are we good let's call the meeting to order please rise and pledge the [Music] flag United States of America the uh Renee would you uh would you call the role Please Mr Green here Mr pfield Mrs or yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan here let it also be noted that town manager DNA assistant Town attorney Naro Chief Jones and myself are also present thank you very much I'd like to take the opportunity to welcome our now complete U commission um Michael Green Rob Canfield welcome you both to the commission de compliment you're a veteran already okay we have the minutes from our last meeting on January 12 are there any corrections additions comments if not is there a motion to approve OT motion to approve the minutes from January 12 2024 second Renee commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orline yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes uh I believe we have some changes to the agenda Mr D um I'm gonna defer that to the council here yeah thank you mayor so we're going to move uh under items for commission action item B 2900 Avenue Alay agreement to modify easement agreement that is going to be moved to U item number uh under reports Town manager uh item number four all right so 2900 I'm sorry you're putting that under report four oh yes report under Town manager reports so a four uh very good uh our next meeting will be March 88th at 9:00 a.m. for anyone who wishes to attend uh public comment anybody wish to speak if not then we'll proceed with have public hearing any expart Communications by commission members on any of the applications before us today very good who will be speaking today on any application please rise and be swor very good the first uh application is 4120 North County Road good morning good morning morning Dustin Mel with environment Design Group um we're here just to um seek approval for two uh minor items uh one is um the addition of a fountain within five feet of of a side property line as opposed to the required 10t and then an encroachment of a Pergola uh along the West property line um which is right on the little Club there and um I believe it's by um I can't read it there Rene is a two two feet encroachment I apologize for the T point I can't see it either they may see it on their hard copy okay good you can see the red hat P there that's the only area in the perg the little red sliver that encroaches and again that is on the golf club so it doesn't impose any neighbor at all and then the fountain will not be visible because it'll have a sight wall right now it's just currently a chainlink fence along the property line so we think the addition of the fountain in the site wall with the Landscaping will be completely mitigated not visible at all so those are our two requests here this morning uh comments from commission questions neighbors neighbors comments we received nothing no I mean it's a it's a it's a nice piece of property it borders the Fairway on number two and um is restricted by the by the golf coures Fairway can mean as I play there I think of the synchronicity of of the Fairway to that this particular property and I think some deference has to be given uh to the property owner given the fact that uh um you know we want to maintain um that that that Fairway where it is and also allow for um you know nice and quiet enjoyment of this property so I'm in favor of the thank you of the application anyone opposed um just Mr Mayor I'd like to just recuse myself Mr Compton's an employee of my firm V thank you yes sir all right Mr Green is is recused uh we'll then entertain a motion a special exception the water fountain feature speci well they're both special exceptions yeah um so we start with the water fountain feature I believe yeah so we've got a uh a motion to approve a special exception to reduce the fountain side setback from 12 feet to 5et pursuance to section 70- 75b with the condition the F shall not operate between the hours of 11: p.m and 7 a.m. second commissioner green recused oh I'm sorry that's my bad commissioner Canfield yes commission orine yes vice mayor Stanley mayor Morgan yes uh second motion is a motion to approve a special exception to reduce the minor accessory rear setback from 15 ft 13 ft for a perula pursuant to section 70-75 special exception setbacks second M Bas commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes third motion is a motion to approve a level three architectural site plan based on a finding that a that minor improvements to the pool Garden area with a Pergola and water fountain feature meet the minimum intent of the design manual and the applicable review standards second commissioner camfield yes commissioner orline yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes thank you very much thank you have a nice weekend all right let's move on to the next application uh Mr eliopoulos this is 1465 North Ocean Boulevard Mr Mayor commission um my name is Gary iliopoulos with uh ge architecture address is 1045 East lanic Avenue uh with me today is Christian Ando he'll be doing the presentation anything that you do like he did something you don't like probably I did um anyway so as he's loading this up this is a unique piece of property um in the sense that um it's adjoined to the neighboring property which is 1443 North Ocean uh we're looking at something that was in the period of the 1928 29 in the 30s somehow this property got split into two but yet the houses are still attached so uh our client's property is actually uh non-conforming in not only setbacks but even size I believe the minimum lot width on the ocean is like 100 maybe 150 fet we're 68 and then of course you'll see how these two properties touch each other um this next slide that we're going to go to is just a quick over fly over so that you can see it um again you see the property on the south side it's coming right to the property line and then of course we're on the North side which is right there you're seeing a little uh what I call a motor court but both properties do touch each other in several areas and even at the end the buildings are literally together on the next slide um we're looking at uh as far as the aerial there you see in the property you can also see the property to the South how they were connected at one time again we are minimum on the uh width at 68 ft so what I'm going to describe today is there's basically three structures on the North side as Villa one would be on the west side on A1A then we got one in the middle and then you got the primary one which is on the ocean the one in the middle is actually what we're here for today that we're doing a renovation to uh this next slide that we took a pick of is actually from A1A uh what we're trying to do here is it's it's kind of unique and also the sense that you're most familiar with A1A is high up and then it goes down towards the water this first Villa is at an elevation of 18 plus feet the ones behind it are at 16 so basically we're showing you a shot at 10 feet eye level you don't see anything really Beyond this front building the next one we actually went a little higher we went to 20 ft uh so you can see that you're only seeing vegetation what's amazing is the one that's on the ocean actually three stories high and you still can't even see it from A1A so it's very unique in that the depth of this property how it is on the next slide so here we're showing all three structures the one along the uh left side uh we believe was built in around 1928 um what's a little unique about this property too there is only one car garage and that's really why we're here today uh having this type of a property now they do have the motor court and then they got their Center Viller will that was built in around 2013 Mark Marsh was the architect on that that's in blue then we have a trellis that connects to the main structure which is actually on the ocean and that was the original one that was actually attached to our neighbors um again the one that's in blue is what we're focusing on uh the square footage so the maximum lock coverage is the 6,929 which the documents show in 20 or 2013 you were at that square footage we're reducing it by 51 square feet by eliminating uh a bathroom that we have on this building we'll go to the next one so this is the existing uh Villa that we're dealing with basically we're looking at this area right here which is a bathroom we will be demolishing this portion which is linen and shower we're going to be converting the existing exercise room into a garage uh the next one so here we're just highlighting how it's gonna oh go another one I'm sorry Christian okay so basically we're going to be taking the original bathroom converting into a walk-in closet we're going to take the walk-in closet convert that into a bathroom and then we're going to come off the motor court and we're proposing to do a garage right there next one so this is the west elevation uh what we're highlighting in red is the existing roof line this roof in this Villa has two heights we're actually going to be raising that back portion 1 foot6 so the total height of the sopit will be 11 foot6 the blue that you're seeing is the 51 square fet that we're actually removing and that's where we're going to actually place the garage door which we'll show in the next slide so that's the proposed design of this one again this garage door is flanking uh the motor cord it's facing the other garage which is in the front Villa next one so there's that garage door there uh the ladder will be removed um next one so you know here's that motor court right now so you can see right now with four cars in there it's kind of snug um this being the entrance to the one garage over here and what will be proposing is a garage over here next one more of an overview highlighting how the three buildings relate to each other and how this garage would be next one please another overview and another one right now that particular elevation of that building is heavily vegetated which will be eliminated for the garage door and then we have our proposed elevations uh basically keeping in the same style of the structures this is actually the north elevation the next one being the South and then the final one being the proposed garage door we're add the window for the closet uh that concludes our presentation should you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them how high are you raising the 1 foot6 to match the existing to to match yeah there's two levels of the RO right right okay uh questions uh as always you do a very thorough job Gary uh the photographs are very helpful because uh I looked at this and I was having a little trouble understanding exactly what you were trying to so didn't I until Christian did a presentation for me uh comments from Neighbors Mr G Bob ganger the uh the illustration here is a bit misleading because next to the garage door there's a a little garbage area and and uh I'm guessing 10 ft to the wall that divides the two homes and um I I I think that uh and this is not for you but really for Gary the you're GNA have to figure out what to do with the garbage area which is which is Tiny uh but um it's a little misleading to show Blue Sky uh in what is really uh garbage see and um other than that uh this is a a wellth out plan uh and uh it is um it will enhance the enjoyment of the home for the owners uh and um uh and hopefully there is another issue and I won't get into it because they may not even present it uh but uh I think you ought to take in the context that this home uh is really one of the only historic homes in in in Gulfstream uh although they say 1928 it's actually 1930 to 33 it was built over a period of time uh but uh I I I'm only commenting because I think that um we don't have that many historic homes in this town remember these were all built during the Depression the ones at the first WS just before the depression and then ours was built in the depression uh and uh it is uh if we care a lot about uh our our architectural Heritage in our town this is one of the few places it's a very unique piece of property but it's one of the few places that um you really want to work on making it look as close to the way it looked what it was built and and and I say that really in deference the fact that the the golf club is also going the country club is being uh redesigned too and that was built by Addison Meisner in in 24 and 25 so it you know we we don't have that much history in a town as new as Gulfstream but that which we have is really distinguished and we ought to be darn sure that we keep it as close to the way it was designed um as we can thank you Bob [Music] uh and any other comments do we have a motion back page go ahead go ahead motion to approve a demolition permit to permit a partial demolition of the existing bathroom at guest house is there a second second your name commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orm yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes motion to approve a level three architecture site plan to permit the conversion of a gym into a garage and the partial demolition of existing bathroom and guest house is there second second commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor yes thank you Gary you're back up uh we're moving on to 3400 Po and Mr May de side of voting conflict on item three which I've discussed vice mayor is refused Mr Mayor thank you again uh for the record GE architecture Gary leopolis 1045 East Atlantic Avenue uh we are The Architects of the project uh this one is H also a little unique and the fact is that we were here about a year ago with a previous project and the previous client um we're very fortunate that our our client actually has gone in a similar Direction uh I'd like to think that we've taken a lot of comments over the past year or so and actually tweaked it towards what I'm hoping uh the commission would agree as a an actual better design um we still feel that this is a Timeless design we did go into the uh Bermuda classic Bermuda style which is I think uh fitting for Gulfstream and of course your guidelines uh this is obviously one of the approaches that were're uh showing here which is the uh Southeast uh next slide we'll show you our location so those I'm sure you're most familiar with it uh we're south of Banyon we are in the northeast corner of the cove and we are right on polo Drive uh next one good Christian hit it again and one more okay so one of the things that we have here is that we uh the effective lotting area which we do we take out from the bulkhead back uh we basically have 24361 the allowable buildable area is 7472 we are at 7467 so we are just shy and that was similar to the last project the difference GRE this project in the last one is that we had more massing on the second floor square footage under a was close but what we had in the last scheme we actually had a covered porch a large one almost 500 square feet which made the the upstairs larger we actually had a flat roof in that Design This one we do not because we did pinch it in um I think one of the big things of course is the setback so we're obviously trying to be respectful of the neighbors our side setbacks are at 233 on the North and the South Side we exceed those for the ground floor and then we're going to demonstrate how we exceeded a lot more for the second floor uh next Christian um so here you have our ground floor uh one of the things I think that's happened is the previous owner did build the seaw wall uh took out the previous seaw wall and before she sold it put a new one in and so you are seeing a seaw wall out there that appears to be High um I say that because your code allows a SE well to go to eight feet that one is at 5 point what are we at 5.9 so you are below the maximum height what makes it also look high is that the ground level is at 2.4 the previous seaw wall was at 2.6 so that seaw wall was very close to grade and I think most of you know that they had a lot of water that would come over onto that property this is thus why it's gone up higher um again we feel that this one is setting the house back further the previous design that we had we actually came in for a special exception and had the house on the ground floor go out to 40 feet we are well off of the property line by more than 50 feet um one of the criterias you also have is along the front side uh for covered entrances they can't be less than 8 feet we are at 8 F feet the one thing that we will be talking about today is the finished floor because I know this did come up last time we are proposing to be at 8 feet next slide please um again looking at the second floor so the maximum that the second floor can be over the ground floor is 50% of that square footage of the ground floor that would put us at 2500 square feet you'll see that we are 275 unlike the previous project you had to count the covered porch which bumped us up to close to 2500 thus this being at the 2,000 really does reduce the massing again you can see all our setbacks when you look off the water side we're 65 ft at one portion of the rear of the building then we go to 72 along the south side we're 47 feet along the front we range from 46 to 48 and then on the North side you're at 51 almost 52 feet next please what was the finished floor elevation on the approv seven seven yeah right and we had a lot of discussion about that we did Mr Mayor and I I realized there will be more discussion so I thought I'd just throw it out there right now um this is your East Elevation obviously this is a twodimensional uh elevation which would be very difficult to ever see in real life your eye level is at like 15 feet plus with all the vegetation that we're going to have but the front element which is a Flemish cable entrance maximum height is 14 feet we are at 14 feet maximum height of the structure is allowed to be 30 feet we are at 294 uh again you're seeing the side setbacks you're seeing and how we're uh trying to be most respectful to our neighbors to the North and South uh next slide please here's your North elevation the north elevation and the South elevation are going to be very similar in the sense of their setbacks we do have a lot of undulation in this house so that we're actually reducing the massing from the street and from the public rideways um what you do see here is we do have our garage doors all on the North side so they're going to be hidden from the public uh along the uh West Side we've highlighted in blue we do have some structures out there those are open trellises um one of the other things we've done is we've minimized windows on the second floor again providing additional privacy to the neighbors to the North and the South next slide please so similar to the north here you're seeing you are seeing the Tresses along the water side uh you're seeing those setbacks at 65 ft to the second floor 61 on the ground floor and then along the front you're seeing various uh setbacks between 38 and 46 next please here's the rear so this is facing the water again we've highlighted uh what we call in Blue uh when you look at that we're looking at like 43% of this elevation believe it or not is open trellises and covered porches uh but then you're also seeing those setbacks off of the side property lines 233 being what we need to be and how we are exceeding all of them next please uh on the Landscaping so we do have that fig tree that's in the center of the property we've designed the driveway similar to last time which we actually going around it you're seeing how the side loaded garages are along the north side all along the front we're going to have a 5 foot high portic carpus and then it's going to tear down with Jasmine two levels of that and then we got Royal Palms that will flank the Fig Tree along the north side and the South Side we do have a Kusa hedge at 8 feet now we will have a retaining wall we will have a twoot high retaining wall with a 4 foot high decorative aluminum fence on top of that but the kalucha heads will blend in with that uh which will we feel provide plenty of privacy to our neighbors um next please looking at your front elevation uh basically that's what I was talking about as far as the Hedge and how we're going to have it tear down with the Jasmine the Fig Tree being in the center the Royals there's one on the south and then three on the North uh along the north side you're seeing how we have the proposed hedge it does step down when it gets towards the front uh next please uh facing west uh basically we've got several date Pals we got boxtail Pals that are on the sides wild date palms and Royal Palms all blending together and then on the south facade you've got that same uh 8 foot high kalucha hedge coming down to the port of carpus next please all right so here's an overview of the Cove I think a lot of times one of the the design guidelines and the setbacks are really designed to preserve the views of the abing properties uh we're going to go through and show you how we feel we've done that uh next please I believe our slide about a year ago that was still under construction there is that finished house on the point as you're coming into the Cove next please as I said last time I really do believe we're more in keeping with the house to the South uh traditional Bermuda home with all the right proportions and setbacks actually make it very stately and yet elegant for Gulf Stream next please okay so there's the proposed rendering or model if you will on the leand side you are seeing the seaw wall you are seeing how it is higher than the adjacent neighbors these are to the South uh we're saying approximate We Believe those seaw walls are approximately at eight feet I'm sorry three feet and we are at the 5.9 uh next please so yeah there we've actually highlighted the seaw walls there but we are now looking towards the North and looking at all the houses that are along there next please here's a closer view of our budding neighbors again I I believe there's is about 3 feet uh and ours being higher of course um in this picture again we originally on the last approved thing we actually came out 10t more and got our 40 foot exception uh today we have no exceptions for this prop design next please so there you're seeing all the views that we feel are being preserved from all our neighbors this one being the most closest in a budding but again we've now shifted it back to 522 um I believe during the ARB meeting they did talk about that they put a hedge in because they were trying to provide additional privacy for themselves but I we do believe our design is being respectful of them next please just showing off of Polo Drive the different undulations of our elevation and the various setbacks that you're going to see as you come down the road next please there again is that shot coming in on the South Side uh south of the fig tree that you would see from the opening for the driveway next please again another overview now looking more from the north where you're seeing the garage seeing how far we are from the property lines and uh our neighbor next please uh this is the driveway to the north of the Fig uh coming in seeing that side again you would turn towards the right turn in to go to the garages along the north side and the main entrance of course is in the middle along the South next please again another shot that you probably would never actually really see because obviously all the Landscaping in front and you're seeing it straight across but it is giving you a good view of what we are proposing for this design uh is that the scale yes that looks like a football field away from the street yeah it well I mean you're dealing with half of it right because we're we're just shy of 50 feet next please um the garage portion you know we're plus 30 feet away we do and that's at this little part that pops up because we're trying to break up the elevation that is the closest that it does come to any kind of setback uh the rest of the house as you can see as it goes south goes back further and further next please this be one of the views at the back of the family room next please uh now off the South Side off the primary [Music] room uh you're seeing that open Terrace again that's when the last design we actually had covered roof all the way out there which made it larger next please so this is not the wrong house um but it does go back to the mayor's comment okay so this this is the house that we did this past year 3420 Gulfstream road for the gabal residents uh ma was the contractor this house what I'm demonstrating here and I think last time I presented I said that you know whether it's next year 20 years it doesn't matter down the road you guys are going to be faced with challenges on Heights um right now this house was going for insurance my owner called me said he couldn't get insurance because the elevation height so when I called the insurance company they were looking at AC units the AC units were at seven feet code is the following for FEMA base elevation is six feet house by building code has to be at a 12 Ines higher which would have been seven feet this house is actually at eight feet they weren't going to give him Insurance because they said he wasn't at8 feet I said you do understand that's not the code he said just understand insurance companies aren't doing this anymore we're going higher than the code requires so that's just and I don't know who my client was using for insurance I didn't get into that but I was just happy to say we were at 8 feet so I'm just showing that because I know we're going to have a discussion about that I think one of the things that when you're looking at you know your seaw walls are allowed to go to seven or 8 feet and it just doesn't make sense that I would have a house at seven understand it was over a year ago that we got this project approved we did go to seven Highland Beach Chief billing official thought it was going to change within uh six months to go to eight it hasn't yet so it is still pending and then that's why we are proposing yes imminent month and it did not um our concern the massing on polo Drive beautiful house you and you do a great presentation no question about it well great thank you you have any questions I make the same arguments I did the last time no controlling massing on polo drive it's the big street and and and and Gul stream uh it's another twostory home in connection with other two-story homes nearby we we do have a similarity dissimilarity uh provision in our code and and that's the reason I I think we're so emphatic on that 7 foot floor area elevation um it will reduce that house by a foot because you're you're you're ma maximizing the height it's elevated now compared to the neighbors and yeah I don't know um we've had this discussion back and forth your insurance statement is anecdotal I don't know that everybody else in town is not getting insurance I haven't heard that I think I would have heard it by now so I'm going to dismiss that I'll throw it out to the other Commissioners to comment just for the record so the record we are we are 8 inches below the maximum height which you might say not the same discussion right but the other house we were higher so in reality we have dropped it the other house the wrong house that you showed is that 8et is that yes it so they're both could be at the same height true Yes except that one the whole house is 30 feet off the front and we're literally almost 50 feet so there is a difference in the backyard of that how high is the retaining wall in the back of that house because I believe that was four feet right and so you're only going to have two feet on this one yes okay because that is it just there's got to be something in the future that we can address right that was really bad yeah well on our on that one that I showed as an example right we offset it two feet we put Hedges all in front of it so that in essence our client gave up more land in order to provide planting for The abing Neighbors so they wouldn't see that wall Everything Is concealed but what happens is when they are out in their backyard now they're like up here going swimming and the neighbors down here yeah I agree I mean it it does looks it's bad on on a on a small lot obviously you're going to see it visually or hear it I should say and you're not going to see it because again the hedges are all about eight feet high so you're not seeing anything but I agree on this one you'll never see it because this property is so wide okay so like it's going to be two feet and so it's going to be here not at four feet looking down at right the neighbors you're exactly right yeah you're only two foot difference with the neighbor on the sides okay yeah and again because it's so wide we can bring the Earth back up no it has we have to address that in the future because it's it's a really bad effect yeah no question about it for the neighbor I don't know how that you got at that but it's not a good situation and that's the problem is we often address these homes they look great on paper and and and Gary you do a terrific job of giving us the photographic aerial views really helps to to show us what the home's going to look like and I really do appreciate that thank you um but then the house goes up and and it always is more looming than it appears that's an so well this lot was underwater because I live on polo Co and I you know what for insurance purposes I mean you've got to have a house that's insurable for some people otherwise they're not going to be able to afford it um that's my only statement you have to have a house that you can Ure well yeah well yeah obviously but it's seven feet I don't think you can Ure a house anymore well it's going to be it's gonna be how about this I think it's GNA be challenging for you guys regardless of this it's gonna be challenging you know after last year with hurricanes on both sides of this yeah everybody's we're getting the calls from everybody saying we have issues you know how high should we build I used to always say go write to code I never pushed the envelope I didn't even care about pending because I said you know I don't know what pending means is it next month I don't know but I I will tell you as an architect and as a professional I've changed my attitude if you call me and you say I want to go up an extra foot if I can do it I'm going to do it it just only makes sense there are surveys that will say that it's every 50 to 75 years that we have these cycles of these ties well it's in our cycle right now and it's in for probably our kids so I'm looking at it like protecting my clients saying if I can push it and when I say this I think we're pushing it with taste and and we're being respectful and so that you're not going to see what I call a full foot you're really not uh due to the fact we could have gone higher with the structure I think it's a big lot and it's like this house better than your last one thank you we do too thank you CHR um and it'll be a lot better than that one on Gulfstream Road I mean I don't think you're GNA have the perception of something that massive right on you this has a lot of back and forth right and g Road does slope down so what's unique about it and you you pointed it out on the South Side the house is a very low elevation on the North side the grades are exactly the same because yeah because the and so on the north side of that house the retaining W was one foot even though we're at 8 feet we didn't have to go high on a retaining wall because Gulfstream road goes up you mean in the front yard you got no on the sides so on The Gulfstream Road when you're going down to the school it's sloping all the way down right when you come back to to the South it's up high so the house abing us we were level it was only on the south side that we had a different IAL on the North side no South Side FL north side right North Side North Side you got it backwards I'm sorry that's right yeah I'm just I'm trying to yeah figure that out B string Road you're saying on the North side it was a newer house I don't know mean by the got me confused on the south side it's a newer house I don't know when that was built not not I mean within the last 15 years or so yeah but I think the grade itself is high yeah that's what I'm saying true the street runs right so when I say I'm saying down that's all saying down North is down yes correct yeah okay that's enough other comments Gary can you um just give me comparison with the prior house in three areas side setback um the volume of the second Story versus the previous homes Second Story Volume and the total roof height can you just give me those comparisons again yes um so on the second floor the square footage was under air were closed they were like within 25 square feet it was actually the rear covered porch we have an open Terrace on this one so it reduces the roof massing so that was the big difference that one I think it was like 475 Square ft of the covered porch which made it bigger and that and so on that one we were closer to the 30 ft so there we had this house right now we're at the 294 there we were 298 which is only four inches but we actually had to do a flat roof in order to get the height under the 30 feet um as far as setbacks go the previous one the setbacks were greater on the ground floor because we had pushed it in and it was a different configuration we on this one we've actually taken it we've made it longer and narrower so that we're actually we are closer on the ground floor but a lot further on the second floor I believe on and this is definitely by memory I believe on the previous design on the ground floor the ground floor would have been set back approximately let's say 35 feet versus right now we're at 24 25 where code is 233 we very we're we're exceeding the setbacks by four to 5 feet on the ground floor right now where before we were more like 10 and 10 but that's how the volume changed it basically was just playing with the shapes we were deeper on the previous one again we did a special exception off the water went another 10 feet towards the water and that's how these proportions change this one's longer narrower and brought in more on the top so volume wise this one is a lot less and the second floor setback second floor setback the second floor setback was literally if we were at the 23 we were at 33 versus right now we're 51 and 47 and just one last question the um ceiling Heights of of bedrooms on the second floor second floor we're at 9 feet so we're going to Vault some ceilings but you're going to be within the roof okay I think when you get masing some of the houses just south of it it's like a block stuck a block and it look looks huge this has a lot of Dimension to it so I don't think you're going to get the massing of I don't personally think you're going to get the massing of that well that's what we worked on last time is that that major setback to the front door which which really yeah steps the second floor back and now that the second floor is reduced even further and you're spreading out the first floor um across that long lot uh it will have less of an impact one of the the previous design had was um deeper overhangs we had the what you call the outlookers the decorative brackets here we're going with decorative crown molding which pulls it in and we actually think that reduces your massing also versus these big can of lever roof overhangs the design is a little more consistent with Golf String too I think golfing Bermuda look Rob I mean I appreciate your comments on massing but I I do agree that g your presentation is fantastic how you point out the details that are important than what we want to see so I I do think it's a great project so yeah I'm not going to hold you up on the on the feet God forbid I don't want to be the one they couldn't get insurance because next anyways beautiful home you did a great job any other comments comments from the public yes you sit down no that's okay I'm speaking for Ellen Walton can you show us the West salvation the water said one more time and and because the last house we keep bringing up the last house the back was just a theme park right will you show us the differences and I mean that was nice but can you show us the differences and where you have brought it back to protect because I show I saw where you had number three perw can you just go back over that one time do you prefer to see it in plan or in elevation it as it actually the okay so go to the AI no problem Christian keep going we'll Buble to and then go again let's see okay so one of the things in the last team is that this we had proposed all card deck so that they could sit out there uh we had a infinity pool Edge that basically was dropping down you had the steps so now we have all green but although we're trying to reflect what's closest to the proposed landscape plan there's a lot more over in this corner here and what we had before is these decks came out further on this side and this side again the house came out to where the trellis is so there was a lot more structure involved in the previous one and we peeled it back and gave a lot more green yeah that's a super large pool not complaining about it's just a messing green and the house is and it is set back forther yeah so yeah we're we're at 50 on the ground floor 524 and then on the top floor we're at 62 and then it goes to 75 where the open terce is or sorry 72 um going into the area now it won't it won't scream it's l we made that Chang last time because they had all the it was like a wooden deck that went the whole way out remember that it was very objectionable to Ellen's property and that they were going to remove all that anyway so they've done even more here to make it more natural more grassing actually that was a good catch on your part that backyard I mean to make them change because they had the decking and it was brilliant catch on your part and we were so focused on the front of the house overlooked it um so they they've made that change which I think in yours to to Ellen's benefit uh any other comments from the public if not do we have u a motion I can see um I'd like to move Mo move to approve a level three site plan for construction of a 7460 U 7467 square feet twostory Bermuda style single b l dwelling with two and a half car garage Spa cover forch trellis fa swimming pool SE second commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes mayor Morgan yes thank you very much all right let's move on then to the town manager reports uh water service agreement update thank you mayor so uh the Boon Beach Public Works director is reviewing the rate structure and draft agreement and anticipates providing that to me within two weeks the city uh is continuing to work with the design engineer for the water main design and anticipates looping in the town soon the city has asked for a billing records uh with Del Beach and our tiered rate structure for Gulf Stream customers I have provided that information I just want to note that maybe what was providing then some pause was Senate Bill 104 which at one time was going to remove the ability for a municipality to charge external customers the 25% premium uh that has since been amended to essentially not include the relationship between Gulfstream and Del or bo uh because it is now you can only charge that premium if you're using a facility or water sewer plant located within the other municipality so obviously we do not have our own water sewer plant that Del Beach or borne operates so they would still be able to charge us up to a 25% premium so with that amendment I think that there's probably a lot more um willingness for them to continue to move forward so I don't know if that may have made them nervous or paused that they weren't going to be able to generate as as much um much revenue from this the relationship um so we're continuing to move forward and hopefully uh have an agreement soon based on uh our Communications with the utility director very good anything to add no sir all right let's move on on CIP update uh yes sir so uh the staff our engineers and the contractors met last week for a preconstruction uh meeting uh for our uh project that we anticipate beginning in in April and as a matter of fact we did Set uh two dates uh uh one the first date would be March 12th I believe and that is a Thursday Tuesday Tuesday uh March 12th to have a public uh meeting that would include the staff the engineers and the contractors we've made arrangements to do that at the school uh and the time uh for that will be 6:m and we'll be putting that out in in the mayor's letter and we'll do a separate yeah and then we'll do separate one a little closer to to the date good people tend to forget if you send it out to soon uh then the anticipated uh notice to proceed uh for the project is uh April 22nd and uh a slight change um in in the process as you know we we're doing this in two phases uh with basically Polo and gstream being the the dividing line um so the way we've talked about this in Mar marketed it was that all the construction in the first phase would be Polo and everything west of Polo but some of that will flow into uh the area around gstream in certain cases uh along Banyon and Lake View uh but all of that will be discussed at our uh public meeting with the U with the p our meeting with the public and our contractors uh so um it's kind of right around the corner hard to believe it's going to be here very and you'll believe it when it starts no doubt so it will be important uh uh for the uh the public to come and and understand uh that huge maintenance of traffic uh part of the U of the contract that because that's going to be probably the most important part of it to tell you the true so very good finally getting there yes okay uh Waste Management extension update okay so uh as you know we've discussed this uh the last couple of months our current uh contract with Waste Management expires on March 31st uh we have reached out to waste management to seek an extension to our existing contract uh I do have a representative here from waste management and Barbara Herrera and she'll like an opportunity to speak to you uh what we did do is we sent uh Waste Management um an example of a uh an agreement for the extension it's the same one uh that we uh used with Waste Management five years ago when our contract uh was about to expire we did get an extension five years ago and uh it was at the same terms and conditions as our existing contract was at that point in time uh so Waste Management has um gotten back to us and is suggesting that they would be uh a they would agree with a an extension but except except at uh different terms and conditions uh long story short those terms and conditions would represent an increase basically in the in the residential rates of about 20% or around $8 and for um for the multif family about uh the increase would be about 40 I guess 45% or 44% and uh commercial collection uh which would be our um clubs uh it's uh represents about a 45% increase also and that is for the extension which would be for six months during that time we would be negotiating um you know a a fiveyear contract with them so my recommendation would be that we uh use the terms that they're suggesting for extens six-month extension for the five-year contract I'm not sure that they would agree with that but uh uh so that's yeah the last time they extended it and maintain the same terms and conditions as before this time changing the conditions adding additional pricing up to 40 some per for our clubs and multif family six month for the six month period of negotiation Miss Herrera would you like to you address this yes good morning may good morning good morning vice mayor Commissioners and staff my name is Barbara Herrera I am the government Affairs manager for WM also known as waste management and I am the uh liaison from WM to the town of Gulfstream first of all thank you so much for taking up this item this morning we certainly are privileged to be your um garbage partner uh or as your garbage Le I'm happy to say that of course uh so we are here today as the manager said to of course discuss the six-month extension period And while we understand that the last time there were no changes to the rates everything stayed the same um as I've explained to the manager and his staff because of different market conditions that exist today as opposed to five years ago our operations cost have simply not kept up with what what with the economy and with inflationary um pressures mainly due to our labor charges our labor increases um Insurance supply chain issues that still affect the way that we are able to obtain our equipment and our Machinery so there's many different factors that we bring to you today this adjustment for this period of time that would allow us to meet our operation costs in the interim um well thank you I mean I don't think anyone disagrees that inflationary pressures have increased on uh labor supply chain and Equipment costs um and I guess that's what we'll need to ex to negotiate thank you so much may thank you very much and I'm happy to answer any questions of course I'll be here any questions well thank you appreciate it very much let's put a face for the name um some I mean yeah alternatives are to pass one that doesn't have any changes in the terms of conditions not sure that Waste Management would sign that so yeah no I mean I obviously a persuasive case that rates are going up so I don't I don't think we have a would have an objection to to uh an increase even while we're negotiating right an extension um because it has been f years but I think your recommendation of of U staying with those terms for the duration of the ensuing contract would be ones we would uh at least I would recommend that you try to negotiate just to add a little background when we negotiated this contract five years ago Waste Management originally sought a 26% increase uh over that six-month period we're able to talk them into a 6% increase so that was a significant um Victory I think for for Greg and and and myself working with a contractor who specialized in this industry the resulting agreement included a annual cost adjustment that was not tied to the CPI uh Consumer Price Index which is what we had advocated for but something that Waste Management argued for which was specifically the water sewer and trash index with a 4% cap so there have been uh at least one year where the water sewer and trash index exceeded 4% but it was only by about a half percent but there have been annual adjustments to this agreement that ideally would be keeping up with some some sort of cost uh increase so to think that we're still at the same price that we were five years ago ago is not correct so it has gone up uh consistently three to four% over the last five years and consistent with an index consistent with an IND industry that's correct yes sir oh okay that's important information M herrer okay very good um anything further on this let's move on then uh let's bring up then 2900 Avenue off you don't need them so just by way of direction we're going to continue to negotiate with either a six-month or or fiveyear increase so we'll we'll do that we do have a contractor uh that does operate in this industry that we have under contract that we can that can assist us in this at least short-term planning so if that's okay we'll go ahead and continue to do that yeah yeah that's we have the authority to uh perhaps if that's the best negotiation negotiated price what they have come back to us with to to sign that that's what you're saying so at this point we do have an agreement with Waste Management that ends at the end of next month so we would need to have some sort of agreement or extension at the for approval during the march commission meeting do you need a motion from from the commission on this so currently we have an agreement before you that includes a six-month increase under the same terms so we could approve that but again uh whether or not waste management agrees to that you know at this point we can either get direction to I think we just give you the direction because it would need to be approved by them anyway so correct so we we don't need to vote on it okay great I don't think anyone's in a disagreement with this approach very good thank you all right 2900 Avenue Al let's moving that up to reports Mr nzara thank you mayor so this uh last evening late uh the GF stream Golf Club who is a party to the agreement uh reached out and had some changes to the format of the uh of the proposed agreement that's before you so it's continued to be on the agenda to you know really put pressure on the parties to continue to to talk and negotiate um at this point we're going to have the so we have we have three parties that are kind of involved other than the town we have the club we have the current owner who's here with councel uh and is going to speak to some items and then we have the contract purchaser who's been working with engineers and and planners to get uh to get all the essential items together so at this point there are some changes that the to that I believe the town will find acceptable so we're going to at this point direct the club and contract purchasers attorneys to work those out into a document provide that to the town and make sure that's acceptable to the town get the document signed by the current owner and the club and then at that point we will have a final document that's ready for approval and signature that's been approved by all parties uh the contract purchaser uh emailed this morning during the meeting and said he hasn't discussed with his attorney but he believes that clubs comments are all resolvable so we we will continue to move forward the one outstanding issue for the current owner is the amount of a code enforcement uh fee that will be resolved as part of this this transaction uh currently uh as of today it would be 20 I believe $29,400 it's only $200 a day but it has been running for some time uh the the town sort of is going to advance language that because we really have a moving Target that the fine that will be paid will be $200 from the date of the the code enforcement order from the special magistrate until the effective date of the agreement which is final approval at this point by the town uh and I believe that the if the current owner wants to to speak to that uh and our you for alternative language I'd invite Ellie up here um uh but so at this point we're going to continue to move forward with with everything we have Jones Foster signed off on everything we had baxon Woodman sign off on everything we had Anthony sign off on some things we had delery Beach Fire Department make sure that the fire hydrant was in the right location we have really crossed all the eyes and dotted all the te's now I think there's some formatting issues and stuff that the club is involved that may need to be changed that I don't believe uh affects the town's position the one outstanding item that does need to kind of be resolved before the current owner signs it is what he's agreeing to pay in Code Enforcement fees so I'll provide miss zacharius the floor good morning good morning thank you Mr Aro it has been a long road I'm quite confident he's sick of hearing my voice um we have been working on this for many many months um I think I believe my first call to Mr nazaro was probably in July or August um and I believe we entered into or submitted to the town for review our first draft of this agreement probably in September if not very early October so we have been working in good faith this entire process it has been a long road um the town by the way has been fantastic uh very responsive very receptive unfortunately it was the club that we did not hear back from until last night so pleased that we finally did hear back from them so now we can move forward as Mr nazaro noted um but we do have these finds that are outstanding but again to go back to my original Point we've been at this for four five six months I would say at least 90 if not 100% of the fines that have been uring that exists today have been acre during that time that we have been working diligently and in good faith to move forward and enter into an agreement to ultimately demolish the house which I think is what everybody in this room desires um I also want to note the reason why we haven't demolished it again and I believe I noted that last time I before you all but I do think it Bears repeating this blanket easement from a land use perspective this blanket easement if it's not removed or abandoned once we demolish that house we res lose all right to rebuild a house on that property with the blanket easement in place so while yes we could have fix the roof um to spend money to fix a roof on a house that we all know is going to be demolished seemed counterintuitive so hence we went down the route of moving forward with this agreement but again we respectfully request because we have been working in good faith and again thank you so much to Mr nazaro and the entire staff um it's been a long process but a pleasant one nonetheless um we respectfully request that those fines be reduced uh in my opinion to zero um and that would be our request we would have granted uh an exception allowing that property to have a home built on it um had the home been demolished immediately so I'm not persuaded by your argument that had it been demolished earlier a home couldn't have been built there we were we invested in that in that property absolutely appreciate that but as Mr nazaro noted it's not just the current owner in the town that are party this agreement we also have the club so as noted we've been working with the club for over over four months probably closer to five and we just now received a response last night so totally appreciate that Mr Mayor um and I'm sure that would have been in good faith but again there's another party to this so without the club releasing us from that blanket easement the town in a vacuum would not have been able to authorize us to to build a house well but the clubs has not indicated any objection to it have they well it no they have not said all the issues could easily be resolved as of last night that was the first we heard of any issues that they had or that they've even reviewed the agreement or that they're willing to release us from the blanket easement so the first time we got any reassurance that we're on a path forward was last night and I believe it was around 8 o'clock Mr nazaro when we got the email that was the first unless I'm speaking at of turn if you know of one that I don't last night was the first communication we received from the from the club noting their comments and their willingness to move forward with the release of this blanket easement um I no the staff is object objecting to any reduction in in the code enforcement number sure uh the position from the very beginning has been that we want the home to be demolished or the violation cured and that's been consistent from the first time I picked up the phone with Miss Zares and uh you know and I asked that you know if we have an agreement between a you and your owner and the contract purchaser contract purchaser does not want to uh re rehabilitate the home why can't you have some sort of an agreement where you your owner demolishes it we get that resolved right now knowing that any future purchaser really of the property is is is going to demo the house so I just didn't understand why that was not happening and that's the position that we took then you know five months ago and it's the position that we're still taking right it's been month after month as as you've stated uh and and nothing seem to be moving forward until very recently my inclination is to keep the uh the fines running um get this thing nailed down and then we can we can talk about whether suspending it from today um I I doubt we I doubt we would reduce it uh perhaps suspending it from today if this can be hammered out very quickly um but I think uh the pressure of the continuing leans is what has brought everybody to the table a to date so um that's my position on it right now okay but I appreciate your argument for your no no and I understand that your your notation of it's been month and month and month but with all du respect it's not as if we haven't been working towards some sort of finality every day um again I think Trey is quite sick of hearing my voice um so we have been working diligently it's not as if we've been doing nothing for all of this time so I just wanted to note that than I appreciate you being here to speak to this issue because we haven't had anybody come speak to the issue it's just been month after month we get this thing nothing seems to move forward on it um had to go to the special magistrate for enforceable fines so it's been kind of annoying for us so thank you for coming in today to at least argue your client's position hi hi is it all right for me to say of course thank you mayor Morgan um so I'm the property owner and I appreciate you guys hearing our can you state the name your name for the bavin Shaw s ah um I appreciate you taking the time to listen to us Mr Mayor um the the property and I don't want to go back into hashing out the details with all due respect however I think in 2019 there were almost $200,000 of penalties assessed to this house when I think a couple of meetings ago it was discussed that at that point that should have been provided demolition order and at that point in time the fines were reduced by 90% And the house still stands the way it was in fact the condition is worse that's Point number one so there's already a precedent that these fines were reduced from what I understood number two um we had previous contract purchases for this property and they were clearly led to believe that if the house is demolished it'd be very difficult and the city has no town has no obligation to allow any building to happen in fact we had two previous purchasers walk away because of that uh number three uh we are being penalized right now to repair a roof when the order is to demolish the house so U if I were to draw a simple analogy it's like telling somebody they're going to be penalized for not having a driver's license when you don't want them to drive in the first place so to me the logic of that sounds a little bit um irrational uh having said that we certainly appreciate all the work that town has done and particularly Mr nazaro and his team I would simply just ask for you guys to think about an accommodation um we have been working in good faith to try to make all this happen and if it were if it were as simple as for us to break a contract with a contract purchaser for which I can't unless I suffer damages and simply demolish the house and get a blanket Eastman removed which I didn't think was possible we would have certainly tried to do that but that that was was not on the table because I would have been in breach of contract if I did that so I would like you to consider that in assessing your thoughts on the abatement request or reduction request thank you I appreciate those comments any further question thank you for coming in today to okay to make them um all right we have nothing really at this point I just want before us right now no I just want to make sure the direction from the commission is to continue with the full amount of the lean yeah it's good to to hear from Mr Shaw all right counil um all right very good uh arpb meeting next one will be February 22nd at 8:30 a.m. uh Finance report Mr D uh yes the report that you have um represents 33% of our budget U the number that I'll point out to you two of them actually one is the our adalum um revenues are at uh 88 almost 89% uh for this budget year uh and then I if you have your packet I would U ask you to turn to the last page uh because I'll be referring to that in just a minute uh this is the income statement for the penny sales tax fund M and so uh I'll be referring to that here in item uh questions comments on the U the finance reports including the water fund if not let's uh take that last page stick that up uh in front of you and let's move on to the police chief chief Jones good morning mayor vice mayor Commissioners I'd ask that you please accept the report as submitted there's nothing in addition that I would like to provide you other than to make you aware of the fact that we as of January 15th are now 100% staffed in the police department and at the next commission meeting I would like to bring our newest officer to introduce him to the commission and to the folks who are present for that meeting that's uh that's great well done I would also make sure that you saw the the letter from the Del Beach Fire Department uh we did and need to uh uh compliment Chief Jones and we're very proud of him proud of the service you've you've rendered to the town and to and and to people who Traverse through through our town it was an outstanding effort on your part um to assist in uh probably saving the life of one of the bicyclists who was injured uh in early January uh chief Jones you've all read this report uh this is a a letter from the delr city of Del Beach fire rescue complimenting Chief Jones and uh for assisting in the uh emergency service to that that uh that individual uh I would also like to was in the was in the paper but for those of you who don't know uh Chief Jones has been elected uh as president of the Palm Beach County Chief of Police Association so uh again bringing U bringing more Pride to to our small town thank you very much for your service thank you mayor just to be a little more specific on that incident uh uh I would like to note that Chief Jones and another um person were the first two people to administer first aid to the uh cyclist uh and that that was CPR correct yes sir until the Del got there now it probably seemed like a century before Del got there but they they were there what in a matter of a minute and a half two minutes very quickly so well the point is that the chief is is trained you you are trained and certified yes sir as a I'm an EMT EMT and it's something we are trying to encourage other officers to um obtain that certif ification or something um above or below that certification and we have a pay scale that rewards them should they elect to to pursue such certification uh we have a lot of elderly people in our town and uh it certainly behooves us to to encourage our police officers who are first on the scene to have that uh medical skill and Chief's leading the charge on that yes and uh mayor over the next probably 45 days or so we will be doing some additional in-house training to advance some of those skill sets that do not require state certification but just an enhancement of training at the local level um so we have the captain and I have been diligently working over the last uh 10 months or so to obtain all of the necessary equipment for every single vehicle so that we can offer those Services um and we've already seen the benefit in several of those calls for service whether it be a stroke or an unresponsive uh you resident that we've been able to help by having those uh pieces of equipment and that skill set so we look forward to being able to offer that service and to be able to be a truly a public safety organization that can help from start to finish outstanding thank you very much thank you let's move on to items for commission action uh Gulfstream School development agreement Mr Naro mayor before start I got voting conflict on this in the previous meeting yes Vice mayor's refused uh thank you mayor I asked Miss zacharius to stay because she's been in contact I believe with with Pat Donovan uh president of the Gulf Stream School Board of Trustees who I have spoken to a number of times this week uh I guess let me just go into the the Third Amendment to the developers agreement it is significantly similar to uh what we had discussed a number of months ago as far as the weas Clauses uh the agreement now has language on page two uh in U section two amendments AB where that underlying section adds the language except that for school years 24 25 25 26 and 26 27 the maximum number of students is permitted to be 300 uh it also changes the annual payment amount from I believe it was somewhere in the range of $1 15 to $16,000 uh starting last year to $1 19,22 which is uh reflecting the change in the beginning starting salary for our police officers that's calculated on the amount of time that they actually spend sitting on campus during uh Carline so that is again the the lowest paid officer uh that figure um so that is just sort of an offset which we had agreed to uh put in the agreement uh previously so in speaking with Mr Donovan he mentioned that the school was uncomfortable with the agreement which he was provided with uh and having a three-year term because it impacts their five-year planning he was also concerned and he said he was going to get Miss zacharius to perhaps look over it uh about whether it could be interpreted to include the Gulf Stream School Del Beach campus which is the Early Childhood Academy that they recently acquired uh in I don't think that that was the intention uh of the commission and I assured him that that including that language in a subsequent draft or approved uh agreement would be I believe acceptable to the commission so at this point uh I just wanted to bring that those points to your attention that they are still looking for more of a fiveyear for for long long-term planning and that would maybe want to modify it to include some language with the Gulf dream School dely Beach campus not being included in that annual enrollment cap of 300 so we do have a proposed agreement in front of you my suggestion was that if uh the commission wants to suggest any changes we can do that now and approve it send it to the the board then we'd have final approval during next month based on whatever communication I have with Miss sares or uh the school I don't think it's unreasonable I I've spoken to them they've got A Five-Year Plan um um I could see where this this might concern them uh our our intent is not is not to put in a temporary restriction on the school it is just to um have it reviewed in a reasonable period of time ensuring that traffic uh is controlled properly um and and to the benefit of our of our residents that the new small school that they have uh across the inter Coastal succeeds uh because if something were to happen to that school and it did not succeed that might impact uh the school here in the town of Gulfstream and because of some communication matters that we've had so those are the reasons for having uh a shorter term on this agreement that being said I have no objection to a five-year period rather than three so that it fits within their 5year plan I don't think that's unreasonable and your statement of carving out the other school has always been our intent only to focus on gstream school here in the town of gstream not the school located in another town comments from other Commissioners I think it doesn't matter if it's three or five years I mean the intent is to have a communication open and and um Forward Thinking to all get along um so I don't think it matters if it's three or five does anybody I mean I agree with that yeah agree okay we're agreeing to 300 I okay great so what I'll do is I'll I'll take that instruction I'll amend the agreement to include an additional two school years and then I will include a clause that specifically notes or something in there that carves out or mentions that the Gulf Stream School dely Beach campus is not included in the annual um the maximum number of students from that paragraph use of premises so I can go ahead and do that I can communicate with Ellie on that um Miss sares and uh ideally have a final agreement that this school is comfortable with for approval during March and then we can keep moving on very good okay okay thank you um let's move on then to the last item is resolution 24-1 uh yes thank you Mr Mayor this is a resolution um if uh we so agreed to express support for extending and continuing the uh so-called Penny sales tax that was created back in U uh nove the end of November and uh began on January in January of 2017 uh this is done by Palm Beach County and um it uh would uh Sunset either on December 31 uh 2026 or of the generation of$ 2.7 billion dollar and I believe the $2.7 billion dollar will um uh trigger uh the need for this uh before the December 3126 so um what this does of course is uh express our support to continue that uh as you can see uh these uh these revenues are divided between the school district uh 50% Palm Beach County 30 and the 39 uh municipalities 20% shared among them uh what I would like to U refer to is that last page of the B balance sheet that I showed you so since uh 2017 you can see that the fund balance for the penny sales tax uh in the town of Gulfstream is $42,000 uh what I can't remember is if the town and these funds are expressly to be used for infrastructure improvements uh and so uh I'm trying to remember if back when we did the 12in pipe out here whether we used any of those I've got our CFO Mark B Master is looking back to see if we did use any of those funds uh for that project but we do have uh money um from this 402,000 that we budgeted for our current CIP project that as part of the revenues that will go towards uh the uh scope either for that the lights sorry it's either for that of the lights lights street lights yeah was one of the other oh yeah it could yeah I don't remember but um uh so uh by passing this it would just it would simply Express uh our U approval to continue that that that would it would ultimately be uh approved by a referendum by by the public but we would just be expressing our approval for that uh on the board on the league of cities the board of the league of cities and all the towns and cities that uh are managers staff that on that board support U the extension of this Penny sales tax well of course you do um I'm just uh once the government has a tax to want to continue the tax and the revenue Gulf Stream has always had a tradition of having the lowest taxes on the Barrier Island we raised taxes one time at least in as long as I've been on this commission and that was uh to address the financial obligations of legal costs um in the will litigation lasted for one year uh we built up the reserves and lowered the taxes again sales taxes in particular are the most aggressive of taxes they hurt the poor more than they hurt the wealthy um I see no need for a continued increase in the sales tax which if extended one more time will probably be permanent uh or at least risk being permanent I I object to it it was to sunset in 26 and I think we should as a town um show our support for sunsetting that tax but that's just my position other comments I think the town attorney has something to say he just looks like it now uh you know obviously if we want to communicate the opposite of this we could change the resolution or we could just not pass the resolution and sort of take no position I just that's all I was saying so a a vote against the resolution is not a vote to send something that sends a contrary position that we support at Sun setting that's all I was saying well I don't know that everyone else shares my my point of view so I'd like to hear from the other commission I I certainly um share that that opinion you rarely in your lifetime get a chance to do away with the tax usually going usually going up and I agree it's it's regressive to and it hurts the people who need it the most so uh I'm in favor of um not not approving the motion yes I'm also in favor of sunsetting in 26 Let It Go I agree as long as we can keep the Public's worked projects okay so uh I probably will increase the amount that we're using uh from the the amount of money that we currently have for this project quickly quickly yes um so okay that's I think we should make a statement on it I I I I do I don't think we should just not vote on it um whether we vote we haven't heard from you yet Jim no I you know I'm making a statement not saying anything um you know I agree but I don't know if we want to go out there and make a statement to ourselves I don't know I have to think about that how do you feel about that um I mean I think it would be refreshing for a for a governing body to support sun setting attacks it's not going to make any um so whether we vote to reject it um vote against the resolution it doesn't really matter you know it does make a statement and it seems like government has a problem with spending money right now maybe it makes a statement maybe it maybe it'll be a trend at least at the league level uh I I would be making a statement when I go back to the next me all right so let's vote on we'll just vote on the resolution is that what your suggestion we just vote on this resolution and reject it correct we we can do that yes sir if you want if you you have to rewrite it if you if you'd like to take a position I'd be happy to determine exactly what the best way to do that would be and send it to the appropriate person yeah that's what do you think thank just vote on this yeah I think so yeah okay let's um so do I read it yes please a resolution of the Town Commission of the town of Gulf Stream Palm Beach County Florida expressing support for the extension and continuation of the Palm Beach County 1ent sales ctax to fund local infrastructure projects through December 31st 2036 providing an effective date today February 9th 2024 and for other purposes resolution number 24-1 has been read to us for our approval is there a motion to approve or to reject think a motion approved to reject it a motion to approve uh obviously vote how you want to vote motion to approve resolution 24-1 in the affirmative is there a sec second on that motion second commissioner green no commissioner Canfield no commissioner orwine no vice mayor mayor Stanley no mayor Morgan no thank you very much um you approve to just reject it go ahead um yeah I mean you can you you but that would be changing I guess okay uh any comments for the good of the order if not thank you all for coming meeting's joury yeah I Rules of Order that's so much well we talked about that once because uh and Trey looked it up you you