##VIDEO ID:epyXztCuf9A## I United States of Amer and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and Justice thank you would you call the rooll please commissioner green here commissioner Canfield here commissioner woran here vice mayor Stanley here mayor Morgan here let it also be noted in attendance today is Town manager Denham assistant Town attorney Naro Chief Jones CFO Mark baster and myself uh thank you we've been presented with the minutes from our meeting of August 9 are there any corrections or comments uh motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting August 9th second Renee commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes uh Mr Dunham any changes to the agenda uh yes yes mayor uh under items for commission action um uh I guess move uh items by mayor and Commissioners to B and make a the purchase of four Place golf cart okay okay our next uh our meeting today for anyone who wishes to attend is a budget meeting at 5:01 but our next regular meeting will be 9:00 a.m. on October 11th and we will have a final budget hearing on Tuesday September 24 at 5:01 PM public comment don't rush to the podium doesn't someone want to talk all right we have our Auditor's report good afternoon Mr Mayor Commissioners my name is Daniel Anderson and I'm a partner with molden and in with ultimate responsibility of the town's 2023 fiscal year end audit and this afternoon I'm just going to present the auditor's results as well as the required Communications that we have under government auditing standards we perform an audit to issue our opinion on the fairness of the presentation of the financial statements I'm happy to report that we've issued an unmodified opinion which is the highest form of assurance that we can render our audit was performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards as well as Government auditing standards to provide reasonable assurance that those financial statements are free material misstatement ultimately the financial statements are the responsibility of management um that really kind of summarizes the audit report that we have in the back of the financial statements there are several additional reports that we have one is a report that we refer to as the yellow book report or our report a testing of compliance and internal controls over compliance with respect to laws rules and regulations this is a negative Assurance report so we're not providing an opinion we just point out findings if we note them in performing the audit happy to report that we had no find findings um in accordance with that testing that was performed Additionally the Florida auditor general requires us to issue a management letter in accordance with the rules of the auditor general again happy to report no issues noted in performing any of our testing with respect to the rules of the auditor general and then finally recently Florida Statutes I say recently it's probably been four or five years now required us as part of the audit process to perform an examination on the investment of public funds and I'm happy to report that we noted no issues in performing that um examination as well going through the required Communications that I mentioned uh like the financial statements the accounting policies identified and note one of the financial statements are the responsibilities of management we reviewed those and ensured that they were appropriate accounting policies there is a new standard that was implemented in the current year relating to subscription based it Arrangements uh the town has appropriately implemented this new standard and you'll note that there are uh we call them Sabas but saita assets and liabilities in the town's financial statements only on the government-wide financial statements the financial statements do contain several accounting estimates and judgments we reviewed those as part of our audit procedures and determined that those are reasonably stated we reviewed all the footnote disclosures to ensure they're in compliance with everything relating to generally or government Accounting Standards we had no significant difficulties in performing the audit and getting information from management there were no audit adjustments prepared in accordance with the audit so the original trial balance that was given to us had no adjustments to get to those final numbers there were additionally no uncorrected misstatements where we propos an adjustment in management elects not to post it we had no disagreements with management over the application of any accounting policies or procedures at the conclusion of the audit we obtained written representation from management over the information provided to us we're not aware of Management's consultations with other accountants or what we refer to as opinion shopping and then lastly Mal and Jenkins is independent with respect to the town of Gulf Stream um so again you know we really appreciate the opportunity to serve as your Auditors and at this time I'll answer any questions that you may have any questions about the auditor's report a good job I think we got an eight plus yeah sounds good a lot of thanks to our CFO Mark Mark for uh for making it so easy absolutely thank you Mark you get [Laughter] the thank you very much thank you guys very much have a great afternoon okay uh Town manager report is next CIP update okay thank you mayor um So currently the contractors are installing water services and drainage on polo uh and uh they should be finished with the road work on RightWay and old school meaning the first lift of asphalt in approximately three to four weeks the uh the town is now providing uh conier service to Residents to include personal notification on a weekly basis with additional updates as needed uh and uh I'll have to compliment our town clerk uh for getting those notifications out to all of our residents uh we started kind of on a weekly basis but as it turns out even a week is too long so we have meetings over at at at the Public Works building at 8 o'clock in the morning with the contractors myself and Anthony and so and that is so that we can report back to Renee what is happening actually on that one day because things change almost on a daily basis so we've reduced that down to a daily occurrence and uh so I think that's working well uh she she's gotten good feedback from residents uh we did have the issue with a week long uh schedule is again it changes almost every day she had notified was it this Orwin street that certain things were going to be occurring on that day and they didn't they didn't happen so we had residents who had moved their cars including this Earth wine and workers and and there was no need uh for them to do it so we have really reduced that like I said back to a daily uh operation because it just uh changes so much uh uh we also uh will be and have been providing transportation between town hall and their homes if they need help doing that yeah and um I I mean I know I've personally taken some people that were walking and uh with the golf cart and just and just picked them up but uh uh so we we are providing that kind of transportation for our residents uh and we'll talk about one thing that we're doing to to help us do that with the purchase of this this new uh golf cart um the other thing is that uh almost every day we have a resident call about something and you know myself Anthony uh the nice thing about Gulf Stream is that we're not far away from anybody that might have an issue and so you know unless myself or Anthony is in the middle of something we're able to get to people uh very quickly and um and help them with whatever issue that they might have they may not always like the outcome but at least we're able to go and and talk with them and uh work through it if we can so no it's great want compliment uh Greg and and and Trey on and Renee in particular for being so involved with our residents and helping them out calling them it's really important we should get a letter out regarding uh Transportation we're going to get this golf cart right let let them know that should anybody need it to just call Town Hall and we'll we'll go get them I had two of them take me up on it today for next week so you really oh great great yeah and Mr bourman says hello he coming back no he's in Maine and he said he's going to stay there for a while he was very appreciative of the phone call and also the vice mayor who is going to be the point person Commission on this top um I have a question there because you when you close these finger R you really close them you can't pick them up in the golf cart how are you g to address that well we'll we'll find we'll find a way we'll find a way yeah you know what I'm saying because the whole roads closed you can't get out I mean I can walk out but they wouldn't let some people walk to my house um saying it was too dangerous which is fine but I'm just just worried about the people on these Road they are supposed to walk with you a flagman so right Chief well we we talked about that briefly because that is a concern well I'm saying I can walk there's some people that can't right um well if if we have to drive through with a golf cart through the front yard of somebody's house to get around it I mean we'll yeah but sometimes you can't do it like when the water P mine was broken I mean just saying sometimes you can't do it because you can't bypass the mailboxes the contractors did agree to make accommodations including laying out steel pads or plywood or whatever we need to to make sure that we have the ability an emergency I'm I'm not saying for me because I can navigate the grass but for older people well we did have a resident this last week that their cat is seen locally for a cancer treatment oh gosh and so they did make them a way for them to get in and their Road was restricted nobody getting in or out but they were able to get in to do that treatment so they were able to accommodate so they can put something over the hole and you can drive through it that's what I'm saying but any time do that so depending on on who it is and what they need to do uh the letter should indicate how much advanced notice we would need to get right so I'm not saying that we can immediately accommodate somebody uh you know it it might take 15 minutes for them to move some Machinery or vehicles around but we'll make it happen the only thing else is I'm not being but as residents come back I'm more worried we are because I'm doing like I'd like to paint my house and do some work and like I'm not gonna do that I just have basic like I ordered a rug for it to be delivered but how are you going and chairs but they can't carry some of this stuff so how are you going to just schedule it on a day that's not closed well they won't be working on your street every day so well sometimes it's closed for like a week I mean middle road was closed for what week two weeks at a time uh right but I mean my understanding is that this uh and and the you know the finger roads are are the worst going to be closed for the longest periods of time when they're working there the other roads not not nearly so much but I don't know um it kind of depends on what is reported to us at our Friday meetings as to how long it would be closed so that you would know yeah I better not have anything delivered this week or next week even well that's also yeah I mean that's you know I mean maybe it's be open next we had a washer dryer issue that they couldn't have it delivered so they had to move it a couple days they weren't very happy about that because they didn't have a washer dryer over on midle there was some other stuff that was being delivered and it didn't happen I mean we're trying to make the best accommodations we can but it is a construction project so yeah we have to give and take both ways the resent supposed to notify the lawn people on that those weeks like you're just not g to be able to get there unless you want to come on Saturday has there been any like during the season to let some of these people work like the yard people work on Saturdays given certain things to cut people's grass we haven't discussed that yet I I'm just giving you things because my grass didn't go cut for two weeks and um and people can't get to you the pool can't get clean I'm just telling you what happen I mean that's something that we need to talk to the town commission about we we thought about it so I mean because the pool man they wouldn't even let walk to my house that's a good point so so he goes fine I'll send them on Saturday but that ends December 1 well we need to know instances of that because they should have let him walk to your house yeah or walk with him is what we were told that if they don't let them walk by themselves for liability issues that they should have a flagman walk with them okay and then and they have put some FL flagman out there uh today I think they were a little weak on it but uh sometimes these flagmen aren't necessarily the brightest the brightest of the bunch well they just speak English they don't speak that's true so um they can direct and and that's one of the purposes of the flagman is to assess the situation when somebody drives up there or walks up there the the goal is to have somebody there that has enough information and withth all to be able to help them figure something out right yes and some of them are able to do that other some others that I've seen out there not really so we get enough information at the meeting to for Renee to be able to communicate to the resident this week you may have trouble getting that's our goal been wonderful about communicating and I call her and she's been since they've been meeting more often it's been wonderful because she'd call and say your Road's going to be closed but that was from the meeting and the road wasn't close so we're parking way up there and walking so that's why we're doing this day pool has to be clean yard has to be that's what I've told them like limed week I told them they couldn't you're not GNA be able to get in between 8:00 am and 5:00 P PM right right but if they do need like the pool guy if he does need to get there park over here at Town Hall and we'll take him over to the house yeah but they oh my gosh but they need they don't want they got to move they've got to move they don't have that kind of time to park over here I mean I've parked people other places and have them walk and just put notes on their door but uh I'm just saying I I just want everyone to realize how bad this is what is your suggestion because I was going to ask for season since we are working through season what is the rule going to be for Saturday Saturday seem to me we should allow you got to be able to get if they can adjust the schedules to do it on Saturday that only works for half the vendors some of them are like I'm not working on Saturday or my people out on that day it just some will but let's at least make what about till 6:00 day that if it can be done on a Saturday you know at least let them have that option during the season what about till the road work's going to continue dur Theon till six o'clock because they're done between 4 and 4:30 they're cleaning up can the landscapers come in I mean I know in my neighborhood they're still working at 5 5:30 yeah again this is just it's only a few homes right I I I would support it sure everybody else Saturday and Saturday until get through this okay well it's mostly going to be the finger homes I mean then the finger lenss because it just cuts us off completely so just be clear we are only talking about the affected residences we're not talking about a free-for-all everyone can work I'm just saying affected right I just wanted to be clear so we know we're only talking about a very because all of a sudden we're going to disturb the quiet on Saturday in the whole core which I don't want to do neighbor what about us right right exactly so to the effect at residence only do you I mean I'm just trying to accommodate for those those affected that week so when Renee makes her calls she can say that if you can schedule your landscaper and they can work until later and then she can coordinate with the chief so they make sure that they do not get any uh any citations or anything for late so so when you talk to these people Rene so you need they need to work with you and give you a time so that you can get with the chief and so it doesn't become a free-for-all so you actually have well scheduled yeah yeah I had one guy today he's he has a dog walker he's not here but he's got has a dog walker so he needs to get to his house so but he's GNA Park here I got his dog Walker's name he's going to park here we're going to take him over to the house so he can walk dog okay how long are these fingers closed for like two weeks you know what I'm saying because if it's closed for a week you can always postpone things for a week um it's been one to two it's Accord on the rain yeah the rain I think was the longest one of these roads like two weeks fingers the fingers are closed for two weeks at a time because we've had a lot of fingers it's just between 8 and 5 so Saturdays fine yeah no Saturdays it's good I live for Saturday well we know from your experience that essentially block off two weeks every time they're in a finger street right well when they started which Rene's been very kind to let me know now but you know block off two weeks and try to navigate that um it's been longer than two weeks for you though hasn't it well it's comes in rounds remember so they did the first round well they did the first round water and the second round is the drainage then the third round is going to be the laying of as the the roadway okay is the third round right so for each of those maybe just tell them and I've been telling them it's rounds just because I'm calling you this week does not mean I'm not going to call you in a few months and tell you it's the next round right right okay good that's as good as we can do seems to me I live in Terror getting up every morning and hearing that tra n think about all that water we're going to be moving off the street in The Yards we after especially after our flood we had on the Wednesday yeah have a couple of those everybody sort of will relax because you know we're trying to move that water off faster I could almost not even get to my house on Wednesday night really oh yeah yeah some folks yeah you couldn't even get to your house I could barely was up almost to little floorboards in a couple spots well once we get this one done pretty much what four weeks with the first road then we can tell everybody to drive down there and see what it's going to look like right you know I think that'll be yeah if it draws the water away I'm sorry you know what if it draws the water away we'll see it's supposed to um although it probably won't be totally in effect until they get the French drain um drainage areas from A1A downward because they're not going to do that right they're not they're coming not coming up past sea Road right until next yeah that's that's and and the water most of it's coming from up East off the road off the so that has to be fixed before the drainage on polo and old school will be totally cleared out just remember I mean they're still putting in uh new uh new boxes on on polo uh all all of which will improve prove the drainage B yeah the new the new catch Bas twice as many as we currently right that's true so um but to tell you the truth after our experience with old school and RightWay I know it's that's been kind of a nightmare but I think most people have been able to get in and out of there there right in their own Vehicles there's only a few times I knew knew Mr uh strip called and it he couldn't find a way out so we we helped him get a way out but uh I think most of the time it's not it's not a a fun uh Journey going over the road because there's you know it's kind of like driving over the surface of the Moon sometimes but yes it is but they but people were able to get out so uh for the most part even on U old school they definitely can get in and out on on it now I mean it's just got a lot of water are we on schedule now is this a year and a half from what date I mean so we can tell people I think they're about caught up with the time that they lost uh because because they they pulled in three and four cruise and so that wasn't the original plan for them to be working in at in so many different locations out they're everywhere they are but uh but I think they're I think they're doing a a a good job much better I'm last several weeks than the first two months yeah it's like they had to and I think they did they just not know they were working in a residential area or what's up they're not used to working in areas like I think where they came from the last job was tamarak so it's just not the same the but I think they have also changed some Personnel they have which is helped which we requested that they do have you mared more people ch um been cut off on Polar drive with the like Maryland's been cut off four times have people lost their services like that no I haven't heard and today was the first time I've heard she lost it for four four times so we went over there and we I think we've made an adjustment uh to put that line no I'm just that's fine I mean I'm just saying other people haven't had that experience that was more three people three people that have called us and told us yeah and I heard down here on right way there were some several people that got their cup like four different well we have a couple bits of information to update on on our cier service if you will um and one is the bringing a company in to identify lines uh yeah and the other is what the chief just showed us before the meeting so let's talk about that so um if you want me to start off yeah go ahead so one of the things that we know is a big issue in today's technology world is everybody needs internet you rely on it for TV service and for a lot of things so if you're affected by construction cutting your lines we are going to have available for you a wireless device that you can pick up at Town Hall which provides you internet up to 32 devices at 5G speeds and you'll be able to take that home utilize it for the period of time that you are without service and then when you're done just return it to Town Hall that's amazing so that will at least get you through you know your down period of time and you'll be able to take care of homework work or business work or watch TV or whatever you need to do what do these F offer they use cellular technology and similar to what you would have on a hotspot from your cell phone except it's capable of doing many more devices at much better speeds interesting so we're ultimately going to have five six of these we're started with four to see how see how much need there is correct are they expensive uh we pay a government plan through the police Department it cost us $35 a month to have this device oh wow who's the cellular provider it's no I think this is great then you know right and then and we're trying to get ahead of identifying where these lines are we've been just going blind at this point so yeah so uh uh I've got a it's a ground penetrating radar company that I think they're out Orlando that I think you found found the name of the company I contacted them they're coming uh next week they'll be here all day and so they're they're not only going to identify that there are Utilities in certain locations but the depth of those which will help the contractor as he's cutting through the the road the roadway so and they'll provide a map of where those are located and the depths and hopefully they'll also Mark them so that you know as the operator is coming up the road he he's got his map he sees a little flag whatever it might be or a paint marking something to identify that here here's a utility line and here's the depth of them yeah which don't run over it don't break it so beware is in other words yeah right so you know trying to get ahead of this and take as many steps forward as we can too I just want to try to keep everyone as happy as we can because and because fortunately Rene is the one that uh talks to most of the people so well I me they've all been super nice yeah I mean good good thing is is we've sort of we've got Renee articulated the entire project and how she calls it in one sentence now instead of us kind of going what what what you know we tell bra what's going to happen to me I'm like well once the tiller I know the finger roads are different I said once the tiller turns up Polo I go all bets are off you know you need to make some plans and work with the town and maybe go out of town and you know everybody I mean obviously most of the residents aren't back yet but the people I do talk to they seem to be pretty calm about it at the moment obviously if you got an emergency you got to go to the doctor I mean we know we understand those things we already talked about good thing she's very honest about it she doesn't sugar coat anything you know Renee she's no he's done a great job I mean the's going to be in front of your house for two weeks so let's talk about what your what your plans are okay well that's the than you guys update thank you all for your your efforts now the loan discussion okay so did you pass yeah yeah we got uh some documents here we want to pass out to you so we did uh we did hear back from the Bank uh and they gave us uh five different uh uh set of terms uh based on a five year seven year 10 year or 15E uh loan and what Mark has has done is he's amortized these out for each of those terms the five year seven 10 or 15E terms uh both one she is is uh a borrowing $7 million and the other is $6 million um and so I'm gonna kind of let Mark explain these numbers to you so it took me so I just summarized it the at the at the top of each page you'll see that these are the essentially the interest rates that were provided by the bank the current the current interest rates they're uh quite a bit lower than they were even a month or two ago when we initially were discussing this with the bank and then and then each for each scenario starting at five years at the top go all the way to 15 is essentially summarizes what the what the schedule would be at that rate for each term and you know you can see where it shows what the monthly payment would be what the annual payment would be and then on the right side shows the the uh the total interest in total payments that would be over that that that individual term um just to give you a better idea of what each scenario would look like what do we have for um if you go went with like a fiveyear term we kind of looked at the millage rate and adjustments and what it would take to repay that before it went to term on the short I think the seven and 10 are a little easier on the five yeah the five one's pretty I mean you look at the annual payment is it's over 1.5 million a year which seems pretty high for yeah to stick to uh obviously the and the benefit of that is you'd only pay 767,000 of interest during the five years uh and as you see the five years are 1.5 million in annual payment the the seven years is around 1.2 million uh the 10 year is 870 in the 15 year is 650,000 annual the it kind of seems like to me that the the to be conservative in how much you're paying you you might want to be below a m you're looking probably at the 10 or 15 year yeah because our our we didn't do the roll back rate we landed in the middle which based on the taxable values this year what landed us about with a almost a 650 increase it was close to that 15 number yeah thank thank you and there's there's no prepayment penalty right so if we ever wanted to prepay it we can just the the they didn't they didn't essentially they just gave us interest rates on these new interest rates and the the there was no prepayment penalty on the old term sheet but that was for a a a five or seven year so we haven't seen the the we're going to talk to the bank next week we haven't seen the term sheet for 10 and 15 years but but we would definitely make sure that there's no prepayment penalty on those that's great thanks and I see you also did 69 to yeah um we may not made this out yeah uh and these rates could be adjusted election year may go down even further correct you know everyone's anticipating rates to go down what next I think it's next week yeah uh uh and then and then then increments moving forward uh who knows what to really expect but that's but that's the general consensus is that the rates are going to go down over the next year when do you expect we may need to make a decision on this the as of now it's it have to be several it could be several months in the in in in the future to make a decision on it there there there's the the town has healthy Reser you know the cash flow the healthy Reserve there's no initial timing of it right now going we need we need to finalize this thing as at the moment but I would I would say over the next month or two to really look at it see what the town really wants to wants to do with with the financing of this okay so maybe at the next meeting or at least in two months we should have a we should discuss where we are in terms of the SE yeah that's yeah would say in a month or two months we'll have a serious discussion about that but it's going to be interesting to see what the rates um well good fortunately they seem to be going down right yeah I I without even having a rate reduction with the fed the they're already lowering the rates in anticipation of the rates being lowered great thanks Mark appreciate your work on that uh the ad hoc committee report no report this is just to note that they will resume meeting here on September 26 immediately after the arpb so yeah HW committee is going to be in full force uh here in the fall great uh fbb meeting is uh September 26 as U as try just announced uh Finance report uh yes Mr Mayor uh this is Norm we didn't find anything unusual this is this this uh balance sheet represents 91.6% of our budget uh so I would ask that you unless you have any questions on it any questions on uh the finance report very good um Chief pleas your report mayor vice mayor Commissioners I would ask that you accept the report that we've submitted uh that you have access to if you would please consider that and also if you have any questions about any of the information named within the report I'll be more than happy to answer those questions additionally I wanted to brief the commission that um the police department took a little initiative here recently to apply for a grant through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for school safety funds and it appears uh based on the grant award that we were the first agency in Florida to be awarded the Grant and um at this point we are seeking funds that will assist us in identifying security weaknesses that may exist at the school and then putting in together a plan for how we correct those as well as uh building an operational plan that is relevant to how the school would respond in a critical incident in conjunction with the police department uh and having a police officer trained on security risk assessments and how to perform them as well as having access for free to the software as well as the hardware that's required to do those assessments so we would now be able to do that all in internally within the police department rather than having to rely on an outside source to do that so we are in the process of moving forward with that um and we have submitted our first request for funds to provide Hardware software and officer hours to cover the expenses associated with that that's great good job Chief I think the school and particularly the parents will be very pleased to to hear that Chief did you talked to the school and about the grant uh requests yes the school is aware of the grant request I spoke with uh the Headmaster regarding um the Grant and its purpose and we are going to talk more about you know how we work together to continue making it a safer and better environment for our students as well as the community is there a security guard full-time or is it is it a part-time comes in it it's uh fulltime fulltime y great Chief where was the uh the auto theft I saw one on the chart it was a actually not an auto theft it was a burglary from an auto which occurred in place OS and uh conveniently enough we were able to identify the suspect within 24 hours um and ultimately nothing was taken from the vehicle it was just gone through because it was left unlocked and the victim chose not to pursue charges or prosecute thanks very good uh thank you Chief okay items for Miss action purchase of the golf cart uh yes uh because we want to provide con Service uh we have only two golf carts one of them is probably by the end of this construction period we will'll need to go out in that pile of of trash that's uh created by the work itself and so uh we are um taking the initiative to get a new four Place uh golf cart uh the with rear seats to Face Forward uh and the chief did some digging on this and and I think we've found one that we'd like to purchase it is over $15,000 so I need to get the commission's approval on that uh but Chief can you just take a minute to talk to him a little bit about the golf absolutely so one of the things that we wanted to make sure is that we bought an americanmade product that had a warranty that was worth spending mon you know funds up front rather than buying something that was uh kind of a Chinese knockoff so we were really kind of limited to three brands and uh of the three brands we have a local dealer that sells two of those Brands right here in delr um so we reached out to that dealer as well as to other dealers and sought pricing and we were actually able to go there today and physically meet with the dealer and the pricing at our local dealership was better than the pricing that we were able to get from the other two dealerships um interesting enough although easygo is a brand that is available on the state contract not every dealer that sells easygo equipment can use the state contract the reason I bring that up is because the state contract when you use that typically you have to order the equipment in advance and it takes months for the item to end up being delivered in this case the unit that we're seeking to purchase is actually in stock in delr and it's something that we could purchase immediately it does include um all of the things that we thought were of you know consideration such as the curtains that go down the side and rear so if it's raining we have the ability to protect whoever's in it as well as a front windshield a windshield wiper and this particular unit is street legal so it could have a regular tag on it and be used anywhere um that we really needed to be able to use it at So based on the totality of all the things the fact that we can't get State bid um items quickly the fact that it's the best price and it's in stock and it's a local reputable dealer who's been in business since 1980 I would propose that we move forward with the local dealer in the event we have any issues with the device or the machine then it would obviously be warranty repaired um locally for two years bumper to bumper and then eight years for batteries and other components and what I liked about it I think the tires are larger than yes it's rate for a more comfortable ride yes sir so and we're going to need to replace the one old unit anyways right yes so after the construction project you still need it anyway U everyone agree motion I'll move to uh approve the expenditure for the golf cart of uh 17,6 and4 second Renee commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor stainley yes mayor Morgan yes uh anything else for the before we adjourn no sir don't believe so okay we have our our budget meeting at 50:01 so that's ajour and we'll reconvene shortly before that