##VIDEO ID:njZotsWvXcU## e e e e e e e e good evening everybody Madame clerk okay it's all you Vinnie all right right thank you mayor uh up first we have a presentation from Jenny Lyn Brown the environmental Commission on the a& JC grant for the 2024 pollinator Garden Project Miss Brown good evening I am chenin BR I am the chairperson for the hackin sack environmental commission and I am also a member of the hackin sack green team today I'm representing the commission uh thank you guys Council mayor and councel for having me here this evening uh we are going to talk about the anjac grant that the hackin sack environmental commission uh got to plant po Gardens uh and I'll tell you a little bit about the Grant and Jack gave the HC a grant of 200 $2,250 to plant pollinated Gardens and we chose the triangles at Hamilton and Prospect um the if you don't know what anj is anj is the association for New Jersey environmental commissions they help support their environmental commissions throughout this state of New Jersey um work to restore natural resources and ensure equity and health healthy communities so a little bit about the grant we this grant is called the open space St stewardship Grant and it was founded by violia um we applied for a grant of $1,500 however they were so impressed with our project that they increased our grant to 200 $2,250 a little self-promotion um this is um why not right the presentation of the check um by Folia and what will we what we'll be working on we'll be working on as I said creating pollinator Gardens at these triangles they're on Prospect Avenue Hamilton and Anderson the triangle on um Hamilton Street is bigger it's a nice size triangle the one on Anderson is a bit smaller so here's our here's what we have right now we have two triangles just covered by grass with two trees in the middle and in the bottom is a little bit of our vision to create a visually pleasing aesthetic in the community go ahead and why would we do that creating n a native Hab Habitat to preserve local biodiversity and alleviate and reduce storm water R runoff and flooding you know a lot of people in hackin sack is uh are concerned about that the the rehabilitation of the park will provide a nice relaxing space in that community and create you know a more pollinator friendly it also will increase pride in the community you start doing these things around the community people are happy to see it and they take a little more pride in where they live we will register these parks with the uh Pathways the pollinator Pathways which is a national group that they create a map where you could see you know how the pollinators travel and we help the pollinators along the way find food and resting places and we will also register them with the National Wildlife Federation as wildlife habitats how we're going to do this this we see as a CommunityWide project we're going to TI in the environmental commission and green teams of course the city of hackin saac always have our back Folia water the Garden Club of hackin sack I'm also the president of that group so I pull them along wherever I go and the community and neighbors of the what I'm calling the Hamilton Prospect triangles so what we need from the city of course you guys know I was coming cuz I wanted something from you guys right so we're going to ask for assistance in the following areas um providing us with some soil and mulch once that grass is picked up we're going to need to layer um with some new soil water resources always the big one we're going to plant these two Gardens and we're going to need help with ways to keep those Gardens watered so we don't plant them and they die um I know at some point before the city has had discussed having a watering truck um I don't know where the plans are for that but that would be very helpful with this project if there was a watering truck that would help us water those gards I know um the downtown Alliance has one so something similar to what they have they just basically have a big plastic tank on the back of a of a truck that they go around and use ordering assistance um ordering and transporting the plant from Victoria's Nursery and on the days of planting and work some security help if we have to block off the streets you know to provide a safe working place for our volunteers so those are our big asks how is Veolia involved so they have a huge community outreach program and this is their money they you know they funded this um this grant so I've had a couple of meetings with them and they've offered to design the garden for us which takes a big load off of us synes who like to pretend we could design Gardens and provide us with a list of you know the plants and what's needed they also promised to give us two days of Manpower and Machinery to clear the grass on on those triangles of course we would need City approval because we can't just have them you know work on city property don't want to step on any toes and they also promised to provide us with any volunteers we needed on the day of planting along with tools they if they said as much Manpower as they we need they will you're willing to provide it to us so when we're on a tight schedule as with everything that that that's done so we're hoping we're we're into the September part of this now to prepare the triangles for fall planting so that would ENT take picking up that grass putting on that soil and um you know prepping for planting then in October we're going to look to put in live fall plants so we put them in an October so that they could take root and become stronger before that Frost comes in and November 1st we owe anj our first update on where the grant is in the spring come March we do a second planting that would be seeds and any weeding or cleanup that needs to be done with the area hoping to have that project completed in June we owe an jacked um uh final report in August we're hoping that by July it's all done we could have a big celebration some photo ops so that that's all included in the August report so a little bit about the budget don't let it don't let it stick a shock you um the open space Grant was for 200 $2,250 as I said but you see a total there of $7,100 it's supplemented by all the in kind labor and um donations we're going to get so the volunteer hours the Machinery hours the donation from the city for the water and um the soil and so forth and a breakdown of what our expenses would be pretty simple pretty easy quick MH so that's that's our plan for the project and we ask for your support any questions I think it's a one wonderful idea I know those we were thinking of what to do with those islands in the past maybe adopt an island type of thing where somebody could put a sign up donated by the Smith family or whatever but this is a better idea because it brings the community into it uh so I think it's great um the plantings themselves so it's going to be seed in March in March it would be seed but in October it' be live plants live plant so that there'll be fall like cabbages and stuff like that that would come no no no all the plantings would be perennial okay so that they will come back we don't want to keep that was what I was concerned it would be all perennial plantings it be all Native plantings pollinator friendly okay so my next question to the city manager going back to the what page was it we shouldn't have any trouble with that checklist I don't think do we don't have a watering truck do we they use do they use the jet that we with with that's what I was going to say do we have one of like containers you could put on the back of a pickup like you have pickup truck I know they used to use the uh the sword truck you know the jet truck the jet truck holds water you can water and they can they can a hose can come off of that the Main Street business Alliance I think they have somebody privately doing it that's right and and that's what I was going to ask that's my question first of all I'm going to preface this by saying I am the world's worst Gardener i' love it and appreciate it but if anyone has a black thumb for some reason if you want to get rid of of a plant you bring it to me okay I don't know what I do wrong but it's just not something I'm good at but so I'm prefacing with that but I know that there were issues downtown when the Main Street Alliance with some of the things that uh the most efficient way for the watering was that they they had these things they called watering bags so that they had to be watered less frequently water I mean is there something like that or in working with IIA I'm sure they would know like if they I'm a little worried about the water being honest so I would think if there's anything maybe just reach out talk to v a little bit maybe we could get a little more out of them for coming up with like the most efficient way to water it so like you have longer periods of time especially like if you have those hot days of summer it's not watered that frequently because for the city we had to go back and we didn't know about this and we had to go make the change so it's usually better to know up front there's any other option for us while we're digging everything up that would enable it to be more efficient are these all indigenous plants it would be all Native indigen so that that actually will take less water we're looking at we're looking at drought resistant plants deer resistant plants plants that would be able to stand up to the salt in the winter when when things are um cloud and so forth so we're we're thinking ahead of those you know on those things um just see if there is anything out there that can maybe a rain barrel in that location that was one of the things we were thinking about a rain barrel however because of the trees under those locations filling would would you know would not be optimal okay we would still have to fill those rain barrels it was one of the things we talked about was rain barrels with um drip hoses you know to keep it continuously watered but we would still fall into the water source issue so let's let's go down the list can the DPW assist with delivery of the soil and mulch yes sure they okay one down I love a checklist the watering truck will working on all right uh can we pick up the plans from Victoria's Nursery three down um as far as closing off the street I don't know if that they'll close the street but they may we do have City barricades where the day of they may be able to put them up for you guys think that gives us a little buffer against the traffic yes and the same thing Jo there we would do the same thing on the days they there yes I just think it's the watering we have to like let's just make sure that may be some great thing out there that none of us know about you know maybe there's something that would make there also we could also reach out to some local I know there's couple houses within hose distance possibly they might volunteer Our intention is to send them all letters informing them that this is happening and you know asking how they could assist us yeah the possibility of them I mean really a hose would be really the best thing because carry even filling up buckets and carrying water across the street isn't going to work so and do a sprinkler system do a sprinkler system right maybe all you to put a little sprinkler system that's in round two sprink no we say oh why you're down there how question is if there are any pipes running into those triangles right we do have to also one of the things on there I don't know if it's on the original was we need to have a um Call Before You Dig done and I was told that someone from the city has to do it since it is city property all right so we need to have reach out to the you have the city manager's number I'm sure it's easy to find so you know who to call so we'll you know we'll assist you with whatever we can and we just got to figure out the water thing yes the water you guys do a great job we really appreciate everything not the environmental committee and the Garden Club I mean you really are a blessing to the city we appreciate it thank you J thank you thank you thank you okay uh next up is discussion regarding the uh on for tonight is the annual crossing guard appointments for 2024 to 2025 it's the same amount of guards uh that we have every year uh for the school year and this is uh a requirement for our insurance so to make sure that they're appointed by resolution number four is a resolution endorsing the 2024 for master plan revisions to the city's fair share affordable housing plan number five is a resolution urging Congress to allow the salt cap deduction to expire um that's coming up this is just a supporting resolution um from the mayor and Council in doing so and last but not least is the CSO storm water and Parks update I'll ask our city engineer Mr Chris weaton to come up thanks before Chris speaks the uh the salt cap that's a federal issue correct yeah that's correct the salt um the changes to the state and local tax were part of the um tax reform that was done in the first years of the Trump Administration remember it well and as part of the tax relief that it granted to some people it eliminated the ability of to WR off your mortgage to write off your mortgage or your state or local taxes which you know had a particularly challenging impact on States like New Jersey which you know are you know heavily rely on on property taxes and state taxes as opposed to you know some states which have you know High sales taxes for example so um you know so this is something that our federal Representatives would have to address because that tax bill expires in the next couple of years and there's going to have to be Det determination on how to proceed at that point so I think most people in New Jersey would very much like to see the salt deduction returned me for one sorry Chris wor just needed an answer on that thank you very much good evening everybody um getting into our construction projects update is that mic working getting into our construction projects update check check check um this is our major projects overview the status on uh these projects and dates is unchanged since our last meeting no no um particular updates on on this moving into our CSO or combined sewer system separation projects these are the projects that are uh helping to remove storm water from our uh uh sanit from our sewer system um um that delivers sanitary flow so we're we're separating the storm thank you that's a little better we're we're separating the storm and sanitary uh into separate pipes we're currently working on the Anderson Street drainage area project which is adding uh more than 20 acres of um of separated drainage area uh bringing our total to just over a 100 acres of uh of separated sewers to date on this Anderson Street drainage area project um we have completed the storm sewers and sanitary sewers and uh major utility infrastructure on each of the side streets we are currently working on the tie-ins for the storm culverts along Railroad Avenue so these are progressing uh we uh We've we're working on Clay Street and bdan I think right beran presently and we're working our way North so uh with each sequential connection um the storm the large storm covers are now connected to the downstream piping and uh where there are closures of railroad AV uh incrementally as we're working our way North trying to keep those closures just to a particular reach of Street uh so that there's not too much disruption to traffic in the area our uh and again on Anderson Street so as we're continuing to move along we are at the point where we can restore the sidewalks and curbs and um that's uh under underway presently again we're progressing north to south with this uh with with each project um with each successive uh connection and the final restoration and Paving uh for the area for this project is is scheduled for November so the sewers will be connected by the end of October and final restoration should be completed the end of November in our other sewer contracts we're working on the various suit you can go back one Leo thank you uh on the various sewer Improvement projects we're uh we're essentially complete with this project we are just uh working on the final restoration plans for Paving of Liberty Street uh working out the details there and on the Vorhees next slide please on the Vorhees lift station we have restored the site as you see and we're in the process of contract close out the issues that we had been having with the station are are largely resolved our other projects so the projects that have been going through uh the sewer separation projects are our clean water State revolving fund uh funded projects SE clean water State revolving fund uh is a funding source for the city where we uh receive some principal forgiveness um for the loans that we take so uh they're extremely advantageous to the city in terms of financing we are also going for um a uh FEMA uh flood Hazard mitigation Grant uh or H which is the hmgp program and the project that we're working on as I've talked about in the past is um in the southern part of the city um in the Green Street area and the area that you see in red um is the the FEMA HMG project hmgp project area and we are um have completed our CCTV uh televising program for the sewers in that area and we're currently working through uh preliminary design for this project including a large pumping station for storm water uh at the river there's a potential expansion of this project area as you see outlined not CR not crosshatched but uh just outlined in red we have been talking to uh to to FEMA and the state OEM about uh including these other areas which are the high school um well uh uh uh drainage area as well as uh South Newman Street drainage area moving into Parks we're just about complete with poly Park all the work on site uh has been completed the restoration of the school and Paving has been completed we are we just met today with the county again to finalize our plans for Connection in the county Street um so we do have to connect the pipe Downstream there will be a closure or two of polyfly while we make that connection uh in the coming weeks our other another road and traffic project is The Pedestrian safety improvements from Beach to Essex Street on Prospect AV that that start has been rescheduled to the end of September and I just wanted to uh make everybody aware that the Atlantic Street um Paving has finally finally been restored I know amen I know that's been a real headache and hassle for um for the community um this uh disruption was caused by a broken water main um which broke uh towards the end of May and it was Disturbed uh uh uh by a milling and Paving operation that was going on following uh psng gas main replacement work the Millers hit a valve uh uh operator which um you know which which broke into the main and uh so it there was uh it was a significant pipe to the area it uh it required some U coordination by violia to orchestrate the shutdown necessary to make the pipe replacement that's what took u a long time to for them to complete but uh that was completed recently and we are now um paved and I just wanted to update you on our storm water outfall inspections this is a requirement for our U Municipal separate storm sewer system permit or ms4 permit we have to inspect the outfalls every 5 years that was just completed this this summer so we have a database with these outfalls uh this is part of our GIS mapping uh and database system and I wanted to make a clarification uh I uh last meeting I had uh indicated um the that uh some properties um should should be equipped it would be advised to equip certain properties with Backwater valves these valves have uh only been a requirement by the uh New Jersey uniform construction code since 1977 so if your house predates that and you haven't had any major Renovations you may not have a Backwater valve it's something that you may want to consider because as we know the storms are getting more significant more intense uh and we're seeing a lot more water in uh on the streets uh running off within a short period of time um but the requirements are that for any new building since 1977 the plumbing that's below grade uh should have a black back water valve and for any major renovation or alteration where you would be seeking construction permits you should um uh be you would be required to have a Backwater valve in those circumstances I know a number of homes in the community predate that as I say it it's it would be wise to consider adding that to uh uh to certain properties where where it's appropriate and again just following up um um we've had you know we we Feld a number of calls in our office and um um we don't get all of them all the time and I just wanted to extend the uh invitation to the community that when we do get uh calls we react as best we can and um when people inform us we can go out and we can invest and we can help to solve the problems so um just reminding everybody that um these are you know our phone numbers our emails and when we hear about something we we we can act to address it there may not be an easy solution but you know we we do our best appreciate it Chris thank you Chris and then I just wanted to update you um um perhaps uh members of the environmental commission have been involved as well in the uh attending some of the hacken stack U Community workshops this for the super fund cleanup site I uh attended one last month and uh just to give you a quick update it is a very long process as you can imagine we're currently in the characterization phase uh with us us which US EPA is is undertaking um so they are doing sampling they are um they know certain responsible parties they are working on selection of Remedies uh and cleanups they some of these phases can be done uh in parallel in where they know there are uh significant um uh you know uh discharges significant pollution along the river where for you know responsible parties those parties they're working with right now to to to develop Solutions so uh that's where we're at in the process couple more slides on this uh as you can imagine it's a it's a large uh cleanup it's approximately 23 River miles and then uh there's uh again there you know some people may not know uh and some people may not ever think of fishing in the river but there are but there are uh crab and fish advisories you know so just something again the community should be aware and you can find more information at the web link here and if you want to participate uh there are a number of ways to participate uh by participating in the in the community involvement plan developing that plan or joining a community Advisory Group and the next meeting is about uh in about two weeks and uh the contact information is Shireen candal and that's all I have for you this evening okay questions noks thank you Chris appreciate it especially glad that pump station is all done oh thank God thank God yes okay that's all I have all right need a motion to open to the public author second all in favor I I None opposed anybody from the public would like to come and speak please come forward ma'am good evening everyone uh my name is EST I'm here representing the tenants from Lima uh Lehi and Newman Street um this is the second time with here they they they live in um lemman street with us so we still having the issue with the people standing hanging out smoking and in front of our buildings they enter in our building without a authorization smoking um the building um 19 and 17 they broke the the handle of the door is that 19 and 17 new 17 and 19 of Newman Street excuse me of Newman 19 human they hanging out on the roof I just called the C today at 3:30 and just now when I came here they over there hanging out with kids outside smoking and do all of that we sick and tired we scared we don't know what else to do because those people don't leave there they don't belong there they we can find parking they all Park and there blocking the the street they hanging out in top of our cars we scar that they can do something to our cars or do something to us cuz they already know who's complaining they already know who's calling I live there with my kids this is older people they scared they don't know how to speak the language they don't know how to defend themselves so what can we do I don't know what else to do have you seen a police presence there police are there all the time and and and and this is still continuing with the police they still continue it was a camera in front of 15 human Street and I don't know why they took the camera away and the police are going they doing their job but they still there like it's a lot of criminals they we see them smoking do a transition like being honest with you I don't now I'm on the point that is all about safety and these people live in 17 and 19 and they the handles are broke how they how can they protect themselves they leave that there's older people living there by themselves so Vinnie the police aren't dispersing this no they are they are I mean I have all the stats right here from the thing but like like she's saying the police are there it's just that you know I guess they're they're returning as soon as they leave or or or what's going on I be there a couple of couple of times and at different hours uh even this morning I was there even yesterday and the police they're walking around and at sometime they move from the corner of Newman and or Lehi they move to CL the street we need to find I'm sorry to interrupt you we need to find a way for then to not be there we need to find a way to they the police know who they are sure and I know that there are people that not really from hackinson they're coming from pison and different places a newah and and I know that they're going to number 17 it's a guy that open the door for them and that way they go up it's a guy in 17 and it's a and it's a person that he say that he live in 31 what we are doing is we're going to put cameras we are in the process maybe in the next two weeks you're going to have cameras they going to focus in the four corners around your buildings cameras where in the corners and that way we can see where the people they're moving are going to be a command center that there going to be two police officers sitting there to monitor not only you are building but in different parts of the city because we are like about seven and the city the city that we're going to monitor and that way you people are going to get quick response at the top of what we are doing now we're going to do more than that I been there you know I was there the other morning I was there today we have pictures of then hanging out in front of vill I know 24/7 the 17 and 15 19 and 17 17 and 19 the doors are broken so they go M St at night they sleep upstairs and those people they live by themselves other people and those doors you can't get any easy so I know because they s in the steps they sleep in the step and they are criminals yes I know V do we have 24-hour walking yeah they 24 hour walk yeah there there are tasks the call task where they go out they have to go there and they have to walk around and they're there constantly it's not you can't we don't have the resources to have somebody there 24 hours a day but they are there often you know what I mean like it says like councilman pagle said he's gone there at different times and they've actually are they dispersing them when they go there yeah yeah they're dispersing them um the sorry the police know who they are mhm no but are they are they dispersing them when the police are there are they making the bo two three people yeah exactly the they from that block they don't leave there because the people remove them from those buildings right so they go there and they say to the police I leave here so they know who they are so they need to tackle those people and be like you need to do something because like we scar I even myself confront one of them you understand I put my in situations on side that I shouldn't have be putting myself but it's the safety of my kids and these people they don't have nobody there for them so I'm just here in representation of then and myself understood and I'm going to be until I leave you said that most of them are driving there or no yeah there's three people there that they just hanging out they old the time the police know who they are and they bring people from other places I'm wondering 1 old old is there is there permit parking there I wonder if that's a way if you make it for residential permits they can't park there and they Park they took our parking BVO Park and we can even park in front of our buildings because they eat in in top of our bu on top of our cars they they do everything on top of our cars somebody cars got broke the other day so we just want to leave they don't belong there they don't leave there we just want to leave safety we don't want to H people say that's the ghetto Point sorry but I I I'm being honest with you we just want to leave so PNY what's our next step here besides what I'm going to have to I'll I'll talk to Captain antista and director again tomorrow and like I said the thing that's that's happening that's going to happen soon is what council member tag said is we're having permanent cameras installed in that area and be similar to what we have at first in Central and some of the other locations and they'll be monitored in our in the new Command Center and I'm be honest with you the police is doing the work they over there I'm going to invite you maybe in the next two weeks to see what we are doing I really appreciate your help and I really appreciate the help of the police officers they respond to us they always there they always there for us and I really appreciate the help but I feel like you guys need to do something to remove those people that don't belong there they don't leave there I mean you were here last time and that's when we activated the police so we we're trying to do this in a way that we're hoping is going to help maybe maybe Steph's idea of the resident parking sticker because then if they're parking there without a sticker we told them and the and the camera it need to be a police office 247 police officer until they get tired and move the cameras that they going to be there right they're going to send the PCT right to the command center and that way we can monitor right there so don't worry about it give me two weeks I really appreciate I'm very sorry we're not going to give up we're going to continue to try things for you good evening Bart hary 283 Barry Street um last week I was on vacation I came home Saturday and I found this in my mailbox about residential parking stickers can somebody explain to me what this is and why we need this because I don't need it in my neighborhood I never have a problem finding a place to park and who authorized somebody to open up my post box and stick this in there because as sure as hell didn't come from the postman you want to speak to it V I mean that's this is something this is a notification because we passed an ordinance that it's resident parking only on those blocks and that's that's the notification that was supplied to you okay so when my kids come to visit or my friends come to visit what happens you make a phone call yeah to City Hall really really really s we have we have dozens of complaints of people not being able to park in front of their own house because of all transit people people going to bus stops and everything else walking walking to the train whatever um and that's why we passed this ordinance and we've used it across the whole City it's not but you can get you can get a ticket for your daughter and your son if they live thereo if they live there if they live in the house oh they don't leave there anymore no they're grown now Leo say they're not teenagers anymore yeah are you two go there when they used to be what five and six year old yeah it's been a long time I Ted your daughter in Geometry over there yeah yeah she's doing well Mitchell's uh getting ready to go to medical school so that it's a long time ago yeah a long time ago yeah I'm just I'm just curious because when they going to come to visit you you make a phone call right and that's it m no problem it's it's it's the thing is that it's it's I think it's just an unnecessary inconvenience to the citizens I mean again my neighbor Butch we right next door he doesn't have a problem we never have a problem finding someplace to park and I mean what information are we looking for when we call what street are you on I'm I'm onry on Barry but it's up north away from because this continues all the way down to to railro to Railroad to Railroad okay so my point being is we may need to amend this because that northern part or western part I should say of Barry Street is a good half mile away M from not a mile away half a mile about half a mile up the hill from Railroad Avenue yeah because I mean there's no new construction it's not that it's people commuting like taking living in any of the new buildings they're parking there they have their own parking so but maybe maybe we just going to for in go only from First Street all the way to the end like if passing your house but we can keep the what we are doing with the sticker from first all the way to R going east going East First Street East okay so the information when we do call is just the the car that's there that's the license that's it that's it okay I just I just wanted to understand what was going on here yeah that's all that's it good enough this was actually a number of people have come to the council meeting complain at different times for different areas of town and this is our only way to stop neighood that that's where I just wanted to understand what was going on appreciate James that's next on NE now she has a thank did Lei all those streets down there get this I believe so yes Third Street everybody on Third Street live in the highrises oh you know you got to drive Third Street you don't need to be paid everybody there risers I don't know they didn't get them so we no problem again yeah Third Street same Third Street right Third Street Le Third Street Leroy Leroy yeah should be up the whole street this went too far used to be only Leroy parked there now from Central why don't we have PD take a look at the map we're going to have we have them look at take a quick look at this they might have gone up too far you went up too far well no get thir all right all right we look at it good evening sir good evening how you doing good how are you cabal 296 Kaplan Avenue thank you for the parking permits we need them that I can tell you and when my family comes over I'm a large family I call and give them license plates and it works just fine okay I'm glad to hear that it is working glad to hear that so I got a long list of stuff here that I just I'm going to shoot them out and maybe we can address it [Music] um speed bump on kapan Avenue everybody knows where is MHM mhm we're south of Essex Street right by the hospital y people running up and down the hill doing probably 50 miles an hour I know that Jerry lives on so I can I can relate to the young lady who was up here before who said that you know they feel like prisoners in their own home and that's the way we have I've been living here for 28 years and the response I have when I when I called your police department and spoke to one of your representatives the response I got is hey we hate to see you leave I'm not leaving but we have to find a solution hacken sack is increasing the volume the apartments that's all great we welcome that we want it but yet we don't as a homeowner and we don't want to be prisoners trying to get out of my parking lot my parking spot and it's it's just a constant it's always constant so I've been working with um Tina capana in your uh police department we've been going back and forth with emails for like the last three or four months we're going to get a counter counter was supposed to show up didn't show up in July you had to borrow it from another town um so we talking I'm going to be honest with you you probably would have had all my neighbors here but it was at the last minute and some people couldn't make it but it's becoming to be ridiculous on the parking so we talking parking or speeding or both so you pick it's a it's a okay Corral down there on Kaplan you know so they're parking without stickers and they're not you have well that's the other thing also so if if if you have a home and they decide to bring five cars you guys issue the parking permits how many parking permits to a house are you going to get six seven eight parking permits to a house that's it's one what's the rule Vinnie one one per licensed car one per Li and and again don't mind me I'm just throwing a lot of this stuff out cuz I wrote all this stuff down I just wanted to touch base I know you guys are timer and I know that that timer is clicking but I also put we're going to answer but it's one Pro in other words your driver has to have a license it has to have the your address on it and there has to be a car registered to that person right to that home to that home right that's the only way you get a sticker right so if you have six people living in a home they're going to get six parking permits but have six cars but yet there it's a residential so if you have a house and they have a driveway they only fit three cars the other four they're going to take up other neighbors parking so I have two kids in college that's two cars well three cars I had a park down a block down the block in the last 28 years I even though even though there stickers they're still right yeah so it's just it's congestion so look we're building we're we're building hacken sack but we're not building an infrastructure for the taxpayers and the the volume of traffic so and to answer your question because I I got 23 23 seconds left that's goad no now we put you on pause okay you're on pause so the speeding it's one thing my neighbor across the street got her car total twice drunk driver coming up the block speeding like crazy I have it all on film no arrest was done guy was just issued some tickets and walked away so I got cameras in my house and I can I videotape everything and I give my videos to all my neighbors because I have all these cameras and I had to get all these cameras because the stuff that's going on it's gone crazy um the latest my wife went out we bought her a brand new car she's going on Kaplan heading south is it South yeah South on Kaplan going towards Summit on Summit she's about to cross over to go down the hill to go to the shopping center down there and um Summit is a is is another Speedway you have two cars it's a one lane two cars came in they gave her the right away she proceeded to move forward there's no oncoming traffic oncoming oncoming car on oncoming traffic smacked her and total the car I have a video of New Jersey Transit doing the same thing trying to make a left turn on Essex it's like there's no there's no order over there it's none so you guys have a camera on PO on on on Prospect and Essex so anything that happens there by the hospital you have an actual camera I think that's a County Camera no that's your camera I call the count camera they told me it's your camera think so I don't think we have well there's a camera there I wish there would have been a camera I wish there would have been a camera on Summit so let's Su Summit and Essex are both County Roads so we have no cameras on we shouldn't have any cameras there anyway to my know CU we don't monitor those might be traffic cameras those are traffic cameras you guys are because I called the county and I I spoke to the Sheriff's Department no no they're traffic cameras in other words they're they're controlling the queue they control the queuing of no no no no it's a physical camera it looks like a camera it's a physical camera okay yeah if you if you want you can go down you can go down to Essex and and South Prospect look up and there's a camera there I know the other cameras that you're talking about I know the sensors those are the ones that monitor so I spoke to the county and then I spoke to your traffic department that's the only camera that's there had you had one on Summit another congestion that's a nightmare over there I spoke to a neighbor there his wife got hit there his daughter got hit there and the man got killed there on Summit so to one point is what I'm saying where where's where is the order in this like what do we do how do we control the traffic it's great that we we're building up Hack and Sack but at what cost um Lighting on polyfly road if I tell you how many times I come from work that I got to cross over the road just to block for an elderly person Crossing that road and we all know that road you live in hackin sack you live down there you know the road it's a nightmare there's no lighting nothing going on the cars can't even see it's a turn it's great you guys have no left turn off of the C uh the CVS but the thing that really hit me the most was I think it was two years ago I was coming home and the street was closed and that's where the elderly woman who really got killed there by a hidden run and she got ran over by another driver behind her and that driver stood behind it's a lady she she was coming from the CVS picking up her medication this is a lady who donated all time into charity and hackin Sack all I'm saying is that to what point that if we're going to build hackin sack and the volume is increasing where do you build an infrastructure to secure the taxpayers who live here and own here because the people who are moving in here are not tax let me let me speak real quick I understand what you're saying and I don't disagree with everything you're saying what I do disagree with is we can't control every driver that's on the road right we have tried figerly for I on this Council for a long time to have the county which controls ply Road right add additional lighting lower the speed limits because there's no place to cross from Loi Street all the way to Essex Street there's not one one light to cross right so people who go into CVS for instance all right are not going to walk right you're not going to have one way and a quarter mile back they're going to cross the street right right including me right so there lies part of the problem but we don't contr some of the stuff is out of our control as far as County roads all right because we can't force the county to do it and we can't do it without the County's blessing and they haven't blessed it we've had four fatalities since I'm in councilman on that road right okay so I'm well aware of that situation and we've been trying and trying and Mr Smith's not here tonight but uh he's one of our pedestrian safety group gurus in the city and you'll see actually you saw some of the projects that were talked about before for pedestrian safety um I I I don't know what to tell you about the if you have what if we limited parking stickers to two perh house that would leave one of your kids without a car well no no I'm not well listen my kids my kids I I now I now we we park inside right but if if you if if you're pay if you're a homeowner well you got the garden apartments around the corner on6 street right and there lies the problem of why we have sticker right because if they don't have enough parking they're coming by your house right so that should be the owner of that establishment but that's that's not a new hackin saac building problem that's an existing problem that's been going on in town for a long time yeah but it's affecting more and more people now it is well it is yeah well and the people that it's affecting are the taxpayer the homeowners and I'll tell you you also have Cycles where and I have it in my neighborhood in my house 45 years where all of a sudden you have my kids went through when they were teenagers and all the kids in their block were the same age and all of a sudden they all got cars right then they all move away then it's okay for a while then new families come in start new families new kids they become teenagers get cars so it's like a cycle that that happens um that's great mayor but I'm going to say something to you and I don't take don't take this the wrong way I don't take it the wrong way um you have places like um Cliffside Park on Anderson Avenue you got places like rid Ridgewood I know a lot of people in Ridgewood Waldwick they've had issues where people are speeding up in their main thorough fair and everything else and they just started issuing summonses and putting around lights and and give them as many tickets you can I don't care if it's my son give him a ticket he'll learn not to go down that road the laws are only as good as the law enfor but you have to enforce it but then the other the other thing I just want to I want to point to you Essex Street right there in Essex Street in South Prospect uhhuh that's like a jungle try to cross there you've been down that street you know what I'm talking about work in the hospital I know that so so you see what goes on there why not put a police officer like a level three police officer who's probably doing I forgot what what tier you guys use and put them on there the way Anderson Anderson Avenue in Cliffside Park richf park or walwick that has one there I would go through the city manager for that well no I know that but the safety of the taxpayer is more important than you know hey you know saving a Life One Life save is paid off side park to see what who and what they're using and what their Union contracts I can assure you that when you get to Cliffside Park on Anderson Avenue everybody's driving 25 miles an hour right that I can assure you okay and again I I I take my I take my hats off to you as far as what you're doing as far as creating the Hack and Sack appreciate it but I don't want to get lost into work in progress but we certainly don't want people affected in a negative way especially because none of the none of the development is actually near where we're even talking about so you know they're not creating the problem but it it is as the mayor tried to point out it is a historic problem I you know you buy your home and you know what kind of parking you have and unfortunately like we say we go through Cycles with our children where we have more than the standard two cars and everybody may have a twocc car driveway may I just ask one thing where do you guys live what town H we live across the street from each other when you come out of your driveway and you get into a scuffle because somebody doesn't want let you get out of their driveway and you come out of your car they look at you and they say you want some of this what are you going to do do you understand what I'm saying if I have to pay too much attention to coming home and getting in and out of my dri person that's saying that to you was local is a neighbor let me just say this to you the people who are moving in do not know the proper eacy they're from New York they're from other neighboring towns they're renters here they're not taxpayers they're just renting which is great so they're renting I'll take it but I'm going to tell you something and and I'll go into the other segue where we way past I mean that's okay but only because I got an 8:00 meeting this no that's okay and I'll be done and I'll be quick and I'll be back here again next week with a whole group of people but what I'm just going to say this and I'll give you this so you got a smoke shop on SX stream great beautiful development and everything else but all that garbage lands up on the street I walk my dog through there he picks up those vaping little things and people just come in and they throw it that wasn't hackin saac many years ago hackin saac was a suburb where you came and you came to decompressed that comes down I'm saying to you if I come that comes down to was an enforc well that's what I'm saying but you know when when I have accidents happening in front of my house not once not twice three times mayor give me one second I just want to say this cuz I want to be on the record here so I can show you the video mhm and your police officers come to my house because there somebody parked in my driveway who's drunk who hid somebody on Essex Street and I asked him what's going on here he say it's none of my business but yet the guy's in my freaking driveway and paron my French because it gets me upset you got to remember one thing I'm not doing it for myself I'm doing it for and I and I think that's horrible but sit you're throwing blame at a city council for something absolutely no control I'm not I'm not throwing blame I as I said to you before I got a lot of bullet point bring it up to it as a problem that I want to in an accident telling you mind your own business has absolutely nothing to do with City business it has to do with somebody being a I'm not going to use the term an idiot right but then he comes to me and knocks on my door he says hi you have cameras can I get the camera can I get the video on your camera I would have told him politely no you don't want me to tell you I just walked away this was at 3:30 in the morning my son wokes me up and says hey there's something going on in front of my house that's the fourth time that's not a good thing but I mean okay no I'd like to know who can I get you're the city manager yeah who can I get the um accident report of how many accidents happens in hacken sack in the surrounding area of 296 K Avenue you need to do an over request from the clerk's office gotcha I have video 10 accidents all right within 30 days sir I have to you off because I I appreciate it but I'll be back here again next week and I'll finish it up thank you thank you you're up Sir okay thanks for coming Bill wasley 464 Kaplan um as a retired person trying to get a little bit of involved with the city trying to watch some things and kind of batting heads with a couple items I'm really thrilled to watch you guys respond to to these people and about trying to do the environment the the pollinator Garden just trying to look for Solutions and trying to get things done and and finding a way you know usually my interactions with the city have mostly not gone well I'll be honest in 21 years not really I'm thrilled I probably got a garbage can again um and uh but I just to watch you guys do that and actually Solutions it's actually really positive as a way as a citizen who doesn't normally get to see any type of things that actually work in the city that work favorably so I just want to give you guys a little bit of a thumbs up for that part at least on that app and as a second thing um as regarding the salt thing should the city be involved in a federal tax policy out there if there's any if it salt salt things benefit mostly of higher income people there's no jurisdiction or city or town in probably berken County that is less benefits less by getting rid of the salt deduction than that all the people who don't own homes they're just going to get added debt to their things out there family of three 900 a family four $1,200 a year and added debt onto the things for no benefit so before the city goes ahead and maybe signs on to like Josh gimr's built thing that he wants to push everywhere and stuff um my comment would be is who does it really benefit doesn't doesn't benefit 90% of that of that hundred billion dollars go to the top five% of the people and that's it doesn't really benefit most people mean you may see a little bit along the edges and stuff 12,000 15,000 you have to be maybe be at that point we start seeing some benefits depending on your tax policy but anyway I just wanted to make that case is that really necessary focus on helping these people I think it's great that you help these people federal tax policy is that really where we need to be going well that's one one thing I asked is it Federal but it does it does affect new jerseyans especially very hard for instance an average home in hackas SEC pays 10,000 in taxes and may an interest on a house it's probably about if you have a mortgage it's probably eight or $9,000 a year all right so if you cap it a 10,000 that means you're not getting $8,000 a year back in taxes basically which is a not actually how how it works in term in terms of on that it's pretty close it's in terms of the things once again there's added debt you're all going to incur by adding that so it's not really going to be 10,000 the marginal effective rate will be anywhere depending who you are your size your family maybe between 12 and 15,000 before you'll see Penny one and not including the fact you have additional debt building up on the debt that you're taking in the interest on the debt you're taking in so once again this is not something I own a home here okay I'm just telling this is not something that's going to benefit me 90% of this thing is going to go to the top 5% of the wealthiest people in the country or in the state or whatever most does not go to the rest of us if you really please look into the numbers on there it's not hard it's right on the internet and that I will I will take a closer look at M all I know I no I noticed I got hit hard when they eliminated it that's all I just noticed I got hit hard when they eliminated it so but I'll take L of money I mean that that's that's great you guys I I don't that's why it hurts so bad you got make at least qu quarter million for it to really be hit hard so thank you very much okay sir oh sorry NOP he needs good evening everyone I'm Perry how are you Perry good mayor Le Bross and everyone on the council um one like the ladies start to share about uh you know the drain system and everything that's being done um you know to improve the city of hackensac um I was just saying to myself well someone will be walking walking to and from and Others May um you know just find it convenient to drive um two-way you know uh driving on Main Street you know but then again you got the driver side who's got to open the door eventually and you know you got that which is on this path um as I just you know go back to reflect on there um and then also with the drainage over there on uh rad on the westbound because so you have the East Side you have the westbound that sometimes does collect a lot of water depending on how much water you know um you know Falls and then how much it collects where sometimes you see cars getting that part of water underneath their car and then you know you may have a new car you may have a car that's been around for a little while but that takes up its substance um underneath the car uh and then that where it may cause the car to shift where the puddle is I don't know if that's something that's you know keep in mind but that may leaves that may be collecting I don't know debris I what I don't know I just don't know um and then the other thing um they used to call Peter's place and in Christ Church they helped them out with um where they're going to stay and uh we put together a program called who's going to help the homeless you know Jerry Le program you know um sharing with us about the snowfall I mean you may have five six seven feet of snow but then again that will melt and um so much is with rainfall um I I don't know what this is transitioning from with the shelter but then again each matter is different um you know like they says some places have adequate housing some places you got to think about well where it's going to be um where people are going to reside is it go back to you know square one or is it going to be move on to another subject of the matter I don't know how many people um have other places of people they can turn to but some people try to uh limit the burden that they put on other people whether it be family friends whatever but if you have somebody you can turn to that's a good thing but if you don't want to put that matter on the hospitals you know re uh re uh reintroduction to uh incarceration or whatever you know some say well if you buy a car guess what you can live in that but you still have to keep it somewhere even if it's pay uh for what you call parking permit whatever and then you got to like she said be concerned about something goes wrong car this that and the other thing so we got enough on our plate Perry and I'm not going to put my burden out there but I hope everything works out well for everyone everywhere thank you sir okay adioso that means I'm God bless have a good night have a good night Parry no one else from the public motion to close the public offer all in favor I I None opposed okay so we're going to go I need a motion to close the executive session off before you do that obviously uh you know I just need to make the announcement that as usual we did hold a closed executive session starting at 5:30 um during the course of that as usual we did discuss some open litigation matters including ongoing litigation involving um the police officers involved in the 64 Prospect incident and the ongoing um um fire department flsa litigation and the um workers compensation matter involving a former firefighter named Mr Odo okay okay minut need a motion to close the executive session offer second all in favor I I None opposed motion to close the council the whole offer all in favor I I None opposed okay with that we need to just take a five minut break take a we're going to take a three or five minute bio break and start the meeting shortly e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay thank you everybody for your patience Madame clerk this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meeting Act njsa 10 col 4-6 at6 notice of which was sent to the record in the Star Ledger and was posted on the municipal bullon board roll call please council member Von rudenberg here mayor krino here council member baglia here council member Carol here mayor lebros here would everybody please rise for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all you yes um before we move forward i' just like to have a moment of silence uh two people found out recently passed away um one is our past mayor Jorge mess's father passed away uh suddenly on Friday and also we found out that councilman Carol's uh brother had passed away recently so with that we could have a moment of silence please thank you everybody appreciate it okay I do have two proclamations tonight um one is near and dear to me because I work at hackensac University Medical Center and uh see this quite a bit where I work and it's heartbreaking but we've come such a long way with Childhood Cancer uh that it's incredible and there's hope hope ahead for all of our kids who do uh develop cancer related diseases and it reads whereas Childhood Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children and whereas one in 285 children in the United States will be diagnosed by their 20th birthday and whereas survivors often face physical emotional and mental challenges and whereas we honor the courage of children fighting pediatric Cancers and the strengthed their families and caregivers who never stopped loving supporting and advocating for them along with Healthcare professionals researchers private philanthropies and patient advocacy groups now therefore I John P Bross Jr mayor of the city of hackin saac along with the members of this city council to hereby Proclaim September of 2024 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and their symbol of the gold ribbon a precious metal to reflect the most precious things in our life our children so I appreciate hackin University Medical Center being in our backyard and having the cancer programs they do not just for children but for adults as well any other Proclamation um affects a lot of men throughout the United States and it's about prostate cancer and whereas this year approximately 2 99 I'm sorry 2,999 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the United States which is the second leading cause of cancer death in men whereas in New Jersey an estimated 9860 new cases will be diagnosed and estimated 740 deaths will occur in 2024 and whereas men with relatives father brother son with the history of prostate cancer are twice as likely to develop the disease and whereas if caught early prostate cancer has a 5-year survival rate of nearly 100% and we're as all men are at risk for prostate cancer and we encourage the citizens of hacken sack to increase the importance of prostate awareness and screenings now therefore I John P Bros Jr mayor of the city of hackin saac along with the members of this city council to hereby Proclaim September 2024 as prostate cancer awareness month so for all you gentlemen especially some of us who are a little older need to take care of ourselves and make sure we get that PSA checked on a regular basis and with that I will move to uh or first I need approval of the minutes for the August 12th 2024 Cal executive regular meeting offer second all in favor I I None opposed and with that we move to the city manager's report thank you mayam the city's annual 9/11 Memorial will take place tomorrow September 11th at 10:00 a.m. outside of fire headquarters on State Street the health department is hosting a free Hearts saer CPR certification class for hackin saac residents ages 12 and up on Tuesday September 17th or Thursday November 14th from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Hackensack Civic Center please call the health department to reserve your spot Karate for Kids begins September 24th through November 19th at the recreation center registration information is available on the website the city will be holding their annual shred event on Saturday September 21st from 9 a.m. to 1: p.m. in Johnson Park parking lot on River Street across from the old Sears building save the date for hackin sack oober Fest in uh excuse me save to date for hackin sack October Fest in Atlantic Street park on October 5th this year will be better than ever with music food trucks a beer garden and fund for the whole family more details will come will be coming students returned back to school last week we're wishing all of our hackin sack students teachers and staff a safe and successful school year that's it mayor thank you all right we start with new business just write down October Fest and back to school so resolution 29424 this is a resolution for adoption of ordinance number 30-22 24 an ordinance to amend chapter 170 of the code of the city of hakak vehicles and traffic to prohibit the parking of vehicles on sidewalks in section 17-6 General parking res regulations this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for a public C need a motion to open to the public please offer second all in favor I I un opposed anyone from the public would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close offer second all in favor I I None opposed I need a motion to adopt the ordinance offer second all in favor I I None opposed be resolved by the city council of the city of hackin County Bergen the state of New Jersey that ordinance number 30-22 24 has passed his second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 29524 this is a resolution for final adoption of ordinance number 31- 2024 and ordinance amending chapter 90 of the code of the city of pinac food and drinks section 69 fire permits required for certain operations this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for a public hearing need a motion to open to the public offer second all in favor I I None opposed anyone from the public would' like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close to the public offer all in favor I None opposed need a motion to adopt the ordinance please offer second all in favor I I None opposed be resolved by the city council of the city of hackin County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 31-22 24 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 296-2422 24 ordinance authorizing Financial agreement with CBD hackin developer urban renewal LLC an urban renewal entity authorized pursuant to the long-term tax exemption law NJ 48 column 20-1 at SEC for the development of a residential Apartment project on block 402 Lots 12 16.01 and lot 16.02 this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for a public hearing need a motion please to open to the public need a motion to open to the public offer second all in favor I I None oppos anyone from the public would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members from the public motion to close to the public offer need a motion to adopt the ordinance oh all in favor sorry none opposed motion to adopt the ordinance offer second all in favor I I None opposed be resolved by the city council of the city of hackensac County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 32- 2024 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 29724 a resolution for final adoption of ordance number 33-2247 Lots 26 27 28 29 30 38 41 43 45 and 48 this ordinance has been published according to ww now calls for public hearing need a motion to open to the public offer second all in favor I I None opposed anyone from the public who' like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members from the public motion to close offer second all in favor I I None opposed need a motion to adopt the ordinance offer second all in favor I I None opposed be resolved by the city council of the city of hackensac County of Bergen in the state of New Jersey that ordinance number 33-2247 this is a resolution in for introduction of ordinance number 34-22 24 an ordinance to amend chapter 170 of the code of the city of hackensac vehicles and traffic to update parking regulations on lyen Street need a motion please offer second all in favor I I None opposed be resolve that the above ordinance being ordinance 34-22 24 is introduced is now passed on first reading and that that ordinance shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on September 24 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or res soon there after as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all person is interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and that the city clerk being and she is hereby authorized and directed to publish set orance excuse me set ordinance according to law for the not notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place when and where said ordinance will be further considered for final passage need a motion please offer second all in favor I no no we already already did that that was the end of yours I'm sorry like that was the end resolu guys are in the same vote I resolution 29924 but I got you you actually looked I know I was like wait a minute did I miss something this is an introduction of ordinance number 355-2244 and providing that such sum so appropriated shall be raised from the fund balance of the general Capital fund of the city of hackinson need a motion please offer second all in favor I I None opposed be resolved that the above ordinance being ordinance 35-22 24 as introduced is now passed on first reading and that said ORD shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on September 24 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place at the city council and that's such time and place all person's interest to be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and that the city clerk being she is hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place when and where said ordinance will be further considered for final passage resolution 3-24 it's a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 36-22 an ordinance to amend chapter 170 of the code of the city of hackensac vehicles and traffic to add a new handicap parking space in section 49.2 parking for the handicap on Stanley Place need a motion offer second all in favor I I None opposed resolution 30124 I still have to read oh sorry I'm sorry but I have to read debate I don't want to read but I'll read we are resolved at the above ordinance being ordinance 36224 as introduced is now passed on first reading and that said ordinance shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on September 24 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as a matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all persons interest to be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and the city clerk B and she is hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place when and where set ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution the resolution of the city council of the city of hackin endorsing the 2024 master plan revisions to the city's housing element and fair share plan need a motion please offer second roll call council member Von rudenberg hi Deputy Mayor krino I council member Paglia I council member Carol I mayor lebros I resolution 30224 this is a resolution approving the memorandum of understanding between the city of hackensac and the United Public Service employees union hackensac White Collar employees need a motion please offer second all in favor i i n opposed resolution 30324 this is a resolution authorizing tax refunds for state for judgments duplicate payments and overpayment any a motion please offer second all in favor I I None opposed resolution 30424 this is a resolution qualifying professional service providers and authorizing the city manager to execute contracts with such qualified professionals any a motion please offer second all in favor I I None opposed resolution 305-4436 6-24 a resolution awarding change order number two to new Prince Concrete Construction for Anders Anderson Street drainage area combined sewer separation need a motion please offer second roll call I'm sorry only favor I None opposed resolution 30724 it's a resolution authorizing payment of bills need a motion to pay the bills offer second roll call council member Von rudenberg hi Deputy Mayor k hi council member Paglia hi council member Carol hi mayor Le I abstain okay before we move forward with the consent agendas any conflicts I have none I have none none none nobody has any okay okay the following items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certif ification of availability of funds any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes including any exceptions Andor additions consent agenda consists of resolution 30824 through resolution 3724 resolution 30824 is a resolution authorizing appointment of Deputy Emergency Management coordinator resolution 30924 is a resolution authorizing leave of absence for fire Lieutenant Timothy Burns resolution 31024 is a resolution in support of NFP Holdings njeda Spire application njhmfa tax exempt Bond application njhmfa hpf application and njhmfa 4 and a half Federal lowincome housing tax credit application for the project to be developed at the at 111 essic Street resolution 31-24 is a resolution authorizing a recreation refund resolution 32-24 is a resolution approving appointments of the school crossing guards for the 2024 2025 School Year resolution 31324 is a resolution authorizing endorsement of the proposed Bergen County Community Development Grant resolution 314- 24 is a resolution urging Congress to allow expiration of the deductibility app of the state and local taxes otherwise known as salt resolution 315- 24 is a resolution authorizing raffle licenses for Fairley Dickinson University resolution 36-24 is a resolution authorizing a shared service agreement between the city of hackensac and the burrow of Woodridge to provide a child's health conference and resolution 37-24 is a resolution authorizing the submitt of award extension request for la2 2023 ma hackin City Grand Avenue pedestrian safety improvements project to NJ do okay need a motion to adopt the consent sorry need a motion to adopt the consent agenda as it was just read offer s all in favor I I None opposed okay with that need a motion to open to the public offer all in favor I I None oppose anybody from the public please come forward to the podium give your name you will have three minutes good evening good evening um got some frustrations with our football program um first of all um I have a question in any capacity does the city run our football program when you say run when I say run meaning that all decision making everything does does does the city have anything to do with that well Recreation has oversight of sports right so it's it's a question that could be answered yes or no football was doing something that was wrong or something was happening down there the City Recreation Department would be in charge of stepping in and overseeing that taking care of it so I I you'd have to give me the situation you just basically answer my question though because it's it's told to us that the city runs the program um and the reason why I'm bringing this up is because our program consists of a president and a vice president right and two years ago the direct Rec got more involved with our our program cu cu a long time ago well not a long time ago but at one point in time we were an independent program um and you know it became a partnership two years ago now this partnership ain't so much much of a partnership and the reason why it's not a partnership is because the wck hands down just took over everything and it's like there is a say but not really a say um coach can can are you talking when you say running everything are you talking about X's and O's Leo I'm not talking about x's and O that's what I'm referring about running like when you say so let me let me let me explain let me explain so I'm I'm I'm going just speak for myself because I'm the only representative here right now um I'm vice president of the program and I was um also uh uh given the title of football operations right so I have not done my my my job duties at all in the last two years um and and the reason being is because you know we have individuals that feel that they're the only ones that can do the job now this hasn't physically been said to me but this is the sentiment that I'm that I'm that I'm feeling from it um just alone this year there's been locks chains in the in in the Fieldhouse I wasn't aware of that but I was told that nobody had to tell me about that which is crazy to me you know especially for for me you know being being hands- on on the field trying to get up you know to into the field house to give out equipment to do things I have not been able to do that there's a pad lock on the field on on the football um in in the Fieldhouse on the football room door um I did have a key then all of a sudden that lock change so why is this happening I mean it should it shouldn't be like that this is not this is not how a partnership works there's the decisions that's made but it's never really like a a thing where it's like we come to an agreement with with something it's it's more of a do as I say type thing and you know that's that's not that's not what we you know came together for we need come together for that it's not fair it's not fair to people that pay their dues and and and have done a lot you know within the community with the kids to get treated in a way where it's like we can't do anything and then for me to be told two weeks ago by Steven Savage that I need to step down from being vice president of the program because I don't do as he says and that's the issue with me so here here's understood here here's what I'd like you to do right the man at the end there I know but the reason why I came here tonight is because we keep we keep we keep being told that the city runs the city runs the city runs so I wanted to get it from you guys on what's what and I know I know I know I can talk to Vinnie cuz Vinnie he he's been in the in the middle of job is to oversee the programs they're not into City's job is not to be involved in X's and O's or coaching or anything they are to oversee to make sure that program is running smoothly that there's nothing a ride nothing going wrong no you know that's fine coaching coaching bloopers or whatever cursing down the field or stuff of that nature uh yeah Recreation oversees that as far AG with game yeah and running and coaching the kids I don't see that so that's something that need to get we got we coaches that are actually that work at the rec they're actually coaching I mean and I don't have a problem with that only like I said only issue I got is that if you got people that have certain roles let us work together and let us do our roles don't make it a thing where it's one-sided where you're you're you're you're dictating that this is what we're doing what I'm trying to say is the city council's not going to do that the city manag going to do it the city manager is going to do it you're bringing it to our attention I understand that I I that's why and I appreciate that and I'm glad know that you know and there's always two sides to every story so I'm going to investigate and see what's going on of course it definitely is two sides it's it's only fair but uh I've been in your shoes I've been a coach I dealt with super Recreation superintend is probably the toughest one in the state of New Jersey andir and Ferguson when she was here yeah I heard that and I know how challenging it can be I was we had a fight to get a key to turn the lights on for the Friday night games right you wouldn't part with that key for nothing and like you're talking about getting locked out yeah I got 60 people sitting in the dark on a field and we can't play football so I know exactly where you're coming from it's frust frustrating it's frustrating you know it's just something we got to work out uh how many games you have so far first one's this Saturday first one's this Saturday home game hoken here yep at the high school at the high school first game they make it stop down for once so I'm going to ask Vinnie and you know to have a chat or whatever what you really because you can't go into details here about I'm not going to go into details no but the details have to go to Vinnie because Vinnie deals with the employees and they employees we as council members cannot deal with employees not this former government a lot of governments can not in this form of government that's just the way it's written I can't tell like a DPW worker go do this I can't tell the cop go do that that's just not the we it's not allowed in this forign government actually we'd be in trouble well I I I just wanted to get some clarification because when you say City I mean what do you mean by City And they don't explain anything really when I say they it's just it's just the one individual city they're part of the city they are part of the city I mean I work at DPW so I'm part of the city too so I mean I get all that but they don't elaborate certain things about what they're saying well we got to get that stred out so all right please I'll take care of it all right all right thank you thank you good luck Saturday I'm going to try to get down there what time I got a wedding Saturday afternoon so I hope it's what five five first game starts at five there three games well it's three games we going to be there about 9:00 that's the C team though or the the little guys well it goes um lightweight midweight and heavyweight game it's eighth grade game that's the 10 11s uh the 10 11s is uh a midweight that's 5 11 and 12 is um roughly 7:30 okay yeah about 7:30 and then the late game um it's about yeah I'll be a wedding sorry but I want to get that I'm rarely home I'll be there be I'll be there too thank you anyone else from the public like to speak how about that football player sitting in the road by himself he's looking around like who me got go home study what Happ he's anything like me he's going home for dinner okay need a motion to close to the public offer all in favor I I None opposed Miss V rodenberg sure good evening everyone thanks for coming out and for watching um just real quick want to touch upon because this came up um at at the cow and um and discussions that we had earlier regarding traffic and parking um you know it it's back to school time so the roads the traffic has been uh a nightmare everywhere um with back to school and and at a vacation but just be mindful of all the all the little ones walking to school and riding their bikes um there's a lot of double parking going on a lot of speeding um and we just have to really pay attention um especially around the school zones it's it's been a little bit of a mess at the middle school um and Parker school as well so if you know again please abide by all the parking um enforcement there's a reason for it it's not just to be you know to cause a problem for you but it's for safety issues when you're double parking and people can't see around you and little kids are are walking in front of your your cars you can't see and other people are coming other way so um just be mindful please I I know everyone wants to get to work and get to where they have to be but um everyone's time is valuable um so just abide by the parking rules and regulations and thank you and have a good night thanks Steph um I'll try and just run through quickly as I usually do some of the things that I personally am involved in that make people aware of what we actually voted on and took place here tonight um there's a couple things here having to do with Redevelopment one is uh the Redevelopment of the YMCA on the corner of p and Main Street um this was their financial agreement tonight uh basically they're building 254 units there and they're going to also build a 6,000 foot Plaza because that's a a corner that kind of edges in it's not a direct corner so it will open that up somewhat um looking at the financial agreement originally that was owned by the you know YMCA so they were paying zero in taxes and then when it was originally purchased in its current state that went to $54,000 a year in taxes when the project is complete and rented we're looking at $1.1 million coming in a year in in in their pilot money so that will be a nice not only a nice Financial increase to the city and but also beautifying that cor that particular Corner as well uh the other one was uh one Essex Street that's now you're looking at the southwest corner of um Essex and I guess there it's Hudson Street you know where main end and becomes Hudson it's Big Empty vacant lot that's been like that for quite a while um that happens to be in one of our affordable overlay zones so this is the second project that will be participating in that so they're looking to build 250 units there uh very lovely I've seen some of the renderings already and of those 250 units 25 of them will be affordable units so that's again this is the second project where we're seeing the affordable units as part of the complex um also tonight we made a um amendment to our uh settlement agreement affordable housing plan with the state to add Essex Street so now if you're on Essex Street and you're driving West coming up from Maine so it would be on the left it's essic is the address they're looking to build 100% affordable there 67 units um so we added that to our plan and the plan for the city now not only meets the affordable housing requirement but actually exceeds it so we're doing we're doing quite well in that regard the other thing quickly there was a capital ordinance on there I'm also on the finance committee so um it was a $611,000 capital ordinance basically what it is what we're doing with that is the fire department and the Municipal Court needed the buildings themselves needed some work so work is being done in both of those areas we needed to purchase a few police cars I think maybe three I'm trying to remember the number so police cars are being purchased there and then Jefferson Street we're still addressing I know you know VES we we were able to take care of the pump station but on Jefferson Street we still have some sewer work that needs to be done so that also includes that particular sewer work so kind of that's it in a nutshell um I hope everyone had a great summer I hate to think that Summer's over we've hit Labor Day and kids are back in school as Steph said but the weather's been great and it looks like we're going to continue to have nice weather so everyone get out and enjoy we have our lovely Parks uh even just take a stroll on Main Street so get out and enjoy the weather while we can have a good night everyone well my condolences again to Jenea for the death of his father and to Jerry for the death of your brother Charlie you know and I continue going around and check the war by Clay B and James baring and styling and the the contractor promise that by November all this part particular street they're going to be fin with sidewalks curve and Paving and by here the the particular resident that they complain about the speeding every day I have conversation with beanie and the Police director related to the speeding in the city of hackin because they don't respect the Raiders they don't respect uh the police they fly all over and we're going to go with the table bumps we have conversation to start going with fermon Avenue first and then we're going to go to different street to try to control the speeding in the city and we continue like a have conversation with the people in in Main Street that they still using the sidewalks and even being coming out of the city hall the other day here in the sidewalk yeah and I got close didn't I that was I got pretty close yeah and then the problem that we got in New Street Lei Street by Broadway and HW and different sections of the city they're going to be taken care in the next two weeks like I said before we're going to finish the command center maybe in two weeks and that way we can monitor the city with the cameras all over and that way we can protect and have a a safe hackin again thank you for coming good night Jerry thank you well school now is a session and please people um as you're dropping off and picking up um these students um at our local schools be careful let's watch our speeding let's watch these uh students going from our cars into the building let's be careful I know it's a problem with the uh um parking and stuff around the schools but unfortunately it's what it is at this point we we just have to be patient and not be rushing and and and just be careful as for the crossing guards they're doing the best they can out there so treat them just like you would treat a police officer I have seen people almost just bypass them um sometimes so be careful with them as well so again you know let's look after these young people and and just remember you know let's take care of them take care and God bless thank you chair uh Deputy Mayor mentioned the YMCA I'm going to speak to that shortly or I'm speak not say too much about it I should say but uh there's a piece of property very similar to the analogy I was used with the orny field Club um which was paying 56,000 a year and now pays probably about 800,000 somewhere in that range so you're looking at a piece of property uh of a Building 54 paying 54,000 a year that's going to bring in a little over a million dollars a year in Revenue to the city but not only that people you know we're all nostalgic we all love our old buildings right that building had gotten to the point where wasn't even inhabitable and people will come up and say to us oh you threw out the YMCA you got rid of the YMCA we did No Such Thing the YMCA came to us looking for property right quite a bit of property to build a new building but the it made no sense to us they were looking for actually to put the YMCA in one of our large Parks take away Park property which takes away space for more children so they could put up a building and I think the tradeoff was it a a discount to Residents to go to the YMCA in Fen Park and the the dis the the buying for the city was we got to use it at a discounted rate which you know that's not really a very wasn't a very good deal for us so they went to New Milford which is fine all right but that bill building is basically unusable it would be so cost prohibitive to try to bring that building back to what it's needed um it really wasn't maintained properly through the years and it's a shame because it's a beautiful old building the exterior still looks great it yeah it looks great inside you know asbest issues flooding issues all kinds of it's a mess inside but uh I swam there as a kid you know we all love the why but uh it served its purpose and it served its time and now you're going to see and here's the other part so we don't develop the property don't make it in area in need of Redevelopment it's already in the rehab Zone if we don't do any of that that building sits there just like the record the record Property just closed just like orny Field Club closed and just sits there as blighted property for 10 20 30 years not doing any benefit to the city of hackin or at citizens so you don't miss the chance of taking that building and putting up something nice and I if you see the renderings of what's going there it's incredible it's got a Plaza in the front it's beautiful beautiful building so yeah the YMCA is leaving town and then other new building's coming in replacement change happens all the time and uh city is changing uh back to school can't say it enough watch out for the school buses that red octagon sign that comes out from the side of the bus means stop all right I go crazy when I see people drive past stop school buses with that sign on I can't believe how people just fly by them like like they're not even stopped but anyway um yeah please stop and watch out for pedestrians watch out for kids especially around the schools like Jerry said when they're getting dropped off um during Chris swen's presentation tonight you saw the Vorhees pump station is finished right I thought I'd never say that that was like a year and a half project uh that's going to assist with flooding down in that uh Jefferson Street area down by the Jefferson is going to help tremendously so and we're doing some more sewer work as I and and more sewer work going on as well Lehigh and Newman Street I know we got police presence down there but we got to somehow try and step it up I mean these people are terrified I mean for me to sit there and look at you know 8 to 10 to 12 people in their 70s and 80s that are scared to death that's that's hard to watch and thank God they had that young woman advocating for them because they didn't they didn't speak the language uh they're terrified they're scared to death and it doesn't sound like the people that are hanging out there are very nice people so I know you just can't go up and tell people to leave or if they're loitering yeah you can or if they're on private property you can so you we we got to got to figure way to keep them out of there and get them out of there I don't know what the answer is but I leave that to you you guys guys um we had our last summer concert at Atlanta Street park it was unbelievable success there had to be 400 people there uh Fila Soul packed packed the the lawn and uh you know dozens and dozens of people were dancing having a great time including my brother including Deputy mayor's brother thought he was John Travolta that night but uh it was a really beautiful night to the weather finally part you know was just a great night out so I want to thank Greg leoi for uh those Friday night shows that he runs over there and all the other programs he runs did a great job this summer appreciate it and uh looking forward to doing more next year and stepping it up and with that I want to wish everybody uh a wonderful rest of your night and uh need a motion to close offering T all in favor I I None opposed good night everybody thank you for