##VIDEO ID:eg-5Ltzt9JQ## and then we'll get right to it to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible and jusice for all we go get right into it uh we have two items on the agenda Indian pass land purchase Mr hm if I could go ahead and get Matt uh give an update on the current storm and then I want to talk about some housekeeping afterwards thank you Mr Hammond Mr chairman Commissioners hurricane Milton is currently a category 5 hurricane it's currently forecast or projected to make landfall in the Tampa area Wednesday evening about 7 p.m. GF County we could start experiencing tropical forest winds at 6:00 a.m. Wednesday morning right now we're in the 3 foot of storm surge for Indian pass we're not in the area for flash flooding or excessive rainfall at this time I will I will say that on the conference calls over the weekend there is still some uncertainty in this storm track so if we were to wake up tomorrow and it's more to the uh North that could affect us it is a possibility so we need to keep an eye on it that's that's the update all right thank you sir all any questions commissioner from Mr ha all right Mr ham so overall we did great comparatively we had a small water line that was lost at the stumphole and some minor damage at the stumphole comparatively and and few little issues at endan pass and some roads that got cut through a lot of a lot of water fell so our our storm water worked fairly good uh especially in the City Port St Joe they had all the the water in the bay it couldn't go anywhere so 98 was closed at one point and they've got a problem down at GTI a but overall to get from 15 in in some areas to 8 Ines on the on the lower end areas uh it worked pretty good we did have a few snafus that we're working through I'm going to let Raymond give an update on the generator situation yes uh I'll start with white City Fire Department we have just put put a new 30kw generator there had a technician to do the initial startup which is normal he spent six hours there load banking it checking everything everything was good uh before the storm we did our round checking all the generators and that one crank up but it would not produce any power after pretty good bit of research and two technicians working on it the field windings on the rotor was open that's pretty techical but then the generator head was faulty it's never going to produce any power like that so they expedited part is yet to get here so to we got a temporary generator now on side and it's wired up to the ATS so someone has to manually start the portable generator but then the swi will automatically switch over so that's how we stand now with that they claim it they gave me a estimate time of one month on when they could get the part and have it put in then we move to Honeyville where we have the 8kw that one it it runs generates power manually we're unable to put it in automatic mode where it start up by itself automatically there's a fault on a battery charger and I'm thinking that's if it's a fault on there it's not going to be it's going to not go in automatic mode so that one would have to be manually started if needed and then the ATS everything works fine after that it won't go in automatic mode at all I got a technician supposed to be here this week to work on that all the other generators are done fine so the positive is uh because of Raymond's quick action and probably some help from Kenny we were able to get backups in place before we needed them because of course White City is our Ems for the south end that's their Retreat position and of course their shelter was open and I think they might have been out of power for a short period of time but uh so we did have standby things but it's somewhat disappointing to spend the money that we spent on these generators and then then have a snafu when we really need them so y'all are still working on the uh storm calculations as far as whatnot for sand and things that we're turning in and when when do you think we'll have a idea on that I know Mark's still getting some some things Tim's got the idea maybe so I'm not going to have much of an answer on that until uh we can finish our damage assessment I know Mark's you know working on making his repairs um so just kind of waiting on some other departments to get their payer together you know and then we can kind of make a determination from there good news is we get uh did get declared so we are eligible for all uh types of work for FEMA so excellent appreciate it thank you sir all right anything else you good it for me so we hope hope not to call you we don't expect to call you but in the event the massive change we'll let the chairman know to call an emergency meeting for tomorrow but not expected Raymond did they fire up and run that generator when they came and done start up on it yeah oh yeah they Char it up load and they said it it made Power that's very unusual for it to run that and the whings go out that fast exactly okay very yeah and it was a CER yeah sometimes top of the line in top of the line especially this day in time while you're while you're up here we can go ahead and handle the the next one it's number one in my packet number two page one how about that oh you don't have it you want mine no you know what we got okay I hope so on the fire truck so you have a memo before you uh requesting to allow South G volunteer fire department to purchase a tanker fir truck off of State contract um there is going to be a price increase before it's delivered so that's why it says not to exceed $500,000 we do believe even with the price increase and the equipment that Chief Barrett wants on the tanker that it will be under 500,000 he has the money in his budget to pay for that so I recommend that uh you let him start working on that uh we would expect it to be delivered in six to nine months like the last two that we've purchased off State contract all right thank you sir any questions Commission all right been the wishes of the board motion to approve I got a motion by commissioner mome second second by commissioner far any further board discussion anyone in the public on this fire truck any opposition to the motion motion pass Five and them thank you thank you sir and we'll be putting 100,000 in with the 400,000 that they put okay uh on the regular agenda got the proposal gave me authorization to negotiate a contract we have uh for $150,000 to buy approximately 15 Acres just over 15 acres in two pieces 11.44 and 4.38 on uh the Indian Pass Road uh before we go too far on this I want Mark to give a little update of how we got here good afternoon so y'all are aware what bridge we're talking about the one that goes over the in lag goon just down from the rawar the the bridge has been on the strued deficient list for a long time it's older bridge but after the hricane we the the initial check of bridges after the hurricane it had significant scour that occurred that day associated with the hurricane um they they sent us a list of reduce the tonage the weight of the bridge the tonage to go over it down to 14 for single 19 combination 25 tandem which is a problem for construction with the you know you got all the construction beyond the bridge it's a problem we ended up I got with do and ended up coming up with the fix that they said would be that would hold us for about 18 to 24 months we're well exceed to that we're like three years and five months past when that patch should have lasted so the bridge needs to be worked on I think it's in conjunction with the elevation of the road at the same time change the bridge out it's an important it's not as important to me because live beyond that bridge but it's important to a lot of people that do so I mean there's a lot of people that's going to benefit if we get this fixed correctly the only other Outlet is through a private subdivision and I mean it's worked periodically throughout the years but I mean it's a public road we need to fix it so post the storm we got several grants one a hazard mitigation Grant to elevate that road which has been on our list for I don't know 15 years probably and then we got a do Grant to replace the bridge uh once we got the design in it was determined that we didn't have enough money and we we asked do for some more money and they have provided more money that will be available to us by July 1 of next year so we have been in for about three years we've been negotiating on on Alternatives because we have to have a bypass we can't just tear the bridge out and leave folks stranded so our first thoughts were instead of a bypass bridge that would be temporary that we would uh acquire painted only the emergency access right now that is not paid uh it is pretty tight but uh so we've negotiated with those folks and I don't know for a couple years now and and they can't agree to to give that over there's some opposition by some of the folks that own property in there to to to making that a County Road and taking the gate off and allowing us to PVE it some of it's environmental concerns and some of it's traffic concern so we've abandoned that about a year ago and Dot has actually been taking the lead we County started taking the lead on trying to get access from the property owners to do the temporary Bridge uh and then dot has been working on that for I would say the last six to eight months uh those efforts have not panned out so y'all authorize me at the last board meeting to negotiate with the property owner and this is what I brought back to you uh a couple stipulations one the the property was listed uh one piece for 349,000 the other for 134,000 900 so just under 500,000 for both the county uh I'm recommended to you that that we go forward with 150,000 for both pieces uh there are some stipulations by the seller that the county would not develop this either commercially or for residential property we'll wind up with access for our temporary bridge and then we'll have public access for the public office C30 to the Lagoon at the end of the day and I think at some juncture we'll get some Wetland mitigation credit for that but this project is going to be 6 million-ish maybe a little bit more uh it's just a cost of doing business uh for for buying the access to to do this temporary bridge and you know there have been some talk in the public about condemnation and and eminent domain it's it eminent domain is not free it's not cheap and it's not quick so if we don't want to drag this out another 18 months or two years and wind up paying just as much or more in legal fees and whatnot we need to we need to move forward all right thank sir questions questions commission Mr chair just to go along while Michael we we have worked on we worked on painting Pony for a long time trying to get get a resolution there to to uh you know at least let us pave that you said alternative route and we never could get that worded out and uh uh I've studied this thing over the week end just to uh and if we if we tried the imminent domain you're talking the minimum 12 to 18 months to do the imminent domain and we would have to pay for both sides of the litigation so uh I don't I don't see no other way to do what Michael will this give us enough to are we good on the land we going to get here to do the bypass so dot is trying to get the piece on the other side worse come to worse we can make this work it's just going to be tight we're going to have to move where we were going to put a water line but the the gist is we can make it work with this okay and U he wouldn't split this up they want to sell it all together sell it all okay okay so I think we tried you know we've talked since the hurricane about raising that road and you know fixing that bridge and and uh uh I've looked at it everywhere I can to see if we could you know avoid paying this H but I I don't see a way around it but because I think money is going to come available CL in July of next year from the state anyway all right thanks sir all right any other commission chairman yes sir uh Mr so it's uh they're asking 500,000 we're make an offer of 150 yes sir roughly that's correct our offer is 150 it's just under 500 I think between the two Parcels yes sir any negotiations you think they' take that yes we have a we have a proposed contract that is uh that has been sent to us that uh because you just authorized me to negotiated I have not signed it so me of the chairman will sign it if the board approves it I'm good chairman thank you okay any more questions well I got one other question what's the what's the timeline as far as construction starts once we once we do this and um and the and the money is available on July 1st what's the timeline as far as construction and replacement well I wanted to start a long time ago and and again it's the I'll let clay answer because he knows more about it but but we have most of the money so I mean out of a $6 million project we've got more than two-thirds of the money dot was just going to put the the remaining extra on there but our request of the hmgp folks is 5.8 million and Dot's got 6 and half million in their budget so I think from the budget standpoint we're fine to answer your question pretty quickly the bridge is designed the road is designed we're just waiting money come we going to raise that road too is that part of the correct now it's two two separate funding sources one's mitigation the other but yes it's going to be done at the same time okay so would it and can you give us height again two or three feet I think it's about 18 inches we raising it all right any more questions Mr chairman I was just going to say I think it's a it's a smart move considering we have eminent domain and I think both both we would the county would actually pay for for both parties they're in the imminent imminent domain and if we went down paint in Pony that would be a a lot of attorney fees I think we're probably getting off cheaper with with this deal and we'll own the property and we know we're going to own it in a month or two yes sir uh just to follow up on what the Commissioners are saying about the eminent domain process I know it's not something that we've stepped off to in the past but um in a scenario like this you're going to offer the property value to that person um and if they don't agree to it then you have to put them on notice at public hearings you need to advertise it then you go out and get appraisals and then if it's not uh mediation you don't agree on it then you go to court and then there's hearings and you appear before the uh court system to establish a value to it you also have to establish a public purpose which I don't think would be an issue but it is a a long process and expensive process and for the value that they've negotiated on the price it's consider less than what you would be encountering for that market value of that property so as you guys deliberate and make your individual decision about that want you to have that background that it would not be a quick process probably over a year to go the other way all right thanks sir Mr wishes of the board move to approve all right got a motion by commissioner farell second second by commissioner Rich any further board discussion anyone in the public on this in the public on this purchase any opposition to the motion motion pass Five and them that's all I have M chairman all right commission got anything all right thank you for coming out to the special meeting entertain a motion to adjourn motion by commissioner second by commissioner F any opposition