##VIDEO ID:sYc0l1l8cX0## you e [Music] I don't okay mayor you want to open the meeting absolutely good evening everybody Madame clerk this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meeting Act njsa 10 col 4-6 at sec notice of which was sent to the record in the Star Ledger and was posted on the municipal bulletin board okay roll call please council member Von rudenberg Deputy Mayor krino here council member Paglia absent council member Carol here mayor Leos here so the honor guard's in we'll go right to the flag salute would everybody please rise for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with Li and justice for all me okay everybody please be seated so I want to start by thanking everybody for coming tonight on this very special night in the city of Hack and Sack and uh we're going to move forward with the swearing in of our police chief so okay Michael antista please come forward who is holding the Bible for you Michael okay please come up please raise your right hand put your left hand on the Bible and repeat after me I state your name I Michael antista do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will be true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that it will Faithfully that it will Faithfully impartially imp partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of police chief of police chief according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations Michael [Applause] you yes oh yes before you go anywhere you got to sign it's like everything in life we have to sign for it's Now official so congratulations Chief antista so it's a long time coming uh 10 years okay no 14 years 14 sorry 2010 um long overdue um but we're here and that's a great thing I want to congratulate Michael I've known Michael since he's he's young and uh I just found out I didn't know you're hop you started as an hop in town so it shows that program works it came all the way through the system from the bottom all the way to the top so congratulations to you Michael and uh we look to you know anything you need from the council where we can help we're always here for you and you have a lot of support here uh between the chief's associations for the state and the county uh you have a lot of support to help you with any anything you need so I'm going to pass it over to our Police director Ray guetti you want to come on up Ray congratulations Chief well done I know it's a special meeting but I have about two hours you said to speak here it's a lot to cover about Michael in all seriousness uh this weekend I made a phone call to someone I've never spoken to before but I felt it important to speak to this individual about the incoming chief chief Michael antista nice rank to it was I looking for some additional guarantees that I needed to Prov by to the city manager or the governing body that would settle any reservation that they may have about restoring the rank of police chief after 14 years nope that ship had sail their mind was made up and I told this person that like me the city manager the mayor and Council have been watching Mike intently as to how he navigated the Myriad of challenges that were presented to him over the past two years as this department instituted so many changes that the citizens of hackensac would ultimately benefit from I told this person that I couldn't have been prouder of this man that even in the face of intense scrutiny he found the courage to Institute new initiatives to better the police department such as and to name a few because we'd be here all night the Emergency Services Unit the Drone program officer Wellness arrive now and the Safe Streets operations control center which you'll hear about soon now I told this person that my confidence in mik to lead hacken sack's finest into the future couldnot be any higher and that in the years to follow we would not only look back on this date as a watershed moment in the history of the department but it will be a continuation of Le of a leadership story that others will want to emulate in restoring the reputation of an exemplary police department now as I Clos my conversation with this person I told him that I'd recently spent some time speaking with Mike the new Chief to be and his words had resonated with me when we parted that day and I think you would agree that what Mike's words were not only attest to the fact that he's the right person for this job but they also give us a glimpse into what his leadership style will be Mike told me that the rank of police chief was not about him instead it was about the opportunity to make the place better or the police department better better for the men and women who work here better for those they serve and better for the city of hackensac so who is this person I was speaking to Mike Mr antista I'm really glad we had the opportunity to talk about your son this weekend the certainty that the city manager the mayor and counsel and I maintain about your son's ability to lead this department is only overshadowed by The Pride that your family has for him as a son a brother a husband a father father and of course a leader Mike on behalf of the police department I want to congratulate you your wife Claudia your kids Rose and Sophia your mom sue your dad Ralph we're buddies now and your brother officer how' you why'd you roll your eyes and your brother officer Matt antista and his family on this incredible achievement I think we'd all agree this is a historic moment for the city and the citizens of hackin saac I personally grateful that I've had the opportunity to witness this promotion and look forward to all the incredible things you will achieve in the future now look on a personal note when I arrived a little over two years ago something that really bothered me about my office was the door there was like you could see that one point there was something that was a fix to the door and I guess over time the way the sun angled on it it was kind of kind of shaded and for gosh over two years I'm saying why don't we where's Janette why aren't we going to fix that door got a great idea Mike there's a great way to fix this door okay how does that work that would be a great way to fix a door what do you think [Applause] now what I told them today don't throw me on the street tomorrow but you know give me a little time here so look uh thanks everybody for coming I see there's a lot of chiefs here I see my brothers here from pamis okay tenek I know the the prosecutors here the chief of detectives I'm sorry if I missed anybody's name uh thank you all for coming this is this is great but what I do want to do is we we have a couple of speakers that want to come up uh and and talk about Mike it's not a roast Mike so you're good and uh the the first uh speaker is going to be Chief Dean Pinto from Rell Park police and I know Mike looks at you as a mentor so come on up sir and thank you thank you so it's easy to get up here and I am humbled and honored by being chosen by Michael to come up and speak about him but before we talk about Mike being an attorney police chief I have an ego I like to talk about myself but you'll see why my dad started the tck police department in 1969 and why do I tell this story throughout his life and his career he would tell me the stories as I got older and said that I want to be like you I want to be a policeman I want to do what you do he would tell me all the time all the different jobs as they would call it that he worked with the Hack and Sack PD and no matter what with the investigation there were some serious ones there were some not so serious ones he would always tell me Hack and Sack gets it right they do it right let's fast forward I become a police I'm a Young Man growing up I meet the antista family as I grow up and become a volunteer fireman in rochell park side by side on a hose line with s um by the way Mrs antista makes the best fried zucchini flowers not going to lie I get to know their children and Michael obviously being their son um watching him throughout his childhood Growing Up watch his dedication to the township watching him become eventually a volunteer fireman eventually becoming an hop working his way up through the ranks of the Hack and Sack PD and I was again humbled and honored that he would reach out text call hey I got an idea this is what I'm thinking of doing what do you think well here we are today the culmination of that and again while Michael's family sitting here in the audience the blue family trust me you mean just as much to Michael through all of our conversations it was always like Ray talked about how how do I make my team better how do we make it better I just want the the city its residents its stakeholders to have the very best so I sit here again proud and to the mayor Deputy Mayor and his Council as my dad said you got it right and congratulations and best of luck to you and to this [Applause] PD Chief Dave Murphy wof PD Bergen County Police Chief's Association there he is thank you sir app it good evening everyone good evening mayor and Council esteemed guests members of the community dedicated officers of the hackin sack Police Department my name is Chief Dave Murphy I'm the president of the Bergen County Police Chiefs Association today marks a significant turning point in the journey for 14 years you have navigated the challenges of law enforcement without a permanent Chief in the helm while this period has taxed your resiliency it has also illuminated your strength and commitment to serving the community as we stand at the brink of appointing and having him appointed as Chief this evening let us take a moment to reflect on what it means for all of us a police chief is more than just a leader they are a beacon of guidance a pillar of integrity and a bridge connecting our officers to the community we serve this appointment is not merely a return for tradition but a powerful Chief toward fostering transparency collaboration and Trust man I feel like I'm really getting old really comes quick Mike staring at a computer screen all day it happens fast you'll get it it's coming and I'm only 50 Mike you're in trouble so you faced obstacles but your Collective efforts have kept you moving forward the dedication shown by every officer has kept your neighborhood safe and demonstrated your unwavering commitment to Justice now as we welcome you as Chief you have an incredible opportunity to build on this Foundation this new leadership will bring fresh perspectives Innovative strategies and A Renewed focus on community engagement your Chief will be tasked not only with guiding your department but also listening to you and the citizens you serve together you will work to ensure that your policing practices reflect your shared values and prioritize the safety and well-be of every member of your community as we look to the Future let us Embrace this change with Open Hearts and open minds let us support the new Chief as he takes on the immense responsibility of leading your department help him build a culture of accountability and respect ensuring that every officer feels empowered to do their best work your voice matters and together you can shape a safer more inclusive community for everyone in closing on behalf of the Bergen County Police Chiefs Association I want to thank the mayor and the entire city council director gadet and city manager Chief kuso thank you thank you for your unwavering support and dedication in making this happen let us move for forward with hope and optimism knowing that a brighter future lies ahead as we welcome your new police chief thank you and stay safe thank so much I see director Schwarz is in the the room here and the chief real I apologize I didn't see you thanks for coming uh retired Chief Keith Bendle Fort Lee PD representing the state Association of chiefs of police good evening everybody the nice thing about going third is you don't have to repeat any of the compliments and the great things that were said before you so I'm going to be brief so for the Chiefs that are in the room yes I can be brief with a microphone in my hand despite what you think okay on behalf of the New Jersey State Association Chiefs of police President John Russo and the entire membership Mike we want to congratulate you tonight on being sworn in as Chief mayor and the entire council members uh we appreciate that you recognize the importance of having a chief of police and restoring that position after this time and as Chief Pino did say we absolutely believe you got it right with this city manager director gadet we thank you for your your efforts throughout this process and again Mike congratulations to you and God [Applause] bless I'm excited to be the first person to call the chief of police of hackin saac police department to come up and say a few words [Applause] hi everybody uh bear with me for one second not much of a public speaker here I'd like to thank the mayor and Council the city manager and the Police director for reinstating the position of police chief within this great organization I am grateful for everyone having faith in me to fill this role after 14 years of vacancy thank you for Prov providing me the feedback I needed to grow as a leader and an individual thank you to my wife and children for putting up with me during some stressful times and also want to extend my gratitude to my parents who instilled a work ethic in me that hasn't failed me yet and provided me with the motivation for serving the public that started when I was still a child as a junior firefighter about a year ago I came across a speech by adir William mccraven that he had given to the University of Texas in 2014 in that speech he provided a motivational quote that resonated with me so much that the next day I printed it out and hung it up in the wall behind my desk that quote is don't don't ever ring the bell some members asked what it meant some knew already and some laughed at it but to me it became a way of life and a constant reminder to keep pushing forward no matter what issues were thrown at me as a young police officer a detective took me under his wing and became a mentor to me he provided me with advice that was similar to this quote but he also urg me to patrol with pride for the community and no matter what Focus your energy on the needs of those you serve I'd like to take the next few moments to address members of the police department and the community to the command staff and supervisors of the hackin sack Police Department my goal is to provide you with the support you need to empower you to make decisions and to develop you your potential As Leaders I am also committed to growing as a leader for you and providing the increased communication that is vital and needed in a public safety organization my expectations of you are to focus on the mission the community and to provide the same mentorship to your subordinates that was provided to me as a young police officer recognize those who do well and provide guidance to those who need it have compassion for all and above all remain loyal to the people you serve to the police officers dispatchers and civilian staff I'm committed to providing you with technology training and supervision and support that you all deserve working in a busy place like hackin I pledge to provide an environment where you will be heard and that your opinion on how we complete our mission will matter what I expect from you in return is integrity courage commitment and respect for yourself each other and the community you are responsible for the morale and reputation of this department as am I I expect you all to be leaders and push forward to do great things for the department and the citizens of the city to the community I promise a police department that is accountable and accessible and that will hear your concerns sometimes hard truths need to be heard and we will not shy away from that I am committed to using location-based accountability to supervisors in the police department that would create a sense of ownership and responsibility for each neighborhood and Ward we serve my my expectations for the community are to continue providing support for our officers who go out every day and put their lives on the line don't rush to judgment ask questions as I believe we both have the same goals for this great City and finally I like to thank everyone who's here to support me as I humbly accept the role as the 12 police chief of the hackin saac police department challenges lay before all of us within this agency and Community I have confidence in the city and our cops and we will work together and we'll move forward thank you [Applause] so folks in in short order this is a special meeting so there's other things that will take place but in short order we're going to call the color guard back up here to retire the the colors I I would imagine but at the same time we want to would invite you to our Civic Center which is across the parking lot and we'll we'll get you there for some cake and light Refreshments but we also want to be able to take some photos up here too what's our time look like that we need to vacate here couple hours okay okay um so quick reminder uh director there will be time for public comment but we're going go down and celebrate have some like Refreshments down in the Civic Center all right and then everybody who wants to speak we'll come back up here and everybody will have their chance to speak thanks but uh yes the council also has something to say before we go down oh that's even better so we'll let the council speak I want to thank uh Janette and Regina for all the work I'm going to thank them now before we forget if we're face deep in cake so thank you for that and um we [Applause] will let's turn it over to the council here congratulations uh Chief antista um and the little over seven years I've known Chief um he showed nothing but professionalism class um an unbelievable work ethic and most importantly an unwavering dedication to the city and its residents so um I don't believe the city could have done a better job of picking our new Chief and I know that we're in great hands with him at the helm so congratulations [Applause] again congratulations Chief antista in the past two years that you've been the officer in charge I think it's almost two years to the month that you've done that you've remained steady and you may remained steadfast in your commitment not only to your officers but to the community and the city here as well uh your ability to stay the course good times and bad has has provided the the direction that this department well deserved and well needed many you folks may know my husband was a member of the Hackensack Police Department for 34 years so I always have that special place in my heart for our police department and our Police Department was always known as a police department of excellence and you are blessed Mike to have so many dedicated police officers here in service that are part of your department and we as a council recognize and appreciate that but they are the ones that are truly lucky because you've more than proven yourself over these past last few years and this council is so confident in your ability to continue leading and to show more and more progress and support for the city as you continue your career thank you for what you've done for us well [Applause] said I would like to congratulate you and your new position as police chief it's been a long time coming and I'm glad it's finally here congratulations and the best of all thank you jar so Michael with the last two years uh with you as OIC uh watched you closely we've all watched you closely um I want to thank director gretti for his involvement in this and his leadership I want to thank our uh city manager and I'll call him Chief tonight Chief Caruso an experienced police chief and police officer how many years 27 27 years wearing the uniform um you've got some great leadership here to help you all right you've got great leadership in this room that's a phone call away uh but in the two years I watched you you've come a long way and you the word I would use for you is steadfast you're stuck to the stuck on course uh moving forward um listen which is very important today and uh you maintain your composure through the whole thing I know there were some stressful times I could see it in your face looking at you all right but we're here and you are our new Chief so I'm really from the bottom of my heart it I'm so happy to call you Chief thank you [Music] bye time for cake so it's time for cake so we're all going to go downstairs for maybe a half hour then we'll shoot back up here in public comment uh because I want this to be about Mike tonight and uh just say 8 o' 8 o'clock all right 8 o'clock we're going to shoot back up here all right so everybody I'm sure just follow the crowd you'll find the Civic Center all right we'll be down there shortly thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e com motion yeah okay so we're going to resume the meeting so I need a motion to open to the public just you do want call first or no no we didn't offer second all in favor i i n oppose anybody from the public would like to come up please come up you will have three minutes nobody from the public okay this going to be quick yes motion to close offer second all in favor I I Stephie anything to say I just a congratulations again to to Chief antista we're just very happy he's here and it's a very lovely night and congratulations to him and his family thank you thank you got I'll Echo the same words it's wonderful that we have our new police chief and uh thanks to everyone who made tonight happen Allison Debbie the the police department for providing the cake and everything was lovely and uh we appreciate all the help that that was put in to make this happen have a great night everyone thank you thank you jar okay congratulations on our new police chief working very well in this new position everyone get home safe and God bless thank you um 14 years is a long time no Chief um wasn't easy we had four or five oic's in that interm period three directors three directors and uh it's been tough sailing but uh we finally got it right um I have a lot of faith in Michael um I want to really congratulate and thank the uh police Chiefs Association which you were the head of at one point 20 Okay so yeah 12 years ago yeah we didn't have a chief then either so that said these the Chiefs Association really wants everybody to have a chief right and they really could have put a lot of pressure on us but they saw the situ they they were watching what was going on they were watching and uh kudos to them for not pushing it and forcing a choice on us that probably you're could have been wrong um I want to thank and congratulate all the oic's because that's not an easy task to take on uh to take over a police department without being really a chief is not a uh pleasur pleasurable position to be put in but uh they did it and uh they got us to where we needed to be so I want to thank them they were all part of the stepping stone that got us uh to where we are today so really want to congratulate Michael um his comes from a great family his father was a fire chief in Rosell Park and uh they've been and his brother's a police chief here police officer here with us U now and uh so it's a family of service and uh we we appreciate that so no further do I wish every how about one more round of applause for Mike yes who does the Mike so let's uh let's all pray for Mike and uh wish him luck in his new uh Journey here as our police chief so with that any a motion to close the meeting offer second roll call hi HIC counc Carol hi hi okay good night everyone thanks for coming back those of you that did and we'll sit here for a few minutes if anyone wishes to speak with us we're happy to do so plus we have cake and there's still cake and coffee downstairs so please feel free to go down there anybody and eat there's a lot of stuff down there I might I might see you at the week because I always te