##VIDEO ID:zR3g5OnVfs0## you do you have to signify who's here oh right Amanda's not here and she's not on Zoom either so um usually Lori takes the attendance well she does you don't right if IFA was on Zoom then I would recognize each member of the board that's the tabless uh not really unless we feel the need to have Pur yeah I would like to know what his history is his hers there to tell you if you have some knowledge it would help he owns a couple dealerships in Connecticut as well Liv in the Boston area associated with different different right so he's not an upstart no no he has he has a background and everybody yet F her becs aware of him and that's why it's being sold did he also buy the lot down by Applebees you know that's the only thing I wanted to ask I don't know love that that's that's private prop it's their property so they do what it has nothing to do with us unless they want to store cars no that's true it was just a a question it's a sell cars you know it's I it's a big good piece of property I kind of thought he was going to make a new building down there and just sort of shut down Dylan up here but that was what I had heard so some rumor Freedom Bank was going to be sold so at this point we can't get any direct answers but it sounds like Randy had some valuable information for us so I personally would like to entertain a motion on expend number one make a motion that we permit CAG Holdings Green Field LLC doing business at Greenfield Chevrolet their motor vehicle dealers licens at 54 Main Street do we have a second I will second it in the interest of further discussion so you have concerns because we don't have any I'm probably going to stay yeah I'm not comfortable oh your issue is the fact that we don't have a representative here my issue is we've been called to a special meeting to address this guy he apparently needs this in a hurry or else he could wait till our next meeting and he's not here I think it's rude and I'm not going to back up the motion you know I had things I could do today you know I could tell you how hard it was to get me here on time that's why I said suggested tabling it oh he's on now no no oh it's do you know who that is yeah oh okay um so um my knowledge of Robert's Rules of Order is escaping me as far as um well you got your vote you got your second and you ask for discussion well you should call the vote I guess it's it's a five member for and you were going to abstain and you didn't voice whether I haven't called for the vote well I've learned I can't abstain because if I abstain that means it's a yes well I might I might change my vot to know that if that's a question that's what thing is the guy's gone through it s is if we reject it how long before they have I mean how before they could actually reapply they have to shut down Dylan's in right Dylan doesn't have a life we're not my mind I'm not rejecting it I'm just staining because we were called for a special meeting here it's an important transaction in this community and that's why're here yeah and to do that it because it's needed for the community exactly and that's our our right just not to say well because we don't have any privileged information we're going to dump it sorry yeah that um you know there's really nothing even to go with this I don't even know anything about you're the one that picked up some gossip that it's not gossip I researched it okay I wanted to find out who this person was so I researched it and there's a little bit on one of the back of these when it says what where do you own place this particular application doesn't give us all the numbers that we feel that we need to know which is actually none of our whether it's all for a dollar right 50 well you know it's one of these things where it's it's a very important yes it is business in this town it is so we're going to hold it up then and we should know maybe somebody else knows this guy he has dealerships in Stafford Connecticut he has dealerships all over right but does does he have to deal with any other uh departments or anything in town here that no no no he wants to sell cars so I would think my govern should be here too they want to get property right at this point we're going to just pause this and see if Lori can reach my office other by phone why are we on this board we shouldn't discuss it any further while while Lor's out of the uh the room because she would be recording taking notes so can you pause can you take a recess that's so the meeting at this time which is uh 408 is in recess at the moment for how long uh 10 minutes so it's now 4:20 we will resume the meeting of the Greenfield Board of Commissioners and uh at present we have uh this meeting is being recorded by the city if you are recording this meeting please notify us now I am not thank you um so we have a motion on the floor to I would say Grant the license to uh CAG Holdings Greenfield LLC doing business as Greenfield Chevrolet class one Motor Vehicle Dealer license at 54 Main Street uh the motion was made and seconded and so now we have um obviously we need some information Mr casor Jenny correct correct you are not familiar to any of us we just have a little bit of your information about your dealerships in Connecticut correct what do you have to offer the city of Greenfield well I think I think the easiest way to to describe it is you know to describe my business most you know the the the automobile business um you know operates on a couple different levels you've got you've got you know major Metro um dealerships you know that operate in you know bigger cities Hartford Boston that type of thing and then you have um dealerships that are in um you know smaller communities uh such as Greenfield and all of my stores operate in markets um you uh you know the size a similar size to Greenfield of you know old sa Brook Connecticut putham Connecticut um Stafford Springs Connecticut which is actually smaller than Greenfield um and East Greenwich Rhode Island so you know what I can tell you is you know the bigger dealerships you know a lot of those guys um the way they operate them is you know it's there a there's a lot of population so um you know there's a lot of people that come and go you know these smaller dealerships um require a lot of community involvement and you know I can tell you that you know um we I we're one of our um you know our marketing director actually on the board uh for the old SE Brook um Chamber of Commerce we're very involved with the putam Chamber of Commerce um same thing as the tand Chamber of Commerce for um uh Stafford so what I can tell you is that's you know we we are experienced and operating in smaller markets and you know that's you know I I feel our secret sauce is you know you know we don't spend um an awful lot of money on Advertising we take those dollars and we try to put it into the community um my Phil cor I don't know if you can see me or hear me you can hear me hopefully so what are the names of your dealerships they all the same no um there all of us and again kind of you know on the same basis of what we're talking about we we generally brand our stores uh with the uh you know surrounding the market so the stores in Old sa Brook are um Shoreline Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram and Shoreline Hyundai you know the area of old sa Brook that's referred to as the shoreline area um Stafford Springs is where our other Chrysler Jeep dealership is um that one is branded Stafford Chrysler Jeep and the only one that doesn't have um you know a community name to it is Cargill Chevrolet in puam Connecticut but I chose not to change the name because Cargill was around for 42 years when we bought it so um I just felt you know that that name recognition was you know just just the same what would the name in Greenfield B Greenfield Chevrolet and Greenfield Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram you U indicate that in your dealership you uh participate your your crew participates in the city or towns that they're in uh are you planning on bringing people in to these facilities to man them or are you going to utilize strictly Green Field people what's your plan there well the beauty of those two stores are um you know the the people that are currently there are pretty capable like they you know and I know uh you know a lot of them reside in the town and um I will be retaining every employee so you know the only change in management will be myself and the current general manager who's there now uh will be staying as well some of us are curious too about that plot of land that um the Govern owns near the Applebees that part that's not part of this deal no no and when you say you're want to be involved in the community like going back to um to Dylan cholet they would like I'm one of a couple Community like Kanas organizations and we do fundraisers and Dylan was always really good about participating so I would hope that uh yeah people taking interest in you know some of our local you know nonprofits and what they're trying to do yeah that's exactly what we do at all of our stores I'll give you I'll give you an example I mean obviously um you know getting involved in community events is something that we do often it's it's it's it's basically it's built into our ad budget so um I'll tell you one of the things that we did that was very successful in Old Saybrook and if you want I can I can email you the uh the radio spot so you can listen to it but one of the things that we did um that got us you know an immediate boost and um I can actually tell you too it it it won us um business of the Year through the old sa Brook Chamber of Commerce what we do is we buy 60-second radio spots we take the first 15 seconds and the last 15 seconds and we donate the middle 30 seconds to a local business that may or may not be able to afford that type of marketing on their own and you know we we work that through the Chamber of Commerce and we let them assist us with which you know which businesses to um you know to offer it to you know the very first one we did was a was a barers shop and they recommended us to him because during Co he was shut down for that entire length of time so you know we we went we used him as you know as the first as the first uh donor and then we switch it out twice a month to try to get as many uh local business businesses involved it's pretty neat how about sports teams for children sure yep we every one of our stores has uh some sponsorship like that so yeah we would absolutely be involved with that in Greenfield yeah we have to bust our little league team down to play Old sa there you go there you go you say you live in East grage Connecticut no no no I live I live in bazer Connecticut which is a small Town um near norch yeah well I'm very pleased that you were able to uh reach us by your iPhone and um appreciate that because yeah and I I'd like to apologize for that I that was my mistake I think what I did was I think I proof read the email too quickly and I saw the 17th and I automatically put 7:00 in my in my calendar so I apologize for that and uh and I would and I want to thank you I know this is a special meeting um yes that you did just for us and I I'd like to thank all of you for that I appreciate it so you'll be R open and running um before Christmas no um I think I you know because there's you know there's a lot of moving pieces especially um you know with with um you know Banking and Licensing and all this other stuff uh I'm trying to Target the first week in January can you give us any um just from a business standpoint mg govern wasn't here that long so yeah I mean I can only speculate you know why um you know um you know why he's uh he decided to sell you know my my guess would be you know he's he's grown very quickly I've I've known Matt for about a decade and you know he went from one dealership in Newton Mass to um I think he's got almost 40 stores now from Massachusetts uh through New York and New Jersey um you know like I was saying in the beginning of the call you know these these you know smaller Market stores need to be run a different way they need to have a personal touch to it and sometimes when you know you have 40 or so dealerships you know it's it's very difficult to do so you know I would imagine and again I'm just speculating you know I don't know EXA what his motivation was but that would that would probably be my guess you well it's good to know that you uh you operate other um other stores I guess we would say in smaller um population towns and cities yes um so that kind of you have any can you share with us if you have any changes projected like on it seems like you know you have the buildings up on on uh Federal Street right and then you got the buildings down on Main Street yeah so any Synergy there or yeah the sh the the you know my long-term plan you know un unfortunately you know I I think for a short period of time on Main Street you know I know Matt bought that liquor store and knocked it down and then there were plans to buy the bank next to it um but they you know they elected not to sell you know in my eyes eventually if they do sell that would be perfect to buy that parcel and put the two uh dealerships together on the same lot on Main Street but you know that's just not in the stars for now um so Chevrolet will remain where it is um the Chrysler Jeep Dodge operation the only thing different is um it will move uh the showroom off of um Federal Street and bring it down to the original location where Browns was years ago um you know it's not ideal not being on the on the main road but again in this day and age you know pretty much everything you know marketing is done on the internet so you know it's pretty easy for the you know customer to find where it is um but I do think it will solve a problem because you know I was I I spent you know just a short period of time looking at the operation and it seemed like there's some confusion where customers you know where to bring their car for service because there's a service area there's a s area so that operation we going to combine it into one Beacon Street's easy to find exactly exactly too in Greenfield yeah and and it was and it was a you know car dealership forever before that so you know people will know where it is and I think it solved that problem of you know customer trying to figure out you know which location to go to which one for sales which one for service that solve that problem well we appreciate here being able to uh spend some time with us please stay on though because second on the agenda is the purchase of um the 39 Beacon Street okay so we do have the motion on the floor that would approve this or Grant this license any further discussion here none I will call for a vote all those in favor signify by saying I I and it's unanimous so you have the one on Main Street so now second on the agenda Alexander J custa Jen Jr SL CAG Holdings Greenfield 2 L LC doing business as Greenfield Chrysler Dodge deep Ram class one Motor Vehicle Dealer license at 39 Beacon Street so I think we've gotten lots of information um I would call for a vote or I'll make a motion if we accept the application for CAG holding Greenfield 2 LLC to do business as Greenfield chrysle do Ram Jeep Ram to be housed at 39 Beacon Street in Greenfield I'll second it we have a motion as just stated um any further questions discussion I'm going back I just was curious when we mentioned that plot of land because people will ask was there any kind of discussion where you like maybe offered that land in part of the transaction you declined or that was on the I I just I I'm not sure what his intentions are and and and if you'd like I'll reach out to Matt and get you an answer on that I just didn't um uh I didn't need it for my operation so you know just for the town it would be probably nice to know sure if's gonna happen there I I'll I'll get you I'll get you the answer on that absolutely we can probably get it from a mechanic oh yeah absolutely I'm I'm sure this it's it's it's that type of business you know it's everybody knows what everything that's going on so I'm sure he good yes yeah that's welcome to the continued business in a small town small city of Greenfield so um I will call for a vote all those in favor of the motion has stated signified by saying I I right and it is unanimous okay all right we'll see you at your open house AB absolutely you're all invited you we'll have we'll have the finest hot dogs we can find oh sweet some some maple sugar on fried dough and you'll get me I'm in I'm in all right I I appreciate we got to talk to you happy holidays Merry Christmas Merry Christmas all right so our other uh agenda is updates from the mayor's office and it says we don't have any so good um and I would like to be able to just discuss with the rest of the board uh the the issue of recording so that if we have reason that the council wants to see us yes we are it's part of our agenda um so we would have a question for the mayor of the Town whether whether we can ever go to exective session what that would entail um so executive session it's spelled out um pretty clearly on the uh open meting laws on the website and I can make sure you guys have that all printed out um it can be gone into for personal private information um that could include criminal histories um uh bank account information dollar figures potentially um and then we are working on mitigating uh anybody being able to see anything with a simple folder system that's my main concern if you put it like this um if we had a barrier in front of each of ours where the camera is shooting and even in this and even if you we would have and I'll make sure you guys all have a binder folder stuff like that if we have it like this you should be able to read things that's true but I would not hold my binder up like that sure but we can provide that that would be to make sure that and that would help with just regular streaming as well because you know yeah people are supposed to tell you if they're recording but if there's an nefarious person and and they could capture one little segment with which has all that pertinent information on the application that's presented in our packets and as a result we would be putting it out there for the whole world to see this persons now there are things that are reducted on it when when we have applications but who knows what um someone with uh bad intentions would capture and use so I think that we'll make sure that there are mitigation strategies I will there are things at Staples I saw them there today that they're thingies that's what they're probably called right but um I will that's the word yes but I will make sure it's all taken care of that nothing is visible from the camera and then um when Lori and I meet before the meetings we will talk about what could potentially need to be gone into executive session for and um make sure that those are all kind of grouped together and then when you come you don't have to vote an executive SE session you can do the discussion in executive session and then your votes could be public and um I think that's how it works anyway yeah so but you still have to come out of executive session before you yes yes so we would make sure that executive session happen probably toward the beginning of the meeting as well so that it could all kind of get done if we have a whole room full of people waiting for us it would be nice to move the Y they would have to leave the room they would have to leave the room or we or we could go into my office right um have better lighting so you know it's not as bright okay well um we see what the Town Council has to say yeah um so at this point we have the minutes from our December 3rd meeting before us laori even though you were not feeling all that well here you are presenting us with what we need and I appreciate that I've reviewed the minutes and I haven't seen anything jump out so based on that I'll make a motion we accept the minutes of the meeting for uh December 3rd of the licensing commission second all right any discussion shouldn't be I have to abstain I was right you weren't here so um all those in favor signify by saying I I I I and I did vote on now okay so next meeting is janary something oh it's the 21th okay all right so I will I'll make a adjourn the meeting a second all right the meeting is adjourned Randy created a budget for you to fly yeah all right1 [Music]