##VIDEO ID:ZpwirSvHHp4## e e e pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all call commissioner green here commissioner Canfield commissioner orwine mayor Morgan let it also be known president and participating is Town manager Dunham assistant Town attorney Naro Chief Jones CFO Mark baster and myself and absent with notice is vice mayor Stan thank you very much we've been pres minutes from our last meeting on September 1 changes comments or motion a motion to approve I to approve the minutes second commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes mayor Morgan yes any changes to the agenda Mr D uh yes um mayor I'd like to under the manager's comments uh talk a little from up here about Halloween okay very good 9 A2 very good uh our next meeting will be November 8 no let's move on uh public hearing we have a number of applications today are there any exper take Communications on any of them among commission members no very good anyone who speak today on any of the applications please rise and be swor oh not working you our first all right very good the first application is uh 96 Pelican Lane good morning morning morning for this project we're proposing a new seaall a marginal dock installation then a 24K am votti installation are we doing the presentation right now I'm getting there just making sure I'm sorry just for the record your your name you're e my name is Eileen Gonzalez yes and I'm the agent for Joseph Boda very good okay so for this project we are doing a concrete dock installation or concrete seaw wall installation a composite Dock and then we're doing a four poost elev Boat Lift we have state and army corpse approval for the project as of right now already and we have submitted to the town of G but we need to go through this developmental review process we had a inspector come out or the builders had an inspector come out before they close a bid with the client and Waters Edge Marine inspections found that the seaw wall that is currently at the site is very distressed there's a lot of large cracks on it and the batter piles aren't doing their full job as of right now they're not really supporting the seaw wall completely so what we are going to do is we're going to cut half the cap of the existing seaw wall and then remove the batter piles that are currently there and install new batter piles to support new cap that we are going to be pouring and the new where the new seaw wall that we're proposing is right in in front of the existing and then the cap is going to be for to join the two together continuous for all the way through and the battle pars are going to be placed in front to support the new structure and and that is what wat Edge Marine inspections recommended when they did their site visit so here we have some project details concrete seaw wall instulation is going to be approximately 95 linear feet again in front of the existing seaw wall it is going to be installed within 18 in per environmental regulations the batter PS for support as I mentioned and then the dock instulation is going to be a marginal dock 3 feet into the Waterway from the seaw wall and then the boat lift instulation is going to be 24K AMF boat lift instulation and then per go stream regulations it won't exceed 5et above the seaw wall so we will make sure to cut the pilings at that height or below that height and then the vessel will not exceed 30t feet 34t in length I did request a vessel information from the homeowners but it looks like they're still in the process of deciding what vessel exactly is going to go on that lift but when they do have that information we will make sure to add it on to the plans for City Review in terms of decking material for the dock we are using wear deck composite decking and I brought this sample for you guys down we're using Barefoot sand sand and then if you look in the back of that there's some information on the type of material it's also up here it's super easy to install installs just like wood but it's a lot stronger a lot more durable and you don't need to maintain it as much as you would regular wood pressure treated so it works a lot and a lot of people have been using that one and it's a material that we really push people to use and does anybody have any questions on anything how's that compare to TRS it honestly about the same yeah tracks those Deco block and then we deck those are like the main three ones that we use we use wear deck a lot too oh that is we deck we deck then Deco block all right question what uh what is your timing on this in terms for once the Project's approved so all the barge work can be completed within a month honestly they so the like the setting the batter piles and the setting the piles for the composite and that's setting the panels that can all be done within like a month which is the most noisy type of work and and it's not allowed after December yeah exactly so we're we're trying really hard once we do this to make sure that we meet that deadline and then ready as soon as we get approval they're ready to start get the barge work knocked out so you'll be ready to submit for a permit as soon as this is approved we actually are already in processing with the city but they stopped us to do this so we're already in queue with them and then we should be able to push it right along sure um did you provide additional information regarding the lifting equipment and the height the engineer is adding a note on there that it can exceed 5T from the seaw wall but we're he's in the process of and then um the the doc plan showed that it was 14t from the property line is that going to be adjusted to meet the code which is 15t 15t yes sir okay all right so any approval would just be conditioned on uh Dina's review of the um the setback on the West Side meeting the 15 fet and then the lifting equipment being no higher than 5 feet above the seaw wall per code any questions is there motion including the conditions that town attorney just made I move we approve the um doc or the would the boat Loop Doc and seaw wall at 966 Pelican Lane as described and with the conditions Trey has mentioned second R commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orine yes mayor Morgan yes thank you very much perfect thank you guys all right let's move on then to 2745 Avenue Al uh who will be speaking on this application hi good morning my name is Lou blahos um landscape architect Majestic views um this is a disposition plan for the removal of existing trees um we are maintaining uh the hedges at this point on both sides uh during now and during construction and uh we agreed uh with ARB that we will also maintain the large black olive that's on the street skate to kind of block any views uh though we are not going to proceed with the Demolition at this point until next May sometime which at that point you will have uh what was requested a full landscape plan indicating what we will replace uh that large black olive tree which is a messy tree with probably um large oak trees uh on the street skate so uh at this point we're just requesting approval as is for clearing even though we're we're not uh since we're in and uh we will maintain the large black olive we revise the plants too questions so you plan on knocking down this homeing it until next year and then coming in with another application well we're we're planning on submitting next month with our full application say I wonder why so long yeah if I could step in Paul pan good morning um the intent with the owner was originally to demo the house prior to the December 1st um deadline but with timing uh finishing up the plans and everything it didn't make sense so um we're going to go ahead and submit the new home uh probably in November and uh but we want to go ahead and get this since be ready to go and end of the season yes so we'll have the uh uh new landscape to review prior to for you to review the prior to removal of the tree great yeah um questions staff no there a motion so can I ask one question you're demolishing it now or no you're waiting till May we'll be waiting till May okay but you want the approval to now yes okay yeah yes that way they can go a and get the permitting done so that they're ready to go and because they have a year to fulfill the got it MH all right now I understand I get it right I thought I got it I I didn't got it I thought I got it it I was trying to figure out why are we approving this now when you don't want to do it till May I how come you don't come in with next month with the whole I mean it doesn't matter but we had already set the or U put the application in and the intent was to demo prior to December 1st with the homeowners but because of the black olive tree no nothing to do with the black olive tree but they wanted to demo so that we could start construction uh in the beginning of the year okay but um because of timing for them they don't want to um be out of their house until May 1 got it yeah okay I get it I think I get it um okay do you want to approval uh yeah why don't you you have three of them Mrs motion or two uh application ismed by it's actually for a demolition there it's right there motion to approve a demolition permit to permit the demolition of the existing structure second M basil commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes mayor Morgan yes and a motion to approve a land clearing permit to permit the clear clearing of the property at any vegetation with the exclusion of the black olive tree in the front of the property to make way for future Construction second m b commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes mayor Morgan yes motion to approve a level three architecture site plan to permit the demolition of existing structure clear the property of any vegetation with the exclusion of the blackout tree in the front of the property to make way for future con construction and Toad and irrigate the lot second Rene commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes mayor Morgan yes very good thank you very much and Paul I think we're right back at you yes uh 2923 and 2924 Blue Water Cove so I have uh NE Woods here he is with um C Diversified C Diversified and he was the engineer on the project for the bulkhead um at the end of Blue Water Cove on the inter postal and also the rment area that is on the fine property so um we have received the state approvals and it took us over three and a half years to get the Army Corps of engineer approval so it was really a uh difficult uh or how would you it's a long process the state federal permits that was the agent for the permitting process so we have all the permits in hand for the fdp and the Army Corp of Engineers for both the the bulkhead the dock and the resment living Shoreline the main planting area could could you just describe them for us please okay to the north side is the fine property um I guess if you go one more yeah all right so see in the north side fine property and that's the existing conditions uh the south side BL Water Co here and find properties up here you keep on going another slide or two so here we have the the location of the bulkhead the location of the docks and the uh see the offset distance from the bulkhead to uh the 30 foot setback to the uh to the up slab so this is lot seven lot eight um have 5 we have a concrete bulkhead that is more or less right in line with the the mean high water and we were able to we were able to permit this closer to the property line with the fdp but we were not able to permit it any closer to the property line with the Army Core so we pulled this side this side came landward um the property line is all the way out here so we're pretty far land of the property line in all cases and in all instances we're 62 and 1 half ft set back from the edge of the federal Channel which is the difficult thing to uh to permit with the Army Core any structures have to be set back from the edge Western design edge of the federal channels so we have concrete concrete bulkhead with concrete batter piles 5 fo wide marginal dock uh this is the fine property on the fine property we did we we needed to provide mitigation for the removal of some black and red mangroves so on the fire property we have these two Mangrove Planters which are combined about, 1400 square feet they'll be planted with one foot or foot and a half staggered uh red and black mangr uh so both here and here will be plant in the rest this is is all rock revetment so it's going to be Rock revetment sloping uh on the natural from plus six down into the water and it'll continue into the water on a one on Two and a Half slope um and then here we have about 100 foot wide barge Landing for the uh fine access if they ever want to use their property to load or unload or whatever they need to do and here we have cross-section of the mangrove planter area so the mangr will be protected by a low crusted uh a low crusted permeable break water that has a height elevation that's just above meat high water um and then here we have the rocker vment on the back the area in between the low crusted brick water is all going to be filled with the spoils and the sand and then we'll we'll plant the mangroves inside that area so you're relocating those mangroves uh they won't be relocated I don't think it'll be possible to to extract The Mangrove keep it alive and relocate it uh there'll be uh new mangroves will be planted that are already propagated and um they'll probably be about 18 inches or so when they're planted the little starter fertilizer pack it's a major project that don't end you it is a major project it took years permit uh like like Paul said we took about three years to permit with the Army Corps and one of the challenging things was that uh the Army Corps so so the state we got the State permit first about a year prior to the Army Corps permit and the state wanted physical mitigation so we went through this whole process of Designing this mitigation bank and getting an approved mitigation plan and providing five years of mitigation uh and all this planting and then a year later the Army Corp says well we don't care about physical mitigation just buy mitigation credits from our mitigation bank so we had to do we had to do uh mitigation credits at the Army and the Army Corps said we don't care if you have physical mitigation we're not going to we don't have the Personnel to go out there and monitor it and see if you actually do it that's basically why 20 years ago the Army Court would have said that we want to see physical mitigation today they don't care so they Army Corps said buy these mitigation credits and the state said provide physcal mitigation so we had two forms of mitigation so yeah it was very challenging so you had to buy we had to purchase mitigation credits from a mitigation Bank okay that's what um there's there's the Everglades mitigation bank is a uh State approved mitigation bank for uh this drainage so we had to purchase uh those credits through this process with the state is it expensive uh I didn't pay for it so sure it is yes I think it's very expensive okay I look this Google well being Google being a iation uh bank or having a mitigation Bank it seems like a a very unique position to be in yeah that's interesting that's very interesting I do so much about it this process well we don't want to hold you up any more than the federal government has any questions regarding this application is there a motion to approve oh I'll make a motion approve level three archit site plan to permit the installation of the bulkhead and rment per the Army Corps of engineer approved plants excluding docs second Miss B commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine mayor Morgan yes thank you Lu very much good luck with that uh Paul you're back at it 2923 Blue Water coat yes so I have a Felicia with affinity Architects that will present lot seven hello good morning I'm Felicia um so I'm presenting lot [Music] seven so lock seven the home is in an Anglo Caribbean style the first slide we see our front rendering elevation the next slide you'll see our uh where site is located on the intracostal the next slide we've provided a a master side plan where you can see all the homes in Blue Water Cove along with their renderings and these homes are approved or under construction right now the next slide you'll see our side plan with all our calculations they all comply with the standards the next slide is our floor plan and then we move on to the next slide which presents all the materials and color selections further we move into our rear rendering and then the next slide you have our 2D front and rear elevations the next slide has our side elevations and that concludes the architectural presentation part does anyone have any questions U I was looking for shutters so we have Shutters on the front and the rear the other windows and doors that do not have shutters um there's not space for shutters so the architectural articulation is AB banding around the doors and [Music] windows so so there's no Shutters on the the rear elevation we do have on the rear elevation um on the front Bel on the rear balcony at the top we have the shutters up there let's just be the drawing sorry a A6 has yeah A6 oh and on the sides we have the shutters on the second floor oh okay good and on the ground floor on the side the other slides are going to be presenting the side plan with the landscape and I can call Louis Vos and he can describe the side any other questions about the design of the home before we move on to Landscaping thank you no thank you hi um Louis blahos landscape architect magistic views um basically the landscape um in the front of the house there's two existing um streetcape Oaks uh that are there we are also because it is a pie lot it's kind of tight and then the um driveway and garage uh to reduce the visibility and anything to that we added two large sea grap trees on either side of the entry of the driveway Center with the driveway coming in is a large uh specimen of senagal date cluster date Pond as a focal point and basically foundation planting two small entry walls on either side and then um uh Japanese blueberries on the garage front elevation and on on the other side just kind of adding to the um architectural uh elements of the um uh of the the building um there's an 8ot uh hedge that we're continuing Cal ailum hedge that we're continuing from the south side to the north and west that'll be at 8 ft at time of installation um in the rear uh other than the foundation plantings which are and again we can go into the elevation uh we have we have large uh 25 30 foot coconuts um and the four smaller Palms there are um on the seaw wall and they're large uh 16 to 18 foot uh foxel Palms um that said there's there there is a hedge in to screen the uh 24 in uh retaining wall hoc carpus hedge and um trying to provide privacy on the on the south and North property but also keep the views open to the water um that's it any any questions questions on Landscaping Joan anything no you're bringing in the Coconuts that tall or are they there no we're bringing them in are you yes okay all right very good it's an interesting design you've got the uh pool deck on the east side of the pool with grass correct I kind of like it but the access then is from the the loia I believe I mean only be stepping off the house correct that's the only area that we have connection to the pool yeah different and then the Sund deck area is right there which is right next to the seaw wall and it it's a uh 24 in seating wall that basically separates the pool from the Sund deck that's in front of it yeah right good yeah it's a pretty interesting uh yeah just different okay U any questions nice looking project all right very good um staff motions um there's only one is there motion to approve level three architecture site plan based on a on a finding that construction of the 6,967 foot Anglo Caribbean style two-story single family dwelling with a three-car garage swiming pool including new landscape heartscape and Doc meets the minimum intent of the design manual and applicable review standards for the following conditions one is any minor modification to approved Landscaping shall be submitted to the town manager for riew and approval and any major modification shall be brought brought back to the arpb for review and approval prior to the commencement of landscaping second mon M Basel commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes mayor Morgan yes thank you very much okay let's move on to town manager report CIP [Music] update um so what's happening right now basically what's happening right now was supposed to be done at the end of last week but because of the weather and you know we didn't allow construction for two days or basically a week behind what I would have been reporting to you today so uh next week the goal is uh for them uh to be able to flush the the water mains on old school on Wednesday and then on Thursday do a pressure test on them and and that's what they are required to do before they can put a a lift of asphalt on so so I spoke with him this morning and so I said it would really be nice to have a lift of asphalt on old school before Halloween and so I'm uh just nag them to death to make sure that they can get that done but there but there's a few things they have to do uh like I say before they can put the put the asphalt on it uh today they are a Milling on Golf View um and they are putting uh Curves in on the North I'm sorry the South side of of problem so that's their activities up to up to now once they get the first lift on is that of sufficient strength to handle construction vehicles that's what they say I mean uh it won't but it won't the difference is it won't be smooth you know it'll be a little more rough but it's certainly not like it is now yeah so I mean a lift of asphalt will don't don't you think of the the first lift will handle yes for the term that they're going to be operating on that area it should be sufficient so all right good well that uh that then leads us into item two under the town manager's report and that is a discussion of Halloween as as you know we've got Polo which is I mean the whole street is under construction and so you know there's random potholes and and um uh you know where they cut the road uh so I wanted to have a discussion with everybody to to determine if we felt like it would be safe for for parents and kids to walk up and down Polo now now they I don't know what shap it'll be in come Halloween what's that two and a half weeks from now three weeks um I think they've talked about having gstream road as the Halloween Town have you heard of this well that's that's certainly an option because there's no construction on it do you know you know what I'm talking about do you want to tell I mean I know but do you want to tell them what the new thought is can you go to the microphone Mr Glennon Michael just identify yourself for the rest sure Michael Glennon um Gulf Stream liveing Gulf Stream uh my understanding is that there wasn't plan or the Halloween plan is not to use Polo because I think it just folks are too concerned about like especially in the dark both adults and parents you know you could step into something and and kind of fall over so I think my understanding is that the plan is to have set up kind of tables on Gulf Stream and then potentially also uh have people potentially even go down Oleander you know in the back where there's you know which is can be protect you know more or less protected as a single Road um and not to utilize polo for either trick or treating uh and then you know usually we have the that like block party down by uh the end of old school that that's also not going to be used uh this year for that oh I mean if they have a of asphalt down on there I mean it certainly could I mean it would yeah I me I don't want to okay I don't want to get out in front of my wife on that so smar purp they were trying to plan it in the block I mean and maybe close down it's up to the police have you heard this no okay no I'll let you be surprised later today no they were thinking of having it in front of that block and having their block party right there yeah I can tell them if if the police are okay with them we'll work with you on whatever kind of arrangement you want we just need to know well enough in advance so we can make planning arrangements to have adequate staff to do it yeah they were hoping to have Halloween still but on that one scale and to keep it over on the side of Gulfstream Road um so are we negating the Olivia Lions request what well uh um so we did have a suggestion by Olivia Lions but but this been two or three weeks ago was last week lastest like I said two or three weeks ago so but her suggestion was that we perhaps uh utilize the town hall parking lot for maybe a food truck and uh I don't know maybe trunker treating uh she wanted it used for what they normally do at the end of right way yeah okay so a party I mean I don't know I I mean I think my understanding is that that was a request but also whether like how that would conform to any sort of construction vehicles that are there you know overnight or kind of How It's staged for the road project whether those two things conform to one another well I mean we would have the gate shut to to get on the north side of the you know I think if a food truck I'm sure the school I mean if that became an option too but I I think that they are talking about just keeping it within that block from what I understand yeah I mean you know no yeah you were trying to stay I mean the my understanding is the idea is yeah to keep as as Miss orwan said to keep it constrained to uh Gulf got grou on top of this that's planning for it the question was do we officially shut down Polo drive and the finger roads or from what I GA let's let's let the residents make make the decision as to where to have the party but I think we do not triat yeah we do not want people trick or- treating my understanding is we do not want people trick- or-treating on won't be trick-or-treating on polo or the finger roads that's I think that's the that's the plan just given that you know Darkness like people won't be able to drive their golf carts the conditions that we want to isolate it to golf stream okay yeah yeah I mean I like this idea much better than the town trying to enforce some sort of closure well I think Anna's got it on I think Anna's as long as the police are okay with this we're not GNA hold you to anything my yeah please don't and close that and also there was some talk about since we're talking about this the construction trucks like being off I mean being off the road by 5 o' or 4:30 that day oh Golf Stream Road sure I mean just for the little kids because sometimes they fly down the road um is that is that okay yeah is that reasonable just that one day to do that make that requirement of course I mean 4:30 quarter five what time do they go out like five yeah I think like the earliest you'll see is the earliest you'll see is kind of 5 o' but usually like 5:30 yeah 536 is kind of when it gets when it's gets going don't we steer it more toward 5:30 so that um because I could see even if we tell them to be off by 5 being a little running a little late uh rather be safe for the kids you maybe quarter after five it should be fine yeah that's to the extent you can relay that information to yeah that's usually when I mean that more or less conforms to when but trick-or-treating starts anyway it's a direct line um how long do these people work because a lot of times by four o'clock they're closing up the road and it seems that when they had to be done by five now we've put it to six so they're staying an hour later because sometimes I don't see them there at 6 is that correct yeah sometimes they are shutting down our own okay I mean because they they know they can't start another activity that's going to take them Beyond closing so that might be around 4:00 and 4:30 it's dependent on the project they're doing that day so Halloween we're going back to 5 o'clock for closing of work which means they'll start around 4: 4:15 but yeah we'll we'll make sure encourage them to be done and WRA It Up by rather than later 4:30 and it'll be fine um but that's is there anything else no that's good okay I like I like this much better great um all right arpb meeting is October 17th at 8:30 a.m. uh Finance report Mr dunh uh yes uh the report that you have the financials uh represent the the whole 12 months ending September 30th uh although we'll probably have some invoices coming in U you know the next couple of months that will will be made out of last year so the numbers that you see aren't quite finished yet but uh Mark did I mean I I remember Rebecca always used to come in November with a budget amendment yes if any budget amendments are needed we do it in November because yeah days right right so we're not sure if we'll have to do that any questions on the finance or water uh budgeting reports for Mark or the town manager very good let's move on then to Chief Jones activity sorry I'm sorry I failed to uh under my report congratulate the police department and the leadership of the chief and the deputy chief uh for keeping all these under control here in town hall and in the police department uh overnight and and uh keeping everybody safe I guess the the most excitement that we had was when a boat came ashore Wednesday afternoon about 3:30 with about 11 unwelcomed guests who were promptly arrested how did you know they were coming I mean we didn't oh well I mean they didn't call us or did they call you up if you were if you were overhead that day watching down upon this area you just saw cops running in all kinds of different directions uh it was it was quite interesting yeah we had Pointon Beach was here Del R was here I don't know if ocean ridge came so you saw the boat before it got a short no no explain to her how we yeah so ultimately on Wednesday early afternoon um we were flagged down by uh some folks who were on the beach who told us that a boat had come ashore and that they believed approximately people had gotten off the boat and had run in obviously different directions which is what led us to believe immediately that it was probably uh an immigration related Landing so um we had obviously a number of Staff here uh who were setting up town hall and whatnot and and some of the uh defendants actually ran directly down here not realizing they were coming into the arms of police officers um and then the remaining ran south on the beach as well as tried to Bunker down in some of the vegetation along the Shoreline on the beach uh we requested assistance from Boon Beach police department and delway Beach Police Department because of the number of people that were coming off the boat uh both agencies were here uh extremely quickly and provided uh a lot of assistance that particular day was kind of windy so we couldn't request assistance from a helicopter or any kind of Aviation resource but we were able to Define that there were approximately 11 people who actually came off the boat not 20 and all all 11 were taken into custody and transported to um Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Rivier Beach so what happens to them then uh apparently from the update we gathered three were criminally charged for uh smuggling Andor re-entry after uh they had been deported previously and the others were processed as uh immigrants which means they go through a series of you know opportunities to explain why they're here and whether or not they need to remain here be sent back to wherever they're from looks like this group came primarily from the Dominican Republic so and I'll just add to finish this off we met with Sito yesterday and this is not one of those where there two tugboats can go put a rope on it and pull it off the shore it's three or four feet in under sand and they're going to have to come out and dig it out oh uh and so so it's going to be there it's gone oh did they get it yesterday by the end of the day yesterday the boat has been removed okay he he wasn't sure whether they could do it in in that in one day they used a boat and a BHO and that was how they were able to get it floating again good okay just following up with what the town manager said we really are grateful to the police department and to the town manager as well what uh many people may not realize when a storm is coming certainly one like this and such projected severity uh the entire police department camps out right here uh overnight away from their families their families could be In Harm's Way they stay here um to protect us to be there to clear roads to address any emergencies that occur I mean it's a tremendous sacrifice personally if you think about it so we're very grateful to to all your police officers for for doing that thank you so I would ask that the mayor and commissioner that you accept the report as submitted if you have any questions I'll be more than happy to answer um those for you it was a pretty rainy month so activi is a little slower than normal but that's just by virtue of the weather um and we did have one uh criminal incident that took place however um all the suspects associated with that case were apprehended uh after a short pursuit to the Florida Everglades um so that pretty much wraps up the only activity we had this month that was criminal in nature questions if not thank you very much Chief thank you uh let's move on to items for commission action the uh Palm Beach County Police benevolent Association fiscal year something thank you mayor so we're heading in the final year of our initial Union contract it was uh for three years but because the town wanted to remain flexible with annual pay raises provided to our officers we agreed with the PBA to discuss officer salaries every year uh this agreement has has been presented to and approved by our officers and reflects the budget approved by the commission as presented by the town manager based on what Chief Jones felt was in the best interest of his Department uh that includes if you look at the the memorandum of understanding an increase in the night shift differential from $1 per hour to $2.50 per hour uh an increase in each officer's pay by 4% which is the same as received by Town Hall staff and in addition to that four a $4,000 uh adjustment these changes have already been made in the payroll system and the officers are already receiving this benefit however the union did not arrange for a vote on the agreement until after our last commission meeting so this is why it's being approved after October 1st so we just need a motion to uh to approve this yeah I me we had talked about this before as well um questions if not is there a motion to approve the this memorandum of understanding I'll move to approve the motion the Trey just said second that Renee commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine mayor Morgan yes um let's go on to the engagement letter with Nolan Holton Miner thank you mayor this is an extension of our current agreement with Nolan Holton Miner for contract CFO Services Under the terms of our original agreement dated December of 2022 it is to be renewed annually upon mutual agreement of the parties there is no change in price it is just a continuation of our existing relationship with them very good um assume it's all approved is there a motion I I'll move to approve the um letter of Engagement from Nolan Hol Miner second m b commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes mayor Morgan yes anything by uh Commissioners for the good of the order I just have a question yes ma'am just a question um we have Cod rad and like sometimes we have criminal activity and the word gets around the community and do is there a way to tell I I don't think this is a code red situation but there is a way to tell people what's going on so it's factual and not lots of chatting yes so we do have the ability to send out messages obviously that's a discretionary decision from you all as the uh governing body if you'd like for that to be utilized to do that we can we typically uh have reserved code red for emergency situations to make you aware to stay in your home or that there's some pending issue that we need you know to make you aware of um but obviously if that's something you would like for us to do pending um you know some incident like that or I don't know I mean I'm asking your opinion I you know and most of the cases we've seen over the last 18 months that I've been here um I don't think most of them would justify a code red to be honest with you um in the landing situation had we not had the number of resources that we needed as quickly as we did we would have used code red for that just to get everybody alert and Vigilant securing your home to pay attention and help us know you know where folks are traveling um but because we had you know wrapped it up so quickly I didn't even think it was necessary to send out a code red in that situation um I typically will notify the mayor uh with issues like that and Rob on the place ocel side so they kind of have the opportunity when those false uh narratives start to come up if they hear about it they can kind of you know uh put an end to it a little bit by having more factual information but really it's um it's a decision that I kind of need some guidance from you on whether you would like to see as as the governing body that information go out via code red or even potentially if we would like to set up an email uh blast you just have to remember the public records laws you know so well I just instead of disinformation I like correct information um so it's just something that you know to think about going forward instead of disinformation yes ma'am we can talk about the you know email opportunities to do something like that I don't know what do you think Michael do you have any thoughts on this you know I think that you're going to have the town shattering happening regardless I mean I think it's there's a balance between I think sending out the right information and kind of getting people needlessly uh activated about something that probably isn't worthy of that so I think there are probably situations where it's like hey we're like there's a situation I'm going please you know something uh in your homes or reild one or something like that but I think it can get be overuse yeah exactly oh yeah I'm not talking overuse well I I know that but I mean I think some cities probably do that and uh so and most police investigations do not wrap up this quickly and and need to be kept uh sure more lowkey yeah so um I I think we had addressed the issue of Code Red once before excuse me we had used it for something that um more like and we decided now it should be for emergencies only and and we report all this at least once a month you know from here so and and I encourage anyone in town to call if you have questions about any please call us we'll be more than happy to talk to you about it and tell you anything that we can about what's happening right I like I mean EXC me I like the email like I think that having some sort of like email or or more like consistent communication on email I think so that's a very good idea I think some people knew what was going on with the boat situation some and everyone's going what's going on and you're going I don't know I'll say the email communication from Chief when things happen in pla has been helpful if people see extra police activity it's what you're talking about there's the chatter yeah so I'll send a note out to the HOA and kind of puts it puts it to rest right away yeah he sends a nice recap with all the facts and that's it and yeah I just like to yeah finish up that speculation example last week I think it was last week the incident in trade wins correct when multiple agencies got involved and there was a ton of police activity that people not were yeah noticed so yeah okay that's all yep no good very good anything else from uh the commission if not thank you all for coming meetings