##VIDEO ID:Ip47ddwF20U## is you don't realize how important they are until you don't have it right start later okay all right we're ready just call a meeting please rise and pledge the FL Ali to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you would you call the RO please for commissioner green here commissioner Canfield here commissioner orwine vice mayor Stanley here mayor Morgan here also be known in attendance is Town manager Dunham assistant Town attorney nazaro CFO Mark baster Chief Jones and myself thank you very much we've been presented with the minutes from our December 13 meeting are there any uh comments Corrections additions or a motion uh motion to approve the minutes from December 13 2024 commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orine yes vice mayor Stanley mayor Morgan yes um Mr Dam any changes to the agenda uh not at this time mayor although under the manager's comments you can see uh a or A1 is CIP update uh and we will need U the contractors here who are in route but have told us they might not be able to get here till about 930 or 9:45 so if we get to that item they need to be here when we have this discussion okay so well we'll just speak a little slower okay our next meeting is uh February 14th at 900 a.m for anyone who wishes to attend public comment somebody's got to speak drag the meeting out a little bit no okay go to uh we have our hearing today any exart Communications on the application by commissioner uh none here very good uh Rene would you administer o anyone who will be speaking today the truth theu very good this is 2745 Avenue off good morning I'm L Rivera from Affinity Architects morning um today as mentioned we're uh presenting 2745 AV new Sol uh this is a two-story house uh West Indies and um on our next uh slide you'll see the location of the site in relation to the neighborhood um next slide is going to show the side plan side calculations uh providing all the adequate uh code uh first floor is the next slide um second floor will show the uh the next slide will show the second floor um the next slide shows the uh color selections and material selections of the residents um next is the 2D um uh well next one is the rear elevation showing the uh pool deck and the dock part of the dock um next slide shows uh 2D elevations of front and rear elevations um next one would be the side elevations um and then our next slide uh is uh addressing the landscape of the residents for that uh Mr vahos will good morning my name is Louis blahos landscape architect artistic views um just some uh major elements that I'd like to point out is um number one the proposed Hedges that on both sides of the property for the Neighbors were proposing Calif filum that would be uh eight foot overall um at planting uh number one uh number two in the front the streetcape uh we are proposing two large 22 foot Oaks 8 in caliber uh that would have immediate impact for the street and in addition to that uh two large uh 16t clear trunk uh uh sylvestris day Palms um the landscape uh per owner's request Foundation landscape is simplistic in a way but layered uh two to three layers uh as far as foundation planting is concerned and then obviously we have the layered and textural Landscape in the median with the two um uh date palms um on the sides of the building uh cluas and some um palms foxel palms and Montgomery that we're proposing um mostly to kind of bring down the scale of the second story that's that's uh proposed um and also in the back we have again two large date Pals a contiguous put a carpus hedge in front of the wall um to kind of screen and also uh provide provide a green uh facade um up against the uh the Waterfront um that said that's any questions is that an existing dock or is it new dock which one uh no it it's it's a new dock uh that we're proposing uh it's going to be higher than what it is but then again based on your requirements we we need a secondary wall behind it and steps going down into uh that area interesting pool uh and you can see the steps on either side stepping down that creates that Infinity Edge uh towards the water the two oak trees are are the ones on the uh perimeters of the property correct and and then uh dat Palms are the two in the in the middle that I'm looking at and again here's a picture of the proposed uh Oaks that will be planted yeah I I like that it's um because you're getting rid of a very large tree that but we we think in the future it'll work a lot better with the tree across across the way um you know kind of zigzag instead of almost being directly across from each other and I appreciate the the height uh and the caliper of those Oaks that I think that's going to be again that that's going to be the the tree we call those Ranch Jes where they feeli grown and uh we'll have to go out there and select them root prun them Etc any other questions on either landscaping or the U home so I'll comment on the canopy I know that that's become a popular Topic in pla over the past last couple years and I agree I think that this will improve it little time but getting rid of that black olive tree that Creed quite a mess along the street there I think is going to be beneficial so big fan of those o good thank you got a couple of questions so the the color of the home is supposed to be this uh uh kind of stos SLB I know sometimes it doesn't come out that well in the renderings yeah do you have a no I have everything else but the house color it's yeah is that more a light gray it's more on the gray side yeah yeah okay like a with Blue Shutters okay and then the and then where are we still on some of these modern elements on the facade I mean the Ming's good you gotta you know that the Upper Floor is is is good it's not uh it's it's really a one-story house with the very small upstairs up on the in my opinion um and then we've sort of gone back and forth with these railings the twostory entryway is fine that's you know whereas just you know we're looking at some Modern lights which we go back and forth on I don't know if that moves the needle too much and then you've got a linear railing um the railing issue is sort of gone up and down and around um you know there's traditional non-traditional at one point I think we were redesigning a house and improved GL and approved glass on something which I don't think we're going to do again um so I don't know if anybody has any comments on that you know the straight ones now are too dated so I mean I think that's probably where the we also minimized it a little bit because we have a curb and we lower the the overall height of the entry including the railing so the railing is not a typical three-foot railing it's a little shorter so that we have a yeah is the capting is the cap on the railing supposed to be you know brown or match the it's like a wood uh to match kind of like the wood that's on the it it would be like a faux wood I mean it's a it's a great house on this slot at 5300 under air I mean it does a lot with that square footage it's not you know the codee's doing its job here vice mayor they have changed a lot their their first um probably pretty modern it was very modern and um so they've added the molding they've changed the lights twice because they were still very modern I'm starting to date myself not that I'm not that modern anymore but they have they have tried to come back from the boxy look Tom you did a pretty good job of identifying the modern elements um yeah I I don't have a problem with that I just think we have some evolution of design in town we are traditional we try to maintain an understated elegant look this still does that with a little touch with modernity I don't have a problem with that how about you oh the lights there are lights like that all over gfre stream now I mean it's a new look but I like the old look but you have to embrace this um what color is the roof it's a grayish oh yeah let's take a look at that same we [Music] used okay that last one yeah it looks like almost the same very simar okay yeah like I said my main concern with the the front here I mean you got front yard you've got plenty of room for cars you've got a side drive you got a quasy circular Drive F the lot and the two-story entry Fe you know fits really well so I mean those are all things that uh we we we want more than you know the the shape of a light picture but I agree with you with railing but I'm dating myself too yeah it's it's tough because the vertical slats on these how we're having these two story entry features they sort of don't fit anymore yeah yeah depending on the design so anyway anyway vertical instead of a horizontal they don't yeah sometimes they don't they don't look quite right anymore this would not look right on this one because because we minimized the railing no I totally agree so some of these elements we just have to be a little which we are now being a little more flexible on they don't fit this design at all well I don't think with the lights the other railing would look right so I'll put it I mean it it goes together any other comments if not is there a motion somebody want to take a stab at it got uh got one motion I think so got a motion to recommend approval of a level three architectural site plan based on a finding that the construction of a 5,350 foot single family dwelling with a two and a half car garage swimming pool including new landscape and Hardscape meets the minimum int 10 of the design manual and applicable review standards with following condition any minor modifications to the approved Landscaping shall be submitted to the town manager for review and approval and any major modifications will be brought back to the arpb for review and approval prior to commencement of landscaping second Rene commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield commissioner orine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes thank you thank you very much okay we're going to move past the CIP update and go to the loan update Mr and Greg has stepped out but he asked if Mark could um he he's checking to make sure Mr Chipman is on his way because bton Woodman also needs to be available okay all right I should look before I ask so uh Mark are you prepared to give the loan update or is that we had a meeting with with the Sea Coast on Wednesday and uh just to get everything to get the ball rolling and we just want to make we're looking at the the 15year loan 7 million we could actually but we could draw whatever we want up to that up to that amount um currently the rates went up a little bit but they dropped again yesterday so we're looking at somewhere between 4.7 to 5.3 would be would be the rate but we obviously it takes 60 to to 90 days to to approve the loan to to get everything rolling so we we won't know exactly what the rate will be until we move further into the process well have we started the process yeah yeah we we we told them yeah we want to get all the ball the ball rolling and we're starting the process okay it was on vacation or something that's yeah December is a very hard month to to get to get for the for the banks to get things going so but but but we told them we want to move forward and then they they said we'll start the process okay good so forward with that one okay we can move back I think to the CIP update is that right or we not okay well uh I mean we do have Mr Chipman uh with Baxter Woodman here I don't have the owner of the contractor here I think his Target time was 9:30 so I I did mention to him that we could take him out of order so if we want to move through the agenda and then come back to this I think that would to it hold it in advance uh arpb meeting will be January 2 3rd at 8:30 a.m. uh let's go to the finance report Mr uh I'll uh refer to uh Mr baster uh I don't think there's anything unusual in this uh balance sheet uh it does represent 25% of the budget for this year mark is there's nothing unusual no no just if you have any questions do we still have per um applications with delay Beach I see there's no Revenue obviously we haven't there hasn't been any anything with Del re in quite a bit I I believe that uh there probably won't be any in the future it's it's because there there was just a legacy of when the when they switched it was just processing the old ones I think all those have I think all those have been closed out they have that was my question Clos those out okay good all right Chief please report good morning mayor vice mayor Commissioners I'll take a moment to help uh use some time if you don't mind uh I would first obviously ask that you accept the report that's been submitted there's really no major changes or anything to bring to your attention with regards to the report uh typically around the holidays our activity is normally lower and slower just because of the holidays so it's kind of normal um addition we had a meeting with the school this week regarding the uh school safety grant that we were um getting from FDLE so that process has been started and we will start to uh do the risk assessment in conjunction with the school they've been very open to the process um and they're participating with us obviously in the process so it should go very smooth and hopefully we can report back very positive things um additionally I attended um the County Commission meeting this month uh on Tuesday uh on behalf of the Chiefs Association to talk about um the healthc care District's initiative to bring Mental Health Services into Palm Beach County so you may have seen me on the news um but ultimately uh the commission did approve some funding that would be allocated to help build a mental healthc crisis facility in the central part of Palm Beach County it's a $60 million facility the healthcare district is fronting 50 of the 60 million and the county is putting forth the other 10 so they're in the process of trying to locate the proper property and then obviously start construction it's probably a two and a half to threeyear project to get it completely done um but it's something that we as law enforcement and general need a facility like that we're one of the only counties that don't have uh something like that available to us uh at the public sector most of it's all privately owned and operated by hospitals which is obviously uh unreliable for us but also um they can change the desire of the services they want to offer from time to time which is what we've seen traditionally within our County over the last 20 years so just wanted to kind of update you on that in case you hear any conversations or discussions through the league of cities or anything like that you'll be aware of what's happening with that impatient there bets so it's actually going to be um a new design basis where they're trying to prevent the use of Baker act so they will have bed space but they're intention is to actually provide a 24-hour treatment of the patient upon intake to prevent having to do a Baker Act and offer them the services that they need within that 24hour period of time whether it's getting them back on medication or whether it's getting them resources that they need like housing or uh Addiction Services whatever type of services they need um the healthcare district is able to provide that and it's truly uh one of the only programs that we've seen in law enforcement where it really addresses all of the services from A to Z in one location without having to send patients you know into different facilities for different services so it's it's truly a positive approach and finally seems like we're moving in the right direction with regards to that great encouraging uh very good thank you g okay yeah Mr Mar I think we can uh uh begin to discuss the CIP okay um U I do have U bter Woodman here Rick Chipman is here uh and I'm going to hand this out I just pass those down to the [Music] Commissioners um and the and the owner of the U of our contractor he got stuck at the bridge so he's about five blocks away so uh anyway so the final lift of asphalt is I'm assuming as we speak being applied to Banyon Road um at this point in time oh the owner's coming in uh is that true Anthony sure pleas yes the first construction last section in Phase One on is being applied today okay done yesterday today okay so uh that that would complete the initial uh lift of asphalt for phase one uh when banion is compl so uh with the exception of perhaps uh at the end of the road and connecting it to to A1A did they bring it all the way out to A1A or to A1A I'm sorry mean polo polo yeah they will connect to Polo I do believe it will I I could ask them if they have enough material to patch the other side but right now they'll connect West Banyon to Polo from that West Connection will be connected okay so uh I've just handed out a list of items uh the contractor is winding down uh on construction on phase one uh so substantial completion for phase one is actually scheduled I guess by contract at February 18th but as you see on at further on down the agenda we we do have the change order that we've had on here a couple of times uh but didn't have uh everyone here so we didn't uh act on it but that's on uh in in in a little in a little bit here and if we approve that that would uh push the uh substantial completion date for phase one back to March 18th um so just keep that in mind so these are items that you see on this list that have been identified by the engineers and by the staff that need to be approved by uh or that need to be completed or uh uh substantially complete partially uh complete before they start phase two uh and the in the red you can see that this was Pro the these dates were provided by the owner uh in terms of uh dates that they uh anticipate that they will complete each one of these tasks uh the the the first one is uh I'm not going to go we're not going to talk about each one of these individually there's I know that you guys don't want to sit through that uh but the there are a couple of important ones here the watermain approval cleared and all services connected uh Rick if you could come up and and discuss that and the The Peculiar peculiarities of this yeah this good morning everybody thank you for having us um I think the the the point of this conversation is that um the contract requires uh the contractor to uh reach substantial completion of phase one before going to phase two there's a lot that goes into substantial completion um that uh is not done at this time for instance the water main hasn't been completely pressure tested yet it hasn't been approved by the health department the services haven't been connected um there's uh inspections of the storm system that that have to happen which make it very difficult on this project because we're act the contractor is actually going to be using the storm system during phase two for dewatering efforts so that has to be uh push forward um you know there's restoration of various areas or repairs of various areas and whatnot so substantial completion of phase one is not going to happen um until it's not going to happen recently as Greg said um change order number three I believe it is uh pushes substantial completion out to March 18th they will they are stating they can achieve that however um while they're doing these um somewhat smaller efforts um and looking at the big picture of the entire project and knowing um the constraint of not being able to work in front of the school uh until school's out and maintaining traffic and everything else the contractor is requesting that they move into phase two now while they're completing these other items in phase one they have the capabilities of having separate Crews they have had separate Crews here up to three four crews at a time um and um the um constraint of the school is problematic uh because they need to get certain utilities and other items completed up to the boundaries of what we're calling the uh the school zone um by the time they start working there so that they can complete that area while school is out so I think that's the elephant elephant in the room the contractor really does need to move forward uh in phase two prior to uh completing all these little items that go into substantial completion phase one so that's where we're here here before you today for we have the contractor here to explain how he would do it um under the understanding that you know I'm sure the whole town under uh is already uh tired of construction every place you look and obviously um letting them work in new areas and before they're done with old areas is a tough might be a tough pill to swap follow but it's something that I think the town needs to give uh adequate consideration to um I mean I I would add to that that the all irrigation restored all Landscaping restored all mail boxes restored uh they're working on that right now and uh so on that subject you know the town prepared this list and said hey if we're going to even consider letting you do this all these items got to be done and they're saying this these items will be done by our March 18th substantial completion and we're going to get a lot of them done much earlier so we gave them this list and then they came back and put the dates that they feel that they will have these particular items done in an effort to uh ease everybody's Minds that they're not going to just ignore these items and go to phase two and come back at some later date they're going to continue to work and get these things done as fast as they can what's the hold up on on testing the water lines and the drainage that that that's our main concern is that we move on to phase two allowing that to advance and all of a sudden couple months down the road we find that phase one has an issue yeah I'll take the uh the hard one first is is basically the the drainage and the problem with the drainages uh due to the uh uh layout of the town uh cless to the inter Coastal where the outfalls are and whatnot the contractor had no choice to uh uh put his dewatering efforts uh and what I mean by that is when you you know dig down and try to install a pipe you got to try to do it in the dry so you have to pull the water out with pumps that water has to go someplace this particular project there was no real other way to any place to put that water other than in the town's storm system of which they are connecting to it right now uh adding to it right now as part of this project so when we go into phase two the uh the problem is that they have to continue to use this storm system including uh the new stuff that they put in um so we can't get in there uh at this time to actually um inspect and and uh and determine that their work is acceptable it'll have to be at a at a later date there are portions of the storm system that will not be affected um by uh phase two dewatering and what we have discussed is uh inspecting those systems blocking them off and making sure they're okay uh and then blocking them off so they will not refill with sediment and and remember in order to inspect these things uh they have to be dried out they have to be uh cleaned out there's sediment inside so um the parts that they're going to reuse cannot either you have to do it twice or just wait and do it later the stuff that's not going to be utilized we can inspect that and they have agreed to do that um as you know to induce acceptance of of their plan re do you know what kind of a percentage of the drainage that we could inspect Now versus what's going to be used I think we talk like 40% of the existing system is at the 40 50% of the system we could inspect now and determine that it's acceptable and then they could put plugs in it so it doesn't fill back up with sediment the the reason the the the thought process here and or I should say the the Town's concern here is that hey if we let them go into different areas the whole town is going to feel that the uh phase one area is complete and we certainly wouldn't want to be coming back six months from now and having to dig up a section of of the road and repair something so we try to bring that to that event to a minimum by inspecting everything we can and blocking those areas off that's the problem with the storm system uh with the water system uh the pressure testing is underway uh the main line has B basically been uh has been pressure tested and it's okay the F little finger streets are in the process of being pressure testing and the delay then from that point forward when they pass that is um we have to go through a process at the health department to get that uh water line approved by the health department that can take several weeks uh I shouldn't say several weeks a couple weeks and then once the uh Health Department approves the water main then they they have to come back in and uh install all the individual services to the houses some of these services are even back to front services that get adjusted uh because the water line came off an alley so and they're now going to be coming off the front so they'll have plumbers in there doing that type of work so that's the the actual completion of the water m is probably close to three months out by the time you get done with all those services and what they're saying is hey during all this time I could have a cruise in phase two and I really need to have crews in the phase two so that when school gets out I have the utilities up to the school and I can complete that school area before before they come back to school um so I think that's the the general gist of the conversation and and and letting them move into other areas of town before they're not quite done with uh phase one so so have any of the services been connected no no no water Ser you can't connect any water services till you have the health department approved um that's great okay what's uh so if we get in and get all the pipe blade and all the trenching done some of the drainage up to to banion coming uh from south to North what's actually in what's actually involved you know if we've got a 90day project sort of in front of the school with those commercial buildings what's actually involved with the street level and all that that would be sort of different than just running down polo with what we've done so far what actually is involved with the build services to the school so we're trying to get all this lined up to get it done and we're just talking about those commercial buildings the sewer you're not touching other than when it gets hit sometimes which happens and then we got water and drainage in front of the school like is there I don't remember what the plan was in front of and I don't have that in the I there a lot more M Sil you want to help us out here imagine yeah but it'll be through school time yeah so I me very very isolated at that moment well we're running up to June maybe Anthony can help or something we're running up close to June and then we need what school starts what just after Labor Day so we need like8 10 weeks right in front of the school which is 100 yards correct but then we also have that transition that runs directly behind the north side of your property which that easement needs to be completely cleared and then repositioned because of water remains being moved closer to the edge of the parking garage as well how long is it estimated to take to complete the school the work in front of the easement issue behind well I think that the present time they're planning to go from the school work would go from 69 to 824 that's close cut close very close and that's part of the problem that they're having here um there's a lot of work to be done and if they don't have all their ducks in a row before that it's going to impact you know getting that that complete it's a a very and it's not just directly in front of the school either it's it's uh all the the roads leading up to the school and not only that of the school as well it's going to be inside because in front of Mr Stanley's house there's a water line that runs through the property of the school at 90s and comes back towards uh golf stream and that's the line that I'm referring to now that's in the property itself so so so when so when I'm not so worried about the drainage even though we're wrapping up the rainy season then but um the uh it's another issue but the uh so when you're done an a24 you're not going to the school will still be running on the old system because you still have to get a cut over and you still got a pressure check which is going to run well into the school year corre September yes when would the how long do a cutover take cut I know we're like a year out but it won't take long to do once everything is in position but you got to keep in mind the next cutting for us here would be right here at C in Bermuda that's the next connection that we would have coming off of this system going into the one that's already been approved from old school and golf stream heading to the West so none of that is going to be utilized CU all those valves have to be isolated they can't touch those those have to stay dormant where they're at until this section gets approved going all the way to G you right and then the side streets on Oleander in front of you and on the other side and then everything gets and then we have two that are going to be finger streets going out to A1A so um it's it's still quite a bit so that probably is not going to H I mean most of the the line share of the heavy construction is done on the pipe that Hing up the services which is the term of art for all this all the way through including the school it's unlikely that that's going to happen in 25 well the school connection for the water itself is two meters that are in front of the gate that goes through your cut through and then only one other one that's by the exit fence and that's it they only have those three connections the fire repellent system is on a separate system and that gets connected when they actually get approved from the health department before they can actually isolate that section and so that gets done they can't reconnect everything still has to stay dormant I realize you know everyone does roads with houses and Commercial uh buildings on we only really have two other the multi which aren't we have two commercial buildings town hall and and school yeah okay I got it so we have to do so what kind of an impact is connecting the well the fire system takes talking about from to the meter and it shouldn't be that difficult because most of the stuff that's on Golf Stream is the services will be led close to where they actually are now a majority of those from Lake View all the way to us here are in almost in the rways they're not hidden anywhere the ones that are in the alley from Lake View all the way to G viw those have to be relocated those are the ones that'll take a little longer but but what kind of equipment will is needed to do that I mean just it won beup it will not be disruptive not that I I'm into the construction but a little bit but um like putting all these finishing little things up are nothing compared to having those big machinery oh that's that's a huge deal I would love to see this project go forward as long as we're all miserable to get it all done at one time um because it's going to cost more money to just finish this little stuff up and this is not dis disruptive I mean I don't think it is and I'm living on Palm Way I mean you're putting in the S you're doing the spr realistically speaking once they get to that point of wanting to do everything that's on Golf Stream it's not going to interfere with anything of being able to still pass through residents getting to where they need to get to on the next street over because there are no fingers canals that are going to be at a dead end and no one worst situation were the fingers I mean that was the most disruptive thing I've ever seen and I I don't think anyone anticipated that that's where all the problems I'm glad you're almost done well they are almost done on the finger themselves that's where most of the to go on would make the most sense and try to finish but what guarantee is all this going to work that's my only question I mean if we go on and all of a sudden you're going whoa something's not working here well they do preliminary uh in-house pressure testing and which is what Rick was already saying they check that stuff to make sure it's holding the pressure is there that they don't have any leaks anywhere so we've already done a majority onging basis on the stuff that they've done already okay that's already been done the only street that hasn't been done if I'm not mistaken anony is is Bandon correct preed all so all of them were done waiting for official so everything else has already been tested and completed so their waterline as far as pressure-wise holding and to where it won't be an issue for the health department when they get ready to come and do the actual testing that's already been done it's been completed I just want to make sure it's going to work if it's been pressure test that means that the line's holding the water will flow there's no issues with any water escaping anywhere it's it's it's an isolated completely closed system that's it we'll feel more comfortable with the 40 to 50% of the storm water drainage verification and that's the when how long will that take to verify 40 50% well if I'm if I can speak and I'm not sure if I'm going to speak out in the wrong terms but from what um the field operator that's here usually Mr Lazo told me this morning that they're going to CCTV all the lines if if I'm correct or incorrect is that going to take place we're waiting for a respons yes yesterday they submitted a request for an alternate method of inspection which involves CCT of line so cleaning C Alliance and myself and Auntie um came to the conclusion inhouse here on our own that would be actually beneficial to us because we'll be able to see every joint see the actual lines and be able to make sure and make that determination that everything is is up to par as it was installed so and how long is that gonna take I I don't I don't know how long by the end of February so six weeks now this is just on that 60% of the system that will not be used in phase two correct but at least it gives us some reassurance been done up to this point corre probably correct it's comfortable for us to be able to say yes we can continue moving forward because all that section has been in Ed and secured to where they can't utilize it anymore okay and then if we authorize the advancement of phase two what is it you would be doing over the next few months uh we'll be uh I need you to come to the microphone Mr syo our plan is to start uh from golf stream working from Golf View and working to the north and going all the way up to basically Lake View and that's where we'll stop the the U facilities that still gives access to the school because they use a lake lake view to come in and go through the school so all that all that utilities the water line and the storm drainage curbs Road will be all restored as we continue to wait for the school to close down but the first uh event that you will do is putting the new water Ms in just yep immediately it be water M drainage and then Road restoration right behind it just like we've been doing the last you know months and I know speaking with Anthony that there's no utilities in that Gulf View area in Middle Road so coming down and including Middle Road in in that initial there's I don't mean to speak out of turn I know there's a little bit less we don't want you know M utilities there it's just it's not as drastic as the rest of the core area where everything was so congested um from my experience and once again when we sat down and we spoke about it there's not as many crossings that they would have on Golf Stream as they would from what was on polo for the simple reason that because they had multiple fingers shooting across each different direction of each side of side street so those those aren't going to be uh inhibiting anything that they're going to be working on because it's just a single crossup uh and a majority of that has already been found somewhat from what has been um with the uh with the gas lines that have been installed already on the east side of golf stream already from FPU that's been in here already so um anything that's been found and hit we kind of already pretty much golf vi from po East right to A1A first then cut over I'm just trying to get in my mind because people are going to ask where's it starting and well how's it continuing the our schedu our proposed is working on Gulf Stream from Gulf View working to the north on going towards Lake View because that's the where the watermain connects there's there's a connection on um right next to GF U so we'll have to connect the water M there and then work to the north to Lake uh to Lake View on Gulf on Gulf View from Gulf Stream to A1A there is very little water man I think there's some couple connections we have to do and then just basically is Road rest restation but on the most important area is going from G view from on GF stream from G view to Lake View but what about from on golf vi from Polo to Gulf Stream Road there is like I think there believe there's two small little connections on water mains that are isolated um that can be done and there there's no drainage and it's just being the road being restored at that moment um that is on our proposal um but our our critical path is getting the utilities up to the school sure and that portion is not critical to the school and how long would you estimate that will take to get to Lake View I have to look for it now so we're estimating yeah colors I think we have what is that I can't see it's hard to see col right here here is uh June 8th June 8 to Lake View to Lake View correct 91 days and so 8 to 12 weeks or whatever to go from Lake View all the way past the school to get access to the school during the summer do we still think we're going to have substantial dewatering on the high part of the of U golf stream up there as it comes down from go VI water on that section yeah being so high yeah cuz it's very high until it starts sling down a lake where you're going to stop expect okay so it's like five months almost six just to do Golf View to Lake View on Golf Street what that seem and and and there on on top of that we're including some of the little fingers from Manion um from um froml to PO exactly there's some fingers including so they've got mid right they got Middle Road and Lake View and that doesn't look like you do you have our our sketch that we did I'm sure we do okay I brought some yeah I brought some extra copies if you guys needed um yeah so it would include the the finger I mean the middle right yeah good so when you talk about joing in front of the school you're talking all the way through here to access to A1A correct it'll be from Lake View uh from A1A Lake View turn go on Golf Stream and go all the way out to uh BR muta is there any way you could get to banion if we could redirect traffic and give you a little bit more time to get the rest of it I'm just worried with hurricane season yeah we did discuss that at our previous meeting and uh we're comfortable with making some adjustments to the flow of traffic based on the need for the construction to happen we have some alternative ways to deal with traffic we have about three different paths we can use so we can work directly with the contractor if we run into those kind of issues they're ahead of schedule and they want to move further to Banyon we can work with them on making sure that happens so that we're not holding the project up to wait on the school to close that's what I was because it' be much easier to redirect traffic and try to get give you not give you more time but just in case a storm comes through or something during the summer it gives you another week or St so not to have you in front of the school when it's opening I mean that's an impossible run from June 9th to August 24 well it's it's a realistic but it just counts on weather too l view I here is a possible to get to banion we feel it's very uh very possible I mean what we projected is what our um production was on phase one we anticipate probable phase two like I said there's a little bit less constraints that we we feel but we're still B off in the Productions that we ran into phase one so we do feel comfortable that this is Achi achievable oh I'm all into going forward U oh yeah I mean yeah so like we're all on the same page I'm just trying to get as close to the school as I can Chief can I ask you a question I know you've been looking at this you know on a weekly basis a number of months with everyone the um like we're all on boor with getting all the way to Lake View not a debate at this point we know we got all these other items on phase one the um the so if they get to I mean again you're not going to get to Lake View until most likely June school is out so then the situation comes where where you keep going and then um yeah I mean they're not going to you're probably not going to be ahead of schedule coming into June I mean but if we do run into delays and we end up working in an area between the school's exit correct and this area as school starting up yes we can reroute traffic in Reverse so it'll go back out the other way because we now have phase one done we can actually use some of the streets like old school if we need to to Route traffic back around I'm just trying to think through this which again it's a lot um on Friday but uh the you have to you have to go the idea that this section in front of the police department and this section of C road is going to be closed September right and that's the concern I have but I'm also thinking alternatively if we can at least keep our traffic pattern with Bion or lake view in play if we have to send traffic out the rear gate onto A1A we will just create a crossing guard position in essence and do that and we will just manage traffic on A1A so we have about three or four different Pathways that we can draw out on paper that allow us to move traffic around to still get the school functioning and not prohibit you know everybody's uh life yeah no they can be rerouted but also is you have to remember all those houses on A1A they have dual access they're not going to be using Golf Stream Road they don't have to use Golf Stream Road to their houses so it's mostly just one side of the road oh Lake View yes they've gotve got two entrances they have two entrances so it's going to make it a lot less um disruptive to those people garbage pickup basically the one thing to be navigated I think I think I'd like to add one thing though Mr St you're concerned about from where the school exit is wrapping around this way here yeah realistically the only thing they have to really put in is water there's only one two storm dra and one in front of the school and the other one here in front of the police department those are the only two drings they have to put in right that is it put in Valley gutters so right well the valley goter yeah I mean but that's not ases of as putting in you know the drainage which takes longer okay I think we all see the need for it to to allow the advancement of phase two there's any disagreement there right right well I don't uh so long as the testing of the storm water drainage and this other work proceeds as outlined by the country right and all this other work doesn't require the heavy equipment it's not disruptive right that heavy equipment is the worse that's right so it's not g to cause traffic issues like we've had and also this is going to be so much easier than Polo and all the fingers because you're not going to have all the traffic on Stream Road I don't think um okay and I think the town will be fully in support of advancing the project any problem um good well thank you very much appreciate you coming and and updating us thank you all right let's move on then to uh our items for commission action back Woodman uh agreement this must be the change order number four uh yes so uh this is uh the change order that we've had on here uh a couple times I think but we initially had a change order in the amount of $177,000 that's the amount that was sent to the town and and and so we put it on for approval uh it uh unbeknownst to the to the town it had not been um reviewed by the contractor and so the um you have this uh attachment you had yeah yeah okay so the uh so the 283,000 and that includes the 177,000 so we're not getting charged twice for that I just want you to no so uh so anyway so this uh this change order is in the amount of $283,600 before we debated this in months ago when it was 177 all of a sudden it's coming up it's 283 well we presented you the numbers that we had I know yeah I'm not blaming yet okay okay um just want you to know that we could try we could try BR donut all right any questions on this I mean there's really nothing we can do about it is there any guarantee I mean we're going to need any more change orders as we go forward well I would say that's probably anable multiple issues of conflicts we're encountering out there in terms of change orders and time Rick can you go to the microphone please sorry um there'll be change orders to reconcile cost that that's inevitable um almost daily uh a new conflict out there is found um structures have to storm structures have to be uh continually modified um because pipes cannot connect to we plan because of conflicts that we're finding out there there's what do you mean by conflicts well there's utilities everywhere that shouldn't be that are not shown weren on asil plan PL weren't marked um there's U you we ever move forward with a company that was going to identify uh precisely the location of every utility line that um uh was a very expensive it yes very expensive didn't sound it at the beginning well uh I'm I'm i' used my uh Authority as the town manager to see how expensive that was and we did not move forward with that okay right yeah haven't heard anything but but they'll be doing po holing and of course you know they're required to have you know the utilities marked and located and they're also required to once that happens to dig down and and field verify the utilities um but the problem is you find something there and then it changes right over here right where you're trying to make a connection to to a storm structure so fre there's been multiple storm structures where they had to spend you know an extra half a day modifying the structure to try to get a pipe in at a slightly different elevation they present that to us each time we look at the conflict we all agree that something needs to be done but those costs haven't been reconciled at this time they're we're recording them they'll be reconciled at a later date so in terms of cost of course there's going to be change orders going forward you're going to have to anticipate that in terms of time and change orders I don't know that relative to phase one we shouldn't have any change orders requiring aition phase one I don't see additional time as this time we hav request additional time I think we continue to we continue to uh to push forward and and try to minimize at least the time aspect of it yeah but in terms of change of for brings your substantial police into March 18 correct you you you you still feel you can obain that yes we do as long as the health department comes in in a timely fashion uh we're anticipating once we get the Health Department's approval we're anticipating around 30 days will take us to get the waterline transfer from the old system to the new system but the restoration of the neighborhood which our residents uh observe every day will will be done I me yes sir it's done now I mean the grass is being put the sprink and the pavers I have to give you a compliment the pavers look great oh they are they whoever you have doing that they've done a great job so far they have and Anthony and I uh we have a handful of houses that we have to go out and uh you know look at in terms of how some bushes that we may need to move and that sort of thing but uh all that kind of restoration will be done probably by the end of January I mean even restoration can generate a change order as well because it's very difficult uh area to design in terms of elevation and you know sometimes you get to an area where existing elevations aren't matching your road elevations you have no choice because you're trying to get things to drain and then so you have to do some adjustments behind the curb to tie in a resonant to to a roadway to a curve line so some of those things will will generate could could generate additional cost so I I just wanted to throw that out there just so that you're have it in the back of your mind going forward I just have one more question um what you restore all the mailboxes do you have pictures of what they originally looked like that's a good thing yes we do have videos videos that we submit okay you have a picture of what they look like before yeah part of the the the contract is to do a pre inspection report and that's been submitted to the e okay thank you I'm just going to say one one last thing the um now that we have the first uh lift of asphalt down uh you might be seeing some puddles form in some places on the streets uh Anthony and I have been out and and there will be puddles on the street and and when we're contacting residents about one thing they'll say well there's a puddle here and you got to remember that there's only the first lift of asphalt down and so those puddles give give the engineers an idea of where that whether the gutters and and the slope and re-engineering of the road is working because it the puddle may be at right at a catch Basin and so when you get the second lift of asphalt it's pushing it into the to the curves pudding in the correct places that's right so sorry and by the way all those whole project is very difficult for residents living here I want to compliment our staff particularly daging Trey Anthony and Renee who are doing Yan's work um every day they working on this um really want to compliment you all for your for your work thank you all right we have a motion on change order number four did you ask me uh motion to approve change order number four as presented in the amount of$ 28377 14 second second R commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield commissioner orine vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes thank you okay so uh the next item on the agenda mayor this is basically what this is and you and you have an attachment uh this is Baxter and Woodman's uh proposal to do uh engineering uh services for phase two um in terms of inspection and uh so the initial um the initial proposal uh was over $300,000 but it included two two full-time inspectors like we have now uh I spoke with jocky and uh my in my opinion because of the difference in in the in the work and the area that's involved that we didn't need to full-time and so we cut it back to one four hours a day uh and uh so what was over $300,000 is now down to 200 and I think or is it uh 48,000 very important we have to have the oh absolutely I mean assisting Anthony in overseeing the project moving along resolving disputes and I'll say if this ends up getting like phase one where we all originally had anticipated one and a half but it got so spread out I mean they were in five locations at some sometimes and so one guy can't can't do that so any questions properly now is there a motion relative to the new agreement with back motion to approve uh the new agreement for phase two with bter Woodman uh for the project total for Engineering Services and inspections not to exceed $255,300 second commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes okay Solid Waste recyclable materials and yard trash collection thank you mayor there are other things going on in town other than the CIP so I'm glad to uh you know talk a little bit about that so as you know we uh put out to bid our Solid Waste uh U Services we uh approved a bid award to Coastal waste and recycling last month so this is the contract I do have Jake Lancaster the district manager here um and one of his co-workers I'm sorry we haven't met if you want to come up and introduce yourself um we did meet with them myself the manager clerk uh Dena who handles a lot of calls from our our residents and we made sure that they understand the um the white glove service that we expect we do have liquidated damages in the contract in the event that there are Miss pickups and other things like that so we have a really good contract that we went over obviously that was part of the solicitation package so they um their bid price included all that they were happy to um you know to to meet with us and believe that they would have a really good transition they mentioned that they have transitioned with um with our current provider on a number of other cities and they do also provide backdoor side door service for at least one other municipality in South Florida so this is not anything that is new to them and with that I'll go ahead and let you introduce yourself hi my name is Tanya Jordan Edwards I'm work with Coastal I'm his rightand young lady and now I'll become your rightand young lady when it comes to God service good well thank you very much B working with you uh when will the um transition occur so I believe our first pickup uh so the contract starts April 1st and I think our first pickup is April 2nd so we have you know we still have some time built in which is how we uh we uh uh scheduled the the RFP so they are currently fully aware of of everything that's going I don't know Mr Lancaster if you want to put some meat on the bones of that but um when we originally contracted with someone to help us with this solicitation they made sure that the solicitation would be would be over and the bid award would allow for a certain period of time before transition so we're not just awarding the bid and then 30 days later they they have to come in so I don't know if you want to talk a little bit about how you transition and things like that so normally what we do um we'll have our team so the drivers uh Miss Edwards here we will be in the city driving around looking at different locations for where everybody puts their containers um and then that way when the drivers come in they know right where to go where the container where the residents place the containers so that'll be probably about three to four weeks before the actual contract starts um that way when your current provider is in here still we have an idea on the directions that they go so we're not changing any of the routes um none of that stuff but it's more so for our education and if we have any questions we can just stop in here in the office and ask that's pretty much how we do it going forward on any other contract that we have you acquired from Waste Management same days uh yeah and it's same days same regulations start times work times things like that going to change we did you know obviously they're here they see what we're talking about reled to construction so we did mention that we would allow them I believe to come in a little bit early um on on certain areas that are experienced in construction so they can get the trash before there are potentially potential Road blockages so that's really you know the short term but we did want to make sure that they understood that there would be some leeway with that uh just to make sure that the the the trash was collected at all of our residents properties during that that potential disruption great um I have one more thing so through all this just was brought to my attention one of the many things that are brought to that are trash pickups so no one wants to look at apparently no one wants to look at like the waste management our current provider which obviously we're transitioning to this one today for April but we don't want to go to the the the uh provider website to look at the days of trash pickup especially during holidays and other events although this was an oddity because our both of our holidays fell on Wednesday which the TR update so there was a request that the 27 I haven't looked at it but I'm just going for memory the 2017 update the trash pickup on our website be updated with the new provider and all the dates that the trash pickup will be and if we're starting in April if our new provider that's year our new vendor through you know April through obviously the end of the year although the holidays next year shouldn't fall on Wednesday I will take care of that where we are follow up on that will there be some sort of communication sent out to Residents notifying of not only the timing but also the The Scouting they'll be doing the locate can you put that in your letter that everyone reads well inevitably somebody will be surprised when a new truck BS into the neighborhood oh yeah definitely no one know no one knows that were doing this also is part of the website in the yearly trash schedule through the holiday S I can definitely put something on the front page of the website yeah not that anybody knows we have one but but it's there there yeah no I think we're do that okay all right do we have a a motion regarding the a contract with Coastal waste and recycling uh motion to approve the solid waste recycle materials and yard trash collection franchise contract between the town of golf stream and Coastal W and recycling Inc as presented second commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orline yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes thank you thank you very much for coming forward to working with you all right let's move on to the agreement for Planning and Zoning review services thank you mayor so this is a piggyback agreement off of an existing contract that U Place planning and design has uh with the town of ocean ridge he provides although he does uh do a lot of private work he does have a number of Municipal clients so Greg and I looked uh at a potential replacement for Marty Miner who did retire in December uh he mentioned that Urban Design did not have anyone that would be able to take its place and provide those services so we were we were sort of on the market uh and decided to uh to select someone under a piggyback agreement uh Mr Corey o' Gorman it is a sort of a oneman shop I think he has an assistant but it's really just him uh again he does uh in addition to ocean ridge has at least one more Municipal client so this is something that he is familiar with uh Greg and I met with him and you know he seemed very uh uh uh friendly and uh knowledgeable uh we talked a little bit about our code and some of the projects that we have coming up you will note that we do not have a an ordinance for our overlay District I thought that even though I had I've drafted the majority of it uh and even come up with a with a fun name uh for what our overlay district is to be called um I wanted him to have some input on maybe where that would go in the code or how we would maybe structure it so it's Incorporated uh in a way that is userfriendly so you know because it's an overlay District it's something that's kind of new so that's something that we he will help us with in addition to um the second reading of our uh comp plan amendment that Marty sort of worked on WE transmitted it to the state um and now we're waiting for comments and then he'll handle that on second reading so that's something that he understood and and would be um totally comfortable with doing his hourly rate is 140 5 an hour Marty's was 150 so it's a slight discount um and again Greg and I mentioned to him that he's not going to be doing a ton of work although we have some projects that are in the pike right now um largely he's just there on an as needed basis consistent with what we were working with Mr midon he also works in the same position for ocean ridge at this point I think you looked into that and they were complement at his his service okay any questions just wanted I noticed the notice provision showing notice going to the Town of Ocean Street um if you look at the the second page we do have a notice specific to us that might have been one of the attachments um because we are piggybacking so there was their original um their original Consulting agreement and then they've renewed it two times so we have a kind of a hodg podge of additional attachments that are part of part of that agreement thank you very good sir uh motion to approve son of gstream agreement for Planning and Zoning res review services with Place planning and design in as presented second R commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes uh thank you very much um uh as you know um Malcolm Murphy left the uh Architectural Review and planning board uh we now have a vacancy on that board uh we go by seniority uh typically um not but the next in line of alternates that would sit on the board was Terry power I talked to Terry yesterday um she declined uh because she's been assigned some new projects that at fpnl that are going to take up a considerable amount of time and she didn't think she could devote uh the necessary time to attend all meetings uh however she asked that she go back remain as an alternate uh and be the number one in position so the next time someone resigned she could be considered hopefully her projects would be completed uh next in line is Katie orwine I spoke to Katie yesterday and she is uh um agreeable to moving on to the board so it's my recommendation that we appoint Katie wwan to the architectural can I if not I think I should you don't have to it's about um financial gain or loss um Katie orwine does not um will not gain or lose financially due to your decision to appoint her just recuse just for just you know Rene please note that commissioner orwine stepped off the de for a minute while we were voting okay and and I believe you've had an opportunity to observe Katie because she hasn't sat on the board she you know honestly when she's not in attendance I wish that she was because she is extremely thorough with all the reviews um she caught um you know a a minor accessory structure that was two feet into the setback you know when we when we're looking at plans we're looking at so many things on the uh on the plan and that was something that she caught that we had not you know caught at the time um so we were able to you know to navigate and she's just very thoughtful it's clear that she puts a lot of time in thought into a review so uh we're fully in support of of moving her up good to have an MIT grad um that also opens up another position which is the alternates we have three alternates with her moving up there is a space you've had an opportunity to observe some of our our alternants sure so um so right so if we are moving up um Katie orwine that does leave a vacancy uh Olivia Lions has expressed interest previously but I know that we were holding off moving her up until her father was maybe off the board um that is not a conflict of interest but it's something that we had done before so we do have another candidate that has expressed interest which is Mr Glennon who is here I don't know if he wants to say anything but I'm happy to sing his Praises absolutely um he recently served on our massing committee uh he was uh very you know he put a lot of time into it developed a spreadsheet got along with all the uh the other members of the arpb who are on the massing committee um he's been in attendance of a lot of our ARP meetings so I think has developed some knowledge not only through observation but also uh looking into how to to modify the code potentially for uh to address those massing concerns um he you know on a sort of Staff level we've had very positive interactions with him and have you know nothing but nice things to say about his personality and how he interacts with staff as well okay um all right so we would U we would move up uh KY wor wine to the board Mr Glennon uh thir alternate is there a motion uh motion to approve uh this orwine moving up to arpb Mr Glenn being an alternate on I mean can I second second Rene commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes is she recusing for both of them just half I mean I I'll recuse you vice mayor Stanley yes and mayor Morgan yes very good um items by Commissioners any comments um I I have one I and Rob you can pipe in on this um I I talked to to ingred kenar the other day um and she brought up a point in keeping with what we talked about at the application today and that is the preserving and encouraging a canopy in the road we we we emphasize it significantly here in the core always looking at that street skate and being very careful about trees being removed and the same applies to plasa CET we had a you know very significant Black Olive Tree on this application not a desirable tree but it really impacted the view down at no and so the applicant is removing it but adding two very significant oak trees to make up that streetcap um so we we talked about she she she asked whether rather than just having kind of a tacid understanding whether the we should have something in the code to to enforce a canopy and a streetscape development so I just bring that up to talk to talk about it I think you've probably spoken to others in POS about this as well Rob yeah particularly this kind ofur I have talked about this at length and she said a few ideas um one of the first ones that we kicked around was potentially um the town planting five oak trees in uh in the easement at various spots to allow that canopy to grow and then we wouldn't be reliant on residents or um if there was new construction because that's going to happen so sporadically you're going to end up with a large tree here in there over neighborhood over the next 10 years so if we really wanted to increase it that would be one option I spoke to Anthony about it and given the utilities and everything that run through the easement it'd be really tough to do something like that on a consistent basis because of the uh interference You' find so I'm all for an option I agree I think that's one of the the best parts of our neighborhood when you drive in you've got those oak trees you go on the median those are the banion trees not desirable but coming around that corner you're under a canopy almost the entire time so it does create kind of a charm for our neighborhood that I think a lot of people would be interested in seeing I think it's covered I'm I'm I'm loath to modify the code on the this kind of peac meal basis we we have our descriptions of the neighborhood districts which I believe the arpb now understands needs to be enforced uh and we enforce it now more and it's more of a discretionary understanding of how a neighborhood District needs to be maintained and one characteristic of pla slay and the core is the canopy the streetcape if you will uh also with some of the private roads uh hidden Harbor Netherland where you have this canopy you know we have to be sensitive to preserving it so I like the idea of us just continuing to to apply the discretionary nature of our districts uh however a number of the homes that have been built in pla didn't have trees in front of them so it's not as if the new owner would have to put them in uh so perhaps we should look at maybe planting some trees where where appropriate well I mean one of your main beta tests which is uh you know not quite Apples to Apples is obviously when the U you know the Atlantic Avenue uh streetscape was totally redone which would be in the early 90s and they've had several specimens in there and now you've got you know you've got the looks more like a plan unit development so it's not quite optimal for what you're trying to achieve it we've had those oak trees downtown you all know you go down there every day um you know in those planting areas and the city's done you they spent a lot of time on Atlantic Avenue as they should one of the main drivers over the beach and they've done pretty well through the hurricanes and whatnot they've done options where they first they had you know they they prune them they trim them they're there all the time the service Personnel they've done different things with the beds where they had Rock they had dirt now they've got this perious uh plastic stuff you walk over and cigarette butts doesn't stick you're not you you sort of have to almost have to create more road construction on almost like some planning areas and do the locates and whatnot you're not and it might not be that linear but it's something to look into which would be a planning area and some Street work obviously we're not going to probably do it here all we're doing with the valley Cuts but something you could definitely look at and that's a good I mean they they've held up I mean not and even the Hurricanes even though they're guarded by the buildings none of them are really gone but you got to stay after them like it's like every six month mon project to keep those things trimmed up and and doing what they need to do you know again we could do I think we should have to be careful what we plant that we're going to have to maintain all I mean that's and also in the right way we don't want to get into I don't think for liability reasons you don't want to start putting p i mean oak trees in there but there's a lot there's a lot of data on that though yeah but if we can encourage people to do it or try to help them do it and they take over maintenance of it I think for the town to take over maintenance of a bunch of a lot of oak trees would be enormous I mean I I think maybe maybe rais is a good point if you're putting them more likely putting them on people's property yeah I mean it would have to be in conjunction they would have to agree to it yeah and then it's on their property it's essentially theirs so they would maintain it yeah well I it's it's going to be a delicate you probably know you can talk to the residents what their feeling is too whether they want it's a polarizing topic people are either all four a very large stream they are or they don't want that shade and they want our yeah there's sort of been a move qu talking now oh I didn't know it was polarizing sorry well no it is because I mean people that love it absolutely love it yeah and then there's people that have built their houses recently that intentionally they not include that because they want it to be open they don't want leagues going into their pool and I mean it's a pretty look I mean I'm all Street skate particular got that nice Street skate you get it at the beginning of the straightaway and you get it at the end there's kind of a vacancy but I don't I don't think the town should be responsible for the right away putting trees in the right away clear sharing ideas sure that's on the record but I if it were something that there was an appetite for I'd be all for it but well I mean we investigate we'll look into it and see I think uh I think you raised a very good point we we don't want to get into the right away there are reasons why you can't go in the right way that you tell and your maintenance comment I would add on that everybody's well aware of the cost to maintain one of those fully grown trees and it's a two-day project and I don't think a lot of people want to take that on if they don't already have it so oh interesting can't think of that interesting okay okay fcker trucks come out and block the road for two days to to clear the tree everybody's fully aware of it andad and the town already maintains those oak trees when you come in the inference to place osola and yeah the commissioner right I mean it's a all day and they had a major hydraulic issue on their truck that day which extended it right everybody was fully aware of it yes I heard about it so yes any other trees that don't have that much maintenance going on oak trees need main there's no canopy but it's the old Sable Palm so yeah but again that's a totally different look too so it's not a branching tree all right good well that SS that I'm glad we discussed it you can see what they want to do and get back to us I think that's the you see feel for this yeah yeah um yeah we'll continue the conversation there thanks all right anything else if thank you all for coming jour