##VIDEO ID:Pygettrw_wU## [Music] thank for your patience and now in uh accordance with Section Five open Public's meeting act chapter 231 P 1975 notice of this meeting was posted on the bullettin board designed for that purpose a notice was transmitted to the official newspapers provided by resolution adopted January 6 2024 meeting notice has also been continually posted on the bar website I I have a roll call yes mayor council president Morgan is absent councilwoman Phillips yes councilman odison Council Russo is absent councilman Pagan here and councilwoman Haren and mayor thank you thank you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America to The Republic stands na indivisible andice stand for a moment of silence thank you please be seated I'll next opening up for public comment on agenda items only not seeing anyone from the public close the public comment portion and we'll move into the caucus work session not seeing any items on caucus work session right we'll close caucus work session and we'll I'll ask for a motion to approve the minutes of the November 6 2024 work session may I have a motion for those minutes please motion by councilman aison second seconded by councilwoman Phillips all those in favor I any opposed or abstained abstain exstension by councilman n we're gonna table the approval of the executive session minutes and we're going to move into council member reports and I will start at this end of pagan councilman hiring a little bit of time um I'll just say at the the season is upon us in our holiday parade is next week and Kate has been busy like a little B planning and as have I so that's all I'm going to say for now all right thank you Council Pagan uh councilwoman Phillips thank you mayor um I'll give the fire department report and I'll let councilman Addison do the police report um the fire department incidents for the month of October were 32 calls in Haden Heights 32 calls in barington six calls to Mutual Aid three calls at the highway for a total of 73 calls of that there were five average firefighters per call and 42 career staff calls um so great work to our fire department as always um the mayor and I had an opportunity to meet with some of our County officials last week um it was a great meeting uh we went through a lot of the initiatives that the county has done for the burrow uh recently um I just wanted to highlight some things that I thought uh were very interesting and I'm I'm not sure if people are aware of all the services the county has to offer so um they're actually expanding their uh Community nutrition program they're opening a facility in Blackwood um they're expanding their meals service for the elderly um there's actually mobility and cleaning services for our elderly population um I believe she said there's only five people currently using the meal service five or six right so that's a great resource um that yeah that that would be great if our if our elderly population could could use that um there's also um a couple different programs that they're starting uh for mental health youth mental health there's something called um project save there's also something called the note program um I believe there's an art therapy that the county offered although it's in winds low but they're open to you know expanding that um so there's a lot to offer Ellen they're still offering fluent covid vaccines at no cost and they just started hepatitis C testing um and that's in belmare and they also have mobile services so I I found the health and the seniors programming to be really interesting and I encourage everyone to go to the website and if anyone has any questions they can reach out to me or to the mayor that's all I have thank you councilwoman Phillips councilman Addison [Music] on [Music] theen back to she concerned about IAL to been he said she he's getting better he said he would be she thought would be avail push back fur [Music] she's wow Tre with cdy two weeks agoes try to put rep she [Music] said she table [Music] and we had some uh good conversations with the county on that follow up yeah um might able to use some of their resources there's yeah some resources there and I believe believe we will we'll need to make them a formal committee uh in the new year and then um be able to leverage a partnership I think with the county so service in 11 [Music] right thank you Council manison councilman har as uh councilman P mentioned we've been working hard on coordinating everything for the parade next Friday I'm really excited about um everything kicking off 6 o'clock next Friday um kind of crazy that it is that soon um but we are coordinating with some of the local Scout groups um to put together a collection for the Fellowship United Food Pantry to kind of add to the positivity of the the parade I'm really excited about adding that to the festivities um also on November 2nd I participated in ribbon cutting at Ralph's Pizza um the winters family recently took over and um has stepped up the um re refinished and revived the back banquet space so um they did an opening that day it was a really lovely um Gathering and really excited to see a lot more business come to them through the the season that's it for me awesome wonderful thank you um going into the mayor report uh first to just Echo uh councilman Phillips in regards to our meeting with the county I thought it was um it was a really um successful meeting obviously the county has been doing a ton of work here with our roads uh between Kings Highway Station Avenue The Pedestrian improvements downtown here the ones also up in the uh uh blocks of first second third and fourth um as well as in and around the Dell um I'm sure I'm missing projects 13th ad which they helped us out with again um they have been a great partner to work with uh obviously we're still working with them when it comes to Kings Highway uh it's a project that's uh long overdue but uh they have been a great partner in and we're we're happy that we can bring some of those County tax dollars right back to the residents here in Haden Heights um more importantly though we started talking about uh all the the U opportunities uh through the health and human services and uh we're going to be trying to connect them with the school district on a couple initiatives um and hopefully there'll be some Partnerships there to continue to support um youth Wellness um especially mental health wellness and as well as connecting some of our seniors which is that was I think a huge thing was right and it kind of came perfect timing because we've been talking about the desire to to kind of initiate a Senior Services Program here in Haden Heights um through the work of the committee um that volunteer committee right now um so I think there's an opportunity here for us to kind of expand on this and do a partnership with the county um one interesting one was the Dell so they brought up the Dell is used for a lot of really cool events everybody's very you know loves going to the very popular summer concert series um but they were kicking around the idea of senior Concert Series right so a little bit earlier um Howard Howard Howard on bore with this idea I love it there you go anything earlier is good that's right they'd bust you in you'd be good so um and uh no but this is I think it's again they want to find new ways to utilize that space and I thought that was they were saying afternoon actually afternoon right so it would be afternoon and it's kind of Feature Feature uh price fix price fix feature some of the music you know that that the seniors would enjoy so uh I think there's a lot of opportunity here they want to strike up continued partnership and working with uh in putting this on so again was a really really productive meeting with that said looking forward to the holiday season holiday Parade's always a lot of fun um and I also want to bring to everybody's attention um I know we still got a little bit of a month to go before I'll have another meeting or two to remind everyone but uh this year Hanukkah falls on Christmas so the second night of Hanukkah which is the 26th of December we'll be doing our lighting of the manora out here which is a huge event every year we get a little bit more and people really love it it's a great Community event you do not have to be Jewish to attend it's a lot of fun and I will have caner Scott joining us once again who's he's just an awesome MC for the night so really cool also shop local I want to remind everybody and more importantly don't forget to donate there's three donate to the to there's three really cool organizations uh the food pantry right which uh councilwoman Heron just mentioned over at the Methodist Church right on Seventh and Garden right and they have a food pantry that helps families right here in Adan nights as well as surrounding communities um Haden Heights Good Neighbors which anybody looks looking to get in touch with them I believe uh Rita down at the in the police station can help direct people and get them in touch with had nights with neighbors but they are another organization that helps small you know families or small businesses here and with all different needs and they were tremendous throughout Co so I cannot uh Give Them Enough accolades and promote them and finally Interfaith caregivers of Haden is another great organization in this area it's uh based out of Haden field but again it focuses on Haden field Haden Township and Haden height uh another great organization around these holidays they just they do a lot of great and so don't forget this holiday season to not only think about your family and friends but those less your assistance with that that's all I have for the mayor's report um let's move into unfinished business the public hearing and final adoption of ordinance 2024 1558 the ordinance of the bar H amending chapter 432 entitled tree protection the B of hat Heights ordinance regulating tree preservation removal and planting I believe we were going to table this for revising the I have a motion to table this ordinance so Move Motion by councilman pagan seconded by councilman Addison may I have a roll call vote please yes mayor councilwoman Phillips yes councilman aison yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman Haron yes thank you all right thank you next we have previously tabled on 10 six work session resolution uh 2024 20 that's 116 isn't it it should be 116 yeah that's okay previously tabled 116 um resolution 2024 216 a resolution of bar of Haden Heights camon County authorizing the execution of a Redevelopment agreement with Station Avenue lofs LLC may I have a motion for this resolution please Phillips so moved motion by councilwoman Phillips may I have a second second seconded by councilwoman Haron may I have a roll call Vote Yes mayor councilwoman Phillips yes councilman odison yes councilwoman uh I'm sorry councilman ban yes councilwoman Haron yes thank you thank you all right next we have new business Bond ordinance 2024 1559 a bond ordinance authorizing the completion of various Capital Improvements in the bar of Haden Heights County of can New Jersey appropriating the sum of 300,000 therefore authorizing the issuance of General Obligations Bond or Bond anticipation note of Haden Heights County of Canon New Jersey in the aggre principal amount of up to 285,000 making certain determinations in covenants and authorizing certain related actions in connection with the foring I have a motion to introduce Bond ordinance 2024 1559 please so moved motion by councilman Pagan may I have a second seconded by councilman Harron I have a roll call vote please yes mayor councilwoman Phillips yes councilman odison yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman Haron thank you thank you public hearing final adoption of bond ordinance 2024 1559 scheduled for Tuesday December 3rd 2024 the municipal building location at 625 station next we have Bond introduction of bond ordinance 2024 1560 a bond ordinance authorizing the completion of various improvements for the sanitary sewer system in and for the burough of pen Heights c c County New Jersey appropriating the sum of 410,000 therefore authorizing the insurance of General obligation Bond or Bond anticipation notes in bar Haden Heights County of C New Jersey the aggre principal amount of up to 410,000 making certain determinations of Covenant and authorizing certain related actions in connection with the foregoing I have a motion to introduce this Bond ordinance please so moved motion by Pagan second Philip second second by councilman Phillips I have a roll call vote please yes mayor council uhom Phillips yes councilman oison yes councilman Bagan yes councilwoman Haren yes thank you um public hearing and final adoption of bond orance 2024 1560 is scheduled for Tuesday December 3rd 2024 approximately 7 p.m. here at the municipal building located at 6:25 station AV in Haden Heights New Jersey next we have ordinance 2024 1561 ordinance of the bar of Haden Heights authorizing execution of a 5-year Financial agreement with distinctive uh image and design LLC for 605 White Horse Pike block 35 block 27 may have a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 1561 so moved motion by councilman Pagan may have a second seconded by councilman Addison all those in favor or correction can I have a roll call vote please yes mayor councilwoman Phillips yes councilman nison yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman Haron yes public the car and final adoption of ordinance 2024 1561 is also scheduled for Tuesday December 3rd 2024 approximately 7M here Municipal Building located 625 Station app Aden Heights New Jersey next we have a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 1562 an ordinance of the B of Haden Heights authorize the execution of a 5year financial agreement for 712 Station Avenue block 51 lot 11 public he may have a motion to introduce 202 ordinance 2024 1562 so Move Motion by councilman Phillips may have a second second seconded by councilman Pagan may have a roll call vote please yes mayor councilwoman Phillips yes councilman odison yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman Haron yes thank you thank you uh again public hearing and final adoption aordance 2024 1562 is scheduled for Tuesday December 3rd 2024 approximately 7: p.m at the municipal building located at 625 station I've had in Heights New Jersey now I may have a motion to approve resolutions 2024 to 20 resolution authorizing a refund of cabin rental fee Olsen resolution 2024 221 resolution authorizing payment of bills and claims for the second half of November resolution 2 20242 222 second tongue twister I'm like I'm dying here um the resolution providing for a meeting not open to the public in accordance with the provisions of New Jersey open public meetings Act njsa 10 col 4-12 for one matter related to personel in the construction C Department two contract matters related to solar donation of the library three a matter of attorney client privilege discussions expect to be about a half hour in duration formal action may be taken on the foregoing matters following executive session I have a motion for those resolutions please so moved motion by councilman Pagan may have a second har second second by councilman Haron have a roll call Vote Yes councilwoman Phillips yes councilman erson councilman pan yes councilwoman Haron yes thank you I'll open it up for public comment on anything at all not seeing any we'll close public comment portion we'll recess into executive session e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right motion to come out of executive session so moved motion by councilman Pagan may I have a second second by councilman Phillips all those in favor I those abstained thank you uh coming out of executive session we have three resolutions to act on uh may have a motion to adopt resolution 2024 223 resolution authorizing a shared service agreement buing between the bur of Haden Heights the B straford for various electrical subcode official duties and responsibilities in accordance with njsa 4A col dash for 65-1 uh also um I see that there I got you those are the agreements right my fault so just the one resolution they have a motion to adopt resolution 2024 223 so moved motion by councilman Pagan may have a second second second by councilman Phillips May R call Vu yes may councilwoman Phillips yes councilman Addison yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman Haron yes thank you thank you and not seeing any other business to act on May I have a motion to adjourn uh motion by councilman nisy may have a second second second by Council pick on uh all those in favor I I any oppose or abstain thank you meetings a Jour thank you thank you tell James sorry if I scared him