##VIDEO ID:gSRYXY1g754## mayor 7 o' good evening in accordance with Section Five of the open public meetings act chapter 231 P 1975 notice of this meeting was posted on the bulletin board designed for that purpose and notice was transmitted to the official newspapers provided by resolution adopted January 6 2024 meeting notice has also been continually posted on the bar website may I have a roll call yes mayor council president Morgan here councilwoman Phillips here councilman erson here councilwoman Russo here councilman Pagan here councilwoman Haron here and mayor thank you yeah thank you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy justice for all please remain standing for just a moment of silence thank you please be seated I'll now open it up on public comment on agenda items only that's public comment on agenda items only so if something's on the agenda you'd like to make a comment on please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record not seeing any public comment on the agenda items we'll close that public comment portion we'll move into the caucus work session and this evening we have the GIF safety incentive program and we have Mr Henry here good evening everybody hello Mr Henry a few minutes of your time uh it's required as a member of the Canden GIF to have safety on the agenda at least once a year so what we typically do is put something together briefly uh regarding safety because the gif beli that safety program within the community is very important to keep a safe community so without further Ado you have copies I will go through this quickly if you have any questions after to related safety program please feel free uh you do have a Safety Committee Kelly's involved all your departments are involved that we meet quarterly and go over lots of things in a safety meeting and some of them will be included in here so our objective is going to be when oh I'm sorry I did didn't tell you the topic this year it's accident investigation which our objectives will be with accident investigation is when to conduct it understanding the steps involved determining the root cause which basically is the most important thing because if we don't determine why it happened it's bound to happen again and also complete a a report properly and make any changes that are required in the investigation you're going to want to document facts that are found the accident scene put corrective action in place immediately to prevent any more accidents uh if there is there's a lack of training caus that that we determine that uh we have lots of training everything imaginable is available through the GIF training for your employees we'll make that determination at the uh acent investigation committee and see that that person and anybody else that needs that training is taken care of uh we might determine that it was a lack of engineering device best thing I can give you an example is over the years we saw lots of back injuries for people in municipalities primarily lifting manhole covers there are devices that can do that to take the human element out of it so that's just one of the engineering devices but that can pertain to anything else some of your important plan highlights preservation is key call 911 if needed if the person is hurt seriously enough that's what we tell them first thing first preservation of evidence there's something in Insurance called subreg uh where the insurance company will pay out a claim they may determine that somebody else is responsible for it so there may be a defective product that we can hold on to that and see if there is any subreg involved uh we want a security accident scene gather information identify those corrective measures that I just spoke about and importantly who's going to receive the accident report uh it has to go to the right person who has the authority to make changes what we've seen over the years is uh reports are done given to somebody and they sit it's a waste of everybody's time and nothing gets done if they don't get into the right person's hands so you want to report your accident follow the procedures in the plan know who to report it to when to report it immediately is best the three-day window is the industry standard because studies prove that accidents that are taken care of within a three-day window the person gets medical attention quicker recovers quicker and goes back to work quicker so that three-day window is essential uh I mentioned who's going to conduct the accident someone in conduct the accident investigation of course someone in authority when you do have an accident that you're going to investigate you want to secure the scene uh keep in mind you don't have to investigate every accident because some of them are superficial uh simple enough common sense you can just take a look and know what you pretty much have to do accident investigations for it control the scene you don't want anybody into disrupt the area use some sort of a barriers to keep the area as it was when the accident occurred don't adjust or change the scene uh unless it's required to move somebody to a safer area as I mentioned earlier and basically do what you have to move do what you have to do to get somebody to a safe area if they are that seriously hurt uh there's going to be a lot of information gathering and then questions will be plentyful we're going to know one it we're going to want to know who was injured what caused the accident where it occurred when it occurred how it occurred and don't forget to question Witnesses if there are any and why which is the biggest question of all because as I said previously if we don't find out why it's B to happen again continuing on with information gathering uh I'll just hit a few of these bullets here take photographs everybody's got a camera on their phone so there's no reason to not have photographs of the area collect any items associated with the accident label and secure items you may need something for the insurance adjuster adjusting the claim so if you have something pertaining to the accident put that in a safe place identify your Witnesses and get written statements from those Witnesses it's important to get those statements as soon as possible while it's fresh in their mind and if it isn't documented it won't stand up in court and as we say to everybody in the industry documentation is your salvation so make sure it is documented uh lastly so what can we do to uh to help here are some corrective measures and tools you can purchase new tools and equipment if it is an engineering issue redesign your work area you'd be surprised to how many people wind up with ergonomics injuries simply because the area is not conducive to the work that they're doing uh improve housekeeping lots of slips trips and falls with poor housekeeping it's typically in Pia's top 10 a lot of things can be avoided if you just simply keep a clean working area add to existing signage can also be helpful remove broken equipment tools and improve lighting because once again uh slips stps and Falls do occur it's a number one leading cause of accidents typically in a workplace so if we can eliminate then we can have safer employees and Pay Less in claims so that concludes this year's topic if there's anything You' like to ask related to that order Safety Committee feel free if not I'll get out of your way council members any questions Mr Henry set okay appr thanks KY thank you Joe appreciate it uh next we have discussion on K9 donation bins councilwoman Phillips turn my microphone on um I don't know if the chief wants to come up for this okay so basically um with the new Haden Heights police foundation um there has been an exploration of different ways that fundraising could occur and I believe Captain kinkler um was looking into the use of these clothing bins um with a nonprofit I guess supporting company that basically they set up the bins in town we pick the locations um they pick up the clothing and shoe donations that are made by the residents of the community and then they provide the foundation with funding related to that pickup is that right correct okay and it's no cost to us no cost to us whatsoever so we picked several spots around town and basically they already they already gave us an idea where we'd be eligible for two spots in town one one being Devon AB the sports complex and then one would be at hofs Park like back near the cabin area they would come twice a week uh to pick everything up as far as anything that goes in in the bins keep it clean this is what they're telling me we we've looked into a few different companies this is just an idea that we came up with just looking for they pay minimum of $100 a month to 120 depending on how much is in the bins so that's that's pretty much guaranteed they said for two locations so we're looking at 2,400 bucks possibly a year for doing absolutely nothing um the picture on the front is basically what they would look like except we would put our own logo on it so it and it doesn't have to be we're still kind of fine-tuning this logo it doesn't have to be this logo um we can all get together and figure that out if this is something that we want to do we can definitely put anything we want on there and it displays it as the Barrow doesn't have to be the police foundation either I'm just we brought this up just because we we thought it was a good idea for you know for food for the dog for vet bills for anything if it's an extra $2,000 a year why not and if if they look if they look presentable if they're kept up if they empty them like they're saying they will um it's kind of a an easy no-brainer for for that anyway so um for the most part they did say we can't put them you know we can't put 20 of them up we're only good for two in the town so you know and they were the two spots that they told us so barington has one in their Municipal lot um I don't I don't believe it's this exact company I think theirs is like a a green one uh but other than that I mean they're they're really all over the place you just you know don't really even know hey Howard I got you sorry Howard's calling in so Howard's on we're good the chief's just presenting on the uh we're at the second caucus item Howard yeah so I mean other than that as far as the questions go like you know they they pretty much answer most of the questions if if anybody had anything on it uh you know we've talked to them several times this isn't we just pick this company I me we can look into other companies if there's somebody that's used somebody before that would feel more comfortable with them you know but this this company's been in business for looks like 10 years it says so um but yeah other than that that's all we're just thinking of other ways to besides the foundation's going very well already but just something else for putting a face and a name on there and I feel like most people either throw out clothing or they donate it to Goodwill which is then sold through Goodwill anyway so actually the way they presented it which I didn't even think about this but like as far as trash pickup so 70 pounds you're throwing out of clothes or what shoes anything like that is like you know that's going into the landfills when it can be people could be using it it's not all bad stuff so um that was just another thing that they they brought up but just something to think about so they have two they have two spots for how many bins well only one bin yeah this is this picture is just showing you know this is probably some big Supermarket or something where they can line them all up we're only we would only have one bin at at the cabin and then one bin down by the uh Devon ad so and if if we don't like them get rid of it's pretty pretty easy that way was this the top vendor that you guys found uh we we like I mean they were they were pretty responsive and we we called them right away they answered us you know any question we had they answered us within within the hour so it was pretty good that way so just you know let me know what you think if you want me to look into other we're definitely going to be looking into other ones if no matter what but um every two weeks they come pick up every no twice a week twice a week twice a week yeah yeah it's my biggest concern with these types of things is I've had to deal with some issues with them other matters but people putting stuff outside of outside of the I agree yeah and I'd be the first one to Callos to be corable being placed there either yeah that's my first thing I always I thought of it some of the stuff it doesn't look too good you know you show up and it's all laying outside of it because it's full right well that's where guys patrolling can keep an eye on that's what they said they said you know if there's ever an issue definitely Cs and you know yeah and if it's at Deon then like if there's kids around and they see stuff you know it's like people drop off like bags full of old ch toys or something like that yeah that's outside of the B and there's kids around de and they see some toys and they want to play with them that kind of stuff I think it's just yeah it's very important that I totally agree that was my number that was the one con really if there was any as far as you know it's nice seeing the money go to the foundation but that was probably the worst thing that I could find with you know all that and if they say if they say that they're going to keep up with it for two days a week that's where you know yeah we give them a chance and if not like I said they don't do it then we say get them off the property you know so I think easy easy access I think because like say you put it back behind the municipal building first of all no one could see it and just getting like to be able to pick it up right so I guess at the cabin they're thinking there's more people down there you know if there's people going in and out they say it as far as the baseball fields easy drop off but easy to pull in grab it and uh clean it up basically so empty them easy you know because they have them all over the place so yes well there we just have the the trash cans there's just trash cans outside outside the cabin towards the right side typically I would say you don't even want to near the dumpster because then you want then it becomes this because then people are like well I'll just leave it here and they'll figure it out one way or the other right it's something that you know if we do go with it I would definitely stay on top of it just because you know they're they're telling us that they're going to keep up with it so that would be that's about it well that's that's exactly it so you know we'll see how off this it might be great off the start and then they start declining then you got to wake them up a little bit you know so but all right all right thank you thanks Chief all right all right not seeing any other uh caucus work session items we'll move into the approval of the minutes of the July 16th 2024 business meeting may have a motion for the approval of the minutes of the July 16th 24 business meeting so moved motion by councilman Pagan may have a second Philips second seconded by councilman Phillips all those in favor I any opposed or abstained Russo an abstention by councilman Russo next may I have the approval of the executive session minutes of the July 16 2024 business meeting May I have a motion for the executive session minutes please oison motion motion by councilman oison may I have a second seconded by councilwoman Haron all those in favor I I any oos or abstained Russo uh an abstention by councilman Russo next we have the bar Engineers report Steve or Craig dynamic duo good evening everyone good evening uh we submit our written report just want to highlight a couple items uh construction projects the uh Haden Heights Road program Garden Street between first and second that's substantially complete we have a couple punch list items uh we'll be going through them in the next couple weeks the the other two roads in that same U program Maple and East High two blocks of East High that is out the bid currently uh bid opening is scheduled for August 27th so we're hoping to get favorable bids we'll have them back before the September meeting we'll be able to award that contract um in addition to that the next phase of do uh project fiscal year 23 second phase of St Martin's uh that that project is also out the bid currently and we're expect to have bids back for that on August 20th so uh hopefully we'll have favorable bids we'll be able to award that contract as well in September uh over to open space the fiscal year 23 lrig this is the all accessible playground equipment at hofs Park uh We've coordinated with the rec committee uh we finalized the design for the that playground equipment so we'll be working with the CFO uh to get that out to the uh through the state um contract to get that equipment uh ordered as soon as possible and uh second open space item is the 2019 multi-use um multi-use Trail this is the the remaining funds for the multi-use trail uh we we coordinate with the uh Rec committee as well as the burough CFO uh CFO put in a second request to the county open space committee for a multi-use trail um between the boys uh the Hy hhya major and minor leak connecting West Atlantic to hofs Park Trail by the cabin and that request was approved so we'll be able to move forward with uh putting a multiuse trail over in that area uh and lastly the Lake Street Pump Station emergency bypass uh project that is underway um Pro uh construction commen the week of July 31st the contractor hopes to have that wrapped up by the end of August weather permitting so sound great that's all I got unless there's any questions from Council Council no okay thank you everybody thank you all right next we'll move into unfinished business and not seeing any we'll move into new business we have ordinance 2024 1551 an ordinance of the bur of Haden Heights County of Camden New Jersey appropriating the sum of 12,500 for the capital Improvement fund for the purchase of an ambulance and stretcher per the cost sharing outlined in the Emergency Medical Services shared service agreement public hearing and final adoption of ordinance 2024 1551 is scheduled for Tuesday September 3rd 2024 at approximately 7 PM in the municipal building located at 625 station AB may I have a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 1551 please so moved motion by councilman Pagan may have a second second by councilwoman Phillips I have a roll call Vote Yes mayor council president Morgan yes councilwoman Phillips yes councilman oison yes councilwoman Russo yes councilman vagam yes councilwoman Haren yes thank you thank you and again public hearing and final adoption of that ordinance will be scheduled for our next meeting which is Tuesday September 3rd 2024 at approximately 7M here in the municipal building because we do not have a second meeting into August just to note that um resolutions next we have a number of resolutions resolution 2024 148 resolution approving active membership of Brandon Halloway in the Haden Heights barington Fire department resolution 2024 149 resolution requesting the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the budget of the bar of Haden Heights pursuant to njsa 48 487 chapter 159 P 1948 lean communities for 9,626 and77 cents resolution 2024 150 a resolution requesting the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the budget of the bar of Haden Heights pursuant to njsa 40a 487 chapter 159 PL 1948 dhts clicket or ticket Grant $7,000 next resolution 2024 151 a resolution requesting the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the budget the B of Haden Heights pursuant to NJ njsa 4A colon 487 chapter 159 PL 1948 fiscal year 2024 alcohol education Rehabilitation fund ewi Grant $2,265 resolution 2024 152 a resolution authorizing refund of Summer Recreation fee resolution 20243 a resolution authorizing St Rose of Lima school and church for the purpose of conducting an on premise monetary 50-50 raffle drawing bonfire September 27th 2024 resolution 202454 resolution amending the resolution 2024 31 resolution concerning appointments resolution 2024 1555 resolution appointing bar AR Tim fiser resolution 2024 1556 a resolution authorizing payment of bills and claims for the month of August and finally resolution 202 24157 a resolution providing for a meeting not open to the public in accordance with provisions of New Jersey open public meetings Act njsa 10 4-12 for one matters attorney client matter regarding housing issues and other related matters and two contract matter related to Redevelopment discussions uh discussions are expected to be about a half hour in duration formal action may be taken on the forging items following executive session I have a motion for those resolutions please so I moved motion by councilman Pagan may I have a second second seconded by councilwoman Russo may I have a roll call vote please yes mayor council president Morgan yes councilwoman Phillips um yes I just wanted to raise a minor issue with the typo I think in one of the resolutions it still says Steve dorsy instead of oh my God does it I'm Sor I'm sure assuming that is substituted yes I just wanted to raise the yeah we'll make that correction sorry about that no worries sorry think you're back um yes sorry my system fish it does yeah in the back no no in the back in the reservations that's it yeah that's an easy fix yeah okay no worries um sorry the roll call I interrupted the roll call it's okay um councilman aison yes councilwoman Russo yes councilman ban yes councilwoman Haron yes thank you thank you next we'll open it up for public comment this is public comment on anything at all please step up to the microphone state your name name and address for the record all right not seeing any public comment we will close the public comment portion we're going to recess um for our executive session so we just ask everyone to exit for our executive session with the exception of uh Emily you can hang for the Redevelopment one as well e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all s so moved motion by councilman Pagan may have a second second by councilman aison all those in favor I oppose or abstain all right and not seeing anything to act on correct so we'll uh have a motion to adjourn so moved motion by councilman Pagan a second seconded by councilwoman oh and can I just pause for one second is we didn't have any Council reports was there anything that anybody wanted to update anybody on General business because we don't have any else this month so okay I meant it I made a note and I piled it away okay sorry about that so we have a motion by councilman Pagan to adjourn the meeting and we have a second by councilman Haron all those in favor I oppos orain all right thank you good night guys [Music]