##VIDEO ID:y5fGq_ZOYNs## I'll see you together good morning I want to welcome everybody to today's Haden Heights Barrow annual reorganization can we please rise the salute to the flag pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America to the repic stands Nation God indivisible andice please remain standing for a moment of silence thank you please be seated so this meeting is being held in accordance with Section Five of the open public meetings act chapter 231 1975 a notice of this meeting was posted on the bulletin board designed for that purpose a notice was transmitted to the official newspapers on November 25th 2025 24 all good I want to welcome everybody here today uh this is uh always a great day to have um not only our dignitaries from the state uh federal government and uh County officials but more importantly all of our volunteers uh who make Haden height such a great community and we run on our volunteers so I cannot thank you enough for joining us here today uh to begin I want to just highlight a few of our dignitaries here specifically and that is um joining us today is Congressman Donald [Applause] Norcross assemblymen Bill mowen and Bill Spearman representing the fifth district I also want to welcome from the county uh our County Commissioner and director Luke Capelli County Commissioner Jeffrey Nash County Commissioner Jonathan [Applause] Young also want to just highlight we have our chief of police and chief of fire department here with us joining us once again as well as former councilwoman Kathy Lang again I want to thank all the people uh in this room from our professionals to our volunteers let's begin now with the O the oath of office uh which the first oath of office will be for Council councilman elect Christopher Morgan and we will have the honorable Congressman Donald Norcross swearing him [Music] in there you go let me see this one you guys want to join him somebody's goingon to need to hold the Bible and this I Christopher Morty do Solly swear do Solly swear that will support the Constitution that will support the constition of United States the United States and the constitution of state of New Jersey Conti State bear true faith will bear true faith and aliance is same and to the governments establish and to the governments establish in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do for excuse me I do for you do you Faithfully faithfully and partially and partially and justly and justly perform all duties perform all duties as M of C in the B ofen Heights height according to the best of Mind congratulations we get to keep them for few years thank you and now we will have taking the O of office uh council member elect Chad deore and this oath of office will be administered by man M does family want to come up Joy I state your name I Chad deore do solemly swear do solemnly swear that I'll support the Constitution that I'll support the Constitution of the United States of the United States the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will Faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties as a member of council as a member of Council in the bur of Haden Heights in the bur of hat Heights according to the best of my ability according to the best of my abilities help me God so help me God congratulations Chad go ahead and spin that name plate around there you go now it's now it's official um ke may I have a roll call yes mayor council councilman Morgan here councilwoman Phillips here counc man oton here councilwoman Haren here Council councilman de Mo here thank you thank you um before I make any comments I'd like to welcome our dignitaries who have joined us today to say a few words Congressman Norcross hopefully my voice hangs in there excuse first of all congratulations certainly to Ser your community John M say something greater than yourself it's certainly something that we all should take a look at because this democracy is here only because of what you do what you do each and every day we want to wish you a happy New Year I had the honor of being sworn in last night in Washington so that idea of being something greater than yourself that we together can take care of this country as I say yesterday was the end of politics today is about certain government we need to remember that as a country because that's not always the case but we commit ourself the way that you do each and every day this will continue to be the greatest country in world and improve so we have lots of D cares here today so we want to give them a chance but thank you for the invitation and again congratulations thank you assemblyman okay so our Senator always makes sure we do everything to fit together so that's why we're first of all I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year it's a pleasure and honor to be here with you all today congratulations on your win congratulations on a successful 2024 we look forward to serving you in the Fifth District whatever you need all you have to do is give us a call we are always available our offices are in barington Woodberry and Camden whatever you need we're here for for you we look forward to bringing you more resources uh good morning everyone I'm assembly Bill Mo and I just want to say Happy New Year to each and every one of you congratulate those who you sworn in today Echo the comments of the congressman the assemblyman and and the the other dignitaries that'll likely have the same kind of remarks today um one thing I'll just say um with the time I have I have the honor of serving as the chairman of the assembly tourism gaming and arts committee and um we really are on the precipice of two incredible years locally here um with the Navy and the Marine Corps 250th celebration on the Delaware River and then also in 2026 with the semiquincentennial of the nation the World Cup games that will be hosted in Philadelphia and then also the Major League Baseball All-Star game that's going to be in Philadelphia too and so when we're in Trenton we're going to be thinking about how we can uh ensure that our communities are supported as we're embracing that tourism that Economic Development opportunity that's going to come over the next two years um really this is going to be an exciting opportunity and it starts today you're going to have and so congratulations again and happy New [Applause] [Applause] Year thank you assemblyman and our County [Music] Commissioners so congratulations to Chris and Chad we wanted to be here today Jeff Nash and John because the excitement that's beenen happening in this town over the past couple years is really something I I can tell you I served on a governing body in C with for 12 years many years ago um and the excitement and Rejuvenation and everything happening in this town reminds me of cols with back then and it just seems like there's so much momentum here and it's all due to the leadership of the folks sitting up sitting up front here and this we just want to congratulate you we look forward to continuing to be your partner in government and um what has really been tremendous is is what has happened these days at the Dell um it's like second to the events there at the are just fantastic the of the events and I think it's worked out well for all the residents of Canon County but in particular the residents of height so anything we can do for you do not that congratulations on the great work you're doing and good luck this year thank you thank you thank you commissioner thank you again and I just want to First congratulate uh councilman Chad deamore on um being elected to the to the office of councilman and uh to council president or councilman uh Chris Morgan for joining our team once again uh the longest serving councilman up here to date um both both of those uh things are notable right uh Council councilman Morgan has served now for three terms this is the third term uh feels longer than that I'm sure right um and that's the truth because it's it's tireless work and so for him to to to step up and say I want to serve again um is so commendable because it is not an easy job um I once my wife once asked me when when I first ran for mayor how hard is this going to be I said it's like two meetings a month that's it um and and I I say it time and time again she is the only angry truly angry constituent in town so um but no um so again I cannot thank you enough for um for being a part of this team and leading this team for the the past two terms and for a third um and to our newest elected councilman um I can't say that we told you we were completely honest we do lie sometimes to recruit people and we tell them how easy the job is but uh no for you again to throw your name in hat so willingly to join this team and to bring all of your experience we're excited for what you have to offer for this great Community uh with your engineering background um I think we're going to do some great things we're going to continue um building on the infrastructure that we've already invested in here and uh I'm excited and I cannot thank you and especially your family for letting you do this uh this really is a team effort and uh echoing what many of our dignitaries said um we don't do this alone uh we have tremendous support from our Partners in the county from the fifth district um and from Congressman Norcross and the federal government they invest in Haden Heights they believe in Haden Heights um and it's through our Partnerships that we make great things happen more importantly we do this through all of our volunteers and you've heard me say this time and time again we took these two gentlemen uh volunteered to serve on Council but uh throughout the year and especially today we have members of this community our small community Step Up sacrifice their time their energy and volunteer to do great things whether it's being a coach or a little league team or on the soccer field or serving on a business advisory committee or the Board of Health all of these committees run on volunteers we couldn't do this alone um and I think what a fitting way to honor the late memory of President Jimmy Carter who championed volunteering both before and after his time as president so again thank all of you and I also want to thank our professionals some of my greatest mentors my time here uh starting with the gentleman to my left our solicitor har long as well as our engineer Steve Bach Craig riy some of our newest members Mike Mans dorfer and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few other professionals but we have a great team and um we don't do this alone and the credit is all really to you so for that thank you um and now I will uh turn it over to councilman Morgan if you'd like to say a few words yeah thank you mayor um yeah first I I would like to to thank a number of people first uh the dignitaries congressman Norcross uh assemblyman Spearman and Moen thank you very much for coming out today Commissioners the Capelli Nash and Young uh commissioner Capelli everything you said about the town I think is exactly right uh we've got a really positive thing going on and I think I think all of us up here do it as our responsibility to channel that energy to make it the most uh productive thing for our town that we could possibly do and uh we appreciate the County's partnership and guidance throughout uh this whole process thank you again for coming out today I know you guys have a ton of these things so we really appreciate you taking the time to stop here today uh next uh I have to thank my my wife Heather and my kids Joey and Lily uh their support you know we I think everybody up here everybody who Volunteers in town does it because they have a love for the town we come here this is a family oriented town we come here to to raise our children and have our families and live our lives and you you develop Roots whether you're from the town or not there's one of the things that's amazing to me and I love about the town is how many second third or even fourth generation families you see in this town people their kids they go off to go to college they come back here and that that says more about the town than just about anything else um I want to thank our employees Kelly our Bor clerk Mike Mans dorfer as as May or noted one of our newest members of the team and he's uh really stepped up huge uh Julie and Sophie both uh do a lot more than than a lot of people recognize uh our professionals Steve Craig you know they're Engineers Howard long uh a lot of times you know he's are esally when we're walking in the dark um you know Rita the Police Department chief Schneider and all of all of our our employees our fire department I'm glad we've got one of them up here now um so thanks to all of you this town you know as the mayor noted we run on volunteers the the the Skeleton Crew that we have is is so essential and we can't I can't over overstate how much uh they do for the town and how grateful we are for them um I'd also have to thank Mike Madden in the Haden height Democratic Club Laura Hal uh they were both they all work tirelessly to help us find good people to keep this governing body um as effective as it has been for the past uh however many years at this point um and they do they do great work and it's all it's know a lot of people say this job is thankless or board of education jobs are thankless those jobs are behind the scenes so nobody even knows what they do and so U it should be recognized and appreciated um I want to thank the mayor uh he and I have been working together for for five years now five years and uh it's been a very good and productive relationship obviously there's always you know with you know small town issues there's always going to be challenges but he and I have been able to work through them uh in a very productive and professional manner and I'm I'm very grateful for that the the other members up here on the day are are I can't say enough about them I could I would waste as I as I noted some of the D Diaries have other reorgs to go to so I won't I won't take too much take your time um telling each stories of each of these members and how great they are for the town but collectively know those stories are there and they're all they're all worth knowing just as all these people are great to know and they're great to work with so I I that was certainly one of the factors in me deciding to run again was I get to work with these people on a daily basis um and mostly Chad and his family he's got a young baby girl at home and uh the fact that he was a pleasure to run with um and I'm really looking forward to working with him he's he's got some big shoes to fill where we uh lost a councilwoman Kate Russo she did uh she's pursuing other interests but she was a critical member of this committee and uh she will be missed but I am confident that Chad is going to uh fit the bill admirably um that's uh that's all I wanted to say you know it's it's uh is you know you do wonder when you're running for these things and when you when you take this job because it does have ups and downs it can be hard at times but then you know you you spend like the holidays you know the past month or so you go to different functions in town whether it's a holiday party or different things and you you see these people that you've that have these same interests that you that they've come here for those same purposes they raised their family they've had kids they different Generations you know I don't want to say how much younger Chad is than I am it was rather scary when I and our kids are way different age you know my I got my son here he's a freshman in college and my daughter's a junior in high school Chad's got a five we old so it's a big it's a big difference in you know in in where we're at in our lives but I think we all recognize that we're all kind of on that same trajectory and we all want to make sure that we get from point A to point B and the people here you know I'm happy and proud to be part of making that possible in some small way I mean we all do it in our daily Endeavors but um I think this is a great Organization for providing that source that resource for everybody in town so thanks very much for coming out today [Applause] councilman deore thank you Chris uh firstly to begin by thanking Congressman Norcross for taking the time out here to be with us today especially with our assemblymen County Commissioners thank you all it's very encouraging to see the level of support that we receive uh both from the county both from the state level up above uh it's very encouraging as someone very new into this role into Council and into the political realm that uh you know we have that support from you guys the resources available that's you know it's definitely not something that we're embarking on alone but it's it's very encouraging and very helpful so definitely looking to lean on the experience of everybody here to help us out through this especially myself as I learned this role and as I look to see what I can do to help the town overall uh thank you all to the officers and members at nights fire company for coming out today especially Chief hailes your encouragement and support throughout the process of uh meeting side in the Run of council was very helpful appreciate you guys coming out Chief Snider with the police department as well too appreciate coming out definitely thank you to the hen Heights Democrat Club Mike mden as well too for a giving me the opportunity to run as a democrat in town and then be all the support that was shown throughout the process helping me navigate help me figure out how to go through and basically ending up here today so uh thank you to councilman Morgan as well too for all your help throughout and your advice while running uh your experience was fantastic to lean on to be able to learn from and be able to grow so definitely a good having that advice and having that wisdom coming into this process overall also like to thank my family especially my loving very patient wife with two young kids she has supported me in all my Endeavors from joining the fire department to begin with to now running for Council and uh hopefully we'll pause there for now so but uh she's always supported me throughout the process no matter what I've decided to do so definitely couldn't do it without her taking care of our family without being there for us and without all the support and love that she's had for us definitely been a huge help for all of us overall thank you to our professionals as well too Howard long definitely going to be asking you a lot of questions so be prepared you don't like his answers you can go to Regina our professionals as well too uh Steve Bach definitely look forward to working with you on the engineering committee uh as mentioned by lucelly we have some very exciting projects coming up very exciting times in this town ahead uh everything from the sewer infrastructure upgrade repairs all the engineering work throughout Town my predecessor Kate Russo i' like to thank as well too she laid a fantastic foundation gave me a very good overview of kind of where we're coming from where we're currently at and hopefully with the support of all the members up here on this dice as far as where we can take this town and where we can go so we can only do that with the support of everybody in this room whether it be helping us out whether it be encouragement whether it be advice whether it be your knowledge your expertise whatever it might be you know each contribution is significant and meaningful we definitely appreciate it and we wouldn't be here without the collective wisdom and support and efforts of everybody here today so overall that's all I have thank you thank you councilman uh our fellow council members any any words councilman odison uh good morning Happy New Year to everybody I'd just like to say a few words about uh Council uh president Chris Morgan he served two terms and six years on Council he now starts his third term uh he brings a special set of skills uh with financial analysis legal review integrity and just getting things done as council president he's overseen multiple shared service agreements Capital Improvements and sound fiscal policy I'm thrilled to have you back and look forward to working with you in 2005 uh Chad we always needed a fireman on Council and I'm glad you're here uh you've distinguished yourself as a volunteer firefighter and president of Haden Heights volunteer fire department uh your background and As A Firefighter in engineering will be an asset to the committee appointments it's great to have you here with as an energetic volunteer and uh on Council raising a young family I look forward to working with you in uh 2025 uh on the front for the year uh environmental commission we just got a a big Grant uh for Environmental Testing so we're going to look to uh get additional grants for putting that into Athletic Field space uh shade tree we're looking forward to getting grants to do uh a uh a tree inventory and continue planting trees thank you to all of our burough employees uh for all your hard work and service throughout the year uh we appreciate and thanks to our professionals and thanks for all the dignitaries who came today and I wish uh everybody a Happy New Year and we look forward to getting things done next year thanks councilman councilman har good councilwoman Phillips thank you mayor um I echo my fellow council members and the mayor um thank you everybody for being here thank you to our burrow staff our bur professionals volunteers um Public Safety for all you do every day to keep this burrow moving forward um councilman deore congratulations uh we're very grateful that you've decided to use your talents and your time to serve this community but I guess we're probably more grateful to your wife for allowing you to do that um I look forward to seeing all the great things that you'll accomplish here councilman Morgan I guess third times's the charm um a few a few things that come to mind when I think of councilman Morgan are hardworking dedicated honest thorough you keep us accountable um you're truly an anchor of this Council and of this town and we're grateful that you've decided although it may be crazy to run again for a third term and thank you to your family as well for allowing you to do that um it's it's great to sit beside you and accomplish everything we have uh my fellow council members who I'm lucky to call friends I look forward to continuing to progress and accomplish um more great things and I'm excited about everything we've accomplished so far so um happy New Year to everyone and let's get to work thank you councilman coun G Gina stole my thunder again so uh I'll keep it short um I'm excited for this year it's uh my third going in it so here's a cheers to what this year may bring let's do some good [Applause] work now open it up for public comment on agenda items like to make a comment I welcome you to the microphone all right not seeing any public comment I'll close that public comment portion not seeing any unfinished business we'll move into new business thank you the new business first we'll move with can I have a motion to appoint council member Christopher Morgan to the position of council president so Move Motion by councilwoman Phillips may have a second second second by councilman Pagan may I have a roll call vote please yes mayor council president Morgan yes councilwoman Phillips yes councilman aison yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman Haron yes councilman deori yes thank you next may I have a motion to approve the following directorship appointments for administration personal and intergovernmental member Regina Phillips director council president Christopher Morgan for finance budgets and grants council president Christopher Morgan director council member Tom ODS and council member Chad deore for public works department we have council member Chad deore director council member Matt Pagan and then for Public Safety police fire Municipal Court we have council member Regina Phillips director council member Tom odison and council member Chad deamore for construction and zoning department we have council president Christopher Morgan director council member Chad deore Parkson Recreation we have council member Kate Haron director council member Matthew Pon they have a motion for those directorships and appointments please motion by councilman Haron may have a second aison second seconded by councilman Addison may I have a roll call vote please mayor council president Morgan yes councilwoman Phillips yes councilman oison yes coun councilman Pagan yes councilwoman Haren yes councilman deor yes thank you next we'll move into our resolutions appointing some of our professionals and volunteers resolution 20251 resolution appointing bar solicitor Wade long wood and long LLC Howard long for one year resolution 20252 resolution appointing conflict bar solicitor the plat Law Group One Year resolution 20253 resolution appointing auditor for 2025 Bowman and Company One Year resolution 20254 resolution appointing Barrow Bond Council for 2025 Parker McKay One Year resolution 20255 res resolution appointing B Engineers Bach Associates and tnm Associates for one year resolution 20256 resolution appointing risk manager for 2025 hardenberg Insurance Group One Year resolution 20257 resolution appointing broker of records for health insurance for 2025 hardenberg Insurance Group One Year resolution 20258 resolution appointing licensed site remediation Professionals for 2025 T&M Associates Suburban Consulting Engineers One Year resolution 20259 resolution appointing B planners Bach Associates tnm ass and lfb land planning One Year resolution 20251 resolution appointing affordable housing solicitor the plat Law Group Stuart a plat One Year resolution 2025 resolution appointing affordable housing planner lfb land planning One Year resolution 20252 resolution appointing Redevelopment Council mey given Emily given for one year resolution 20253 resolution appointing Redevelopment planners penon Associates lfb land planning and tnm Associates for one year resolution 2025 14 resolution appointing the Haden Heights appointing Judith Shoemaker to the position of tax assessor resolution 20255 resolution authorizing Judith Shoemaker tax assessor to file tax appeals and assessors appeals on behalf of the buau have Haden Heights resolution 20256 resolution appointing Deputy clerk Julie ues resolution 20257 resolution appointing certified recycling professional John Jenkins One Year resolution 20258 resolution appointing special Law Enforcement Officers David Balman and Steven Graham resolution 20259 a resolution appointing tax search officer Eric Fitzgerald resolution 20252 resolution appointing zoning and code enforcement officer Brian Kelly resolution 2025 21 a resolution appointing bar Arbor Tim fiser resolution 2025 22 resolution appointing fund commissioner and alter to the cam County Municipal joint Insurance Fund Mike mansdorf and C council president Christopher Morgan resolution 2025 23 resolution designating delegates to the cam County Community Development block grant program mayor Zachary Hal and Kelly Soso resolution 20252 24 resolution appointing fire chief Joey hailes resolution 20252 resolution appointing members of the Hat Heights Fire department resolution 2025 26 resolution appointing fire inspectors for the Haden Heights Fire department Steve Mash Bena Jim RPO resolution 202527 resolution appointing chief of police to issue gun permits Chief Thomas Schneider resolution 202528 resolution appointing crossing guards for the had Heights Police Department resolution 2025 29 resolution appointing licensed collection systems operator C2 sewer licenses Martin finger resolution 20253 resolution designating a public agency compliance officer Kelly Soso resolution 20231 resolution appointing Captain Daniel kinkler to animal and Animal Control Officers Charles G to the position of Municipal Humane law enforcement officer resolution appointing emergency ma resolution 2025 32 resolution appointing Emergency Management coordinator Ben Wasa resolution 2025 33 a resolution appointing Deputy Emergency Management coordinators Jo Joey hailes resolution 2025 34 resolution concerning attached 2025 appointments which includes all of our volunteers and our committees may I have a motion to adopt the resolution 20251 through 20234 please so moved motion by councilman Pagan may I have a second seconded by councilman deore may I have a roll call vote please yes mayor council president Morgan yes councilwoman Phillips yes councilman oison yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman Haren councilman dorei yes thank you for all of those uh that are being appointed today could you please rise raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name do Sol me swear or firm that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the governments established in the United States stes and in this state in St under the authority of the people under the authority of people and that I will Faithfully partially and justly perform all the duties of the office of according to the best of my ability ACC to my abil so help me God so help me go congratulations and thank you for joining us [Applause] again next we have resolutions 2025 35 a resolution regarding rules of council for 2025 resolution 202536 resolution establishing 2025 council meeting dates resolution 20237 a resolution regarding interest rates for 2025 resolution 2025 38 resolution authorizing uh funding petty cash fund and naming a custodian for 2025 resolution 20239 resolution authorizing use of cash management plan for 2025 resolution 20254 resolution authorizing designation of a newspaper to receive notices of meetings as required under the open public meetings act resolution 2025 41 a resolution approving Barrow Haden Heights temporary budget Appropriations for 2025 resolution 20242 a resolution designating depositories of funds for various accounts of 2025 resolution 2025 43 resolution resolution authorizing utilization of State contract vendors resolution 2025 44 resolution authorizing the cancellation of small tax balances for the year 2024 resolution 20245 resolution authorizing the cancelling of small sore balances for the year 2024 resolution 20246 a resolution authorizing refund of tax overpayment 18 White Horse Pike block 24 lot five resolution 2025 47 resolution authorizing refund of tax overpayment 14 White Horse Pike block 24 Lot 4 resolution 2020 548 a resolution authorizing the budget appropriation transfers during the last two months the fiscal year for the bar of Haden Heights camman County New Jersey resolution 2025 49 a resolution authorizing agreement between the bar of Haden Heights and Phoenix advisers LLC independent registered Municipal advisors of records for the purpose of providing continuing disclosure agent services for 2025 may I have a motion for all of those resolutions please so Move Motion by councilman Phillips may I have a second second second by councilman Pagan may I have a roll call vote please yes mayor council president Morgan yes councilwoman Phillips yes councilman oison yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman Haron yes and councilman deore yes thank you uh I will now open up for public comment that's public comment on anything at all you please step up to the microphone all right not seeing any public comment may I have a motion to adjourn actually before we make a motion to adjourn because everyone's going to get up and run out of here uh I will welcome everybody to join us uh after the meeting back at Ralph's um in the back dining room for Refreshments after this meeting so again all of you are welcome uh please join myself and my peers here on Council uh may I now have a motion to adjourn the meeting oison motion motion by councilman oton I have a second second second by council president Morgan all those in favor I any opposed or obain thank you Happy New Year guys y left at um