##VIDEO ID:z9CGFD4m16U## let's call a meeting to order please rise thank you Rene would you call the W please commissioner green here commissioner Canfield commissioner orwine here vice mayor Stanley here mayor Morgan here also president participating is Town manager Dunham assistant Town attorney nazaro CFO Mark bym Chief Richard Jones and myself thank you very much uh we've been presented with the from our last meeting on November 8th are there any corrections additions or motion uh motion to approve the minutes from November 8th 2024 second commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes uh and and before we uh move forward I think Chief you have a presentation yes sir thank you mayor if you would join me I would appreciate it good morning everybody thank you for being here um on November 10th of this year our agency received a call of two people in distress in the ocean at about 7:20 in the morning three of our officers the three that are here today uh were the three that responded Sergeant odonnell who's going to be emotional um went in the water immediately upon arriving on the scene and was successfully able to rescue one of the two people who were drowning so sergeant odonnell if you would join me I would appreciate it today Sergeant O'Donnell is receiving a life- saving award and uh the mayor and I would like to present it to him obviously as you all can imagine this is a very emotional time for him um obviously we were only able to rescue one of the two um however that day the winds were 25 miles hour out of the Northeast and the surf was so extreme that the 20 plus bystanders who were on the beach were unable to assist um so had it not been for sergeant O'Donnell we would uh we would have lost the mother and a child so um thank we appreciate your heroic actions thank you and please know that what you did was meaningful to that family and to all of us in the community right [Applause] thank you everyone it's greatly appreci you don't have to say um I do have to have sorry there's two people there's numerous people I need to thank for um I had two individuals there that that day that if it wasn't for them I don't think I would have been successful and they're here today and I had no idea this was coming but officer dodon and Randy Wilson and I'm grateful to them and I and I knew they had my back the whole time and I would to you two both for helping me that day thank you [Applause] and if it wasn't um for the training and experience that I've done over my lifetime uh it helped me that day it was the Marine Corps birthday and um I'm a former Marine and if it wasn't for their training that they provided to me that day I probably wouldn't have been successful and also um uh deputy chief Hasley was there afterwards and he stepped up and provided a leadership that helped me um that day and provided Comfort to to my wife and um I'm greatly appreciate to um the department and because of the support of the town's people uh you were able to provide the equipment in the training that also helped me that day I had the equipment in the car that helped and if it wasn't for that um again I probably wouldn't have been successful so thank you chief for that I appreciate that very much um and uh as you know um funerals could be very costly and the family I can tell that was probably didn't have the means to um provide that service to their family as adequate as it should be and um because because of one particular family in this town um the Ruth family um Miss Elizabeth Ruth um within 12 hours put the call out and uh several residents stepped up to the plate and provided the funds uh to pay the entire funeral cost I attended the funeral and I presented the check there so the family didn't have to have a additional burden so um and I'm very thankful for that that and for the residents that contributed to it and uh it made the healing process um a lot a lot better you know um the chief and I happen to um take a road trip on a on a school uh for a drone training and we had many conversations uh during that that time period that also helped with my um healing process and he made a great point in um you know if it if I wasn't would able to get to the mother in time she would have had three children had grown up without a mother and uh I didn't even think about that but uh he provided a great point there that helped with the healing as well so um thank you very much appreciate that um and and last but not least you know when I when we get off of Duty and we go home we have family and it wasn't for my my beautiful wife who Liv there for me thank you um once again thank you very much and I appreciate everything and um this I do appreciate and I'm grateful for each and every one of you and surprising the support that we that we get here and uh I'm very grateful thank [Applause] you thank you thank you mayor Bernie Randy Todd uh your actions uh bring honor to department and this time thank you sir uh all right let's move on to uh our next meeting will be January 10th at 9:00 a. for anyone who wishes to attend an emotional meeting to start uh public comment Kirsten Stanley is here from the civic association she's president of that organization thank you and I want to Echo the things on on behalf of all the residents so little emotional myself um I've been asked to give a brief update on the uh Town's 100th birthday celebration we are um coordinating an effort to have a casual event at the little Club on February 22nd it will be a outdoor Buffet there'll be a capacity of 220 people the cost for the attendees is $50 a person and an invitation will be going out to all the residents it will be um a first come first serve basis and we encourage and hope all residents are able to attend we want it to be uh very inviting and very inclusive there it is going to be outdoors again weather permitting um so look for that invitation uh that will be at the little club and thank you for accommodating us we really appreciate that uh as part of the effort for the 100th birthday celebration or anniversary celebration we are also going to do a golf stream gives back day so those efforts are um in discussion about who we're going to work with as a non profit as well as the beach cleanup effort and then we did um sell some Comm commemorative belts and coasters we were able to sell 96 belts and 70 coasters those are going to be available at the 100th on February 22nd and if there's demand we will um offer additional orders on that and um I want to thank the co-chair Susie Lanigan Lisa Morgan and Jennifer couter who are coordinating this effort and there's an additional announcement of another thing we're working on that we will bring to you in January and we also were able to um purchase a drone for the town so thank you great thank you very much pierston uh hope everyone can attend those invites will be going out this is our 100th anniversary for the town founded in 1925 so hopefully the word gets out and we have a great turnout okay anyone else wish to speak during public comment if not let's move on then to the public hearing uh we have a a backer and Woodman change order and who's going to be speaking on that here we go good morning ladies and gentlemen thank you for your time this morning uh this particular item is not a new item I believe you have a handout in front of you that I'd like to just give you a little preface to what we're talking about it's about Road widening that's part of our core Improvement project um back in uh August the board already took a look at this we we were tasked with widening the roads in some places and um we put together because it's a a unit price contract with the contractor which it means that each task is priced by the unit we put together a a unit price cost estimate which is page one of your handout back in August the the board approved 177 ,000 for the for the road widening unfortunately it was a little bit premature in submitting it to the board because the contractor at that time had not bought into that and and reviewed his cost on them in the matter so the board approved 177,000 that's the first page back in August the second and third page are the contractor's cost that he added to that for him to do the work the reasoning was that uh hey if you're asking me to widen the road over and above what's in my bid it's going to take me longer to do it if it takes me longer to do it I have certain costs that are associated with my crew doing the work um for each item and this is for in Phase One and phase two I might add so the the second page is his cost added to the unit price estimate for phase one the third page is his cost added to the unit price estimate for phase two and you will see on the second page that the total has gone from 177 to 283 so what we are asking the board for today is is an an additional 106,000 for this item over and above what you previously approved such that the last page is the actual change order to the Construction contract once the board approves the additional funds um Gregory can uh sign the change order to the contract so this change order will replace the one that we approved correct correct um I don't know I mean this's a significant change it is I don't understand why it wasn't identified at least more closely in terms of dollar amount back in August well what happened was we got the um the item on the agenda for the board and we had anticipated the contractor providing his input prior to the board meeting and that did not happen so what we probably should have done is just pulled from the board all together but it was already on the agenda and it went through without his his review once he meeting though pardon me weren't they here at this they were here at this meeting yes because we talked about the and where it was going to be done yeah all he said as and we would hoped that he was here today but I don't don't believe that they are here today uh the two discuss that um all they had to say at the meeting was hey I think you forgot a few cost which you know didn't register in my mind as being the significant but the the key to this is that he's asked as well he's asked for 45 additional days to the contract to get this work done and that is where his cost comes in because he based his cost for quality control and management and everything else on the days in his contract so this this extends the uh the uh time of the contract for Phase One by 30 days and overall it's a 45 day time EXT mention we have two separate phases so substantial completion from for phase one now goes to March 18th including the 30 days so that's it's all about time if the contractor was able to do the additional work within his original contract time he would really be forced to do it by the unit prices in the contract because he cannot do it in in in the time of his contract each one of those days has cost and that's how he has presented it to us we went back and forth with them quite a bit and they were unyielding and we don't have a lot of Leverage in these type of situations on a change order we have 53,000 per pH try and gra look at the the difference in the unit pricing with 30 to 40 days extra time well I I have a question about the the timing I mean he's um I mean he's already a applying the the new width or the additional he has been doing this since pH since one in Phase One yes and I'm not so sure that they've lost a lot of time doing that is my only question so I mean I because I I think they're almost pretty much on schedule at this point they're on schedule with this change order now again their schedule shows completion of phase one March March 17th they are hoping but not on paper to finish before that but nevertheless March 17th is what their schedule shows as completion of phase one well if they finish early can we get a credit I wish the contractor was here today but uh to explain that but uh mayor can I point out while he just said that that at our Wednesday monthly meeting we did ask them to be here at this meeting to explain and they obviously have chosen not to be here no I mean I understand I think it's a legitimate point you spend extra day You' got to pay crew to be out there it's not just the materials right it's the time but your point well taken as well a but if you don't use the time right and you pay for the we paid for the materials seems to me the credit should be allowed I think we can probably address that in phase two Trey did we when we did the uh uh the March meeting I mean we approved that change order we're just modifying it correct so it's 6,000 I mean they going to stop work if we bring them back next month get this because it's it's more about the schedule in the 53 here we're on schedule but we need 45 days and I got 106,000 I got 53 can't we just say you all need to show up next meeting keep going it's 100 the spread's 106 on a 14 plus million doll project right now uh do we really need to do it like right now I mean no I don't I think that we would have no issue with postponing this approval to the next month I mean we just have to make sure that the contract is here that then show up and of course back need all I mean we've laid the predicate for it we've on the record some residents have kind of heard that we've got some schedule changes potentially cor says maybe we don't and you know kind of go over one more time all we're hearing about is the schedule no absolutely I don't think that's an that would be an issue I don't believe that would be an issue no so okay till next till next month when they can be here okay and and gives us an opportunity to maybe talk four months left on phase one and three months left and it's 53 they'll be okay until we till next month yeah they they were told they needed to be at this B so all right all right that's what we'll do thank you we'll defer this item from the agenda thank [Music] you thanks keep uh thank you Rick uh okay uh we're going to move on to the applications uh before we do that any expart Communications uh by Commissioners none here no nope very good anyone who's going to speak today on either application please rise and be sworn back okay uh first item is 2919 Blue Water Co and uh at this time if there's anyone that needs to recuse themselves they can do so oh I'm sorry we're not not that we're not sorry good morning I'm Luis Rivera with affinity Architects very good welcome have it in front of them I'm having oh okay yeah no worries uh if you have the presentation in your hands um uh we're presenting a home that is a Georgian style one-story home um on the SEC second slide you'll see the uh the location of the lot in regards to the rest of the community the Blue Water Cove Community um the next uh slide is a comparison of the elev of all the uh approved houses that we've done so far including lot five um second page is uh next page is the side plan with all the calculations for lot coverage and uh setback requirements Etc um the next slide uh shows uh the floor plan it's a four uh bedroom home um like I said one story um next slide shows the uh selected colors and materials for the exterior of the house including roof tile shutters colors and stacco color what's the roof tile color it's uh it's called Plantation smooth slat black antique and this was a slight BL um uh next slide is uh the rear elevation um showing shutters on all uh windows and doors um the next couple of slides are the 2D elevations straight on views of both front rear and sides um next slide is uh landscape architect will present um Lou blos hi my name is Louis blos Majestic views landscape architecture um basically on the Landscaping um we have the three streetscape large Oaks in the front of the house um in on the sides for screening uh large 4 foot clusia hedge and in the back with the existing um arica Palms we or fishtail Palms we have a combination of a poto carpus hedge and uh um six uh green buttonwoods um that were requested previously other than that the landscape in the front of the house four single um large 16 foot um Fox Hil Palms which accentuate the elevation and architecture of the house uh combination of some lustrum trees um under plantings uh for color exora blue days and um um pikus Green Island as a lower ground cover in the back we repeat the boxill Palms in uh doubles uh again with with some Crum lies uh Pink mly Grass um and again uh blue days uh for color um it's for viewing from the inside of the house and also from the pool area um on the garage area we're proposing four fish still Palms to uh basically screen that garage door from the side as we do with most of these units um other than that uh that's it comments or questions um I just have one comment which may or may not matter with so are we the trend in town even with this project and obviously in the core as well you know class Sol is like no one wants white roofs anymore you know even if they're they're a modified product and we're not technically doing concrete slurry R through anymore um are we worried about we have one white roof here one or two here in this project one on lot eight are we I mean the roofs are generally different colors here I know the staff is approving in arpb but are we generally concerned about that even for today or not I mean the house is a beautiful house one story it's scaling up to the larger homes um on lot seven and eight which is everything that you know by Design get all that just to to sort of a general comment on that aspect for the street I mean obviously you got one two three four five six seven eight nine approved or and or up I don't know if I'd necessarily change it on this house this is in my in my head this morning no it's it's a I had really even thought about it but it's an interesting observation because the has been primarily white r yes uh we're working on uh L 11 right now which is a Bermuda style home which would have a white roof possibly a twostory and it'll have uh the reason these other ones don't have a wide roof is because the architecture generally doesn't you know go correct yeah with a yeah we we didn't have all these products 10 years ago and we're seeing more of it even in the core now yeah i' get you know obviously we don't want that's my general interesting point uh other comments um you I read this and it a Georgia I'm thinking there's no way this is Georgia so because it's not brick which is you know usually determining uh element of Georgia yes but every other element is so I I stood correctly anyways uh is there a motion uh we've got a motion uh this is application 24-21 uh a motion to approve a level three architectural site plan based on a finding at the construction of a 5,419 foot Georgia Style on story single family dwelling with a two-car garage and swimming pool including new landscape and Hardscape meets the minimum intended to design manual and the applicable reviewed student following condition um obviously the same condition we always have any minor modifications to the approval of the land taping shall be submitted to town manager for re review and approval and any major modification shall be brought back to the arpb for review and approval prior to commencement of the Landscaping so second oh second Rene commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner or mine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes thank you thank you Gentlemen let's move on then to uh the the U this is where I have to recuse myself all right line is recused good morning good morning um Jess sards uh principal with Cur sards a Architects and um basically we've got a project I guess we don't don't try okay but they have it in front of them okay so the first slide is basically the site plan little Club basically right down the street from us on C Road um what we're doing is at the croade courts we are replacing a um the tent structure that's out there and we're doing a amenity building to the croquet um we're also doing another building for the golf course maintenance facility and um as so you can see that in the site plan that basically the area that we're doing this and the the Golf Course Maintenance facilities is fitting right between two existing maintenance storage facilities so it really it's not going to be able to be seen uh from the public right away Etc um and that includes a break room office uh bathrooms for the U for the crews um also what we're doing is we're upgrading the parking lot uh we're adding additional parking for the for the landscape crew um employees um also right now it's a uh it's a shell rock uh parking lot so we're going to be asphalting that and cleaning that up we don't want to bring as um Shell Rock on to the croquet you know grass Etc so we're going to clean that up the next is the floor plan of the golf course maintenance facility so it shows the break room office for the superintendent storage and the bathroom so it's a simple like 1100 square foot uh one-story building and the next slide are the elevations very simple um kind of structur can't have uh any windows on the sides because we're five feet away from the adjacent uh buildings so but the two ends will have Windows the roof will be the white We're matching exactly what's out there so it's the white you know through body white uh concrete flat roof tile the next slide is the COC amenity building and oh there we go um and the floor plan shows uh we got a beverage station we got pickle ball courts out there so we need a beverage station we got bathrooms uh we actually installing a golf simulator uh to go in this in this building it's about 2400 Square ft um it's very similar the same details same colors same everything that we did at the um uh the building last year where the fitness facility is and the multi-purpose rooms so same colors same Clear story um same louvers you'll see that in the next slides I think C Center looks almost identical it and that's the point we want to um when you're sitting on the porch at the little club we want to be able to look through the golf course and have that that same connection um and that was really the point so but it's the same same details same colors same everything that's very attractive design yeah yeah so instead of looking at a tent um you're going to have something nice to look at from the porch besides the golf course and I don't think Carol prin oh there's Carol you want to do landscape sure okay um I wasn't sworn in I'm sorry I do um Carol Perez with AGT land and Del Beach Florida uh so um we have a few Australian pine trees that are coming out um they're in the way of the construction of the parking lot but we are replacing um quite a few of the those um we have I think 10 let me see 10 trees going in to replace the few um Australian pines that we have coming out we have I think five or six of them coming out and uh again we've used the same plant palet that we have used at the wellness center so that there's a cohesive look the same as the architecture so we have poic carpus Hedges uh and we've used some Garcinia accents and a couple of silver Buttonwood trees which are throughout the property uh we also have screening with small Leaf clusia which is existing an existing hedge um to screen the parking lot and um think that's about it where are the Australian pines that are being removed because there's a slew of them on the west side of pickle ball cords they're just um south of the existing building that uh the existing Maintenance building that's there now so um see where the xes are oh right yes yeah where the X's are there and then um in the parking lot if you can go to the next slide we have a green button Woods going in um that's the large canopy tree in the parking lot and all the islands and then also the smaller um silver button Woods up near the building but where where we could we'd put in some large shade trees and they're native why are the Australians coming out on the south side of the maintenance building they're in the middle of the parking lot I thought it was more to the West Side I thought there were two of them on the West Side those um those aren't a Australian pines let me see looked like there were three in the in the area that you or between the buildings so they would go but I thought I saw two x's there we go there's a um you're talking about over on the left hand side on the right side yeah yeah on the right side those are the um Australian Pines the C they're called CA and uh we're removing them and replacing them with a native species yeah I mean why is there is there a reason they're not in the way are they they're in the way of construction yes they are yes I see okay okay okay that was there you want any there Nursery yeah no I mean they they need to remove them to complete the construction and that yeah so this is the rendering of the incentive of placing them at the little Club but prot that's the the parking lot where they're coming out and then we're replacing them with the native native trees once the buildings are completed vice mayor just said um you're going to provide other plantings for for shading and Aesthetics correct yeah we have a whole um landscape plan with um Shrubbery around all the foundations would you need Australian pines would I what would you need an Australian pine or two to to help fill in um what we've we've replaced the Australian pines with a better species um yeah more native to our area the problem with the Australian pines is when you when you um they drop their needles and then they the needles have uh some kind of substance and you can't grow anything under them all right very good any other questions uh I got a couple just because we've sort of been through this before with some of the support Works um Jess can you just for the record for the residents that live around the the golf course can you just point out the I know you can do this standing on your head lack of better expression you just point out the footprint of the new building as opposed to what's there because it really doesn't look that much different to me other than obviously you have to raise it due to FEMA and you just articulate that for everybody are you are you talking about the Golf Course Maintenance yeah taking the shed down and everything we're adding two buildings but the overall footprint other than the the height by about 3 or 4 feet is not going to look and I know you you said that you gy yeah it's this piece right here this is existing that's existing um so this is an open space between the two buildings um so that's what we're filling in so we got a sidewalk coming actually to meet my Ada accessibility into the building so this is a slope sidewalk to a porch and this would be a golf uh cart access that they can get from here to here if they need to so um yeah it's kind of it's kind of hidden in between those yeah so if you're at golf you golf stream or somewhere second third floor and you're looking down on the the golf course and you've got obviously much cleaner nicer roofs better landscape plan it's all organized you don't have the the stacks of soil you know obviously it's you know you're selling the prod it's not it's going not going to be the massing everything's not going to look much different it's not yeah no it's not this is and actually there's no Landscaping they're using that currently as a septic field so we're taking up the septic tank put a lift station in and we're we're going to be pumping out the U ceter so U so actually it's going to be looking a little bit more unified so when you're looking down onto the onto the building mind my second comment because this is architectural and for the committee and for Rob the general manager this is the town of golf stream and in the beverage room I mean I'm just not seeing a space for a bar in there PL for or you know the Ada lift is in the way or a window when it's hot so you can sit at the bar and look out and then also have a window to walk up and get a drink we just have the sink on the back side designed a few bars but anyway just throwing that out there it is golf stream and third um can you just go over the lack of lighting in the parking lot there's no lighting or any that kind of yeah now there's uh there's no Lighting in the parking lot we know that um the town doesn't like all that so we do have security lights on motion so that uh if if some activi is going on that shouldn't be um motion lights will go on and they're on the corners um so that's really the lighting that we have going on in the parking lot so there's really there's no uh there's no one there to have any reason to be there after dark um so so yeah so there's no Lighting on on the parking great thanks yeah it's a nice addition it really cleans up that area it's going to look much nicer uh any other questions not is there a motion somebody's somebody public sir I need you to come to the just come to the microphone and speak so I can be comments can be recorded I'm Paul dwey I live at 3900 grassland I'm sorry 3900 North Ocean Boulevard uh the question is just regarding how much addition how much of the parking will be changed pav are are you adding Paving out there are you adding any of the any more footprint in terms of a parking lot Etc thank you yeah um just for clarity and know if I can point the this area where the Australian pines are there's really not enough parking for the employees so that's we're adding the employee parking but the rest of the parking at Shell Rock now basically stays as is if we're just replacing that with asphalt anyone else comment if not now there a motion um got a this is app 24-22 got a motion to approve a level three architectural site plan to permit the construction of two new single story structures an 1185 foot Bret amenity building and 112 s foot Golf Course Maintenance office there a second second commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine oh ref my bad vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes thank you very much nice presentation thank you all right let's move on then uh the arb's recommendation on massing in the core District I'm looking forward to this Malcolm mayor Commissioners good morning Malcolm Murphy chair of the Architectural Review and planning board thank you Trey um I'm here this morning as um a conduit to present to you the recommendations that were made by the ad hoc committee to address massing in the core District um this board approved that that committee come together at their March meeting and that Paul Lions chaired it and uh from that day we had monthly meetings and what I'm about to present to you was presented as I said to the arpb meeting it was approved to be recommended for your consideration so with that in mind um the members of the board as I've mentioned Paul was chair Gary was on the board Michael's here um Bill myself and Tom Smith and the committee process in terms of the background and the research and the due diligence we did we invited um as many subject matter experts to contribute to this recommendation as we could both in this um room with um architects who presently um present applications for consideration and also Greg and Trey they met um with the Palm Beach County um town of Palm Beach yeah yeah out of Palm Beach to basically get their view to address this problem we are trying to um stop before it comes uh a major major problem and so with that the next slide please three key objectives the purpose of the district identify the makeup of the district and develop specific rules um we the next slide please Renee you're all aware of the core District it's pretty straightforward but it's also its unique position with the exception of one property we looking at relatively small Footprints and confined to that Corridor which make up that core District moving on if I could just interject so the recommendation is to create an overlay District which is comparable we do have an overlay District in town the North Ocean Boulevard overlay District which is a specific area that's identified that's unique to the town and has different uh zoning regulations within it so along A1A we have that 50 foot uh overlay District where certain um different rules apply for that front uh front property setback that are different through in other uh other districts that also you know does apply to the beachfront along as well as Ocean West or any other properties that are differently zoned it exists in that area so what the recommendation is here is to create an overlay District which will have all of the same zoning requirements but just some extra criteria that will be applicable to that area so um like Mr mury said there are three objectives in creating an overlay District the first one is the purpose which would be to address massing the second one is identify the area and as Mr Murphy stated we we have all the homes along um uh between old school and Gul view uh north of South uh between Gulf Stream Road and Polo so that that section that that's highlighted in red uh and then of course the third thing would be to develop specific rules that appli to those homes in that District so again the purpose of course is to address massing the core District the second one is to identify the area which is all homes between Polo drive and Gulfstream Road South of old school to Golf View Drive which are highlighted and then of course um where we are now is developed spefic spefic rules for those properties to address uh the the mass and concern thanks Trey R now before we go into we want better word the weeds one of the things we set out and we discussed was to incentivize the the prospect of developing building a one-story home Malcolm can you get a little closer to the mic y it has that that's per yeah um yeah just a recap the board under Paul's guidance we we went through many um ideas but the main overriding um um theme was let's make this desirable let's encourage people to want to build a one-story home and that's what we tried to do here for example at the moment you're all aware that we have 36 and we want to sorry we have 33% of the uh lot area and we've proposed approximately a 10% increase up to 36.36% for the purpose of the F calculation we've said let's we s we've the board um put together the proposal that that's reduced to 70% and in terms of setback and this is the fact that because we we want the one story level um we said it's far less imposing than a two-story so with that in mind we want to reduce or rather the proposal is that we reduce the setback which is presently 30 feet to 25 feet Rene now you have this in front of you I have no intention of reading it to you um but this is basically the essence of that proposal and increasing the floor area ratio to 36% and it's in front of you at the moment so as Mr Murphy stated we um we are looking at a specific area which are medium to smaller size Lots in town we do have our sliding scale F which would impact the first 20,000 Square ft so we are only looking at at that 33 knot for portions over 20,000 sare ft so for example even if you had the largest property in the core if you add that 3 03 from 33 to 36 that is an extra 600 square feet so that's the maximum you would ever be uh given to incentivize a single story home even in a very large lot and then you would have for portions over 20,000 Square ft you would still have the 020 so the maximum this proposal will ever allow a house to build is an extra 600 square ft uh typically you're looking at in the 300 to 350 uh square feet uh which is um based on the the lot sizes in this area does that include the change to unclosed cover right so that is is only with just looking at this in a bubble that it would only apply to that now there are there are um obviously with the flexibility of the the the covered unenclosed that it you know it depends how much of that AC enclosed space that you're willing to sacrifice to get more outdoor spaces which is you know sort of philosophically consistent with the special exception that we allow that sort of tradeoff to get more to to get um to get more F if you're willing to compromise your um your your air condition space um so that was something that the the committee looked at and because of that they felt like okay well that's a an incentive um to create those outdoor spaces some different architectural elements and things like that um so the committee wanted to include that as well I don't know if Y no that's absolutely before we move on to that are there any questions about the The Proposal regarding the F and it would only apply to single story structures all right okay Renee please and the second proposal we put well second part of the incentive is considering the unenclosed area as only 70% rather than its present 100% And it's again to encourage people to want to build a one-story property Renee and there you have it in terms of the setback for comparison you have the comparison with the other District within the town oops and you can see for example pla north south beach front 25 ft that's what we've gone down to we we it's not in a um below anything that um is all is presently in other areas of the town sorry do you want sorry Scott sorry there you want to comment at the moment there's a comment mayor there's a comment from you want no I'd rather wait until the presentation thanks sorry no it's okay just a pause um now we said um disincentive is the wrong word but basically we wanted to make sure that people understood um fully what they were what they had to work with they decided to go with this two-story home application presently there's a 50% um second floor of first floor footprint we The Proposal is that that is reduced to 30% and that the maximum height because massing is a visual um aspect we want to reduce the visual impact on people seeing so therefore we said reducing the roof height from 30 feet to 28 ft Renee and again here the massing that's what it is at the moment you'll see 50% and it's all very well seeing these numbers that are in front of you I think because we're talking about a visual component what Trey put together and was considered is what it actually means with ex with examples of what is what are in the town and what they are in terms of second floor area so here 34020 Gulfstream Road 43% R we 530 Old School 36% we're still getting we're still not at the um number which the recommendation is proposing but 30% and again really sorry it's l no problem and Blue Water Cove this is 18 % and so you can see it's visually attractive home um and from the architect's point of view they've still got something to work with this is considerably lower than what we're proposing and it's an attractive property and you can see obviously the Landscaping helps but it is you haven't got that massing compon Renee and going there just a fact for comparison as I say you have the notes in front of you the fact that we proposing to reduce the roof height and those were the members of the board Paul Tom Smith Curtis myself and Bob docky all recommended that this is presented to this board for consideration and now any questions oh sorry I have one other thing Michael put together this it wasn't just meeting people we had spreadsheet coming out of everywhere and Michael put together incredible amount of work with Trey to get to this decision this is the Apex of where we uh basically all the iterations and machinations that we went through so just just as a looking at the the the final result recommendation we have an identified area of the town that does overlook two of the main Norths South uh thoroughfares uh in the core District we are um encouraged ing single story homes with that extra square footage uh but we are not in any way negatively impacting someone that wants to build a two-story home they have the same amount of what I normally say as clay to build with your square footage your f is exactly the same you just have less on the top which does impact massing and we did look you know and you know Mr Lions chaired the committee and there was a lot of discussion about whether or not we we have side setbacks or a front setback or rear setback for the Second Story portion um and at the end of the day he you know he he's trying to look at it as we always try to as all four sides so it's not just the street view it's your neighbors it's the rear of the property the further it is back maybe there's some privacy issues with your pool if you're the neighbor so at the end of the day the recommendation was to put less Clay on the Second Story and as you can see through the um the the visuals there is um a significant impact to massing as reduce the the amount on the second story but as we saw from Bluewater Cove you have a recently proposed I believe spec home that only had 18% on the second story so as far as the value of you know of property really don't think that there's any impact because they are trending more toward that um as being acceptable with a a smaller Second Story um I'm more than impressed um when I first came on the commission massing was an issue that we wanted to address in addition to some other pressing matters and we have tinkered around with it this commission has changed a little bit of this a little bit of that but we never really could wrap our our heads around it and at one point I remember Joan orwine said why are we trying to control two-story homes why aren't we encouraging single story homes and that led to the creation of this committee and I want to uh compliment Malcolm you and your your team bringing people from all over young people older people people who are new to the town people who have been here for a long time and to Paul Lions particularly for sharing it for taking the time particularly um you know in late spring and and early fall uh when when there aren't as many people around I really do appreciate all the effort that you you put into this this committee you brought experts together you brought Architects you brought people from the town to comment and I think what you've come up with is an is an excellent approach to dealing with with the problem of massing in a fair and reasonable way that doesn't punish two-story people but encourages what has been historically the aesthetic of our town of at least of the core and that is the single story more understated but elegant home um I'm sorry I I should have asked for Cy to to speak if you wanted to anyone else wish to comment yes Cappy I need to go to the poding please uh my name is copy craft and I don't know whether yipp is appropriate but uh thank you all to this committee I had a question about the um setback in the front from 30 to 25 feet I'm sort of nervous about that uh because I wonder if you're going to require garages or some sort of off street parking for these houses which I think is an issue in the core and a lot of these houses and I noticed you use 3112 Golf Stream Road as an example they have their guest parking in the front so if you're going to reduce that setback is that going to impact on on guest parking or owner parking we the board at the ad hoc level and when it came to the arpb um asked the question and it was considered that we could get two cars on the drive um and in the garage and it is it is an existing requirement that single family residents includes a garage sufficient uh to accommodate a minimum of two full-size Vehicles so so you are still going to have that requirement that a two-car garage needs to be with every new build yeah and with the drive you know if they've got their vehicles in their garage then they have to use the drive as well yeah that's veryy good anyone else wish to comment question yes sir so the reduction from 30 to 28 should we expect that we're going to get a lot more flat pitched roof um uh drawings presented to us and how so the current regulations allow a minimum amount of a flat roof and to um I think that the code reads that um it's allowed to um as long as it let's see I'm trying to think out the top of my head I'm thinking about the proposal we have so it's um flat roofs are allowed at certain Peaks to reduce the impact of massing so that already you know is contained in our code uh but we will make sure that we um watch um that percentage to make sure it doesn't exceed what's in the code um to some reasonable amount I think we have a 10% that's visible from the street um but then also that that accommodation that it can be used at Peaks to reduce massing so there may be more sections that uh that do have flat roofs but we will work with the Architects to councel them against using that um too much you think the Architects and the owners will be you know somewhat okay or that we may force them into that depending on what the roof pitch looks like if we have a n it's a N9 foot ceiling upstairs instead of a 10 obviously nobody wants it's GNA go eight but and and that was something yeah something that bill KO actually he he came he he he was the key um person commenting on that and he believed that the recommendations would accommodate a 9 foot um bedroom so the architect doesn't mind going from 30 to 28 I mean Arch we had that one example on B at the end where if we forc them to pitch the roof down that it really kind of changed the architecture of the house actually it made it less attractive yeah so I don't want to make I mean two feet is two feet but I I agree with everything else you've done it's lovely but I just don't want to lose the architectural feel of right the pitch of the roof because I think it's very important MH and when we spoke to them they were aware of where we were going with it and that's their basically that's their creative skill to make it as attractive to work within those parameters that's why we pulled them in to speak to them um we're not just for the one better word dumping this on them it's a it's a consultative process so the Architects felt like this was a workable feature yeah that was that's my only question with this because like I said sometimes like the one house I'm referring to at the end of Bion um you know would have been less attractive yeah we we put it to them but the thing that they really um welcomed was the increased F okay because it gives them more options to put rooms in accommodate families and that was Bill's point on the um ad hoc committee that you want to be able to accommodate a family and for that you need more space and that's why people generally say oh no we need a twostory home well what we're trying to do is say you can have all your facilities and um accommodate your family on the ground and that's the part that they really zoned in on so they're the experts on it so from our point of view you know 28 feet they could work with are there any proposed home are there existing homes in the proposed District that violate the uh there mean I think there were um at least two examples uh on the slideshow that that do that do exist in this overlay district there are probably a number and and they'll be grandfathered in it's just that when they're torn down or or um you know substantial Improvement is done but it's not going to impact so example if you own you owned um one of the properties in the post district and you wanted to do significant Renovations that would be completely acceptable because it's an existing uh non-conformity and we would work with the applicant to to manage that and only when it becomes more than 50% of the value of the structure that you're doing a modification to would you be required to then conform to the existing code so that that gives a lot of lot of leeway for for improvements it's just that when you obviously when you're tear down you would need to then conform obviously across the board any other questions comments M thank you again and uh I I'd like to point out that uh this month's arpb meeting will be the last one for for Malcolm um he's submitted his his resignation because he's going to be going back to back to South Africa for some undetermined period of time yeah um and I just want to say you've been an outstanding chairman and member of the arpb we've all served with you in you know one context or another and I think what was evident today in your presentation is why you were such a successful chairman you have uh a calmness about you and maybe it's the British accent I don't know but you come across so nicely always been able to get even the most disgruntled or frustrated applicant Cal and got everyone to yes if at all possible um and I just want to thank you for your service thank you very much thank you thank you all right let's move on then to the town manager CIP update all right thank you mayor um again uh we were hoping that we would have somebody from the contractor here today but uh I do have uh uh the towns Anthony and bastter Woodman's uh Anthony Monroe who is an inspector for back back and Woodman and um as I've mentioned before uh the schedule I mean we have to keep up with it pretty much on a day-to-day basis uh and that just it makes it a a little more difficult for us to keep the uh residents uh that need to move cars or get in and out and gain access to their houses uh we just I mean that's a day-to-day challenge for us to uh to keep up with but uh as you know they have uh completed the valley gutters uh on uh all of Polo now all of old school and RightWay and half of uh golf golf use uh what they are working on excuse me are the three finger streets and they are uh a various uh uh applications on each of those streets in terms of the uh of the construction and so what I mean I'm not quite sure where they're where they're at today but I think between the two of you you could tell us what they're doing on pal way and banon um he's this is Anthony Monroe I'm let him start off Anthony Monroe inspector with bexter and Woodman good morning um and as far as the sequence on Middle Road right now the like Mr Greg stated the valley gutter is probably about 90% done there's a little piece in the back on the culdesac they have to finish I believe they're finishing that today they will continue to install a road base Rock to get that leveled off and prepping for asphalt um on palmway today in the back of the culdesac they are forming the B gutter curb there and they will proceed to work their way out towards Polo in the next coming days I believe up until what they're thinking would be Tuesday next week is what them for me um as far as Banyon right now to this they're installing no drainage today but that's what they were doing yesterday so coming into next week they will continue drainage storm water installation on banet and uh I think the goal is to uh hopefully uh pave middle but perhaps the today would determine maybe that they might not be able to do that because on way would not be ready for um ready for asphalt and that they can only order so much I mean I mean they have to order enough asphalt at a time and so if they can't do pal way I don't believe the the batch plant would give them asphalt for just that one rad so after discussing with you this morning I went and spoke with the contractor and question them about their progress and possible asphalting as they stay St that they would prior to the holiday if they keep on track as their Pace as they're doing now in hopes of completing the finished Rock elevation on palmway by next Friday that they would pave that Monday they have found a plant that will fulfill their order and strictly open to fulfill their order because most of the aolt plants close during holiday for maintenance of their facilities right that's really the only so so there's a possibility that middle and palmway correct asphalted correct by Christmas correct uh so and so I did want to at least share their holiday work schedule uh on Chris the week of Christmas they'll only be working on Monday and most of that will be to clean up the sites for the Christmas week they won't be working any other days on the Christmas week so uh they're not working Thursday and Friday no okay no so uh that's their schedule for the holiday week uh but I mean they are making progress so we have had you know some sewer sewer main leaks and and some water breaks it's one reason we're doing this project is because all you got to do is drive one of those pieces of equipment over uh you know our old water Ms and they crack so we've had had a lot of that happen also so um I mean that's that's a pretty good update is to where they are today thank you any any questions well are you working I know week of Christmas week of New Year's too are you working or are you shut down uh well we uh usually shut down on on New Year's Eve no I'm knocking no not I think I no no I don't care about you okay all right I'm just saying I think they will be asking the workmen are they working you work Monday and take Tuesday off are you off Monday Tuesday I mean the schedule I believe from the contractor what they stated was the Monday Thursday Friday okay so I I believe Tuesday and Wednesday they would be off or if it was New Year's Eve they were working they would be out of here early as well okay I thought that it was Tuesday and Wednesday they were taking off but we could confirm that we get a credit for those days toward the change oh that's that's what I was wondering um okay so you're you'll be working New Year's week Thursday and Friday probably and possibly but not the week of Christmas just a Monday just Monday just a Monday and they'll they'll be cleaning the SES up on Monday well they're gonna be pay they they could be hopefully cross your fingers there hope yeah I mean if they can if they are able to do it by Friday they may need to work Monday during the paving so and they are in the progress of shutting down the water line on polo in between Bion and old school and all of old school from Monday morning at 9:00 so they can do do a diversion to put the 48 in line in that they need to connect I'm sorry what the 48 in line for the drainage the new one that we're putting in between the that's being scheduled to shut down the water line from 9:00 in the morning to maybe about 1:00 to divert it so they can reinstall the new connection of the the new 48 in pipe into the box that's already existing residents they'll all be out of water and I'm going to have to do a boil water notice for them for that as well so okay but you'll we're going we've already started that process yesterday we've already started that okay so they're hopefully going to have that completed on Monday as well when we're doing the asphalting and so it just be for that day from just for that just for that short portion of the morning right okay great thank you all right thank you very much for the update uh arpb meeting will be December 19th at 8:30 a.m. yes sorry when can we ask questions oh you can ask right now I'm sorry please go ahead no you can CIP while they're here that's okay come on up come on up to the mic now good seg you might need them to answer so my name is Bob donhauser uh I live over at Polo Ridge so my question is the the timing of when they start work and when they end um Rene is obviously sick of seeing me come over and ask these questions but um I've been here since the end of uh October uh and I understand by the regs that they from December 1 through May 1 they're not supposed to start before 8 and they're supposed to end at 5: um given the the sewer breaks I get that there have been issues there they they now appear to be quitting early at five on time and starting a little later but the first two or three weeks in the first couple weeks in December they were not they were going they were starting at seven Rene would tell me that they'd show up at seven and get ready to go and they were working later so I hope that um they are going to adhere to this while we are all down here up to May 1 at least based on your RS that you have in here the the other thing I want to bring out uh bring up the the dust levels have gotten really bad where we live and I know talking to Paul at at the The Hermitage and neighbors up and down um County Road particularly when we get a West Wind we're getting an enormous amounts of dust on the buildings um we're all worried about our hvac's we've hired Atlantic refriger ation to come in and quarterly look at them a lot of people have spent a lot of money putting new ones in so we want to make you aware of that that that you know we we're and again it's mostly when we get a West Wind coming across uh not as much in the northern southerly winds coming up but it's been a problem and then the last thing I'd like to ask is about um County Road um for years I've been here since 10 2010 and I understand how people go up a oneway road but um the other day a dump truck backed all the way up I have a video of it backed all the way up to one of the homes uh at the end of the road obviously it was doing it wasn't a dump truck excuse me it was a concrete truck and the other thing is when the little Club was building their uh entrance way and they had railroad ties a forklift would go back up County Road and almost hit one of our uhh one of our neighbors coming out because we go left right because it's a oneway road so I'm not sure whether it really is a one-way Road or it's not a one-way road because uh people's you know tend to use it going both ways and I know we use it for our golf carts but when big machinery goes up that way um it's it's it's a concern because we're coming out not looking for it and somebody almost got creamed when that fork clip while all the railroad ties was going up um and then one more thing the the one of the things that we're concerned about and I've talked to a lot of the neighbors here and the different building presidents of the boards is the the area here that in the past is now a staging area for all the dirt and construction is that going to be a staging area in the future for every other construction site that goes on um the little Club as you guys know is planning to uh rebuild their golf course in 26 and you should have a letter seeing that they're planning on lifting their golf course and spending $5 million and so our concern and having talked to several of the real estate people that are uh agents that are uh active in this area is that it could impact our values if this becomes a a known construction site and we have this beep being in this constant thing going on forever and ever so I I you know again knowing that the reg say You're supposed to be covering it you're supposed to be doing all these things which I know are cost prohibitive right you can't put a big tent over all that stuff but I think there things that you're going to hear from people over the next year whatever that there are concerns about what's the future of that site and how it impacts values for those of us that live right near it so that's what I have you raised a lot of points uh you just a few of them yeah uh I think what we need to do is make sure the the water tank uh you know addresses the uh the you know the mobilization site too I mean we've been trying to get the the water and and the sweeper out there for the Dust for the dust uh probably twice a day at least on the roads but uh they they need to address the site back here too because it is all dust I'm going to address the issue of them getting started in the morning they don't start until 8 o' I even go out in the field and I catch them getting ready to start doing what they're doing and I prohibit them from doing that I make them come back to the shop whether it's outside in the front or if it's in the back they don't start a piece of equipment back there until 8 o'clock in the morning we actually were delaying it weren't we because of the school drop off correct but there's still there's still AR driving on site at a little bit before 8:00 and I still make them stage out there regardless so they're not out in the field so if they're here they may be out front and they do tend to speak really loud unfortunately and I can't control their volume so but I do let them know that they need to keep it down and we've been trying to get them to keep the dust down but because they're in and out in and out it dries up very quick so there's no stopping the dusting but they need to do it more periodically right other thing is is where most of the dust that's coming from is out in the area where they're dumping and loading and picking up and removing and I mean it's just it's non-stop you know so unfortunately to dust control that is going to be pretty close to if if I'm not mistaken it's going to be close to none but they can make the effort of at least trying to control it but then it becomes slop because you're going in and out so much and that's the other issue then they'll start dragging all that stuff out into the streets so at the end of the day I mean we're doing our due diligence to make sure that they take care of the issues of the dusting and also make sure that they don't start early because I've already had many conversations with them and I told them I'm stop talking no longer either you get here at eight or you don't Chief we're still I mean they may line up out here at 8 o'clock but we don't let them we we let the school traffic we're very selective about whether we allow movement M to happen based upon the traffic from the school so depending on what they're doing for that day if it's just a small crew going out to start a project then we don't prohibit them from leaving at 8 but if they have five dump trucks that need to go into the core area then we prohibit that until after 8:20 when the school traffic has come to an end so as you all know I'm I'm here every morning yeah typically by 6:30 I monitor this I personally stand out here direct traffic whatever we need to do to manage that and we work closely with the construction team managers who are on the site that day as well as with the folks from maintenance and Anthony and the inspectors to make sure that we coordinate the best we can and a lot of times the coordination is not happening like they don't tell us we have seven trucks showing up tomorrow but when we show up and we see it then we start regulating how that day is going to go for them so we manage it um obviously they don't they're not happy about that sometimes but we manage it for them when they don't manage it well enough for us and I can say I mean we have weekly schedule meetings uh but uh Renee can testify that and and I can too that again those schedules change almost on a daily basis on an hourly basis I being nice so it's it's a challenge to keep up with that and uh uh I recognize the gentleman's issues completely uh yeah I just rest assured staff is working on this diligently hourly um when trying to communicate with with uh our residents to keep them informed particularly if something's going to happen to impact you know their Ingress and egis from the house and as far as the dust I know Greg is wrestling with it every day so we're they're on top of it doing the best they can really and working past five o'clock I mean if there's I mean if there's sewer main break at at 4:00 I mean that's got to be taken care of and that typically might take a couple two to three hours on an average uh so uh they they have to get that cleaned up before before they final point was staging I believe that's a staging area for this project only it's not going to be a permanent we do use that as extra flow of parking for construction out in the core or out on a18 whenever we don't have this going on and it's been going on for years it's not a staging it's to keep Vehicles off our road we make them park off and and we're not necessarily staging construction equipment from Individual Lots but their employees cars employes park what happens when the little Club decides they want to raise their golf course and they want have all this equipment over there and they want to put dirt they need dirt they need sand they need all these things is that they they where else are they going to do it unless they leave it on site they're going to have to do that on their site they won't be able to do it here they're going to do it on the golf course think they're they're buying their dirt up now starting yeah um but this is not for everybody's use it's for the town so I understand that but again they stage they have railroad ties obviously there equipment com up Road and so there obviously you know it's just look those are little things are not bothersome it's obviously when you have something this massive and and I would I would remind you that you know we we live we're going to live with this for the whole duration people that live in court I get it how destructive it is and it's how how you know it's it's a nuisance but when their Street's done it kind of moves on we're we're living with this till the end of the project and you L at you know a good list of legitimate concerns so we're trying to to address them um and to address the county road issue if it was a large truck they have very limited space to be able to turn up at the entrance of little County Road to make that turn coming in if that that equipment is really large they won't make that turn they'll destroy the curving the water the the light poles everything that's on that corner they'll destroy it but unfortunately there's a home that's being reconstructed and having remodel work done to it they have to unfortunately back up to get to it and that's something they still have to get in contact with the police department to let them know that hey we need to back up so that way we can be able to do our delivery or whatever it is so when we have pre uh construction meetings with these contractors knowing when this construction is going to happen police are there and uh we encourage them to get a hold of the police so the police can help direct that if they have to go back up that way right yes sir so okay let's move move on to finance report uh uh your report represents uh 2% of the budget and uh I didn't see anything out outstanding in the budget I'm sorry in the uh uh the report that we gave to you any questions Finance very good Chief please report good morning mayor Commissioners I appreciate the opportunity to present our report is available this month for review if you have any questions I would ask that you uh ask them now if not if you would please accept it and then if I could just have one moment uh I know I've taken up some of the meeting this morning I just wanted to uh let everyone be aware that the civic association did in fact uh purchase a drone for Public Safety purposes meaning emergency use uh that drone has been received by the police department we're in the process of now um learning how to operate it properly and whatnot both sergeant odonnell and I are now certified FAA Pilots so um we are the two oper operators and we are beginning to build that program to use it for obviously um folks who may have uh Alzheimer's issues walk away from home if we have any school incidents or even drowning incidents where we can get uh you know a set of eyes on someone much quicker than having a helicopter show up so um that is very appreciated and um obviously we'll go to uh great newes in the near future how's that usable if there's an issue at clsi so we can actually uh from the Police Department we can fly the Drone directly to place osel and utilize it there we can actually fly the Drone there faster than we can drive a police car there great so good okay any questions about the police report no Bridges just one quick question Chief the the four arrests are those related to traffic stops where you yes none of those incidents were related to criminal activity outside of proactive policing thank you very good thanks Chief thank you all right let's move on to U resolution 2 4-14 but before we do so we had a presentation on this um uh I want to make sure that everybody is on board in agreement with what was presented with the approach that's being suggested okay Jes yeah I am I I just still a question with the height but that's it um very good then let's uh let's go to resolution 24-14 Renee a resolution of the Town Commission of the town of Gulfstream Palm Beach County Florida declaring zoning in progress relating to the creation of an overlay District within the existing Gulf string core zoning District that will control massing in this area of the town requiring that no building permits be issued by the town during the period that zoning is in progress for any project which may be in contravention of any proposal under study providing an effective date of today December 13th 2024 so a motion to approve motion to approve second R commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes I move to resolution 2415 um Mr Dunham uh we looking at here yeah okay this is a resolution the county is um uh proposing to develop and create a countywide transportation plan uh uh the Palm Beach County city county Managers Association uh did not want to uh be left out in the uh municip in the administration and uh oversight of this planning process and so basically what this uh uh resolution does is ensure that uh towns and cities will be included in the selection of the firm that will uh uh lead the development of this uh Transportation plan and that Municipal uh administrators and Engineers will be part of that oversight committee okay uh resolution 24:15 we're next a resolution of the Town Commission of the town of Gulf Stream Palm Beach County Florida supporting the procurement and oversight of consultants for the development of a countywide transportation plan supporting the formation of a technical advisory committee for the same providing an effective date of today December 13th 2024 is there a motion I'll move to approve resolution 24-15 second Renee commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes uh Mr Dunham we're now looking at the solid waste yes sir uh so per the state requirements the town uh uh put out an RFP for uh solid waste collection services uh that uh process requires a committee to De to be developed to review proposals by various firms that turned them in and uh the town did that it consisted of myself uh Miss Renee uh and the town manager from the town of Manalapan uh we had three proposals uh Coastal Waste Management Waste Pro wa and waste management sent proposals they all made uh uh presentations to the town uh the uh the committee uh listened to those and ranked them uh based on uh experience technical uh proposals and financial proposals uh you can see the uh list of of I think all three of us had Coastal Waste Management on the top uh what we don't have there and I think I handed out to you was their their price proposals and you can see I'll just read them Coastal waste was $27,988 Waste Pro came in second at 242 and waste management was at 381 uh what I can say if you you have any questions mark can kind of discuss or tell you how that compares to what's happening now with respect to waste management which is our uh service provider now uh their proposal uh represents a a a serious increase in the amount of money that we uh pay for Waste Management Services at this point in time we and we knew that was coming that's why we did this they already told us that they were going to have a a very serious increase uh they they they did really did not want to do backdoor service anymore uh but and I can tell you that Coastal waste uh does provide back dooro service uh like Waste Management so very good uh so what we're doing today is just we're accepting the we're selecting the um contractor to award the bid to under rfp2 2401 um the solicitation documents have an initial term of 10 years with an option to renew for 5year term so it's a potential 20-year agreement uh it is uh provides for annual increases in accordance with the Consumer Price Index I know that Waste Management wanted a different price index that was tied to water sewer trash we are not doing that as a 5% cap uh and in a 0 perc so if the Consumer Price Index goes negative it it's zero um just to get an idea of what we're talking about per resident per month Coastal was at $46 which is very consistent with actually what we're doing right now right now waste management is charging 40 $782 so they are pretty much right consistent so our residents aren't going to see a lot of change but Waste Management wanted to renew at $61 so we're talking about a 25% increase over what we're we were able to get now and of course Waste Management's proposal was at $82 per home when they actually uh sent their uh their proposal in so uh it is there is no change it is going to be back door and side door and we are going to meet with the representatives from Coastal uh over the the coming weeks um get them on board and ideally bring back a contract uh next month for execution by the commission very good good um we're all aware of what uh waste management was doing were unwilling to work with us at all the called meetings we had with their repres representative here so uh well done good job soliciting these B is there a motion authorizing cast waste I just make a motion to uh authorize the staff and the committee to pick the bed coal waste second Rene commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orline yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes uh now move on to the flock safety cameras uh yes I uh pass this on to uh see uh to Chief uh and he can give a short presentation to you good morning thank you again uh so in summary over the last several months we have been communicating with the HOA and place osel to talk about a couple criminal incidents that have occurred over the last year there primarily we're talking about vehicle burglaries um and one vehicle theft however we noticed that a lot of the activity that we see that relates to criminal Behavior is done through pedestrian activity and not vehicular activity and so Place OS is kind of unique in the sense that their location um is is not as isolated as the island uh side of Gulf Stream and because of that they are more prone to pedestrian related activity from non-residents coming into the community during nighttime hours and then obviously committing these type of criminal behaviors and then going undetected because it's very difficult for us to be at the right place at the right time and happen to see you know this pedestrian activity so we looked at several Solutions including uh artificial intelligence and surveillance systems um being installed and ultimately at the end of the day what we believe is the best solution is to add what are are called Condor cameras to our current License Plate Reader solution that we use now flock that's the company we would install two of these cameras and their main purpose is pedestrian related activities and notifications so of course the camera uses artificial intelligence to identify pedestrian activity and then alert law enforcement to the presence now obviously uh every Community has pedestrian movement going on during daytime hours so the daytime hours is not really what we're concerned about so we would kind of uh use this solution the same way we do license plate cameras and Define what time frame during the nighttime hours we utilize this solution and anytime a pedestrian either walking or cycling enters the community uh it would alert law enforcement to their presence and then a law enforcement officer would use the information that we see on the video whether it's uh someone wearing a hoodie whether it's someone trying to conceal themselves against the vegetation line when they enter or whether it's someone pushing a baby stroller who may live there and we would then make a decision as to whether we needed to respond and check that or whether we thought that it was more than likely a resident and everything was fine so that's what we're asking for approval to do U place ocel is unique in in a policing aspect because of that pedestrian related activity and this is something we feel we need in place ocet but it's not something that we are looking to deploy on the east side of our community because that's not the problems we are faced with on the east side so what is the cost so we're looking at initially they proposed uh $6,250 per year that includes all maintenance uh we don't pay anything else uh but they did want to charge installation costs so the first year it was supposed to be $8,250 we have negotiated with them over the last several days and they have agreed to install at0 so the cost would be $6,250 to start and it would be $6,250 every year moving forward no it sounds like a something that be very helpful yes sir to the security of CLA so I don't what you agree with yeah and I think on behalf of the residents over there we appreciate you looking at ways to utilize the technology to be preventative in some of these situations so this and the Drone so did I would like to just add as well that prior to us coming to the commission and asking for this we did meet with the homeowners association and we asked for input on whether or not they felt the cameras would be intrusive or if residents would be concerned about having additional uh cameras and we got completely the opposite that it was very invited and they would appreciate it so we just wanted to make sure the commission was aware of that as well yeah this is within Greg's um discretion up to $15,000 but uh I'm sure we're all in agreement yes oh I think it's a great idea because you have all kinds of commercial activity right there so I think it's a great idea for them yeah thank you great okay thank you Chief um any uh anything yes Paul one minute please um on the adog committee uh the ability to execute uh the mission which was to address massing uh could not have been done without the help from town manager and the town attorney uh they brought in the experts we needed illustrate uh believe his name was Dan little city planner he was the one who introduced the concept of overlay um just to illustrate how important your role was so thank you a second subject uh I see these gentlemen in un forms and I love uniforms um but very truly um you make us proud in this town by your actions um you stepped in when we uh uh were in the transition for a new police commissioner uh Chief um and uh Chief Jones you've introduced a lot of in Innovation uh you're always on top of uh and I also see that your team are proud and happy at their job so thank you thank you thank you Paul and you're absolutely right credit is due to our not just the police department but to our staff who work uh really so diligently Renee and Greg and Trey in particular but uh everyone here really works over time uh and we are just so so pleased to to have you all working for the benefit of this town I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year