##VIDEO ID:Vwx3S_agZfQ## all right all right okay okay thanks good morning everyone welcome to this morning's meeting of the architecture review and planning board of October the 17th 2024 Renee would you call the committee to order Mrs orl present Mr Lions here chairman Murphy here also president participating Our Town manager Dunham assistant Town attorney Naro and myself absent with notice is Bob dockerty Curtis roach Tom Smith Brian cter and Terry pal thank you we now go on to the minutes of our meeting uh September 26th and before I ask for a motion to approve them um point one I don't think Tom did call the board meeting to to order would that change I make a motion you wanted a second I second Mrs orwine yes Mr Lions chairman Murphy yes um are there any um additions withdrawals deferrals or arrangement of gender items this morning nothing okay Rene okay so just to draw our attention to forthcoming meetings I know we did some SHO and changing last week last month and our next meeting is on November the 21st and with that we go on to the public hearing part of our meeting this morning has there been any expart communication with the applications that presented to us this morning no no no so Renee please would you administer the Oaths to anyone who wishes to speak this morning right hand s to tell the truth the whole Tru nothing that the truth help thank you thank you with that we go on to the first application in front of us this morning good morning everybody good to be back here from the MR bot St if you remember yes finally they about to finish the house it's looking good I believe excellent yeah very good um my name is Richard brimer for the record I'm here representing Christina and Ry armers for the new house in uh our town um the property address [Music] and I think Rene is trying to put my last minute presentation okay well the property is located in 2775 Avenue O Sal uh is right at the entrance entrance of place is that first empty property that we have um finding enough in the corner of Avenue Sol and Avenue solel um the property is 21851 square fet and um if oh there we go just to get some graphics on you know the location um here we can see the location of the property on right at the entrance of place of very particular interesting uh property I I've known this property for many years we we did a design with Mr Stanton many years ago and then I believe there was another project with uh Shane Ames that was designed for that property and um I guess third time as a charm and we're going to build a beautiful house in this property finally um uh we have after that you know a couple of pictures of the property with the surrounding uh um kusas that um you know we're planning to maintain there and then a few pictures of um the surrounding properties around the area all one story houses beautiful you know classic place of Sal Styles and here's our s plan we're proposing a 5,000 I mean a five bedroom five bedroom five bathroom and a three-car garage house with a cover loia and a summer kitchen on the back of the house uh on the front we created um sort of a c Courtyard so we are hiding the garage doors the access to the garages from the front from all the street elevations that we have all the street visuals that we have especially because we have technically four Street three streets on this property um so we created this to be able to access the three car garage and uh hide them from you know the visuals uh in addition we created the you know the uh circular driveway to enhance and to have an easy access and exit from the property um as the road that we have outside is only one you know a single lane road we have the uh median in between and um to the back we have created the um 15 by a 35t pool you know parallel to the back of the property facing the house with a beautiful Spa um regarding the setting we laid out this way and actually the kusia on all the west side of the property is the idea is to retain that as you can see from the um side plan from the landscape drawings and we're going to see a little bit on the uh renderings later um the style of the house is basically well with the this as a one-story house to stay within all the uh neighbors that we have around the house um and the style is a British West Indies um taking some of the detailing and uh you know something that drives beautifully with uh the rest of the neighborhood [Music] um if we continue to the next slides we're going to see this are the volumetric showing the different elements that we did so we don't have powering front elevation it's not a flat front elevation we wanted to keep this two volumes and uh um to mix you know less of an impact with the size of the house to the neighborhood and uh to create some interest on the details and elevations of the house uh and finally on the slide I have a few renderings you know more realistic pictures so you can see the combination of colors and landscape with the house the last few here you can see you know so you have a better perspective on how the house or the idea that we have with the house um on the top left side here you see that is a combination basically the right shows the house but the left top is the one that has the kusia so all that side of the house the west side of the house is going to be covered when you're driving in you don't have in front of you that the house the it it shows itself as soon as you start driving through the um Avenue um and then the last two renderings are basically from the back again we didn't put we have also gas on the back hiding you know so to cover to get privacy from the uh New Street that we have in the back of course in the rendering I didn't put the Gia because we wanted to see the house but there you can see the intent of the house and the recess loia that we have with the different elements of the elevation to break it up a little bit so it doesn't look one big flat rear elevation and that's basically our project do you have any questions no Richard could you go back to the front elevation on the Landscaping sure I'm just trying to match that rendition up with the landscape plan that's in front of us I can see the two trees on either side of the entrance uhhuh there's one tree right in the island that we didn't put that's yeah I understand because you can't see it but what's the um could you give an idea of what that height is in that tree that's going to go I I can see where it's going to go yeah uh this problem is going to be around you know this height and not that it's at 40t high it's that well no it's not going to be 40t high but you see I know what you're saying but basically it's in proportion to so that's it it's just yeah it's just the the landscape plan here and obviously you can't see the detail in the yeah it's like like for example with the K here if I do with the landscape you don't see the house so I wanted to Showcase a little bit more the house and the landscape that is close to what we what we did last month um if this moves forward and I have to say if this moves forward is to give the two Renditions one with the full vegetation okay as in when it's finished what it will look like and definitely that because it gives the detail beautiful detail of the house okay it's just before we can create that definitely just then it gives the full picture which reflects directly the landscape time FR okay question sorry for jumping in uh a couple of com comments and one question um one I appreciate the fact that you you took the street scate uh and try to fit how you were designing in the context of the neighboring prop so also thank you for turning the garages inward uh which is encouraged it's mandatory um I think it's a beautiful house um so it's a nice Improvement to what we've seen over the last 10 years I think shutters um help me with shutters Trey um is that normally encouraged so it is encouraged it's not required for this architectural style so we do and I know Renee at all of our pre-application meetings does encourage if shutters can be included and she suggested they be included on the project so if you could comment on the impact of the presentation of house you designed do you think that would enhance um Earth neutral on it I think the the shutters they um basically the shutters is a protection for the windows and it becomes you know an architectural texture to the elevations um in that sense I believe the house has enough articulation and details that they don't requir as to add that additional texture or detailing to the elevations that's my first point uh on a second Point um normally Shadows is supposed to be you know half of the windows you know you cannot do a window that is three feet with a shutter that is one feet because it doesn't cover the window so in that sense if we look at the front elevation for example we will have the two windows um this area we wouldn't have enough space to put all the shutters or if we put shutters there is going to start becoming very crowded um those are the two elements what struck me was the uh the side elevations I guess they're East and West okay um you know they had this big run of just Windows yeah you know but um from uh when you drive in all federal um on the west elevation I nobody's going to see that side I guess on the East Elevation probably nobody's going to see it so it's it's a very you know um and I understand your point and it's it's a very you know fine line that we as as far as the balance of the house because technically if the side elevations might call for you know to have the shatters but then it looks odd that you have shatters on the side but not in the front if you want the protection of the windows on the side but then you don't have them in the front and like you said you know the side elevations the fact that we have that big cusia you're not going to see that you're going to see more the the play of the roofs coming in and out on the side elevation granted it might be a big plague next week and you know all that kushia is dead now you're going to see the elevation but hopefully it doesn't happen uh but that was our you know we take the BR British West Indies and leave it as a clean mean you know look and consistent all throughout the house or we add Shadows on the side and not on the front that is kind of conflicting so those were the you know parameters that we I think designed a wonderful house so thank you the um standing seam metal roof on the back of the house yes it notes in here that it's a Bronze finish my understanding was that we only allowed unpainted copper metal roofs but so that's that's true um can you yeah so it's it's allowed under limited circumstances um as like an accent but I believe it is unpainted copper it's not so what what material is that that's going to be a metal uh a bronze material matching the window frames right so that so that would not be okay that be done as a you know regular as as a tile we wanted to enhance a little bit more the detail but it could be done with the same roof tile as the rest of the house definitely so that that could be an option or if you want to stick with a metal aesthetic we would allow unpainted copper as an accent okay yeah I don't think the copper is going to I think the the tile is definitely going to be a much better you know detail for for those eyebrows it's a beautiful house thank you it certainly is a beautiful house and I can leave you my C later so you can your house it's also it's a statement when sets the tone to when you drive into bus of you know from looking ahead it's the first property you drive past you um it's a beautiful home so with that if there are no more questions we have to thank also Christine and and Matt they were big drawing you know they draw they an architect okay you just go a rookie architect oh she's she's very good I'm a good listener that's all so with that could I ask for a motion thank you very much I'll make a motion to approval of the level three architectural site planine Bas in a finding that construction Earth 6,675 foot Bri West IND style one story single family dwelling a three car garage coverboard lure swimming pool including new landscape Hardscape meets the minimum intent of the design manual and applicable review sentence with the following conditions any minor modifications to the approved Landscaping shall be submitted to town manager for review and approval and any major modification shall be brought back to the for review and approval prior to commencement of landscaping we have a second please I second Rene Mrs orwine yes Mr Lions yes chairman Murphy yes with that thank you thank you so we move on to our second application in front of us this morning Mark you have the floor morning again uh for the record Mark Marsh uh representing Joe and Missy Walsh um we presented this to you I think in June this year earlier this year and um I don't want to delay it because I've been put on a clock here um the house as you if you remember was a renovation of an existing house and it was a Mediterranean house and we are turning into a British West Indies house and I'll show you the differences um the uh over the time we've demoed we found that a third of the house or a little over a third of the house was on non-complying piles and if I can show you on your can you go back to this back back please one third of the or more than third almost half the house on the west side is on PA but they didn't comply to the DP criteria so we had to demolish the whole of this West Wing in effect and I I presented that before however ever in going through and looking at it closer with the owners um some of the things that came to light were that the and if you recall I this had I think 18 45 degree angles on the corners primary corners of the house we did everything we could do but what we've done now is taken all those Corners off and um made everything rectangular this Wing here this is of before sorry we had this little kind of hook part of the house we've now simplified it we'll get this right simplified so we've squared it off and basically and the reason we're here this morning um staff correctly um brought it Forward because not that it changed the architectural style or the look of the house but there were a number of minor changes that were made and primarily you can see on the front um this was that kind of what I call a hook thing where it kind of created a L shape and kind of crowded the house we're able to now simplify the house um and we did add this uh kind of colonial Arch element which is obviously talking to the main entry which is some distance behind we removed some windows here simplified that keep going okay it's easier to do on the elevations on the rear um we removed two windows here because the owners are staying in a house that has bfold French doors and they hate them that's what we proposed before here these are going to be pocketing sliders that disappear into the wall there's less penetration um we added some shutters here continue please on the North side um we realigned some windows and I'll show you um nothing changed here we moved the door from here to here nothing changed here we reorganized some windows here if you slide up or you can see those more random Elements which were responding to some of the Interior aspects of the house that we're maintaining since we're gutting it and we have as youve driven by you see two of three walls standing we've now had the opportunity to reorganize the interior so it did necessitate some minor changes mainly in the fenestration continue on the North or South side similar this is a simplified area we added one window in this um den and basically the roof is simpler the elements are cleaner and we've now finally got a rectal inia form from that 90° or 45 degree um element that we had persistance throughout so again just go to the front I'll show you what British colonial really is if you don't mind go back you want go keep coming down oh no down you can stop here British colonal has a pitch breake roof not a straight roof you should have rafted tails not a lot of ornament shutters and the roof material should be you know a very tight shingle shake or a smaller tile um but it's not an overly embellished style it's just a very subtle style and it's um so just for purposes thanks I'm not saying that the house previously wasn't fine and nice but it it's not really defined correctly it's more C Dutch on the items and thanks for the start bringing this back because you say there a long list you know this makes a lot of sense it says there's an entry gate element was added to the front low wall yeah yeah so it's an arched whoops element this is the front wall is about 40 got yeah it's about set up because there's a courtyard that's designed on the entryway because the ocean side is not usable it can entertain the West Side than so and again it ties in and these are just low Gates B SL Arch there so it's pretty straightforward but I I agree you know I succumb to the staff pressure and we we we have we you know pressure come no no I I I understand and I gave in believe me um we were not trying to change the architecture or do anything no in fact we had the opportunity to really clean it up now so it's going to present itself any questions you I have one sort of global question and there's not a an answer I'm looking for I'm just trying to understand evolution of this project you came in with a renovation correct no we were yeah major renovation correct we're going to get the house and change majority of so what percentage of the house have you totally demolished we are leaving 700 square feet plus that's the code but basically demolish most of the house yeah because again the hardship was that half the house had to be removed because of the piles piles it's a unique no no no understand again I don't have a purpose in trying it right so I just if you basically demolish most of the house why not you know let's you know let's not get hung up choose expression in our own underwear let's get rid of the I mean do you really want to be working with a broken yeah well structure the the East half of the house it it's the craziest thing I've ever seen I've never seen this where the old Coastal control line everything East complied with the current even the current criteria everything on the West Side did not it was not up to the standard so it made a predicament but that we're keeping a major portion of the slab okay so it it you're okay with that yeah it's fine no I we've and we're going to tie it in and it'll be fine we we've looked at it structurally and it conforms and so it's it's it's there's salvageable enough salvage value there both cost and um structurally to make it the right approach I have no other questions question thanks for bringing all these tweaks back to us Mark can I ask I got my scars on my back 42 years I Need A Lash okay I'll make a motion um I have to right application yeah I do um motion to approve a level two architectural site plan based in a finding that the several proposed minor changes is presented in the application materials meet the minimum intent design manually app review stand and a second please I second Mrs or yes Mr Lions yes chairman Murph yes and with that any items from SP thank you very much no any items from staff no in that case board members before you call the meeting I just want to confirm that the approach the staff took was the correct one because we don't want you to approve a project and then when you drive by there are a number of small changes that do look like okay well I don't remember that window being there this again any one of these even two or three combined we would have probably been fine at the staff level but just given the fact that there were eight or 10 changes that did all change the aesthetic of the project we did require him to come back and he was not happy about that but Renee stood her ground and said Mark it's sort of similar to uh what occurred Liv Hill you remember several months ago they came back we had about 10 or 15 which we small similarly they came back with one or two changes at a time and we did that maybe once or twice but then all of a sudden we said listen these are to this needs to get to a board meeting oh yes okay yeah this it's obviously working so that's from the board the staff public thank you very much public and with that I adjourn this morning's meeting thank you everyone go