##VIDEO ID:NrhJjT8hKc8## public hearing regarding regarding the budget um to order if would you please join me in the pledge IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic it stands one nation indivisible and justice for all good evening to everyone welcome to the second and final public hearing regarding tenative budget uh at this time we'll go ahead on and go to miss [Music] Herring unless you want to go first Mr h i just repeat what I've repeated I'll back clean up if that's good okay all right Mr har yes sir we are starting this with our tentative budget the tentative aggregate milit rate is 62850 this is this is 69% above the current year aggregate roll back rate of 59644 so this tenative millage includes countywide at 5.9 Mills St Joseph tupo over Street Howard Creek dependent power control districts at five Ms and the mstu voted Debt Service rates are beachfront at 0.489 interior at 459 and at 3981 so these are our maximum millages that we can adopt you go down cannot go up um and this hearing will require the roll call as we do the resolutions and those will be certified as a part of our trim compliance package some of the main reasons for the adum uh tax revenue increasing are the Sheriff's Office your other four constitutional officers property braer tax collector supervisor elections EMS insurance cost jail firefighter incentives Park Renovations the city of Port St Joe summer program the downtown Redevelopment the 2010 expansion the library operations and pay raises for employees so the budget book as presented is on the count it and was advertised in the newspaper with the budget summary and the notice of proposed tax increase on page four of that budget book you will see those Balance to balanced totals for each fund and in tonight's hearing of any increases would need offsetting decreases in expenditures in preparing for this hearing uh we made the line item adjust uh that we were able to by the time the book had to be on the website last Thursday so those are included in this book and the additional approvals that I will need their request are for a net increase of 22275 in general fund that is due to cash carry Ford estimates for Emergency Management affecting revenues and to transfer out to the capital fund there a in of 29,000 for the St Joseph Fire Control District that's due also to Revis carry forward estimates for that district and those include uh 2,000 for the district fund 5,000 for beaches 7,000 for Highland View 9,000 for White City and 6,000 for South Gulf so those will affect those revenues expenditures and Reserves uh 9,000 increases requested for the tupo district that is for Stone Mill Creek and that would affect their revenues expenditures and reserves the sheriff has requested a increase for carry forward in the fund 129 that's the TDC Public Safety fund that is for uh carry forward estimates from unspent funds in this year to roll forward so that will affect revenues and EXP uh the increase of 22275 that we previously discussed on general fund also increases the capital fund due to that being a transferred in so that again is for Emergency Management that'll be money being transferred in from the carry Ford is just in a different fund so we essentially have to have it in there twice $100,000 due to increased cash carry for estimates on the water fund that will again that will actually affect revenues and reserves and then I looked right before I came in here EDC uh recc still has not published the elected official pay raises so I would like to request line item adjustments again in order to be able to get those into the final book again those will be adjusted within the lines would not affect ad laurum or the funds by total or total by f so if those are all acceptable I'm happy to answer any questions but I would need board approval for those adjustments all right thank you ma'am all right Commissioners any questions from Miss hering or any concerns if there being none I entertain a motion that we accept Mrs Heron's a recommendation so moved all I got a motion by commissioner farell second second by commissioner husband any further board discussion anyone in the public on this anyone in the public yes ma'am come on up to the podiumed is this about the whole budget or are you going to take it apart I mean or there more votes or should so should I save my questions for later yeah yeah there's going to be more votes more votes yeah yes okay so will you let me know when it's appropriate we G we gonna do a bunch of roll calls here in a okay in a in a second all right thank you sir okay all right any uh more questions concerns all right all right I got a motion by commissioner far second by commissioner husman any opposition to the motion motion pass 5 and0 all right Mr Hammond I I'm good with going to the public and to the board and then I'll come back after the public comment in the board if we can and then we can start the process okay all right all right open to the public anyone in the public with any questions or concerns in reference to the budget it's open to the public Robert Branch uh St Joe g county I haven't had a chance been real bit far looking at the budget what's itemized kind of beyond my imagination all the money coming in this County but the only question I have is how how is this board finding for for your budget all the money to go around buying residential property in this County I've never seen I've Liv I've been in this County all my life I've never seen a County Board just from go from one end to the county and buying up this property where where is that in your budget at to cover all this property you're buying I I haven't picked it but could y'all could you tell me that you you said we bought a bunch of property you'reall buying property from one end to the other most of residential actually the last one is the pale property Mr you remember that uh actually I come to the workshop y'all apply for fap Grant and actually on your public notice said for this development no AC said for improvements how do you improve residential property for a park when it's never it's never even been touched that that cleat should have been developed y'all misled the public on that that's just one instance you bought the property next to 9 98 and the college 100 yard off the road 200,000 according Accord to tax that's not 200,000 property okay Michael you have the let's just clear that up now where are you getting 200,000 from because heard you say this Mitch B's property uh Traer and and and what did it say it says 200,000 it says the county paid $200,000 that's what it say you'll if you'll pull it up right now we I don't need to pull it up I got the check stuff you know what we paid for that acre and a half what you PID for $39,000 39,000 so what did you buy that for what what was that what was that budgeted for because the board decided they wanted to buy it no okay that oh that's that's real because the board said he wanted to buy it but I mean we're talking G County's money and I don't have to see it I I I know what the pro the information I got Mr Branch we we I mean if the if the board decided to to purchase something we're just not going out just buying property just to to you just bought the P property for 95,000 three prices what Mitch Burke said it wor for a park and you apply for a fur Grant 83 steps from the city limit lines there's already a part right there that's been started developed and and we could go on and on about that y'all running from one end of the county buing property you don't even need to buy but you set up here and told and move this money around in your budget so and that's all I'm going to say the last document that I'm going to present I'm just printing them as yall as y'all buy it I'm PR go ahead yeah so uh for the record you apprciate goty forer you need you need to spend it wi thank you thank you sir all right anyone else in in the public Christy maroy Port St Joe but today I'm representing um the Panhandle uh transparency partnership uh where a pack that uh was developed over in Bay County due to all the corruption um I have a couple of questions about the the budget uh one of of them is when I asked about the country club the golf course I was told that y'all collected a million dollars you have 190,000 from membership dues and daily usage fee uh 625 then some incidentals uh but what I'm concerned about today is the gcgc C intra fund transfer in uh for 2023 24 which is a million and a half a little over and then for 2425 a million dollar so I'm a little curious uh where that's coming from and I'll I'm going to just kind of go through my questions and then y'all can let me know um I also notice Professional Services for expenditures under that club uh for over $100,000 I'd like to know what that Professional Service is also I'm a little curious if the County Administrator pulls money for salary from other departments for example the building department basically has about $890,000 I don't I don't know exactly how many employees you have but you know I know that our County Administrator also has a building official license I believe so I'm wondering does he pull from other departments um the other thing I'm a little curious about is when it comes to revenues for all the dirt that's pulled out of behind Honeyville ballfields where does that Revenue where's that represented in your budget um also something else that I I see in here is you have a line item for sports complex and other Parks we don't have a sports complex so I'm wondering why you have that line item in there and are we going to get a sports complex because that's what the fifth Penny was supposed to also be for unless you know you consider the golf course of sports complex I I'm concerned about some of the salaries you know I think the County Attorney is scheduled to make like $400,000 this year I don't mind our County you know elected official I know that's by Florida statute but each one of you make roughly $71,000 I believe is that that includes includ well I'm talking about with with insurance with it says 900 and something thousand I think yeah so um let's see Board of County Commissioners executive salary so and then you go down and you look at your executive salaries and then the taxes retirement contribution it's $ 37,8 then you go down and you look at all the professional expenditures and everything I I'm a little concerned about this travel budget it seems kind of only person that I think is really traveling is maybe the chair but you've got in here you know $7,800 for travel for each district and then travel out of the county $6,000 so that's you know $13,800 I think that's a little extreme um unless y'all really travel that much I don't travel I know you don't and that's why I'm asking the question you know I I think we need to take you do know if you don't if you don't travel that money it goes back and goes back where stays in the budget I goes back in the general back Cas forward to find the next budget that's well I I and can't you shift that money and and come to an agreement that this person's going to travel and this person is not and so we'll put it back into the general fund and maybe spend it someplace else like in our back in general fund am I correct and so for example each one of y'all have what for your Parks like $25,000 something like that is it about how much you have or more I'm just I'm just thinking that it would be a lot more transparent if you just let us know if you're not traveling there's no need for it to stay in that budget item you you should use it or lose it yeah I mean I I don't travel I mean I very rarely go out of the county but uh and I assume that share that money goes back in the general fund but then why do you keep putting it in every budget yeah you see what I'm saying I think that's a sensible question I mean we collected in adorm taxes which is from y'all from me and from all these fine people back here $22 million almost $23 million if you're not going to use your travel money of $113,000 almost $14,000 hey I got no problem with that I mean that's why you have zoom calls these days and a lot of things can be done with technology but there's no need for it to stay in that budget item as it comes a time and Phil I mean commissioner mcon I don't mean to be rude um comes a time if you're not traveling put it into your Parks do something with it don't just sweep it back into general fund put it somewhere where it's to be used so um I'd like to know though about the count the administrator and maybe pulling salary from other departments if y'all can answer that well do do we want to take them each because I I've lost count let's let's start at the you you started at the golf course so so the Prof excuse me I'm sorry oh you want me to answer try to so so the Professional Services are our contract employees that are not full-time and not uh benefited employees so that's that's that answer the transfers in we had a the green project last year was a huge transfer and the and the uh the rebuild of the of the actual structure this year irrigation and greens uh is this year so those are the two big transfers in and where does that fund come from please well all the money comes from either the golf course that they make the carry forward or TDC those are the three items other than some donations that were were in the first years there was a substantial donation by the uh the charity that that I think St Joe gave them some money but those those are the those are the answers to those questions well can can I just ask you so it it does say you collected revenues correct of $71,500 and that's $90,000 for membership dues which it's nice that we're pay us to make sure those members have such a nice place to play and then daily usage fees of $625,000 and then you got all these events and rentals and royalties and all of that that comes out to $971,000 or 971 so actually comes up to a million1 19360 on my budget f is that I think she's looking at prior year oh you're on the wrong I don't have that I don't have that and so we're talking about we're talking about the next year budget you understand yeah and and I get that but what I'm saying is so you got that that's what you collected for 23 24 and now you have schedule we hadn't gotten through 25 yet right so I see where where you are currently as far as what you believe your revenues are going to be but then this GC GC I I I'm just trying to understand the GC GC just stands for GF County golf club the abbreviation for the fund on this transf so without getting into to transfer in okay and without getting into weeds you you again we're not we're talking apples and oranges we're talking you're talking last year's budget we're talking the budget that's going to start in a few days in the budget that's going to start in a few days there is a million1 19 in Revenue there is a transfer that is lot less than what you quoted but but the gist is and there's 299,900 $98 in cash carry forward that's leftover money that wasn't spent from the previous year in the current year that we're in it's fixed to change for total revenues coming up of 2,268 390 I I guess that line item though of inter fund transfer in that's what is a little confusing to me because if you've already totaled out your non-ad vorum revenue for those line items we don't have any AV Al Revenue in this bu I know that and it says that's what I just said you said you to out your non AV Revenue your non adum Revenue your non ADV theorum Revenue that's what your budget says and it's all non and that's I'm agreeing with you on that all right I'm just wondering about these transfer ends because you're not if you're collecting non aurum and and you're already totaling out over receipts I I'm just wondering what's that transfer in so the structure of why it's different is comes from the state of Florida in the chart of accounts they line it on this out so you have ad laurum revenues you have um taxes and fees and fuel taxes and all these things that you know typically flow through the state you also have charges for services miscellaneous interest they dictate all of that and how it's structured so that would be your general non-ad Laural revenues transfers in cash carry forward those are other sources of revenue that's why you have a total and that's what I'm trying to understand so so that's why it's total because per the chart of accounts those would be separated so we have to Total that and then your other revenues um that's going to be your transfers out you'll also see uh you have a less 5% that's another requirement of the we only you know budget 95% of those uh non-ad revenues uh and then here carry forward is also in that bucket so you have a total of all the others then those and then your grand total is that 2.26 million but am I under the understanding and help help us all understand this um that membership is $190,000 right is membership fees I'm assuming is that's right under your Revenue that's and so and then you're saying in 2024 25 it was 625 and now it's 650 for revenues for those daily fees for daily fees so my point is is that is that money indeed paying for the country club to exist or we having to go into other buckets and and pull out of other buckets where we could be pulling from other buckets and going and doing some other things because the the the thing is there's no way when I looked at your expenditures that even the membership can pay for this country club because you're only collecting $190,000 for membership because you're only getting part of the story so the club is standing alone the Count's put no money in it as far as avalor tax money from any other source I'm not I'm not arguing about but let's let me answer we here all day try to answer all your question so the membership fee pays for the for the for the green fees for the members only they have to pay for the carts and all separate these greens fees are for non-members these are from the tourists that come and pay correct so all of these things included pay for all the operations of the country club we're not subsidizing that the money that the county has put in has been for the greens and irrigation and for the clubhouse that we're in the process of right now that's that's what we're putting in so the the the country club is is breaking even actually making money because it got carry forward car you know part of that is 300, $299,990 of carry forward money that they have banked that we're moving forward with so but I want to answer all your questions the County Commissioners right now make about $31,000 a year that's their salary and we don't have their updated salary but it's not going to be 78 when they get through I mean it's probably going to be1 is what it said that's a BS number I don't know where they come from it's they're making 31 and the clerk can that that but but this is the other problem so again and and I can't fix uh a long time with with the budget but the board budget pays for a lot more than just the board you do understand that they have a lot of things under them that they have to pay for so when you look at those salary lines the salary line for the board is actually correct if you look at the executive salaries it's $172,100 you divide that by three that's what their salaries are the other things that are under here that that they have like Professional Services and court reporter services and other they have a 615,000 extra own none of that has to do technically with their job as elected County Commissioners so understand that that solves that problem I believe 10% of my total salary comes from the billing department is that correct I believe that is correct okay 10% 10% so my my my my budget my salary is paid for out of multiple budgets but 10% comes to the bill Department us that deal well I I guess that's where I'm a little confused because when you look at your your pay I think again it would be helpful if I know if you're over I I think I heard the County Attorney say at one point you're over like four different departments I'm technically over every Department dep but but at the end of the day the build I'm over the building department specifically clay and I split things actually clay Mark and I and Cherry split things but and that was just a rearrangement when Don retired we went from four heads to two heads to me and Warren from Chris Oly and Don retired we didn't replace and then when waren retired clay took his spot and we didn't replace but we had to bust up so T Clay is over TDC klay's over the golf course Clays over EMS and 15 other things but some of those things fall directly to me instead of me being over everything which I am day-to-day operation those direct supervisors report to me on a daily basis whereas Jody reports directly to because you are a building official a licensed building official is that correct correct and that and and and and is Brad trying to get his license he's a building inspector and we have sever build I understand that the difference is because I have friends that are building officials and so just trying to understand are you trying to get him to a point where he becomes a building official let's get can we let's get back to the budget I don't want to talk about what Brad got going on I I think again moving forward we kind of need to look at some of this stuff and then the the sand you so the sand pit money and Sher can tell you where that it all goes into that fund and Sher Sher can give you the booking page because you got the wrong book so we but we'll give you the right fund okay so those operations fall under fund 123 so that's going to be page 58 now right now we do not have any estimates on those so the actual like sell of material those line items are currently zero because we don't have a contract or a quantity or anything that I can budget by so we don't know those numbers at this time so that revenue is budgeted at zero okay but there is but 123 would cover all revenue and expenditures for those operations so so when I go through I can look that up to see in the past how much you've collected of all the dirt that's come out of that pit well now this is a budget document this is not a historical accounting record so but you can look in our audit that will show you you look for 123 in our audit and that will give you that breakdown of that fund revenue and expenditure actuals by year and I told you last time those audits for years I think we at least a minimum I don't know how many a lot of them are on our website more than five yeah yeah okay but there $2.8 million in that fund as budgeted if that's yeah so the carryover is uh that uh the carryover in that fund is 2.2 million and that's from uh Revenue less expenditures earned that we were carrying forward in that fund okay so and may I ask where do you spend that money we don't don't plan to okay the board will tell us when CH to you got a spot you want to suspend it at or something mhm sure do where some roads oh would be nice I think if you you gentlemen drive through Port St Joe it's you don't need speed bumps you pretty much going to have the ones that are already made and then of course the sports complex still like to see that done slow to go you know couple of boys Fields girls have Honeyville they've been very successful and let's use 60 Acres all right I'm GNA stop there gentlemen I appreciate you I'm going give my two all right thank you ma'am all anyone else in the public you come for the board at this time anyone else you want to come before the board right no one else all right all right Mr Hammond Mr chairman I really don't have anything uh glad to see the process to to an end starts in January and uh a lot of work in between I'm glad you're were able to lower taxes again for the fourth year in a row uh remember after here came Mel we start at 7.1 if you adopt this budget tonight you'll be at 5.9 um recommend you move forward with your roll call votes and adopt all right thank you sir all right board members y'all got any questions concerns anything you want to add subtract multiply divide whatever you want to do it's on your guys I do got one question I just I'm make sure we we do got the roll over we got that we good to go with the roll over for the parks unless you've changed your mind we're going to do that in the year when we have those final numbers um and we will roll that into the budget probably early December all right thank you so that will come back before the board to approve as a budget resolution okay all right and it'll be actual numbers we'll have the final bills from from September 30th all right thank you all right um M har you got anything you want to add before we go to roll call no sir so we did not make any changes to the millage rates so we are ready for Resolutions when you all right thank thank you man all right Mr Novak you ready got the resolutions ready to go thank you Mr chairman Commissioners uh the first resolution you have in front of you is the to adopt a final millage countywide and I will read it um and after I'm done reading it if you'd entertain the motions and then if Lanna will then just call out each of your names for the roll call we can move through each of them um but reads as follows a resolution of board of County commissioners of Gulf County Florida adopting a final leving of adum taxes for Gulf County for f year 2425 and providing for an effective date whereas the board of County commissioners of Gulf County Florida on September 16th 2024 adopted a fiscal year 2425 final millage rates F in public hearing as required by Florida statute 200 subsection 65 whereas the board of County commissioners of Gulf County held a public hearing is required by Florida statute 200.0 65 whereas a gross taxable value for operating purposes not exempt from taxation within Gul county has been certified of a County property appraiser to the board of County Commissioners at 3 b580 m447 1082 now therefore be it resolved by the County Board of County commissioners of Florida that the fiscal year 2425 countywide operating millage is 5.9 Ms to fiscal year 2425 aggregate millage is 6.28 Ms which is greater than the aggregate roll back rate of 59466 Mills by 5.69% this resolution will take effect immediately upon its adoption dually adopted at the public heing on the 16th day of September 2024 by the Commissioners voting yes Andor no and it's set up for the Chairman's signature following a a motion to Second and the roll call Sir all right thank you sir before I do that I I did Skip I'm sorry and I apologize to the sheriff sheriff you got anything before we get back into this I apologize uh Mrs Nars anything I don't have anything thank you all right I apologize all right what's the wishes of the board with this resolution move to approve I got a motion by commissioner Rich second second by commissioner fou any further board discussion on this resolution anyone in the public on this resolution all right U Mr Rich how do you vote Yes commissioner Farah yes commissioner husman yes commissioner mccrone yes and the chair votes yes motion passes five and0 thank you Mr chairman second is a resolution of board of County Commissioners for Gul County Florida adopting a final budget for Gul County for fiscal years 2024 through 25 providing for an effective date whereas the board of County commissioners of Gulf County Florida on September 16th held of public hearing as required by Florida statute 200 subsection 65 and whereas the board of County commissioners of Gulf County set forth the Appropriations and revenue estimate for the budget for fiscal year 2425 as contained in exhibit a attached here to as a final budget for Gulf County now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Gul County that the fiscal year 2425 final budget be adopted this resolution will will take effect immedately upon its adoption duy adopted at a public hearing the 16th of September 2024 following the commissioner's vote of yes and or no I set up for the Chairman's signature all right thank you sir Mr wishes of the board Mo by commissioner farell second second by commissioner mccrone any further Bo discussion on this resolution anyone the public on this resolution commissioner Rich how do you vote Yes commissioner phell yes commissioner husman yes commissioner mccrone yes and the chair votes yes motion pass Five and thank Mr chairman of Thursday adopt the final millage dependent final Fire Control District districts it's a resolution of board of County commissioners of Gulf County adopting a final leving of an Ador taxes for dependent special Fire Control districts for fiscal year 24-25 providing for an effective date whereas the board of County commissioners of Gulf County on September 16 20124 adopted fiscal year 2425 final millage rates following a public hearing as required by Florida statute 200 subsection 65 whereas the board of County commissioners of Gulf County Florida held a public hearing as required by Florida statute 200 and whereas the gross taxable value the operating purposes not exempt from taxation within Gulf County has been certified by the County property appraiser to the board of County Commissioners as follows St Joseph Fire Control District 2 Bill 399 m547 n93 tupo Fire Control District 206 m798 N3 over Street Fire Control District 93 I'm sorry 97,1 18,75 Howard Creek fired Control District 53,486 799 now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Gul County Florida the fiscal year 2425 dependent District operating millage rates are as follows St Joseph Fire Control District 0.5 Mills tlow Fire Control district. five Ms over Street Fire Control district. five Ms Howard Creek Fire Control District .5 Mills this resolution will take effect immediately upon its adoption duly adopted at a public hearing the 16th day of September 2024 by a vote of yes and or no from the commissioner set up for your signature sir thank you sir what's the wishes of the board motion to approve got motion by commissioner mome second second by commissioner husman are any further board discussion on this resolution anyone in the public on this resolution commissioner Rich how do you vote Yes commissioner far yes commissioner husband yes commissioner mccrone yes the chair votes yes motion pass five and0 thank you Mr chairman the next is the adopt a final budget for dependent Fire Control districts resolution reads as follows it's the resolution of border of County commissioners of Gulf County adopting a final budget for dependent special Fire Control districts for fiscal year 2425 and providing for an effective date whereas the board of County commissioners of Gulf County Florida on September 16 2024 heldy public hearing is required by Florida statute 200 subsection 65 and whereas the board of County Commissioners of Gul County set forth the Appropriations and revenue estimate for the budget year for fiscal year 2425 as contained in exhibit a attached here to as the official budget for the dependent special Fire Control districts of St Joseph Tupelo over Street and Howard Creek now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Gul County Florida that fiscal year 2425 final budget be adopted two this resolution will take immediate effect immediately upon its adoption duly adopted at a public hearing the 16th day of September 2024 by vote a yes and or no of the commissioners up for your signature Mr chair thank you sir what's the wishes of the board and reference of this resolution motion to approve I got a motion by commissioner husband second second by commissioner far any further board discussion anyone the public on this resolution commissioner Rich how do you vote Yes commissioner farell yes commissioner husband yes commissioner mccon yes and the chair votes yes motion pass Five and0 Mr chairman the next I have is resolution of the border of County commissioners of Gul County adopting the final I apologize do you have the mstu r say next just make sure I have the right one that's okay okay I got it thank you I apologize Mr chairman just a little uh get them in order a resolution of board of County commissioners of Gulf County Florida adopting the final leving of an adorm taxes for voted Debt Service in the municipal service taxing units for fiscal year 2425 providing for an effective date whereas the board of County commissioners of Gulf County Florida on September 16th 2024 adopted fiscal year 2425 final Mill rates following a public hearing as required by Florida statute 200 subsection 65 whereas the board of County Commissioners Gulf County Florida held a public hearing as required by the Florida statute 200 whereas the gross taxable value for operating purposes not exempt from taxation within Gulf County has been certified by the County property appraiser to the board of County Commissioners as the following mstu Gulfside beach front debt 400 8, 38474 mstu Gulfside interior debt 344 m912 589 mstu Bayside debt $1 15,682 se9 therefore be it resolved the board of County commissioners of Gulf County Florida that the fiscal year 2425 voted Debt Service millage rates are as follows mstu Gulfside beachfront debt 4897 Ms mstu Gulfside interior debt 4 59 Mills mstu Bayside debt 3981 Mills this resolution will take effect immediately upon its adoption duly adopted a public hearing the 16th day of September 2024 by affirming vote of yes and or no from the County Commission and prepare for your signature thanks sir what's the wishes of the board in reference to this resolution so move I got a motion by commissioner mome second second by commissioner husman or any further board discussion on this resolution anyone in the public on this resolution solution all right commissioner Rich how do you vote Yes commissioner farell yes commissioner husb yes commissioner mcon yes and the chair votes yes motion pass five minut thank you Mr chairman the final is the adopted B final budget for mstu voted Debt Service it reads as follows the resolution of board of County commissioners of Gulf County Florida adopting the final budget for the voted Debt Service in the municipal service tax units for fiscal year 2425 providing for an effective dat whereas the board of County commissioners of Gul County Florida on September 16th 2024 held a public hearing is required by the Florida statute 200 under subsection 65 and where as the board of County Commissioners in Gul County Florida set forth the Appropriations and revenue estimate for the budget year for fiscal year 2425 as contained in exhibit a attached here to as the official budget for the voted Debt Service in the municipal service taxing units of Gulfside beachfront debt Gulfside interior debt and Bayside debt now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Gulf County Florida that the fiscal year 2425 final budget be approved adopted this resolution will take effect immediately upon its adoption it duly adopted at a 16 of September 2024 by an affirming vote of yes and or no by the County Commissioners and set up for your signature sir all right thank you sir what's the wishes of the board and reference to this resolution approve all right got a motion by commissioner phell second second by commissioner mome all right any further board discussion anyone in the public on this oneone in the public all right commissioner Rich how do you vote Yes commissioner farell yes commissioner hus yes commissioner mccr yes and the chair votes yes motion pass Five and0 all right Mr H many all I have the the main change of course sh got permission to make these minor changes but it would be the Constitutional officers uh salary deal and as of this afternoon they still haven't updated it that's the last major item we have until when to change before we had to print the book uh we have 30 days it will be done well in advance done I hope to have it done you have more confidence in the state getting their stuff done than I do but that's okay pending the state forever I hope to have it done by the end of this month absolute deadline will be October 13th okay all commissioner I got anything all right thank everyone for coming to the budget final budget here and entertain a motion to adjourn so motion by commissioner farell second second by commiss Rich