to those Middle Schools elementary schools with these officers and many people that represent and just start motivating these students that they so that they don't have to go home feeling like they didn't accomplish something at school today feeling like the grades don't matter what they're doing doesn't matter feeling like they don't know what to do with their future what we want to do possibly for this semester is motivate these students to have an idea of what to do with their life later on after school have an idea and a feeling that when they go to school they feel like they can achieve something something more than just an education a future and really that's what I mainly learned from casby is that we need to start motivating the students and how to get them further thank you so much I really appreciate the opportunity that the board has granted us and honestly I would love to go to another one if I ever could fortunately I graduated this year so these guys better make the best of it next time I know you guys did great this time so thank you so much have a great [Applause] night let's see if we have any questions uh for Council of student Representatives but I I will just say these guys are more than just talk I I meet with them fairly regularly regularly and um they they've already began begun to construct ways to get into middle schools and to uh an attempt to to motivate and to speak to our middle school students to to get them to to be more more involved and I think it's a message that that is best coming from from high school students I know our middle school students look up to you guys immensely um any questions from our for our Council of student Representatives I don't think we have any guys and so I will just say thank you for being here tonight as always we appreciate your your presence and your input next on our agenda is our superintendent's report so Dr pilch I'll hand it back over to you thank you president Matthews and and great job Council student reps thank you for that comprehensive update on on the Colorado school boards Association conference we're as president Matthew said uh you you aren't just talk we know your doers and uh we appreciate all of you and your colleagues on the council um I wanted to start with a welcome back and a a fresh start to second semester you know one of the things we love about education is each semester we get to start over again and so uh welcome back everyone and and hopefully uh students are finding their way back into school and are transitioning back uh safely and uh are back in attendance with us I I want to give you the little sneak preview next week the graduation rates will become unemaro next week right after I said that then I wasn't sure Mr osus next week um and so the the actual we have seen our graduation rates uh you all have not yet the the community has not but I will tell you you'll want to watch for that uh there's a lot of good news there in in the district six graduation rates um and then I want to remind everyone that Universal preschool enrollment is now open for next school year and and this is critical it's it's an important part of getting children started early into education I would encourage families to to look carefully at that and and to enroll students in Universal preschool and then let's give one more shout out to the fundraiser uh for Friday night that the success Foundation is hosting with the bureaus at Chippers Lanes live music some of our own District students will be performing along with the burs uh bowling and arcade 7 to 99 on Friday night so hope to see you all there and again welcome back to second semester thank you thank you Dr pilch next on our agenda is innovation 2030 update student learning and achievement goal two artificial intelligence Task Force update so I see Mr osus coming forward and I will just turn it over to you sir good evening president Matthews members of the board and Dr pilch and our Council of student reps my name is Anthony osus I'm the assistant assistant superintendent for secondary andk leadership we're excited to share an update on how our AI task force is supporting our strategic plan and how this is this is impacting district 6 joining me tonight is Dr Dean Andrews our director of curriculum instruction and assessment and the Mr Caleb Flores our secondary coordinator supporting multilingual Learners there go everything we do is grounded in our mission and our vision where we engage every student in a personalized well-rounded education preparing our students to be College and Career ready and our vision where we Empower and Inspire our students in partnership with our families and Community to succeed in tomorrow's World artificial intelligence is found in our strategic plan and is directly connected to our values where we're focused on our students and continuous Improvement of the four Focus areas found in our strategic plan our artificial intelligence is outlined in student learning and achievement and it's connected to goal number two where we Implement consistent and coherent aligned curriculum assessment and instructional practices that are research-based to ensure that all students learn AI is connected to two objectives to support educator instructional practices to promote access and equity for all students and to implement a professional development plan to ensure quality teaching and learning and is tied to one outcome that we develop and Implement an artificial intellig intelligence task force to provide leadership and instruction or in instruction and assessment so why is this important in a publication by AI edu artificial intelligence jobs are already starting to take over many professions across the country as you can see in this diagram every state has been impacted by AI the States in purple are already seeing a decrease a significant decrease in jobs due to AI a few professions where AI is taking on aspects of the work include customer service where chat Bots are replacing human support data entry where AI tools automate repetitive data entry and processing tasks content creation and editing where tools like Jasper canva and chat GPT do most of the work for you already and AI note taking in professions like banking medical and other professions where AI listens sorts out essential and non essential information and updates and updates your file with our commitment to Preparing our students for career and college readiness we need to both support our Educators and our students to both understand how to ethically use AI tools and evaluate artificial intelligence for its accuracy for example when researching artificial intelligence does give you information but at times it will make up information therefore we need our students and our Educators to be able to use AI tools and evaluate accuracy we have some action steps found in our Innovation 2030 first we're working to support teacher efficacy and Effectiveness by using AI instructional practices that align to District achievement goals already teachers are using AI to enhance lesson lesson planning and to even check student work second we're working to provide highquality professional development to our Educators technology changes faster than than we could offer training so we need to include AI options at each district PD for teachers to grow and learn and then last we need to support achievement by using AI to enhance the curriculum to support students to explain further what district 6 is doing to lead this work both in our district and across the state here is Dr Dean Andrews uh thank you Mr osus uh district 6 is proud to be one of only eight school districts across the state selected to lead the implementation of artificial intelligence in collaboration with the Colorado education initiative this prestigious partnership supports the development of policies leadership strategies and educator capacity building to effectively integrate AI into education a key part of this initiative is our collaboration with four industry Partners each bringing unique tools and resources to enhance our efforts magic school is a powerful AI tool designed for educators offering features like lesson planning feedback on student work and sat aligned assessment creators to increase teacher teacher efficiency IBM is also providing Advanced Technical Training and cuttingedge AI tools for educators to deepen their expertise AIU is a nonprofit organization dedicated to Preparing students to to succeed in an aid driven World spark fund is offering our students expanded opportunities to explore Robotics and Hands-On AI applications these Partnerships position district 6 as a leader in preparing students and Educators for the future of learning and Technology our CI Grant leadership team brings together members with a diverse set of skills these include members from school leadership teams specializing in curriculum instruction and assessment as well as teacher leaders in personalized learning and Career and Technical education additionally we are proud to have Jeff Cranson the principal of West High School contributing his expertise in on the ground perspectives to our efforts and we recently added Caleb Flores to the team as well as part of this grant we are also able to leverage expertise of our teacher leaders currently we have 17 fellows 16 teachers and one instructional coach who are receiving specialized training our fellows are receiving in-depth training in Ai and are providing mentorship and PD training at their schools and across the system 11 fellows are receiving training with magic school two fellows are focusing on IBM skillbuilder and four fellows are being trained on both magic school and IBM skill buer on February 3rd two of our fellows will be providing an introduction to aipd for secondary school Educators across the district this fellowship program is a critical step toward preparing our Educators and students to thrive in an increasingly AI driven world I'm now going to turn it over to Cale Caleb Flores our multilingual learner coordinator to share how we are using AI to support access to learning for students hello everyone good to see you all again uh like you said my name is Caleb and I took over this year as a secondary multilingual learner uh coordinator so tonight I'm going to speak about Ai and um how teachers can use it to support MLS and then how um students could use it in the classroom so here I have a video example that I'll let play for a moment while I describe it but um this is an example from the program Magic School AI that Dr denan referred to that um all the students have a free account to use and then teachers also can use it as well um but students um one thing that they rely on um for technology in the classroom if they're brand new to the country is translation and uh most students come and they understand how to use Google Translate but it is just something that is timely and um typing something out word for word can take a long time and take um their focus away from learning in class so what I did here I used Magic School AI to provide an example I wrote in Spanish at the B bottom um can you translate the poem the road not taken by Robert Frost from English to Spanish and just provided the title Magic School took my request and spit out the poem boom um one thing that's nice about that is that it's a little more discreet for students um rather than sitting there and typing the poem word for word um and it just provides them uh a little bit more time to be able to um access the content and again we don't want students to rely on translation all the time class but it's just something that when they're brand new to the country and they're trying to keep up with the content it's just something that is good for um to be able to provide them um as you know I'm just coming out of the classroom and so I give I uh wanted to provide a couple examples that AI could use for scaffolding it's not just good for helping me write emails um so scaffolding is the uh is a process if you're unfamiliar with um providing um a an assignment for students that is broken down into small steps and the idea is that we don't want to give language Learners a different assignment or something with lower rigor we simply just want to provide more steps to help them um achieve the same goal as their grade level peers and so you're going to see some jargon um throughout the district in reference to multilingual Learners you're going to see the acronym NEP which stands for a student who is non- English proficient and I want to add a y yet they're going to learn English and then LEP limited English proficiency but um one one um thing that's um awesome about using AI is that it helps teachers um save time and planning and so in front of you you guys have two pieces of paper the yellow piece of paper if you want to turn your attention to that this isn't something directly from one of our curriculum but it's just an example of an article of an assignment that a student could um could potentially have in a class like science this is actually a seventh grade assignment um for uh for a biology class and so um the idea of a CL of an assignment like this is the kids may have to read an article they have to find key terms on their own and then they have to learn the con ceps presented um the scientific um vocabulary and things like that and then respond um to the prompts that are uh presented there for multiple choice and then short answer now imagine being new to the country being brand new to the English language something like this is going to be very intimidating very wordy and has a lot of um a lot of school terms that they might have not learned yet and so if you look at your white sheet of paper what I did is I asked the Magic School AI to help me break this assignment down into smaller steps with without lowering the rigor and so the first thing it did it provided me um a paragraph from that long assignment that that essentially gave um the concepts that the teacher would be assessing and then it also put them in bold for me um step two said it provide wanted to provide a visual support so the big key Concepts from that article were potential and kinetic energy and so it said that it I said can you make a picture that you know is a visual representation and so it did but if you look closely there's a lot of misspelled words on the photo so we have to be careful with AI right and just make sure we're being vigilant but it is a great example um it then created a couple more um assignments um for me with using visual aids and um some sentence stems to help assess the students in a different way and they're still um assessing the grade level content so this is just one example something that I did um a lot in the classroom that I want to share with you all so I'll pass it back to Anthony osmi for some next steps so I just want to thank our whole AI team for um trying to wrap our hands around this and all the teachers that are leading this work this is really scary but a lot of fun as well and so we are just in the Effy stage of this obviously um our next steps we need to continue to provide professional development for our teachers um this technology changes so fast and we want to make sure that we're at least providing some sort of support for our teachers so they can utilize us the best way possible possible for both um efficiency and Effectiveness and our first round of a PD is on February 3rd coming up led by some of our teachers that are going through um this training and then also um down the road train and support our students to maximize achievement in career development so what are the ways that AI is already supporting we gave several examples before around um how chat Bots are leading some of the um when you when you make a phone call and you're calling somebody you think it's you think you're talking to somebody but it's not um and so like what so what are the ways that in your career or um in the thing that you want to do that it is infused and then also we're uh messing with an Implement an introduction to AI course for our students just so that we know the right ways to use AI because you could also use it in the wrong way and get yourself in trouble um and so we want to make sure that we're using that as like an idea generator but not as an assignment completer and then as always um just listen and respond and we would um love to answer any questions that you have imagine you might have a few thank you for for the presentation uh Dr Campo spitzy yeah thank you for the presentation um yeah I think AI I I got to go to a casby workshop along with director aari and director Bentley um and they talk about how the professional development for teachers is so important because kids are better at AI than the teachers are and they they say that that's because um you know K through 12 age kids are just um more Fearless so they're more willing to Dive Right In whereas I know I I have all these hesitancies and I you know scared of the unknown I don't know um but yeah to help our teachers keep up with our kids I think is important um and then they talked a lot about developing curriculum for students um so that they can become what they called AI Engineers um because AI can't really work without input so how do we teach our kids what is valuable input to put into AI um my younger brother is a a website designer in Los Angeles and he is very fearful for his job right now so I think uh he he understands that the better he gets at maximizing his own role as a website designer with AI the more useful he'll be to his company so um so thank you for being leaders in our state um along this topic thank you so maybe not as many questions as but again thank you we we appreciate appreciate your work on this we know this is important not just for uh the present and what our what our what our students are learning and how they learn but also for their career choice and and so we we appreciate all the work that you guys are doing on on this very important topic so thank you appreciate that thank you next up tonight is our public participation but I don't think we have any any uh public participants tonight so we'll just say we always welcome your participation and if you would ever like to speak to our board you simply uh sign up with Miss Amy lemon and that's we have an online sign up but you sign up before 12 o'cl on our board meeting days and as long as you do that and show up at 6 o' uh for our meeting you can speak to the board uh during public participation next on the agenda is our consent agenda and we'll need a motion for this one I move the Board of Education of gy Evans school district 6 approves items as presented on the consent agenda and authorizes the officers to sign any and all contracts second thank you both is there any discussion on the consent agenda Miss lemman will you give us a vote please director Zari I director Bentley I director campus spitzy I director Mash I director Matthews hi director Norwood hi director Sullivan hi motion carries 70 thank you Miss lemon next on our agenda is public notice of meetings and designated posting sites if you've watched meetings for any length of time you know we do this every year and so this also is an action item though and we'll need a motion to move forward I move that the Board of Education of gy Evans school district 6 approves the district website as a designated posting site for the public notice of meetings second any discussion on this one didn't think so miss lemon will you give us a vote please director Zari I director Bentley I director Campos spitzy I director Mash I director Matthews I director Norwood I director Sullivan I motion carry 70 thank you Miss lemon finally tonight we have a second read an adoption of policy exhibit bc- e board protocols and because this is a second read we do need a motion I move the Board of Education of gy Evans school district 6 adopts policy exhibit bc- board protocols as presented second thank you both any discussion on this policy exhibit B c-e board protocols I'm not seeing any but for those who who are simply wondering this is uh something we followed for for a long time we were simply adding it to our policy these are our protocols so miss lemon we give us the vote please director aari I director Bentley I director Campos spitzy I director MH I director Matthews I director Norwood I director Sullivan hi motion carries 70 thank you Miss lemon well that's all the business we have tonight we thank you for being here our meeting is adjourned [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] la yeah --------- ##VIDEO ID:JoN_tS2AkUg## a a a n oh all for he n is e the the nah laah e n n n n n a good afternoon and welcome to the Board of Education work session for G lean school district 6 we are uh here on January 13th 4:00 running a little bit late because of a video we need to needed to prepare um but we will go ahead and call the meeting to order miss Lynn will you call the role for us please director aari present director Bentley present director Campos spitzy present director Mash pres director Matthews present director Norwood present director Sullivan present all board members present thank you m lemon first on our agenda in our work session is just our calendar review and Community engagement so please look at your calendars there's a big one tomorrow night uh tomorrow afternoon evening is uh 4:30 the superintendent of the Year celebration that's going to be at zo's then our next event uh is the gap winter graduation on the 25th if you have signed up oh sorry on the 23rd we have Madison and then Gap winner graduation on the 25th um then on the 30th success in six Awards and I would say um for for three of those those evening events please try to make uh those are all pretty big success in six uh superintendent of the Year celebration and the Gap winner graduation that's not in the evening but it's on a Saturday um please try to make those uh if it if at all possible because all of those are big then after that we have casby day at the capital uh gy Chamber of Commerce um annual dinner on the 20th February 20th and then we get to uh well we have a cultural assembly um on the 25th of February but that gets one thing one last thing I wanted to mention was negotiations that's March 12th anything anything we're missing it'll be a pretty full January and February for us did you mention the success Foundation breakfast too Matthews did I skip over success oh yeah look at that uh onai 11th is Success Foundation breakfast so two success Foundation busy semester yeah first half a second semester right busy if you could I'll um please RSVP and the calendar invites to those I would appreciate it anything anything we're missing I'm wondering about casby date the capital if we know who plans to attend did we work that out yet how many can attend oh I think is many Oh you mean like how many of us can are able I think I don't think casby would limit your participation I I don't so anybody who who wants to go Mr aari will definitely be there he's anybody else know that they will definitely be there I will double check my schedule see if I can make it as well um yeah I think I'm in down I should be able to make that one uh Tony Che and Annette and I are headed down Wednesday to the case day at the capital so we're going to go down and represent our state Association that's on the 13th that's right February 13 that's that's the student day sorry so the 6th thank you what's the difference between the 6th and the 13th besides students um the the um the 13 will be programming specifically for students I think you did you go last year students St do you want to talk about what it was like Matt Cook uh does a very very good job of explaining how the procedures work with uh creating laws and the current uh law affecting Public Schools he he shares that information with the students and gives them opportunities to ask questions and then the students get to go attend a session in in the capital and I can't remember maybe Nate remembers if we have the opportunity for the students to meet with our legislature uh folks but but maybe could be a part of that as well yeah I think that if they can make that happen they try to uh do you want to try to attend that one as well again yes I'll be going down to that and Mr fall do you plan to go with the students we can work that yeah yes I was planning so you're planning to attend both Doran the 6th and the 13th okay anybody else want to go with students I don't think I'll be in town that week but Nate and you can go okay Nate and D that's great we'll work with Council student reps to see who would like to go right Mr osus yeah have two students already we do have two students already attending awesome anything else guys calendar all right we'll proceed to board member comments and reports and we'll start off tonight with Mr aari thank you president Matthews apologize for my voice uh just two things to report I had the opportunity to visit Centennial Elementary School while with several of my other board members and I was very impressed once again with that school it's one of my assigned schools and I've been there many times and I just want to express my appreciation once again to principal mcdal and all our staff members for their impressive work and just one announcement this Friday one of our local music groups the funk and Soul band the buroughs uh which of course is quite well known around the area we'll be partnering with the success Foundation to host an event at Chippers Lanes called bowl with the Burrows the event will also feature the talent of several District Six students including from what I understand Mr Matthew's son I don't know if you know that or not I saw that on my calendar go saw that on his calendar and that event is scheduled to start at 6:00 p.m. and all proceeds will benefit the success foundation so just like to thank the buroughs and all of our Community Partners who step up to find creative ways to support our students so that's all I have Mr President thank you Mr oari Mr Bentley yeah it's been a fast month uh feels like lifetimes happened but it feels like just last week we're here so uh School Board wise I also attended the the visit to Centennial um they do do an amazing job the student council there um gave us tour and a presentation and they did a did an excellent very well spoken and very knowledgeable uh and then on the 10th I was able to attend with uh Dr pilch and and Mr Matthews the community council in education just a uh Council formed with the um people from Ames UNCC D6 and U some substantial influential community members focused on just education in general in in the gy area so uh it's kind of just getting back off the ground pretty pivotable in pivotal in the success of the first MLL and the the bond issue but um they've kind of changed their focus and in their agenda to other other things now just to kind of uh fine-tune and and really make make this a really education friendly place so fun to be part of that thank you Mr Bentley Mr Norwood I got a chance to go out and watch several Christmas concerts just because I want to go see some uh which I truly enjoyed some of the schools do such a great job with the the concerts and then I went to watch sing along a school sing along for one of my great nephews and I thoroughly enjoyed that had an opportunity to stand in and watch this coool sing so kind of felt like the holidays got going when I got a chance to hear some Christmas music Dr Campo spitzy um so I wanted to firstly highlight project teacher find um through our ewe which is the uh newsletter that Dr pilch prepares for the board every week I found out that um or maybe it was the intercom actually um the project teacher fight has been in existence for 36 years that's a long time since 1988 um and it's a way to grow our own teachers it's a partnership between UNCC and district 6 so right now it's time for students to apply um the applications are due by January 24th to their school counselors and so I hope we get lots of applications because we really really would love to grow our own um also wanted to briefly mention highlights from the legislative session that Dr pilch Vice President Natalie mash and I got to attend at UNCC last Monday um the session was an opportunity to hear from our new newly elected state senator Scott brigh and state representative Ryan Gonzalez um as well as lobbyists who represent D6 UNC as as well as businesses in our region and I wanted to just say some things I found notable I think uh Nate fall will go more into detail during our legislative update hopefully possibly um but in his introduction Scott brigh stated that he will be serving on the education committee for the state he expressed a passion for early childhood education he also will be serving on the finance committee and said he wants to ensure education is fully funded um our lobbyist spoke a lot about cost savings they talked about aligning the cost of paying for concurrent enrollment with its actual expenses um they also said they would continue to Lobby to minimize unfunded mandates from the state um and to keep the budget stabilization factor from being reinstated they spoke of a favorable bifurcation um in the way of property taxes the way property taxes are spent by the state that would ensure a larger percent would be guaranteed to K through2 rather than it going into the general fund um they talked about uh the possibility of stopping Colorado's practice of averaging student count over the last Last 5 Years um they pointed out actually that we're the only state in the nation that does this um it would save the state a lot of money um but in turn it would decrease funding for districts with declining enrollment um rather abruptly um they also spoke a lot about our 7 750 million state budget shortfall um which could result in a delay of the imple implementation of the new school Finance formula even though apparently Governor Jared polus is still pushing to get it implemented um sooner rather than later um and uh during that conversation Dr pilch was recognized as a key player in passing uh the new school Finance formula um with overwhelming support um and then my last comment tonight um I wanted to share just um just um personally as just Brenda Campos spitzy I am not speaking for the board um but sorry trying not to get emotional about but I wanted to take a moment um just to to acknowledge that there is fear and uncertainty being experienced by many of our students their families and our staff with the upcoming presidential inauguration I wanted to recognize that the election season brought forward promises that may feel threatening to many in our community who identify as immigrants children of immigrants or who belong to families with mixed immigration statuses and I wanted to put these election Promises of mass deportation in the context sorry trying to get hold of my emotion in the context of our community gy Colorado where 18 years ago on December 12th 2006 I staged a coordinated preon raid at JBS and five other meat pack imp plants across the country is's operation Wagon Train as it was called was the largest workplace immigration raid in US history in our community here in gy almost 300 people were arrested The Raid broke up couples and families many children were separated from their parents and had to find new places to live our school all our school district had to take responsibility for supervising some of these children immediately after the raid however many children returned home from school to find their parents were missing all that said currently ice has an internal agreement to not not arrest individuals in sensitive locations which include schools churches and city parks I personally believe and I'm hopeful that this internal agreement won't change regardless I wanted to invite our community to a a free event um to know your rights or um being hosted by alucha at Kimberly's Event Center on 8th Avenue tomorrow evening at 5:30 um I'll be at Zoe celebrating um Dr pilch but we'll probably step out a little early to be able to attend um this event I'm sorry I I thought I could keep emotions out of it but um impossible as the child of immigrants I think to um not involve my my emotions in it um and as a doctor who serves a large immigrant community in our town so just wanted to acknowledge that that is happening and that's out there um that's all and uh we say again what the date and time it'll be tomorrow um at Kimberly's Event Center just down the block um at 5:30 5:30 okay thank you Miss suvan um I've just been uh spend in the last two weeks digging a lot into our financial literacy and we have a meeting with h Dr pilch on the 16th I've been learning a lot about where we're standing with our um our uh standards compared to other states and whatnot and then Dr pilt shared with me that uh it actually might be integrated into our state standards that that might be brought into play but um I did appreciate that you re-shared the uh financial literacy of the concurrent enrollment through UNC but I'm I'm going to actually try to push that it's just within our whole schools um I've gotten a lot of information and um I'll be honest I've I've been looking at the curriculum that is offered through the Dave Ramsey and the have a lot of really good stuff in there and a lot of good uh pricing and whatnot and then um I've learned that a lot of our high schools have actually taught it and paid for it out of their own funding in the individual schools so that was kind of interesting to learn how many of our high schools have picked it up in what years and what not they've had it um I became a new Grammy on uh Christmas Eve and the baby she did get a go home she only spent two days in ICU and so in six weeks then they'll go in and see if um they're going to do an MRI to see if she the fluid is building up and whatnot just to make sure she's uh the fluid is draining from her head and around a brain and whatnot so she's doing good and then I also want to acknowledge our uh gedy fire department um I'm very impressed and um very supportive that we sent a crew out to California for that so I wish them well and say in their prayers that they all stay safe and come back home to their families thank you Miss suvan and congratulations thanks vice president MH um I think most things have been covered um welcome back to all our students and staff and hope everyone had a restful Break um yes the legislative preview I don't know that I've attended that in the past but it a number of people commented on how well attended it was um bunch of very well um well informed um and aute Folks up there that the various um lobbyists for UNCC district 6 the Chamber of Commerce they just had a wealth of information to share and I wish um Senator Brighton and um representative Gonzalez all the um best it I mean I know when you become a board member you feel like you're drinking from a fire hose and um I think M uh Senator brigh was like I get to put forth five bills and it is just so overwhelming all of the different things you know needs of the state so so best wish to them and thank you for them putting themselves out there to to help me the state um this morning I got to attend the success Foundation Junior board meeting as a panelist um there were myself and two others who just um spoke about our careers um we had a nurse we had um a man who has a master's of Library Sciences but works for a big Law Firm collecting research and he he was one of those like professions that I not know about or know that existed and then also Weston Edmonds from um the world food bank and all the students had excellent questions and just asked us like how we got into our Fields what was the best thing what was a challenge um what what do we invest in in our personal lives um financial literacy question so anyway that was that was fun and I'm just a great group of leaders from around the district so when you said invest in you meant like actual like well then and then West and ens really gave um an encouragement to invest in your community which so yeah covered all the different types of investment in a short period of time um I don't have much to add I did go to centennials always do such a good job at centennials I'm always impressed with with that school and and the leadership there and um and the school just looks wonderful I think that was one of the things that I was different from one of the last times that I had was was the uh the amount of change just in the in the building itself it's it's a much nicer place to to enter and so thanks for the uh to our all of our bond work and to our voters uh for that um did go to the Community Council on education and it was great to see how many people were there from our community I think that's one of the larger ones that I've seen and uh and given that we we don't really have a a bond issue or a M Levy override or something on the ballot like that that that Drew people's attention it's great to see people just wanting to be invested in education not just K12 education but uh but with ases and UNCC as well and then uh I did meet this week this last week with the Council of student Representatives I got to hear uh their their thoughts about uh the new policies regarding cell phones and probably would not be accurate to say that they were fans uh of the of the policies but but they did recognize the benefits and they did recognize the need and so there was a lot of good conversation and comments from from our students about the new uh new cell phone policies or maybe the same cell phone policies but the but the stricter enforcement of those policies so uh that's what I've done the last week and we'll move on to our legislative legislative update take two past morning stap I'm sorry that's all right two pages all right thank you Mr B yeah thank you president Matthew Dr pilch uh members of the board I as we're passing these around um just wanted to start off and say um welcome back the 2025 General Assembly session kicked off last week uh there aren't that many bills that have been introduced thus far uh the rumor that I heard is that because of all the new lawmakers that we have that they gave them a little bit more time to introduce bills and so we can anticipate seeing a lot more bills introduced uh in the coming weeks I also want to mention that I'm not going to give you the rundown about how bills are made this year I think you're all fairly well uh educated on that area but just as a reminder we do have a lobbyist that we work with her name is Anne barcus of barcus Mendes and Associates or Mendes barcus and Associates I work closely with her meet with her weekly uh and at times with Dr pilch and miss sponsler and we just kind of talk about legislation I provided an electronic copy of this and I shared that with you all earlier this afternoon there is a link to the bill tracker that uh Miss barcus puts together for us and those are just bills that may have some impact on Public School District in Colorado so as you're going through the bill tracker you might be wondering why this bill is on the list um and she really uh kind of liberally provides as many bills as possible so that we know what's out there um so uh I just wanted to start off and I know we don't have a lot of time today um and that's kind of intentional there there are a few bills that I mentioned on the second page of that handout for you uh but really focusing on the first page I just wanted to cover some legislative priorities that we're hearing from uh State agencies like the Colorado Association of school boards casby and the Colorado Association of School Executives which is case those are two pretty major lobbying groups in the state of Colorado for public education U these are some priorities that they're working on I think that these certainly reflect the priorities that we have the first of course being School Finance uh we know that last year there were adjustments to the school Finance act uh specifically as it relates to the uh formula for atrisk students now um what's going to happen this year is we're going to be dealing with a lot of contention as it relates to those changes to the the school Finance act uh we know that with the changes to the funding formula that school districts with more atrisk students uh would benefit from those um versus school districts with fewer at risis students um but I think the key issue uh that's coming down has to do with averaging of enrollment numbers so uh right now the school Finance formula I think averages is at four years of your District's enrollment so even if your enrollments declining they average it so you don't lose as much money for the ensuing years if you're seeing declining enrollment uh we are a school district that actually has growing enrollment um or at the very least we're not declining enrollment so that averaging doesn't really impact us but it does significantly impact uh other school districts um the governor uh introduced a proposal that essentially takes averaging out altogether um which would really impact those districts that are seeing declining enrollment um and I met with Miss sponsor before this meeting and so I'm G to throw some numbers out please correct me if I'm wrong but it's uh anywhere um upwards of $190 million is um what the budget would be seeing in terms of this averaging if they were to take that out or leave it in um and Nate is it true that we're the only state that averages is that that was said at the legisla that's true know okay I don't know so if they were to uh allow for averaging to continue then more likely than not they' have to reintroduce a budget stabilization Factor just to make up for the loss um I don't know if there's anything I missed Miss sponsor Dr pilch wanted to add to this I will just add that um this year averaging would not have harmed us we we would have still been at zero change however we have benefited from averaging in the past in years when we did not have an increased enrollment or we had declining enrollment and previous years had increased enrollment I think the biggest worry around averaging although some of the large districts are very um verbal vocal about this especially those that have declining enrollment and those that are looking at closing schools but um you know I spend a lot of time with the rural superintendents here in W County and you know other rural superintendents and the the worry is in a rural District um it it's going to have a disproportionate impact on them that they have not had the opportunity to prepare for so if you think about them losing 10 students um if if they went down 10 students next year for example um and then you look at the PPR per student we're we're talking it about at you know at least a million dollars um and a million dollar is at least 10 teachers if you just to kind of and in a small District it's probably more like 15 teachers so you can't cut 10 or 15 teachers um when just 10 students leave so it's it it you know the rural superintendent I was on a call with Senator Pelton on Thursday where he was seeking additional information from us around what you know what we think about this and what the impact might be and the rurals the small rures are really see it as devastating quite frankly so um it's a big deal is it Like An All or Nothing thing we either average everyone or we don't average everyone or yeah well to get the kind of money they're talking about um and so my math was off 10 students is two 10 students is two teachers I but you can't get rid of two teachers for 10 kids um um I I think it's to get the to the 190 million that they're trying to recover to fund the the finance act they would need to do it throughout the state um they do and have in the past we've had some additional dollars flow to rural school districts but but I just don't see the state having the kind of money that they would need to flow these kinds of dollars to a rural District um but it remains to be seen so we're we're staying rather neutral right now on this one um and we'll we'll see how it plays out and how um vocal we want to become with it because we also want to see the school Finance act funded so it's a tough call and did you say not only is um the school Finance um new formula and the budget so they would like so if they weren't if they were to continue what we're doing averaging would it mean we not only could possibly delay the new school Finance formula and we would reinstate the budget stabilization Factor was it both I think it's possible I don't think we know yet yeah I think there's a lot of hinging over reintroducing a budget stabilization Factor so they might come up with some alternative way to frame that um districts that I have heard talk have said If you eliminate the averaging that is in effect reintroducing a budget stabilization Factor um you just don't have a way to necessarily track that over time yeah so yeah because you're going to take a cut to those districts that have benefited from averaging and yet the thing about at least about the budget stabilization Factor we knew how much it was and and the experts in the state could keep track of that from year to year if they do this with the averaging we're afraid they would lose track of it I described it as a conundrum good not to simplify things too much um and I'm sorry I don't know if we had any other questions or comments on that okay so just the other U major legislative priorities uh systems of accountability we know that there is the accountability and accreditation system in the state there was this uh task force that was created last year they generated this report uh assessing our current systems of accreditation uh and they have recommended significant changes uh to that our system of accreditation in the state of Colorado they have introduced a bill uh it's 108 pages long and in full disclosure to this group I have not read through it um and so um but what I do know is that it essentially it it's making significant changes across the board uh to to all forms of how the test is taken the languages that it's being provided in how they're naming Schools they're changing it from Priority Improvement to you know something else along those lines so really kind of every facet of uh the accreditation and accountability system they are looking to change um and I think that we certainly will um monitor that and more likely than not we'll um agree with those changes there's seems to be consensus among all school districts that there needs to be changes made to our system of accreditation and accountability uh for school safety there was a disproportionate discipline task force that also came out with a series of recommendations uh so there will likely be a number of school safety bills that will be introduced uh I think a lot of the major areas that they're looking at is adjusting grounds for suspension and exposion right now suspension and exposion are the same grounds so you could be suspended or expelled for the same behavior um of course we always look at each case on a case-by Case basis in this District but that's just what the law allows for uh there's also a couple of catchall categories uh that even this district will occasionally rely on it's kind of detrimental Behavior as a suspendable offense and that's something that they want to get rid of they want to get rid of these kind of vague catch-all categories and be really specific at as to what behaviors warrant uh consequences like suspension and expulsion um and then they want to differentiate between what is suspendable and what is expellable maybe there's some um Crossing but maybe there's some that don't meet um in the middle there is this legislation also as well for school safety for facial recognition there is a bill that essentially prohibits facial recognition software from being used in school districts that is set to expire uh in July of this year July 1st ACLU is looking to make that permanent that uh under no circumstances can school districts use facial recognition software there are a number of districts that currently use it um not only for educational purposes for signon purposes but also for Safety and Security needs um and so I know that there are a lot of districts that don't want an outright prohibition on facial recognition software uh and I think that there's some good Safety and Security Arguments for that um and then the last I have it's it's in Gray on your sheet but it is highlighted I don't know if there are any priorities from this board or from any individual members if you don't have anything right now for me certainly you can send me an email or give me a call and I can um monitor that for you or or work with some lawmakers so um I do want to open that up to you all right now um if you don't have any comments we can move to the bills well just from our eweek that we got um financial literacy was highlighted and I think there was a little blurb about a legis that there might be legislation coming down the pipes about yeah including it as a graduation requirement yes so what we're hearing is that um there is there is the possibility of leg is ation proposed to increase um High School graduation requirements in Colorado to include a financial literacy components I don't know if that's a course or what currently we have requirements from CDE to have the standards taught uh for financial literacy somewhere in coursework and so we currently teach that in US history and then there it's also taught in several other elective courses as well but every student takes you US history so that's where we ensure that every student uh you know reach reaches those gets those standards so we're we we don't know but this has been a conversation for a couple of years now um the governor seems to be supportive of the idea of a financial literacy requirement so there is a there I think there's a strong possibility of it and so what that would mean for us if that did come to legislation there' probably be a time frame from what for implementation I I doubt it would be required to be implemented next school year because school districts have to purchase curriculum they're going to have to hire teachers if every you know if every student's in a financial course are going to need teachers to teach that right and so um I would guess there'll be a a phase in of that um and then we would need to as a as a board and staff determine do we um add another you know credit requirement another 0.5 credit requirement to graduation requirements or do we simply add it as part of the rest of our graduation requirement ments and it would replace maybe an an elective um that students are able to take so um there'll be more work to come on that same with if we did what Mr suvin is suggesting where we would add a financial literacy course for every student we would need to determine where do you know where and when do we do that and how much credit and and what you know you just you add another 0.5 to our 22 credits that are required for graduation or do you keep it in the 22 and then what might go away if that's going to be a part of the 22 but those would be conversations that the board would have um with staff I think the other one that was talked about at the legislative session as well was just cell phones whether the state was going to um do any kind of policy or so what we're hearing so I had heard that the state may do that and and may do a mandate but what I'm hearing now uh from our state organiz this the administrative state organiz um what we're hearing I just heard this last week is that when Matt Cook from casby pushed back on the legislator who is planning to propose legislation um that it Brett miles Brett miles comment was it was what they were proposing is um pretty um non impactful it simply would be legislation that every District must have a board policy around cell phones which we all do with JC J anyway we have a most of us have a a cell phone policy um so as Matt pushed back on the on the legislator um they did not the case folks who were listening on the call did not see you know a substantial change there that would really put some teeth in this but it's still very early in the in the session I want to say that there's a lot of time left to do a lot of a lot of writing of legislation so we don't we don't know what I me we know it's a conversation is what we know yeah anything else anything else guys okay so there's just I I I just included two bills here um you know we can talk more about bills I just wanted to share just a few with you um just so you can kind of remember what our process is like and what you have the power to do uh which is to tell me uh what direction that you want the district to go um and then we can work with our lobbyist and and work with lawmakers on you know potentially passing or amending or killing um legislation so the first one is House Bill 25138 post-secondary CR credit transfer website what this bill would do is it would just create a website uh that students could go to to see um how their credits might be transferred at a post-secondary institution um and maybe if there's work rated opportunities that the student engage in while they're in high school maybe there's some credits there that a post-secondary institution will accept um and so really this is just to give transparency and information to students who are looking to attend a post-secondary institution uh to see how many credits they already have I recommend that we support this it seems like a great opportunity for information I think this is a pretty low stakes low consequence low controversy uh type bill that we could certainly get behind uh and I don't imagine that there would be a very large fiscal note attached to this bill there hasn't been a fiscal note yet um but I can't imagine that it would be overly expensive um any questions on that one and then again in the electronic version I have linked uh the bill Tech TT that you can always read the second one is House Bill 25137 income tax credit for eligible teachers I recommend a position of monitor this we see this same bill uh get introduced every single year the idea is that teachers often have to dig into their own Pockets to pay for supplies and field trips and things of that nature and this would give uh teachers an income tax credit uh for up to $1,000 um if they are fulltime employed staff m and that would help offset some of those additional costs uh as part of teaching uh on the one hand this is a great suggestion this is a great opportunity on the other hand uh the reason that this bill often gets killed in committee is because of the fiscal note that gets attached to it uh is too significant um it's cost prohibitive there's not enough money in the state to provide for these income tax credits for all the teachers in the state so this that's just an unintended consequence uh that comes with bills like this and I just kind of wanted to share that with you all just so you can kind of think about uh legislation and what it may impact um in addition to what it's trying to do here so on the one hand I wouldn't say we would oppose a bill like this I think we certainly would support it but I think we need to look at uh what fiscal impact it'll have on the rest of the state before I can really um make that recommendation to you Nate I'll add the other legislation that will be paying close attention to that has not yet been introduced is a graduation requirement uh for students to complete thei the Colorado financial aid form and the federal financial aid form so um it this has been a uh push from the governor for several years I served on a financial aid form task force a few years ago and the task force in the end didn't say yes uh we want to make this a graduation requirement mostly because of the cost and to administer it both to public education as well as higher ed so for higher ed to manage um the the train and the expectations around completion of the FAFSA and then um public Ed in terms of tracking another graduation requirment and having the staff to train students and help every although we want every student to do the financial aid form uh we know that that could be a significant burden on some school districts without any additional dollars to fund that so will watch that one as well I expect it's going to get some energy because it really Colorado leaves about what they say 40 Million Dollar on the table every year of federal financial aid that our students would be eligible for and so you can see why it's it would be important maybe to have something to make this happen and then the last um can I comment real quick on the tax credit for eligible teachers um so there's a part of me that's like this is a way where they're not necessarily giving our district more money um but yet our teachers are are getting that benefit so I guess I'm trying to figure out the fiscal impact do do you think they would go and say like well now that we have this like super huge line item that we have to fund like we might take it away from K through 12 like we might actually lose the money as a school district possible y that is that is a conundrum yes well if I mean quite frankly if we would fully fund education at the level it should be funded in the state of Colorado instead of one of the worst funded states in the country teachers would have a a a better income and this purchasing decorations for your classroom and or supplies for your classroom would not seem as large of a burden as it is now because we're not funding education we we could give teachers money for classroom supplies they wouldn't have to purchase them on their own if we were funded properly um and then the last one I I I added this in here um it's not Colorado legislation um and it's not really legislation right it's a rule um but I just wanted to share with you all I think if you want more specific legal advice I would recommend that we go into executive session on this um but just know and I'm sure you've heard that uh last Thursday a federal judge in Kentucky struck down the 2024 Title 9 regulations um and so that decision struck the entire rule Al together um and so unless there's an appeal which I believe would be in the fifth circuit um and if there that were to be overturned uh at this time essentially the 2024 rigs are no longer they're on hold I guess you could say pending an appeal um and so you know it's going to be my suggestion and and this is something that we're going to be looking into is just kind of reverting back to the 2020 regulations uh that there hasn't been any any challenges legally that would prohibit us to move forward on those 2020 regulations um nonetheless that doesn't really change much of what we're doing um here in district 6 in the state of Colorado a lot of what was struck down in Title 9 had to do with the language the expansion on the language on what is sex and they included gender identity and gender expression in that um and so that language protecting gender identity and gender expression under Title 9 uh is no longer in play however in Colorado uh we already have those protections we have some of the strongest Protections in the United States for gender identity and gender expression and for individual ual rights in general um in the United States so really um it may impact how we investigate a claim of discrimination that we would probably apply Colorado law and not under Title 9 um but for the most part it's not really going to impact the work we do um one of the changes for 20124 was this single investigator model where one person could do the investigation and do the decision um and we've always had one person do an investigation and a different person do the decision-making which is how the 2020 rigs um were rolled out and so we've always been doing the 2020 rigs at least in that regard and that was probably the other major change with the 2024 regulations so um I just wanted to share that with you just so you're aware um and just so you're aware of what our process is we may be uh readjusting those policies that you adopted over the summer um but we'll make sure to not make significant changes if we don't have to um I have cut way too far into Chief corus's time to introduce you to the uh control center so unless there's any other questions can I make a request yeah um I was listening to the radio today earlier today on kunc they were talking about um like the idea act and Title One funds so federally um and and whether or not they'll be affected with the new Administration so if you could keep us updated on that as the new Administration rolls out and possible elimination of the Department of Education AB I was reassured by the radio program I'll say that um they stated that both idea and title one predate even the formation of the dep Department of Education yeah it just came out of the Department of Human Services right exactly so that they might be protected by the fact that they you know they existed even before the department had existed so okay we will keep you posted if there's changes that come from the federal level um that impact us here at the local level thank you all thank you Mr fall we are now to our uh Command Center tour so I'll start here all right welcome chief corus so hello so it's Wade corus chief of Safety and Security for gedle Evans district 6 um so we've did our presentation for you previously I think we did that in uh boy I'm trying to remember what day meeting we did that so we did that uh here a few months ago and just kind of presented on what we are what we are planning to build uh our project is complete um we're actually doing interviews for the for two positions uh to man The Command Center doing those interviews tomorrow and looking forward to that we've got lots of good applicants and just want to remind you that the the command center was fully funded uh through the the school safety dispersement Grant um which was drafted was completed uh primarily by Brad luki our director of Safety and Security um he's down there has it up and going and excited to show you what we've done um really the my my main points for the command center is this is really not a new thing for school districts there are several school districts several which are larger than ours and then there's there's some that are approximately the same size of our school districts that already have functioning and operating command centers and we're just trying to uh take that NE Next Step a lot of this it's going to assist our Safety and Security Department really improve our efficiency and just our ability to process the large amount of video and information that is circulating out there amongst all of our schools and really a focus of tying everything together and it's also it's also a big resource uh for us when we have larger incidents that are going on at our schools where we can get our leadership team our cabinet leadership team together and we can meet down there and we get all the information that we need to make an informed decision uh during the during emergency event so um it's a very neat facility we're very excited to to show you and uh guess we'll go ahead and I'll go down there and I'll show you a lot of a lot of the things that we will be functioning out of there go ahead sorry real quick question you said you're hiring for two is it just going to be manned I know you said this prior in the last meeting um is it just going to be manned during school hours right now and then is there a hope to extend those hours or just during school hours because you have your evening activities and whatnot right so um I think uh during this spring semester is really trying to get our first two that we get in the door trained well um get them the training that they need to operate the command center and then I do think that we're going to explore what are our opportunities of extending those hours of maybe was just those those two if we just have the two employees for now of looking at overlapping schedules a little bit to kind of extend those hours of operation especially as we get into the winter sports events and and you know fall football that we can extend our hours a little bit um but we're primarily going to be functioning during school hours uh for right now but with that with that goal of eventually most most of the command centers are operating 247 365 um simple events you know as an example would be is the night we had the flood down here at the the administration building we would had somebody manned somebody prepared and just getting that information out um to assist us during during events of that nature so thank you you'll have several more questions downstairs so would you like us to be done presid because we want to do dinner uh we can debrief pretty pretty quickly so let's um we I mean 20 minutes I think is still minutes down there e e e e e n a a n m l a e you he for said a h n a n a he e n n a we'll start back so we can debrief well welcome back to the gy Evans school district 6 uh work SE work session and we we just toured our new Command Center which is pretty spectacular and now we are to debrief our work session and so we started with Mr oari we'll start with Miss Sullivan um wow where are you at he did wait okay oh there you are I about impressive the work you guys have done down there it's it's sad that we have to have that right now but just the security behind what's available and the visibility of what it's going to provide it for the safety of the students that's amazing the technology is just I'm I'm Blown Away by it so I'm I'm very much impressed that so thank you for all the work that you guys have all putting on this um getting the grant money and um pushing forward so I'm I'm just blown away completely I'm like speechless of what's available down there um and then uh Mr fall thank you for always keeping us updated and breaking things down again we always appreciate that uh you keep us on on board with what's going on Dr C spitzy yes also thank you uh Mr fall um that was very informative and thanks for keeping us um continuing to keep us informed and yes so impressive that with one button you can lock down a whole school that's so cool Mr no I will just Echo what they said thank you to Mr fall and to gosh the guys that run the command center and got that up and going that is amazing and it's it's just a really it's a testament to the security of the district yeah ditto um thanks Nate with the legislative update um I was kind of excited to to get into that it's it's a uh for me it's a LoveHate relationship but it's good that we pay attention to it and then the the command center is awesome so good job to uh the IT department and the security department on on getting that completed I'm glad it's the N that we're have moving forward Mr Zar not much to add Mr President an impressive facility down there for sure I'm sure it'll continue to develop over time and be very important to all of us and thanks to Nate also for all his briefings uh I get to have the opportunity to piece that together when I go down to the capital on the legislative days so thank you yes thank you for the presentation and thank you for also uh working on your skills of grant writing I have no idea what that entails but my understanding is quite involved so I'm glad that you all have that in your back pocket as well to find some more dollars yeah thanks everyone and uh thank you all board members as well for your time and attention and we are adjourned and we'll see everyone back at 6 o'cl for business meeting for