##VIDEO ID:zvF79si8T2E## good morning everyone welcome to this morning's meeting of the Architectural Review Board of December the 19th 2024 um with that please could we have a roll call Renee Mr roach here Mr Smith here Mr doerty here chairman Murphy here let it be also known president participating Our Town manager Dunham assistant Town attorney Naro and myself and hopefully Mr Lions will be coming soon thank you um I hope you had a chance to review the minutes of the last meeting of November the 21st is there any are there any changes alterations otherwise could we have a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting second Mr roach uh yes Mr Smith yes Vice chairman doery yes chairman Mur yes are there any additions withdrawals defer defer or arrangement of items for this morning's agenda no okay and as you can see the dates in front of us the next meeting is on January the 23d in 2025 and so we move on to the public part of our meeting this morning um expart communication um has there been any I I have a declaration that I met Mr Kay at an event at M SLE on Sunday and um he showed me the Renditions on his phone which don't do justice because trying to see a rendition on a phone but that's the extent of the experation and with that Renee please can you administer the oath to anyone who wishes to speak today ra your hand truth truth thank you and so with that we move on to the first application in front of us this morning and please would you take D no yeah sorry sorry guys I thought yeah you're first this morning yes sorry Mr Johnson 2750 Cardinal Circle sorry um well I represent the uh owner at 2750 uh Mr Curtis Dean he's also present um we're looking to put a addition at the rear of the property um this is going to be a bathroom and a couple closets couple large closets um this will change the house from a 32 to a 33 and that way they can have a uh a nice guest room on the other side of the house the uh the AR as far as the architecture concerns um we did try to maintain the existing character of the house by by keeping the same roof line the same finishes um visible impact from the street is negligible you really can't even see it from the front of the street at all so this is what the addition will look like um at the end this portion this area um we tried to keep it simple and consistent with the rest of the house it's a 600 foot addition that's that's slightly different than the given previously not only the planting on the faure here but have you added a window or two or something on the right side well the window was always there it wasn't uh we had had received staff comment uh that said that the the on the rear of the building it was UN it was not clear as to what that would be used for so we did I did include in this rendering the uh pool equipment and there would be like an outdoor wrench shower which is what's currently there now on the out side of the house um so it was uh it was per staff comment yeah that we made those changes so it's a window with shutters that I'm seeing it's you put shuts on the side yeah there is a window there there was always a window there it have shutters no it did not have shutters and also the shower and po equipment because that was one of my comments on yeah because we need on the rendering we have yes understood and you're having to put a new drain field in for that new bathroom is that right on that side and that will be on that South Side you could could tie it across to the other one in the front they tried to get the square footage but it just wouldn't work and that was uh that's a permitted septic system from the engineer sorry continue um this is just simply a water feature uh that the owner would like again that's that's where the closet would be uh so we really wouldn't want a light or any kind of penetration uh a visible penetration in that area what about some high Windows you really don't want High Windows within I mean number one it's only an 8 foot uh tiebeam so the highest the window could go would be 68 uh this isn't a twostory volume and then having you know any kind of uh UV light onto clothing could damage the clothing so the only window on that side would be sort of over where the where the tub that tub is going to be yes can you define where the edge of the pool de is compared to the Ed of the proposed new building because on the plan it's set back it does extend out um but that's also where this roof line meets you see how we tied the yeah it's it's on the so that way it ties in right it's actually the pool deck on the rendition it's flush it's an extension of the edge on the plan the pool de set back you go back to sorry A1 A1 pool deck currently does go where the addition is if that's kind of what you're yeah so so the pool de currently is does come out to this area right you see this is pulls back yeah can you see that the pool deck is actually not flush with the edge of the building on the plan I I do see that I do see that so where where is the pool deck going so that would be the if you can go back to the rendering I mean right now this current poolback we don't have any uh plan change or modification within it we do understand that something would have to happen my guess is we could probably reutilize or and actually bring it out because that a little bit better yeah and that would bring it back to the property line so it gives it a little more deck space yeah because on the plans it's not yes it wasn't really Within that scope in terms of what what we were kind of designated to do but that would make sense and I think that I might mention that to the owner right what about putting some faux windows on that wall that's a large a 33 foot wall which one wall with the water yeah with the water ball on it um West I mean it's just I me there's it's really out of character but there's no other faux windows on the house and so that would be something that would be an addition to so we I did try to keep it within that the the idea had he not put the waterfall it might have been a suggestion that would do some type of articulation to it um but it was just it wasn't really within the front character of the house so that's why well it is a large wall in my feeling it's 17 feet is that wall 17 foot is that wall with with the water with the water feature that must be a misprint because on page A4 it's 17t 4 in oh the well I'm I'm talking about the wall all the way across with the shower you talking the W with the sh well it's got a it does have pool equipment there'll be electrical there's Plumbing there there's a a window already currently there um you know we could certainly add some type of articulation to it but there's going to be equipment there because one of the things we try and avoid is is just blank walls understood yeah understood okay I mean but again with the equipment and and you know trying to put electric there coming up up and down the wall and attaching it it's that's a lot of space with one window as you can see we're not crazy about there's there's three flat walls with only one window on all three of the walls I know understand it's a closet but um we're just thinking what could you do to architecturally make it more appealing in case a neighbor looked through their fence to see it I don't know what you said you can't you I don't believe that we I don't believe we Face any neighbors though right it's not really in you know neighbors aren't going to be seeing this I believe it faces Federal Highway so there's nobody behind us and there's a yeah and there's quite a bit of foliage there you want do you want to continue through the your full presentation and then we'll go just in terms of we've got the space we've got the questions not is there anything else you want to point out to not really uh it's it's a relatively simple uh project it's you know for the for its purpose of function and in terms of its design and overall so there is a septic system on the southide makes it very difficult for to do he does need equipment here he does have a shower um like we can certainly you know add some type of articulation for the shower perhaps that would might add something and we could balance it up on the other side uh um you know in terms of its articulation but I think it would just really be be you know some type of work Rene have we had any comments from Neighbors I I'm in PL I got the letter we have not okay thank you the you know the only thing I see is that you know I mean everybody's we're all aware that it is large walls with with minimal with minimal window fixtures there and and as you say it may not be uh visible from the next door neighbor it may not be visible from whatever but when when we approve something or when we are asked to approve something of this nature it becomes a precedent and then somebody else comes in with a project and says well you approve you know the the Dean House and that has a wall of such and such and you know and it become it it just muddies our operation is what what I view it as and that's why I would prefer to see more of more windows or FL windows or you know even though it is a bathroom you can have Windows that have glass that you know you cannot see through that are you know that that fuzzy class right right yeah I understand your point but um Mr Dean do you do you want to add to because it's your building I guess the one thing I keep coming back to sorry could you I know you come to the podium but it's your building it's important we hear from um so with respect Mr rochette I I understand your point um but what you can't see is that right here is the property line about 15 ft away and that's an 8ot foot block wall so I I understand the point of a precedent but that's back wall is going to be visible to no one and again as as was pointed out you know we're gonna have pool equipment shower there um it's kind of going to be a almost a utility area for the residents so I mean I I guess we could put something there strictly for the purpose of satisfying you know aesthetic appeal but it won't be seen at all yeah what's that so there's a block wall to the right of yeah helpt tall or six feet tall six feet I guess and and then the street property outside of our division is is here so again you're going to have about 15 feet of grass and then into the Landscaping so basically 15 ft there and then you're on F not on federal but you've got Federal Highway exactly right okay I mean if we if we do something there it would obviously be just to meet this requirement and we'd be trying to figure out what that might be that would have the least impact we have had applications and courtesies part to precedence we've had situations like faux Windows have sold the problem um because we understand that you know construction putting in Windows cost we want to make it as easy as possible but we have had situations with where applic applicants have put faux windows in even though as you say it's Federal Highway um and it's a six foot brick you know cement wall sure um we have had that before and that's basically satisfied well satisfied they've been approved where people have to break up that space because I know that's a different rendition but when you look look at it like this as well that is a very long space with a the back walk yes um that's why I so you you'd have about 12T yeah on either side the shower take part of this one and pull put in that one yeah I mean I guess if we're required to we could put in a fake window um just to break up that area it's just and I know it can't be see it's and then you wouldn't care about balance of because we're definitely going to be off on that yeah yeah so if you if you look at what was provided in the agenda that is what we were writing those staff comments about what you see in the packet versus what has been proposed is completely different you have lights on either side you have an outdoor shower you have pool equipment so when we saw the the blank wall with a water feature and then a blank wall with one small window I mean we understood the architect ual constraints whereby you you're not putting a huge window in a closet I mean this this is these are closets that we're talking about we're expanding that area for uh his and hers walk-in closets and in a bathroom I believe so you're typically not going to put Windows all over there um it was just in response to what we saw and you know asking for some additional detail which I think has been provided with including the shower which you know was never discussed but now it appears that's great that's what we'll we'll approve um but that wasn't anything that I recall during our our pre meeting uh or what was provided on the submission so I mean I think that what we see here is is much more consistent with what we would see in Gulf Stream rather than a blank wall that looks like it was designed by lar or something um so um moving on so um the the only issue that I would have is I really don't see what the other side of the the wall is and that is a large blank space and it does face uh the neighbor to the South um and I you talking about the wall with the the wall the wall behind on the other side of the fountain so you have you know three walls that we're adding one is part of the house then the other two we have the one facing the pool the one with the shower and I'm saying the one on the other side of that which continues a very large space um that's where I would want to see some articulation or full windows if if possible and I think that this the space that has been included on these other two walls is really sufficient we have a view of that would be very important for me to kind of so that's a blank A4 where you see the rendering you see the front yeah absolutely nothing on that's what I was referring to you got a fountain and one window on three walls yeah I can see it okay so let's isolate what we're what we're focusing on first of all sorry no if you want to say anything I'm just curious this so we're just basically talking about this additional wall here with nothing on it so some to kind of like an idea this is basically similar situation right and we have that this is right where we have all that septic system here so we're looking at you know repeating a pattern like this or something and putting two of these faux Windows here matching that and we'd be okay to if there was something on those lines you know CU this this is a pattern right this is something that's consistent with the house take those two right two windows there Y and we'd be okay it would help there and then the wall the other wall the longer wall I guess if you put another be hard that one it is going to be tough on that side that's equipment and shower so there's really not that much space could you go back and if you can go back to the go to the photographs go to the existing photographs if you go you can see all the items all the way down I think it's the last slide last slide yeah last slide okay okay yeah so I mean right now it's just storage yeah yeah there's you know it's going to be probably some planters anyways once once that gets in position there's going to be some plantings and things like that to help hide the some of the equipment so it looks nice out that yeah sorry can you go up because we do have to have some kind of we'll probably put some kind of landscaping around it to kind of you know mess that wall there that backyard that's the one you're on at the moment this is the one that's going to get extended out yeah we're looking you were talking about putting potentially four windows on the on your right wall on this wall that extend out to be built yeah and I presume that around around the shower you're going to have some kind of enclosure so that would that too would break up that wall what we're what we're trying to do is uh that's this year yeah so that's just going to get put back or something so I think you can sense that as it is here we are looking for some articulation some and the comments you've come up with just now right that been kick back totally but in terms of this is a level two application so it stays and I say it stays here when it's if it's approved here that's it um I'm not sure we have enough at the moment to approve it on your comments are really positive in terms of what you said you want to do but because this is the final decision um I would like to see well in fact I'll ask Renee if we are ask here for specific input and we have that as a condition of a motion going forward because it's a level two can the T can the staff approve I believe we can Trey I'm sorry I was talking to the manager about something if they approve it with conditions today and they come back and meet those conditions can we then just approve you can approve it with conditions upon um staff review yes okay so should we um I just uh so you are going to put some kind of a structure around the shower yeah yes oh no that's for you really okay Sor so so a little enclosure you can close the door small little understand yeah and I think all these articulations L Windows the shower that's why I asked if we make it clear what we're looking for as the board then you come back to staff yes and as long as staff have the authority to prove then I think we can move forward but we need to be clear on what we're asking for for you to work to just to so just to be clear on my end um apologize you can interrupt if I said wrong you're looking for additional articulation on any of the flat surfaces You' like maybe a little bit more definition in terms of the elevations uh to show that that will exist and more than likely you'll just would like another rendering from both the one angle and the other angle so you can see that those do exist correct yeah I'll do a checklist I think the shower enclosure what that looks like potentially I know it's going to be difficult on that new wall I'm calling the new wall potentially fo window but I know the balance issue is problem there but also the long wall which you identified to show the balance um those would be my requests are there any others that's I think I think that that would change it sufficiently that yeah yeah yeah new renderings with all three walls y okay and then to clarify exactly what we would be trying to do um can we look at this wall again just to yeah do you want to look at the plan of it oh there um there yeah so there's an existing window here yeah what I might recommend is we do another fake window just like that this added 17 ft so one faux window on this wall and then the elevation showing the shower enclosure and a little more specifics about what the back wall would look like that would be good to is that the wall of fa this a South wall that there's nothing on now at all we don't have a picture of the South Wall this isn't the South Wall no we don't that's right yeah that's the West Wall next to FAL thank you this is not the wall facing Federal that's the South South Wall so I'm proposing that we would oh sorry I can see okay yeah I can see it where the door is and that's where the shower is going to be eventually right no not that wall this is the side wall of the home yeah that this is the one that faces the street nope this faces the southern neighbor yeah this is okay so if you look at A1A it's the W page A1A it's the wall at the bottom of the page so we'd be adding 17 ft back in this direction and what I'm proposing there is that we would put a pro window that would look like this window in that 17 ft okay Y and then on the back wall that faces Federal we'd really be doing nothing no construction changes but going more detail on that shows the shower enclosure equipment would be okay and there and leave the one one window that well you can only put one window in there went over the tub yeah that's right okay yeah and and the shutters were added to that a function of thank you yeah who is going to grasp you going to do that this one that motion well I think I think let's not put the heavy lifting just on one person um let's can I ask for a motion please um which will be a motion to approve as I understand it but also with the recommendations so we make sure we've got all the recommendations that we've covered just now um that can go to staff yeah yeah okay so um I'll make a motion to approve a level two architectural site plan to permit the construction of a new 624 foot master bedroom and closet addition to the existing home to include um the following items to be brought back to staff to complete approval yes they would include the articulation um shower enclosure shower enclosure uh faux window faux window on the South Side yes yeah what that one I think that there's already Shutters on the window those are only two things that we're thinking right the full window shower enclosure yes yes all right C we need a second I will second that Mr roach yes Mr Smith yes Vice chairman doerty yes chairman Murphy yes thank you thank you thank you so we move on to our second application of the day and this is excuse me at 2745 Avenue of Sol right around the corner oh okay good morning I'm Luis Rivera with affinity Architects um on our first slide we have a front elevation of the house uh um of our residents um the second slide shows the location in regards to the neighborhood um the next slide shows the S plan uh all the calculations required by the city and uh the location of the house in relationship with uh the properties uh our next slide shows our first floor um uh SEC uh the next slide uh we have our second floor uh showing the setbacks from uh the first floor in relationship to the first floor uh the second floor is set in uh which was one of the comments uh we originally had uh next I just ask is a matter of Interest sure what's the ratio of the top is 15% of the total width of the first floor and the total area is a percentage of the uh half of the maximum would be half of I just wondered if you'd used 50% no no we're we're below that um the next uh slide would show uh the colors and materials that we're using for this uh residence you may have to zoom out a little yeah um gray slate roof sort of gray yeah it's a like a black antique I think this a called oh okay uh next uh slide shows uh the rear elevation um and uh location of shutters and uh uh pool and Landscaping uh the next slide shows uh the 2D elevations of the front and the rear uh the next slide we have the side elevations uh just sorry it's they're both shown as the right South Side elevation and the bottom one is presume the north elevation is that on yours uh that was pointed out yesterday by Mr Lions I think it was a typo is that typo oh that is is reversed they both say right both say right side elevation I'm not sure if it does on your slide does on what we have in front of us no okay so the top is the right and the bottom is top is right bottom is left yes um on ours just looks right I think it's correct on this but it was incorrect on the the first sheets um that's what Mr Lions had an issue with yesterday um well hopefully that's clear now um and uh you know our next slide is in regards to the landscape uh of the house good morning for the record Paul crine I have big shoes to fill for uh Louis blos who's uh with family and Greece for the holidays okay all right so we'll start in the back of the house we've got a 50 foot long dock um which is less than what the maximum amount of u of the dock is so the maximum is 71 and this is 50 foot um the dock or the seaw wall will be at uh 5.5 um okay going to the Landscaping we've got two sylvestris Palms flanking uh the pool area and also the uh fire pit area um up against the retaining wall we have a poto carpus hedge to soften the wall so you won't see the wall from the water side um coming up onto the house up on either side of the covered loia we have two adonidia Pals again flanking that and to soften the second floor um coming on the sides we've got uh an 8 foot Calum hedge so it's really a tree hedge so it'll be an instant uh tall hedge when it's planted um the 8 foot can you just point that out again please yes so along the propy line yeah it's 8 foot high got Cal hedge it actually goes down to Forwood so um there's a you know for so for your neighbors they don't see yeah so this that'll be entirely on this property what's on what's on the neighbors have they already got a hedge there or not there is an existing hedge on this side and uh the owners of the cas have talked to the um Neighbors to work something out as far as um you know having that hedge changing the Hedge out yeah and uh and it's on the K on the K's property so um this here is really just a mage of plannings that uh aren't very uh nice looking actually existing so I think this is going to do a really nice formal uh enclosure for the property and what was the Hedge material it's a Calif filum hedge a Calum Calum hedge yes so it's actually um it's a beautiful dark waxy Leaf um have we seen do we see that a lot or there's Calum trees um I'm just honest fam everybody's doing small is it a small thin blade sort of yeah it's got a leaf like this and um you know we've used them up in uh Palm Beach and we actually um are doing a remodel in Royal Palm and they actually have a a beautiful hedge it makes a really nice hedge really nice and you can get uh you know instant height rather than uh like a clua takes forever yeah yeah yeah okay so um going to the front um the overall Landscaping uh intent is a very tailored and layered keeping it really clean and simple but having more mass plantings um we've got two very large sylvestris Palms uh flanking the front door and under planning that's going to be all very uh sheared and flipped um' got Japanese blueberry on either side of the structures giving it more of a you know Majestic column type of uh feel um and then we have the two large uh 22 to 24 ft Live Oak on either side which would be the street trees that we are proposing MH Paul on the front door um entrance what's the um what's the size of the trees that are either side of the door arches because on one on the I'm just looking at the A z.0 and 18 they aren't on there no next as in that's like they're centes for the want for a better work the Sylvester Pals no further back if you look at the if you look at the door entrance on um lp4 lp4 I've got and it's the front west elevation the front door is you look at the front door okay so let's see yeah let's see what those are those are Garcinia accent uh they're not trees really they're accent shrubs cras I was going to say the best description is Christmas tree size yes so those are five to six foot tall right because on the a00 they're five to six feet tall and on the lp4 they look about 3T 4T perhaps no they're five they're five five okay okay yeah it's just the Symmetry you know you've got the Symmetry going along it looks really good in the front sorry that's a qualitative statement it you've got the balance yes yeah and I just wondered what it was either side of the front door okay thank you where is the location of the 50 Foot soon to be demolished tree okay if we go here we go so this is the existing um invasive black olive yeah call so this is it this is the one that's coming out so and this is the tree uh Fus tree that's on the neighbor across the street yeah which is you know huge at this point but um hopefully that will be trimmed back for the case so not shading the the case too much but um so this is where we propos two live oak trees which will expand the um coverage as far as the streetcape M I think it's going to help continue the street tree streetcape having it on either side of the of the property that was a question that Mr Lions had yesterday he wanted to know how big those oak trees were going in at yeah so if you see here they're going in about 22 to 24 feet and you can see you know this is our landscape right here so it's very large Live Oak Tree they're uh feel grown say 18 to 20 in the yeah he was worried about the canopy yeah it's right I know it's on two different slides so it'll be 22 foot tree and what about the Royal pal yeah on because it says 18 to 20 in your proposal on then on yeah on it says 18 to 20 yeah there'll be a minimum of 22 feet okay okay and is there a royal palm coming out somewhere he mentioned that yes so all the existing uh Palms are going to be removed they're in the footprint of the of the house okay he did not like that so I'm I'm just speaking for him since he's not here he was very concerned about all these Royal Palms being taken out and the Royals were are in the footprint yeah correct yeah yes the are you having to rebuild a seaw wall new seaw wall yes it's in already or no there's an exist seaw wall but it would be uh rebuilt yes and raised and raised correct yeah I can't tell from here is there sort of a step down from the there isep area down to the dock um yeah from the you can see it on the rendering okay am I going up or down we're good here if everybody can see um so this pool deck here it'll be um a 6inch step here so this is all raised and then you'll be going down 24 Ines down to the lower seating area it's just gonna be flushed with the dock says I think yeah if you could go to the um the back rendering as well yeah and and zoom out yeah yeah you can see this you know this is more or less all flush around and then you have the steps going down to a lower um and just confirm senior ratio that's 40% glass cover I think we're less yeah we're less than El a couple Windows oh for glass yeah because a lot of glass there yeah I mean it's great but you know we have to pull back the glass of some yeah I two I eliminated two windows in order to comply okay and going back to the Landscaping obviously it's an invasive one got to go it's invasive we know that um it is going to have an impact as you drive into Avenue or SL it's going to seem a lot brighter and the canopy is going to go one of the things I do like is the fact that you've done the projection of where the growth is expected to be because one of the things as you know we asked for is what's it going to be on day one right and subsequently trimming and whatever but we have had applications where people put it in at 3 feet and so 20 years time it's going 30 right um so I I I I think that's a very good point you've put there and I'd actually like to see that moving forward on if there's any future application um I think to see where it will be um predic in the future um can you just go over Paul's Point again please what he said about the Royal Palms well they're on LP2 y um think is I guess the the existing house is much closer to the water that way all those you know there's there's pictures of the trees being removed pictures yeah know you can see what's coming out all they're all the footprint I just don't have it on the I've got LP2 I I I think that I'm wondering how in the heck are they there the house must be further back in the road it must be yeah the existing house is a lot more narrow yeah than what we're proposing narrow gotta narrow front to back y so skinnier so it allows more of and it is a historic house in terms of corre no in terms of it's been there forever what was the year was it 731 61 yeah I it is yeah it's so distinctive when you drive time move up okay um sorry Paul you were saying just to go back to the LP2 yeah just the Royal Palms Circle Number sixes I number six number six yeah they must be in the front front yard of the current house I guess yeah right the front uh the house is more of a courtyard type of the existing house has a courtyard landscape area so our concerns about the black olive tree are more that it's just big and we hate to remove Big Trees because they're not really they're messy they're messy they're invasive we understand all that you know and it's invasive right yeah destroyed everything on that yeah yeah my car no they have no sense of hum you don't like those alums no sense of you yeah yeah we you know from a visual point of view stunning from a practical point of view terrible and it's invasive so and we push towards native plants I love the Live Oaks I think that's yeah nice and we've got what uh what rough like what diameter do you know yeah it'll be like it'll be big it's six to eight inches six to eight inches yeah yeah yeah how how many years would it that that roughly that point yeah that's a good question I don't know so great guess put one in our front here I'm sitting here trying to remember yeah but it from the picture it looks very much like that one did in in the field when we were out searching for one yeah okay I mean I could probably call Anthony he could tell me but I don't want to interrupt things well perhaps for if we approve this perhaps for the commission meeting yeah are there any more points discussions in that case please could I ask for a motion um I will make a motion to recommend approval of a level three architectural site plan based on a finding that the construction of a 5,350 square foot single family dwelling with a 2 and a half car garage swimming pool including landscaping and Hardscape meets the minimum intent of the design manual and applicable review standards with the following conditions any minor modification to the approved Landscaping shall be submitted to the town manager for review and approval in any major modification shall be brought back to the arpb for review and approval prior to commencement of the Landscaping I'll second Renee please Mr roach yes Mr Smith yes Vice chairman do yes chairman Murphy yes thank you thank you very much was great yeah very we now move on to items by staff uh thank you chairman Murphy just wanted to thank everyone for their participation our in our ad hoc massing recommendation that we made to the town commission uh earlier this month they went ahead and uh and adopted that in full so we're going to go ahead and uh make those changes uh Malcolm is very very persuasive so we got up there did his song and dance and they uh they fell for it hookline and sinker abely you presented they were actually very complimentary and the mayor mentioned that it was a very difficult issue that we've been struggling with for a number of years and this seems like a really great way to address those so I just want to thank everyone who was involved with that so remind me again that how what the timing is for it to take be enforced so we do have zoning in progress so right now anything that would be uh applied or like a two-story house would be uh either meet the criteria or it would be held off until we make a zoning uh change so that is in progress the earliest we could get it done is February if we have first reading in January uh and then local planning agency and commission second reading uh in February so early early this year um but as of right now we do have a hold on any two-story structures that would have more than the recommended 30% um it's just that and no one could take advantage of a single story until we do get those on the books and actually Trey you covered my question was going to be at the last minutes it says there's going to be a zoning in progress resolution was that covered at the commission meeting it was yes sir great well Paul's who taught us that you could do a second story that's 30% and in place it really really works wasn't it his project sort of that's right if he believes the market will accept that and that's one of the points we have the end user that we just approved and that was under 20% oh really it was um 799 I'm sorry 779 square feet on the second story of a 5300t house so like 17 18% I in fact during the meeting ask him does this even come close to meeting the requirements that we just you know for the yeah for that it does but those those news running rules will only be the the overlay District corre they could still do 50% wanted to yes so he could have done 50% he ended up at 17% just because that's all they really correct wanted but obviously they wanted more on the ground floor because they still have to comply with the f I mean they had uh what was it they were 25 feet under the F allowed so they wanted more on the ground floor which is what we're pushing for okay thanks TR um board members well there's one board member who does have to say um this is my final um arpb meeting and I'd like to thank everybody for their help thank you it has been an interesting 15 years uh and also I'd like to thank Rita Taylor as well for all her help and Bill in the previous iteration of what we do and so once again thank you everybody it has been a real pleasure and with that the public I'd like them to be quiet we love you Malcolm Miss 15 years yeah you don't get that from man daughter don't yeah way do you see your retirement benefits yeah fantastic and so where is that plaque where do you want oh yeah yeah yeah so before you journ I just want to say we will we will be without a chair for our next meeting so we can either reorganize then or we can wait until March and have Mr docky as our vice chair chair serve until the regular reorganization but I'd leave that up to you to think about and we can put that on the agenda for next meeting well we're going to be losing a very very valuable person and Tom you've been a chair haven't you yeah but you're the vice chair I so you're the former chair so with Paul don't you take a swing at it yeah I've substituted but uh I'm just afraid that my uh absence uh in the summer is is I I feel you know I guess I have flown back sometime for meetings but I don't know that I would I don't know that it would be the right thing to do and I don't care to be a chairman you know or whatever you know what I'm saying I like helping on the committee but I I don't know so why don't you serve as the the vice chair until March give us time to think about it oh sure yeah okay so you step in until March I'll I'll step in in the meeting run until and also I think one of the discussion points are there are some good alter alternat who to come on the board because in March do all the board get reconsidered as well they do but we have I think uh Mr roach is coming off so I don't know he's renewing are you really I don't know I he's up for no it's up you're up time is up time up it can be renewed yes continually yeah and I'll have to look I think Malcolm's was coming up as well yeah mine was coming up so I think those were the only two to be a there had to be a something the commission did to make sure that you and I Tom got our extension for this last four year eight year period what what are terms refer three years three year terms well if we wait till March and you you'll fill in which would be great that time frame then we can we can decide we have we have a number of we're one something new is going to come on for sure on the we've got alternates and I think it's and also they've got some experience um but also to get them you know if we go to March that's two two meetings if we can get them on um I think it's important that we that we get the new blood coming through to sit I believe the mayor's talking to them sit in to feel comfortable with the mayor's mayor's on it he's talking to them to see who they're going to appoint at from an alternate position to a well the alternates are here I mean we have Terry's been on often Katie's been on now quite a few times and it's definitely definitely proven her attention to detail and yeah so I think I think there's a good group and M um from the ad hoc committee he might want to come on think yeah he has put in a letter yeah and I don't know if he's next in line or not as far as how New Blood affects the the chair and vice chair position you know we had a great time with with Mr Smith's chair he has the experience he's been on for a while so we'd be happy to you know to have everyone tap him for for that that role um I mean it's just running the meetings and you just have someone experience while we maybe have some new members we haven't had new new members in the the permanent seed in a while um so um it's nice to have a steady hand at the at the wheel but that's my um unas for opinion yeah that's one person's opinion so one may come up for sure and they may put a new one on even do we know what PA's intention correct we do not but it was he's just pretty occupied right now wants to be on I love busy I think with su's health it's an issue well with that but that may change yeah so Bob you're going to step in for January and February okay yeah we see about who we can get coming on board and then in March when the natural progression takes place we'll see what happens yeah right and I will be out there heckling I W if the plans go right I actually be quite a few miles away has Brian been to a number of meetings he's been to a couple when he came okay yeah okay okay so with that once again thank you everybody meeting a j thank you