but people were in there are we ready okay uh all right we're going to call the town commission meeting to order on Tuesday May 14th uh can we can we uh call the role please Renee we need to pledge allegiance yeah we'll do that first got it pledge allegiance United States of America to the for stands Nation indivisible andice uh now roll call please for commissioner green here commissioner hanfield here commissioner orwine yeah vice mayor Stanley here let it also be known present is our town manager Greg Dunham assistant Town attorney Trey nazaro uh with absent with notice is Mayor Morgan and myself is also present uh we need a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting of April 12 2024 are there any comments or changes from the commission I move to approve second a roll call please commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield commissioner nor mine vice mayor Stanley yes uh do we have any additions or changes to the agenda today uh no sir I just have I'm gonna add one announcement under the announcements okay at the end all right just one additional announcement from the town manager uh you'll see in item six uh the regular commission meetings all the way through October 11th um and then item seven is going to be communication from the public When anybody from the public like to speak today yes I make my announ you want to wait till the end or do it now I'll just go ahead and announce okay go ahead uh so it seems like I end up doing this about every six months uh uh with respect to our town clerk who I now believe you are the past president of the Palm Beach County uh Municipal cour I am the immediate past president yes the immediate past president so she couldn't just leave well enough alone so now she is the vice president for the State of Florida uh Municipal clerks Association right yes sir so um uh we certainly have somebody that has a lot of ambition and is a hard worker and so what that means as a vice president now next year we'll be announcing that she's the president so President elect congratulations and it's an honor because it's uh nominated by my peers so awesome congratulations congratulations thank wow communication from the public if anybody would like to speak on a non-agenda item uh you have a maximum of three minutes per person sure thank you if you can uh state your name for the record as well sure good morning public servants of town of gstream my name is Mickey isacson I live in Palm Beach County thank you for letting me speak here today I read your ordinance from the town of Gulfstream meeting in 1926 there was a clear path to fair and honest elections at that time in your municipality you elected your officers instead of tapping them into place the term of service qualifications to hold positions certifying your voter roles and certifications of elections results were a very different process than you have today today you have public servants in place for 46 years and your certification is done through the supervisor of election who is certifying your elections with 30 voter roles no chain of custody for ballots and who allows the US Postal Service to tamper with the US mail which is federal offense I don't know if any of you have watched any of the elections but that's what's happening over there Wendy link violates the statutes every time she uses the postal bins to transport mail and ballots did you know that the statutes Ser for the government to be governed we the people are awake and we are watching you we are watching all 39 municipalities in Palm Beach County we are looking at budgets how you tap in your servants how you belong to Illegal organizations how you have ignored the US Constitution by selecting by the selection of officials instead of We the People choosing that's in the Constitution um how you allow legislators to change our organic florid state constitution we remove the county we have a county Charter which needs to be removed the Florida League of cities who in turn belong to the National League of cities all of these agencies are illegal are these tied to the crown that is in one party rule for the top down to the States you are accountable for all that you do and do not do we are here to help you know better and do better this year we are electing our US president do the right thing and make our cities counties State and National officials accountable may God bless you and be with all of us to restore the Republic thank you uh anybody else like to speak on an on- aggenda item yes good morning my name is Candace Roos I reside right across the bridge with all of the rest of the poor people however Facebook says when I check in I'm part of golf stream which is a little strange but I'm here today to put you on notice as a sovereign American and request your oath of office and your bond which is step one to activate our military the Constitution states that all of power not some of the power belongs to We the People it also states that fraud vicat everything abono I'm here today to boldly intercede for those without a voice defend the Constitution and restore the Republic be prepared for 1776 peace and prosper it that's going to be happening soon if you've not already heard there's a changing of the Old Guard which I believe is you and a paradigm shift that's taking place all across the nation no more generational political nepotism no more secret societies controlling the masses no more appointed board members via the tap from a secret society handshake no more selected politicians who answer to plutocrats speaking of plutocrats you obey billionaire handlers such as your former mayor Coke who was in 1966 he was appointed and then he served as mayor for 46 years the fake facade of power and control with fake leaders is over did you know that the Palm Beach county is an illegal foreign corporation called the Palm Beach County Charter there are 200 pages of Home roll Charter and the town of palm Peach is part of such Charter so basically the town of Palm Beach creates your own rules you impose regulation and fines on your constituent constituents you do what you want when you want with no accountability the town of Gulfstream is a member of League of cities which is a conflict of interest as your true role which is an employee of we the people you attend training at the league of cities meetings with a globalist agenda and a connection to the United Nations and World economic Forum you are not transparent and you have no accountability to anyone foxes are currently guarding the hen house you charge illegal taxes and fines and you use your own property appraisers to keep your own properties nice and low the actual value great job you do not follow the Constitution or common law you're operating under military law you follow fake statutes that benefit your own narrative therefore each of you whether you're elected appointed selected or staff that's have no valid or legal oath God Bless America thank you uh anybody else on a non- agenda on yes sir yes sir there is excuse me just one moment there's a blue vehicle Subaru that's parked across the street on private property they're in the process of having it towed so you might want to move it okay I don't know whose vehicle it is thank you thanks chief he guys yes I'm Jeff bjo live at 3851 right across the street last cycle I I ran for US Congress against Brian Mast as a kind of a uh information gathering mission and uh since then I I worked on the trilogy of an HBO documentary the first one was released in 2006 it was called packing democracy so I really feel bad for you guys we've been to the county like 150 times and pleading our cases on on what's going on and uh they're they're just uh blind to us so unfortunately I know you guys didn't sign up for this the the Heat's going to be turned up I'm working with an organization called our country our choice and it's uh it's headed by Colonel McGregor he was a a trump uh appointee and the first thing I want to point out is that ballot harvesting in state of Florida is illegal and I hear I have here as evidence a text message to um to R Mike Caruso where I said Mike a Haitian couple approached me and offered a deal for $85,000 they would make sure I won the Primary that they have access to all the Haitians and will door knock and I will get their vote and he answers yeah they do that Tracy did not play in her city election in R Tracy got no Haitian vote she lost so that begs the question did Mike Caruso pay these guys is that how he stays in power I don't know but we have a problem this I sent this text while he was negotiating the resign to run Bill okay and there were other terrible items in that bill one where we have this whole new form of um can you let me know when I have one minute we have this whole new minute and a half we have this whole new form of IDE that there accepting and it's creating a separate class of Citizen where you allowed to use the last four digits of a social security number to register a vote and there's a federal law called hav as part of Hava is help America verify voters so a person can register through the federal database using four digits of a social security number that gets passed through to the county no one asks any question thank you the problem that we have is that I've been tracking the have transactions on the SS a.gov official website and during covid I have I have the order March 1st that the state was shut down for about six weeks during those six weeks there were 14,000 transactions and the definition of have is a person who registers who has no ID no connection to the local they get they register through the feds and and they're registered to vote so we we're looking at Texas there's a quarter million a week every week and also During the period where the uh the the country was shut down they man they managed to register 800,000 voters only 13,000 in Florida we got a grand jury indictment that's leading to a second grand jury indictment and I'm I'm putting you guys on notice to let you know I don't want to I want to be civil about this I know you didn't sign up for this but this is a huge problem and it's going to get worse we're gonna have a 100 people here next meeting Jeff bonjoro I thank you for your time guys and I I know you didn't sign up for this and I really I feel bad for it three minutes thank you uh anyone else want to comment on a non-agenda item during public comment uh yes on a lighter note uh Bob Burns um I just wanted to uh come and uh and uh commend this Chief and uh Captain John for uh the enhanced uh enforcement of of uh rules and regulations that I've seen uh and uh I I think that the guys are doing a great job guys and girls uh and I just wanted to come in and say I I let you guys know that at least one citizen thinks that they're doing a hell of a good job and uh and uh I also want to commend you for uh the cameras I think the cameras was money well spent and um I think they are also U have done uh what they're intended to be doing um on another note I um I endured 11 years of the underground and uh I know since April 22nd we've been doing the the road I have a dog and I walk the uh the core so to speak every day and I'm just wondering from your perspective I see six guys here one day and nobody the next and I'm just wondering from your perspective are they doing up to this point what you expected to be done at this point or or what so that's just one comment that like I said I've seen them we've got the cut in the roads and so on but I I haven't seen a whole lot of stuff going on so I just thought i' I'd ask that's it thank you thank you Bob anybody else on a non-agenda item while public comments still open well I do have two things and I can speak to what he just said because one of them is we've had two or three residents call because they didn't see an update on the website that they said we're paying so much money for um that's supposed to be updated weekly so I talked to Rebecca Travis from backton Woodman yesterday and she said that they are have been waiting for the dewatering permit so that's why they have not started on some areas if they were supposed to and that's why it has not been updated on the website but starting next Wednesday they will put pictures and an update and then it will be every Wednesday that it's updated on the website so that's why you haven't seen people out there they're waiting on a permit and the second thing is PK Murphy said if she wasn't here this meeting for me to mention what she would have liked to have said and that is uh she wants to bring attention to poop bags littering all over the roads she says they're they're throwing them in yards they're she said it's getting unhealthy and she just wanted to know if there was anything that could be done about it she said it's never happened and all the years she's lived here and now all of a sudden they're everywhere are they empty or full they're full I see I see I see some empty ones I picked up when you got your roller and some of them fall out but they're okay that's odd do we know anybody who might be wanting to do this seen anybody do it but there are lots well we can I mean we're we're approaching the end of the season but we can obviously uh send out a note to everybody you know obviously it's an extremely dog friendly neighborhood even with my two Raptors AKA corgies it might be a one person well we may have to uh we also may have to do a little self- policing too if it's you know not at 7 at night or seven in the morning so okay noted thank you Renee uh anyone else would like to speak on a non-agenda item going once going twice public comments closed back to the uh regular agenda uh first up is uh uh the uh application regard to the golf stream Golf Club the town commission City sitting as the board of adjustment anybody who would like to speak please be sworn in by the town clerk raise your right hand i s tell the truth whole truth nothing but the truth SLE people I do thank you ah that took my breath away and one more quick thing anybody had any expar communication with regard to this item on the commission none okay thank you uh for the record Mark Marsh Bridges Marsh and associate um I'm here this morning on behalf of the board and the club membership of the Gulf Stream Golf Club um to request an extension to the uh variance that was granted to the club on June 9th last year um and we are uh uh going to apply or we want to uh follow the uh criteria the town code sections 16- 66 d-155 for the procedures for submitting and processing applications paragraph 15 which addresses the the request for extension um as you know we had a successful approval last June and the intent was to continue to develop some of the uh answers and schemes that the club were looking to do we did commence with that over the summer but it would became very difficult because the majority of the members and especially the board were absent and not able to participate so we had to kind of stall till the fall when the fall came um as you're all aware Club was having their Centenary uh celebration and there was even though we had developed certain uh solutions for expansion there was a feel that we may be ahead of ourselves and we need to slow down and uh let the membership and the board concentrate on the the celebration um so we did that um obviously they had a wonderful celebration um and now we are in the process again of working with some of the pointed board members and other membership to revisit some of the program requirements um so it's what we'd like to do is as I said request this extension the intention is that we will file for a building permit by June 8th of next year to then uh achieve you know the the process and keep it moving ahead um you're as you're where I think you're only allowed a one-ear extension so it's now up on the board's responsibility to proceed with with what they would like to see done as improvements in that time period so I'm just here to report that and request the extension and I'll answer any questions at anybody i' had sure so the double Tech and the code I'm sure Trey and Greg can confirm that you know ideally on something like this You' probably want a a two-year extension but under the uh or the code it can only be one year yeah time I know you're angling to get the building permit by the end of this this extension that subject it was approached by yeah uh some of the members and uh yeah we want to adhere to the the ordinance uh any Commissioners have any other comment on the matter can I ask a question is when you asked for this extension it has to be built as the plans we approve right yes okay there could changes well let me clarify they could be addition or alternate modifications made that don't require variance okay this is a variance for the extension of the southwest corner yeah it's it's 14 feet into the coastal control construction rare setback okay any other comments okay thank you uh we need a motion uh I'll move to uh the for the one-year extension to the previously approved under town code 66155 second uh roll call please Mr Green commissioner green commissioner camfield yes commissioner orine yes vice mayor Stanley yes thank you thank you Mark uh next on the agenda is reports Town manager uh thank you Mr vice mayor uh and the first one on here is a CIP update so I asked to come up to the to the podium there U so uh what I'm going to ask himim to do is there's been a change in the way they are putting the pipe in uh as you know we changed the schedule start on the North End because we were concerned about the uh super high tides in the fall uh and uh it didn't matter because they're running into uh groundwater uh uh even you know at this time of the year and so we're changing uh the the method of putting the pipe in and he can give you more details but the way I understand it is to do it the normal way uh they got the DI down about 10 feet and then this other method is only about three feet well the difference here I mean the contractor's plan like um the um the manager mentioned was to start on the North End of the project uh Right Way old school are the lower elevations the lowest elevations within the community um and to get ahead of the king Tides coming in the fall uh so the contractor attempted to begin that work um but again the water table is so high in this area that it's making difficult to install pipes which are typically done in the dry so in order to uh combat that um typically water mains are installed about 3 feet below grade in dry conditions we're going to allow them to bring them up slightly about a foot or so and then in during the back filling process we use a flowable fill which is a concrete material which can be excavated in the future should the um the town need to do any operations maintenance type work so it's a difference in um their typical construction method but it was also included in the cost in the bid items as a an additional allowance for flowable fill so depending on the amount that's used it should be taken into account in the um the bid uh so uh that's really the biggest change that we've made U since we started I mean we we have done the we've been cutting yeah they have gone out they saw a cut where the future water mains are going to be located so that when they come in with machines it's easier to excavate um we totally understand as the gentleman mentioned you know the the slow process of this project has been you know um bit of a concern for us as well we're working with the contractor to um you know identify the the process how we're going to get this project done um currently the outfall along right way the check valve it has failed or is allowing water to come in from the inter coal so the town is having um or uh another company come to repair that valve which should allow us to isolate the water from coming into the town so that they can do the work along right way so you know there's definitely some issues going on uh that we are working with the contractor on and hopefully once we begin to progress the the uh basically the procedures of how they're going to do the construction work will start to smooth out and the pace will increase um on the dewatering permit is that the existing permit we filed for or was that a a change due to the southide so dewatering permit is a little different than um the permit to increase our discharge amount for the dewatering permit is to allow the contractor to yeah you know to pull the water out of the soils and discharge we're experts on that on another project in town I think the question was yeah we what did wasn't that something that we anticipated that we were going to need to get anyway it's the contractor's responsibility to pull that permit where CC going to pump out somewhere with a silt fence to be able to set those pipes on the North End correct so they have proposed using um something that they it the product is called a dirt bag so you would pump the water through the bag which is basically a giant filter yeah so collect the sediment and then clean water will you know enter into the storm water system and out into the inter coal and then there's a turbidity barrier on the outside of the outfalls in the inter coal to also prevent plumes from occurring got it okay we think we're close on that from D we know now oh from that that's from South Florida Water Management District to get the dewatering permit I don't know typically how long it takes them it's usually within a month or so I mean it should be a a quick process okay uh and then they they they've also been doing what they call poth holing can right the potholing contractor before they begin installing utilities they pothole to find um all the existing utilities to make sure there's not going to be a conflict when they install structures so one of the situations we had on right way is the location of existing Force main So based on uh where the existing Force Mains versus what the surveyor had picked up for the drawings we noticed that we could move our inlets from what used to be on the outside of the valley curve uh where we would have um uh ramps or channels to flow into the structures we can now move those structures into the valley gutters which is typical throughout the neighborhood um so it's a positive on right way for that situation but again you know that's what the contractor is doing is potholing to all these utilities so that they know where conflicts are going to be okay that's it any other questions from the commission on this item all right uh we the next item under yeah we have the ad yeah ad hoc committee update thank you vice mayor so we recently had our third meeting on April 25th our running list of items that we're trying to uh look into from the previous meeting on April 8th we building setbacks second floor setbacks roof Heights and mapping our overlay districts the overlay districts that they've identified are east of Polo and along Gulf Stream Road in the core so a lot of those those dry Lots uh and then also acknowledging that there is that um the alleyway in the rear that sort of provides some some additional space to perhaps reduce setbacks without uh really any difference between those lots and lots that that don't have that Alleyway so again just looking into that on our April 25th meeting we had uh Mr Marsh one of his uh another architect in his office and uh Gary eliopoulos as well U talking about a number of different items uh that the ad committee were interested in a lot of the discussion out of that included perhaps looking at the potential for historic structures uh the town of Palm Beach zoning code has what's called angle of vision uh so that's essentially as you're standing and looking at the property how high it is based on the the angle and I guess from the road that would include the finished floor so that would seem to be a good way uh to to regulate massing so they're very interested in finding out more about that also it was discussed maybe having an earlier pre-application conference or something that's more comprehensive than currently what's in our code uh increase maximum lot coverage for one-story homes increase allowance of covered unenclosed floor area for one-story homes a minimum front yard landscape percentage that would prohib sort of scale back some of these large driveways and in those areas uh increased height for entry features applicable to all structures I think that's something that we've seen really universally uh if you have a a certain entry feature with a railing to allow sort of a balcony on the front of the structure uh it's prohibitive the way our our code reads so increasing that by maybe six inches or a foot and then uh we're going to try to identify current structures that the committee believes preserve the character of the core district and see how those relate to the criteria that we've spoken about so that's really the update we have another meeting uh after the commission meeting today so we're to talk about those items and that's just kind of where we are U the chairman Paul Lions has indicated nothing's really off the table so we're discussing all these items uh with a hope to have some sort of a suggestion coming up soon also on that agenda will be a discussion about the process to conclude the ad hoc committee with Del liberals deliverables to the town's arpb so trying to determine okay we have a lot of great ideas how are we going to synthesize synthesize that down and make a recommendation so it's been a very active process with meetings every other week uh certainly a lot of work and I appreciate everyone for their their work on that committee uh and hopefully we'll have something really positive that comes out of that and also I'll just add to that that I believe Mr Naro and myself and perhaps Renee uh would like to take a visit to the town of Palm Beach to so that we can better understand how this this angle of Vision Works uh from their planning department all right any other comments from the commission on the the progress here so still sounds like we're trying to stay away from complex formulas if we can help it other than other than the uh the sight line sine matter right uh the cubic content is something that was discussed there was a lot of um you know negative commentary about that how difficult and complex it is you know the the chairman did mention that just because it's difficult doesn't mean that we shouldn't look into it but he also believed that angle of vision would probably be an easier way to resolve that because you really are looking at massing from the street and if your angle prohibits a certain height just by uh adding on the finished floor and everything and effectively increasing that setback so it's further away from the road reducing the massing um just that that angle of vision would seem to really address uh that that issue from the from the street yeah so seems to me this would add on what another couple of pages to the to the plan submitted to the town and then also may make the 3D rendering which some Architects do and some don't a little more valuable you okay uh next thank you uh next up uh Architectural Review and planning board meetings you've got the dates uh May through September there's no August meeting there is also no meeting in may we didn't have any applications so we canel that yes but I do have we have had some preapps so I'm looking for a June meeting so we're looking at June 27th and possibly July 25th yes any questions call the town clerk uh Finance director uh yes sir uh the balance sheet and budget report for you represents 58% of the budget nothing unusual in it uh will say that we are we are beginning to uh seems like it comes sooner and sooner every year but we're beginning to work on and collect information for our 2425 uh budget as we speak correct great uh police chief activity report mayor I've submitted a report I asked that you accept it as drafted if you have any questions I'll be more than happy to answer them uh obviously as folks begin to uh travel a little more some activity has increased and and other areas has decreased but again I'll answer any questions you have if you have any any questions for the chief with regard to the summer plans and patrolling all right it's got it under control thanks Chief thank you uh items for commission action uh Boon Beach water agreement thank you vice mayor so I'll just draw your attention to the memo dated May 8th from the manager uh it does talk about all the progress that's been made over the past year or more we've been working very closely with the utilities director of Boon Beach and they've provided a lot of information that was part of the packet um at this point the uh the agreement is is not ready to be finalized but due to a current project that we want to put uh procure as part of our phase one of of our water line we are asking that the commission authorize an expenditure for $552,000 $333 which is the engineering cost for uh the The Phase One Design uh that would be um incorporated into an agreement later on as part of the projected costs if you look at the spreadsheet it does have $50,000 in engineering cost $2 million worth of construction uh the information from the city of Bo Beach puts that at about $1.8 million with a wonderful swing of$ 1.3 to $2.3 million anticipated but the best uh estimate that they can provide at this point is is 1.8 uh and then also in that is a $400,000 uh I believe it's capacity facility fee U that would either be paid uh at one time that we could take out a loan for or uh we could pay annually one over the first five years which is a discussion that I've had with uh Mr Mack the assistant director there and um miss kcat the utilities director um so at this point I just um ask if there are any questions uh otherwise like a motion for approval to U uh reimburse the phase one engineering study perfect but just for the residents can you in like one or two sentences it's more likely than not with all the work we're doing we're going to head in this direction which is why we're doing the reimbursement and moving forward I mean you already said the agreement's pending but no absolutely so with I think maybe two months ago we uh traded a draft agreement so that has all been in in the progress when I asked the assistant direct um assistant manager Andrew Mack in our meeting a few weeks ago I said what what is the feeling from your commission he said no we've been doing a lot of work on this it's it's going to get ped obviously no one has a crystal ball but the amount of work the utilities department has been doing to add on an additional in engering study incorporate that in get the quote from the engineering team try to figure out what the uh whether they have capacity what the what the rate would be all these different things I mean there is a significant amount of work that's been going on from the city to to bring in the town as a customer um So based on all those efforts you know it's pretty clear that they they want to bring us on as a customer and generate some additional revenue and then of course there will be cost savings to the town over time with some immediate benefits as well uh any other questions on the matter of the motion for us from the commission uh need a motion to approve I also just want to make a comment that uh I think last week Mr nazaro myself Mr bmaster sat down with SEO Bank to begin to uh as you already know that we are anticipating perhaps financing uh in in our 2425 budget which of course we're getting ready to put together right now uh and uh so we sat down with them and talked about financing perhaps a loan or even perhaps some kind of a line of credit but uh I thought we had a a good upbeat meeting with them but I just wanted to let you know that we're reaching out uh an anticipation of our budget for 25 all the while knowing that the town Commission does not want us to go below $4 million in our fund balance so you're going to reach out to other Banks too to get well we uh we had a conversation with the Florida League of cities and uh they they looked at our at our budgets and their suggestion uh was that we should at least uh initially uh reach out to our uh right to our uh bank that is our positive so at that point we can look and see what rate they're offering versus what the rates are on the market to determine whether or not that would be beneficial to us so I just want no absolutely yes um and it's also been uh suggested that with some uh people in town that they may be interested in looking into that as well which we would obviously be happy to provide them with any information and and welcome their input as well okay okay uh motion on the table uh motion to approve reimbursing city of Boon Beach for $523 33 for phase one watermain interconnection Engineering Services second uh roll call please commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orline yes vice mayor Stanley yes uh next item is 10B civil engineering Consultants additional Engineering Services core area improvements uh yes Mr jocky stepping up uh so uh as you can see this uh this would represent an amendment to our uh contract with the engineers uh really related to two uh two issues uh the original uh the original uh plan uh for replacing water mains uh was it strictly a pipe bursting no it mainly pipe bursting in the lower area along the Fingers um Polo Drive um and a little bit on Golf Stream but there was a significant amount of direct Berry also yeah so uh as it turns out the pipe bursting where a lot of that was located is is already is located under uh vegetation right it's under vegetation or right adjacent to the RightWay line and um so it's going to become a maintenance pro issue in the future uh especially the ones that were located under underneath existing and very mature uh U vegetation that uh over the years was planted in our right away or close to it and has grown into it so so we made a decision to rather than to do that and and I also think that the the contractor had an issue and and finding correct the contractor had an issue finding a a sub or sub contractor to do the pipe bursting utilizing the c900 PVC pipe um there is a contractor does that utilizes htpe pipe which is a typical material for fusing and pipe bursting but it's also difficult for operations and maintenance to maintain that pipe because it's not a um easily um you know Parts aren't easily found to do service connections for fixes things like that so there's a bit of conflicting right so so in those areas we decided to put the pipe move the pipe back out uh into the roadway uh now the issue with this is the the amount of money that uh uh that this amendment would uh realize to do that is offset by the Savings in the uh contract with the contractor um to put it in the road was cheaper than to do the pipe so that's basically a wash on that one correct uh the other one uh was RA related to the width of some of the roadways in the final uh plan and basically uh the main ones are old school in banion west of Polo The Plan called for those to be 18 ft wide and uh the staff and and guys drive by those two streets every day those are the worst streets in in the core area in terms of ruts and uh and so we the staff suggested that and we wanted to be consistent that all of our roads in this project will be 20 feet and uh all of Polo is 20 feet at this point in time and so we made that recommendation to to to make those RADS that were 18 feet 20 feet and so that's what this second change represents questions I mean we I know you do and I do too get tired of seeing all those roads north of of palmway okay uh we need a motion to approve try oh yes we do uh so we need a motion to approve the uh provisions pursuant of the civil engineering uh Amendment as presented contract Amendment I'll move to do all that second uh roll call please commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes uh 10c items by mayor Commissioners uh anything for the good of the order here going once going twice okay thank you all uh the meeting is adjourned Serv