##VIDEO ID:LVeQMG3jjwM## in accordance with Section Five of the open public meetings act chapter 231 pl1 1975 notice of this meeting was posted on the bulletin board designed for that purpose and notice was transmitted to the official newspapers for provided by resolution adopted January 6 2024 a meeting notice has been continuously posted on the bar website may I have a roll call yes mayor council president Morgan here councilwoman Phillips here councilman oison here councilwoman Russo is absent but excuse councilman Pagan is absent but excused councilwoman Haron here and mayor thank you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge aliance to flag United States of America to the stands one naice please remain standing for a moment of silence thank you please be seated all right we have I'll open it now for public comment on agenda items only that's public comment on agenda items only like to make a comment regarding the agenda please step up to the microphone state your name an address for the record all right not seeing any public comment we'll close that portion of the meeting and move into the cus work session first up we have best practices inventory yes so um most of you will probably recall this was circulated about two weeks ago uh to everyone this is something that the state requires um all of these questions to be answered annually um we've answered enough questions in the affirmative to receive all state funding um you guys have a copy of it in front of you as well um if you have any questions it was completed by Mike and and myself um and it's been submitted to the state um In Time by the deadline all right uh any questions CL thank you next uh we'll talk about annual reorganization meeting which is going to be Saturday January 4th 2025 at 11:00 a.m. make sure everybody you know it's usually Saturday but we just want to you know get the dates we also have on the agenda the proposed 2025 council meeting dates we're following the same patterns that we have over the last couple of years with one meeting in August um in November meeting on a Monday in um in for the league of municipalities and then then on the primary and general elections we're meeting on the Wednesday following so those are always on Tuesday so we meet the Wednesday following and then I believe for National Night Out we are is it the Wednesday Wednesday instead of the Tuesday so that everybody can attend National Night Out perfect so those days I mean you know they're not finalized or anything but you know you have them there in your packet just want to anybody has any issues or concerns or want two meetings in August you know any of those things just let me know we can discuss it further we adopt those the first meeting in we do but I you know I circulate them so that everybody's aware thank you all right and so that takes care of proposed meeting dates and the only other one we have is the rfps for 2025 Professional Services which I believe you circulated as well yes so those are for all of the Professional Services um I I've circulate circulated all of that I mean we've added a lot of positions over the last couple of years because we've been doing a lot of different things um you wanted to take a look at it I don't know I would imagine we still need all of those services so everything is included in the packet um I just want to have uh Howard's office review the the paperwork Chris if you would I think I just need the Russia bellus maybe yeah they just yeah they go back and forth they went back and forth right so I I I think we're okay but if you can review make sure that we have the most up to-date um paperwork um and you know just take a look if we need to add anything change anything just let me know I'd really like to get it advertised um you know next week if possible with a due date back you know the first week in December so that we can open all of them summarize them in a spreadsheet and circulate them to you so you guys can make your uh determinations on who uh will be awarded the Professional Services contracts it wasn't on there okay I'll have to take a look at that if not we'll get it on there okay all right perfect that is it for the caucus work session items uh next we have the approval of the minutes of the October 15 2024 business meeting I have a motion to approve the minutes the October 15 2024 business meeting please motion by councilman Haron I have a second seconded by councilman Addison all those in favor I any opposer obain all right thank you next we have the approval of the executive session minutes of the October 15 2024 business meeting May I have a motion for the executive SE to approve the executive session minutes please Phillips now moved motion by councilman Phillips may have a second second by councilman Haron all those in favor I any opposed or obained thank you next we have the B Engineers report thank for much we submitted a report I only want to highlight one item uh there was a uh an Outreach meeting from the NJ do um attended by myself uh Kelly Michael and RJ from Public Works regarding the resurfacing of the White Horse Pike that will go through the entirety of our burrow it's actually going from uh Cooper Street and Camden all the way to Grove Street and this the one that's been on the books and we've been hearing about for four or five years they're getting closer and closer and that's why they had the Outreach meeting of concerns that we raised which we have raised over and over again is Storm SE and storm sewer inlets they can't make it worse than it is now by changing inlets and if not because if you go to the new uh version of the inlets it's less capacity into our pipes so they have to show us what they're doing is not going to make it any worse especially the intersection of the White Horse bikeing Station Avenue second trees I know the shade tree commission already walked with their Consulting k no changes that was already agreed with the shade tree commission uh the other one that was uh brought up two other points one uh we are an historic district they must recognize that there's no widening it's just regular resurfacing uh but we want our uh traffic equipment to be the uh anodized black very similar to the intersection uh that barington has in terms of any traffic standards push buttons and everything else to reflect our historic district and then then also we reiterated our request for a rapid flash Beacon uh crosswalk uh which is the push button everything flashes at Garden and the White Horse Pike and everybody knows that's where all the high school kids cross even though they're supposed to cross down the street down the street but they never will um and then we also reiterated there's also an existing crosswalk in in front of the medical office we want that retained as well um if uh they said well it's either or we said why can't we have both and we pushed it on there including our Le on with uh the do so I think we were very heavy in our requests Kell would you think we were pretty heavy in our requests that we really wanted to be listened to and we won all those items so we are going to get and also we said we want final plans in our hands before they go out the bid so we'll keep following up on these requests so I think overall I think the DOT representatives were very responsive had some push back from the dot consultant but I I think we're going in the right direction they say they start yes uh construction won't start until 26 and it won't be complet and it won't be completed till 28 wow yeah so but that's the whole stretch that's not just us that's the whole stretch all the way from Camden all the way up to through Grove Street which is the barington circle a long time but again we really need our improvements the way it is I don't I really don't think we're going to have too much disruption on our side there's going to be new curbing they haven't shown us where again it was a lot of discussion they had a lot of information they didn't share a lot of information it was only General schematics I don't want to get too much into just question yes yes they going to do crosswalk there or kind high visibility crosswalk and also we've requested U any uh uh at station also high visibility crosswalks which is the piano keys piano keys yep you know so we'll we'll see how our requests go and if we don't if they're not reflected in their final plans we're going to get right to the do and our lay on and our Representatives just one last question for you I know a few years ago uh when this project was being disced they came they came to us and least through historic and I think both historic and maybe through sh Tre your guys probably sh Tre as well but they solicited a bunch of recommendations and things that we were suggesting at that time you know if they still have those things or do we need to renew them those are things these are really the recommendations that we brought up to them historic you know black anodized uh fixtures not mess with our uh we understand that they can't make it better but they can't make it worse on us for storm waterer and then the crosswalks were the main main features uh do I don't believe are no are you talking about the Kings Highway project oh the trail I haven't heard anything I haven't seen the final plans for the trail along there yet no so yeah yeah the current version of the trail stops it's uh I'm not aware of too much on we don't have too many trees along our section but there will be some disruption and some trees right there in in the downtown that are going to be removed for the new trail location and the relocation that that is a future Side by understanding that on the trail and this this is jumping from the do to the trail project my understanding we're staying on the uh stanf Tower side and then we're going to be jumping over but I haven't seen anything but a schematic line I haven't seen any real plans on what they're doing on on the rest of the trail going out to barington yet well it it's not authorized for funding yet so soon as soon as somebody gets funding for that then I'm sure we'll see the design plans but there there's limited tree disruption for what's already going in up to Station Avenue from the uton side yep okay awesome thank you than right next we have moving into unfinished business we have public hearing and final adoption of ordinance 2024 1557 an ordinance of the bar of Haden Heights County of Camden New State of New Jersey creating a claimant certification exemption may have a motion to open the public hearing portion of ordinance 2024 1557 Phillips so Move Motion by councilman Phillips I have a second second byoun president Morgan all those in favor I the public hearing portion is now open for ordinance 2024 1557 if you'd like to make a public comment regarding this ordinance please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record not seeing any motion the public comment may have a motion to close the public hearing portion of ordinance 2024 1557 motion by councilman Haron may have a second second by councilman odison all those in favor I public heing portion is now closed they have now have a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 1557 ordinance of the bar of Haden Heights County of camon state of New Jersey creating a claimant certification exemption motion by councilman Addison may have a second seconded by council president Morgan may have a roll call vote yes council president Morgan yes councilwoman Phillips yes councilman aison yes councilwoman Haren yes thank you thank you next we'll move into new business we have introduction of ordinance 2024 1558 ordinance of the bar of Haden Heights amending chapter 432 entitled tree protection of the bar of Haden Heights ordinance regulating tree preservation removal and replanting public hearing and final adoption of ordinance 2024 1558 is scheduled for Monday November 18th 2024 at approximately 7:00 p.m. in the municipal building located here 6:25 station have Haden Heights New Jersey may have a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 1558 motion by councilman oison may I have a second seconded by council president Morgan all those or correction can I have a roll call please uh council president Morgan yes councilwoman Phillips yes councilman oison yes councilwoman Haron yes perfect thank you again reminder public hear public hearing and final adoption of ordinance 2024 1558 is scheduled for Monday November 18 2024 again the meeting is on a Monday not a Tuesday because of the league of municipalities next we have resolution 20242 200 resolution the bar of head of bmar resolution of the bar of belmare County of Cam state New Jersey authorizing a assured service agreement bu in between the bar of belmare in the bar of Haden Heights for the rental equipment Manpower from concrete asphalt emergency storm sewer repairs in Haden Heights believe that's resolution of the burrow of Haden Heights yep yeah that was I gu a little typo back and forth there next we have resolution 2024 20101 resolution authorizing a refund of a community center rental fee hurling resolution 2024 202 resolution authorizing a refund of a cabin rental fee B theana resolution 2024 203 resolution authorizing a refund of a cabin cabin rental fee pal resolution 2024 204 resolution to close escrow accounts and authorized refund of planning board escrow balance Davey resolution 2024 205 a resolution to close escro accounts and authorized refund of planning board escro balance Goff resolution 2024 206 resolution to cancel and receivable and appropriation balance in the grant fund NJ do 2021 Devon app Phase 2 Grant of $245 77 resolution 2024 207 resolution to cancel a receivable and appropriation balance to the grant fund NJ do 2020 Devon F Phase 2 Grant 15 for $1 15,33 56 resolution 2024 208 a resolution requesting the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the budget of the B of Haden Heights pursuant to njsa 48 col 487 chapter 159 pl1 1948 fiscal year 2024 NJ do Municipal Aid reconstruction conu of St Martin's AB phase 3 grant for $268,100 resolution requesting the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the budget of the B of Haden Heights pursuant to njsa 4a-4 d87 chapter 159 pl1 1948 fiscal year 2024 New Jersey EPA storm water assistance grant $155,000 next resolution 2024 210 a resolution requesting the insertion of a special item of Revenue the budget of bur of Haden Heights pursuant to njsa 4A 4- 87 CH 159 P 1948 fiscal year 2024 Municipal Alliance grant for $2,532 4211 resolution requesting the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the budget of bar Haden Heights pursuant to njsa 4a-4 d87 chapter 159 pl1 1948 fiscal year 2025 Municipal Alliance Grant $2,532 4212 resolution authorizing a shared service agreement by the between the B of Haden Heights the Haden Heights Board of Education the Haden Heights soccer club and the Haden Heights youth Athletics for third party services for grounds management Mowing and irrigation management resolution 2024 213 a resolution of the B of Haden Heights authorizing the award of contract for the Haden Heights RFP 20204 grounds Management program TLC Landscaping Company resolution 2024 the bar of Haden Heights authorizing the award of a contract for Haden Heights RFP 2024 irrigation system program the Central Jersey Landscaping Inc resolution 20245 resolution the bar of Haden Heights authorizing the award of a contract Haden Heights RFP 2024 lawn care services to for Seasons L Landscaping I have a motion for those resolutions please motion by councilwoman Harron may have a second Phillips second seconded by councilman Phillips may I have a roll call please yes mayor council president Morgan yes councilwoman Phillips yes councilman aison yes councilwoman Haron thank you thank you next we have resolution 2024 216 a resolution that b Haden Heights Camden County authorizing the execution of Redevelopment agreement pration AV LS LLC this was circulated a little late due to um trying to finalize the the draft agreements is everyone okay if we table this resolution the next meeting yes yeah that was outside of our control with the timing on getting the agreement so we're going to table resolution 2024 216 until our next meeting on Monday the 18th correct next we have resolution 2024 2117 a resolution authorizing payment of bills of claims for the first half of November and resolution 2024 218 a resolution providing for a meeting not open to the public in accordance with the provisions of NJ New Jersey open public meetings Act njsa 10 4-12 for one matter related to certain policies and procedures regarding bement leave second issue contract matter related to solar panel donation to the library and finally a third issue matter related to potential budget for senior social club discussions about expected to be about a half hour ination formal action may be taken on the forgoing matters following executive session I have a motion for those final two resolutions please motion by councilman Addison I have a second second by council president Morgan I have a roll call Vote Yes ma' May council president Morgan yes councilwoman Phillips yes councilman oison yes councilwoman Haron yes thank you thank you all right for executive session I'll open up public comment this is public comment on anything at all step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record steveo 1300 chestn place I just uh was wondering we with the resolution that just passed yesterday or the inquiry that just passed regarding alcohol had there been any decisions or thoughts made regarding what the plan is moving forward with that we we have not uh we saw the results obviously it was about a three to two uh vote margin so I think the next steps obviously would be for Council we begin to discuss what that ordinance would look like and how we would potentially craft it um I imagine we'll place that on a caucus session once or twice in the near future probably December January uh timeline for us to discuss it in detail and give the opportunity for any additional public comment on how we're to craft that in putting that res it's not really resolution in putting that inquiry out there uh was the goal was there a goal set or just was it really just trying to figure you know see what the public take temperature of the public I would say it was it was really you know we had discussed the matter previously and the ultimate opinion was you know for this since it's been 120 years we felt it only appropriate to really take the Pulse of the community um and see you know what did the public want and you know we would we would do their you know what was best for the public based on their wish and so okay so that's kind of where we're at I think they'll be we're definitely going to consult professionals obviously we're going to give an opportunity for additional public input because these ordinances obviously um they've been 120 years coming so that's you know we'll we'll take our time sounds good thank you awesome thank you thank you any public comment all right not saying any we'll uh recess into executive session uh I think we are right we're good we don't need Steve e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e motion by councilwoman Haren may I have a second second by councilman Addison all those in favor and uh we have one resolution to introduce and adopt uh it's going to be by title only right now it's going to be uh resolution 2024 219 and that's a motion to approve uh or to Grant four additional days of paid administrative leave for an employee I have a motion for that resolution please Phillips moved motion by councilman Phillips we have a second second seconded by council president Morgan all the we have a roll call vote I'm sorry council president Morgan yes councilwoman Phillips yes councilman oison yes councilwoman Haron thank you thank you not seeing any other business may I have a motion to adjourn Phil motion by councilwoman Phillips second by councilman Addison all those in favor I all right thank you all right what