##VIDEO ID:UZvdZ77fUbU## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] come on over you can here take we this is oh for those houses okay for one house let's wait and see who comes he's going to handle it and he's going to speak to him well set good evening everybody um welcome to the community of the hall mam clerk we're manager report City manager's report it is thank you mayor uh a first uh on for tonight is a resolution it's regarding a shared service agreement with the board of education for nonpublic school nurse there's also another resolution on for Johnson Park uh that is amending the closing hours for that particular Park to uh I believe an 11: from 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. to allow for uh evening soccer number three um is a veteran Banner update we've been working very hard with that I should say Ally has been Allison has been took took that uh project on and uh just a quick update Ally for everybody um I'm working on getting the approval from psng to use the polls on Summit app from essic Street to Spring Valley and once we have the approval then we'll uh do a resolution on the meeting and have the form ready to to get the program going and here's a I know it's hard to but mock up of what the banners would look like very good um quick question Ally how many do we did we count how many polls and they're only on one side of the street they on both Sid they're on both sides uh there's 110 polls okay I don't know if we're going to be approved for all of them all right that's a good start though yeah definitely okay uh last but not least is our CSO and stormw Parks update I'll ask our city engineer Chris weaton to come up please evening everybody check check check good evening can you hear me okay um just a quick update of our major projects um uh everything is the same as last time except we have updated the uh anticipated completion for poly Park we are just um uh coordinating uh that tie in on PO fly Road as it requires County coordination and uh traffic control um which is uh has been a little more complicated as um as Verizon has confirmed the size of the ducts that are in the street there so we're we've had to modify that approach somewhat uh and we're working through that we anticipate that uh we'll be completing that tie in in two or three weeks again so getting into our CSO projects um again we're currently working on the Anderson Street drainage area uh which is uh the the sixth major project in sewer separation um for the city separate separating uh the storm water out of the combined San uh the combined uh sewers which include storm and sanitary uh on this Anderson Street project we are completing the tie-ins of the diff of the um the finger streets if you will um to Railroad Avenue we've currently completed Clay Street and bdan tie-ins and we are working our way up uh railroad AV uh to James Street where we will do that tie-in next here's a picture of uh one of those structures for the tie-in they are um you know large uh uh connection um boxes uh connection manholes and um we're also completing the restoration of the streets um where work has been completed so we have um uh completed restoration on Clay Street sidewalks and curbs as well as berdan place and the south side of James Street and we're continuing uh with each block um again as as we're moving northward with the the storm work as well uh in other projects we're um we've just started on the East Kennedy Pump Station generator uh We've started with site work there the contractor did mobilize and uh install the generator pad and Foundation um and install uh conduits for the generator service we're anticipating uh inspections for those uh City inspections uh for those uh this week uh so the projects that we've been talking about are for sewer separation uh which are clean water State revolving fund fund funded shown in green the city is also um working on a uh uh a FEMA uh Hazard mitigation grant for the the area shown in red in the city uh as discussed previously we have completed the CCTV of CCTV uh and cleaning of the sewers in the project area and we are currently uh in the design process uh for the design of large coverts for storm water and a large pumping station uh along the river to handle storm water in Parks our the active project right now is polyfly Park we have um as as I as I indicated at the at the beginning uh we have completed the majority of this work and uh what's remaining is the tie-in uh in the uh in the county road on poly Road also in roads uh in traffic the prospect AV pedestrian Safety project is starting next week um that that'll just be some the initial site work the signal equipment won't be arriving until late October and this project will continue um from ooc you know from next week uh likely through February of next year and the county has completed the paving uh program for Johnson uh and main streets and they're currently working on the line striping it really it looks it looks pretty nice and just you know I I put this slide in again on Backwater valves I think you know not not everybody uh attends every meeting it is worth repeating that uh Backwater valves um have they kind of only been a requirement in the city since um the 1977 uh uniform construction code was with u revision uh in New Jersey and um so if you do own a home that's uh prior to 1997 I'm sorry 1977 excuse me 1977 um you it it is advisable to uh uh to to evaluate whether you might need a Backwater valve and that would be if the sanitary sewer um uh if you do have a uh um if you have a basement with a lateral connection that is below the elevation of the street below the elevation of the surface manhole in the street um then it's possible that sanitary flow May back up uh into your home so it's advised that you evaluate whether um whether that might be appropriate for your home it's also advised that um that homeowners do um um you know inspect and maintain those valves sometimes they get you know something gets hung up uh so they should be they should be checked periodically to make sure that they're working properly and again just just a reminder that you know we're here for your service and um you know the the residents are often the first ones to observe changes in the streets so um just providing our our contact information again and um you know let us know if there's a problem in your neighborhood uh we do work to you know do we respond as quickly as we can and uh take that information into account um as we're you know evaluating future uh project needs that's all I have do do we have an update in cell Street which street cell cell and grou cell remember that we got the floting problem Campell C Campell Campbell the one that we were out oh oh c Campbell oh Campbell yes I'm sorry I apologize um yes uh Ryan did do uh we we did a a jet and inspection of that area we have we found a a a street sign um lodged in that sewer so we believe for sure that that was contributing to the problems that were occurring there so again it's it's important to get that feedback that we can you know can inspect and evaluate and and determine if something's changed I you think that was the only problem or we're going to look at maybe two three blocks we we we we did evaluate um manholes uh uh up you know we did evaluate other manholes uh in the area um there's another location that uh that we are considering uh doing a TV inspection uh further down Downstream I believe in Kansas um it's a ways away from Campbell but it may you know it could possibly influence this area the last question I got for you any update about Johnson par we all expect to go for re yes we're we're we are proceeding with the with the design um uh update uh for those documents um as you're likely aware we do have to go to the controller uh for this uh project so that's going to take some time it has to wait until the documents are completed is my understanding before we go to the controller so um that's going to be a step in the process as well um thanks quick question all right the county did uh Johnson AV Main Street correct that was their project do we send out nixel on that for everybody because I got I got we got pretty torn up on the like complaints on that job and we know what had to be done it's just we got to make sure people get a heads up because that's really people coming from northern Bergen County come down they come down Kinder kamac or or you know one of those roads that need to cross over and they were like you know I I'd have to look I'd have to check into that mayor I uh it it did uh catch us a little bit unawares when they announced that they would be performing the project um I'd have to double check right U yeah we need to stay on top of that because even though it's their project we need to make sure our citizens know I understand it was it was pretty bad yeah so noted thank you y any any other questions well you want to ask about the paving Atlantic Street oh yes the water company so they did Atlantic Street from railroad up to prospect I'm sorry first street but the are they going who's doing from First Street up to prospect I'd have to check with uh this with how far the psng project went up Atlantic Street because it it was it was due to that PS and G work that the the milling and Paving was required I don't recall whether they whether that gas project went that far yeah can you check because we need if not we got to get it on our schedule because it's bad yeah you can call the lady in Char Lauren cesa C in charge PS that's right yes I forgot that's right we'll do okay thank that's it thank you all right thank you that's all I have mayor okay need a motion to open to the public offer t all in favor I I None opposed anyone from the public would like to speak please come forward to the microphone you will have three minutes Mr Smith how are you good evening Martin Smith Prospect Avenue at the August meeting Mr Caruso said that the Haans sack traffic department had decided not to lower the speed limit on Summit Avenue between pic and Spring Valley Avenue could you tell me why they came to that decision what was a reason or reasons for that I can certainly send you uh a copy of the report if you'd like Mr Smith um but they said in to be General that what they said was was that the speed limit based on the amount of traffic was in within range of what it should be on on that particular type of street based on the width the length the location stuff like that but I can certainly send you the entire report if you'd like we have an ordinance in hackensac that says that all streets under City jurisdiction are supposed to have a speed limit of 25 M an hour I would like to know why Summit Avenue between the two points I mentioned is exempt from that ordinance I mean if we're going to have regulations and ordinances then we shouldn't Force those ordinances and regulations I don't think we have the right to pick and choose those that we will enforce and those we won't enforce I mean I it has nothing to do with volume of traffic it has nothing to do with the number of accidents that have occurred on Summit it's strictly a question of the ordinance that we have in hackin saac for city jurisdictional streets typically typically um i' I'd have to check on on that ordinance Mr Smith because typically a the the the minimum or I would say I guess you could say the minimum or maximum speed limit on any Street that's not posted otherwise is 25 mph so all residential streets if there's no sign on them that means that they're automatically 25 miles an hour I'd have to look and see that all jurisdictional streets are specifically 25 miles per hour because I I I can't see that on certain streets it would have to be a little bit more of an increase in the speed limit besides the county roads well I mean Summit Avenue is a resident Street absolutely absolutely and uh you know these these people who live in these beautiful houses on Summit Avenue have to contend with a speed limit that's 10 miles above what it should be according to the ordinance again I have to look at the ordinance can I ask a question please this so the county is 35 correct before it gets to Spring Valley correct correct so somebody's going 35 they basically cross over Spring Valley and instantly have to be at 25 correct they could be if if you based on what we're saying I mean I think that and that's part of the reason what was done in the report by I think that's part of the report is because it's it's a the potential for for people to not do that is pretty high so that's just my opinion I will I will look into that okay I appreciate a copy of that and for the record I would like to see a 25 as well but I think that might be one of the causes you know here here's 25 you're coming in at 35 you get here if you don't stop within a block and you're still going 30 35 you could be you getting traffic ticket I can show you a lot of County Roads that go through numerous municipalities and each municipality has a different speed limit for the same road even though it's County okay I'm just seeing where it could be confusing to a to a driver you know if they're not paying attention which they should be paying attention like to see like I said I'd love to see the 25 I have a feeling that even if a road is a county road that municipalities have some input into the speed that they would like those streets within their municipality could agree with you more especially with street lights and lowering speed limits where we've had fatalities I couldn't agree with you more but you know getting them to bend and change change their minds is not easy okay thank you you're welcome Z next next person good evening sir could you give your name to the clerk uh good evening Sam Allen uh resident on Kaplan Avenue um good evening I'm here today to ask for uh some help with a speeding issue that we're having on Kaplan Avenue um right now it's the it's impacting uh families we have a lot of new families moving into the community the they have children that causes causes a danger to the children in the fre in front of the houses our own children are you know we're cautious of having our own children in front of the houses on top of that uh it's causing property damage most of my neighbors have had uh mirrors torn off specifically my next door neighbor her front end has been wrecked twice where she was out of a car you know for weeks um and it's is causing extreme extreme inconvenience to the members of the neighborhood who have to play musical cars because you know we have children who drive so they're multiple cars so we're playing uh driveway games with the cars because you're afraid to leave your car on the street for fear of damage um so what you know what we're asking is and hoping to get some help with figuring out how to rectify this problem if it's in the form of uh speed bumps cameras you know more police presence even a sign cuz I I I just glad over heard you uh speaking you know to to the gentleman in front of me we have there are no signs so the Assumption of a 25 M per hour with most drivers is is out the window when my foot is on the gas you know so um so why don't we do I mean the other signs at 25 mph you know the ones I'm talking about right with the shows you the speed you're going all right we have them in certain areas so we I have no issue with they're having a speeding issue on cap one we did have a uh one of those readers uh maybe two years ago that was up for a little while and then but that was temporary these are permanent oh they have them permanent these are solar powered permanent speed limit signs that tells you slow down you're going 35 and are those signs just for clocking or they or they actually give out speeding tickets no they can't they're not allowed by by state law you can't give out a ticket that way okay they don't allow it yeah no yes it's like the red light camera law you're not allowed to do it we wish you could but unfortunately you can't but uh and it's about enforcement so we if we have to put some you know patrols down there traffic patrols down there to monitor it that's what we're going to have to do and then there's also the uh uh question of H how do we get speed bumps on on the Block speed bumps are an issue that's been an issue for a while with the you know DPW is against them because of the plows um you know 3:00 in the morning I don't know if you've ever heard of a uh a plough hit a speed bump it's not pretty no I haven't heard that but I have at 3: in the morning I have heard the cars zooming up and down the yeah no I understand I understand um there are other devices on the ground we could use like rumble strips stuff like that we can look into noise uh they make that you know grumbling noise yeah they catch your tires it vibrates and it slows you down so you know that's not going to that's indented into the pavement it's not like a big you know speed bump but so we'll have a traffic study done on Kaplan they'll probably put some devices down there to to check on how many cars you're getting and and speeding so let me ask you this so Roland is it Roland yes that's like the cross street halfway down between now are you talking between Kaplan we're talking from ply up to Summit so you're talking on the the Eastern side yes more so the summit side to okay so it's and you're it's really on the hill it's dangerous there the hill is dangerous so that's is where we're asking for help with uh controlling the Speeders on the hill because it's minut to the neighborhood and I've got a method to why I'm asking this question but is there any certain time of the day worse no no no all day all night it's not no no no specific time but you know I was just wondering if it was that you know because I work at the hospital but the shift change at the hospital a lot of people I know Park illegally in that area from the hospital to walk the legal parking is a whole separate issue I know we're dealing with that as well but I mean you know people get out of work they want to get home they' like zoom off like mad people so absolutely they shouldn't be allowed to just speed because they're in a rush to get home we're all in a rush to get home all right so we're going to take a look at it we're going to see about some signage and what else we can do down there in that whole neighborhood probably you know all those blocks eventually you're going to have to you know get some type of and it's about enforcement too we got to get our police officers to enforce that so vny do those signs record the data or no there are signs that do that um but they're three times more expensive than the other no I was just if they did I mean then that's a key to us to be seen how many of them are going over that limit what times and so but it doesn't Deputy Mayor all that could be used all that data could just be used for data for you know you can't issue summonses based on understand but you could know hey the worst like the question is John's asking you would know you know theic that we see abuse and we could get somebody sitting over there police C that so it would be good if we had that information but if we don't we don't just curious I've been saying this for years and to me the only solution is the table bumps no matter what the police officer there they issue couple of tickets the radar said that you go over 35 but the only solution is the table bomb and we should be do that before somebody get killed we definitely had uh horrid accidents on that block so the right in the corner by su or whatever how Prosper people fly mhm and all the streets and hack are right now the people don't respect Broadway it's only two blocks and the people fly you know yeah so the table bomb to me that the only solution to try to get the people to slow down that's it what about the temporary bumps you know the the heavy rubber ones never we've never researched those yet yeah we should look at the one try one because they could be removed in the winter right only way New York City using it and different towns in New Jersey West New York Jersey City Enga fly fell everybody using it it's the only way what the tempor no the table bombs yeah they not really like a they no the one they like they put high school you go look at the high school right now they got table bombs you have to do the SP in front of the school so we're going to look into all of it all right thank you thank you Mr Allen next person please I just want to you know I live on Kaplan Avenue myself sir and um and one of the major problems is that we're one block from as Street MH and people that travel down as has that speed speeding mentality and when they see that it's little backlog there on S Street they then turn off and use our Kap Avenue to get through so they have that speeding mentality at that point so I do get that as well so that's you know one of the main reasons why we get such a big you know speeding problem on Kaplan no I'm sure you want a solution too oh by far yes yeah no good evening sir good evening mayor council how are you good evening Sam is my neighbor I just wanted to he he he brought up the the speed bump I've been talking to Tina capana they're supposed to be doing a uh a counter there since July we still haven't but I got a quick question instead of also putting a speed bump can we do a no left turn going up the hill within a certain amount of times no left turn off of poly off of poly up the Kaplan there's one already on one of the streets I think closer to hillers yeah that's the one by the CVS Pharmacy still make it might be Marvin or something else um you know how a no left turn that's a possibility between hours of I don't know 7 o'clock in the morning till 3 o' that goes into what councilman car was just saying people people coming down poly towards essics they see it backed up they shoot up the hill right your street or one of those streets so yeah that's a possibility we can look at that's a good idea and for the record it's Ed cabal forgot to mention my name yeah um that's that's pretty much it thank you thank you you're welcome next person please they're going to talk about the the parking and Cambo good evening good evening how are you good good my name is be and I'm Jose menz okay and your address from C Avenue we live in kbo Avenue we grow a street mhm and right now we have a problem with the parking ER we know hackins is growing up a lot so people the some buildings they comeing to park in the car in our area okay and in the morning they coming back for the cars so yes possible uh grow tree has only between Kansas and kemell they they can park it only in one side right the between gr C Ali they can park at both sides so we asked to to give you the the both sides and between Kansas and and kmo okay the another thing we want to say thank you Mr bagia because we has the problem with the torment to and we calling and he coming to help to us he bring the engineer and they looking around there so thank you Mr Bia for help you work but then we look at the situation the other day with be the city manager and then I think I no problem to allow to park in the other side of the street because we measure the street and it's the the width of the street is good enough just like in the other side and that way you guys allowed to be parking in this side of the street and the other side I'm I'm working on that from when I met you guys out there I'm working on it it just it takes a little time we have to change the ordinance um we have to do some measurements and stuff over there but it I don't see why it won't get done because it it just makes sense to allow parking on that side of the street fa Street has both sides parking exactly yep it's strange it's very strange and I'm still trying to figure out why just that section doesn't allow parking on both Sid sides it doesn't make sense but maybe you get that before Christmas that hope yeah I hope you'll definitely have it before Christmas excuse me it's the same thing about the complaint so I I I I thank you for your help Balia and the city manager pay attention about the today to go to the water I calling uh Le and the commission the city manager uh go to to help thank you I appreciate it about the Cambo Avenue the one side parking that's another thing it it's not only CBO Avenue maybe another another tree the same thing I don't know the you think or the city think and in the future the Campo Avenue the one side parking is correct for the the the one side Tuesday a lot of people the community going up about that why and the the the machine clean MH every Tuesday temporary they can go to another side temporary and I appreciate it because the community going up any everybody go looking for parking I respect the area cleaning leaving the area cleaning clear every every clear yes every Thursday you know and they temporary about I don't know maybe put the time you know now for for parking every day only the the time cleaning leave the area cleaning I appreciate maybe the city I I going to look into that and check it's not only maybe another Street only the one side parking that's right for temporary leave the area cleaning for just during street cleaning time just the time yeah we can do that things better for everybody the community thank you no problem no problem Rudy next person please how we doing good evening everyone Gary Toano Fairmount Avenue uh have a couple of points number one on the speeding issue speed tables uh if you pay attention to where they're located in certain communities they have to be identified with a sign on each side that's a speed hump or speed bump or speed table to give you an example on Philips Avenue in south hackin saac on that runs from Route 46 to actually Columbus Park goes over Route 80 uh they they did install one uh back in the fall because it was really out of control it was near a school it was going past City Hall going past their their largest public park and it has cut down considerably because they were actually losing control and hitting the poles and all from what I understand from a few people I know down in the town so anyway if it's identifiable I don't think mayor that there's going to be a big issue once everybody understands whether it's a snowplow or a regular vehicle coming over um I just want to say in my block alone I'm on Fair Mount and I've lived all over town in the last 70 years uh the whest street in that neighborhood uh which is two blocks south of Spring Valley uh presently the police have doing a tremendous job on catching Speeders that are coming during the rush hours uh totally out of control something had to be done before we can hopefully put in the speed tables so I want to compliment the department for and the traffic department for being out there I mean just tonight alone I'm in the middle of the block where it levels out between Summit and Main Street and we have the school down the block a few cars were coming up at about 5:00 one person was impatient had to jump out and pass the car in front which meant probably doing 5055 luckily the officer there two Patrol off two cars on the street they grabbed the guy at the top because that's how fast they finally got him at Summit and this is what what goes on every day this is what goes on and it's going on throughout the town I'm sympathetic with people from up on the hill where I grew up I know that's even narrower so it's going to be a it's quite a project to try and curve it but I think as we spoke a while back uh Mr Caruso that it gets out on social media to avoid traffic lights we we don't like traffic lights so they cut they become cut through streets no matter where they are in Hack and Sack but they don't respect the speed limit and then we have the over four ton vehicle signs where the tractor trailers are coming up my street they're not delivering locally whether it's a moving van or or some other they're actually I'll give you an example Coca-Cola a tractor trailer they're not delivering in Fairmount section they're going to the mall or 17 or South so that has to be curbed to a degree as well and uh but anyway but I want to compliment you on that getting back to the um oh I'm out already I wanted to talk on the veterans Banner umad that's you're actually going to be on that committee so yeah I want to be but I just this is my family alone there's seven of us that veterans some have passed World War II types but just just I know about 40 people that probably would want to be involved so Summit is a start but we might want to do State Street as well yep because 150 with the amount of people we have on that veteran site at the hos at the high school alone from all the different theaters and everybody that served we have about six or eight police officers that are that are veterans right now that right that that grew up in town and want to be on it as well so I'm willing to help out uh any way we want to do it and uh I thank you Al for looking into that that appreciate it thank you thank thank you than anyone else from the public like to speak motion to close to the public offer second all in favor I I and oppose we will be back it uh I need a motion to close the executive session offer second all in favor I I oh go ahead just to report on the litigation we discussed we discussed Ruden off case for the city successfully achieved Su judgment we discussed the ongoing litigation involving police officers Victor bassoo teration it was a workers count case it wasn't it was just the name was brought up I don't know if it that or not no it's not necess we didn't discuss that case with any substance okay so motion to close the exec session okay motion to close the committee of the whole offer second all in favor I I None opposed see everybody in uh about 20 minutes 20 minutes e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e CLK sorry madam clerk that's okay this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meeting Act njsa 10 colon 4-6 at SEC notice of which was sent to the record in the Star Ledger and was posted in the municipal bulleon board okay roll call please please council member Von rudenberg is absent Deputy Mayor krino here council member baglia here council member Carol here mayor Le Bros here would everybody please rise for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you okay I do have a proclamation to read and it's a very important one so it reads whereas New Jersey is in the midst of a life-threatening opioid abuse epidemic and whereas the partnership for a drug-free New Jersey has designated October 6th 2024 as knockout opioid abuse day an initiative with a multiple per with multiple purposes to raise awareness of the potential for dependency on prescribed pain medicine and its linked to heroin and Fentanyl use to reduce stigma of addiction and shine a light on the need for Recovery support and to communicate to Physicians information on safer prescribing messages found in the Centers for Disease Control and prevention guidelines for prescribing opioids which include considering other therapies setting realistic treatment goals with patients and discussing with patients the positive and negatives of opioids and whereas the state senate and general assembly jointly resolved in 2016 that October 6th shall be permanently designated as knockout opioid abuse day in New Jersey to educate healthc care providers Community leaders State lawmakers and members of the public about the opo abuse epidemic and its effects throughout the state of New Jersey and across the country and whereas Children's Aid and Family Services the center for alcohol and drug resources and the Bergen County prevention Coalition support initiatives designed to raise awareness about opioid abuse in New Jersey and take steps to prevent addiction now therefore I John P Bross Jr mayor of the city of hackensac along with members of this city council to hereby octo declare October 6 2024 be recognized as knockout opioid abuse day in hackin saac so uh it's a shame that a woman Von rudenberg is here because this is near and dear to her heart she's uh fighting a big fight out there all the time about fentel use or fentel uh coming into this country you know fentol I'm sure most of you are familiar with just takes a little bit and it can kill a lot of people so uh very very dangerous drug and they're using it to uh lace other drugs with it so when you think you're doing one thing you're doing something you had no plan on doing and unfortunately a lot of times that turns out tragically and also you see two of our police officers here tonight they have to deal with this on a a base uh not a lot thank God in hackin saac but if does happen we've had uh an incident in Riverside Square uh probably about a year ago I guess where five employees of uh one of the restaurants over there were outside they thought they were doing one thing and of course it was laced with fentel and I think there was one fatality out of that one fatality out of that uh didn't know what hit him or her in that case and uh it's a shame so and the way it's coming across the border and from other countries to get here is uh it's just not right it's killing our young people by the thousands every year so uh make sure October 6th we think about that day um go right to the city M or approval of minutes September 10th 2024 C executive and regular meeting I need a motion offer second all in favor I I nobody's opposed and right to the city manager's report thank you mayor the city of hackin saac has been awarded the bronze level certification from Sustainable New Jersey we want to thank the hackin saac Green Team and all those who helped the city achieve this level there was a lot of work that was put into it the 2024 final 2025 preliminary tax bills have been mailed out along with the city's 2025 sanitation calendar copies of the 2025 sanitation calendar can be picked up at City Hall the City hack is proud to announce that some members of the of both our police and fire departments will be honored for their courageous actions at the annual 200 Club Valor Awards which will take place on October 9th hackin saac youth basketball is excited to bring back girls and boys basketball skills development clinic in October please contact the recreation for more information hacken saac toober Fest will be held in Atlantic Street park on October 5th starting at 1:00 p.m. there will be music food trucks a beer garden and fund for the entire family that's all I have mayor okay very good thank you um I guess we'll go right to uh new business ready Deb yep resolution 38-24 this is a resolution for final adoption of an ordinance to amend chapter 170 of the code of the city of hackensac vehicles and traffic for lyen Street this ordinance has been published according to law now for a public hearing need a motion please open to the public second motion open the public offer yep second all in favor I I None opposed anyone from the public who' like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close offer second all in favor I I need a motion to adopt this ordinance offer Che all in favor I I being resolved by the city council of the city of hackensac County AB biring the state of New Jersey that ordinance number 34-22 24 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 39-24 this is a resolution for the final adoption of a capital ordinance of the city of pinac in the county of Bergen New Jersey authorizing an ordinance for certain Capital Improvements and Acquisitions and appropriating $611,000 and providing that such sum so appro shall be raised from the fund balance of the general Capital fund of the city of hackin this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for a public hearing need a motion to open to the public please offer second all in favor I I None opposed anybody who'd like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close offer second all in favor I I motion to adopt the ordinance offer need a second second all in favor I I None opposed be resolved that the city council of the city of hackin County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 35-22 24 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 32024 this is for final adoption of an ordinance to amend chapter 170 of the code of the city of hackensac vehicles and traffic to add a new handicapped parking space in section 49.2 parking for the handicapped for Stanley place this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for a public hearing need a motion to open to the public offer second all in favor I I None opposed anyone from the public who' like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no one from the public motion to close offer second all in favor I I need a motion to adopt this ordinance offer second all in favor I I None opposed be resolved by the city council of the city of hackin County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 36-22 has passed its second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 32124 this is a resolution for introduction of ordinance number 37224 an ordinance to amend chapter 170 of the code of the city of hackensac vehicles and traffic to add No Parking On Park Street at Barry Street need a motion please offer check all in favor I I then opposed be a resolve that the above ordinance being ordinance 37-22 24 is introduced does now pass on first reading and that said ordinance shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on October 8th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter to be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and that the city clerk B and she is hereby authorized and directed to publ set ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passage on first reading of the time and place when and where set ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 322-2484 an ordinance to amend chapter 170 of the code of the city of hack AAC vehicles and traffic to add a new handicap parking space in section 49.2 parking for the handicapped Ross Avenue need a motion please offer second all in favor I I None opposed be resolved that the above ordinance being ordinance 38-22 24 is introduced is now passed on first reading and that set ordinance shall be considered for final passage on a meeting to be held on October 8th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city counil and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and the the city clerk B and she is hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passes on first reading and of the time and place one andw said ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 323-2438 d224 an ordinance to amend and update chapter 32 of the code of the city of hackin saac police department to establish the position of chief of police in the departmental table of organization I need a motion please offer Che all in favor I have to obain now your obain okay so I I I one obstination okay three is good be resolved that the above ordinance being ordinance 39-22 is introduced is now passed on first reading and that said ordinance shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on October 8th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. where soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and that the city clerk being and she is hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time of place when and where a said ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution offer second all in favor I I None opposed resolution [Music] resolution 32624 say resolution awarding contract to Suburban engineering for FEMA Ida disaster Hazard mitigation Grant additional hydraulic analysis need a motion please offer second roll call council member excuse me Von rudenberg is absent Deputy Mayor Kino I council member baglia I council member Carol I mayor Le I resolution 3 27-24 a resolution awarding contract to Suburban engineering for fish Park phase one improvements bid phase and lsrp oversight okay I need a motion offer second sorry all in favor I I None opposed resolution 32824 say resolution awarding contract to Suburban engineering for hackensac high school underground storage engineering planning design and funding assistance need a motion please offer second all in favor I I None opposed 329-4133 d24 a resolution authorizing payment of bills need a motion to pay the bills offer second roll call council member Von rudenberg is absent Deputy Mayor krino hi council member baglia hi council member Carol I may Le Bross I abstain okay so with that I need a motion to open to the public oh wait consent agenda got the consent agend a p why you remind me you forgot a whole page that was on that was on speed dial are you kidding me he in a Groove so is anybody I know Jerry has a uh conflict on resolution number 33924 does anybody else have any conflicts no seeing none okay the following items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion any items requiring expenditure are reported by a certification of availability of funds any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes including any exceptions Andor additions consent agenda consists of resolution 3 31-24 which is a resolution authorizing the temporary extension of Johnson Park closing hours from October 1st 2024 until November 30th 2024 resolution 33224 is a resolution authorizing the reappointment of Vincent Caruso is hacken city manager I gave you a chance resolution 333-2458 Fire officer Association ifff local 3172 AFL CIO CLC resolution 33424 is a resolution authorizing endorsement of proposed Bergen County Community Development Grant resolution 335-2446 24 is a resolution authorization for a crude time payout of 9,660 to fire Lieutenant Michael Martinelli resolution 3372413177 to communication operator Rodney Wagner resolution 338-2044 24 is a resolution authorizing raffle licenses for hackin SEC High School PTA we need a motion for the need a motion please to read the consent agenda as it was to adopt the consent agenda as it was just read offer second all in favor I I None opposed okay and then one that was pulled 33924 resolution 33924 a resolution authorizing extension of leave absence for nort morza police officer need a motion need a motion please offer second roll call council member Von rudenberg is absent Deputy Mayor krino hi council member Paglia I council member Carol stay mayor Le bruss hi okay it's cold in here yeah definitely got cold in didn't freezing this out I need a motion to open to the public please over a second need a second second all in favor I I anyone from the public who' like to speak please come forward give your name to the clerk you will have three minutes let me turn it off it's freezing good evening yes I'm Richard Sero on Spring Valley Avenue if anybody's ever driven down Spring Valley Avenue you would know what the heck is going on there but you know I don't know really what I don't know where to start okay because things I mentioned uh when I'm here over the weeks months years okay have not been uh address so you you just listen to what we say and say we'll see you later so I'm changing my Approach tonight okay and I just saw that they U reinstated Mr Caruso so for now on I'm not going to even you know mention what I'm uh interested in in speaking about to the council I'm going to mention what I want to say to Mr Caruso he is the city manager it's a city manager form of government the council and the mayor and the deputy mayor for sure do not listen I mentioned so many things here that's never been brought up the the traffic of course that that was number one uh uh the the tax rebates why we can't go to a five year again instead of this uh you know these giveaways uh everywhere I I yes they're still going on too but the fiveyear plan is is the best plan okay but there's so many things that you know you just ignore us and uh so I'm gonna start talking uh to Mr Caruso to see if he could help us with uh uh with some of the problems in the city you know I mean seriously I think of taxes went up again you know everything uh what's what's going on it's a there there's no no you're just yesing us you know what I'm saying you you sit there yes okay sure and tonight I was shocked that someone actually brought up a traffic on Fairmount Avenue okay Fairmount is go over to Fair Mount it's like you think you're out in the country okay there's nothing there the okay there's an occasional truck or he mentioned the where is he he's gone there's an occasional uh couple of cars there but Fairmont Avenue is is a wide street it's not even used okay and and Spring Valley Avenue is is is crazy okay I don't see why running parallel with u uh Spring Valley Avenue is Route four why can't they be told or or guided towards take Route four that length of of Spring Valley and then you can actually come right up on hackin sack Avenue and do your business in hackin Sack or whatever so it's it should be a suggested or there should be a sign put up go use route four go to Route four and uh so um what else can I say there's Mr Caruso thank you for your uh your presence Mr Mr Caruso gets a lot of calls during the day from citizens so he'll all right well congratul ations on being reinstated as our city manager and maybe we should start thinking about you know uh city manager form of government rather than this you know this nonsense that's going on all the time okay thank you very much go guys how doing good all right next person please good evening everybody no good evening how are you okay all right I'm good thankful and blessed um we're here basically to speak about the um parking signs that you guys are going to put up in our neighborhood uh they're not up yet but here's here's our Ploy hannes Berry Stanley those areas are going to have restricted parking to our parking I've lived on the corner of Pake Street in hannes O over 69 years my family is a four generation home on Corner pakan HS the address is actually p street right but we have an entrance on Pake Street and my house has an entrance on hanne street so we can't park on Pake Street we need to have um consideration uh for those of us who actually have a Pake street address so we can park on Hanes or the side streets few of us on second and uh yeah so on on hes is there any uh I'm familiar with haes I'm just not familiar with the parking down there as far as rest there okay parking now anybody can park there but they're going to put this put the signs up um 2hour parking well that's for for nonresidents well I understood you have to have the hanne street address or or uh Berry Street address we don't have that we have Pake street I'm on the corner paken hands I understand so we need to have an exception pry sure uh is 263-265 Pake Street I know um this past week I authorized permits parking permits for at least two people that had pic street addresses that were on a corner because they had an entrance on one of the streets that was covered and they also had an you know but their address was actually on P Street well that's me I'm on the corner I'm right on the corner that's my house four generations 85 years what's the actual street address 263-265 P Street okay mhm and I'm I'm 247 6 Street we're in the middle and then he's I'm at 244 street so and these are multif family homes I'm I'm a two family that's like a three family so we park on those side streets we came here two weeks ago when you put the thing up and the lady sent me around the corner then they sent me upstairs and they sent me back around the corner and they said we not going to be allowed to use get a pass because we don't have the actual address for haes Right on street so she said come here and tell your guys so yeah no problem fix it and plus I have two kids that come in late before right yeah we always park there yeah so they were Park before not a problem like I said I I know I issued two already I authorized two between that what's the next right there's two houses is um yours and then there's a business apartment building on the corner oh yeah they new people moving in cuz the guy brought so it's mad people moving in yeah just come down when you can't when you get a chance just come down go to the city manager's office and see my assistant OC she's familiar with this and she'll she'll authorize the permits for you okay okay all right all right thank you thank you guys that's fair that's fair that was quick I see that way easy how y'all doing okay okay that's my partner there graduate take care guys all right have a good night hi Reverend Davis um two quick things I came also in support of the people uh that just spoke because on Stanley I know it's it's going to be good for us but most people on my end of Stanley have a driveway so that's going to be good for us by understand their situation where they don't all have driveways and because that situation so I'm just standing here in support of what they came down for my second thing I saw as one of your resolutions um a proposal to uh get another police chief for hackin hat it's about time it's long overdue but what I'm also asking the Police Chief's position is very important as we all know if you have somebody that's the head of your department that you're not happy with it affects your job as a nurse I knew that and we had an outside agency come hack Haack Medical Center had an outside press gainy come in to support uh my staff and ask us what we thought and by what we thought they made a decision that that person was not the right person for us I'm saying this decision should not be made just by the council the chief and the police work for the city they work for us we also pay the taxes I think the community has a right we can't vote we have a right to have a say and the police definitely have a right to say who you're putting in charge of our Police Department it's a big city now and it's getting bigger with all the apartments going up so I think as you look for a chief or however it's done the community or ought to be able to see who you are putting up as a possible chief for the city of hackin act and I I'm St with the police and feel they also should have the majority vote on who becomes their Chief because if they're happy and they work well guess what we're happy because they're happy so that's all I have to say thank you thank you anyone else in the public one go ahead CeCe well you don't have to come up you do it from there okay on Second Street where the school is um cross street from the park I go down that every parents are always trying to cross going over to the school can you put a crosswalk there or cone to say slow down or stop Second Street in what B ber is there are he'll have traffic that's across from across from Carver Park right yeah but front of their school they I know where it is walk to he'll have traffic look into it he'll try to get every morning those mothers is having struggling getting the kids you know to cause me to stop I stop live in the neighborhood but everybody doesn't stop okay thank thank you no problem okay motion to close to the public offer second all in favor I I None opposed Kathy would you like to say something uh just briefly um I usually try and just give a little bit more meat to some of the things that were on the agenda that maybe I'm personally involved it and uh one of the things tonight is uh we passed an ordinance for uh Capital Improvement of $611,000 just so folks know where this money is going uh we're doing a couple things in the fire department um some of it is going to the firehouses itself some other things they needed a new fuel pump um the in missal court we've been working on their Lobby there was some asbest issues there as well we're putting some money there uh police cars we needed to purchase some additional police cars uh a small fee for DPW and a substantial amount going to sewer work on Jefferson Street for the Jefferson Street sewers uh two other things on the agenda too I think were mentioning you know that we continue to do more and more work throughout the city improving our sewers um there's one uh uh authorization for Suburban to we're looking at uh putting some water retention under the hackensac high school Fields uh so this is again an initiative that we're still exploratory doing testing Etc so and that will again help with water storage in that particular area so that's on the agenda and we're starting our work on Green Street that was you know after we finished what we call the Clay Street area the clay Anderson Street area where our primary focus has been over the past few years as far as sewer work goes because that was identified as the area the lowest lying area in the area that needed the Improvement the most the second most area was the Green Street area so you know we have some grant money and working together um to secure even more grant money so we're starting to do some more analysis there over in Green Street and there was a proposal for that on there as well tonight um at the committee of the whole you know we heard as well as we heard tonight speeding issues uh trying to come up with Solutions uh we we've been hearing that throughout the City speeding issues parking issues and uh the city manager is is looking into different options for that some good speeding signs you know whether we can do some speed bumps or something to help slow down traffic but I Know Rich you've been complaining about that for years and we we're hearing it from more and more people throughout the city so hopefully we come up with a plan Vinnie that can address everything you know that we know when we see areas that are in trouble we have the right solution for ourselves so um just again to make that that information available you can always watch the committee of the whole and hear more about that disc discussion thanks everyone for coming uh looking forward to October Fest which is October 5th October 5th that's always a big hit in the downtown the Atlantic Street area our breweries get involved there's music there's vendors there's food trucks it's uh let's pray for a nice weather and we get all our Hack and Sack folks out and enjoy a lovely day thanks again have a good night okay Leo well uh we continue to try to improve the the city around and try to prevent the floor impr problems and we are working and try to do better maintenance with the some PS all over you know we got like about six station and some P they're going to be replaced in the next few months like I said before Stanley Berry b all this street they're going to be done by November uh the recreation socker program got around 250 kit and the program is going really good Jan my friend Jan is looking for more money that way we can continue to do the paving and I going to check tomorrow about the section that the mayor was talking about Atlantic Street and May Street and Johnson Avenue they already finished the paving they was doing the the stripping today and it's no question that no matter what we do the only way that people going to reduce the speed in the City by putting table bumps we don't should be way for somebody to get killed like it happened in poly row we should be go and put the table bombs the only way the people going to reduce the speed and maybe in maybe one more week the command center going to be ready and this is a room that from there we can monitor the city and we can see in real time the different sections and the way when we see a problem we can the dispatcher can send a police officer right away and that going to help to try to keep the city safe thank you for coming and good night thank you Gary good evening it's quite a coincidence just hours after I was informed a member of the council that I plan to go public about a recent racial incident involving a council member that a news article emerged stating that I'll be removed from the ticket in the upcoming election I wasn't even given the courtesy of being informed before this article came out I would like to thank everyone who sent emails text messages and phone calls with your outpouring of concern about this article on a positive note I am pleased that the city council is finally moving forward with the position of police chief I would like to thank everyone who has attended tonight's meeting physically and remotely take care and God bless thank you Mr Carol so I have a little statement I want to read myself so I understand councilman Carol's surprised at seeing that but I was the one who was really surprised because I was caught by surprise after receiving a call from the deputy mayor that tonight councilman car was going to read a statement that this Council was racist now there's an election coming up in September sorry May of next year and now I've got a councilman who I've known since our kids were young boys saying inferring that I'm a racist all right it's happened from the deis out here but they certainly didn't expect it from somebody I've known for so long then I also found out and this was verified that our City attorney spoke with councilman Carol and the same conversation happened and that statement was to be read tonight that this council is racist now I don't know where this is based on something that happened recently uh in one in a park or at a school somewhere uh with a another member of this Council I'm not going to get into it but that certainly deserve didn't deserve that type of reaction that you're going to get up there and call us racist that's a that's a serious comment to make to people very serious I took it to heart I'm still hurting from it all right so yeah you got bushwacked so did we all right something like that deserves to be and and I was told I was getting a phone call and I never got the phone call so I didn't get the phone call and I did what I needed to do um I'm the leader of the lebros team it's my name up there and you're about to call me a racist so I I did what I thought was necessary to move forward um and that and that's exactly what happened um if you could want to deny it Mr Carol that's up to you but there's absolutely no way I think the lady sitting next to me would lie to me about something like that or the gentleman down here who happens to be an attorney would lie to me about something like that um speaking of hackin saac we have the October fist on 105th at 105 I recommend everybody come down for it uh 2024 tax bill 2024 through 25 tax bills going out or have gone out um our police and fire are being honored as was mentioned at the 200 Club this coming Thursday next Thursday it is next Thursday um congrats to them um the lady next to me and myself I'm happy to say and proud to say we're actually honored by the hackensac Regional Chamber of Commerce last uh what day was that last Thursday last Thursday and we had a great event down at vagio along with Dr Underwood from the hospital and Lauren Ziza who recently was the director for the Chamber of Commerce and it was a great event and it was great honor for us to be honored we work very closely with the Chamber of Commerce Cathy's leas on great relationship great partnership with them and they help our Merchants especially in a in a town where business is growing um like Hack and Sack uh what else do I have here speeding is a big problem I'm hearing it more and more and more and yes Mr Sero we do actually look into it believe me we just don't forget about it and uh I will have the city manager again ask him to make sure we look and check what the speeding is like on your on your street um really looking forward to the completion of this Railroad Avenue storm water project and retention project and the sewer separation project uh it's been going on now probably what three years two three years than Reverend Davis when did we start digging down there two years ago yeah so it's we know it's going to be a while and uh you know thank God it's going to be relief for for all the people living down there and hopefully it you know fingers crossed it it it does its job uh but there was a lot of serious work in engineering went into this project and uh more to come we're doing a similar project on the other side of essic street soon um probably another God knows how many million oh I we're looking at the new Grant gy what 40 million another 40 million yeah so you know the the city this Council the city's taken this really seriously about trying to help fix the flooding in the city uh which is a major major challenge for some people including myself myself I live on Brook Street I get water water all the time it's like a it's like a joke the project that come to the high school yes that's what I and the underground water retention project partnership with the high school that's a great idea that's that's a great use of of open space uh and partnering with your our Board of Education and the schools so so with that I wish everybody a safe trip home and uh we'll see you in a couple weeks motion to close motion to close offer second roll call hi hi hi hi