##VIDEO ID:34NtrP7PBkM## okay welcome to the December 2024 meeting of the Haden Heights planning board this meeting is being held in accordance with the sunshine laws of the state of New Jersey chapter 145 by mayor and Council and the planning board for official notices notice of this meeting was posted on the borough bulletin board and the bur's website for that purpose uh can I have a roll call Suzanne sure Miss Bon Cory here Mr Madden here chairman Hansen here um Mr Schmidt here and miss borcher here we have a quorum everybody please rise to lose the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay before we start with our business this evening I just announced that the uh application 24-12 d1p that's Michael Moda at 198th Avenue which is a block 40 Lot 19 was scheduled to be heard this evening but uh their their notice to the newspaper and the 200 foot list was found to be deficient because they didn't advertise for a use variant so they're going to have to Reen notice and uh come in when that's all square away potentially in January so if you're here for that case this evening it's not going to be heard um one other quick change to the uh oh we got to do the minutes too but uh we'll get approval of the uh first thing on the agenda is approval of the November 14th 2024 minutes everybody had a chance to review the minutes any uh questions or revisions that anybody saw with the minutes see none entertaining motion to approve I'll move to approve all in favor I I opposed any extensions Kate will obstain obviously she wasn't on the um we have we have a new member this evening Kate bouer I say I got the last name right okay um Kate uh joining us this month uh can we uh swear her in of United States and theti of the state of New Jersey of St and I will true faith and the government esta in the United States states [Music] and that I willfully partially and all the of the office of the understand you'll be giv your uh full life story later on the agenda as an introduction to the board we don't have any resolutions tonight because we didn't have any uh we didn't have any cases last month uh we'll open the meeting to the public or uh comments not related to any specific case so if you're just here for anything that's not related to one of our cases this even come forward we'll have the solicitor SAR in seeing none we'll close public comment there um we're just going to have one uh one change to the order of the agenda tonight uh Mr MCN has got a professional involved so we'll accommodate him first so that Marty can be on his way uh so the first case this evening will be 24-12 d3p Justin MCN 521 guy Drive clock 77 about 12 and uh Mr MCN you want to come forward with with Marty we'll have you guys swor in you just Ro raise your right hand do you affirm that the SE you're about to give will be the truth truth nothing the truth I do I do and Mr uh Mr Irving is it uh true that you've been appeared before this board numerous times as a professional we recognize Marty as a uh as an expert he's been before the board several times thank you good evening and happy holidays everyone we're here tonight for a b variant at 521 gu drive at the intersection of 12 Avenue and gu Drive the applicant is proposing a second story addition over an area that was formerly a two car garage and a small one story Edition in the rear of the home approximately 17 ft by a we Fe um given the nature of the fact that this is a corner lot we are Zone it was required to have a rear yard set back which would be in this area behind the home um but of course the existing home has already encroached into that rear yard setback and therefore we require a variance for this new addition normally on a corner lot we'll find ordinances that have two front yards and two side yards but in this case in this Zone it does require are and there both variants um really really that that simple it's very small impact to to the ground plane itself and uh the uh the home the architectural character of the home really doesn't change a portion of the home is already two stories so they're just really filling in uh this area here over top the existing two story ofes there so we fit in with the architectural character blend in the existing home uh and the neighborhood we we don't exce the coverage uh impervious coverage for once so we don't require a grading plan or you know it's less than 500 square ft of disturbance and uh the the general nature of the of the drainage on the property is is down Direction and altit got or drive so the the small add would have no negative impact of neigh any water would would find its way down around Bas on the existing down and out on to gu Drive Mr Box Office had a couple comments and I can go through my letter with the permission of the chair Mr just confirm the height you're going to be under 35 ft yes it's 29 ft to the ridge thank you um and just just so we have it on the record the the entirety of the garage has con been converted to living space or a portion of the garage so uh previously that ground level of the garage garage door was shut when I was there surveying and so I assumed it was a garage um turns out at some point in the past a partition wall was put up so the ground floor of garage is half it his living space and half it storage access through those garage doors so I just want to um I want to keep it on the record um as a partial garage because I do not want to abandon a uh pre-existing non-conforming use so if we can keep it that the partial garage Still Remains and that way you you keep that that vesting uh of having the ability because that's not permitted in the zone uh we have uh provided a December 12 2024 review U Mr rving just answered the questions uh the both variants that we're looking for as Mr Irving put on the record 20.8 ft uh where 50 foot is required in the zone uh Mr Irving uh you would and your applicant agrees uh directing all downspouts that are created from this uh addition away from ad chasing properties and providing Sil beds around the area disturbance yes we agree I have nothing forther any questions or comments word members seeing none we'll open the uh this part we'll open into the public for any public comment on this application anyone wishing to speak come forward see a none closed public comment you want to uh summarize the potential approval yep hold on one one second before we start I don't think that exhibit was part of our application package that I have so we should have it marked a one okay okay and just to just to confirm Marty is qualified in professional planning and Landscape architecture I believe as license Mr Irving how would you describe this this is simply the colored version of what we submitted the zoning plan okay okay so the property is block 77 Lot 12 521 G Drive in R2 residential zone property of 12,000 about 12,000 ft with an exicting to residential buing and attached garage for driveway three sh Improvement the applicant take full FAL to construct a second story to to the attached garage um and in addition on the rear of the dwelling um there are two non-conformities but they so they only need one new bulk variances which as Mr Urban testified is a re yard setback minimum 50 ft required or 2.8 ft permitted currently 30 only 17.7 ft there it's only a little bit of a different that's existing um for the standard is what we normally talk about the positive negative criteria for a few1 hard hardship Peri which can be established where particular andal practical difficulties to exist or exceptional and undar to exist based on exceptional narrow shap property exic for physical featur property or the extraordinary and exceptional situations uniquely affected in specific property or structures on property we also have to make sure weing of the negative criteria app must established to priance him gred without a substantial detriment to the public good will not substantially impair the intent and so of so as Mr B also mentioned there' be two conditions of approval which would be the down away from the of properties and the s that construction um as Mr Irving put some testimony on the record um that house is already infringing on that that required setback so it really isn't that much of a difference from it's already there um so and a corner lot and it's a corner L anybody like to uh thank you anybody like to make a motion to approve or disapprove the application I'll second any questions or comments on the motion seeing none roll call Suzanne sure um Mr Madden yes Miss Bon Cory yes chairman Hansen yes Mr Schmidt yes and Miss Kate Boucher yes motion passes uh projects approved I'll just give everybody the same Spiel after they get bulk variance relief is that when we have our next meeting we'll do a resolution that memorializes all the conditions and basically memorializes your approval and then the notice of that decision will go in the paper and within once that's published in the paper then within 45 days somebody could theoretically appeal the decision that was made here this evening seeing that nobody was here to object I think that's probably highly unlikely but if you want to go forward with your project you'd be proceeding at your own risk until that appeal period's lapsed so want to go see Suzanne for your permits and you're good to go I think oh okay you locked out sorry we tried to move it along as fast as we can we failed as usual kidding I think we're doing okay doing better than most okay next case so we'll we'll do wise next okay next cas case is case number 24-12 4p as Georgia Melinda wise 1533 Oak Avenue block 104 lot5 come forward we'll have our uh we'll have our solicitor swear anybody in is going to give testimony both come forward we'll have you both come forward sir we'll have you sworn in and then we'll have you tell us about your project Mr wise yes and what's your Michael Hampton you please V for your right hand do you affirm that testimony to give believe the truth truth nothing but the truth thank you so if you want you can just go and tell us about the project you're asking for well we have a oh I'm sorry actually chairman it's it's customary for us to have uh our professionals give their qualifications to the board if they haven't previously appeared before the board uh you legis architect in the state of New Jersey no just AR designer okay okay okay that's that's fine but if you were a professional we just have to get your qualifications and have you sworn as a witness because there's a different standard okay you guys proceed thank you sorry about that it's okay just procedural thing my wife and I are both artists we've been in town here about 40 years and well know creative types and uh I'm getting long the to I'm pushing 80 so I would like to have this where my wife and I can have a little bit more room to work and quality garage that my neighbors don't have to be ashamed of and um that's about where it's at thank you pretty straightforward we'll have Mr bacho through his a review letter and then we'll open it up to the board for any questions or comments any refer the board and everyone our December 11 2024 review again as uh Mr rise put on there uh on the record he is looking to replace a garage with a slightly larger Garage in essence in the same location um the uh property is in the R5 residential Zone we have listed on page two of our review uh the bulk standards and how the applicant um has uh how the application uh compares to the requirements uh note three existing uh non-conformities uh in terms of front side and aggregate side they're going to be remain unchanged in essence we're here for a maximum lock coverage variance uh of 59.8% uh existing lock coverage is 58% and it seems to be uh uh that same lock cage for a good number of years uh based on review of historical areals uh we do have a few um review comments um one if the applicant confirmed that the proposed garage will not exceed 16 foot in height that J is Rise that's correct perfect um that the uh uh you you indicated in the app and you didn't apply for any accessor use setback uh uh bulk variances so you're going to comply with the requirement for the 5 ft off the property line yes and the and the rear of the side and the rear um all proposed downspouts uh be and be directed away from adjacent properties and you'll install Sil fence um in the uh uh area where you're um doing any grading our driveway is our house actually sits on a hill pretty steep driveway so I mean we're going to aim the gutters or whatever we have to do and just if you're disturbing any ground during the construction have Sil fence to capture any silt run off on the downstream uh in essence that's um and the last part of our review is the applicant will not be disturbing more than 500 sare ft so lock rating review will not be required I have nothing further any uh questions or comments from the board uh seeing none will open up to the public anybody from the public here to speak on this application come forward we the solicitors s in seeing none we'll close public comment another C variance Alexis yeah another SE variance so this one is for lock 104 lock 15 1533 Avenue which is in R 625 lot with existing one one and one half residential going driveway detach garage patio cant which was subject to previous approval um which permitted the lock of so the applicant tonight take both VAR approval to replace the existing attach garage box larger garage um and therefore need a bulk Vari for lot coverage um is 50 uh 59.5 598 59.8 yes so just slightly larger than there um the standards are the same thing we just talked about positive negative 3 TI um again as we talked about it is a smaller lot he's already had approval for something that was just about the same or about percentage and a half bigger than what's already there any motion also have the two conditions of approval that Mr the away from thejason Pro and Sil fencing during construction and the height would have to be yes would have to be 15 which would have to be one and in support of the variance obviously the board can consider uh the long-standing goal of the Barrow to have detached uh garages set further back into the property and that that also goes to why the existing appropr coverage is already at 50 8% um and they're just slightly expanding that with the in essence a rebuild of the garage but just a a a few feet wider yeah same that couple feet wider yes anybody like to make a motion I'll make a motion to approve the application with the stipulations that were um in the bo letter any questions or comments on the motion none roll 12 call Miss Bon Cory yes Mr Madden yes chairman Hansen yes Mr Schmid yes and Miss borcher congratulation approve heard this the spel about the appeal period I won't go through that again in sake of brevity but uh if you proceed before the 45 Day Day appeal period ends is at your own risk thank you Merry Christmas Merry Christmas thank you thanks okay we've got one last case this evening know we made you wait a long time but uh it'll be case number 24-12 d2p that's Andre and Joseph brombach 1932 Sycamore Street Lock 147 lot for come forward if you're both gonna speak um I we'll we'll have you both for yeah why not so can you please both read your right hand do you swear or affirm that the Tes about to give away the church chur nothing but the church yes welcome this even tell us about your project is it okay if we sit absolutely thank you so much how are you good um so we uh want to make our kitchen bigger in effect so we bought this house probably 12 years ago and it was just us now we have three boys who are aged 10 seven and seven and my wife has no interest in being in our kitchen with me and the other three boys all looking to get something while she's trying to do whatever it is she wants to do in the kitchen so we're going for a bigger kitchen we're also then adding a screened in porch off the back to stay in line with the kitchen addition and then we're taking away a covered patio and building a mud room and covering the front porch I think that is all the things pretty much looks like what's depicted on the plan U maybe we'll go through Steve you want go through your letter on this one so uh December 11 2024 review the property's located in the R5 residential Zone uh the uh B standard analysis is provided on page 204 uh we have U several uh existing non-conformities for uh side adjacent to lot five side yard adjacent to lot three an aggregate side uh one story one story because uh they're extending the the home just along those same side yards uh would uh create a uh new non-conformity but it does it's not exceeding what currently exists in terms of the plane of their step backs are the same it's just an expansion of just going back so we have to uh account for those variances uh the other Varan that's required is a lock coverage variance 30% is allowed uh in the zone existing is 35.9 and the uh applicant is proposing 42.195 Dimension to the front porch um did you got a copy of my letter yes it's 17 feet 6 in 17 feet 6 in would be the new the for so we have it at 17 ft so we'll we'll make it see you have a few inches to uh accommodate so the other variant um uh is a front yard setback of 17 being proposed 17 where 25 ft is required um um and that is going to be a covered front porch yeah there's already an existing like 6 8 inch high slab it's two steps up to the concrete slab that's there and it has a RW iron railing around so like a stoop and actually you're doing a covered porch yeah it's already like a it's already a big big stoop we're just GNA and again that's one of uh one of the Aesthetics that is one of the goals and objectives that put out in uh by previous Master plans of covered porches so as a um a factor in in terms of mitigating that variance relief uh the other item is this is going to be over 500 square feet uh approximately a th000 square feet of uh disturbance so a grading plan will be required and uh we also as we have traditionally with all of the applications uh we're going to request for Mitigation Of The impervious coverage uh that uh the applicants install a storm water infiltration system that is just a difference of what is permitted and what you're exceeding for the variance um have you talked to Suzanne or anybody about that or any questions you have for us um I think we to get someone to come out and look at the property and then they would give using plan there yes uh and Suzanne has several uh examples or of if you don't have your own professional but Suzanne has several examples of people that successfully have gone through this process in down and and could provide that type of information not trying to direct you anybody but just trying to give you some examples and then our office is always available for any questions and they would do like the grading and they would do the grading and they would do the storm water and T typically the storm water is a a pre-manufactured uh F FRP or plastic uh dry well perforated dry well just buried in the ground uh little Stone around it and then you pipe out some of your down spouts though it so it's not going to be a big concrete Vault or anything else like that but what this ISS is the difference in the water quality storm which is the least calculated storm by the D that typically has the sil and sediment and and those type of things so it's don't be too afraid of it but that is that is a mitigating factor for allowing a variance uh to be considered by the board so with the front with the front porch uh the existing sidey guard setbacks and then uh obviously the applicant is agreeing to the infiltration system that would be all mitigating factors towards the variances that are requested sorry thank you Steve probably talk too much sorry I need more coffee any questions or comments from the board so I'm C looking surve your there's a front porch already yeah y I just get rain on when I open front door yeah oh so it's actually open air like a porch porch it's like a stoop it's yeah it's a stoop it's a stoop but it's very put a roof over basically it's not like an additional room to that it's not no it's just gonna be a room no it's just covered it's still the I just want I had the same question as you the mud room you have that you have a sidewalk on the side of your house then you have I guess stairs at the back side door and you're going to basically that mud room on on the concrete slab it's not going to go any plane same plane as the existing house the the garage like JS out a little bit and then the kitchen is here so it's just going to be along the same length of the garage it's not same setback yes it's the same setback from the side as the garage which is on the I don't know the right as far as the current I think it'll be a few feet before the C yeah anybody else um I guess we'll open to the public even though there's nobody here unless somebody's in the other room open the hearing to the public anybody want to come forward nobody's here we're closing uh Alexis you want to do one more summary for us property is block 147 4 1932 Street located in resal home 62 on tonight see Vari both Vari approval construction three separate editions to about 746 ft which will include 42t addition on the rear about 66 addition on the side and a 260t porch the Apple require five volt Varian for this um lock coverage front your set back side your set back another side your set back side set back and conditions of approval as Mr Bo the down spouts away from theing properties so fence raing PL and installation of storm water infiltration system would be the difference of what's permitted and exceeded by the VAR and Mr V are already discussed some of the mitigating factors um test that criteria we already talked about um anybody like to make a motion I'll make a motion to approve the application um the stipulations that are addressed in the bo letter any questions or comments on the motion seeing none roll call please suan yes yes yes yes motion passes you're approved uh you heard the spiel about the appeal period so proceed before that expires you're proceeding at your own risk that's all thanks for coming in happy holidays thank you thanks [Music] um had one other one other thing to discuss we got the rfps for uh I guess solicitor engineer and the two conflicts positions typically we do a uh there's a threers committee that reviews those and makes recommendations for appointments for next year um I know you've been on it before do you want to do it thank you anybody else want to uh that's that's the punishment for coming in this evening the people that came in this evening homework assignment I I can look through I can look through our like you like to Jo to like you guys want to if anybody else wants to be on it welcome to but I think we've always just had uh two or three people I can include Dean or myself whoever wants thank you is it the same The Usual Suspects okay so uh you can email that it'll be I guess include John and Mike and Dean maybe Dean and myself I guess Dean likes to be on it on med8 when they start arguing what is it um so every year uh like Steve Steve for are we now that we appointed the committee we we get it's just question well I mean doesn't offer Professional Services you have to and then all the different professional Engineers attorneys complex attorneys they all submit it and then all theic New Jersey statute fair and open process and that's what this is and this is for I believe almost everyone in New Jersey for any professional appointments and any whether it's uh Municipal appointment s any Authority appointment or any land use board appointments should be done under the fair and open process all the credentials all the qualifications uh and all the stipulations of all the required forms that are required by the state are all completed so you know who's submitting who they are what they do their property licensed what their compensation proposal is uh as well as that they're not in trouble with any of the other Provisions we do this every year for every position so usually most appointments are in so we do it January every year everything gets reappointed and it's not it's not it's not exactly it's not a bid process necessarily it's it's a fair and open process but it's a price and other factors go into price and qualifications right bidd which there's Professional Services where you can consider a lot more then there's bidding so this is like an RFQ request for qualifications versus a request for proposal which is or request for bids specific things like knowled a Wonder wonderful thing that we have in New Jersey yes that that was strictly public contract law this this follows the fair and open process and the guidelines that are provided by the professional points are a little different than than Contracting but um Mike's made a motion to adjourn second all in favor any opposed I don't know if that was a motion or just a nudge motion you know how much I like long meetings