##VIDEO ID:9tdpF506N-k## DEC 1 thank you sir will you please join me in a word of prayer dear heavenly father father once again Lord we just thank you for your mercy and your grace father we just come thank you Lord God for the season that we're about to about to enter Lord we just pray for your spirit of Love Lord God to be upon uh all our hearts Lord God as we lord God celebrate Lord God Christmas and going into a new year father we just pray that your headge protection your angels continue to be encamped around us all father just love on the people who have lost their loved ones U during this this time Lord in this past year Lord God we just pray that you be with them let them know you still love them Lord let them know you're still with them Father we just pray for this board we pray that you be with us we pray that you give us wisdom understanding give us knowledge as we make decisions concerning your people father bless everyone in this room bless our families bless GFF County we give you praise we give you glory and we give you the honor in Christ's name we pray amen please join me in the pledge of the United States of America and to the for stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all I welcome everyone to the December 17th uh special meeting uh we have a few items on the uh on the agenda uh and just just a reminder uh uh if you if you come before the board it must be uh in reference to something that we are are discussing uh on the agenda today so you can come before the board and ask uh any questions in reference to those items um at this time we'll get right into it we'll jump right into the pdrb recommendations uh Mr Hammond or Mr Crane Mr Crane take it yes sir all right good morning chairman and Commissioners uh the first item that we have before you today is a variance application from Gabby Mal at 146 Cape Dunes Drive Port St Joe Florida 32456 paral number 0 6 378-1356 5. 01.03 building setback requirements to allow a zero lot line setback on the right side of the property for construction of a new home in yesterday's uh Planning Development review board meeting uh the pdrb had a recommend Commendation of 4 and0 to vote to approve this variance uh with the applicant changing uh the zero lot line request uh they're now requesting a six- foot variance leaving them with a three and A2 foot right side setback and so under those conditions the pdrb had voted for and no to recommend to approve all right thank you sir is anyone here want to speak on this issue here representing I think there's people here that have if you guys have questions they're willing to speak but they don't have anything further to add so are you got any concerns C no sir on this uh particular item the lot next to it is an HOA lot uh it has a couple septic tanks on it it's a non-buildable lot um the board of County Commissioners has in the past out in St Joe Beach and several other areas when the lot next door is unbuildable they will give up to a zero lot line uh variance the we did receive several letters you'll see in your package from the architectural committee and several of the neighbors who had concerns about them building up to the line their major concern was is uh their standard precedence in this subdivision has been the three and a half foot so the applicant that's why yesterday in the pdrb the applicant decided that they could make it work and build within the footprint of you know matching what the uh architectural committee was asking for which was the three and A2 foot and so no one else had concerns after that all right thanks sir commissioner y' got any concerns yes sir go ahead um I have a couple questions Doug um on the on the the the actual HOA lot that's to the east I believe um you said there's septic tanks on that lot yes there's a septic tank easement the property that's in question uh the 146 Cape Dunes in the property just to the uh the other side of it both of the septic tanks for those um lots are sitting on the HOA common property is the five foot setback for a septic going to be adhered to for this three and a half foot I think that is in that's Incorporated in on they're they're five foot off of the property line okay um in other words so it's Incorporated in the HOA lot so okay all right that takes care of that one then the second question I had is what about fire code um when they build the house up to meet the fire code and the the lot line will be at the the imaginary fire line will be at the lot line I would assume because they're going to be seven foot from the other house right no they will be they'll have a n and a half do that said they're seven a foot apart so I didn't yeah that was they're going have a full n and a half and then a three and a half yes okay got so the the other house is set back off the line and then they will have a full N9 and a half that was part of the problem of getting to this variance anyway was because the the applicant originally wanted to build back what was there before these houses were built in the 80s I think in ' 85 they didn't meet fire code they didn't meet setbacks impervious area or none of the things so uh basically to abide by all of our rules today it almost left the lot it was still buildable but it would be like an 18ft wide house and just not something that they were interested in so that was the purpose behind the variants to start with so the HOA lot is never going to be buildable no okay that's all the questions I have Mr chairman thank you Mr uh Doug thank you for working on this you know we had a major storm in Gul County and we've had storms before but this one was different than we've ever had and so as we're building back there has y'all have been dealing with it I know for several years now but there's a lot of intricacies in how things were built especially where you're talking about the subdivisions all Doug I want to appreciate this yesterday because the process worked we had it they came together both the Builder and the HOA seemed to come to a resolution and and uh so our process works so I want to thank you because y'all put a lot of work into this it's not just going out and looking at it and say this is the way we think it should be but a lot of history goes into that so thank you for the work that y'all did on this one thank you all right any more questions Commissioners um my question is for the attorney do so moving forward do we need to wave the quaza judicial still still need to go through that from formality chair all right can I get a motion away quaz judici moot by commissioner mome second second by commissioner husband any uh further board discussion anyone in the public against W quaza judicial any opposition to the motion all right motion pass Five any more questions boy all right one more time what did the pdrb vote uh the pdb's recommendation uh was for and0 to approve this variance with the new change by the applicant all right thanks so wish and also I might add to that uh and same thing for you guys the pdrb uh when granting a variance you have four options uh I've printed this paper out for you it's the typical four items and I can read those if you need me to the pdrb went with number one uh for the hardship reason the special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land structure or buildings involved and which are not applicable to other land structures or buildings in the same district um and the other three are there I can read them if you guys need me to but along with your motion if you'll just include uh which hardship reasoning that you're granting the variance for if if the motion is to approve it all right thank you sir all what's the wishes of the board motion to approve all right motion by commissioner mome second second by commissioner husband and you good with including absolutely thank you sir all any further board discussion anyone in the public on this any opposition to the motion all right motion pass Five and yes yes Mr Crane you still got the floor all right yes sir the next item that we have on the agenda before you today is a non-residential development uh Creekside Partners LLC and BJ herd is the applicant uh it's 48.1 6 Acres uh on buddy floor Road WEA hitchko Florida 32465 parcel number 0335 d00r and 03364 d00r section 23 and 26 Township 5 South Range 11 West they're proposing a 220 lot RV park to include Clubhouse pool RV storage area bathouses roadway parking and other recreational facilities all right thank you sir anyone here that wish to speak on this issue please step forward go ahead on state your name for the record I hear you representing please I'm Tyler Marsh Southeastern consult Engineers um hold on one second tyus are you opposed with us waving the Quasi judicial hearing no sir all right can I get a motion to W so Move Motion by commissioner chome second by commissioner mmore any further board discussion on this anyone in the public on waving quaza any opposition to the motion all right motion pass Five all right you can go ahe and introduce yourself all right yep Tyler Mar Southeastern Consulting Engineers I'm the representative for the owner um as Mr Crane stated this is a 200 a proposed 220 RV lot um development it'll have on-site Clubhouse swiming pool bath houses um it's also going to be completely self-contained as far as sewer and water goes um currently we have sewer permits into D being reviewed and are in the process of submitting the RP storm water and and environmental applications previously this was a platted 69 lot subdivision um I believe that was done in uh 2008 uh so some time ago since then that plat has been abandoned um there's a land use change that was approved last year on this and uh it's now mixed commercial residential and we're bringing before you guys uh the development order or seeking development order approval for the RV part all right thank you sir uh Commissioners any questions for Tyler all right Mr Crane uh yes and the pdb's recommendation on this the pdrb recommends to the board of County Commissioners by 4 and0 vote to approve this non-residential development contingent upon reaching an agreement with the County Commission on replacement of the roadway and the bridge leading into this development uh this is the one that we've discussed in the past the Buddy floor Road uh it's kind of a substandard road has a on Lane wooden bridge on it and uh the pdrb just had originally had questions of whether that would be sufficient to support uh this development now read that last that last part you said it was it was what now 402 approve the non-residential development contingent upon reaching an agreement with the County Commission on replacement of the roadway and the bridge all right thanks sir uh any questions Commissioners y want to discuss anything yeah so uh when so we're this is just basically allowing you to go forward with maybe you're planning getting your permitting but and you'll come back with a plan of how this road is going to look and how this bridge is going to look and I hear you saying that that uh our people will also be there to look and make sure that it fits what we want as far as a road in there that's going to be for future use and yes sir that's right yeah well because we we're in the process of getting survey data and things like that along the right away of Buddy floor road so we'll need that to work on design and uh permitting because it obviously we're crossing the creek there so there'll be multiple different steps of Permitting that we'll have to go through with that so we would work with the county and you guys to to develop that roadway and bring that back to you I got question yes sir So the plan you're talking about is that the plan you're trying to come together is that so they're going to pay for the road and the bridge or the county going to pay for the road and the bridge so the developer wants to Asphalt the entire length of Buddy for Road already from over Street down to his development the Bridge with that's something we could discuss with the county there's nothing that's been said in stone at this point we we don't know exactly what the bridge structure is going to look like yet until we can get the design and permitting portion of that done so that's what we would like to work have approval to work with County staff to develop that plan make sure it meets uh the county standards and is what they want to see because ultimately it's a county road so County would maintain ownership of the road and the bridge so we want permit and design something that is acceptable to you so as far as payment and nothing like that has been worked out yet or anything so that's kind of like what we would like to discuss with the county and get approval to move forward with any more questions concerns so your biggest issue probably is gonna be that bridge yes sir and like I said it's at this time we don't know how involved it's going to be um until we get the survey stuff and and the information from the environmental consultant you know it's it's kind of up and there on how how beefy or how sophisticated the bridge has to be and and what cost would even look like and of course we would have cost analysis and everything broke out once we get that design done so right now we we're looking to get the development order so that the once we have these permits in hand the owner can go in there and begin because it's going to be quite some time working on clearing this out putting the infrastructure in for the the sewer and the water system and things like that so um it's it's a lengthy process for sure and in the meantime we would be working on that information for the bridge to bring to you guys just Excuse me yes chairman just a question Michael uh if we approve this RV U if we approve it before we have any kind of you you know let's be honest that bridge ain't going to handle what they're talking about and you know y'all know where I stand I didn't want the taxpayers to be saddled with building a bridge I got a lot of places I need Paving and fixing and and I know these guys want to develop but you know at the end of the day I know it's a county road but U if you approve as RV and and and I I I assume that meets all the criteria Doug and you know far as yes sir the the RV Park is is good as far as the site plan and the development of the RV park I'm I'm just saying you going to go and approve that before we have any idea far as a bridge or where we going with it you know well I think the the pdrb is I'm comfortable what the pdrb recommended which is contingent upon them paying for the road and the bridge and us working that out uh they can keep working on their other stuff but I think that the the win-win for the county is we get a bridge that is structurally sound that is elevated that doesn't go under water every time it floods now since the hurricane and I think it's done at least on three occasions that I know of it may have gone over more one time for more than a week but that would be borne by the the developer I'm fine with that and if if we do that I think we're cover well if that's the case I'm you know am I misinterpreting what the pdrb said is that no the the pdrb did say give the development order contingent upon coming to that agreement now what that looks like I understand that they want to work on the design and everything and the the agreement with the county uh on the bridge at the same time as moving forward with the other stuff um I can word the development order however you guys order me to Bo the development order I mean we can we can give them access to go ahead and move forward with design of the RV park that we don't have conditions with the RV park but that the RV park under no circumstances can open without the road being done or the bridge or or if you want to come back when they finish the design of the road and the bridge uh we can do that however you guys want to so so I'd make the suggestion to this if if you're going to move forward with the conditional approval that the County's engineer determines what the cost is going to be they they they give the county that money and then we do the bridge in the and the and the and the payment I'm fine with that we we can do it cheaper and we can make sure we're getting what we're paying for when we do it uh again it's easier for the county to permit than it is for a developer on the bridge and it's going to be our Bridge so I think we come up with that number and that if we can agree to what that number is half million dollars million doll whatever the number is and that uh before they get a a final development order or or operation uh to to commence with their RV doings that they've they've give the county that money whether the Road and Bridge is complete at that time but the county would have the money to do it and we'd be covered I I think that's a win-win is that something a developer can live with yes sir as long as long as they paying part in taxpayers not correct yeah I'm good with and I think also didn't you say you're going to try to maintain where that house is down there he's not going to be obstructed while you're doing the bridges and the roads he still is going to have access to his property yes sir yeah the plan would be to live leave the bridge in place so that he still has access and then essentially design the new bridge around that existing when that's there there there are other homeowners that that's down there correct I think there's four or five other private property two two that live there okay okay two live there U also what what are we going to do about building permits they're going to need some building permits during this time we going to issue them so I would I would say that that no building permits until we've agreed on the number and and we uh and we and we've escod it and then it doesn't matter uh I think you're going to have time because you're doing a sewer system internal sewer system and internal water system and and permitting this is not going to happen in the next 6 months this is going to be a May if you're real fast but but my guess is this is not going and I will start having RVs in the next little bit so uh I think after the first of the year the County Attorney can draft something and work with the with the developer and and we'll get with our engineer to to confirm that the the money's right and soon as y'all write the check we'll be in business I would think you come back before bring it back before us so I would say whatever the board wants if you feel comfortable with me making decision that's fine but but but the final development order would have to come back for the board this would be this would all be contingent upon y'all's final acceptance of whatever we work out that's good T your water tell me about your water on that you're going to have it plenty too for fire service if when you get fire trucks down there it'll be uh it's obviously going to be a well uh but yes sir it'll meet we spoke with Brad and and Doug on that there'll be multip fire hydrants throughout back at generator power uh for the well and for the U sewer system that's there and there'll be specifications on all that stuff and our final complete package so that that might help the residents that are down there now correct if you add these fire hydrants that was that was something that that'll help them out okay all any more questions Commissioners all right d one more time what's wish uh what did pdrb recommend uh the pdrb recommends to Comm to approve thisal development agement repad all right thank you sir all right what's the wish of the board move to approve I got a motion by commissioner PID second by commissioner mmore any further board discussion you want include those stipulations Absol with those stipulations good okay all right so I've got one question when does the board want this to come back to them as soon as they got it ready to go so you you want me to negotiate with the developer come up with a number that our engineer good with and then when we get a final package bring it back to the board for final approval yes okay yes sir all good with that commission yeah good all right you got a motion by commissioner PID second by commissioner michelmore uh any further board discussion anyone in the public all right come on up state your name address for the record please Robert branch Fort St Joe lifelong GFF County I've actually been watching this last uh y'all met on it and spoke on in August and I actually watched that last night I had to kind of remember and I I've been I've been useful on this I'm all I'm all for development uh and and what I'm seeing actually in August this board besides two that wasn't sitting here y'all voted 40 to approve this in Junction of this was for the development already there now and I I say I'm all for development here's what I want y'all to consider and I I've heard that this is commercial nonresidential now I'm seeing it's residential what's what's the difference there uh he spoke where it was nonresidential and the other one said it was residential so is this always going to be uh RV park or later on I I'm confused go ahead Mr CR this is actually a commercial RV park it's there's nothing residential about it you can't have a RV park on residential property it has to be that's why back in I think it was August they did a land use change uh they come before because it was already residential because there was a 1 lot uh subdivision that was there that they came before this board and abandon that was the first process once they abandoned that 61 lot subdivision the next thing was to do a land use change from residential to mixed commercial residential because our ldr does not allow or our actually RV ordinance does not allow to have an RV park in less than 10 acres or in anything other than mixed commercial residential Mr BR I appreciate that and and the reason I say that he said that and and and the engineer for Southeastern act said residential and that that's what got me confused and I'm all for development and like I say y'all three of y'all voted contingent not even for this development don't get me wrong but here here's what I'm going to say and finish from one end from C sand blast to the other end of WE wall and the North End all these developments need to be treated equally every who development within the LD of the law and it's not being done that way I was up here at last meeting at this Podium and I brought up cesna Drive nor drive that's one of the rich developments on this end y'all look at the infrastructure that y'all done for Mr rich on this end and y'all be careful now be sure let's treat everybody the same whether it's on the North End or the South End so y'all need to go back and study what I presented to this board I'm all for development as long was just done fairly for our taxpayers distributed equally I appreciate yall time all right thanks sir come on up state your name hold on we got one more time St your name address for the record please Merry Christmas chrisy maroy Woodward Avenue Port St Joe um it sounds like I haven't looked at all the plans but sounds like it's close to a creek sounds like you're going to have to lift the bridge sounds like there are people or person that lives down there sounds like you may have to lift the property itself um I'm wondering how much impervious surface is going to go up there uh again you got a RV Park versus 69 houses I'm wondering what the tax revenue is for an RV part that's rental versus 69 homes that pay taxes so I I appreciate what the staff does but y'all were hired to sit here and go through items such as this on a continuous basis that's that's my thoughts and we need y'all to be looking at this continuously voting on it because again we're growing quickly and we don't want to flood out your existing clients and your existing taxpayers for something new you need to make sure this is right so I'd like to know also as far as an environmental study are there gopher turtles on that property is there anything that we need to worry about like we've had to worry about on Garrison Environmental Studies who's doing it when can the public see the environmental study impervious surface how much these are questions that we all should ask and we have a right to know because what goes on in other areas can go on south of the county and and we need to understand what you what the plans are and if you're bringing up a bridge obviously it's already low line right right we need to know how much field dirt you going to be putting in there thank you thank you anyone else Mr chairman if I could I'd just like to add based on those comments that um you have a planning department and a building department exactly for that reason and a staff and when I I refer to you that we've received the application for the development order and everything with the RV part meets that means that it meets the um the impervious area it meets all the setback rules it meets all the criteria that's what we do that's not business that we hash out in the boardroom or else we would be here seven days or five days a week um doing that but uh this RV park has met all of the ldr the comp plan and the other criteria that the county requires so just wanted to add that and and y'all monitor once they once they come in and yes sir and the the plans and the applications that have the impervious area on it um I mean I have a stack of paperwork that was turned in with this that's all public record that you could go through the clerk's office and get copies of it if you need it or anyone's welcome to stop by my office and view it at any time okay Doug don't when you when you have a RV park don't you have to involve the state then on a regular basis as far as inspections is it done the Department of Health is that the Department of Health regulates so if you were doing homes no you're doing this you got Department of Health watching what you're doing and constant monitoring requirements for your your septic system and things like that that have to be reported on a certain basis so there's a lot of different levels of of monitoring and oversight and something like this so not only we're going to do it locally we're going to the state does it as well yeah and part of our packets I mean there's an entire packet that's a storm water plan I mean that's all nothing but storm water plan that's in your packet also they're required to get environmental resource permits uh I mean all this stuff has to be cleared through as Mr Marsh stated they have multiple agencies that they have to get permits and clearances from before moving forward it's not just us we just handle the county portion of this so any more questions commission anyone else in the public all right what's the wishes I mean well I got motion by commissioner p and second by commissioner mmore any opposition to the motion Mr I'm going to have to abstain for doing work on the project all right thank you sir all right motion pass 4 and0 with one abstention all right Mr H Mr chairman start from the top number one in my packet Matt as uh a request thank you Mr Hammond Mr chairman Commissioners uh I have a memo uh recommending that the board allow Emergency Management to uh update the salor modems in our Public Safety Towers cost is $3,883 uh also requesting that under a allowable exception under our procurement policy all right thank you sir any questions Commissioners for Mr har yes sir I'd have a question yes sir um that's because it so sourced uh it it's the main reason is because uh just the the uh emergency what could happen if we don't do it um and the the I guess the potential emergency or danger um and the other allowable exception would be because we already do business with MCA they're familiar with all the components in the towers all the other Hardware software when I signed off on this originally we assumed falsely that they were on state contrac or not but this is what we need and we need it yesterday so well here and second question Mr chairman is uh where's the where's the 13889 39 coming from is it it's going to come from the D drri fund or yeah yes we're paying for it out of out of his budget okay Matt this is going to help with pagers and radios it's like repeaters right is that what we're talking about yes it's going to help with the connectivity it'll also give us right now currently we just have one sailor service this is going to give us a redundancy and there'll be two there so if one were to go out there was another one that'll kick in AT&T would kick in any more question answer this question law enforcement fire and EMS will all benefit from this yes sir so basically we're trying to redo it because we there are some gaps so this is going to close those gaps a little bit for us a little bit I got and give us a backup m we don't have cor sir any more questions concerns so wish is of the board motion to approve I got a motion by commissioner mcon I'll second second by commissioner PID any further board discussion anyone in the public on this these moems right any opposition to the motion motion pass Five and them you going handle TS I will yes okay next page page two so page two that's a memo from from uh Emergency Management deputy director Tim wood uh requesting uh board approval for the uh subgrant and Grant agreement U for reimbursement for funding eligible expenses from Hurricane Helen also requesting uh permission for the board chairman to sign that agreement and any related documents any questions Commissioners what wish some Mr chairman I got a motion by commissioner husman second by commissioner mmore any further board discussion on this anyone in the public on this any opposition to that motion motion pass five and0 thank you thank you sir Jim MC's got an update on EDC as we bring uh 2024 to our close just a a couple updates U uh the Eastern ship building yard the U the long item FY will be departing sometime this week to be delivered to Long Island that will reduce the number of ships there to to three uh all three of those ships will remain uh in that Shipyard the whole ho of 25 so we'll still there um as of the other day there were more than 400 workers 450 workers on the site uh that number will come down because they'll have one less ship there but it'll still probably be more in the 350 to 400 range for the balance of 2025 um and and that's where we we stand with them they they do have some projects lined up beyond that but at least through 2025 we're going to have three ships out there and a lot of folks working down there um in terms of just taking a look forward to 2025 we'll see the opening of the annex uh at the Gul Correctional that allowed 140 jobs um during during that year so it'll be a need to recruit those people uh one of the reasons they they did that was because that was the most staffed uh facility in the State of Florida at the time they were making their decisions they' done a good job recruiting there was a time when they weren't even didn't have vacancies that didn't last long but it did occur uh we'll continue to pursue the floating Dry Dock uh as a way of ensuring that Beyond 2025 26 that we will continue to be able to have 300 employees or more uh at that at that site uh and lastly the most important agenda item for next year is Workforce housing that's affordable we've got we go to we got to turn our attention to that folks we just don't have places for people to live we're adding jobs and uh there's not not a place for those folks to live the main one reason you see all the people com from Panama City to the Eastern Shipyard there no place to live I will comment that a guy bought a house across the street from me that works for Eastern ship building and he moved from Panama City to we hitka Florida so we're we're pleased that we're step in the right direction but we need more houses that are affordable for Workforce salary people that's all I have any questions any questions commissioner sir thank you thank you sir you got number you got just come back come back for a second so uh hope in January is there some way we can look at how we're going to do the moving forward the floating Dry Dock I know is Grant dependent stuff like that so basically where this plans on going and stuff like that the number of jobs now are these going to be the same jobs we all know most of these jobs are coming from Panama yeah is it going to go down into our schools like where we're getting kids here yeah we we we put in a we used Tri money about four or five years ago to put welding programs in both of our high schools here and then in Franklin County actually added welding jobs so they they do act as a to to support that um the the other thing is there's a lot of folks coming over here to work because they can't get the people the good news for the future is they don't want to pay contract people to come here so as we can add local people to their Workforce that really Cuts their it cuts their uh Cuts their cost in half because they're hiring local person rather playing a a contract person so there will be continue to be jobs into the future uh the number at that site you asked about floating ride do we we we want to have about 300 jobs there and to do that Beyond 26 because there's three ships there now uh that floating Dr would do would allow us to have a couple ships there and that dry dock to do some work uh there is no floating Dry Dock from Tampa to Mobile so it's a good a good project it's dependent on Triumph funny and there we've been working on that for three or four years so let's hopefully you know in the couple years we can get that figured out but that's where we stand the reason I'm asking because those that's going to be a different skill set Drive do because you're talking about you're talking about Electronics you're talking about stuff like that when they come up here diesel working on diesel motors whatever their whatever their engine so it's completely different thing so I would hope that that was going to be part of everything going forward with this dry dock is that it it's going to tailor down into our schools so when they come out they are certified ready to go to work there that's that's that's good input that's very good yeah we need to we need to consider that because you're you're correct it is some additional skill sets which which widens the scope of jobs that a kid a young person can get so that would be something we to look at than so if you will when we have our uh get together next month give the breakdown because just like you said there was painters electricians Carpenters I forgot all the list of items that when they do one of these retro I'll give you a list of the jobs that we that currently there and then we'll put a side by side of list of jobs at the floating dry do Mark do a comparison there was a tremendous range when you do the the the dry do deal of the different things they work on when that's out and it and it's a lot more than welding because you know I know we had the the Drone program and stuff I'm not g to say it's just Panama City's taken off with everything Aviation I mean I don't know if you've seen I know you've seen it yeah their college is going folks it's they're it's going to be there so we better PL if we're going to look for something like that it needs to be you know you talk about higher paying jobs and we got to put it back in our schools and get a a a seamless system like they have to be able to get these funds if we're not we're not going to get them okay yeah yeah I was just going to add we may need to incorporate the school uh into uh whenever we start meeting and talking about might want to incorporate the school into this um come on up doc Pat Hardman um I want to brag on Jim he's come to long-term recovery uh and started a project that the County's willing to put up some land and some other things to start building some affordable housing that will be long-term affordable housing and he's got long-term recovery as a nonprofit in it um what's the construction company Construction Company um come on up come on up J come on up he's got um just lost the name of it the construction that's going to do it the time or what no there's construction company that's part of the business uh it's American home builder American Home Builders sorry thank you just it wasn't mine um and American Home Builders is putting up at no at no profit to them building the things and we're starting off with 10 of them so it's going to be up to y'all to help get that off the ground so I'm asking maybe you want to put that on your just a little part of your agenda to talk about reable housing is one it's the second most important thing in the county the first is to C and reach erosion but the but the first and the second is we got to get homes in here that people can afford to live we don't have any of the service people that can live here in this County so please thank you and thank him it's America's home place right Jim American Home Place Place yeah not Builders you said make sure they have that got that one they do have an office here am home place home place all right thank you sir page three if I could M chairman just encourage the staff let's let's get the the uh affordable housing on the front burner let's let's move forward I know Dr Paton was working on those in hous does we need more than that and I know we talked about over here on NOS doing something and just seemed like everything has uh lately just can you give us you know so I I mean we're moving forward on that got survey so I think I think that first the year that that weall be ready to vote on that uh that final plan good good and I know up on 71 we had talked about doing some you know changing pieces of property after whatnot so I I hope that we have some movement on that soon too but again that's uh there's a reason why we don't have it because there's not much profit in it but that's that's just to go along with commissioner prion the floating Ry do could be a great asset to this community and and bring in number of workers and we just we got to have places for them to live if you look at that stream of cars leave Eastern every day it it's unbelievable but uh just wanted to say that all right thanks sir it's good page three Mr chairman Sherry's got uh modification on the DM project these actually seems like after our meeting some of these projects are moving again so that's a POS this is just a request to accept uh modification number three for the hmgp grant on CR 387 uh this gives us an extension to May 31st of 25 this extension is necessary just due to uh the extended period of requests for information that will continue to get for the agency so we still in that process so this gets us to May of 25 all right thank you m any questions Commissioners entertain a motion we accept the request for modification so Move Motion by commissioner mccr second second by commissioner PID any further board discussion anyone to PO uh anyone the public on this on the public all right any opposition to the motion Mr I'm gonna have to abstain due to doing work on these head walls thank you sir right motion pass for and0 one abstention Le has got the the next four items uh she's going to come up and do uh the the first one was is brought about because we've turned it down because we y'all set the rules we enforce the rules and if you want to change the rules that's perfectly fine but we don't like to give variances to your rules for certain things so this this first page affects the latter things I think correct good morning Commissioners um what we are requesting is plan changes in our current lhap and this will be for plan years 21 through 27 includes uh two elaps because each lhap is uh three years so we're requesting a change uh in the amount of funding which is currently $40,000 to change it to $60,000 and this is for um just the strategies for owner owner occupied rehab demolition reconstruction and disaster mitigation and Recovery um this accomplishes two goals um one is increased cost in construction uh makes it difficult for us to do a lot in rehab with $40,000 and the second is um it helps us in our goal to complete these uh funding years and expend the funding all right thank you m'am questions Commissioners Miss Lyn our funding now Mr chairman is 40,000 40,000 is the current L have yes and that's been a rule since the Inception of the program uh no sir um each lhap is a three-year period of time and um 21 through 24 and then 24 through 27 I think 24 through 27 are the two elaps that we're asking for a change in the 21 through 23 24 um is 40,000 and the latter one is uh currently at 50,000 we did increase it in the latest lhap but we're finding with the increased cost of construction that it's just not sufficient to meet the needs for Rehab to get anything done this money you said 2021 yes sir you've had it that long yes sir um 21 through um 2122 State funding was due to be spent no later than June so we are currently out of compliance with the 2122 funding uh we have been given an extension to the end of this month and we're going um requesting another extension in order to expend those funds so I guess my question is what's the reason why we're not spending the money are we're not giving enough or we don't have enough people for the program or um so there is good and bad news in this so one of the reasons why our ship money is not fully expended is we got the hurricane Michael recovery funding which provided a lot more it also provided uh Workforce you'll talk a lot about that um these eligibility criterias have very low income levels um when you talk about affordable housing it is not much money um a lot of people don't qualify so one of the reasons why we are behind on this is we have pushed all efforts to trying to spend the hurricane money because it provided a greater opportunity where we get 350,000 a year on ship we got 5 million on the first hhrp we were able to assist a lot of people but in being able to assist more people over broader incomes that was the better option for most people and we want you to help people as much as we can so but because of that uh we did because of trying to find people who qualify we had to move a lot of our ship applications into hhrp to give them the most money and uh be able to expend those funds that ended faster so some of this is a good problem we had more money than we ever did so therefore you know spending this money got delayed um but we are struggling with finding people who qualified because I know everyone wants affordable housing but affordable housing as defined by Florida statute does not help a lot of your working citizens if I could add to it Michael if you remember me and you tried to get these limits changed and everybody got through out of the office up there that's right anyway uh because the limits are are so low that the a lot of the working people don't qualify for the and and some of it is a federal problem because Gulf and Franklin County got just royally screwed by the way the federal government classified the the median income for Gul and Franklin County it's no way that the median income for G and Franklin County is 40 C 40% below coun so cahon gadston Homes Liberty all are significantly higher than us which means that you can make make more money in those counties and get funded where Gul and Franklin and again it's it's our Transit population it's our you know second home population it's the prisons in both counties but the deal is Gulf and coun pretty close in in population we both have prisons and there's no way that it could possibly be right that coun is is 40% higher than ours there just absolutely no way so we've been arguing that for a while but the other deal is this is this is meant this is one of these Godless liberal government programs that comes down that that disincentivizes work and if you have a job now you know I mean you you work at McDonald's you make $15 $16 an hour now you do not qualify for these programs they they would rather you be on welfare and not work and then get the programs so what your policy is and the board's policy has been for a while elderly fixed income Social Security veterans I mean that's what we strive to because if you're a working family starting out you're not going to qualify for any of these programs and again Lynn and Cherry and all of them have tried this is not something it sounds bad because it's 21 through 24 but we have a long time to spend this money so I mean it's it may not come till the end of 21 when we actually get the money they'll fund it July one but we may not get it till the end of the year and then it takes years to get folks qualified and get through so I mean we've got like three years on each of these Cycles we pumped 6 point something million into Guff County uh but yeah we're to the end of the line and what we've seen is we have people coming back to the to the to the to the to the deal again and say okay I got ship long 5 years ago I need something else well your policy is that we don't continually give folks you know it's one and done unless it was one of these you know we originally we bought air conditioners and hot water heaters you minor things but we're back down to the same people wanting assistance five six seven eight years later uh because they're the only ones that qualify so two twofold problem we need to get the feds to change the The Raid and that's Commerce and that's something maybe with a new Administration we can get a reevaluation but the other is the the rules are are skewed not to help working folks th those that can get approval for purchase assistance don't qualify for the program they're they're too they make too much money those that qualify for the program can't get funding to buy anything so just to give you a real world example so most of the money 60% of the money must be spent in very low and low income only a maximum 30% may be spent in moderate so most of the money has to go in low and very low so your maximum income on low for a household that has four people living in it is 57350 that's all income that's child support that's uh side jobs that's full-time jobs that's any income coming that's Social Security that's everything a household of four cannot make more than 57 350 qualify for the majority of this Li and that's two employees working at McDonald's are over or over the the limit two people making $30,000 a year over the over the limit with two kids who needs help who needs help that's exactly right who needs help elderly needs help veterans need help and and and and young couples starting out need help so once miss miss miss l once the a constituent comes through the ship program can they come back again later no sir no the board's rule is that once they've been assisted they're no longer eligible for ship or the hurricane funding is that a state rule or is it our our rules so instead of changing the because I know if the elderly need help but if they came to us and they were 67 years old and now they're 85 years old they're they may need help again I'd rather see us let some people come through twice then raise the rate and let more because those elderly people those and the veterans are the ones that are going to be benefiting from that if they if they're and it sounds like miss Lynn has people coming back to come to the well twice why don't we adjust it that way or think about adjusting that way uh versus adding more money to the program which is going to decrease the amount of people that get funding um many I won't say many the ones I've seen recently the ones that are coming back are not your elderly fixed income we've had four applications out of the 48 applications for the 2122 money that asked for assistance again so four out of 48 asked for assistance and were were denied due to your rules and sometimes it's for purch purchasing more than one home they purchase a home 10 years I think that bation to once you if you purchase a new home that that shouldn't yeah that shouldn't be able to do that again my my opinion but that's just me and I do believe if we go that route I really would recommend that the board spend some time on that and think about maybe putting in lifetime maximums because these HR hhrp fundings those they're $75,000 a piece so should we pay $75,000 and then pay another 40,000 in rehab in so many years so there I I do believe there needs to be some consideration of maybe some Lifetime maximums on maybe numbers of awards or dollar amounts of awards to keep it fair because some of it if they qualify then if you meet all other qualif qualifications and we meet set asdes it's first come first sered so if you're the first one in the door and you know you're going to qualify you would have some individuals would be able to get far more funding than others well I know I've got lady that's got her she's I think she's about 85 she's got her floors falling in right now and she's already had a ship loan like 20 years ago you know if that's been satisfied and and she's in good standing I don't see the giving her another ship home and that's that's I that's that's what the program is for is for the elderly and the veterans to to me I mean that there again we could would would it be your's recommendation to raise this to that 60,000 so I do see some benefits in it in bringing because some of your elderly and bringing things up to code if you get in a situation where you have to rewire a home or your whole Plumbing has to be redone that is costly if you wanted to condition it on the increase can only be for bringing up to code maybe that's an option um but if we are going to go back to changing our UB again for allowing repeat assistance I would ask that y'all allow us to come up with some recommendations of how we could potentially avoid abuse of the system avoid the pits that we've had previously and I agree I agree with commissioner hudman uh we shouldn't penalize the people that's jumped through the hoops and done everything they're supposed to do and and to penalize them to never get another ship I think is wrong because just like this lady he's talking about well she 85 years old and you know she's probably paid in all her life and you know she can't get any help so yeah so if y'all would like to talk to that next month too we can come up with some recommendations what what I would stress is this this is my personal opinion it's not something that didn't staffs talked if we limit it to the elderly uh I think we're probably on the right track what chaps me and what chaps uh normal tax ban citizens is somebody that got a free house seven years and they're already asking for a a redo and then one thing that just sent me off and this was a couple years ago one of the things they wanted fixed was their jacuzzi tub pump had gone out and I'm like so the taxpayers are going to use tax money to subsidize somebody's already got a free house or a subsidized house and going to fix that and we killed that before it got funded but but you know it just I like my hair caught on fire when we saw that so I don't know if you remember it they bit it a couple times before we caught it but I think we can put parameters to keep people from abusing the system but still help the folks that is meant to help I agree and another thing to consider on that it would be allowing early satisfaction if we're going to there was a time where we didn't put you know the time l in but if they have a uh 10 year loan they need to serve out that 10 years before they get another one we don't need to make it where the request becomes before the board you satisfi it early and now they're eligible for another one so things to keep in mind as we are doing this and those are real things that we have encoun I I think the bottom line is we we got to figure out how to get get this to help people and get this money out um because I know a lot of people that can use some help but like you said they may not qualify so we got to come up with some kind of even we have to write a letter to the state in reference to the income um we got to do something to get out get our numbers up so we can be so we can help people and get this money out the door so let me I the question I got on this one right here you say 60,000 so we're already at 50,000 on this one we're at 40,000 for the 2122 funding and 2223 funding and the 24 to 27 funding is currently at 50,000 50,000 so so so the question I have is how much money do we have we get 350,000 per year and I think we have 33,000 left if we encumber everything that we have so far for 2122 um we have one or two of those that are not have not been able to get qualified loans yet so you have a low-income single family that can't get a loan and that's part of the reason we're still trying to spend this money they get approved our program and it sits for 90 days we give them an extension for another 90 days and they still can't get funding either their credit limits too low or they don't they they don't make enough money working at McDonald's to qualify for a loan and so that's part of the reason we are in difficulty spending the money but just um for your information the current um couple of bids to replace a roof on someone's house is anywhere from 10 to $20,000 um and then if you have to rewire electric you're looking at another 15 to $20,000 those issues keep you from doing any other Code Compliance to that home and then you've spent the 40,000 and they're never never eligible for another loan so that's part of the reason for the increase is to complete Code Compliance on some of these homes and for especially for the elderly and our veterans that have no other way to get those code violations remedied if we if we raise it to 60 one person is going to get cut out from getting anything done ESS we current we currently have three years of funding uh three years of funding in addition to the 2122 funding and uh we were supposed to be encumbered by June for the 2223 funding and they've gotten it we've gotten an extension on that funding because um arpc is assisting Us in those applications so we are trying to spend the money and there is um a lot of money in the pot to be spent so we're trying to catch up after spending all the money with hhrp yeah but you got to also look at the price of things over the years just building in general yes sir that one person pushed around five gallon buckets in their house is sure would like 20 grand for their roof too I mean I'm just being Devil's that devil's advocate here but uh do we have to make a decision on this today that's what I was going to say can sounds like we talking about January coming back with some recommendations of how to make the whole thing work work and then show Numbers yeah if we had some numbers it would definitely I mean I'd like to see some numbers on it as well you know and and your recommendations a how if we do allow to to come back the second time what would be some of your stipulation because you do it every day yes we don't so and you know what y'all are dealing with the hot tubs and all that but I think then we would make a better our decision might be better at that time because we've seen stats if we're maybe we're not cutting somebody out but maybe we are if we raise this maybe it's a good thing to raise it so we can spend it because I'm I'm with commissioner Quinn we don't let sit on the table we need to get it out there to them so is it can we is that I'm with that too if we can get some numbers and January make a better decision for the whole program I don't know just a thought we we asking can wees your preview I I do have one bid pending but um that's certainly up to you I'll be bring back recommendations and the next page is what this would tie to immediately the other ones I don't think it affects but so the next page is the one that's holding and I I mean it's totally up to the board I assume we can wait till till January as long as the contractors will continue to be good this this is a uh this applicant is an is an elderly elderly female whose home does not meet Code Compliance um uh we are partnering partnering with the citizens of Gul County Recovery team with this project they're putting in uh almost $27,000 of their funding as well as ours to get this house into Code Compliance so that was the initial reason and we had conversations with Florida housing last week and it was Florida housing's recommendation to possibly look at increasing the amount of funding per project so that we could spend the funding and get back on track and get back within our compliance because we cannot get any new funding until we spend these funds I think if I got the the right address correct just the electrical on this house was $2,000 to bring 18,500 just for the electrical upgrade the new code just the new Breakers added four almost $4,000 to the electricians because of the new Cod so are we we spending $90,000 on this house or 8750 approximately 58 total would be hours and then the 26 almost 27 from uh wow and it's not going over the 50% yeah and and Michael we for to get a a substantial increase on air conditioning systems first of the year they're Chang to new systems January 1 so that's going to be a tremendous increase but this home is one of those as well can we do a onetime waiver on this project or do we have to do it forever I mean you you don't need to do it forever it just sets a precedent obviously it's going to create a slippery slope if you do it on this that's and then obviously the next one will come forward so it' be the recommendation to be a comprehensive change to the to the policy in the bid review for for page five it says approval of this request will complete the home and the bid items except for the handicap ramp and the new floors that's correct so the handicap ramp of the new floors is that every is that the last 15,000 no sir those are the items from the bid that are not being considered at all and that is the 558 no the 558 is the request for the new bid amount for the county for the ship program and then the the remainder is for citizens of Gulf County but the floors and the ramps were the two items in the bid that we could not do if I remember correctly this bid was total 100 IT 109 109 for the whole project I guess we trying to figure out I guess he asking this what what's what does the 55 cover trying to remember I SP 558 and not have a handicapped ramp if they need one they have one currently um it's they have one currently it's just it's in dur just a little bit so they can fix that they can fix that theirself with some family members pretty easy uh this be had a new roof on it uh new windows new siding uh new air conditioning and rewiring the house and I believe handicap restrooms yeah and the handicap the master Brad what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to get to 40,000 for the contractor to start work on a bid tabulation for $40,000 tab that the board has already approved is 37,300 and the only thing we're asking to add is the electrical at the 18,500 to make it 55A and the reason for that was uh they are required to ensure this and I believe those extra items I don't think we will be able to do it at all because it will not bring it to so if we cannot if we can't add the additional then this one does not get funded at all they won't be able to meet the criteria what I was trying to do is get to that 40,000 so the contractor could start work and his bid still be good and then we could approve the last after we meet in January for the electrical I I think trying to say though is in order to bring the home to code we have to have approval on this or the home will not be able to get insurance and that's part of our requirement is that they have insurance so if we go ahead and start work and then for some reason you don't approve this later this home will not be able to have insurance and then we'll have to have a variance on insurance we won't be able to close to start the first contract without it is the contractor's bid still going to be good 30 days from now I don't know I would have asking I personally I'd rather have a special meeting or a workshop or something to get the rules ironed out before we did anything um I don't want to hold anybody up but at the same time let's get our rules right and not set precedents for the future either when did this B when did uh this bid come in when did it come in yes a couple of months ago you approved it last month at the board meeting all right uh all right what's wish what we need to do board members I mean you want to you want to put it off commissioner husman said until next month so we can get everything kind of lined up we can have a special and come back if everybody's willing I mean I'm definitely willing to do it to try to get the program to have a better program for our citizens and to if we need to up and if once we have the data if it's it's it's hard to come in here today and make a decision knowing that we have extra money maybe not enough people but we do have people that we know of that need the help um but it's hard to give it to them on a paragraph here for me so I would I'll just put the formal motion if if this is all right with the program um I'll make a motion to table Pages four and five and and let's have a workshop and Sherry can get us the information and Miss L can get us the information to identify possible issues and come up with recommendations and we'll take care and that once we know the facts all the facts and this and the stats then we'll be able to make a better informed decision all right got a motion by commissioner husband so we a to make board at the workshop yes you can't so we're going to put on special meeting on the next meeting all right so you good with changing that we'll come back yes sir table this and bring it back up in the special meeting yes sir okay all right I get a second second for discussion all right go ahead commission MC U could you contact this contractor and see where he's at on his yes I will U you know I I feel for these people I mean and I know what the commissioner saying that you know we need to we need to change this policy as a whole instead of this one issue uh and I know everything's gone out of Windows are just off the chain costly you know but that's my thoughts on it okay yeah the 26,000 plus that citizens of g county is doing includes them getting into doing the windows and the doors so that's their 26,000 any any further board discussion anyone in the public on this on the public all right any opposition to the motion all motion pass five and0 thank you ma'am I have I have page six and seven as well um the on page six um asking to uh approve ship bid for fiscal year 2223 for a rehab project for gwindel and Dawson the amount of her bid um is 38520 for her award was thank you ma'am what's the wishes of the board motion to approve I got a motion by commissioner Crome second by commissioner mmore any further board discussion anyone in the public on this one any opposition to that motion motion pass five and0 thank you um the last one I have on page seven is um we've had a request from ch had flowers um so we're requesting the board to approve a satisfaction of mortgage uh from a April 22nd 1999 ship Loan in the amount of $1,615 um this was one of the mortgages that were Set uh in the ship program at a time when there was no ending date so that this one goes on in perpetuity uh without the board uh satisfying this loan and that's their request is to satisfy the loans so that they can move forward all right thank you ma'am wishes of the board and and they have satisfied their mortgage and their they've satisfied their original mortgage yes sir okay approve I got a motion by commissioner husman to approve second second by commissioner mmore any further board discussion anyone the public on this any opposition to the motion Mo pass Five and all thank you commission thank you man' please got page eight so page eight and page nine kind of go together this deals with our replacement of the Indian Pass Bridge on 30b this is uh we need your approval to sign a temporary easement with DOT for the replacement of that bridge and then also approve the attached resolution allowing the chairman to sign necessary paperwork that resolutions on page nine paragraph whereas the state of uh Florida Department of Transportation has made application to said County execute deliver to do the attached temporary easement or easements in favor of the state do for the purpose of constructing the project according to current construction plans thank you sir any questions Commissioners for Mr Smallwood wishes of the board so moveing Mr chairman I got a motion by commissioner mcon second second by commissioner husman any further board discussion anyone in the public public on this any yes yes ma'am come on up state your name address for the record 3A uh could you clarify the temporary easement please it's it's for the detour to replace the bridge we got to build a bridge beside it to keep traffic flowing because we can't close it people live down there we got to have a temporary Bridge fix other Bridges without temporary ements uh what exactly is the temporary ement to build a bridge why do you need so people can access their homes and all we would like more details please at the next meeting and far as be part of this plan I mean what more do you there's already an exit road that goes through Treasure there's no need to disturb any of the other proper produc nearby uh Mr fr we've been discussing this for how long IA going tried to work a deal on the other Road and couldn't get that accomplished so bridges are made without easements uh I don't understand why you need another easement could you clarify at the next meeting please well I can clarify it right now and put it to bed so so this isn't a repair this is a removal and replace and it's going to be like nine months so we can't go through a pig Trail Road through a tiny rideway that's not pav that's got a gate on it that that we have limited access to for traffic for nine months to a year for the US to wait so it's just not feasible the county tried to work with that group some of them were very helpful some of them refused to to participate for the county to actually pave that in lie of this so the Count's went out and bought property we're going to do a temporary bridge where the hundreds of people that have properties on Indian pass can get to their Properties Plus the vacationers plus folks that want making another bridge to fix a bridge that's unheard of I thought they do it every day people fix Bridges all the time without building another bridge to fix a bridge I don't see the reasoning behind all this extra building and it's unnecessary to tear into other property to fix a bridge you're the one that's in charge of us and you need to follow up on that and I don't see the need to disturb any nearby property M Frank we've got to take care of a bridge the state has deemed the bridge deficient at Indian pass so we have got well that's because you're letting all this extra traffic in there that doesn't belong none of them res I there rent own or live they're just all transient well carrying trailers and boats be in that ramp regardless of that the bridge has been there how long Michael the campers are also very big and large with large Footprints tearing up the bridge okay and all of the extra activity with the housing it's no wonder it's falling apart and whoever buzzes me keeps buzzing me every time but that's that's just the time that's the time that's your time if if you look close the ramp we need that sand in the lagoon come on our sand is going away it's gotten too deep we need that sand to work around the corner that's your time Mr friend thank you no New Roads thank you no new Bridges well it's not a new bridge Mr Frank it's a temporary bridge to replace a bridge at say say there's already an entrance and exit at Treasure okay we talked about close the bo ramp get all the transients out they're not renting owning or living there they come and go they don't buy anything thank you Mr fr that's your time they belong at Frank pay where they pay fee that's all all right so we got a motion by commissioner MCR second by commissioner uh husband any opposition to the motion motion pass Five and0 page 10 is a change order for your consideration it's an increase of $3,330 this is to resurface the parking lot at the St Joe Beach Fire Department any questions Commissioners on this what's the wishes of the board move to approve all right motion by commissioner Pon second second by commissioner MCC any further board discussion M abstain due to work on the project on the rra thank you sir right anyone in the public on this any opposition to the motion motion pass for and0 with one abstention page 11 through 17 I Hazard to bring it up since it's another bridge but uh I the do is paying for this uh I had initially poo pooed the contract because it said any overages we'll cover uh we've had some good discussion with DOT so put it on me if if it backfires on us but they're going to replace the Victoria Bridge uh it is closed now it has been closed for months months maybe six months uh because it's in Dire Straits of repair and they're going to do it for us so I'd recommend approving that and then I've got a quick resolution on page 18 if you choose to do that any questions Commissioners wishes of the board Mo to approve I got a motion by commissioner husman second second by commissioner mmore any further board discussion anyone in the public on this bridge any opposition to the motion all right motion pass Five all right go ahead County attorney by title only if that's okay yes Mr chairman Commissioners a resolution of board County commissioners of Gulf County support a temporary road closure pursuant to the completion of the bridge replacement project it's on uh page 18 for your consideration sir any questions Commissioners on that resolution entertain a motion to accept that resolution so Mo all right motion by commissioner M Chrome second second by commissioner Pon or any further board discussion or anyone in the public on this resolution any opposition to the motion motion pass Five and0 page uh 19 uh Career Source appointments recommend board approval actually it's from the chairman not me but recommend board approval any questions Commissioners two two good appointments in my opinion so make a motion to approve that's okay yes sir motion by commission hman motion yes I'll second second by commissioner M any further board discussion anyone in the public yes ma'am come on up St your name address for the record chrisy maroy Woodward Avenue Port St Joe do you mind going over um what the the two people that you are discussing so miss uh so Career Source uh Miss Miss kimon needed uh uh two people added to her uh Career Source board oh okay so we recommended uh uh Chris car Giannis Cara jannis and K Christen Johnson okay and may I just ask what sort of Industry these folks are in uh Chris car Giannis is in the construction industry he's a general contractor okay and Christian's in the restaurant buiness he's a part owner of Uptown okay all right thank you any any more questions or concerns any opposition to the motion all right motion pass 5 and0 page 20 uh my recommendations uh after Consulting the my Guru the clerk uh and I think everybody's on board uh hers is the one office that's a little bit different but but I think we got it worked out and everybody's on the same page so we're recommending the 26th and the 31st is additional the the governor makes me look like a scrooge so I'm recommending to y'all that uh that we kind of get in line with with what the state's doing and and and going back to it we we've done changes depending on when the holidays fall but uh our two two slowest weeks of the year or the last two and we have tremendous numbers of folks on lead to stay home with the family some at like Public Works it's hunting and doing whatnot so uh I'd recommend these two days please any questions Commissioners uh my only one is uh are they off they off on the 24th yes sir we already are so that that's why I some of the state employees were not and I don't know why that so I think this Falls in line what the city does they've always got the day after we have it the only real new thing would be the the Christmas uh New Year's Eve instead of you already get New Year's Day so all right any questions commission right SARS you're good um yes thank you Mr chairman I'm good um the the Court division of course has to stay open um it's regular schedule so we only be closed um Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and then New Year's Day for my my office all right thank you ma'am all right what's the wishes of the board motion to approve I got a motion by commissioner Pon I'll second second by commissioner Michael Moore any further board discussion anyone in the public on this any opposition to the motion all right motion pass five and0 uh last thing on the uh my agenda is uh a date to have our Retreat uh and then after y'all set a date if you do set a date uh some uh staff Direction on topics I know some things that I want y'all to talk about and come up with a list but how we want that to uh to flow I guess I I brought it up so I'd like to add about that so I guess well I was going we got to have a central place to put all our ideas in in a person I don't know whether you want to assign Carrie clay or whoever so between now and then as something pops up if we do it we Just sh hey we want some staff to talk about this and all that and then someone your office would come up with like an not we call agenda but how it flows that day in other words I've got four things Jack you got four commission or chairman you have four and it goes that way you split them up and then at the end of the day everybody kind of comes out of there hopefully in some kind of consensus that was that was the the goal um so that was that was why I said just shoot them to a central location during the time because you probably got what you in your mind now what you want to talk about so if we can just get into them and they can have that way we don't waste time they know what's coming and we can we can talk about it car's the obvious one so I but but some of the things that I need y'all to make decisions on your your Park funding you know we set aside money for parks next year everybody wants more but y'all need to tell us how you want to spend it so that's one of the things that that one of the items now we're adding ship and and your uh lhap for for next year those those type things big issues if we know up ahead of time we can do the research we have all the answers hopefully or have at least the data and when y'all make the decision so I would love to see that and then we need to we need a day and a location so you want that first want also shoot those ideas to care and then yeah and and again I mean depending on how deep it is if if we get them like the week before that'd be wonderful and I mean you always add stuff but we can't off the cuff we can't answer all your questions gotcha most of them maybe but not all of them all right all right so we can we can do that soon as we come up with a date need a date and a location uh we talked about what what was that date the first week either the Monday or Tuesday of the 13th 14th 13 range is that right let me let me look yes the week of the 13th uh is what we talked about but I mean it's any day we we talked about possibly location um I like Honeyville we like Honeyville because kind of central located and it's big area you know we've been up there got a big open area we can get in around the table and stuff so um spend all day so 13th is that what you saying that 14th Tuesday I'd rather do it Tuesday than Monday come come on it's always something what what what time and yeah so I guess that matters if it's in the morning or in the afternoon it just uh would like 9 nine Eastern would that be all right like nine and 12 or one something like I mean I I think you know it's it's we're going to get in there it's going to go longer than you think because I mean a lot of good conversation goes on um so n you saying 9 to 12 9 to 12 we I'm good 8 and 11 Tuesday so so apparently we got F FRS something and whatnot U is is it any okay is Wednesday work for any of y'all by any chance Wednesday be Wednesday's fine with long we do it early yeah Wednesday probably yeah hold on one second let me look again so that'd be the 15th long we do it in the morning from 9 to one or so yeah I we can't live stream but we can record and then we can post it so I mean it can be up on the on the website pretty clear so uh if y'all to get uh carry the stuff by the week before be wonderful and we'll try to facilitate thank youall yes sir so so what we go with 15th 15th 9 to1 at Honeyville Community Center we're going to try to keep that to four five per per person hopefully there'll be some commonality on some same on the list with three hours it's going to be three or four is going to be tough that's what's you thinking I think three or five I think four average would be fine all right four that be great okay yeah thanks for bringing that up think it's a good idea is all right chairman that's all I've got okay all right all right Commissioners y'all got anything commissioner mmore you got anything oh by Merry Christmas Happy New Year you good I've got something uh so uh we we were uh commissioner mammore I went to boot camp new commissioner boot camp down Orlando and and he could speak if he wants to to what we did but it was a great learning opportunity uh probably one of the highlights is what the national weather service is going to come up with in the next couple years especially as far as hurricane preparedness and stuff it is phenomenal I mean stuff that we they're going to start using AI I know a lot of people it's the buzzword but they're going to start using more of that and some of these predictions and models that we give and that's some of the things that they're concentrating on and uh you know new leadership and all that the guy that's taken over whether he is sharp uh we were very very very lucky to have that kind of person in uh in that role so that was just one thing but another thing while you're down there among all counties it's always great when you can celebrate Gul County in my opinion I love it and we had uh through the work of our County administrator assistant County Administrator finance department Gul County received an award and uh I'm going to let uh chairman Quinn do it we received it but I want uh chairman Quinn to present it to our staff if you don't mind maybe get a picture of it if we could with our boards yes sir County of the quarter presented to Gul County in recognition of your outstanding commitment to the fact fac Business Solutions program we which leverages the collective purchasing power of Florida's County governments to deliver cost effective Superior quality Solutions at the local level presented to Gul County so we can get our County Administrator and assistant County Administrator would like to present this to you guys tried to get cl to take it well it it's good when you go up against big boys and win I think I think it's duly noted so congratulations guys after you accept this award we like a little speech or something oh I got that too okay [Applause] since we've been here long enough the quick speech is this fac does a lot of great things one for Education not only for Commissioners like the new commissioner education but ethics training and and whatnot that uh that's extremely important to staff all the way down to the HR level and whatnot uh they have a lot of programs that that have benefited us we changed to their insurance U what after here Michael we had a bad experience the last time but uh it it saves US money they're easy to work with and and a lot of their programs just work hand inand with with staff so they're they're easy to work with and we're glad to we participate in most of the things they offer it's not not all small counties can participate in everything but uh it's good to to work with good folks and I appreciate that yes sir Sheriff you got anything sir Merry Christmas thank you sir I take this opportunity thank everyone for coming to the board of county commissioner me I entertain a motion to adjourn motion by commissioner mcon second second by commissioner husman any opposition motion pass Five and0 I