##VIDEO ID:kTBxanbkCuk## at this time I'm going to ask uh Dr Pon to come forward with our invocation please will you join with me in prayer almighty God in this season where we give thanks to you for the source of uh every good gift and blessing in our lives we give you thanks today for Gul County from Buckhorn to Cape sand blast to St Joe Beach to we all hitka Port St Joe Ward Bridge Honeyville and all the areas in between Lord you have blessed us with a beautiful part of your creation to call home we thank you for those that you have entrusted to give oversight and leadership in various roles that they will serve in to guide uh this County and its work on behalf of your people today we pray for this commission for Commissioners mmore husband for mcon Quinn and pridon that you would give them your wisdom in their work on behalf of their constituents and on behalf of this County we pray that you would continue to uh bless all the families that reside here that uh we would continue to build upon a great Foundation that has been given to us over many years that solid communities Great Schools tremendous families that uh for Generations have gathered here and uh have uh made lives and livelihoods in uh this part of your world and so with gratitude today as uh newly elected Commissioners assume office as others continue in their service Lord we look to the future future that's filled with hope and promise because you go before us so we give you all gratitude thanks and praise for you are leading us into a Preferred Future and for this we are indeed thankful we pray all of these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen amen please join me in the pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Dr bridon at this time we'll move right into the swearing in of the Commissioners uh we ask judge mfan to come on up and we'll start with uh commissioner mcon a long brown we've known each other a day two I feel do Solly swear that I will support support protect and defend and the Constitution and government the Constitution and government of the United States of the United States the State of Florida State of Florida and Gul County Florida G Count that I am duly qualified to hold office that I am duly qualified to hold office under the constitution of the State under the constitution of the state and that I will well and that I will well and Faithfully perform the duty and safely perform the duties of the office of commissioner of the office of commissioner District Five District Five for Gul County Florida for G County Florida on which I am now about to enter on which I am now about to enter so help me God so help me God congratulations all right we move on down to uh commissioner husman represent all right place your hand on the Bible and raise your right hand please repeat after me I jack husband I jack husband do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support protect protect and defend and defend the Constitution and government the Constitution and government of the United States of the United States the State of Florida State of Florida and Gul County Florida and G County Florida that I am duly qualified to hold office that I am duly qualified to hold office under the constitution of the State under the constitution of the state and that I will well and that I will well and Faithfully perform and Faithfully perform the duties the duties of the office of commissioner of the office of commissioner District Two District Two for Gulf County Florida for Gul County Florida on which I'm now about to enter on which I'm now about to enter so help me God so help me go congratulations J all right now commissioner mmore your father just reminded me that 25 years ago he and I were in this same room doing a very similar dance so congratulations come on forward all the families helped today she shy that's all right all right Spike if you would please raise your him and repeat after me I Spike Michael Moore I Spike Michael do solemnly swear doly swear that I will support I will support protect protect and defend and defend the Constitution and government the constition and government of the United States states the State of Florida and Gul County Florida that I am duly qualified to hold office and I'm qualified to hold office under the constitution of the State under the constitution of the state and that I will well that I will well and Faithfully perform the duties and Faithfully perform the duties of the office of commissioner of the office of commissioner district one for Gul County district one for g county on which I am now about to enter which I'm now about to enter so help me God congratulations all right thank you judge all right Dr P you can come on up uh commissioner mmore I mean I'm sorry Comm Pon it's been a little bit since life science class when Randy was my teacher as well so Randy if you'll raise your right hand repeat after me Randy Bri Randy who solemnly swear Solly swear that I will support protect and defend all support protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States Constitution and government of the United States the State of Florida and G County Florida State of Florida and G County Florida that I am duly qualified to hold office that I am duly qualified to hold office under the constitution of the State under the constitution of the state that I will well will well and Faithfully perform the duties that I will well Faithfully perform the duties of the office office of commissioner of the office of commissioner District three District three for g county for County Bo on which I am now about to enter on now which I'm about to enter so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations all right congratulations uh Commissioners uh now now show time uh so we'll if you turn your mics on U I'm going to turn it over to the Commissioners and see if they want to uh saying commissioner mmore yeah I would first and foremost I'd like to give my thank to uh my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ because uh without him I can do nothing and I want to make sure I give him the praise the honor and glory in this situation and every other situation uh I want to thank my family and my friends that supported me during the campaign times some days was long and some days was hot and so I want to say a special thank you to them and each and everyone that voted for me uh it it was a humbling experience it truly was and uh I I want to say thank you to them um and I'd like to say something to the board also chairman and Commissioners um I know we're not going to agree on everything uh but at the end of the day I hope and pray that the decision we make is what's best for all of g county and all of the people thank you yes sir thank you well thank you sir commission husman yes sir thank you Mr chairman um I would like to thank the communities and of District to for their support and I can represent them and I greatly appreciate the opportunity to continue to be able to be your commissioner um in my daily work it's it's we have codes statutes uh rules so you have a guide to to base the design on we have the Florida the Florida building code um when you're when you're out politicking on on the campaign Trail there there is never a the exact same day to say the least um basically every time you knock on a door you really never know what's going to be thrown at you next um so this is a very like Mr our the commissioner said earlier it is a very humbling experience to have to politic and and run for this office um and I wanted to say to District 2 has to be the most challenging geographically area that we have to politic in I promise um our job is all about listening and helping um and that's that's what I think we're all here to do is to listen to everybody and then to help them um I'd like to thank the previous board members and the current board members congratulations to the new two two new board members um chairman Quinn and commissioner mccon are two gentlemen that you can actually model your life after uh as I've gotten to to know them and both of them have been great mentors to me since I've been on this board so I really appreciate that um I'd like to thank my coach workers and the County Personnel for their support as well that means a lot I would like to thank my family finally I'd like to to to thank my family um for allowing me to able to be able to to do this job at some point in August we all found a new level of exhaustion I promise um it was it was a long summer my wife chrisy and daughter Kate were probably the most impacted as I didn't go to any softball games so they were by themselves all all summer uh my son W chores probably more than doubled at the house he was cutting grass and doing flower beds and everything else so um my mom's always willing to help my sisters always are always willing to help so I greatly appreciate that my wife probably deserves the biggest thank you she helped with submitting campaign documents the campaign itself schedules timelines flyer design really and truly too much to list here I really can't begin to tell everyone how much she helped she's a driven person to say someone is driven means they are compelled to need compelled by the need to accomplish a goal ambitious and hardworking she is not only a driven person but some but seems to bring out the best qualities in everyone she's around the support you provide to me daily is essential thank you very much Gul County means a sense of community sense of family whether you live here or visit and that resonates and that is why people want to live here and work here and visit here so we can't forget that our county is the greatest in the state our state is the greatest in the country our country is the greatest in the world our work is just getting started and I am sincere in saying words cannot express what serving the residence of District 2 and our community means to me and my family thank you very much commissioner pidy first of all I'd like to like Spike thank God for I know he had a purpose putting me here and is you know how many counties can you go to in the first you see when you walk in is in God we trust it's a special place we live in folks of of course thans go out there's many of them that go out my supporters that are here today and those that have supported me through this election after retired after seven years most everyone like what are you thinking buddy but uh I app I appreciate your support and um I cannot go couldn't have done this without my wife everybody knows at least a stand up please I'm going to embarrass her you all know her she a lot of times when you get up Jack I know you were talking about that earlier um you're tired it's uh over 60 years old you'll feel it then too buddy and she keeps you going and uh she kept me going through this she said honey we're going to feed our ways through Gulf County and she's from from uh sandwiches the chips the burgers we tried to feed everybody in District three and we did a good job of it and we got the word out there's a lot of things that going forward I I think that uh we can do as you look at this board and this is one of the things you know I'll get philosophical in my age folks but um I think a hundred years ago the people that created you know we all had relatives there then that were created this County if they were looking down right now which I know they are they would be pleased with who's sitting in these seats right now they would be the ones saying you know what we got the right person in the right seat for this County and uh those are big shoes that we've got to feel we're going into a hundred years folks that means a lot to us the people that are in here we have some that have that are well aware of what I'm talking about this is a great County and is our role to work together to make sure that these next hundred years we set we continue our good platform and we do what we need to do to make sure that this county maintains what we have because it's a great like you said Jack it's a great County and uh all the things that we have here to offer that's why people come here and uh we want to make sure we protect what we have as well going forward so I look forward to this opportunity it's I don't take it lightly when you raise your right hand and swear yourself in that means something to me that's a promise to you that I'm going to do what I'm supposed to do and uh I'm here for you and we do have a very special board where I was telling Jack earlier I think I know just as many people on the North End as I do on the south end because of the fact that we I've been involved both teaching and and and being down here on the weekends on both ends so I look forward to it folks if you ever need anything please reach out and once again thank you for coming out thank you for the support and we look forward to doing great things thanks right thank you sir all right commissioner MC uh thank you Mr chairman uh first and foremost thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ uh like commissioner Michael Moore said and uh second my family uh couldn't couldn't do it without them I tell you and my wife uh she's a trooper she she listens to all my problems she listens to she knows more about the county than than I do because I promise you she she's listened to me for the less is my fifth time being sworn in and and uh I I tell you uh I love Port St Joe I love Guff County and uh I've been with chairman Quinn now uh it's been my third term here on the county but I tell you uh I appreciate you I appreciate this board and uh welcome these new guys on I think think we going do some great things and uh we're not always going to agree uh but it's not personal and and at the end of the day I think we can move forward and do some great things and uh thank commissioner husman uh for uh your leadership on this board also uh and great to have you and and just just want to thank the community as a whole I I'm humbled also uh to go unopposed in my third term and I I I appreciate everyone appreciate this support and I just want to thank everyone and and and the staff for g county what what a great staff and uh we might not always agree politically but but I think far as managing this County I think y'all have done a great job and and uh just wish everyone the best thank you than sir all right just wanted I just want to tell everybody that uh that's here today thank you um families thank you um like uh the commissioner said uh um I man uh I was mentioning something to commissioner mmore yesterday I said this is uh really not about us you know it's all about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that's who we representing here so uh and like they said at the end of the day we're not going to agree on everything but at the end of the day we still need to love one another once we walk up out of this these this these these buildings um and so that's that's what it's all about just trying to be know we not like said we're not going to agree but we at the end of the day um we go we can agree to disagree and we can still be be be co-workers and and get along with each other so thank you guys for being here uh sharing this time keep all us in your prayers and keep the families in your prayers uh like I say it's some some days can be it can be great and some days can be long nights um but at the end of the day uh we appreciate everyone that that W that voted that supported uh thank you guys I I truly believe we got we got a great great a great group of guys here uh and I and I believe and trust that that everyone we gonna make the right decisions and do the right things for Gul County because like you said uh it is it is this is God's country so with that being said um commissioner Pon um put you on the spot um I entertain I give you a chance to a motion to adjourn so we can Fellowship for a little bit and then I want uh commissioner M because y'all need to go and get used to it you can second it and then uh I'll go to the to the public and then come back and then we'll get it we'll let you we'll get out here and fellowship for a little while so it's on you commissioner uh PID motion to adjourn all I got a motion by commissioner Pon second second by commissioner Michel more all right any further board discussion anyone in the public before we dismiss yes sir come on up oh okay all right all right all right any opposition against that motion all right motion pass Five and0