##VIDEO ID:1OMB0RNTG-A## all right we'll call a meeting to order this meeting is being held in accordance with the uh Sunshine laws of the state of New Jersey chapter 145 by mayor and Council on the planning board for official notices notice of the meeting was posted on the burough bulletin board and the website for that purpose roll call Suzanne attendance Miss Bon Cory Mr Madden here Mr dulus here chairman Hansen here councilwoman Haren here Mr famular here Mr Shannon here Mr Schmidt here and Mr Phillips here we have a quorum flag salute everybody rise please I algi to the flag the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy justice for all all right we've got some quick administrative business before we get to our uh new new cases this evening first is approval of the September 19th 2024 minutes has everybody had a chance to review the minutes any questions comments so hearing none entertain a motion to uh approve the minutes so moved all in favor I any opposed any abstentions uh Mr Phillips and Mr Shannon stain and and Mr Officer famular they weren't here last month I don't think okay um case number or resolutions I'm sorry first one is uh case number 24-9 d1p that's James and Victor pelli 1017 Prospect Ridge Boulevard block 68 lot 14 that was bulk variance relief for a one-story Edition on a single family dwelling um has everybody that voted affirmatively had a chance to review the resolution any questions or comments on the resolution revisions Mr chairman we've had it reviewed by everyone involved and it is ready for vote thank you sir um would anybody like to make a motion to approve the resolution I'll make a motion to approve the resolution have a second I'll second any questions comments roll call Suzanne Miss bonac Cory yes Mr caucus yes chairman Hansen yes Council bman heren yes Mr Madden yes and Mr Schmidt yes guys have it case number 24- 9-2 P Sarah Allen that's 107 10th Avenue block 45 lot 17 that was an addition and an enclosure on a garage for living space I believe it was a used a d variance and C was there a c variance approval too yes okay um is everybody that voted yes had a chance to review the resolution Mr chairman everyone involved to send a chance to review the resolution is ready for review and approval seeing such entertain a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve the resolutions Mo a second I'll second any questions or comments on the motion seeing none roll call Suzanne Miss Bon Cory chair I mean Mr dulus yes chairman Hansen yes Mr Madden yes and Mr Schmidt yes uh the guys have next resolution is case number 24-9 d3p onara Property Management LLC 1500 Kings Highway block 30 lot one and that was for a a d variance for three uses within the property at 1500 Kings Highway Mr chairman this one of the uses main uses was a ballet studio along with storage and this resolution has been reviewed by all parties involved and is ready for board action looked like it had all the various conditions that we went over at last month's meeting so uh unless anybody has any objection I'll entertain a motion to approve the resolution second any questions or comments on the motion seeing none roll call please Susanne Miss Bon Cory yes Mr dulus yes chairman Hansen yes Mr Madden yes and Mr SCH schmi yes guys have it one last resolution and that's a Redevelopment plan for 3 22 White Horse Pike block 36 Lot 10 uh just the resolution submitted we need a motion was a resolution for uh consistency with the master plan determination I believe I move to approve the resolution for the re Redevelopment plan anybody like to second that second uh any questions or comments on the motion seeing none we'll entertain and entertain roll call I'm Sorry Miss Bon Cory yes councilwoman Haron yes Mr Madden yes uh chairman Hansen yes Mr dulus yes and Mr Schmidt yes guys have it um one more thing before we get to our two cases this evening uh we'll open the meeting up to the public at this point for for a comment on any matters that aren't related to a specific case on this evening's agenda come forward we'll have our solicitors where are you in doesn't appear anybody from the public like to participate we'll close public and uh go to go on to new business case first case this evening is case number 24-10 d1p and that's Christopher JY 424 4th Avenue block 35 Lot 12 and this is for uh C variance relief for an inground pool uh whoever wants to give whoever's going to give testimony come forward we'll have our solicitor swear in and we'll go through your H proposal down relax you're Christopher JY I am Mr JY please raise your right hand we're also gonna swear an our board professional Sten Bach do you both Sol me swear teson about to give us the truth whole truth and nothing but the truth all you got yes yes both there sworn for the record Mr chairman Mr chairman I've had an opportunity to review the notice publication with the board secretary and do find that the board has jurisdiction matter thank you Michael um perhaps maybe we go through Steve's review letter that'll give us an overview of the October review we did not actually okay next copy thank you can we give Mr jby a moment or two to read the letter and I can sort of go through it you want to give an overview of the project so please so the application is for an inground pool uh on 524 4th Avenue refer the board to our October uh review um we listed these uh U application materials that are submitted um we also note that uh the property is in the R2 residential Zone uh there's two new variances created by this and one recognition of an existing variance uh Mr Jery's application indicated uh both um a request for relief for maximum lock coverage 45.2% is proposed uh where 30% uh is limited in the R2 District existing coverage is 27% and then also it is noted there's an existing side guard u u uh non-conformity uh which we would recognize in the resolution for the existing primary structure then also there's relief required for the pool apron uh even though it is a patio it is in essence a a very large pool apron where six foot is being proposed where 10 feet is required from the from all property lines um I would like to note that the applicant has already uh submitted um um mitigating drainage um improvements there's a stone trench in a infiltration the uh different between U the runoff created by his existing I'm sorry the 30% allowable and his proposed 45.2% and that is to store the difference of stormw generated by the wood quality storm uh which I believe is a good mitigating factor in terms of relief for the uh uh proposed Lodge coverage varing and the sidey yard setback being so close to it'll it'll capture whatevers right and even though the pool apron is being proposed at 6 foot uh if you look at the actual plan it is part of a larger overall patio so the edge of the pool is not immediately adjacent to that sidey yard but the apron because it is a surrounding apron the patio uh is significantly uh pool looks like it's 16 17 feet and 16 feet uh right so I believe that's an appropriate uh consideration to be made in terms of granting that relief in terms of um and this maybe I can help Mr JY you had the opportunity to read any of these comments okay um these are typically done by the uh person preparing the plan right um uh Contour have to be shown on the plan uh the there's some calculation modifications for the Decorative Stone so this is basically what you need to have it reapproved for the compliance yes so if you're successful this evening um and the Bo grants your approval for these variances these are the conditions that would have to be done okay nothing in essence would change what is being proposed in terms of the footprint most of it has to do with maybe a little bit more Stone in the trench okay uh a little deeper of the stone in the trench not the top Decorative Stone but a little deeper in the stone in the trench to get the volume calculated that's provided okay um and then also some other notes to make sure when this grading plan is being uh uh built by the contractor that they cannot deviate from it they can't raise the pull up down move it around anything else like that so that's Ence what the items are okay in our letter okay thank you for explaining that thank you you're okay with complying with everything in the engineers letter they look like pretty uh this looks comments to me yeah yes looks like a good looks like a pretty nice design you already considered the the additional impervious surface which we like yeah the company we're using seems like very like we're very comfortable with them they seem to really know what they're doing they said they've done many in Haden Heights before so okay what which schol company swimmore yeah they're they've been here since they've been here many many times long time different engineering company but they following the same the same sort of Standards so uh with that I have nothing more to offer to the board any questions so very quickly Mr JY you're looking to keep the apron one of the reasons you need a variance is that you're extending back the patio is Mr Box said correct yes so you want to keep the same design and keep it in line with the existing the patio that that is there correct just sort of that long railroad kind of style right and you you have a uh I shouldn't say exceptionally narrow but more narrow property than the properties that are allowed to be zoned out there so you already have the pre-existing situation there and of course the lot coverage again you're looking to extend back a a designed patio to include the pool and that's that's why you that's why design is the way it is okay yes and also you're again going to comply with the October 11 letter by Bach Associates correct that uh and of course you have provided stormw uh stormw design that uh will assist in uh the lot covered correct yes Diva you okay with the pool equipment location well maybe that would be a question for the for the applicant um how close is your neighbor this is where the proposed pool equipment is going how close is your neighboring is it right here it would be right pretty much here yes um there are no in the rear the house is much further this is a driveway how how it's a double driveway here um Dean is you they have to comply with the state satured in terms of noise at 65 DB during the day and 50 DB uh in the evening um I really don't have a concern what about putting like a solid PVC fence around it just to maybe Shield a little bit of the noise help were your existing fence materials made of wood and it's a solid wood fence it's a solid wood fence and then then there's tree lining here as well it's I I really don't have a concern they're going to have to comply with the noise standards so make sure the Mr JY understands that during the day 65 DB which is probably less than my speaking voice right now at the property line must be maintained at all times and then at in the evening it actually drops down the 50 DB at the property line and this a state statute okay and 50 DB is probably your regular speaking voice right um You might want to consider for your own purposes talking with your pool company maybe to relocate it towards the back somewhere maybe away from anybody that may be concerned with the noise okay that's that's up to you uh but because the the noise requirement is a state statute so if you ever get a complaint is it much different than like an air conditioner unit it is it it's the same sort of standard as an air conditioner all air conditioning units typically are already rated for those sound properties when they come out of the box uh if you're comfortable with the pool equipment where it is you'll be able to maintain it and the your pool company says yep we're going to maintain the less than 50 I think you're probably comfortable okay we'll have that discussion do remember it does go above those deal levels be made to move it to the back yes somebody so that's point thank you besides the fence is there vegetation there as well there is like like shrub sort of large trees and how tall are those I would say 15 to 20 feet and quite wide but they're not going to measure on the adjacent property they'll come out when you you typically the complaints are handled by the health department and they come out with the saler it's right there at the property line so the the that's on your side of the property L right we'll get overhead Ma so that will help there's really nothing we can do to compel moving up I think I think what has been done is we we have uh provided that information to the applicant the applicant will have to comply anybody else got any any further questions you you informed your neighbor that you're putting this pool in yes we we've informed people some verbally but everyone has been sent a letter and we um we posted it in the uh Town Newspaper as well you have to do but sometimes it's just good to talk to the neighbor yes we're on good terms with our uh our direct neighbors and and they're aware and they're excited they want to come over for a party there'll be a gate on the fence yeah exactly Steve just for clarification trenching satisfies you with respect to the I I believe it is a mitigating factor that the board can use in uh determining whether uh uh uh the detriments have been offset by providing this storm water there's no requirement uh in our ordinance uh but this is the standard we have used many many times and as a mitigating factor to support the variance for the lock coverage I'm comfortable with calculations and I believe uh it's uh in my opinion it does mitigate the detriment of the additional lock C you don't have a concern with it going 30 whatever5 because we have yeah and and also uh the gring will be compant with our review we're we're comfortable okay he just has to dig it a little deeper you want the one and a half by one and a half to be the the clean Stone underc why you have to wrap the fabric correct so the Decorative Stone doesn't wash it just has the actual storage area of the trench has to be slightly larger uh little deeper um and that's in the review which is written here and the Decorative Stone can't be counted towards the volume I want to make sure he understood that it's not going to be excessively deeper so if the dective stone was one and a half inches the trench will be one and a half inches deeper 3 feet so it's it's like almost four inch of stone four in your full company want toly yes this we're talking about number four the Decorative Stone shall not be included in the storage calculations yes okay yes detail yeah3 ft the decorative tone so it's going to be 3 feet 4 in deeper in terms of the one the 3/4 inch to 1 and A2 inch clean Stone instead of being 1.2 ft deep in this portion that'll be 1.5 ft deep okay so we have to add 4 Ines at least okay anyone else got any questions or comments seeing none we open the the hearing up to the public if anybody wants to speak on this application come up we'll have you sworn in seeing none we'll close public bring it back for a potential motion Mike you want to govern a motion yes or the uh Leaf saw I'm sorry no problem okay again this is an application to construct a INR pool in the backyard it extends decking off the patio uh and uh so we're looking for both variances of course the existing uh Mac minimum lot size required to be 12,000 fet here we have 10,000 again that's an existing uh condition uh maximum lot coverage uh is the required amount is 30 uh the existing is 27 with the pool he takes it up to 45.2 again that uh that is a required B variant uh also there is a sidey yard uh B variance that's required 10 feet is the requirement and we're taking it down to six feet uh because the full decking that's extending to new patio again the patio already has the existing situation he's just running the line back again the arguments were that again this is a narrow lot to begin with but uh under C2 it does fit in with the idea of what zoning would would want to require for the uh for the area and he's also arguing that he is providing adequate storm water collection system to take care of the maximum lot coverage issues with regard to storm water and the application is ready for action and discussion anybody like to make a motion to accept or deny the application I'll make a motion to approve the application for the full fating you subject to Mr Box terms Mr Box anybody want a second I'll second any uh discussion on the motion coms questions comments seeing none uh m r will have a call please um Mr Madden yes Miss Bon Cory yes Mr dulus yes chairman Hansen yes Mr Shannon yes councilwoman heren yes Mr famular yes Mr Schmidt yes and Mr Phillips yes I have it you're approved good luck so we'll give the same Spiel that we give to everybody okay for these residential variances next month when we meet we'll do a resolution you heard us doing the resolutions from our last meeting so assuming we uh approve that resolution uh the notice of that decision will be published in the newspaper and te technically somebody could appeal this decision within 45 days of the publication of that decision seeing as hell nobody came out to to argue this evening I would say the likelihoods uh low but if you want to proceed with your project and get permits and everything prior to that appeal period expiring you'd be doing so at your own risk okay okay thank you yep thanks congratulations good luck take that with you and give your P yes we'll do thank you good luck luck okay second case this evening second and final case is uh case number 24-2 or 10-2 P Ivy Property Group 322 and 324 White Horse Pike block 36 Lots 10 and 11 for uh use and site plan uh if you recall this was the Redevelopment plan that we reviewed for master plan consistency last month there is a is a I was confused about that myself Mr chair no use variant to be clear before we start the application because this is a full sight plan if I can just go through complet this very quick quickly absolutely thank you so refer the board to our well if I can be sworn in we want to have all the professionals sworn in at this point do whatever you want uh you're going to be talking about this application just completing this all very very quickly let's go ahead and just take a finding uh we've reviewed the notice publication this matter we do find the board as jurisdiction with that there's a completeness item that we have to discuss swear and our our expert Mr Bach Mr Bach had to give us the truth old truth nothing Tru you got yes so I just want to go through the completeness October 11 2024 review uh we list the submitted items uh in our completeness re we have several items uh listed as waiver recommended for completeness only and also we have items that we have no objection for the waiver being granted in its entirety um if the board accepts my recommendations in terms of waiver for complet only and waivers for uh their entirety then the board can uh deem the application complete does anybody want to make a motion to uh deem the application complete uh conditionally upon the comments in Steve's letter I would imagine that's the right motion yes I'll make a motion to the app anybody want to second that roll call Susan sir Miss Bon corsy yes Mr Madden yes Mr dulus yes chairman hon yes Mr Shannon yes councilwoman Hearn yes Mr famular yes Mr Schmidt yes and Mr Phillips motion passes the application complete it looks like Mr deluka is here to represent the applicant Mr Hansen gentlemen I'm Damen deluka I'm with the law firm of deluka Lewis and Burr and I am the attorney for the applicant I have with me Chris morzinski who is the principal of the applicant which is Ivy Property Group LP and Anthony doosa who's our civil engineer uh I'll give an introduction first and then we can have them sworn and we'll get right into the testimony hopefully the presentation will be relatively brief it's a pretty straightforward application the property is known as 322 324 White Horse Pike it's block 36 Lots 10 and 11 you know it as the former Jefferson Bank buildings originally two separate houses connected many years ago and uses a bank for many years property's been vacant since approximately 2013 and Mr rosinski uh has agreed to buy the property uh and we're here tonight because we proposed to convert this property into five apartment units which is obviously a residential use and so we're here tonight uh for some approvals the history here is that this property these two lots uh which is operated as one property was designated as an area needed Redevelopment by the burrow in 2022 and in September of this year the borrow adopted a Redevelopment plan for these two lots alone I believe that plans dated September 11th and Leah Fury brw of the burough planner prepared that plan and that Redevelopment plan which is part of the Redevelopment process adopts a set of standards that are required for the this particular property and only this property and that Redevelopment plan which I'll just call the Redevelopment plan sets forth that the proposed apartment uses use is a permitted use it sets forth various standards size or bulk requirements design standards and based on Mr Box review in my review of the application we meet all those standards with with two potential uh exceptions one exception is that you have a provision in the Redevelopment plan that says all utility meters that that are outside will not be on either Frontage this is a corner lot we're on the Pike and East High Street on what I'll call the south side of the Pike and so we have two front yards uh we may need we're requesting relief from that because we don't know where all the exterior utility meters will be because that's determined by the utility psng in this case and they decide where they want to put where they want the meters to go so if you interpret that provision where it says not along either Street Frontage to include any area between the building and the street on High Street or the White Horse Pike and they tell us to put the meter there then we don't want to have to come back for Relief if that happens our preference would be that they not go there that they go well I'll say behind the building as you face the building from The Pike but that's not within the applicant's control so to be safe we're disclosing that that may happen and we seek relief uh for that reason the other the only other area or item in the Redevelopment plan that I know of that requires relief is for a trash enclosure these are going to be residential trash cans are going to be wheeled out to the street like you have at your homes and we're going to have them in one area looking at the plan that's on the screen uh which I I think I've marked exhibit A2 it's going to be on the left side of Mr will point out exactly where that's going to be up against the property line which has a solid fence it's going to be I think2 feet off the property line because that's where it belongs as Mr D Roa will explain in the Redevelopment plan it says that a trash enclosure has to be five feet off of the side and rear property line so uh he'll describe what that enclosure will look like we think we probably need relief for that because um we can't the reason it's not 5 feet off the line is because the curb for the existing parking lot would have to be removed uh there and so we put it and we thought was the most sensible place the least intrusive location so we seek that relief other than that we meet all the terms and conditions of the Redevelopment plan the Redevelopment plan states that the revitalization of this property is is critical to the Burrow's efforts to re to redevelop certain portions of the White Horse Pike and and we think that this plan that we propose furthers that goal Mr morzinski will tell you about the architectural improvements that we're proposing and Mr D Roa will talk more about the proposed site plan changes the approvals that we need uh are minor site plan approval we're changing the use so we require site plan approval but from a site plan perspective the changes are very limited we're going to take off the old drive-through canopy in the rear of the building we're going to take off a couple building features that you hear about in the front where they have the sign and a glass feature in the front and there's a few other changes to the site improvements mostly that are Landscaping related and we're also removing the the driveway that's closest to the building where the drive-through canopy is that's pretty much it for the site plan changes there's a little bit more detail that Mr doosa will provide so from a site plan perspective the plan is limited and of course as a planning board when you review a site plan application you're reviewing to determine if we comply with the ordinance or in this case the red development plan and as Mr Box's uh review letter confirms uh we do comply with that plan in its entirety other than the two what I think are minor items that I just outlined for you uh we have U well before I get to Mr Box's letter this is in the historic district U Mr marzinski appeared before the historic preservation committee and they had a favorable recommendation so to the extent the Board needs to provide or Grant historic approval we're here for that as well we did include that in our application in our notice we have Mr Box's letter dated October 11th with one which I think is a minor exception we have no objection to any of the recommendations in Steve's letter and we'll comply with all the conditions and recommendations set forth in that letter and we'll identify Mr D roa's testimony the one limited exception to that I have handed out a series of exhibits um I'll just identify those for the record first is an aial photograph showing you where the property is I know you all know where the property is but you could see on that aial our properties in the center uh and that's on the board as well U I'll talk loudly so the microphone picks me up the properties here in the center East High Street is to the right PES to the top ball fields to the bottom South if you will the adjacent properties are shown exhibit 82 which we also have on the board but I'd like to hand it out so that you can see it better is the site plan entitled minor site plan that Mr doosa prepared and I believe that's the plan that was was submitted with the application and that's the plan that's on the screen right now exhibit A3 is a site plan that our architect prepared it's got a little additional detail we'll probably use tonight as well uh just to help illustrate what we're proposing exhibit four is one page of building elevations Mr Box letter correctly points out that our original application didn't include elevations for or all four sides which is a requirement in the Redevelopment plan and this is an elevation of all four sides and Mr morzinski will give you an overview of that elevation then our final exhibit is exhibit A5 which is three pages and those are architectural Flor plants uh so if you don't have any questions for me I'll ask Mr morzinski and Mr doosa to step forward and be sworn and then I'm G to have Anthony provide some testimony followed by Mr morzinski providing some brief testimony as well I [Music] do yes thank you uh the only correction that Mr mosinski had for you so far uh is that uh the Redevelopment plan allows there's 's an existing freestanding sign roughly at the corner and we propose to replace the sign panel with the new sign panel on the existing base and uh we neglected to include that in our exhibits I have the handout I don't know if Suzanne has that to put up on the screen or not if not we're GNA have to make do the best we can as far as we know we'll provide testimony on this the sign complies entirely with the Redevelopment plan as to the size and the letter height but Mr Bach hasn't seen it uh so we'll try to establish in testimony that we comply and don't need any relief and we'll show you generally what that looks like I apologize for that not having that exhibit so unless anyone has any questions I'm GNA ask Mr doosa to step forward and Anthony if you want you could take the microphone and uh we can share it and you can use your boards as you see fit thank you Mr you've been qualified so we'll get right into it did your office prepare the site plan that's exhibit A1 yes we did and you're famil with this property in the surrounding area correct uh let's start by you just getting a brief review of the proposed changes to the site okay uh I just want to take one quick step back Damien did a great job identifying the property took up half of my testimony so I'll make this quick one thing I do want to point out because it'll come up later in some of the testimony is this existing building has Frontage on the White Horse Pike all of the access is on East High Street there's currently three access points there's a driveway which would uh be more towards the north if you were to exit the drive what used to be the drive-thru tellers uh there's a wider driveway which uh would lead to the existing parking area and then at the furthest south point of the lot there's a third entrance which would Loop you all the way around to where that uh drive-thru area used to be so with that said um that's the one piece of the existing part that we did not mention uh now as far as what we propose to do first and foremost we're going to remove the carport drive-thru area uh if anybody has been by the site in the last probably even five years you would notice that that's dilapidated falling down that is not going to be part of the proposal and addition there's a series of columns in the front of the building those will be removed uh to allow better view of the the building the roof and take away really a an unnecessary I believe it probably held the sign of the existing or the previous bank so that'll be removed a as well as there's a lot of overgrowth in vegetation it's very hard to see even unless unless you walk the site but there are sidewalks that come from the entrances from the porches and they Traverse around the entire property they're overgrown with a lot of vegetation that'll all be removed so the aspects of this site plan are removing some vegetation that is overgrown not necessary a couple minor building modifications and then one of the other major um portions which be closing this entrance uh where that old drive-thru was this entrance will be closed off the uh concrete apron will be removed uh a majority of this asphalt area will be ripped up and replanted as grass and some Landscaping to really um utilize the two lower entrances because for this application three entrances are just not uh necessary and um it would also help bring down some impervious surface area uh are we proposing any Landscaping changes we we do have some minor Landscaping changes uh bless you we have some new Landscaping in the front where those where I had mentioned the columns will be removed there'll be some Landscaping uh in that area there will be some Landscaping along existing curved islands that are within the parking field as well as uh some of the overgrowth that is along the property line and the rear property line will be kind of trimmed back any invasive species will be removed to allow the existing Hedges that are there to uh mature and grow there's also some overgrowth on the side facing uh High Street that'll be removed accordingly but for the most part uh we're going to look to you know plant where uh only only where necessary that there the existing vegetation doesn't fully cover is it correct that the site is not currently irrigated that is correct and we don't propose to change that correct we do not now Mr Vach made a comment about Street trees can you show the board generally in Mr V where we propos to add Street trees along High Street please yes uh because Street trees generally are in the grass strip that go between the concrete walk and the concrete curb uh we are proposing actually to put them behind the curb I'm sorry I misspoke behind the sidewalk the reason being is there's electrical wires and utility poles that are in that grass strip so any tree that you would put there would immediately as it grows grow right into the wires and uh have to be limed and it would it would has a much better uh useful life if we put it behind the curb okay I'm sorry sidewalk thank you I mentioned that we had one exception to the comments in Mr Box's letter uh and I want to talk about that briefly on page 12 comment number 11 states that they recommend a row of evergreen shrub to be added to the rear property adjacent to Lot 23 can you show everybody where that area is Mr D yes that area is this along the southern rear property line next to the ball field it would be between the existing uh pave Drive aisle and the fence for the ball field we propose not to do that correct correct uh existing there is a vegetated um drive or I'm sorry curved Island right behind that which as you look at the plan all the car parking would be in this parking field this is all vegetated so any lights headlights from the Cars would already be mitigated by that existing vegetation so there's no need to have a double row of vegetation but other than that we comply with all the conditions in com recommendations in the letter yes we will are we proposing any changes to the site lighting uh as far as the location we are not the existing light poles and the electric that is run to those poles that'll all be utilized if a pole needs to be repainted they'll be maintained and repainted we are proposing new fixtures and we'll work with the engineers office to accommodate those fixtures but the actual location of the poles around the parking area will remain the same now Mr D were you present to my introductory comments yes were they factually accurate for the rest of your knowledge yes I want to talk about the the variance that I mentioned for the trash enclosure setback can you show everybody where we propos to put this trash enclosure and what it will look like so the trash enclosure is proposed to be along the western property line um and at you can see there's existing vegetation all along that line then we're proposing our trash enclosure uh with the idea that this is this would be the furthest spot that is out of sight of any neighbors uh anybody uh out of the view from the White Horse Pike it would be out of the view from the other side of High Street and as well as the ne even The Neighbor Next Door because there exists a six foot high privacy fence already so the proposed trash enclosure will have its own fence the property line fence vegetation on one side and basically the building on the third side shielding it the only difference would be the opening to which the residents would be able to uh utilize the trash cans will the building materials for that enclosure be compatible with the buildings uh I I believe you meant the the fence well whatever's going to close yes what the trash enclosure to consist of the the trash enclosure will you know have a wood fence around it uh a gate that can be closed to hold back all of the trash cans so that they're not loose onto the parking field and the wood material of the trash enclosure will match you know the existing shaker style uh siding that's on the building is it correct that what's the proposed setback for that trash enclosure uh the proposed setback is right up against the existing uh wooden privacy fence which is about point2 feet why isn't it 5et as required under the Redevelopment plan uh if we were to push it out to five feet then it would go into uh this drive aisle here which is not going to be utilized but there is going to be a series of sidewalks along the back of the building so that trash enclosure would go into this the sidewalk area so by pushing it back it allows for better circulation around the building okay I want to talk about the sign can you show everybody where the existing preing sign is on the site A1 uh it is in the corner where High Street intersects the uh White Horse Pike and do you have anything by chance showing that sign uh it is shown on the landscape plan but I don't have a board of that okay so can you describe the changes sign or propos sure uh existing right now is a square uh masonry stone foundation for a monument sign what we're proposing to do is uh put a sign within that uh Monument structure that would comply with all the ordinance regulations so we SE correct micone no okay no it's important um when we met I didn't have the sign yet and so they asked that when I did have it I come back just to show them that's correct I have to go back with the final window schedule um and I would go back with that as well um this is a I marked at A6 is this the sign that you propos correct yep I only have one copy so I'm hand it around I apologize for that it was in yeah the issue is what's not what's not really clear is that is that stone base is actually stone wall and there's plantings on either side of the sign so if I may to assist uh don't need the microphone the uh on the last page of our letter is actually a picture of the existing platform my understanding confirm U that the existing sign is internally eliminated my understanding that the sign is externally eliminated from the ground is is the sign itself to be replaced so if you look at what Mr Bach is talking about the only thing that's going to remain is the base that sign that's there today the whole case is coming out it's a backlit sign the Redevelopment agreement specifies there are no backlit signs this will be a you know what you are more typical of seeing along the pipe it'll be a new sign but no variance no no [Music] variance Stone yes correct sign will go in the area with a light on each side and a plan or not plan they a plan or not plan corre sorry oh yeah well right that's all the questions I have for Mr D Roa there may be a few followup Mr B is there anything else want us to cover I so um yeah we did provide a spons everybody I'm list some testimony from Mr to try to see if I get some clarifications sure um in terms of clarification uh you already agreed everything in there can you show the board the amount of Drive AIS that's going to be removed just on the exhibit sure so the drive a the exist drive a that there's only this limitation only allowing have two drive two curved CS um on the on the road they're taking away the curve cut if you can see on the exhibit maybe you mark that exhibit that I believe it's part of the pad Demian so you show where the existing drive through Drive AIS is going be removed yes so the the aisle that's being removed is in this area as you can see uh this hatched area here would be the new planted grass once the apron gets removed um we would also plant a strip of grass and Landscaping where the asphalt was however some of the asphalt will remain just can I correct you because Mr Bach and I spoke about so sorry that's fine um this will be removed in its entirety the asphalt and then Mr Bach and I discussed putting back fresh concrete sidewalk that would allow as Mr D Ro said earlier access to the units on the ground floor so there'll be a sidewalk access into a unit grass and Landscaping in between another access point more grass and then as Mr D roza said this area would be grass which is as today and then the a so Mr rinsky in essence the drive aisle for looking believe that's North is up yes so the northern drive a yeah yes the actual Curve will be uh uh uh press Curve will remove new curve get R of the concrete apron and then you will come and take that drive AIS all the way to the Center Drive that's right correct you see here see here's new veget new grass yep uh as to uh the street trees uh I have no objection to the street trees being plac on your property would you provide an easement for those Street trees yes right and then you'll you'll uh go to the uh shade tree commission and you'll have to get their approval of that scenario where you're going to be planting the street trees in an East vent behind the Sid Y in terms of the Landscaping um Mr R Ro and this goes into another comment also there's a little bit of an inconsistency between the landscaping and the architecturals you are proposing a patio uh a paper patio uh where in essence the the Jefferson Bank Arch was yes right so that is a new patio that is not an addition that is that is not an elevated addition with walls or anything else but it's a paper patio for the for the residents that's correct um in the definition of in our ordinance that would be considered a structure uh no additions meaning no structures at all are permitted uh from the front of the building out to uh the streets that we're going to need relief for that um and also there's going to be some modifications so the landscape plan to accommodate that but just for consistency with our ordinance I believe we should have that as Rel that that that ATR patio paper patio uh would Rel because it's considered an accessory structure considered going be attach but that's our definition of structure so U and that's really on page six of 13 that's item number c so I believe that relief is perfectly uh testimony uh storage space required for all tenants will be provided yes yes it'll be provided on either side in the basement including bike storage arital consist Redevelopment yes the trash closure is that sh some sort of wood wood close you know completely closed yeah I would assume when we repaint the building we'll paint the structure the same the U lighting that's going to be provided I know I'm going all over the place the lighting that's going to Beed is going to be the decorative streetcap lighting LED fixtures that are consistent with our down street as required by plan yes I'm sorry those lights are in the in the parking lot correct and and those see see they they go off at certain time at night or not they we have no requirements for uh we have require from dust Dawn I believe they would stay on in their entirety they have existing a St lights pied in the photos right in our report they're going to replace that with the same sort of LED Street State lights that we have uh and I believe they would probably stay on from D of presidential comp commercial St down um the Landscaping of the existing news at the area our comment was that we wanted U Evergreen Landscaping at the property line adjacent to the ball field um if those use are not viable once you trim them back you'll see some of the photos there but you will agree to have an evergreen uh an evergreen at least uh 30 in the entirety of that existing planner at the end of the day yes I believe that's good there's an ad and if they can uh rehabilitate those existing use and infill we necessary to make sure the perpendicular parking space in the headl there does not shine out towards uh the Atlant Avenue [Music] okay it would go through there's nothing there in the ball field so all we're trying to do is trying to eliminate headlight there for anybody that's traveling or anybody on the other side I don't know the other side please anybody that's driving uh along Atlantic and that's um I did not bring this up in my review because I assum I can't find any note of it um it appears that going to be Consolidated based on what was ex provided you have two lots I'm surprised not yeah I don't where is lot to White no no yeah yes it's going right through the stru yeah we have I I I just want to avoid having to do any cross easements or cross access or anything else if there's no objection way do that instead of having to worry about cross parking cross access and um I know that you provided a response here but you will comply with all aspects of the portal housing requirements correct yes what that is sure one so one of the five units will be a two-bedroom moderate income affordable unit and it'll be this one here it'll be this unit here here Unit C Clos to correct yeah closest to High Street I'm not sure that [Music] mic I can talk louder okay sorry you want me to say it again no okay and then that's only the clarifications and that was the testimony that I asked for an our riew the agreed to comply with all the other uh review comments that's all I and Steve eled ttim I was ask sorry that's okay that really the only other thing I was going to ask if you could go to the elevations just give everyone a quick overview of what you're going to do to the outside of the building to improve sure uh can everybody hear me I think we're all familiar with the building um as has been said a couple times the drive-thru in the back will be torn off so that'll be gone in the front The Columns and what was ass sign are going to be torn off um the glass block that's there is going to be demolished and removed and a new new facade will be put in the back will be painted and the window will be put in um existing mandoor will stay uh this is after obviously the drivethru is taken down the metal standing seam roof will stay it cleaned up and repaired new roof new shingle roof where there's currently shingle roof repairs made to the wood and then rep no the back is actually Block it's not it's not and the info where the glass block is existing is that yes is it going to be like wood clapboard or yeah today the the bottom is a woodboard in the top shapes so it'll be consistent with the Bott right but this be consistent with the existing materials the other two structure correct and that's what we spoke to HBC about and then you're replacing Windows as well some yeah some of them but ideally not all some of them are fine but some right so when we talked to the HBC we agreed to come back and tell them which ones were being replaced and which you replacing them in in wood or in vyl um ideally we'll do them in wood but again some of them like there's a couple locations in the back that we might do vinyl just based on some conditions but the majority of and again HPC asked that we confirm our final count can we talk a little bit about the electrical vehicle charging no sorry the um the meters the meters so I'm looking at this building and I don't see overhead wires going to the building and typically they go to and then down the siding and then you have meters is this is this building are these buildings fed from underground it is it comes in from High Street right so where would so the meters could be anywhere at this point so the meters today are inside the building right and from my experience on recent similar projects when we put in new meters they'll be outside and and PSC and G will likely ask that they be on either High Street or if I can convince them around the back of the building on that side because it comes in off a high Street they power to that right I understand that but it's it's but a meter is just it's just be located anywhere on the building right I mean it's just a matter of it's not up to me though I don't care where they go I I'd give you a real life example I'm doing a project right now we have one meter inside we're gonna have three units when all is said and done psng is requiring The Meters be on the exterior along it's a corner property as well not in hen Heights and the meters will be on the outside I have no I've tried they have to read them I get that but the point is is they actually well goad if it's coming in off the off of high can it just be around the corner in the in the corner on the back side I have no I want to be clear with the board I have no object I prefer them in the back it's not my it's not my call at the end of the day we're screen absolutely there'll be I mean there'll be shrubs in front of them now we'll see them just may require that they not B the white right now they development says not on any front have fres which is you hold your line say absolutely not but you wouldn't mind if necessary High Street with the understanding that the app will ende to have in the we'll ask for sure yeah they wouldn't have to come back you're to the request I believe is is allow the electri meters and gas meters to be on High Street Frontage but not on the white I don't I don't believe I don't believe as long as they have Frontage I don't believe they can require to be on the you're providing them a location for meters on E stre we is what I understand is that acceptable yes how many meters will there be five or six house it'll be a meter it'll be probably three over three like a meter bank and if I had to guess based on my experience it'll be sorry it'll be right here and it'll be screen there's existing shrubs there now no no one will ever know so this is relieved for gas weers [Music] yes they're in inside in the the building the building you're demolishing maybe you can bring up the arrow then point out the items that you're taking off yeah you're right that's fair so this this is not enclosed but yes this whole structure will be will be gone the existing buildings the porches the center thing all stay the same in terms of interior foot interor so the arch and the rear drive-thru canop be iness are what's being removed from the structure that's right correct yeah basically where this where that sign is today in that area privac exactly that's exactly is there there's basements in the two original historic buildings is there a basement in the center section now there's a cross space so each each side is accessed from you know the side okay and tenants won't have access to the basement they will no they will will that's the laundry will be no laundry will be on each have own laundry the basement only storage for the what's one behind this year yeah we had so when we were working on the plan we had the Redevelopment plan we had a number of different conversations originally about keeping all of it open and agreed at the end of the day that there would only be two and Mr Bach actually asked for some additional which we agreed to which was you know removing this um we candidly were trying to minimize the amount of disturbance and the amount of changes and this we thought was a happy medium that you know Mr that's kind yeah so the U main drive my understanding confirm maybe Mr Roa the main Drive is a two-way drive and that would actually go through and they could go in and go all the way to the end the circulation is actually M you point that out again yeah I mean the circulation is two-way that way and and how right well to so when the bank was open it was one way like this and then this is two-way what I plan to do is have it enter and then exit just to make the flow so that way it's not a deadend drive there's not a parking spot aren't trying to back all the way up they escape you going to repay parking lot or not uh we'll repair it and re SE and restripe it okay um over here there is some area that'll be completely changed but it'll be sealed and and restriped yep and your plan had a the location of any handicap spots yes there's a there's a spot right here there's actually a ramp as Mr D Roa said there's significant overgrown vegetation but there is an existing ramp too which will be compant the trash up from Street correct 10 total two for each you know Recycling and a trash for each agreed as one of the conditions in our review to give us a report on uh track recycling closure little detail of how it all fits that's one of the items in our no I don't have anything to summarize again minor site plan with the relief that's been identified together with whatever historic approval is required we have no objections to the conditions stated here I have some notes if I hear anything different I I'll pipe up as you uh get the summary and if you your notes you can supply them to me as well sure okay so Mr chairman we have a application for adap zerty is to be a resal building five apartment units one being affordable for moderate income family uh the uh there are various uh they were agreed to of course the October 11 letter was all agreed to testimony from I don't want to say The Advocates attorney but he did a really nice presentation at the beginning which was then confirmed by the engineer and applicant uh again former Jon Bank building uh there's an issue with the meters to make sure that they are possible theity putting in a position that they're not something that has seen the street another issue the trash en closure again normally have to be certain location move back the curve where the parking lot is uh the applicant will as approval present a trash and recycle plan to uh the board professionals they apply uh the uh and then of course Landscaping in the back where the uh current uh Landscaping there s buffer for the ball field that has be augmented and parking lot likes not go ball field uh of course there is a VAR for the front patio area structure there again we heard about sign A6 is the new sign we had one packages the HPC there is Storage on the site for bikesure housing um requirements in street street trees wires other side and they'll provide an easement for the street trees they'll provide an easement for the street trees and seek uh approval from the shade tree commission who has to approve it because it's it's their jurisdiction so Mr Herbert uh just all conditions in the bo letter except for uh the Evergreen uh row of Evergreens adjacent to the ball field 1 it there you go the the only other conditions that I noted that may not have been covered was we're going to paint the trash enclosure to match the building y we're going to consolidate the two tax Lots uh and the street skate lighting the lighting fixtures in the parking lot will be consistent with the prescribed fix fixtures that's probably one of the comments in your letter Steve but if not that would be a separate it's in the Redevelopment plan and that was all I had that wasn't already covered I yes I believe we have uh trash enclosure setback potentially location of utility meters the location of a structure in the front yard which is the onr patio that's proposed correct a thank you if if you want to include me in that loop after you guys are done sure we have to take a look at it I will make a I'll make a motion to approve with all the conditions that were spelled out by Mr Herbert Mr Hansen Mr Bach DOA and anybody else speak anybody else I will make that motion [Music] Mr Madden Miss bonac Cory Mr dulus yes chairman Hansen yes Mr Shannon yes councilwoman herin Mr famular yes Mr Schmidt yes and Mr Phillips great thanks everybody appreciate it thank you thank you everybody good good [Music] [Music] I told you [Laughter] the light's nice and green isn't it yeah but I don't [Music] think it's it's it's showing that it's on but it's actually not [Music] connected the uh it's there a indicator on there every time you hit it it's flashing [Music] right thank you there